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FUKUOKA, JAPAN - Welcome to Fukuoka, on the island of Kyushu, in southern Japan, and this is one of the capitals of Japanese street food in the country. They have done an amazing job to preserve the culture of “yatai” or portable street food stalls that set up in the evening across the city. Tonight we’re going on an ultimate Japanese street food tour in Fukuoka, going to 5 different place for 5 Japanese dishes and I can’t wait to share all the food with you now.
#1 Yaki Ramen
Location: Kokinchan: https://goo.gl/maps/AMGdvUadJR6JbFwi6 - We’re starting off with a famous yatai stall where they invented the original yaki ramen - or fried ramen. It was definitely new to me, I thought it would be more of a dry fried noodles, but it was rather a wet and soup fried noodle dish. Amazing, as were the other dishes.
Price - 2,650 JPY for everything
#2 Gyoza
Location: Yatai Mamichan: https://goo.gl/maps/dwSFjcZea59H947D8 - You can go on a Japanese street food tour without eating gyoza, and Yatai Mamichan is one of the best places to eat them. The chef is amazingly skilling, cooking everything on his own and darting from station to station. Part of the great thing about eating at Yatai is being right in front of the cooking and interacting with the chef.
Price - 8,450 JPY for 5 people (we ordered a lot and lots of drinks)
#3 Tempura - Next, I’m not totally sure of the name of this place, but they are known for their tempura, battered and deep fried seafood and vegetables. It was a little oily, but still quite tasty.
Price - 1,100 JPY
#4 Hakata Ramen
Location: Yatai Kiryu: https://goo.gl/maps/RB5UQkK8wFUG8TTX6 - Hakata ramen, or tonkotsu ramen is one of the most common and popular dishes in Fukuoka and you’ll find Hakata ramen served at nearly all yatai food stalls.
Price - 650 JPY per bowl
#5 Yakitori
Location: Yatai Kawachan: https://goo.gl/maps/5jzCzVt4VwHJ7hGS7 - Finally we ate at a place called Yatai Kawachan, known for their yakitori, or grilled chicken skewers. It was a quite a selection of different skewers from gizzard to hot dog.
Total price - 4,400 JPY for everything with drinks
The yatai street food culture in Fukuoka is one of the great Japanese food scenes in Japan. Let’s hope generations continue to take pride in their food stalls and preserve the yatai culture.
Thank you to Visit Kyushu (https://www.visit-kyushu.com/en/) for helping me organize this food tour.
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Hey everyone, hope you're having an amazing day! It's Mark Wiens I'm in Fukuoka and this is the capital of Japanese street food in Japan every day at about 6 PM The Yatai or the Japanese street food stalls they set up and they serve all sorts of delicious food things like rum and gyoza tempura. Tonight we're going on an ultimate Japanese street Food tour. We're going to be eating at five stalls that each specializes in something different. Guaranteed, there's going to be a lot of delicious, mouth-watering food coming up.

We're gonna meet some of the friendly people behind the yatai Stalls and we're just gonna have a lot of fun in the process so stay tuned. You're not going to want to miss any of it all coming up right now. In this video is we're starting off this Ultimate Yatai Street Food Tour in Fukuoka in the Tenjen. Kind of like the downtown area, this is the busiest area in all of Fukuoka and right about at 6 PM you'll notice that the Yatai, the street food stalls start to set up and they set up so fast.

They drop off their carts with their goods, everything is prepared. they're ready to go so fast they do it so expertly. We are on our way to our first stall and this is going to be an amazing place. This is one of the places I'm most looking forward to actually all five of them.

We have arrived to the first place it's called and this place is legendary. You can get the original Yaki Ramen and we're hopefully going to see the entire process, but this is where our street food tour is going to begin. Bro, there's already a line going down the wall a little bit, she's just hanging up the menu and they're about to open for service for the night. We are inside the First yatai on this tour.

It's so cozy in here and because it is winter that's why they have the plastic around the sides so it's warm and all the all the heat is here but all the food is right in front of you. They have quite a mix of different dishes but the Yaki Ramen is their signature dish. We're gonna see the whole processor right in front of us. the Odin you can feel the steam of the Odin so she first boils the noodles fresh and those are good looking noodles.

Assistant episode thank you! Wow! there's the finished product that's something magical and spectacular. the Yaki Ramen and the ramen Master he is third generation. This is where you get the original fried Ramen and they finish it off with a scoop of it's like boiled Pig organs and I think that's simmered down along with miso. it almost looks like a Cheesy gravy but that's miso.

Oh I Cannot wait to try it! Okay here we go. Oh that's so good and so hearty as opposed to being a like stir-fried noodle that has that Smoky Wok flavor which is more like a fried soup that's just I mean the ramen is there. The broth is just condensed into a gravy. I think the sourness which is coming from hanzu sauce that was in that sauce that he added to the noodles.

It has the sourness to it. so warming and so comforting. Yeah! I Ordered cabbage fried with intestines. um so tasty.
The sear of the hot plate, the chewiness of those intestines and those organs in the nug. Just the the crunch of the cabbage and the chives. Then Additionally, they said you try the Yaki Ramen with the mustard. I'll try some of that mustard.

Oh oh, that mustard has horseradish in it. Well that's a nice contrast to the richness of it. This Yaki Ramen is something truly special. We had a little chili to the oh you definitely do want to kind of stir that it mustard and not take a whole blob of it in one bite.

It's so good you can smell that citrusy. Aroma and it might have some of the Japanese pepper in it as well Sancho possibly hmm I love that flavor. the Citrus like slight peppery fruitiness. So good! Stepping into Yatai number two, this one is a legendary Yatai street food stall called Yatai Mamichan.

known for its very friendly atmosphere. They have many Specialties as well, but I think they serve almost anything you can imagine Japanese Food is going to be found in this stall here. The entire Yatai knows when he's making another batch of Viosa, there's just like a fire in the hole. it just ignites.

Oh man. Gotta Give It Up to Chef Props to Chef He does it all and he's so fast and he's so quick. He really is like darting around the kitchen dancing as he cooks. He cleans.

He really does it all. The Geosa is hot and fresh. we have to try it out. He just smokes out the ugly stuff.

Oh wow! Oh That girl is absolutely incredible. Oh it's charred on the edge. it's so Smoky and the inside is just so light and fluffy. Oh it's so tasty.

Oh he's making the omelette next dish. This is the his famous omelette which is made with a mental which is the like a salted preserved spicy fish row and you'll find it in Fukuoka it's extremely famous. He still puts some of the menta inside of the omelet. He's one of his famous dishes.

The omelet. hmm oh wow. oh that's so good. It's so runny and you got the liquidy of the egg plus the crunchy on the outside.

That's that flavor. Oh man, the Manta has so much. Umami It's so such a perfect balance of saltiness, a hint of spice, and then just that preserved condensed I mean that is the definition of umami in an egg. Oishi that is so tasty.

Yeah! Next up for the beef tongue, which is another signature dish here. man. I Think no matter what you order here, it's gonna be tasty. All that tongue is cooked to.

Perfection Seared on a hot fire and just like raw and juicy from the inside. he's a one-man show. Okay, he does it all right. in this kitchen.

Looking for his cooking skills and multitasking skills? You've never seen someone like him. He's so talented, so skilled, works so hard. Non-stop action. Fried rice: He just like he just fires it out and smokes it out in that.
Wok there's egg. There's pork in here, there's some vegetables, and then he finishes some of that pickled Japanese ginger I believe and then some scallions. Man that smells so good. Fried rice.

Oh and he does it without making mistakes, just making things so tasty. While that fried rice is incredible, the balance of flavor, the saltiness is perfect. The smokiness I Love that touch of the ginger. Such a delicious fried rice.

This place is just positivity. happiness. Delicious food. Just welcome in.

Hospitality Japanese Cooking to the next level. it's all in one. Oh it's such a good place And that complete stall number two. Ducking out of here is so friendly.

He is so skilled. Men talk about multitasking on the next level. Highly recommended. Food is absolutely sensationally delicious.

Everything that we eat was delicious. Like just so tasty. Such a cool place, but keep on watching. We have a lot more to eat called Tenichi.

Okay, they are famous legendary for tempura so we're gonna eat a totally different food. I Mean that's the aim of today is to also choose a new street food stall that specializes in a different dish every single time. All five places uh so template on next and the Temple on Master They're just so friendly. This place is a little bit quieter and more like serious, but it's still that same kind of street food atmosphere.

You smell the aroma of the oil its uncle is frying the tempura fresh as soon as you order it. My tempura set has arrived. There were two different sets that you could order. I Got the the set with two shrimp with an eggplant with a variety of vegetables.

I think maybe some fish in there too that looks really good in with the sauce on the side. Let's go in for one of those fried hot and fresh right in front of you eggplant. The sauce with the radish inside. oh um, so hot and fresh and crispy.

Oh that's delicious! I Love eggplant. Let's try one of the shrimp. foreign I think I got to go in vertically. Oily, crispy, fresh.

I Love that sauce with the the radish, the juiciness of the radish coming out. that's a fine plate of fresh tempura right in front of you on the street in. Fukuoka I Believe that this is fish. Whoa.

Definitely fishing. Just melts in your mouth. I Think this is a pepper fried pepper battered. Indy Bread Bell pepper.

Oh that's so flavorful. There's a mushroom. There's some little small fish. There's another shrimp.

A piece of pumpkin. Okay. final shrimp. Beautiful.

strawberry. Tasty. Okay, Oh, it's kind of like coming out of a cave. So warm and cozy and delicious in there.

Oh, that was good. We've got more to eat. so I am just loving absolutely loving the Yatai Japanese street food culture. So far.

the food is delicious, the friendly culture and you like hang out. you talk with people. it has that Izakaya kind of culture to it, but that's really cool that really stands out to me and that's something I think you will love I love about the Yantai culture when you're in. Fukuoka Next up on this Yatai Japanese street food tour.
we're going to a place called Yatai Kiryu and they're known for their Hakata Ramen Oh yeah, it's cozy in here and so many good Aromas Coming out of here they're famous. They have a lot of food on their menu actually, but they're very famous for their Ramen Cute! The ramen is served hot and fresh. This is Hakata style Ramen really thick pork bone soup. It is looks buttery looks so rich so then the noodles are boiled, then they put them into the broth.

They top it with some slices of cashew, some nice handful of sliced green onions, and then some Pickled ginger and some sesame seeds on the top. Looks really good, looks really rich, Taste that broth first. Oh oh wow that is so thick and Hearty and Rich and Porky and then you taste that kind of salty soy sauce flavor to it. Oh and you taste the flavor of maybe like kind of tastes like ginger in there too.

Oh men that's so much flavor, condensed, some kind of effort, nice and chewy. and oh those noodles are great. chewy, have a little bit of a like elasticity bite to them, absorbed just the right amount of that rich broth. The flavor of the Sesame is huge, the pork and then all those green onions and then I Like that the Pickled ginger in there is a nice touch.

Wow that's a tasty bowl of ramen. Super! Bowl and again Fukuoka is the birthplace of this style of ramen. Um this is where it was invented. This is where they do it so well and this is just a like very like rich rich Ball it just feels so good.

Um okay. when I came here I was the first. I was the only one. Now it's almost full.

Okay last piece of cashew, last noodles. Okay that was extraordinary. Okay thank you thank you thank you. Oh that was that'll keep you warm for days.

The thickness of that broth, it was like a gravy. a little bit oily, quite salty but so tasty. And I got the firm noodles which I really love for ramen. What a place again.

Yeah! great bowl of Hakata Ramen that wraps up four places so far, four out of five. we have one more place to go that's gonna wrap up this ultimate Yatai Japanese Foreign coming out of the top of the this tent. Oh that smells so incredibly good. We've made it.

This is number five. This is our last yatai on this ultimate Japanese street food tour and it's called Yatai Kawacha. Cheers to an amazing night eating through Yatai's street food stalls. You know what I love so much is that this is a traditional.

This is an old part of the culture of Japan and it's been around for so many hundreds of years. and I mean as Japan has developed and grown and progressed, you know it's become less and less. and so now Fukuoka is really one of the main places that you'll find which I hope will be preserved, will last forever because it's such a cool part of the culture. It's such a great style of eating.
I mean the interaction, the people that you get to meet is really what it's about and the delicious food foreign and here we go. It all comes down to this: Yakitori This place is known for their Yakitori although we ordered a couple more dishes and they have an assortment of different things. I think while I've learned all yatai, they seem to have a specialty, but then they also serve almost everything at the same time. although you come here for one thing and then you get a lot of it and this is like a classic.

Izakaya they have Yakitori they have omelets. They have a variety of organ dishes. It's quite an assortment of Yakitori There's some interesting things going on. a lot of sausagey looking Meats some meatballs, a hot dog and there's Tomatoes wrapped in ham.

I Believe everything grilled, fresh, hot, looks and smells really good and this is what we're gonna end this tour with. I think I'll try one of these. Okay, they kind of look like meatballs, but it might be a gizzard or something. Yeah, possibly it is a gizzard.

Oh yeah, that's gizzard. has that crunch to it. Oh it's so tasty though. Wow.

like the flavor that comes out of it is incredible. So juiciness the Crunch and there's little onions in between it that give it a nice a nice switch of taste as well. Salty, tasty. Let's talk about a mix play though of Yakitori Interesting.

Definitely some interesting and unique skewers. This one is a tomato with wrapped in bacon or ham. Tomato just melts in your mouth and then the salty bacon Smoky bacon on the outside except I think uh, looks like almost like a little kebab flat on a little bit of that chili. That's all he got is a chicken kebab.

good like minced chicken. it's just made hair with beverages. Okay I think this is the last dish that we have here. Matsunabe: This is like a pig organ and intestine soup with vegetables with cabbage and leeks I believe then I only got cabbage in Lincoln or leash in there archives I Think in that bite and then you have some of those Wiggly Pig organs in there as well.

He cut up some fresh garlic and put in that soup which you can taste as well. last skewer here. I really want to try I'm not actually totally sure what it is, but whoa. It's like a really juicy crispy fatty pork but usually um I'm gonna call it right here.

This is gonna be my final skewer of the night. my final bite my final food at these yatai stalls is this is a good thing to end with and so that's going to complete this. Japanese Street Food tour I Want to say a big thank you to Kyushu Tourism for helping me to arrange it and make contacts for this tour. thank you Hiroshu Tourism and then I want to say a big thank you to you for watching this video.
Please remember to give it a thumbs up. Leave a comment below I'd love to hear from you and if you're not already subscribed, make sure you subscribe. now for lots more food and travel video it's in. Also, make sure you watch this entire series we're traveling around the island of Kyushu eating some incredible Japanese food that you're not going to want to miss.

So thanks again for watching and I will see you on the next video. Oh.

By Mark

17 thoughts on “Japanese street food – original fried ramen 5 must eat foods in fukuoka, japan!!”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars SHANTANU RAJAWAT says:

    Am i the only one think that japan is best place for night photography?? I mean the colours of lights at night

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Slowpo 1981 says:

    Mark, is not healthy Vomiting after a meal. Take care of yourself.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ranny Abadies says:


  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jonny Was says:

    There are 301,000 people on this planet who don't yet know what they are missing…let's help educate them for Mr. W.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ronald Cuie II says:

    Hey buddy, very very nice. Please keep coming out with more vlogs!!

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rae Mitchell says:

    #2 stall , forda pasma ang ferson (chef)

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Anthony Marshall says:


  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars fab groove says:

    Merci Mark pour cette street food tour au Japon… J’espère que tu vas continuer à nous offrir encore de belles découvertes au Japon…. Merci… Merci de nous faire découvrir la street food… Les cabanes sont très accueillantes et conviviales… On ne pensait pas que la street food japonaise était si présente dans les villes… 👏

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars aL says:

    yatai seem amazing but it feels like the vendors have to work so had setting everything up and doing all the cooking and everything, hopefully the have some help as well

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Zakia Kitchen says:

    Wow very delicious food 😍🌺🌺🌺

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Cherub1m says:

    damn Mark goes Japan again Yatta!!

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars __ppp says:

    Great video, and a great haircut, Mark!

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Md Hanjala Talha 4040 says:

    Marks when you came back from Saudi Arabia tour?

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Peter Parker says:

    that second stall was hella expensive. better go to a proper restaurant. lol

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Damien Yuen says:

    The second stall with the one man show was great!

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars NAJEEB NAJAFI says:

    One day u will die from blood pressure

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Twix 69 says:

    Mark is a great timing to be in Japan

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