🎥 Watch Street Food in Old Dhaka: https://youtu.be/gUn81iKY168
🇧🇩 Huge thanks to @Petuk Couple
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KUSHTIA, BANGLADESH - Welcome to Kushtia, a beautiful town in the Khulna Division of Bangladesh. Today we’re visiting a local village outside of the city in the countryside where the amazing family will prepare a full Bangladeshi meal and we’ll also have the chance to see them make a special dessert called malai kulfi.
When we arrived to the village they had already started cooking a few dishes. They prepared a local beef curry and a local chicken curry using garlic and ginger paste and lots of cumin and mustard oil. They also made a variety of vorta or bhorta - which is almost any combination of ingredients smashed together to create incredible flavor. They made a roasted eggplant vorta and an egg vorta.
Lunch was a massive spread of local Bangladeshi food, the beef and chicken curry, all the varieties of vorta, fried eggplant, a number of vegetables, crispy caramelized bitter melon, and dal. It was a spectacular meal.
After we finished eating, we had the special opportunity to see the entire malai kulfi process. Many of the families in this village have cows and they make malai kulfi to sell it in the market. They first boil the fresh milk for 12 hours until the cream separates - it’s the thickest milk skin you’ll ever see - almost like cheese. It’s then mixed with cardamom and sugar.
Rasif and Anik sell the kulfi from this village under the name Coolfie Wala (https://ghortheke.com/Coolfiewalas-Malai-Kulfi-p199586168), it’s very cool that they are supporting this family and village through distributing kulfi throughout Bangladesh.
Another learning experience and delicious meal in Kushtia, Bangladesh!
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Everyone hope you're having an amazing day. It's mark wiens, i'm in kustia bangladesh in the countryside and today is a very special day because we are gon na. Do some village cooking, it's boiling it away. It smells incredible and we're gon na go to a family's home.

They're gon na prepare some traditional local bangladeshi village food and, in addition to a full meal, this village is especially known for something called malai kulfi, thickest milk, skin i've ever seen in my life, it's kind of like a frozen milk ice cream and so we're gon Na have the chance to see the entire process at the family's home man, it's just great to be in the countryside, where it's peaceful and relaxing and some amazing village food coming up. Thank you very much, wow nice. Oh! That was a great journey, but it's so cool so good to be in kushtia, especially in the countryside. In bangladesh we are in kushtia, but probably about it was like a 15-minute drive or so from the center of the city.

For me, one of the best experiences to have in any country is heading to a local village to learn about the ingredients and the food, the traditional foods of each country, and so this is gon na be a special day. I'm very happy to be here and we are about to enter, i think, into the home and gon na start cooking and eating. Okay, all right inside into the village so enter off the street: hello, hello, salam, oh, what a spot, courch yard, surrounded by paddy fields! The kitchen is outdoors: oh, i can already smell the aroma. Oh man, what is she frying right now? Eggplant? Oh nice, deep frying, some eggplant which have been marinated.

You can smell the smell spices in the turmeric, possibly mustard oil as well, but that smells incredible. Hey guys good morning, additionally, this is a village, that's famous for families that live in this village yeah they make a living by making making coffee and also selling the cow milk, because in in this area, uh most of the people owns cow. So the cow's product milk production is very high, so they convert the milk into coffees and many families actually sell coffee into different towns, their main businesses. Yes, yes, many of the families also farming is their main business, okay, okay and so actually we're gon na see a bit of the cooking process and then we're going to have lunch.

But then we're also going to have the privilege to be able to see some of the coffee. Making making yeah right here on the property you'll be able to see that very unique process as well, so the eggplant finished cooking and then she just pulled out a beef curry that has probably been cooking already for a long time, which is going to heat up And start simmering again over the fire special masala local special, mostly uh, garam masala, oh man, this beef curry smells amazing and she just added in a couple handfuls of garam masala spices, the thick richness of it - and you can see all the cardamom pods just floating Around to the surface foreign, then, the next dish they're gon na make is the chicken. But she is mashing up grinding up some garlic, which is so incredibly aromatic, as well as some either onions or shallots, which is gon na, make a paste to go into that chicken. But man, when you mash it up like that, all the oils, all the juices, come out to release the full flavor potential: oh cumin seed, so she added in a handful of already pre-ground cumin seeds.
Cardamom goes in and smashes it. Oh yes, some green chilies, complete that paste mixture, also red chili powder and cumin. I believe oh and cinnamon sticks. That is an amazing mixture, because it's not only just fresh spices, but it's dry, spices combined a little more chili powder goes in.

You could just tell from the yeah sure from the uh the appearance of the chicken that it's not just the farmed chicken. No, this is a local, it's local and actually the uh, the chicken it it's from their home, pretty so yeah. It's very free range of chicken, they eat healthy foods and all they roam around and you can never not uh. You know the taste.

The taste of the chicken is very unique of its own because you will not find the similar taste from any farm or anything. The fresh and dry spice combination plus that local village, chicken chicken curry, has been simmering for about 30, 30, 45 minutes or so, and then she said it's almost done. The oil has sort of started to break and come to the surface. She adds in a couple handfuls of garam masala and some cinnamon as that chicken curry continues to cook.

We are going to take a little walk to the backyard whoa big tree. We're going to take a little walk. Oh he's up in the tree. Yes, we're going to take a little walk out to the garden to the farm, surrounded by rice, paddy fields, there's marshes, there's water, they grow shallots, so we're gon na maybe harvest some shallots for the next dish and also just walk around the beautiful farm.

The cow poops cow poops and they use this for cooking, make the fire. Ah, okay, okay, oh yeah, zero, zero waste policy, that's a great sustainable way. Yeah must have ingredients. Yes, exactly right, you must need onion.

We call it onion, though, because in in bangladesh we don't have the large onion. We only have this one and we also they are like actual shallots. Yes, but we yeah. So we are gon na use this onion to make the water nice fresh shallots.

So we got the shallots we're gon na pick, some eggplant. Also for this. One of the great dishes of bangladesh are the same ones that she was frying right. Yeah, oh nice.

Here it is just pick it yeah yeah pick it ready, yeah, ready with one hand, yeah eggplant, i like plant and i love eggplant yeah. I know. Oh, this one is spiky too yeah, yeah yeah, yeah, wow beautiful, it's just just better. You know we call it deshi begun.

You know deshi vegan yeah. This is the local eggplant. Look at that. Oh they've, already added some more eggplants, but that's gon na go directly into the coals.
Oh man, that that eggplant goes directly into the coals kind of buries. It on smoky roasted eggplant is one of my favorite things. I love it and they already have a few buried below there as well. Oh nice! Well, the skin like amazingly, holds up the skin.

It doesn't, it doesn't burn it. Chars yeah, oh, oh filter, so just with the shallots and the green chilies she adds in some well, she adds in salt. Then she adds in mustard oil and she hand squeezes it. Then she adds some to the eggplant and then again just squeezes it between her fingers and bringing out those oils and those juices, all the mustard oil.

She adds in mustard oil, which is so fragrant just massaging it all together in a smoky mustardy eggplant i'm. So it's like smashed egg mixed with onions and green chilies and everything you know. Ah, with the mustard yeah, we called uh just peeling those hard-boiled eggs and that's going to be a unique dish as well smashed with spices and i'm sure, with some lots of ingredients to make it extremely tasty time to eat. Oh man that hand squeezed there's nothing like a hand squeeze no nothing.

Yes, oh man, the aroma of the mustard oil. The squeezing process is what we call vortha. Ah, okay and smashed smashed squeezed the process. That's something that's very important for bangladeshi food is the hand squeeze because even when you eat on your plate, you squeeze to release the full potential of flavor.

She wants me to taste it it's ready. This is the egg walter okay, oh yeah, the creaminess of the egg, the mustard oil, the green chilies. They even had cooked more dishes before we arrived, there's a spread of half a dozen dishes, plain rice and pulao rice. This is just an amazing local freshly cooked village meal here in bangladesh.

If i have learned from you so far in bangladesh, we should begin with the vegetable dishes right, that's right, the more vegetable-based dishes and work our stomachs up to the meat. Okay, the hand mashed hand-squeezed eggplant. Thank you. So the technique is again mix and smash smashed upon smashed yeah.

You got it. You already landed. Yes, you want, you want it all to coat every single grain of rice. Okay, as you are smashing it, you can smell that mustard oil coming out.

That's like one of the signatures, one of the like foundational flavors, okay, let's start oh yeah, i'm i'm just happy with that. The eggplant yeah it sort of gave me a goosebump seriously. It's like it brings back so many memories of ourselves and we eat this from our childhood, like awesome, yeah that mustardy that flavor that mustardiness the green chilies in there okay. So this one is the egg yeah which again we call it all right, perfect, and so i've got a little bit of eggplant mix that with the egg smash and squeeze yeah, it's wonderful too, because the creaminess of the yolks and then that's kind of like bounciness Of the whites, so this is a totally different version of eggplant, which has been simmered shallow, fried i'm sure in some mustard, oil and turmeric and again just a really classic like home-cooked bengali dish.
Yeah, let's do it. We have a whole plate of green chilies. Here, oh yes, thank you fresh off the bush and we'll do a bite and a chase. Okay, all right! All that combination bite.

Oh, that eggplant is amazing, too amazing, right so creamy, it's so simple, but it's so delicious, like one plate of rice with just one eggplant, because it's actually meaty yeah, the eggplant is actually meaty and creamy, and just that turmeric. That fry red spinach, which has been looks like it's, been thank you very much looks like it's been stir-fried up with some garlic with some spices. You can kind of see that. Oh.

Thank you very much. It's like the color of beets, it's really red and you can just see the whole cloves of garlic in there. That is wonderful and fresh and kind of has a like clumpy texture, all together the onions in there, the garlic, you can taste that it's just like been picked hours ago. Yeah.

The best thing about village is, like you get all of the food fresh, which one is bitter, gourd bitter melon. Oh, oh, that's so chunky too, and you can see the spices floating around. Oh now you can see it. You can see that texture of the bitter gourd you can see the spices floating around there.

Man - definitely some turmeric in there to make it yellow. I love bitter gourd, oh wow, oh bitter gourd. It has a little bit of a leathery texture to it. Yeah and it's bitter bitter, but actually we love this food.

I love it too. Yeah, oh yeah, the bitterness, but it's not overpowering. It's salty. It's crispy, it's leathery! Well, actually, it has to be like a beef, or i mean fried for quite a long time until it kind of goes away and it kind of dehydrates it yes right to make it a little bit leathery in texture.

Thank you almost looks like cabbage, but it's like a gourd that has been shredded up. I think oh wow. Thank you this time, we'll have some proteins. Thank you.

So this one is the chicken curry which you saw the entire process. Oh look at how thick and thick and rich that sauce is onto the rice. All the oil has broken to the surface. Smash-Offs break off some of the pieces of chicken again mix it into the rice, the cinnamon yeah, the pods of pods of cardamom yeah.

That's just that is just fantastic, that is the real flavor, the real chicken off chicken. It's a real chicken, it's the dish as a dashi chicken, a chicken that you won't find anywhere else yeah. I mean the texture of it and you can just feel that it's been running around oh, i love it, but also the flavor that it provides mixed with those spices simmered down into a rich sauce. It's all outstanding and i think we should move on to the beef curry.
Okay, i think this is the collegiate, the liver, oh flavor, oh wow, thank you! Oh it's so rich and the oil has broken to the surface nugget of liver that beef. I think the beef query is quite a similar recipe with a similar amount of ingredients, similar spices in there, oh wow, okay, almost the same flavor, but the beef is spicier and you feel more of the red chili in there. Oh, that's incredible! So flavorful! So final dish we have is the dal, and so that can be eaten along with the the rice and with that gravy sauce that you've already accumulated in your rice dal. It's really like boiled down until it kind of disintegrates fresh.

It looks red. Thank you. Oh okay, but you can see that it's boiled down until you can barely tell that they're grains, it's almost like a gravy yeah and you want to be soupy, make it soupy we eat always - and you kind of just - and is this where you can you can Just kind of like mix it around and then you drink it soupy and that's why it has to be at the end of your meal right right, right and consumed at your end of the meal. Oh man, that's almost like a soup at the end of your meal, a doll soup, it's good right, it's so soothing, it's so good, and that's how you clean your plate all the way you don't leave anything behind that just absorbs everything and then you can consume It all beef gravy on top and you have to mix it together, smash it smash it.

Yes, this is kind of water you make at the end of here. You make your own butter. Yes, oh and it's soupy too. Oh what a combination! Oh, the faint aroma of the mustard oil.

This is about my favorite combination. I love it and the cardamom food is amazing. How is the food amazing food? Which one is your favorite dish um? My favorite is beef, but i like i, like the chicken, oh yeah bro. I want to see your mixing skills yeah.

I can mash all things. Yes, how's the food hand, blender bro hand, blender hand blender. Yes, what's your favorite dish, honey? You can make an exception for the chicken yeah. I love local had a couple more plates of food, i'm ready for one last scoop of doll.

Thank you and that's how you clean your plate, yeah all the juice, all the oil from the bottom of your plate. Nothing goes to waste for that flavor, perfect final beverage of the meal mix it with the fingers. Yes, clean off any anything that might have been left behind. Yeah.

Nothing gets left behind here: okay, final beverage, that's delicious, just slightly starchy but melts in your mouth. The onions, the green chilies in there, that's how you keep your plate clean in bangladesh. Yeah, the cows are over here, it's as fresh as possible. They, they probably milked the cows this morning into the jugs, and this is we're gon na see the first process and actually the entire process of kulfi, which is a very special like a dessert or a treat.
It's a treat in bangladesh, sort of an ice cream ice cream, traditional ice cream. This is the famous kulfi malai. It's only available in kushtia yeah, it's here. Yes, they just test it first, just to make sure it's yeah yeah, it's okay, good, not sour or anything right.

So the process begins in these big giant iron: kettles which burn over firewood and okay. The cows were, actually the process begins with the cows then transferred into here, and that's gon na has a has a long journey of slow boiling ahead of it. So this one is filled with that fresh milk. You can see how buttery rich it is, but we have another one going on here, which has been boiling already for eight or so hours.

Yeah. The entire process takes about 12 hours two hours to boil. It will be boiled for 12 hours in total and then they will rest it for like to cool it down, and so at this stage there's nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing added it's just a straight just the straight milk yeah and a really slow fire really low heat. So it just kind of gently bubbles and boils the cream and the oils rise to the surface and look at this one.

This is after this is, after eight hours, the cream of all the cream of the creams, the cream of the creams you wan na. Try it yes, yes, i do. Oh it's a sponge. Oh you have to see that up close.

Oh, that's, milk! Skin! That's what we call malai, that is, my life, that is my life wow. It almost is cheese, yeah wow, that's the creamiest part, actually the cream of the cream. Yes, one big piece, this time that huge pieces, okay dip it in the milk dip it. That is the thickest milk skin i've ever seen, and it's like a bungee cord, it's bouncy, it's elasticky i'll.

Also take some bites. Yes, you got ta, try it yeah and that's just pure boiled milk all right, yeah, i'm going in oh wow. Now that is a milk experience like i've never had before. Yeah almost has like a mozzarella mozzarella right, exactly yeah feels like mozzarella but then again, yeah, it's creamier than the mozzarella, even creamier yeah creamier, but we're gon na come out of the kitchen here and we are gon na see.

Then the final final process of the kulfi malai making the final stage here this is the final stage yeah, oh wow, that's all cardamom yeah, oh and with sugar too. This is the sugar process, the sugar, it just caved in he's, like kind of like breaking it. Apart with his fingers, so you have some of that skin mixed in right and that's important, that's important, and when you take bite you can actually chew the malai uh. So you chew them.

You've got two textures in there foreign. Then they go into these little they're. Almost like little cans, but that's the shape of the coffee they'll be frozen and then they'll be ready to be sold to be eaten to be consumed, saw the whole process. Now it's been frozen time to serve it.
No! No. This is from the yesterday batch. Oh, so yesterday's back yeah yeah, so it's fully been frozen already right, nice good! You have to do this onto the banana leaf yeah the traditional way, it's the most structured tradition and so it's frozen, but it immediately starts to melt and that's kind of what you want to scoop up with your mouth. Oh, that's, amazing.

It's icy and you can keep on drinking. It's like a slushy, plus icicle plus creaminess, all at the same time, and you've got that skin. Just all mixed in it's caramelly that slow process, it's sweet, it's icy! That's this is the signature of the village, and it is really good, and i love how it's it's like a slushie in a banana leaf. Yeah cause you've got that that amazing contrast of crunchy liquid icy and that cardamom flavor and then one of the extremely cool things that and rasif do is that they, this exact kulfi, that we saw the entire process they they bottle.

It put it into bottles into little ice cream, jars, freeze it and then sell it well distributed throughout bangladesh right, but you can buy it on your website yeah from our website, and they can uh in many different restaurants and store salt, also cool yeah and many Grocery stores this is available in all over the bangladesh in many places in bangladesh. That's amazing, that's amazing, and so they are supporting this family yeah right from this village, empowering them in what they do so well and then being able to distribute it to a wider audience throughout dhaka. So definitely other parts of the bangladesh and of other parts of bangladesh as well, so it's called kulfiwala kulfiwala, it's really good. It's the real deal made fresh and supporting this amazing family who hosted us for this entire lunch.

Today, it's fantastic! Yes! Thank you. Thank you for arranging and for hosting us. Yes, thank you mark, thank you ah, and what a fantastic way to end this amazing village experience. This brings back our memories.

When we come to kushtia, we always eat this with our family, full family. Just hear all of you guys slurping slurping over there, everyone is slurping. This one is the best best of the best. What a meal and a learning experience that was fantastic, that wraps up an amazing day, an amazing countryside, food experience in bangladesh, and i want to say a big thank you to you for watching.

I want to say a big thank you to everybody to all of our friends for their hospitality for arranging this and we've been going around bangladesh eating amazing food making videos so i'll have all the other videos in the description box below that you can check out All of the amazing bangladeshi food that we've been eating and i want to say a huge thank you for watching this video. Please remember to give it a thumbs up if you enjoyed it, leave a comment below i'd love to hear from you and if you're not already subscribed, make sure you subscribe now, and i will see you on the next video.

By Mark

18 thoughts on “Village food in bangladesh!! golden jacuzzi huge lunch in rural bangladesh!!”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bhaater Hotel 🧆 says:

    I grew up in Kushtia,BD. And now I'm badly missing the kulfi 😭. This video made me nostalgic 🥺 I wanna go back to my childhood 🥺

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Power of Knowledge says:

    I like Your great smile………Wao!!!. You are very friendly man….I like you

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Aditya Das says:

    All the foods of Bangladesh are stolen from India because they know one thing only how stole things, recipies and e.t.c.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ahamed Fahim says:

    Thanks for sharing our culture and tradition all over the world. The depiction was really perfect and authentic. Come again to Bangladesh.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nene Bam says:

    There’s nothing like a hand squeezed.. that’s right! Bengali bartha and sweets are one of a kind! Great vlog mark!

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars paul nawezi says:

    I love what Mark is doing thumbs up man you should visit zambia 🇿🇲 too..

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars RL DORJOY GAMERS says:

    Super video…………………..nice…………………….❤

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Promesh Kumar Barua says:

    Hi Mark, i think still you have missed lot of local food menu (rest part of the Bangladesh), especially south part of the Bangladesh, like- Sea Fish/Dry fish item, different kind of Vegetables, beans and tribal food. Big thanks to you and also, it's an honor to us for represent the Bangladesh through your videos.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars M Phone says:

    West bengal should leave India and join Bangladesh to make a huge bangla country

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ashraful Islam says:

    mark is creating new type of bd foods , mixing the curry with eggplant , thinking should have try this before

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Md hasibur rahman tuhin says:

    She throw away green part of Spring onion maybe she didn’t knew this is also edible

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars RASEEL Rayhan says:

    Next time you came to Bangladesh pliz visit Tangail. I will serve you or you can Find best of the best Sweet in the world like Roshogolla, comcom, Mishti Etc.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Shahadat Sumon says:

    Beautiful country, delicious food and amazing hosts. And the legendary Mark. Best one ☝️

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sagor Vlogs Natore BD says:

    আসসালামু আলাইকুম

    – এই ছোট্ট ভাইটার পাশে একটু দাড়ান অনেক কষ্ট করে ভিডিও বানাই।😔😔

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Roza Ahamed says:

    I am roza from Bangladesh 🇧🇩🇧🇩 I am saw you in the petuk couples channel & i tried to search your channel & i just subscribe in your Channel ……… 🇧🇩🇧🇩

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Safina Chowdhury says:

    Mark you are really amazing day maker.Thanks a lot .I am so glad to see you in Bangladesh.

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Fahimur Rahman Pathan says:

    Thank you for upload series of our country Bangladesh 🇧🇩. Please come again. Warm welcome. Much love

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars jamie koox says:

    Holly molly this guy can be in one place and the other. He's a time traveller. Unbelievable.

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