🇺🇸 Chicago Street Food Tour: https://youtu.be/IXjkbgrdAkw?si=8fbYzg4Qgqyexvyw
🌶 Ghost Chili: https://amzn.to/3PNTvNQ
👕 T-shirts: https://store.migrationology.com/
CHICAGO, USA - Welcome to Chicago, one of the greatest food cities in the United States and home to the famous deep dish pizza… but did you know thin crust has been around for much longer than deep dish. In this Chicago pizza tour we’re learning about the history of deep dish pizza in chicago and we’ll try one of the best thin crust pizzas in the city as well! Chicago is a city that loves pizza!
Pizzeria Uno (https://goo.gl/maps/pXBvzUtjVohkeoTBA) - Number Uno - Price - $37.99 for Large - We’re starting this pizza tour a Pizzeria Uno where Chicago deep dish pizza was invented in 1943.

Vito & Nick's Pizzeria, Chicago, Illinois (https://goo.gl/maps/SbbN2mgcycvoForXA)
Ordered (we can just title the first pizza): Sausage + Hot Giardiniera - Price - $22.25 for Large - Then we head out to South Chicago for one of the most legendary thin crust pizzas, and for sure one of the best pizzas I’ve had - I loved the crust and the peppers.
Lou Malnati's Pizzeria - Lincolnwood, Lincolnwood, Illinois (https://goo.gl/maps/cBuw84KXyooe9xCA8), The Malnati - Price - $31.99 for Large, The Lou - Price - $34.89 - Next up on this tour we’re going to the original location of Lou Malnati's Pizzeria, one of the most loved and iconic pizzas in all of Chicago. It didn’t disappoint!
Pequod’s Pizza, Morton Grove, Illinois (https://goo.gl/maps/pXGi8dPNTgVscKui7) - Pan Pizza w/ Sausage and Pepperoni - Price - $29.35 for Medium - Finally, we’re going to Pequod’s Pizza, rated as one of the top five pizzas in the USA and known for invented the caramelized burnt crust.
Thank you for joining me on this ultimate Chicago pizza food tour!
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👕 T-shirts: https://store.migrationology.com/
🌶 Ghost Chili: https://amzn.to/3PNTvNQ
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Ready for it! Oh oh, look at that amount of cheese today! I'm taking you on an ultimate Chicago Pizza tour. Hey everyone, hope you're having an amazing day! It's Mark Wiens I'm in! Chicago This is a city that I Haven't been back here since I was a kid and so I'm very excited to be here. It's one of the great food cities in the United States and they serve pizza unlike anywhere else on Earth Whoa. Oh that was awesome.

Still going. It's still going if you don't have to eat it with a fork and a knife. it's not pizza. We're gonna learn about the history of pizza in Chicago Oh and look at that caramelized cheese crust.

It is unbelievably juicy. We're gonna eat some of the most famous, some of the most iconic pizzas that the city has to offer, including a pizza that's rated among the top pizzas in the entire United States Thank you! To begin this pizza tour, we are starting off at Ground Zero Where the deep dish or also known just as the Chicago Pizza originates dating back to 1943.. it's a historical landmark. Welcome to: Pizzeria Uno You walk inside they have a plaque and what's amazing is they actually can trace it to the exact day December 3rd 1943.

What's the most popular pizza here? Oh the Numero Uno The numero for sure. What does that All include? Sausage, pepperoni, green peppers, mushrooms, onions, a little bit of extra cheese, a little bit of everything. Awesome pepperoni. Everywhere else is like the number one topping, but in Chicago it's all about sausage sausage Okay, yeah, you know it started in this building.

Okay, so this is the number. This is the original Place Original Place Historical landmark Eixel. He's the one that started it. Okay, he was from Texas Oh um really yeah.

they stumbled upon. they stumbled upon Deep Dish. Okay Lupe Lupe this oh hello Lupe hey how are you very good? Nice to meet you. Uh, we're gonna go for the Numero Uno the original Deep Dish specialty pizza and gotta get the large.

that's Espino hello and Maria's hiding over there. Okay, awesome, nice to meet you. Mauricio is going to start making your pizza right here. so this is the Lord tomorrow.

Awesome! I'm gonna layer that with cheese. Okay, so Deep Dish is like the opposite of it's the inverted yeah, Is it inverted layers? Oh okay. so the thick dough goes down. giant slices of cheese.

Oh, a full layer of sausage goes on hand squeezed onto the pizza. It's a really thick dough that goes on. And because it's deep dish and just the way that it bakes much differently from a thin crust pizza, even the layering is very important in the ingredients because you don't want some toppings to burn and others to not be cooked yet. And so they have invented an inverted style of pizza making.

where I mean you typically see the cheese on the top, but for deep deep dish, the cheese is on the bottom. Now we're going to put the tomato sauce. Oh, you can see the chunkiness of the tomatoes. needles.

Squeeze that so we can get the flavor and all that. Yeah, and then this is a two-step process. So even though you'd ordered a Numero Uno which is sausage, pepperoni, Peppers mushrooms and onions right now, we're gonna make that pizza as a sausage pizza and it can't be put in the oven. And then at that after after 30 minutes we're gonna take that pie out and then we're gonna top it with your vegetables.
Oh okay so that's your sausage pizza. Going in for 30 minutes. Say goodbye to it for a second, goodbye for 30 minutes. Okay, thank you.

After 25-30 minutes. Um, we'll take it out and then we'll top it off and finish it up with your pepperoni and your vegetables. Okay, so um, it's a little bit different than this and then it will go into bake again First yeah and then we'll put it in the top oven. Okay for the last 15 minutes.

Okay, so as we're waiting for 30 minutes for the first bake of the pizza, let's continue the story about deep dish pizza in Chicago Thin crust was and always will be very popular in Chicago even though it's something that's not talked about that much, especially among visitors of Chicago But it all started with thin crust. However, as we saw the plaque dating back December 3rd, 1943, Ike Soul and Rick Ricardo They were food entrepreneurs and I mean they had for sure they'd been eating thin crust local Chicago Neapolitan style pizza all of their lives. But they thought to themselves, what could we invent What could we create? What could we cook that will be totally different? That will be an icon that will be Chicago So they came up with this type of pizza that's totally different. Cooked in a deep dish, two inch pan with a really thick crust, something that was truly uniquely Italian-American and yet specifically from Chicago And that didn't take long before it really took off and of course to become what the icon, the ultimate symbol of food in Chicago that we all know of.

And that was the birth of deep dish pizza right here at Pizzeria Uno 30 minutes later, Oh, so the cheese is already melted, it's building the layers and now we get a layer of pepperoni goes on top. It's a lot of toppings that's going to weigh almost eight pounds. Eight pounds. So all those toppings go on that's going to bake for another 15 minutes.

It's I mean you can just see how those layers start to form and the amount. Just the quantity of toppings. That's why it's so thick. That's why it's so filling.

The wait is over there. It is okay. Be careful, this is very hard. I Gotta pick it up Robert Said it's eight pounds.

eight pounds of pizza weights with this toppings. Derek Do you want to say anything about New York versus Chicago New York doesn't count as Pizza As simple as that, this is all there is to it. Like yeah, this is the birthplace of like deep dish pizza. So I absolutely love it and cannot wait to dig in.

If you can't if you don't have to eat it with a fork and a knife, it's not pizza by the way. Derek is from Chicago Okay, so oh look at that. The thickness of it, the cheese on the bottom, the inverted. all the amount of toppings.
oh it's heavy. Each slice has to be at least a pound. Yes because there's eight slices. Yes, there's eight slices.

So Derek it's a with deer. Would you typically start from the corner or the crust? The strategy: Work my way back because then the crust so you can, uh, just pick up and eat. Oh okay. okay and if you want more than one slice, you save the crust for later.

Okay, yeah, okay, all right. I Think one of the things I loved so much about this pizza is just the layer of sausage. which is impressive. I mean there's a sausage layer covering the entire base? Yeah, one single Patty across one single Patty A massive Patty I think a pound of a pound of sausage He said, here we go, our first bite, let's go deep dish.

This makes me homesick. Oh yes, it's so hearty. mm-hmm it's just so so much going on. And you've got the crush, which is kind of crumbly and flaky, a little bit oily.

Um, really crispy. Yeah, really buttering. crispy. like.

the cheese is not overpowering either. No, not at all. Yeah, there's not too rich, so that like yeah, it just drowns out the actual Pizza flavor. Yeah yeah, the cheese just totally Blends in with the other ingredients.

not. it doesn't feel oily or greasy actually. and so it's like being. and I would always say that's like one of the big differences between New York Style and what you get in Chicago So New York Incredibly greasy.

Um, but yeah, incredibly greasy. Usually you're folding it and you get grease and everything else you're running down. Oil tends to drip down your face when you're eating. Yeah yeah, it's from all the cheese and all the different oils, but here everything's going to be much cleaner.

You just need the fork and the knife just to separate and actually enjoy. One of the funny things is when I was in the kitchen talking to Robert yeah he's like most people eat one slice. He said some people eat two slices and he said you never hear about anybody eating three slices. but I think Derek I think we might be able to prove that wrong.

The other thing is he said you don't want to ask how many calories is in this pizza I will leave it. We'll leave it at that and keep on eating. So and it's It's one of those ones where it's like as you eat, it's like okay I could do two I could do three and then you get to the end of your first one, you're like I think I'm good I don't really need anything else. Yeah I'm ready for the pickup.

There you go and it's so stable, so secure. like it just sits on this crusty, crumbly, crispy face that's still gooey where the sauce meets the dough. and I think I will do a Sprinkle of the chili flakes on this. What? When you start getting through that thick product, that's when it starts to definitely get filling.
Oh cool, adds a little bit more smokiness. Yup, no pepper enhances it. Yep. Oh man and that dough.

That bread is really hearty. Yes, really. that's why I say it saved the crust for last, but it's so crispy and that's what makes it fun to eat. I think it's kind of powder Brown Let's move on to Fish number two going for another slice.

Do you like it with these this chili? It does add a nice little, not a heat but a fragrance to it. Oh it's just so satisfying to to pick up. So now that we've already eaten it, the Chicagoan way with the knife and fork method just feels so good to pick up a huge piece, a huge piece of food in your hands. I'm ready and so that completes our first pizza.

The history, just the magnitude of impact, how they've transformed the pizza of Chicago right here from Pizzeria Uno is unmatched. unparalleled. They set the trend, they created an icon, but there's still so much more to the story and so much more pizza that we're gonna eat. So next up on this ultimate Pizza tour of Chicago we're in South Chicago and we're going to an absolute legendary institution, a historical Tavern style restaurant where they specialize in.

It's not deep dish pizza that is a wonderful crunch. I mean I gotta say I Love Chicago deep dish. but I'm excited to try this spot because I actually never had it so okay. awesome.

Looking forward to it. it'll be good and from from what I was reading, so deep dish. so for local Chicagoans yes is deep dish a special occasion? or is it like a daily, a daily thing special occasion? That's like the special family meal. Okay, yeah, it's a little, uh, a little bit pricey at times and then uh.

also it will feed an entire family really quickly with like one single slice. Oh it smells so good in here. What did you say was the most popular order here? Probably our cheese and sausage, cheese and sausage. Okay with the hot Chardonnay or that's come up in the world.

Oh wow, but we do our own beef. Okay, oh you make it All in all from school from scratch. We trim our own and roast it for 12 14 hours and then we cooled it down and we'll slice it. Awesome! It's for roast sandwiches and for pizza Welcome to Vito's and Nick's This place is absolutely iconic.

It's an institution in South Chicago and it's been around for a hundred and three years and then it developed Along the way we'll go through more of the history, but for now we met with the owner Miss Rose and she recommended some of the pizzas. some of the most popular pizzas. one of her favorite pizzas. So we're going to order and then we'll have a chance to go in the kitchen, see how they're prepared and made.

I'm in the kitchen now and I mean they've taken it to the next level when it comes to thin crust pizza. and in order to prepare it, it's not hand kneaded out, they use a machine to make it so thin and then they just slices it out into a circular shape. and we ordered one with their sausage which is extremely famous. That is so much sauce goes on an entire layer of sausage.
Italian Beef That's right. Okay, excellent. All right guys. how do you pronounce that? Jardinera Jardinera Peppers All right there it is.

Sausage Jardinieri Peppers One of the most popular pizzas. The sausage with the jardinieri peppers that goes into the oven that beautiful. Whoa. oh that was awesome.

Just a quick bit of History which they have the whole history written on the menu back in the 1923 when Veto and Mary Barako opened their first Tavern style restaurant in Chicago then after a few years in 1932 a Mr Vito Barako He then opened a different location of a cavern with a few tables and they served Italian Classics especially sandwiches. and then it says in 1945 when Vito's son Nick discharged from the Armed Forces then he joined the restaurant and that's when they expanded their menu to include lots and lots of different home-cooked Italian dishes yours I Think the pizza should just about be ready. so we'll continue the story of how they started serving pizza as we're eating the pizza. but I think something that's extremely unique here is just how paper thin how crispy that crust is gonna be there.

it is one of the most. thank you very much. This is the hot side and that's the mile. Okay, okay, thank you.

that crust is amazing. Look how thin it is and sometimes it's okay. if you just take two at a time I think I'll take two at a time for my first my first taste. Here we go.

Cheers! Oh oh the sausage is incredible I Love the sauce is really tart, the seasoning the oregano. that dough is extremely crispy like almost crackery crispy. I Love! it. I think saltiness is perfect especially when it comes to the sausage which I said was everything that I've done house here Yeah they make it all themselves I absolutely love it.

um and then the relish. So this is like a Chicago staple. I'm gonna try not to butcher it because I always mess up how to pronounce it giardinero. so it's like pickled peppers with carrots and onions as well that they literally have smothered all over this.

So I absolutely love everything about it. Another incoming and there's another incoming thank you very much Yes, very good. thank you thank you! Yeah! and I think that those uh, pickled jardineri jardinerary. the peppers.

They add so much flavor to it because they have that Briny saltiness add that dimension of like acidity that kind of contrasts the flavor of the the cheese and the Tomato sausage. What a combination! I think it's just a perfect balance of flavor crispiness. My first ever Taste of Chicago thin crust. Love it! This brings back many memories from when I was a kid.
Oh yeah, oh yeah. okay. we have a lot more pizza to eat. That's the level.

that's the little secret fish. Nobody will know that it's missing nobody. Nope. Don't tell anybody again.

Found another. You're on camera forever eating. no more secret bites. Nobody will know about them and they don't even fill you up so so you can eat them continuously forever We're continuing.

but yeah, just look at that crust. Just perfectly baked, golden crispy. you can see it just totally holds up, totally holds up. very secure, very sturdy, a little bit of charring.

yeah, good bitterness to it. And from what I was reading is that their pizza recipe is an original Sicilian recipe their family is from Sicily originally and I mean along with all of the the sausage along with all of the toppings, they're like one of their ultimate Secrets is the guarded recipe for the dough. The dough is one of their absolute signature items that is top secret that Cracker crispy dough right now I'm floored by the favorite um Tomato Basil spinach. that's Miss Rose's that's Miss Rose's favorite that she recommended I'm gonna try that next.

I'm gonna go into the one Miss Rose recommended here and for this one I'll go for a centerpiece for the first time. I'm telling you it is phenomenal. Oh you're so good. It's the garlic poof of garlic and then it is that basil that really comes out nicely.

and I think it has an added juiciness because of the tomatoes. you know, just like burst in your mouth with this juicy tomatoey basil poof. I mean I think like all Pizza it's just so much fun to eat. but then at the same time this is so cool because you get so many toppings on such a thin Crush that you can just keep on eating and eating.

and it's just so much flavor and like fresh topping. It's not sitting in a dry freezer forever and ever. The dry chilies. Thank you One biter.

Awesome Awesome! Pizza Legendary Iconic. This is a place you have to eat when you're in. Chicago I Haven't yet tried the Italian Beef I'm going in I Really actually like the crushed, the crushed pieces of the pizza because it's you. got that even extra crispier? Edge Um, immediately you get that beefy flavor from that bridged Italian beef.

the seasonings, the spices, the herbs in there. Oh, that's delicious as well. Roast beef? Yeah, yeah. Another combination.

I Think One of the things I love about the pizza they make is you can really, no, there's some pizzas where you ordered toppings and all taste the same. Yes, you can really vibrantly taste the different toppings here. yeah, like noticeably like it makes a huge difference. Yes, yeah, every bite can be a little bit different with family as well.

So those mushrooms are great. The olives? absolutely. So we're continuing with our Chicago Pizza Story and pretty much everyone agrees that deep dish Chicago style pizza was invented at Pizzeria Uno but there's a bit of a dispute about who invented it and that brings us to the next place. This is one of the most popular pizzerias in all of Chicago Lose world famous Chicago style deep Dish I Am so happy to be here at the original location Lou Malnati's This place is classic.
There's baseball pictures all over, there's antiques we got this nice Booth It just has a home style feel to it and I think we can say with certainty this is one of Chicago's favorite pizzerias. And so again, just about everyone agrees that Pizzeria Uno is where Chicago deep dish pizza originates, where it all started from. However, enter the Malnati family and as it goes: Adolfo Rudy Malmadi Senior He was an employee. he worked at Pizzeria Uno and as it goes, he is the one who created the recipe for deep dish pizza now.

Rudy Malnati Senior, along with his son Lou continued to work at Pizzeria Uno and they managed the restaurant until Rudy Malnati Senior he passed away and at that point Lou Malnati He was pretty frustrated. He was never treated that well as an employee and so he decided to open his own. Pizzeria So that Pizzeria was started in 1971 in a place called Lincolnwood where we are sitting right now, there's now 79 locations, 59 within the greater Chicago area and the others in some other states. It's one of Chicago's most popular, loved pizzas and now let's head in the kitchen to see how it's made.

We ordered the classic and I ordered the Lou Oh, which piece are you gonna make first? Kevin So we're gonna make the classic first. Start with handmade dough. it's already cut for us, but we're gonna Pat it out there. Okay, oh, you can see how that's a big piece of dough there.

Um, hand patted out. You can see the deep dish forming on that on that pan you especially need. High Walls on that pizza, right? Make sure you hold it in. yeah, hold in all the toppings, all the ingredients, all of that tomato sauce.

Spread the sliced cheese out the sliced cheese we use so that it's easier to put toppings on top of instead of shredded chicken. Make sure that we spread that out nice and evenly throughout. Okay, just for a good layer for that sausage. Oh nice sausage.

and we're gonna put down individual pieces. Okay, and those will actually form into like kind of one layer, but we do it so that the cheese comes up between them as well. There's little holes in it so the cheese oozes out and it'll shrink together too. And you don't want just a little hockey puck in the middle.

Okay, yeah, like the the order of ingredients, the technique so that it Cooks properly so that it doesn't so that yeah, it just Cooks evenly as well. I Think right? Yes, Absolutely. We don't want the cheese to burn and we want to make it kind of in a reverse order of thin crust pizza. Okay Order for it to just you know.

you get that same kind of great feel of it of the entire Pizza instead of just a small little bite of it and then we layer it all across so that you get the same bite every single time whenever you're taking apply to that pizza after it's out of the oven. Okay, so that's why I mean each layer is a full, covers the full surface. Yes, so every single bite that you take will have all the toppings all in one bite. Yep, absolutely.
So we're just going to sprinkle it on top for you I Love the aroma of those Tomatoes Very vibrant I Love how it's uh, like chunky Tomatoes yet all the sauces come out of it as well. Okay, that's the So it's directly into the oven right in there. All right and how long will that bake for about 30 35 minutes? we're gonna make sure it's perfect for you though. Thank you, thank you.

All right So now we're gonna make the loop. All right, All right, the loo is all veggies. Okay, so we start with a layer of spinach on the bottom and so we just spread that out and our spinach is enhanced with basil, garlic, onions, provolone, and mozzarella. and then we throw the layer of cheese on and then we do a layer of mushrooms.

So the mushrooms. oh nice. Load it with the mushrooms, uncut, roughly chopped and everything so this we don't put as much of the keeping, really whole and everything and just kind of spread them out so get that grain flavor throughout it. And then we're going to throw some sliced tomatoes on top of this.

Then too nice. and then the sliced tomatoes goes on this. Okay, and so we lay these down just one at a time, pop it right in the oven okay and will that bake for about 30 minutes as well. About 30 35 minutes because it's got a little bit extra toppings on it.

All right. So as that's baking, I'm gonna try one of the vime ripened tomatoes and this is Signature Luminati's Tomatoes Vine ripened from California I mean this is part of I Think the the recipe that just makes it so special are the tomatoes. They're just dripping. mmm oh wow, that's the juiciest tomato on Earth It's sweet followed by a part finish that's incredible.

Oh man, all delicious followed by a slice of cheese. Thank you. Okay, I have like a half a Putra in my mouth that sweet and sour Tomatoes followed by the cheese. Um, probably about another 10-12 minutes so we're all set.

Foreign does an awesome flip move on the deep dish that's specifically for taking it away because it's not sliced, but that's you could just see all of those top 80s the juiciness of the tomatoes, the melted cheese kind of just sloshing rattling around within that crispy dough. We're going to show you one that's served out of the pan, then next. okay okay so we cut these. Oh the cheese.

it's oozing nice. Barking Knife recommended it is. so Saucy So juicy. So much cheese.

The tomatoes. Oh I Cannot wait. Oh look at that beautiful hole in the kitchen. There you go.
Seconds seconds out of the oven I wasn't Oh wow thank you. No problem. Oh man. I Think what? I'm in so much melted Jews But what? you just immediately burst in your mouth Or the the freshness of the tomatoes? Yeah, the vibrancy of the tomatoes, the the sweet acidity, sourness.

Just a perfect harmony of tomatoes balanced perfectly by the mozzarella by the Johnson cheese. Wisconsin Cheese Wisconsin cheese California Tomatoes them. That's good. Very good.

Thank you. Okay, oh nice. So they bring it out and serve a tableside. thank you very much.

All those Tomatoes which we tasted in the kitchen. the thickest layer of cheese all piping hot. Oh that. Butter Crust on the bottom.

Oh yes, oh the cheese. Oh look at that. Steam Oh wow. Oh yeah, that is unbelievable.

The crust is so light and buttery and actually that's one of their trademarks. is the Butter Crust Flaky. Spectacular. That crust really stands out to me.

The sausage really stands out to me. The cheese really stands out to me. But it just dawned on me the tomatoes are one of the most well-rounded flavors of any plant or food on. Earth You know you have five major tastes.

Tomatoes have five of those tastes. You've got acidity. You've got sweetness. There's a hint of bitterness from an element in tomatoes.

And then finally, tomatoes are one of the only vegetables or fruits that has Umami to it. That is one of the absolute secrets of Malnati's that's what takes it to the next level. If she's walking down the street, don't try that. Crush look at those juices.

It's never ending. Cheese: Um, as thick as deep as that crust is, you know it gets almost light and fluffy. Here's the next pizza and this is the Lou Let's lift. Oh, look at that pool of just juice forming in the center.

the tomatoes. Now this is vegetarian, but with a lot. a mountain of cheese, three kinds of cheese. you can see all of that.

Oh look at that gooey gooey layer. Oh okay. I even want this tomato on this bite? I'm scooting it over this first bite of the loop. Oh wow, that is a lot of cheese.

Oh man. I might need to take him to my face before I break off. It is unbelievably juicy from the tomatoes and I love that. Mix the the tomato sauce, then the fresh tomatoes and then the spinach.

Just kind of melts in your mouth and then you've got the texture of the mushrooms. all with that butter. Crush All with that mountain of cheese and that stretchy cheese in your mouth. The juiciest.

Pizza you might ever have. I mean kind of. Ironically, it's extremely rich and extremely heavy, but refreshing at the same time. Next up on this ultimate Chicago Pizza tour we're out in Morton Grove And next up we're going to a pizza place.

literally is within the neighborhood. It's like a wooden cabin looking. There's trees surrounding it. This is the pizza restaurant that was rated among the top five pizzas in the United States and they've put their own twist on to the Chicago pizza.
Oh wow! I am extremely excited! Welcome to Pequod's Pizzeria And this is I mean it feels like a almost like a wooden cabin that's just been extended and it has just a Classic Heritage feel to it. I Love the location, it has so much character and I'm already already loving it Pequods Pizza Morton Grove Best pizza in the universe! Okay, so I mean we're continuing on this pizza tour of Chicago and we've already had deep dish where it was invented pizza that locals Chicagoans love. Now in comparison to the deep dish pizza uh, here at Pequods, they took the deep dish pizza and they went a step further inventing the caramelized crust on the edges. Of course they're famous for the pan deep dish pizza darkened edges, caramelized cheese crust and I asked our waitress what would be the most popular combination of toppings because there's actually no set pizzas from what I can see on the menu, there's no set combinations.

You can just order from a list of 25 different uh toppings. She said the combination of sausage and pepperoni is the most popular. The top seller. that's what we got.

Thank you very much. That's okay. I can do it. Thank you so much.

Oh wow here it is. Oh, that's heavy. You can just see how much cheese there is. and the deep dish, the huge pan and you can see on the edges it's just completely caramelized.

the cheese. it's blackened. That was the warning that they gave us here. We go ready for it.

Ready for it. Oh oh, look at that amount of cheese. Oh and look at that caramelized cheese crust. Oh that's gigantic.

Oh onto the foot. you go further back that cheese ball. Oh it's still going. It's still going.

It's a waterfall. Tomato sauce is actually cascading down the cheese. Oh wow that is. There's so much cheese that is unbelievable.

This is one of the most beautiful single slices of pizza you may ever see in your entire life. The thickness, the amount of cheese, the caramelized crust, the Uzi goozy. Everything. Oh wow, Oh man.

Again, as I've learned in Chicago, it's a knife and fork affair. Oh man. it's literally like over a centimeter of melted cheese. Wow, that's good.

That is unbelievable Pizza flavor that's like the most condensed Pizza flavor all in your mouth at Once The dough is Fluffy and kind of is ready ready at the same time. like crumbly and bready and crispy on the bottom. that thick layer of melted cheese. the tart tomato sauce The Herbal sausage.

It's so good. Here we go. Oh wow and you can see that dough has almost formed into a bread at the bottom. Okay chili flakes.

and I Have to tell you I Cannot wait I Think we're moving in for that? Crush I Can't wait to try it. That's their signature. That's what they popularized that caramelized blackened crust. The entire thing came off okay.
we gotta pick. Oh yes, that is the definition of blackened cheese caramelized to the full potential. Gotta go in vertically. Okay, inside.

No way. I Thought it was going to be burnt tasting. It's totally not like charcoal tasting at all. It's so crispy.

I Think they have managed the impossible here. like probably to the millisecond where it burns and where it's caramelized. and they have managed to take the pizza out at that precise millisecond so it's not charcoaly. It's not ugly, or ironically, it's not even really burnt tasting.

it's just Smoky and crispy and just so much flavor. Crust will never be the same again. That is impressive. Wow.

Something else that's noticeable noticeable about Pink Watch because they're crushed just how thick it is and how bready it is without being dry. Okay, here we go next. flush. Now that it's not as hot, you don't have as much of a cheese pole, but it will definitely be just as good.

So after finishing my first slice and moving on to the second I Know it might sound a little ironic, but for as much cheese and as intimidating and daunting and overwhelming this pizza is the thickness, the amount of cheese. it's just surprisingly well balanced and a Harmony of flavors. And okay, it is undoubtedly rich. and a lot I mean calorie filled? But yeah, just it's it's balanced.

it's balanced. It really, it really is What the perfect place. As we've already found out, deep dish will creep up on you. that's without a doubt you'll be eating All of a sudden it will hit you like a brick.

Oh man, that's a hefty meal right there. I Think something that we can just all agree on is that there is a lot of incredible pizza around the world and that's no different from Chicago Chicago has contributed greatly. Deep dish to thin crust. Something that I can say is that Chicago may have the most filling Pizza on Earth but still fulfilling.

So satisfying. just so much. And it's been an incredible time learning about the history, learning about the method, the process, the culture of pizza in Chicago And big thank you to my brother-in-law Derek for joining us on this pizza tour and for helping us eat some of the most delicious pizzas in Chicago which is phenomenal. And if you haven't already checked out some of the other videos in the Chicago series, we're eating our way through the city.

Oh, from Iconic Foods invented in Chicago to street foods to pizzas so you're not going to want to miss any of this series, Make sure you watch this entire Chicago Food series and I want to say a big thank you to you for watching this video. Please remember to give it a thumbs up if you enjoyed it. Leave a comment below I'd Love to hear from you and if you're not already subscribed, make sure you subscribe now for lots more food and travel videos! Goodbye from Chicago and I will see you on the next video.

By Mark

15 thoughts on “Ultimate chicago pizza tour!! from thin crust to deep dish – best pizza chicago!!”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Steve Blanco Musician Warrior says:

    Pequod's rules, man.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars 띠용 says:

    미국인들은 모두 건강보험을 가지고 있는 것처럼 먹네요.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jon Anthony says:

    Whoaaa…$38 for a large…and virtually NO cheese?? That's probably tasty but not pizza in my book

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars 통닭 says:

    한국에선, 냉동 시카고피자가 4천원이에요 ㅋㅋ 이것도 드셔보시라 하고싶네

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lord Malice says:

    Not going to lie, the last place's looked the best! I miss Uno's in Cleveland, but deep dish is starting to resurface again! We have BJ's, Antonio's and a few others! You know what im looking for? A pizza pie! Like a deep dish, but with dough on top! I forget where i ate one at, but the closest to it was Sabarro's in the mall, which is a thinner version.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Napolian says:

    Shout out to my CHI TOWN people!!!!!!!!!

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars SmilesPerHour ENT. says:

    Bro neck veins make him look like he trynna hold a fart in 24/7 😂 love this guy

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Cihan Kircil says:

    Questa cosa non è pizza, è una vera torta.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars NLE RIC says:

    I feel so appetizing

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Edwin Stewart says:

    That deep dish from Gino's East tho!! 🤪

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tah says:

    Cap……Ny has the Best pet pizza

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars S says:

    Wowww, 38 USD for a large pizza. Thats alot. Looks good though.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Locola says:

    All of the pizzas look very delicious 😋

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ProfL Prasad says:

    Carmen's Pizzeria in Evanston, IL, was the best in its day. Their spinach souffle stiffed pan pizza was unbelievable. Unfortunately, it closed down about a decade ago.

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mr. Solstice Slots says:

    The crust. The cheese. The ingredients. The air surrounding the pizza. Smh

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