๐ŸŽฅ 16 Hours Eating Fish in Bangladesh: https://youtu.be/4FQK6OQVbZc
๐Ÿ‡ง๐Ÿ‡ฉ Huge thanks to @Petuk Couple
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DHAKA, BANGLADESH - Bangladesh is home to a diversity of amazing people including the Chakma people who are from the Chittagong Hill Tracts in southeastern Bangladesh. Today we have the special opportunity to to eat at a Chakma food restaurant right within Dhaka!
Hebaang Restaurant (https://g.page/hebaang?share)'>https://g.page/hebaang?share) - Hebaang invited us for an authentic Chakma tribal meal. They bring many of their ingredients from their village in the mountains near Chittagong. Tonight the menu was huge, so many different dishes and an incredible variety. I was pleasantly surprised by their use of shrimp paste in many dishes and their use of green chilies and plenty of fresh herbs.
Along with the many other dishes, one of the main dishes they made was a village chicken, mixed with spices and herbs and green chilies, then stuffed into a long bamboo pole and roasted over the fire.
The food was delicious and the hospitality and company was spectacular. Next trip to Bangladesh I really hope to visit some of the villages and tribes in the Chittagong Hills to learn about more of their amazing food culture.
๐Ÿ“ Hebaang Restaurant: https://g.page/hebaang?share
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Hey everyone hope you're having an amazing day. It's mark wiens, i'm in dhaka, bangladesh and tonight for dinner. We have been invited to a restaurant that serves food from the chakma people of bangladesh, we're a tribal group who live on the eastern regions of bangladesh, in the mountains, in the chittagong hills and so we're going to go to the restaurant. We are going to see some of the unique dishes that they serve: we're going to have a chance to see a little bit of the cooking, and then i cannot wait to share all of the food with you all coming up in this video right now.

It's a beautiful evening in dhaka and we're on our way to the restaurant. The restaurant that's going to serve chakma cuisine and we're going by rickshaw, always an adventure going out in dhaka and always an adventure on a rickshaw. And where are we heading to a restaurant called hebang? It serves like a traditional cuisine, so fantastic yeah cuisine, so chakma is they are a people group, a tribal group from the eastern mountains of bangladesh right? So it's a, they are actually from the you know like uh hill area, people, okay, well, yeah, and so the food is gon na be completely different. Yes and we're gon na have an amazing opportunity to go to the restaurant.

To learn about the food, see some of the cooking and then eat yeah and we're on our way. Oh because i'm ready non-stop, daca, okay, okay, we made it to the restaurant right up ahead right there welcome back to that. Come back so we enter into a secret passageway underneath the atm all right and the restaurant is upstairs here yeah. I thought we were going to an atm welcome to hebang.

Thank you welcome. Thank you. Thank you, wow. What an incredible welcome, no problem, priyanka, priyanka and katrina.

I have my sisters over here. Where are they so one of my sisters? Okay, nice, to meet? You he's the youngest one all right and i have two more sisters. One is the immediate one. She is not coming, who is kind of you know behind the scenes we are from kadra cheri kagucho yeah, like about how how long? How far is it from dhaka? Ah, it takes one night journey, just a quick tour of the dining section and we're gon na move to the kitchen to start cooking.

This is chicken. This also came from our village. Even the chicken cakes yeah yeah. You can see that's uh like a free-range chicken, so this is one of the hubs we call it yes, so it's kind of a basil like it looks like a baseball, yeah, yeah, yeah, oh great and, of course, the green chilies.

They are very, you, know, spicy very hot, and this also came from our village. Okay, a local here you can have it in dhaka. Okay, these are the big green chilies that are available here, oh yeah. These are exactly like thailand, yeah, like in thailand same you know what this is.

Yes, paste ocean, taste; okay, yes, so we have different types of recipe for chicken, but today we are going to cook chicken with bamboo. This is the bamboo wow. It's a huge piece of velvet nice. Well, that's one single segment: yes whoa! It's like a meter, long single segment of bamboo.
This one also came from our village. Okay, so we tried our best. You know the raw things from our village first, this is pasta, ginger, ginger, ginger pastry. It goes into the chocolate chicken from the village, green chili.

Of course, without green chilies we don't cook anything. We love only green chili. You will put green chillies garlic paste powder. This is also our traditional garlic powder, yes cumin powder, coriander, turmeric and cumin powder.

The green chilies are the highlight here: oh and the scissor cut chalice. Is this recipe will not work out? You know similar to uh basil, yes, similar to basil basil, okay, yeah, oh yeah, like that there we go so you can see how long it is now yeah. It's such a long, bamboo pipe. Normally it will be cooked in the fire right with the coals, but since we're in dhaka in the middle of the city, cooks on the flames of the stove, but that's men, that's adapting to your location still, while preserving the authentic taste of the food and how Long will this cook for half an hour, okay, half an hour about half an hour.

Oh that's, green chili! You could smell all the oils coming out of mark's favorite yeah. I think this is like knife, fishers yeah. So for us, many ingredients is garlic. Garlic and onions and then just slicing up some of those onions into it.

They've got all the different spices going that green chili is especially what i'm most looking forward to and then also pound it up with some garlic, i believe in there as well summer. Garlic one yeah difference, so once you see the preparation, you can get to know that how indigenous people are always maintain the sustainability. You know we don't need to buy anything from the market, so this is from like we are using banana, leaves and also the things i have put here for tying it up. So this is also the from the parts of bananas.

Okay, so it's just all natural packaging. All natural cooking just ties that up into like a it's, a packet cooking process goes into a little bit of water, either with banana leaves and also with bamboo. Oh eggplant whoa. No, i don't know this eggplant okay.

This is half rice, actually half life right: oh half, ripe, eggplant, okay, okay, so it's turning yellow though, but that's a like different color yeah, normally whoa cool eggplant. Okay, as i said before, we call it. I mean community call it fidol, but other community. They might call it a different name, it's kind of smelly for them.

You know, because it's very strong and very bold, because there might be some - you know, uh scents or something turmeric include green chilies. So this is a seasonal eggplant that you brought from the village. Also, yes, cool definitely won't get it, you don't get it in dhaka, it cuts it into strips and then kind of like massages out those seeds a little bit. You can see how kind of juicy it is because it's half right, otherwise it will disturb your tongue.
The eggplant is already right: it's not taller. People do like it, they're, really healthy kind of items, green chilies and, of course, with green color. They will be filled, finishes off that eggplant. You can smell the aroma of the shrimp taste and she finishes that off with some a sprinkle of lemon basil, which is just so aromatic oh boom, and it's done all right, taste test.

Oh, very good, yeah, very hot, very hot. Oh, the flavor, the umami of the shrimp paste and green chilies and then just that freshness of the lemon basil. This is one of our favorite items. Yeah.

Another green mango with raw mango put extra salt there, but it will not be salty when you mix it up here. It looks good that looks good yeah, so she's slicing up the mango over here and then in that mortar when the well the uh. It's just like a paste of dry chili, plus she had pre-roasted fired some shrimp paste, don't cry having this one: okay, wow yeah! Oh, very good from the shrimp. Oh there's! Nothing like the umami boost of shrimp paste, right, plus chili and then the sourness of the mango, oh and then they actually put the papaya inside and pound it together.

I saw one of your video you were making with papaya. I guess no! Yes, yes, yes, bamboo chicken smells good yeah, oh man, it looks amazing, it's a fist. It's a feast yeah! Let's go for it all right. What oh yeah there's still two more dishes over here too.

That's the overflow, the overflow dishes - and i think, what's amazing, is that this is an authentic food experience where especially people from the community from the hills can come to enjoy their authentic food, but then also a place one of the few places one of the only Places in dhaka, where you can also get this right cuisine and be able to sample it here in the middle of the city, which is so cool, very cool. Okay. So she said to begin with some of the vegetables and the green chili paste and then work our way to the to the bigger and better dishes we eat it. Together with this one, just take some of the fern some of that chili green chili paste mix into the rice - i don't know any bangla name of english name of it.

Oh yeah has an amazing texture to it, a little bit of a chewiness and really juicy yeah spicy, but fragrant right from those green chilies all right. The bamboo shoots with little green lips. Okay, all right, bamboo shoots. Next, i love bamboo shoots and with some vegetables as well, i love the crunch of bamboo fruit.

Oh oh yeah as well right, yes, shrimp! So use a lot of shrimp paste in many different recipes yeah. This is the yellow, eggplant again cooked in um, almost soup gravy. You can feel how soft that is in your fingers and just kind of melting absorbed with all of that shrimp. Fish too always always love eggplant.
Yes, it's good yeah! That's awesome! It's just absorbed again that saltiness of the shrimp paste and just that well-rounded flavor and the green chilis yeah right you got ta, have the green chilies amazing, that's the and it's so fresh yeah, so fresh tasting, so villagers usually collect this one and so that they Can have it during rainy seasons? Ah, okay, okay, oh is there. So this whole thing is a flower, and these are like the petals of the flower. Okay, and this is like the center. These are the pedals and uh wow.

You can see you kind of feel how leathery it is. That's like it almost tastes like meat, yeah right. It's like it's like meat, jerky, almost but a flour yeah, and they have also prepared with shrimp shrimp. Yes, definitely you can taste the shrimp fish in there.

Oh, that is amazing yeah. This is the bamboo chicken that we saw her preparing and that they cooked in a bamboo pole over the fire in dhaka. There's turmeric in there there's ginger garlic paste and then there's that lemon basil. To finish it off.

Definitely a free range hill, chicken and the texture of that chicken, like with every two it's one of those chickens that just releases more and more juice, more and more flavor the ginger garlic flavor from the bamboo itself. The essence of the bamboo has just embedded itself into the chicken that smokiness from the fire, and then it has like a yeah that citrusiness citrus from the from the basil from the basil, the turmeric in there and then the just that ginger garlic paste time to Reload up on some rice, so this is the dried fish packet right, um, that's cheesy! That is a an amazing pungency of fish, dried yeah. It has like layer upon layer of complexity and a cheesiness to it. Oh i love it.

It's really good jackfruit! It's our national fruit, oh cool yeah, so next up for the jackfruit green jackfruit, very good, when it's green, like that it kind of has a more of a starchy taste without a sweetness. Yeah, that's good and you can just bite all the way through the shell eat the entire shell. It's coated in, like a almost like a mix of masala deep, fried to a crisp sweetness inside. Oh yeah.

It almost is like a crab pakora yeah right. You just eat the whole thing. The entire thing is crispy, it's like a very, very sticky, leaf kind of, like maybe kind of like a spinach, but like a from the from the hills, a bit different and it's very like sticky, but maybe from the same family as taro. The leaves okay.

I love that one yeah, it's pasty very pasty, but it has so much flavor, almost a natural nuttiness to it. Oh, thank you! Fish fish! Oh, you can feel the soft creaminess of that. Oh nice. Oh, thank you! It's a shrimp with rice powder.

It's like a shrimp porridge, oh yeah, kidney bean and tomatoes and coriander like this is like awesome here. Let me show you first, no, no, you take it kidney beans and tomato dal and also coriander lots of coriander. In there. Oh man yeah.
You can see how it's yeah, it's not lentils, but it's kidney beans. It's really good. I love beans. 20 different vegetables in this, like harmony harmony of a almost like a stew, yeah like a stew of vegetables, wow yeah.

I can't wait to try this okay. Oh, it's so chunky, it's soft! Oh! You feel pumpkin in there like almost like snow peas and it's just like cooked down until it just melts in your mouth, oh yeah, during our vegan festival. We don't eat this one with rice only without anything, oh without anything. No rice, just because it's it's starchy already, it has pumpkin and it has potato and yeah it's like a full complete meal in one dish.

Okay, i'm going to try some of these snails next. Okay, so i think these are little kind of snails where you can kind of like suck them up. Yeah, that's exactly how you do it just pops into your mouth sweet guys. How is the chakra food amazing? It's good! It's very delicious, very spicy! Yes, it's spicy! I eat everything: it's everything eats everything: sugar, free, yes, oh man, so we're hanging out so many people here, so many amazing people, so many good friends, wow roselle tea.

Oh it's salty, really, wow, salty and sour good, sour and sour, very good good yeah. It has a salty taste, yeah, yeah, very sour than what we usually have. This fruit itself is salty, yes, oh really, actually the petals, so the saltiness comes from the roselle feels like electrolytes. In addition to being a restaurant, a lot of the chakma community lives in this area in dhaka and they'll, come here to hang out and play music and just remember their culture and their village and community, and just hang out along with good food and music.

So they're gon na play a little song before we depart. Oh. Thank you. Oh yeah.

Oh in the kitchen, yes he's the man in the kitchen. Thank you. Okay, restaurant. That was awesome, yeah, the culture and the tradition is like um, very unique.

Yes, and they are just unbelievably friendly and hospitable - it's like a different world out here and it's incredible to have that experience, which seems so different from the streets of dhaka, but right within dhaka that was delicious food, so much hospitality. Thank you to hibong restaurant highly recommended when you are in dhaka. Thank you to all of my amazing friends for joining us and if you haven't already watched the other videos in this bangladesh series, we've eaten some amazing food. I'll have all the videos in the description box below that you are not going to want to miss, and thank you very much for watching.

Please remember to give this video a thumbs up if you enjoyed it, leave a comment below i'd love to hear from you and if you're not already subscribed, make sure you subscribe now for lots more food and travel videos good night from dhaka and i'll see you On the next video.

By Mark

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