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CHIANG MAI, THAILAND - Welcome to Chiang Mai, in northern Thailand and home to some amazing Thai street food. Today we’re going on a Thai street food tour where we’ll eat some of the crispiest pork belly cooked in a giant earthenware jar - similar to a tandoor oven. Then we’ll eat some more Thai street food including Thai rice and curry, northern Thai rice noodles, and a legendary place for sweet roti. Let’s go eat!
Places in this Thai street food tour in Chiang Mai:
Neng Earthen Jar Roast Pork เหน่ง ไก่ย่าง หมูกรอบอบโอ่ง ร้านลับ ต้องโดน (https://goo.gl/maps/Q8SxcZJ56PdeNtoHA) - This is the main spot, on the side of the road you’ll find half a dozen huge ceramic jars, which are used similar to a tandoor. The jar ovens are heated with charcoal on the bottom and all the pork belly and chicken hangs on the sides. The crispy pork belly is insanely tasty, and so crispy. The cooking method allows the meat to cook from the inside out and the skin to fully crispify. Amazing place, highly recommended when you’re in Chiang Mai.
Nam Ngiaw Loong Pong น้ำเงี้ยวลุงพงษ์ (https://goo.gl/maps/f7hKxi57Lv8UWhgU6) - Price - 40 THB - Easily one of the most popular and local comfort foods of northern Thailand is nam ngiaw (น้ำเงี้ยว), a porky tomato stew that’s eaten with soft rice noodles. Uncle Pong cooks one pot a day and when it’s gone it’s gone. It’s a traditional taste and a very friendly place.
O-Rote Ded โอรสเด็ด (https://goo.gl/maps/bLAKk6VoWFFxP2Wg7) - Next up on this Thai street food tour we’re going to O-Rote Ded โอรสเด็ด, which is famous for their Thai rice and curry. Everything is ready, you just go up to the front choose what looks good and try it. Make sure you arrive sometime in the morning 8 - 9 am is good to get the best selection.
Black Car Coffee (https://goo.gl/maps/8UoXxH8DcHxsHxfr7) - Right across the street, you’ll find P’Anchan who sells amazing coffee out of his old car.
Rotee Pa Day (โรตีป้าเด) - https://goo.gl/maps/aiDziA51xgUbABKWA - Finally to complete this amazing Thai street food tour in Chiang Mai, we’re going to Rotee Pa Day (โรตีป้าเด), where Aunty Day has been making roti for over 39 years - she’s a legend! One of the things she does differently is use only coconut oil for frying her roti which makes a huge difference. You can taste the cleanness of it. She’s also been recognized in the Thailand Michelin guide.
Thank you for watching and hope you have a great time eating Thai food when you’re in Chiang Mai!
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Hey everyone hope you're having an amazing day. It's mark wiens, i'm in chiang mai, northern thailand and today, i'm gon na. Take you on a thai street food tour. We're gon na go to a place that serves some of the crispiest golden pork belly, which they cook in a giant ceramic clay jar over fire, wow we're going to eat at some other legendary food stalls, some nam nyao some thai rice and curry, and then probably We'll eat some roti to finish this tour she's been making roti for 39 years.

She is a legend. It's gon na be a lot of food action, a lot of delicious thai street food and i'm gon na share it all with you from chiang mai. In this video right now to begin this street food tour of chiang mai we're at a place which is called nang. This place is on the side of the road and you'll immediately see all the ceramic earthenware they're kind of like tandoors, where they roast pork belly.

Crispy, pork belly and chicken, the aromas coming from the street side in chiang mai are out of control, and this is the place that i've been wanting to come for a while. Finally, i'm here i'm excited we're going to see the entire process. So, let's jump in on the action and see how they make it he's getting ready to add in a fresh batch of chicken and the chicken is marinated. You can immediately smell the spices, especially garlic, black pepper, probably some lemongrass and also ratakshi, which are the coriander roots.

Those have been marinated, they're juicy and he's going to add a fresh batch to the earthenware oven - oh my god, roy huh and he's using pork belly. But he's he told me that it's not a lot of fat, not a lot of fat on the pork belly, and you can see for the pork that it's marinated not in a lot of things, but just a light marinade. I think some garlic, maybe a little bit of soy, sauce and salt there's another big bag of pork coming he's gon na fill it all the way, and you can also see that the pork is cut in a way where it's going to get maximum fire and Heat and penetration from the the coals, so it loads it all the way up and you can feel the heat like radiating from the top as the heat rises, and you can feel that the the heat is going to provide this oven roast like an oven baking From the inside out yet roasted and crispy on the outside all at the same time, so that cover goes on they're gon na cook for approximately two hours and then it appears like they rotate them from one earthen jar to the next. They cook for about probably an hour and a half or so in one jar and then over here.

If you move down the line of jars, then you get to the station. The crispification i'm gon na call it the crispification jar where they do the finishing touches, because that's quite precise, that needs to be over a hotter fire. He stirs up those coals, so it's blazing, and then he waits for that skin to just completely bubble and crispify to finish before. It's then ready to be served hiccups, so so chicken is ready.

It is time i cannot take it any longer after watching them make it we're moving over to the ordering station. A lot of people get take away, but then they do have quite a big table section. Quite a lot of table and the tables are cool too, because they're over jars. But you move over here to where they're chopping up the mukhrab, the crispy, pork belly and the chicken you can order, and i think ying is ordering a few extra dishes as well.
Happy, oh okay, man. All the food is here. We got a variety of different dishes that they serve, including we just had to get an entire plate of crispy pork belly and a half a chicken and the chicken skin. But then, really, if you come here alone and you don't want to eat a whole pile of meat, one of the dishes you can get is just the the set plate which comes with a serving of rice, with a half a hard-boiled egg, some cucumber and maybe 100 grams or so of crispy pork belly and then drizzled in sauce, served with a variety of sauces, a little bit of soup and some veggies some herbs on the side.

But it all looks incredible. But i have to begin with just a pure piece of mugrab crispy pork belly. The skin is charred and pink fully cooked. The fat has rendered into the meat literally it's like kamu on the top, which is crispy skin bubbled wow.

Oh, that skin is so crispy and the meat is tender and flavorful and smoky, and that's with nothing added, no sauce, no anything wow. That is that's extraordinarily tasty and they have a variety of sauces. This one would be the main dipping sauce for mukhrab, which is like a should be kind of a sweet soy sauce right, i'm going to follow that hot, fresh, sticky, rice wow. That is the combination in your mouth at once, yeah that pork belly is insane man.

You knew it was going to be good when we were watching them roast it. The finished product is even better than imagined. Another dish that we ordered is tom yum, which is the grilled chicken, which is then made into tom yum, and i love how they literally put a whole handful of fried chilies on top stir that around you can smell the galangal, but there's tomatoes in there. There's a bunch of basil and there's pieces of the grilled chicken in there you've got to have a whole chili in this bite: wow yeah, okay, that's a burst of chili! You taste the smokiness of the grilled chicken.

I love the so much lime juice in here. It's sour, it's refreshing all of the herbs, the flavor of the galangal in there that's a really good tom yum and then, additionally, with the flavor that next layer of flavor from the smoky grilled chicken all the herbs in there too. The holy basil in there yang or the guy oven roasted in the the ceramic barrel. Let me go for this piece right here.

Look at that skin! Oh man! If you see how oily and moist that chicken is underneath it, and we should do a dip, this one is nam jim jail, which is a dry chili sauce there's herbs in there. There should be some - maybe some fish, sauce and lime juice, coriander, cilantro, loaded up with all those herbs and chili seeds, it's so moist and oily and juicy, and you taste that not only the the dipping sauce, which is cool and refreshing, but the the marinade that He added all of those coriander roots, the pepper in there and the way he roasts it man, just it, absorbs all of that smoke and keeps the chicken juices in itself dip that in the num som the bala, oh wow, that completes the bite and on that Bite of sticky rice we'll try the palamu krab, so it's crispy pork belly on top green papaya, salad with fermented fish, uh, green papaya, salad, sauce, oh man. I don't know if i've ever had this combination before have you there's chili's folded in there's fermented fish? There's pork belly, oh man and then with the addition of pork belly from the oven. I think that enhances everything you've got the richness.
The crispiness you've got the umami of the palada fermented fish sauce, the chili's in there, the lime juice, it's refreshing and porky. All at the same time, okay and then finally, we have the rice with the crispy pork belly on the side. Okay. So this is a complete meal on a plate right here with your pork belly, essential pork belly, rice and garnish i'll chase that with some garnish sprigs of coriander.

The palette completes the bite that sauce that they've drizzled on until just a little bit sweet kind of just brings it all together. It is really good. This would be my favorite sauce right here, then i'm jump jail, chili, the saltiness and all that uh cilantro in there oh wow chase it with a green onion. The pork belly and the chicken are both fantastic and then all the different dishes that use side dishes that you can get as well.

The method in which they cook it is just fascinating and fun to watch just a great place that you can stop by when you're in chiang mai, so sour in your face smoky and spicy. Oh man, you just will not get over the crispiness of that skin foreign. Oh wow highly recommended we're gon na finish this meal and then we're moving on to the next place to continue with this chiang mai high street. Next up, we are in the old town within the old square and we're going to a place.

That's called it's a mom and pop shop and they specialize they've been doing it for decades, making one of the number one northern thai food dishes - oh and here it is the pot yeah yeah, the pot of namiel, and i'm here everything so man. This is the friendliest street food stall. Uncle is so friendly and he serves mainly serves a dish called, which is a dish of it's kind of like a stew of pork and blood and tomatoes, especially and from what i read. He just makes one pot one pot per day once it's gone, it's gone dishes out some of the bones.

Some of those tomatoes, you smell the aroma of that tomatoey broth, smells so good and then onto your noodles and then tops it with some green onions. Some fried garlic and that smells delicious. I'm ready, oh man, this place is just so cool most of the the seating just kind of goes down the alley and there's tables facing the wall again. This is one of the ultimate comfort dishes, one of the probably the number one dish of northern thailand.
That's associated with northern thailand that people eat frequently it's a massive part of the culture. Let me just taste it first before adding anything. Oh man, i like how the noodles just kind of melt into the that curry what a homely meal this is mm-hmm. Oh man, oh that's, rich! That's, nice and tart and very porky, as you can see from that layer of oil on top, but the flavor yeah.

It's more on the tart side and tart and porky they're, really good the noodles, the rice noodles just kind of melt in your mouth. Oh man, that's comforting, but now we need to do some seasoning, so there's a pile of vegetables, mostly mostly the bean sprouts and some pakatang, some pickled mustard greens, which i think you can add on top add and then my absolute favorite topping and probably the reason I love to eat nami, almost the fried chilies, these little guys whoa. You can see they're kind of blistered. These are beautiful, fried chilies.

You can see that they were taken out of the oil just before they literally burnt so they're gon na be so smoky and fragrant and blistered and spicy. It's really flavorful, oh wow, with that sprinkle of lime. That contrasts the richness of the pork and then with those little chilies which are just again they're, deep, fried until literally they're almost burnt giving them such an amazing smokiness and a heat and they're. Just so incredibly friendly man - and it looks it kind of looks - the color is not that dark.

It looks kind of watery, but it's really flavorful. These chilies are so good. You could eat them like, like popcorn that was tasty and then, additionally, after your bowl of noodles, you can. They have some desserts which you can choose from and you got ta choose something from the jar and then they'll pair it with ice, which he's gon na uncle's gon na grind it and coconut milk.

So i'm gon na order. The the melon dang thai, it's like a thai melon, ding, hi, okay and then i just looked up. Bangtai is a it's a musk melon, some musk melon. He added in muskmelon.

First then some coconut milk. Then the grated ice goes on and then some kind of a syrup that he makes himself that coconut milk is overflowing wonderful and a refreshing treat after the end of that spicy bowl of noodles. Oh, it's amazing and not too sweet the crunch of the ice. It's so refreshing, the muskmelon is sweet like honeydew melon, but it has more of a kind of like a slight mushy texture, but that all blends together, oh and the richness of the flavor of the coconut milk, is wonderful as well.
Uncle absolutely makes it really good. Really traditional kind of a simple taste but hearty and just feels good and for the smaller bowl it costs 30 baht for the bigger special bowl costs: 40 baht. Okay, we're continuing on with this chiang mai street food tour on to the next place. Next, up on this street food tour of chiang mai, we are at a place - that's called o den and it's one of the most legendary places to eat kaurat gang or thai rice and curry.

In all of chiang mai. This place, it gets absolutely packed and you just walk up and you look at the different curries that are available for the day, see what looks good to you and order so we're about to step up to the front and order some curry next. Okay, maybe enough meat like give me okay, um one of my favorite styles of eating throughout thailand. Just informal curries are ready to go.

This is fast food. You just choose what looks good for the day. What's fresh and all to be eaten with rice, you can either order two ways you can order gap cow, which is how i ordered every dish on the side separate plates with a plate of rice or you can order, which means you just choose a couple of Different dishes right over your rice, you're in and you're out, delicious fresh cooked food. This place is so popular also that they're open, i think, by around 7am in the morning and some of the main dishes that they're famous for they sell out within a couple hours.

If you come at the peak of lunch, i think they're probably pretty much sold out of everything, so you got to come in the morning and this is one of their signature dishes here, which is penang. So it's a beef penang curry she scoops it out. You can really smell the aroma of the magrude lime leaves and then she puts on some sweet basil. Okay, let's try it.

Oh wow. Okay, it is penang is usually on the sweet side. The first flavor that you taste is sweet and then the meat, the beef is so tender just melts in your mouth. It's boiled and been cooked for so long that it you can feel the fibers.

Yet it melts in your mouth. It has a nutty taste to it. You taste, the citrusy, flavors and aromas of the magrude lime leaves and the basil in there balancing that off a little bit of chilies and fish sauce would make it complete all right drizzle on a little bit more of that. That penang sauce, oh man, yeah that is awesome, balancing the sweetness with the salty spice of the fish sauce.

Okay. Next up, we got some pakatang, which is stir fried it's pickled greens stir fried with egg and a little bit of minced pork in there too. I think that's just good, that's classic! It's sour, it's crispy and goes great with that egg. Just kind of coating, every piece of the pickled mustard greens, okay, next up for the gengari, which is a curry chicken curry, which is served with this pickle and so gengari, is like a curry, a dry curry powder curry with flavors of india.
So it has curry powder, there's turmeric in here there's some chilies and we got a chicken drumstick as well as some potatoes in here as well, and this is an ajat, a cucumber fresh pickle which you then eat can eat along with it. Okay, grab a little bit of everything, all the potatoes so tender. Oh man, there's a tasty gengari. It's you really taste the flavor of the pongari, which is the dried curry powder and then has this richness to it.

I'm not sure if there's coconut milk in there or not, but it has a an amazing richness to it. It has a little bit of a sweetness to it a little bit spicy and then contrasted by that vinegary cucumber pickle, yeah, that's wonderful, okay and then the final dish that i got is the padpet baduk, which is fried catfish in a chili kind of a chili Sauce fully crispy, so the thin slices of catfish are just fully deep, fried before they're, then mixed with all of the seasoning and the curry paste it's just another classic disc dish of any cocaine spread, fragrant, taste the basil in there, the chilies and it's kind of On the sweet side as well sweet and a little bit spicy again, i mean these are some of my favorite styles of restaurants in thailand. Love the atmosphere, it's so friendly, there's just a constant stream of people in and out lots of people take away. Food is good.

Food is tasty you're sitting underneath on the side of the road next to a highway underneath a tree. I could not be happier than in a place exactly like this, and our total bill came to 165 baht for everything that we ordered, plus a few mike, also had a plate of rice that wasn't included. So i think it's about 30 baht per dish that you get here - oh my god curry right across the street and then he also had a plate of curry and then invited us over to his coffee shop, which is right across the street. It's called black car coffee and it is in an old black car.

This is so cool. He has this whole coffee set up here, he's making coffee out the back. I could use an espresso hi cop wow. Thank you very much.

I'm gon na grab this seat right here on the side of the car fresh pulled espresso. Oh yeah, that's going to be a boost of energy before we go on to our next. Before we go on to the next food stall, man, that's a seriously good espresso and he said it he's using all thai beans, his own three mountain blend. That was the energy i needed, so i so to complete this chiang mai thai street food tour.

Today we are at roti pate and it sets up just outside of wat maha wan temple in the evening, starting at 6 p.m, and already as soon as they open, there's a queue, and she is an absolute legend and she's just getting started now and one of The things that she uses is coconut oil, so that's a whole blob of coconut oil that she's just melting and then she's gon na put it into the pan to be using for the roti man. That's immediately so fragrant smells so good and she's about to get started on the first batches of roti for the day and already there's a crowd standing outside today, just so nice, and she just takes her time to carefully make the roti and she's just explaining to Us why she only uses coconut oil, because it's so clean and then immediately healthier than most roti, that uses palm oil or other oils, but so clean the fragrance, the aroma of the coconut oil. She just keeps feeding it in until it's golden and crispy knows exactly what she's been doing. How long did she say, she's been making it for you, she's been making roti for 39 years.
She is a legend. How i like the town um all right standing here, is part of the adventure but again she's, so incredibly nice and friendly, and got a couple different versions: i'm gon na start with savory first and then we'll progress to the sweet ones. So i'm going to start with the mataba, which is a stuffed frothy. She added in a mixture of potato and spices, and i think there's chicken in here too and then wrapped it up and then waits till it's golden and serves it with an ajat which is a pickle cucumber on the side which i might try to just poke Up a few, oh, the flavor keeps coming.

Oh yeah, that's tasty! It tastes like a potato omelet wrapped within crunchy dough. You feel the layers of it, the thinness of the dough, oh man, and that is amazing - that she only uses coconut oil because most other grotes they're gon na use, maybe palm oil refined palm oil plus they keep adding in tons and tons of margarine into the Oil, she doesn't didn't use any margarine that i saw in our roti. That's the cleanest tasting grote i've had in thailand man. I think that's amazing, oh yeah, her roti is amazing.

I think i'm gon na take the seat for the next rotis. Conveniently there's a little table and chair here perfect. Oh, this is the greatest roti chair ever moving on to the sweet roti. This one is the roti with banana and egg on the inside, so the banana egg inside she wraps it up stuffed.

This is one of the classic sweet rotis of thailand. Again it's clean, it's crispy, the banana melts in your mouth. It is pretty sweet, but it is good. The final roti is called roti and this is a ball of roti, which she squishes down and then it's like completely crispified and there's butter on the inside.

Maybe she kind of creates like a little hole in the blanket and then makes it you can see almost like a turns into a cookie. Almost oh wow, you taste the saltiness of it contrasted by the sweetness the layers of all the dough in that one and then how crispy that? Oh, that one's really good crispy all the way through okay, moving back to the the savory mataba, what a spot an amazing street corner in chiang mai on a beautiful evening, man, what a day it's been! I'm gon na stay here, we're gon na finish the roti and that's gon na wrap up this entire chiang mai street food tour. Today ma'am we have met so many nice people, the hospitality, the kindness, the friendliness and eating some really good food. Today, starting from the crispy pork belly in the earthen jars, that was a highlight, but really the entire day has been outstanding and i'll have all the places that we visited in the street food tour in the description box below that, you can check out highly recommended And i want to say a big thank you to you for watching this video.
Please remember to give it a thumbs up if you enjoyed it, leave a comment below i'd love to hear from you and, if you're not already subscribed, make sure you subscribe now for lots more street food videos thanks again for watching goodbye from chiang mai and i'll, See you on the next video.

By Mark

6 thoughts on “Tandoori pork belly!! thai street food – insane crispy meat tour in chiang mai, thailand!”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars D B says:


  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kailer Britton says:


  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sundeep Singh says:

    Yo mark

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Help me reach 25K Subs before April. says:

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  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Small Food 999 says:

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  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Help me reach 25K Subs before April. says:

    Congrats to everyone who is early and who found this comment. ♥️

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