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Phatthalung (พัทลุง), Thailand - Welcome to Phatthalung (พัทลุง) one of the best and most relaxing and green tropical provinces in Thailand. The culture is so laid back and the food is spicy and some of my favorites in Thailand too.
Today we’re going on a jungle street food tour of Tainod Green Market (หลาดใต้โหนด https://goo.gl/maps/sK7sPjzrJtGUeM4H7), which is this amazing local market where you’ll find everything from cooked southern Thai food to market fresh ingredients to southern Thai culture. You don’t want to miss the amazing food selection. Here’s what I ate:

Chicken - 15 Baht ($0.48) per piece - This was honestly some of the best grilled chicken I’ve had in a long time. It was so perfectly flavorful and rich, and smoky.
Rice and curry - 50 THB ($1.59) - Can’t ever beat a plate of rice and curry when you’re in Phatthalung (พัทลุง), just the best, it’s a meal I never get tired of.
Rice noodles - 15 THB ($0.48) - Next up for a plate of freshly made khanom jeen rice noodles. The southern Thai curries are pungent and spicy.
Arenga pinnata palm fruit (ลูกชก) - Another snack you’ll find is the jelly fruit from a palm tree called the Arenga pinnata. Unique and very good.
Fried cempedak - 20 THB ($0.64) - Next up for one of the greatest deep fried fruits in the world. It’s not a jackfruit, but a cempedak, which is common in southern Thailand and Malaysia. It’s so good, and almost has a natural honey juiciness to it. When you open a cempedak, if you do it correctly - I haven’t done it correctly many times, it opens so the skin peels and all the fruit remains on the core. Deep fried is heaven.
Snakefruit - 20 THB ($0.64) - Finally to complete this Thai jungle street food tour at Tainod Green Market (หลาดใต้โหนด) I had a bowl of peeled snake fruit. I loved the natural packaging.
It’s an amazing market, one of my favorite markets in all of Thailand. The atmosphere, the greenness, and the delicious Thai food is what makes it spectacular.
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Good morning hope you're having an amazing day. It's mark wiens, i'm in the southern thailand province of patalong and today is a special day because we're going to a market which is called - and this is a market where the entire province, people from the community gather together to bring their special and unique fruits and Vegetables, fresh market ingredients, but also there's an abundance of cooked food people coming from villages and preparing their special dishes, and so today we're gon na explore the market. We're gon na see some of the ingredients available, some of the unique and special products, and i'm gon na share this entire thai street food tour at the market. With you in this video it's a sunday morning, it's 9 a.m.

People are already starting to pour into the market. We haven't even entered the market, yet we're just walking in towards the entrance we just parked, but i'm already loving the feel of it. It's just so green, so natural surrounded by nature, i'm very excited. When i was coming when we were planning about this trip to patalong it's one of the the priorities, one of the things i was most looking forward to coming to, i mean just because this market, the community from all over patalon, gathers to bring their goods their Supplies their ingredients from their farm or their special dish that they cook that their family cooks, all in one place and just surrounded by the lush nature, welcome to the market, and we got here pretty early right as they opened.

So it's not too busy. Yet, although lots of people are are starting to pour in, but i i'm pretty sure in an hour or two, it's going to be packed here, there's a lot of organic, fresh local, vegetables and fruits. It's an amazing place to support small producers, just home farms or people just gathering fruits and ingredients from the trees from their backyards. Young.

This green market section is just spectacularly beautiful and everything is within natural packaging as well, within a banana leaf or banana husks packaging and baskets some really unique southern thai vegetables lots and lots of stink beans, lots of jengkol lots of chilies different types of eggplants. There's long pepper, there's some definitely some unique herbs and vegetables that i haven't seen elsewhere and, on top of the amazing produce just being able to shop within nature. Look those are trees up there, we're just completely surrounded by nature here we're under a canopy of trees. Oh, i love this market.

Live music also sets the tone. The aroma is just irresistible, it's too good to pass up and she had two different types of chicken. The red one is a sweeter one and she said the yellow one is spicy, but you can see that just glaze as they're grilling at diet. Definitely a lot of coconut milk, uh turmeric in the marinade.

Oh and just you can even see the kaffir lime leaves the herbs in there. It smells unbelievable, so i had to try this first, it's hot and fresh and wrapped in a banana leaf pop that out of the banana leaf wrapper, it smells so good. You can see the kaffir lime leaf there, i believe, and that coconut milk, marinade mixture and the spices are just embedded baked grilled roasted caramelized into the chicken. Oh wow, oh man, that's as good as it smells wow the lemongrass, though oh man a little bit spicy.
The richness of the coconut cream - it has an amazing herbal taste, especially from lemongrass and kaffir lime leaves, oh man, that's so incredibly herbal. That is so good and i've had like similar versions of guy young grilled chicken around thailand. But this is different. I think it's pepper, that's where the like spice is coming from.

Oh man that just melts in your mouth, i like things when they're grilled with coconut milk basted on them, because the that just kind of caramelizes and creates such a smokiness. This was a completely impulse purchase. I was just walking past and i smelled it. That's like some of the best grilled chicken i've had in so long you're, gon na wan na lick off all that coconut milk marinade.

I'm gon na knot on that bamboo to get all that flavor off wow. That was really good. I'm glad that was my first bite at the market, i'm in the middle of editing, this video, but really it's one of the best markets. I've been to anywhere in thailand, delicious food and surrounded by lush nature.

Two quick things number one. If you could quickly give this video a thumbs up, it will just take you one second, and it will really help this video out and then number two, the new t-shirt design, which is just a little bit different uh, the not spicy, not eating t-shirt, my pet. My gin is available now on the store, so i'll have the link in the description box uh. You can check that out and i want to say a big thank you for your support.

Let's get back to the video and thank you for watching this video as well hello. So next up i decided to go for some rice and curry. There's a number of different stalls that you can choose from, but i went to one it's a halal food stall. Really packed so the food looks really good and it's almost in the parking lot kind of just outside of the market.

Actually i mean it's within the market, just on the edge of the market. I got two different dishes on top of rice. This one is beef quickly which is kind of a dry, but slightly saucy, curry, lots of curry paste in there and there's pea eggplants and with beef. Oh man, it smells awesomely good, oh yeah, flavor, caked up onto every piece of beef.

You really taste the pepper and then the the dry chilies just start to you. Don't taste them at first, but as you keep on chewing on your tongue, you start to kind of feel the slight spice of it. That is awesome and i think those strips in there i think it's slices of galangal an extra edge of almost like herbal gingery-ness. It also adds a texture, it's crunchy, it's very crisp and then kang so, which is sour curry with uh bamboo shoots with fish and chilies and turmeric just an absolute classic of southern thai food omnipresent and it's usually a standard dish that you can rely on.
Uh, nice and sour a little bit spicy the vibrancy of the turmeric, and then this one with bamboo shoots have an amazing, crisp. Texture! Oh, is there some pineapple in there too, but it's not sweet at all a little bit of pineapple, but it's more of a sour pineapple. I think that's pineapple yeah, there's a pineapple, oh and it's heart, oh getting! Some is really good. It's spicy and very sour.

I mean that was a pretty typical plate of southern thai food, but really good awesome, curry, paste awesome, spices that was delicious. Okay from here, let's continue exploring. Let's walk around there's still quite a bit of market to walk around. We got to try some snacks and i especially want to try there's a stall where they're making fresh rice noodles with curry.

It looks it looks delicious this network of trees and vines and canals and just plant life growth is one of the coolest markets. I've seen in all of thailand, it's just so natural and so green. It's just so refreshing. One of the cool things at the market is that they're making fresh in thai.

It's called khanom jin, which is uh rice noodles. But this one is sensot which are fresh rice noodles often times. The batter is fermented uh, but this is the traditional way they squeeze the batter out of the top into the boiling water they're cooking over fire, and then that uh boils the the fresh rice batter. Noodles, i think he's gon na make it right now foreign come on.

That's the traditional way to make kanom jin senso. Here, that's a fresh batch and then they serve it right there. So you're guaranteed fresh rice, noodles, uh and boiled over a fire. He just twists that batter and then he has to cool the hot noodles in cool water, odd so that they don't stick together so that they remain separated.

I got the the which is it's like: a fermented fish curry and then with roasted fish. And then you come over and you can put vegetables on top of it and conveniently they have a table right here next to the stall and they're so cool, and these are again are the fresh noodles. I love all the different toppings that they have and i got some of that curry uh some of the maggatine which are wild, popping up seeds and then some pickles as well the black pepper in that curry. That's what immediately stands out and the umami from the fermented.

I think it's krill also from the fermented fish. The pickled bamboo shoots. Oh that's an amazing flavor and then all wrapped up with those noodles, you can taste the difference of those fresh rice, noodles they're. So soft they're, so silky they're, so just like they really just melt in your mouth they're, easy to digest.
They're yeah, the delicious of the fresh rice noodles, which have a neutral taste with that just powerful potent spicy, curry hello and you really do taste the difference. The freshest of those rice noodles that makes a huge difference just that soft silkiness is incredible: wow that was good um. It's a type of fruit, i think from a type of palm tree that comes from the rain forest in patalong from the mountains, the rainforest, but it's amazing. It's like this long strand, the string of fruit.

It would be so cool to see that in the rainforest, hey you empty out the fruit and it looks like a little jelly kind of similar to nipah palm, and so he puts that into a bowl, and he adds in a little bit of syrup and coconut Milk, i believe oh you're going you're going melt first, any kind of like little jellies from the rainforest. Oh, i just cannot wait to try it. Oh wow, those are like amazing. It does taste like it's a natural jelly, uh kind of i love it yeah.

It's so good, like kind of has a crispness of water chest on the inside, but the outside is just like this gelatinous jelly with almost a taro taste to it. He just put in a little bit of sweetness from syrup, i think, and then uh richness of coconut milk that just makes a natural, very textural dessert, sweet, snack, that's delicious and directly from the rainforest foreign. It's a southern famous southern thai puppetry known as and uh you'll, see the symbols of these puppets all over southern thailand um and he has a whole instrumental, that's so cool what he's doing telling a story with the puppets bye. Now that lunch is in full swing.

It's starting to get pretty busy at the market foreign next up and you can smell this from like across the market, which is called it's a fruit. It's similar to jackfruit, it's called champadak, it's so unbelievably aromatic and they're frying it up in a batter. I believe, with some coconut, it's just extremely ripe. He just opened one fresh.

He gave me a piece it's just like so pungent with a hint of fermentation, so sweet like honey, and he just opened the entire fruit like a flower, just like a budding flower and then she just stripped that off the inner core stem into the batter. That goes straight into the oil we're going to get some of the the fried jambada next one. This is so sticky and so like juicy unbelievable juiciness coming out of that um and he's just so incredibly friendly, just fried right out of the oil, it's hot, oh wow, oh you can eat the jamba dash seed on this one too they're tempered wow. It's kind of like potatoey or kind of like taro, oh man, that's so good! You taste the coconut.

You taste the sesame seeds in the batter. It's deep, fried it's hot wow! That's tasty they're starting yeah! There's like it is like taro um, so starchy. So hearty they're, so friendly they're, so cool and there's that fresh dumbbell, like literally, if you you, cannot walk past it without stopping because it smells so good. It's so fragrant.
People are just coming from all over the market ted they get their fried jambada. It's delicious! We're walking out of the market was the perfect way to end this thai street food tour and it's been just charming, pleasant and just fun and like just so nature oriented but one more snack on the way out, which is just fruit. Salad, which is salak, which is snake fruit. This area is just full there's tons of snake root, but i just had to buy it because her packaging is so creative and so perfect, serving it in a banana blossom leaf flower with even some of the banana flowers.

In it, i had to support her natural eco-friendly packaging, and i love snake fruit. On top of that, you'll find snake fruit around thailand, but the snake fruit in patalong. I think it's the best i've had of anywhere in thailand, sowed part, sweet and juicy all. At the same time, it's just a burst of like juice.

In your mouth i mean you would think you took a whole cup of juice, it's so it's it's that juicy! It's one of the most enjoyable markets, i've seen in thailand uh, it's so relaxing. Just because of i mean look at this nature. This is the the ceiling, the rooftop of the market um and just the entire community aspect of it nice to meet you yeah, yeah yeah and, as i was saying like so many cool friendly nice people, you'll just immediately notice the community here the greenness and i Was really surprised how many fresh vegetables and just organic produce fruits that you'll find here just an abundance man i wish i had a kitchen here. I would buy a bunch of ingredients.

You can make some amazing southern thai food from the ingredients available here. So that's going to be it for this video. I want to say a huge thank you for watching this video. Please remember to give it a thumbs up if you enjoyed it, leave a comment below i'd love to hear from you and if you're not already subscribed, click subscribe now and also click the little bell icon and that way you'll immediately get notified of the next video That i publish goodbye from the lush nature, canopy green market in patalong, and i will see you on the next video thanks again for watching.

By Mark

13 thoughts on “Street Food Jungle!! AMAZING THAI FOOD + Grilled Chicken in Tropical Paradise!”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Iris Bolotaulo says:

    I watch your channel and long for Thai food. Today I ordered take out roti after I watched your roti episode , also som tom,
    a papaya salad . The roti was sweet and the spicy coconut green sauce that came with it was also cloyingly sweet (is that how it is ?). The som tom was seriously sour , shrimp rubbery (overcooked) not fresh at all , not palatable . Total cost was
    US$ 25 which include 3 dollars tip. Dumped it in the trash. Now I'm still watching your channel drooling more than ever. I better learn to cook Thai. This border town is hopeless. All exotic food are Americanized, whether Chinese ,Vietnameseui, Korean , Thai , Mexican (truth).

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Erica Foster says:

    Mark, how do you introduce the spice that is in most of the food to Mica?

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Enes K says:

    I start smiling as soon as I hear Mark saying "I hope you are having an amazing day" 😁

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Zee says:

    that fruit is called MARANG in the Philippines i believe. it's expensive here.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars World Food - Tropical life says:

    I love your channel and your videos, i also live in Thailand and we made a food cooking channel on YouTube too with my Thai wife…you inspired us, even if our videos are different…thank you Mark, i would really like to meet you one day 🙏

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars AnaryaVhargon says:

    I always enjoy your video's a lot but I finally have the courage to ask you some questions.
    1. How the heck can you eat THAT spicy and still taste all the different spices. I mean, with the amount of Chili oil or powder you use … If I would do that, all my taste buts would be burned of my tongue hahaha
    2. Please give me your secret for staying so slim, you eat huge amounts of food and look at you! You have the perfect figure.
    3.When I go to other countries they always tell me NOT to eat from street food vendors because of poor hygiene or different bacteria we are not used to. Do you ever get sick or are you used to it.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars greg droddy says:

    Iove mark. Been watching hes videos for years. Im so sick of him with the thai land crap all the time!!!! Come to america for more than a day!! And anywhere else!!!! Hell greenland, australia, dumb as canada!! Anywhere else!!! Please!!!!

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bence Jones says:

    I sxually Identify as a Mark Wiens. Ever since I was a boy I dreamed of visiting third world countries and eating delicious food in front of poor, disgusting foreigners. People say to me that a person being a Mark Wiens is Impossible and I'm fckng retarded but I don't care, I'm beautiful and full of great foods. I'm having a plastic surgeon install short black hair, sociopath eyes and a 5/10 Asian wife to follow me around. From now on I want you guys to call me "Mark" and respect my right eat food in poor areas. If you can't accept me you're a Wienophobe and need to check your foodie privilege. Thank you for being so understanding.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Thai Girl in the Kitchen says:

    As usual, always see great videos from Mark 😄
    I love curries from Pattalung. It's the most delicious and spicy 🌶

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tamilarasan Subramaniam says:

    Hey Mark….I’m watching ur videos more then a year …All the content , editing and sceneries photos looks very beautiful… I love 💗 your channel..Keep adding more video on from India…

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hola! Joe Han says:

    Its also call "CEMPEDAK" in Bahasa indonesia..
    When combined with jack fruits (NANGKA) its call NANGKADAK

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nora G says:

    I just come across your channel and I don't think I've ever enjoyed watching a person enjoy food, your expression's are everything. Great channel

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars open door says:

    Iraq is one of the richest countries in the entire world, and the Iraqi authority and government sucks and plunders the goods of the country and people and deprives the people of that abundant good…

    It is unreasonable for retirees, their salaries are very low, not enough to live, and the minimum salary for retirees is assumed to be no less than 2000 dollars, similar to the neighboring countries and civilized countries that respect their people
    The salaries of Iraqi retirees are very small compared to the expatriate workers who work in the Gulf, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, the Emirates, Qatar, Bahrain and Oman (the worker’s salary is not less than 500 dollars and goes up to 2000 dollars and more, and the poor Iraqi retired’s salary is 300 dollars in the richest country in the world. moaning from extreme poverty

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