🍕New Haven Pizza Tour: https://youtu.be/yGKv4pZqOnU
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NEW HAVEN, CONNECTICUT: Sally's Apizza is another one of the greatest New Haven pizza (apizza) restaurants on the pizza route in New Haven, Connecticut. They are known for their massive oval shaped, extremely thin, coal fired pizzas, and they are life-changing.
Friends in the video:
🔹 Ray - Sally's Apizza: https://goo.gl/maps/Mh6SGgoiC885764f9
🔹 Colin - Taste of New Haven: https://tasteofnewhaven.com/
🔹 Follow Jeffrey Merrihue: https://www.instagram.com/jeffrey_merrihue/ - Stop by at Heroic Italian (https://g.page/heroicitalian?share) in Santa Monica and say Hi to Jeffrey!
🔹 Follow Jessica Jessica Hirsch: https://www.instagram.com/cheatdayeats/
🔹 Follow Jean Lee: https://www.instagram.com/jeaniuseats/
Sally's Apizza (https://goo.gl/maps/Mh6SGgoiC885764f9) - As we arrived to Sally's Apizza, we met up with Ray and Colin, who really helped us in getting a table and showing us around the pizzeria, with special permission to film inside the kitchen and see the amazing pizza production, and the coal fire oven.
We tried three different types of pizzas, a white potato pizza, a straight tomato pie with anchovy, and a Ray created special that was called the Firebird that included chicken, pepperoni cups, and a variety of peppers. All three were totally different, and each had a unique taste. What stands out so much to me is how thin the crust is at Sally’s so unbelievably thin and cooked perfectly. And additionally I loved their tomato sauce, tart and sweet, and it was some of the most balanced tasting pizzas I’ve ever had.
Along with Zuppardi’s, Frank Pepe, and Modern Apizza (Watch the video here: https://youtu.be/yGKv4pZqOnU), Sally's Apizza is a must eat pizza restaurant when you’re in New Haven, Connecticut, and one of the best pizzerias in the United States.
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Hey everyone hope you're having an amazing day. It's mark wiens, i'm in new haven connecticut. This is a pizza paradise and we've already gone on a full pizza tour of new haven. But today we're going to one more place.

It's called sally's abits. They have unique pizzas. They're known for their extremely thin crust and for their oval-sized massive pizzas, one of the most beautiful oblong oval pizzas. I've ever seen.

I'm hopefully going to have a chance to show you a little bit of the kitchen and how they make the pizzas and then we're going to order a selection of their famous pizzas and i'm going to share it all with you right now. I'm just loving how incredibly beautiful and green new haven connecticut is i mean, especially in the summer right now, even though it's and even though it's raining but the parks, the boulevards, the trees, it's such an incredibly beautiful city and then, of course, the yale campus is Spectacular, we parked a little ways down the neighborhood and we're walking to another legendary pizza place, hey you're, on youtube. My wife watched me all the time. Thank you very much.

Thank you. Thank you. So my name is rick mark. Did you know that? Do you know how you doing no hi, i know jeff, so we're just walking up to sally's and what's your name ray ray, it's so nice to meet you nice to meet you and raise the man ray.

Can you tell us that one more time this is sal back in the day and sell? He started this in 1938 with his with his mom and he came from frankie frank, that's frank's, pepe's, nephew, okay. He started working there first when he was a kid. Okay, just like me, i started working here when i was a kid and that's me in the background way back there. I was baking pizza here for a minute.

That's awesome, so cool right, you're gon na be in for a nice treat. Thank you ray nice to meet you and colin hello. How are you hello he's the mayor this is this. Is this? Is my pizza tour guide? This is the man right here yeah he is the guy that brings everyone from all around and brings them to all the pizza places here in new haven for the great taste of new haven pizza.

Awesome, i'm just a new haven lover. You got to love this town right, you got ta love it best piece in the world. I think we all know that, but i'm so glad that we can share it. That's what it's all about! Sharing right, food, everything's, scary! You guys are awesome sally's.

I can't wait, we got you a table by the way. Oh you guys are come on man. Thank you come on come on, you guys i'll tell you guys are the best. This is the original word, and this is where you know it started and um.

It's been off the charts ever since, and what year did sally start 1938 19 right here, yep right here and we're 83 years and going 84, so it's gon na be great ray is wow right now, he's vacuuming the oven? Okay, it's oven! It's from the 1900s. It's a very old oven as old as me. Maybe you owe me a mark come here mark, so this is where it burns. So this is this.
Is coal? Oh, what i don't! I don't want that melt yeah! I will. I don't want it. That'll melt! Some plastic cool: this is what we cook with look at these paddles. Look how long the peels are.

But oh man look at that. Oh man, it's so deep, yes, 10 by 10, oven, wow, oh man! This place is amazing. Amazing, i'm gon na make that coming out of okay you're an amazing pie. Awesome you guys order what you want, but i'm gon na make you something else.

Thank you. Thank you. Yes, i mean. I love the oven, how cheap it is watching it.

I watch it with my wife. Thank you so much killed me with it. I mean, but i love it. Thank you so much wow look how far back that goes.

Your name um. But yes, oh this beautiful, oh man, that's a large beautiful. Why, mike is getting some footage? Let me see where is that so much work so much respect and have so much fun at the in the process? This is truly an art. This is pizza.

Heaven, and this is unlike another pizza kitchen. I've ever seen anywhere in the world. Oh yeah, open that up right up open that up. Oh that's, the potato! Is this one? The special? This is the one.

I want you to try. Okay, this is a fire burp on the inside of each other. Oh yes, oh man, new year ray, is the one who hooked us up with this one. He said it's his special there's chicken on it.

I think i see some vegetables, some peppers and the pepperoni cups, which are actually like filled with oil and juices. From that bake, that char is just undeniable. That char is insane. Oh man, oh man, how do you like that? Wow? It's not going to taste, good, okay, okay, left to right! Look at the long slices! Oh man ray! Do we fold fold the way you eat it? Okay, hold it fold it down the middle.

There you go first, the special oh man, roni cup. These are the size. Just three pizzas takes up an entire picnic table, that's how big they are. Wow, perfect and thin and crispy and delicious all the tartness, the tartness of the tomato, the bell peppers on there, the chicken yeah and the crunch of that pepperoni.

Everything in the right proportion there's not too much of anything. The balance is perfect. It's all balanced mm-hmm. If you put too much you'll overkill it, oh it's a nice bite at the end, that's the most balanced pizza.

I've ever had before wow wow, not too much cheese, either. The perfect amount of cheese that charred crush is insane so next up for them straight from italy, white, potato white, potato pie, rosemary and onions that chard crushed wow all right that one got spicy wow all the rosemary right. After that, the potato is just like it. Crinkles up it's a little bit crispy, even the rosemary, the onions, the sweetness of the onions and then that thin crust, the rosemary potato, is so good yeah, that's insane, it's so good yeah and the onions, oh wow.

This is so great. That's incredible! Unlike another pizza, i've ever had the rosemary just makes it pop okay good got to move on to the last pizza, so tomato and anchovy. Look at that tomato sauce, how thin that is yeah. That was any thinner.
It would be transparent. It would be see through a pizza, wow, wow, salty, sweet crunchy. You guys ain't getting no drinks. Oh wow, that's just pure tomato yeah with the salty fishiness of those anchovies, the char of the crust, the crispiness love it.

I love the lightness of it. The the tartness of the tomato, the vibrancy of it just perfect, full of umami, perfect yeah right here, we're going to go back in for the potato rosemary and see if we can do a one biter slice. Oh, this is pizza perfection, the thinness, the balance of ingredients, the ratios not over cheesed tomato sauce, just bumping with flavor the pepperonis. You knew about that special right, oh yeah, that is uh.

That's one of my fault, nice. It is an honor to be hanging out with ray as well for this meal. Oh it tastes like some pickled chilis in here too. Yes, sir right yeah, oh yeah, chili, pepper, wow, crazily, good, just one more slice.

You can always go into my boy lose huh! You can always have one more slice, we're friends with them. We've been going there since we were yeah yeah, they are thinking. Then, once you start eating this pizza, you cannot. I guarantee you, you cannot stop, you want to divide it yeah and while all three of them are outstanding and irreplaceable they're special raised special, i think it's the ultimate balance of anything on a dough.

That's the best pepperoni i've ever had without a doubt, the burnt cups. All right, i don't want to grow in every slice pepperonis. They look pepperonis. That contrast of that charred crushed with that tart tomato sauce is perfection ray.

It was nice. It was a pleasure. Thank you, nice to meet you so cool. I loved it.

I'm glad. Thank you so much. That was a groundbreaking pizza life-changing moment for me. Never had anything like that.

The crust is so thin is the greatest like thin, topping balance creative creation, pizza creation that i have ever experienced. If you think about it, architecturally, how could a pizza be so thin and and not full, not fall down? It's uh, it defies gravity. Thank you to colin thank you to ray for the tour for hooking it up. Oh man, sally's since 1938, new haven connecticut, still going strong, that is a destination, and so that completes sally's, upbeats, outstanding quality and a perfect harmony of abits.

And so that's going to be it for this video on sally's, abits i'll have the information in the description box, and i want to say a big thank you to you for watching this video. Please remember to give it a thumbs up thanks again for watching subscribe for lots, more food and travel videos, and i will see you on the next video.

By Mark

14 thoughts on “Sally’s Apizza Review – BEST GIANT PIZZA!! 🍕 Coal Fired Pizzas in New Haven, Connecticut!”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Louie Littlefoot und Marönchen says:

    I really don't like Hessica Hirsch, Jean Lee or Jeffrey Merrihue and I hate when they are in your videos.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jonathan Smith says:

    mark , thanks for coming to new haven- too bad you didn't visit when the consiglio's were still involved in the business. it has changed, not really for the better. it is still the best in the elm city, but it was better when the consigliere brothers were still in the kitchen , and 'Flo' up front. be safe. ~ JDS/CT

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars 2pr04you says:

    Mark, брат,для нас из России ты стал родным,какой бы ты город не выбрал,
    какое время и место, мы всегда тебя горячо
    встретим,накормим,согреем,обнимем, и никогда не бросим,для нас ты
    Русский брат!

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars porkbelly0713 says:

    I had a pizza from Sally's a long time ago, I think it was 1980. I got the white clam pie and they still offer it. It was delicious but I could not eat all of it, so I saved the rest in the box covered to come back and eat it for lunch the next day. No, it wasn't going to spoil in any way, I left the aircon on about 66. But the hotel maids grabbed it before I could get there and I guess they threw it away

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars JP Marx says:

    Sally's would of been good.. however was so charred it was bitter.. not to mention that they don't sweep the oven either.. was a special trip for nothing but a waste of time and money. VERY DISAPPOINTING

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars sonya gonsalves says:

    Dang it I just wish I could just have a bite that looks so good in the way that they just put all their love and to make it in spreading the sauce with your hands and the cheese perfectly evenly spread out

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Harry Cooke says:

    Thank God you finally have a beautiful woman eating with you LOL I love uncle fester but my God

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Parker Penelope says:

    The secret of your future is hidden in your daily routine. Successful people do daily what the unsuccessful only do occasionally

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Grey Freeman says:

    Mr. Mark, I'm a New Haven native and life-long cook who started working at Sally's three months ago. I'm bummed I wasn't there to shake your hand. Thank you. I'll echo what some others said about you focusing on the eating experience. It makes ppl hungry and jealous and that's what we want.
    As a chef I've noticed that the simpler the menu, the better the food. This started as a poor man's food; even the way it's made was to make things easier and more efficient (imo). But that eventually gets honed into something undeniably artisanal.
    Yes, Sally's is expanding. Yes, some may feel it will never be the same. But I assure you as a lover of pizza that I have learned from the best and will continue to light up that pizza peel, churn out fantastic pizzas at the New Haven location, and PROTECT the honor of our pizza. That said, some of the best pizzeros will be at the new location…
    Thanks for reading everybody!

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars kzarius cook says:

    i like how its a mixture of diffrent races working in their. alot of these companies will only hire their own race of people.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mike Giordano says:

    Looking forward to Sally's opening soon in my hometown, can't wait to finally try it!

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Gianni Fraioli Models And Advertising Management says:

    Mark Wiens …Pizza Heaven??? do u ve ever seen anywhere in the world ???? ..Well for Pizza Heaven please come in Naples ..much better if inside Legion Campania ( where are placed in country towns the headquarters of N1 AND 2 OF THE WORLD FOR REAL …not in chatting! "I Masanielli" in Caserta "Pepe in Grani" in Caiazzo. ..for try what has been nominated HERITAGE OF UNESCO !!!!! A kitchen like that one …in Italy could never exist !!!! NAS DEPARTMENT CLOSES IT AFTER 5 MINUTES POST OPENING!!! either for cleaning or ..COAL IS INSANE !! we have used COAL in previous century as fuel for trains and ships !!! In Last but no least ..what they use calling "NEW HAVEN PIZZA" In reality is ….. PIZZA ROMANA TONDA ! (round roman pizza) not like it is used now ..but how it was till 70's -80's …somewhere till 90's in my native town before passing to the actual version named SCROCCHIARELLA ROMANA(hyper thin-tin round – crispy crust)

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars synseer 84 says:

    I know this ain't for everyone but i just imagine that the pepperoni cups are on another level!

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Meagan O'Dell says:

    Mark what happens to all the food that doesn’t get finished? Is it taken home or given to someone?

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