🇰🇷 Korean Street Food in Busan: https://youtu.be/1JIOAUEPYLQ?si=Mtay9n2-fIqnZWXA
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🌶 Ghost Chili: https://amzn.to/3PNTvNQ
SOKCHO, SOUTH KOREA - Today we’re in Sokcho, in the very northeastern part of South Korea. They are famous for squid sausage and for red snow crab!
Sokcho Tourist & Fishery Market (속초관광시장) - First we headed to the main market to eat some of the famous Korean street food snacks in Sokcho like caramelized chicken and potato pancakes. Caramelized Chicken - 20,000 KRW ($14.97 USD) per box
Jangteo Sundaeguk (장터 순대국) - Another famous food you have to try when you visit Sokcho is squid sundae - and sundae is typically blood sausage, but here they stuff the squid with rice and spices, slice it, dip it in egg, and pan fry it. It’s really tasty, especially in ox bone broth with real blood sausage.
Price: 12,000 KRW ($8.98 USD) per dish
Port Seafood Market (대포항수산시장) - Next we headed to the port seafood market where you’ll find live fish tanks full of seafood, and especially red snow crab. We had an impressive red snow crab meal with steamed crabs and a huge bowl of crab ramen.
Price: About 30,000 KRW ($22.46 USD) per crab
Thank you to KTO (Korea Tourism Organization) for sponsoring and making my trip to South Korea happen!
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The entire snow crab in a bowl of Raman Oh what a what a genius idea that is so much meat. It's unbelievable. Hey everyone, it's Mark we I'm in Soo South Korea and today we're going on a food tour to eat some of the most iconic Korean Foods smells unbelievable. Wow, it is a whole squid stuffed! People will travel from Soul and around the country here just to eat what they serve boiling down Ox bones to create a broth.

The most unique and delicious Korean Foods foods that you don't want to miss when you come here. Soo is known for its seafood and I mean that's really the reason I wanted to come here. We're beginning this food tour at the Central Tourist Market where some of the Korean street foods here are not seafood at all and they're one of the most popular things to eat in all of Socho. Nice! This Market is full of all sorts of things from street food snacks to fresh raw ingredients.

So it's all I mean walking streets here and we are now going down one of the main alleys of the market. Oh I Love it! Really clean, really open, fresh. Look at the vibrant Seafood Wow, look at those fish. Soon as we enter this alley in the market, you could just see why it's known as one of the seafood capitals.

Oh man, there's so many fresh vibrant Seafood Lots of fish, shrimps, squid. Oh and now we're starting to see some of the prized Seafood of Soo This is the place. Yeah yeah, us look like a lab. Here we are.

We found it. It is white and bright, almost to the point where you need sunglasses. But from what? I Understand people will travel from so and around the country here just to eat what they serve right here in. Soo Wow, that's straight up a science laboratory in there and we're kind of passing through the backside.

Okay, here's the front. Here's the front entrance. the storefront. Oh with a line with a que, oh look at there.

it's got a full conveyor belt production line. I Thought it was almost kind of quiet from the other side, but that's because we were on the the opposite side. This is the view from the storefront with the cashier where you buy it so they're straight up, boxed and ready to go. Yeah, there it is.

That's what we came for. Let's open the the gift. It is a straight up gift ready for the reveal here. Let's see.

Open it up. Oh not a reveal. Let's open it up again. Wow.

Fancy packaging. Here we go. I Think this might be the real reveal. Let's go there it is.

Wow! This is one of the most popular things to eat in all of So. Fried chicken. Nuggets of fried chicken in this Sweet Sticky Sauce with almonds with green chilies. Smells really good and served in a Christmas gift box.

Let's try it out. Wow, it's sticky. Sauce is really sticky. Oh wow, that's tasty.

M Okay, it is sweet, definitely sweet, but it has this incredible saltiness. The sauce is so sticky and I think it's so garlicky. that's like straight up garlic fried chicken m And even though it's cold or room temperature and sort of, the sauce has absorbed into this crispy breading. which kind of seems ironic for fried chicken that actually is part of the the attraction.
It just absorbs that sauce into that crispy batter. I Mean it's straight up these boneless chicken nuggets that have again that Korean addictive combination sauce of sweet, salty and hint of spiciness. Good little Chicken Box takeaway. Um and again.

Cold fried chicken. That's the way it's served. Okay, we're moving on. There's some more street food snacks that we got to try here before we then move on for the seafood meal.

Whoa! Is this one super sized? Oh yeah, this normal. SI Oh okay so these are not the same thing. it's different. Okay, wow.

the stall is extremely bright. Uh, but they specialize in all sorts of deep fried snacks as well as pancakes and something that this Market is also famous for is a potato pancake. so she's going to make one fresh for us right now. Apparently these ones frying were not the potato pancake.

That giant one that is the potato pancake that we ordered. Whoa! Look at the size of that spatula. It's huge. It's a specific spatula made just for the potato pancake.

Oh Beautiful. Flip. Nicely done. It's so big it makes a thud when she flips it over.

Oh and it oh it gets folded and patted down. Oh nice. Oh come. originally we were GNA just take it to go and eat it on the on the walkway.

but they have a nice dining room so I decided to sit down cuz this is quite a quite an obstacle to be able to eat while while standing up while holding. It's huge and this region is known for its potatoes. That's straight up smells like a hash brown. Grab a grab a bite with your chopsticks and then there's a couple of different sauces to choose from.

Oh it's really sticky and really hot. You can feel how sticky it is too. I'll go with the onion sauce. It's straight up is a hash brown.

This is more of a finer, stickier texture and more of a almost gooey gooiness to it. Really tasty. Uh, fried with oil set I Crispies on the edges. Let's try the other chili sauce.

Really hearty, really thick and filling and if you look at it really closely you can see actually the the shreds of potato. but they're really fine. Look at the very like almost noodle threads of potato. Maybe some potato starch in here too to make it so gooey.

Otherwise, I'm not sure how they could make it so gooey, so glutenous. and definitely with that sauce that makes it great with that crunch of onion as well. Mhm By far the biggest potato hash brown I've ever had and something I get that again is very popular ink. Cho It's tasty.

They definitely make this a family-sized pancake. m And there's still one more thing we have to eat before we go to eat the crabs. and this is another extremely popular food item that people come to. Silk Cho Just to eat.
And we got off one of the alleys from the main market and this is the place we're coming to try it out. Check out these jacuzzi sized pots! Whoa! Bone broth. Wow! So on the outside of the restaurant you'll see that they have these literally jacuzzi sized tubs just boiling away with this incredible Mei Aroma And actually the owner just mentioned that she's boiling down Ox bones to create a broth. but the dish that you come to eat here is and I think they combine it with the broth in some orders or some of the dishes that you can order.

but the actual dish that you come here uh is. If you've heard of Sundai sundai is the Korean blood sausage which they have on their men men to um and it includes blood. It includes uh sometimes rice or noodles which are stuffed into the intestines and then steamed or boiled to create a blood sausage Korean blood sausage. but in Soo one of the most popular uh things to eat is is a Squid sundai.

so it is a similar process but instead of using intestines instead of using blood it's a squid which all the ingredients and things are stuffed into a squid. then. uh so the squid acts as the exterior wrapper of the sausage and then it slic into pieces fried in egg and so we'll get a combination of both plus blood sausage. Plus there's no way we can leave out without trying this.

Ox Bone soup. Okay wow come some. The first thing that's come before the squids day is the boiling soup that Ox broth with mixed with Ox organs. uh mixed with their Sund on the bottom there and just that milky bone broth comes so hot, boiling in the earth and wear Bowl We got to just taste that that milky broth first.

Oh that's so hot. Oh man, all the flavor has come out of those bones. It's literally creamy, creamy milky. Yeah, it's has a strong oxy beefiness to it as well.

Oh man, really good. And then there is some kind of a a seasoning there, some kind of a seed in there that's also giving you some flavor plus some sliced up leaks as well. but you are intended to to season it with more chili pepper paste and if you want it saltier you can add some of the fermented shrimp as well. Let me add some of the pepper paste, stir that around and here comes the oh nice.

Okay, those are the dipping sauces. Oh nice. Oh the squid tund day comes on a sizzling. Skillet Oh that's beautiful.

It is a whole squid stuffed, fried egg battered and on a sizzling plotter. Okay, let's try again. Wow, that's hot. That is definitely extremely meaty.

Really good. All of the ox Parts just melt in your mouth. I'm going to go in for the squid Su day. What a fantastic, brilliant idea.

You can see the squid is the exterior. it's the wrapper of the sausage stuffed with rice, stuffed with maybe scallions and some other things. So you take this bite. Oh it's good and then you taste with some of the Pollock This is some of the Pickled pollock fish and this is the Chaser of choice that comes together with it.
Oh well, that has a sourness to it. tastes like candied soured fish dried wo that just bumps up the flavor. Squid Tunda is delicious though. It's like a full meal wrapped within a squid.

Man, the squid itself is so tender as well, not rubbery at all. Moving back over to the ox, you want to put some rice in your bowl. then Pi some of the ox soup. It's literally melted Ox organs and bones with some of that broth to create almost an ox porridge.

I'm going to add in some more of that pepper paste. plus I Think Definitely add in those fresh green chilies. add in some more broth. Okay and you've got a kind of a Ki an ox Ki here.

mhm oh those green chilies and then taste it with some of the radish kimchi. That one has a stickier sauce to it, almost like a like a jam. It's almost like a radish. Jam kimchi.

Oh man. mhm it goes great together within all the ox organs you have, all sort are different parts. Some bits are kind of gooey and sticky, some pieces melt in your mouth. other pieces have this cartilage crunch to it actually.

I Almost forgot about the the actual sundai. the actual blood sausage which is in the soup as well. and this is the real blood sausage. I think it's rather than rice I think it's noodles in there and you can see scallions.

It kind of like exploded from the wrapper. Oh man, that's good. Oh oh, it has a a unique herbaceous Aroma to it. almost tastes like pero or some kind of a spice to it.

Oh man, it's extremely tasty. Going back into the Squid tday, this is really really something special I mean it's just just such a wonderful natural thing to do with Squid stuff it with even more deliciousness. Man, this is the type of dish that will just warm you all the way into your stomach, into your soul. Along this entire alley, there's probably a dozen different restaurants that sell exactly the same thing Sund with the ox bone broth.

but the particular place that we went to is called Chanto Sund and highly recommend it. They're really friendly. Okay, from here we are continuing on to the seafood meal. About a 10-minute drive away is the next market and this Market is known for its red snow crabs.

especially the east coast of. Korea You'll find tons and tons of red snow crabs, one of the prizes of the sea. And as you can see up there, this cluster is known for their seafood and especially their crabs. So we're going to walk around, we're going to see some of the market and then we are definitely going to try some crab.

He's finding us three of the best Soo Snow crabs. So we're going to have the full Soo red snow crab meal and they're going to make three different crabs three different ways. I Think we'll we'll have to see how they prepare them. We're getting a whole basket full of seafood.
He's got some sea squirts, some octopus, some clams, some Abalone goes right into the seafood cleaning room. Oh, we're eating a lot of sea squirts today. Oh, there's one of those guys. a sea hot dog.

Oh, immediately into the steaming containers. Oh, there's so there's three snow crabs and one of the the white crabs. Okay, and that's the steamer right there. Wow, that's fast, Straight from the tank, straight to the steamer on the sidewalk right here.

Oh the N Tong Kong fresh octopus, sesame seeds. oh ready to go? Oh the Abalone Kumbo okay TBO tongbo fresh abalonus fresh as it gets and I think we'll be eating the the Abalone raw. Oh the SE oh yes, there's a lot of juice that comes out of it and makes sashimi. and then the sea squirts.

Oh yeah, the sea squirts are always a unique creation as well. Oh that whole little raw seafood platter is ready. The crab needs to steam for about 15 minutes. In the meantime we have all their fresh seasonal Seafood that they it's kind of like Chef's Choice because it's all whatever is in season for the moment.

What they have in the tank that they'll give you kind of as appetizers kind of as side dishes. So that included the Naki which is the the chopped up fresh octopus that included the sea hot dogs, the sea squirts Abalone And then they also gave us this amazing dish which is actually looks kind of like frozen raw fish sliced really thin and it looks like ice. It actually looks kind of like a seafood Bing Su and I think we should begin with this cuz this is the most unique dish out of all of them. We've tried all of these other other Seafoods and they're all just like pure Seafoods this one is actually like a straight up Seafood Bing Su Oh so there's raw fish on top and then you mix the whole thing up it is straight up ice.

Whoa! This is a unique one. Totally different from anything I've seen ah in this area. It's mostly popular or is it popular across the East Coast Okay, especially on the east coast of Korea Maybe. Okay, let's let's give this a try.

Wow W It's cold. mhm Wow that is a straight up. Seafood Slushie Yeah it's so cold we will like yeah we'll give you a brain freeze if you take too big of a bite. Even the fish on top is kind of frozen so it makes it really easy to chew.

and then it's actually kind of sweet and spicy. and you taste the Sesame So it is like a frozen guch. Chang pepper paste mixture with that slices of raw fish that kind of goes up your nose a little bit that is unique and icy. Okay let's try some of the other time for the sea squirt.

I Got to admit the sea squirt is not my favorite item from the sea. they're just so Briny So salty. but we got to give it a try every time we have a have the opportunity. Wow oh that one is like you almost feel this ammonia coming out of it.

almost goes up your brain a little bit. Really tender though. No doubt that's the most seafoody thing you'll ever taste. Plus this bitterness to it, that's definitely an advanced.
Seafood I'm going to add some soy sauce to the the Wasabi fresh Abalone Oh man that man, that sea squirt was. that was intense. It has this bitterness to it, but as soon as you finish eating it, that bite, it leaves this coats your mouth in this sweetness. It's really a unique thing to eat that's without a doubt something that everyone should try at least once.

Okay, here we go. The Abalone wow oh that is. Oh man, that's good. It is so crisp Abalone is literally feels like cartilage in your mouth.

Oh that's spectacular. Okay time for the sea hot dog. little strand. Whoa.

it slides up the Chopsticks this one. This one also needs a full submerge. plenty of Wasabi I mean paste is kind of neutral compared to the SE squirt has a sweetness to it. more of this like gummy gooey texture.

Chewi we to it Man that that raw seafood Samplers platter right there. That's just like all three. totally different textures, totally different flavors. Try this raw slices of fish.

Oh wow. oh that's outstanding. That fish is straight butter. oh man.

not chewy at all. Melts in your mouth. Outstanding. Okay and then we have the Naki This is the octopus.

Again, a really chewy texture. sprinkle with some sesame seeds. That's all. Actually, sometimes they put uh, sprinkle sesame oil on it.

This one has no sesame oil. it's just pure. Out of all of the Seafoods I got to give it. up for the Abalone That's probably the prize of the the Raw Seafoods today.

Okay, Oh, they serve it to you hole like that. Okay, and what he's doing is, he's taking all those Le and he's just taking the knife and just slicing down that shell. Look how that's how soft the shell is. He could just slice that knife.

Now the plating of it. beautiful. Oh it's going into steam again. So we're going to go back to the table and should be ready very soon.

So we've got the whole crab sculpture here. We also have just the whole crab which he's going to show us how to cut up and eat first. Okay, yeah, so scissors. and again, that shell is so soft.

Cuts off one of the legs. Oh that's the claw actually. Oh and that just pops out. The meat just pops out.

Oh nice. Oh, revealing that beautiful crab meat on the inside. Oh, he pulled it through. He pushed it through.

That's like a crab straw. Just push the meat through, the juices, come out the side, pull apart the head, the juice, the tamale. Oh and it's full of meat too. All that row is what you want to eat.

Okay, what a pro! Yeah, he completely dissects that crab in a minute. Man, he is an absolute snow crab. Pro He dismantles your entire crab within a minute and shows you how to even some tricks about eating it using all natural utensils using its own shell as the utensil. They create such a beautiful display is that a symmetrical wheel? a crab sculpture? and I love the color, the orange red color.
So I think we just have to start with one of those actually? where were those ones that he kind of scooped out as those little? well anyways, here's one of the ones that he poked through using its own shell. It's kind of like one of those Pope ice when you poke that stick through the the ice and keep popping it up. except crab. M Wow.

Oh, it's so juicy too and such a silky texture that is outstanding flavor. That's why this is the quintessential meal of So Cho that is one of the silkiest textured crabs you'll ever have. So silky, buttery, just melts in your mouth. And when I asked him what sauce to you use, he said no sauce.

all you want to do with the crab is eat it straight or dip it into the head juice. Okay, and you can keep on pushing it all the way through to get everything. Wow, that's fantastic. It's not overly Briny or salty at all, just straight sweet.

I'm going to grab one of those legs and do the other technique that he did so using the the tip of the claw, you can then scoop it, scoop it, and just grab it all using the the tip. Bunch it all up. Oh, until you get the whole, dip it into the juice. The tamale.

Wow. that is truly extraordinary. And the crab itself is really light, really fluffy, not too rich. Moveing to try that claw.

And when you dip it into the tamali that that row head butter gives it a little bit of a more complexity, like a little bit of a bitterness. Oh man, that is so just sweet. almost syrupy sweet. It's so sweet, naturally.

The claw, as usual, has a different texture, more fiberous, more stringy, but still really tender. Really juicy. Man, that's tasty. I Think one of the things about this gravage.

It's so. the shell is so tender you can just hand it so convenient. Massive scallop. Huge meaty scallop.

Oh man, oh it just splattered me in the face. Oh man, that's sweet as well. so sweet. And Meaty oh man, that's good that melts in your mouth I might dip a little bit more into the other half into the Wasabi though.

Wow, those are some of the juiciest scallops ever. I mean I Think what's good about this seafood restaurant is that they serve what's fresh, what's seasonal, what's local. And I mean that is what they truly do best up the head. And there's one more piece of the crab that we haven't tried yet.

the body section with the meat with the row on the inside. Again, it's so juicy. it's amazing how the shell is just almost like plastic. It's just so soft.

Oh he did slice it. Oh man. Incredibly stringy, incredibly juicy, the texture. and you've got a little bit of that roow mixed in which gives it just a hint of this this like complexity condensed crab flavor.

It is an incredible crab. Let's try one of these M sweet, a little spicy Vish Okay so we're going to finish off the crab, pop this all into your milk, and in the meantime with all the remainder py from the head, they whisk the heads off into the kitchen. They're going to make a bbam of fried rice with the crab head. Juiced Butter Bring it back to the table.
That body section is really good too. Again, all the different textures from the different body parts of the crab. There it is the Hedge It's absolute crab happiness. So it comes back from the kitchen.

Crab row, head, butter, juices all fried up within fried rice stuffed back into the shell. You can see some seaweed in there on there topped with sesame seeds and you can see it's it's actually a little bit pink from all of that. just like sauces juices are never wasted in. Korea Oh, it smells so good.

The aroma of the crab. What a fantastic use of the crab juice. because it it's not overpowering it Just absorbs into the rice giving it that flavor and Aroma and the richness. Oh and I want to taste that with kimchi all coming together in your mouth with the Christmas of the Cabbage the chili and another move we have to do, just pour on, pour on the entire bowl of kimchi, mix it into the head.

Oh wow mhm Happiness. Oh man. I Thought we had already reached the Pinnacle of crab, but they took it to the next level. A whole snow crab.

It's a smaller snow crab, but the entire snow crab in a bowl of Raman. This is another one of their Specialties right here. Oh what a genius idea. That broth, the aroma, all of the shell boiled in the soup.

The noodles. oh what a what a genius idea this is. Straight Up Next Level Oh, and that means all of the head juices have seeped into that broth. Let's just try that broth first.

Wow. Salty, sweet from the crab, the sesame seeds. oh man, that's good. Okay, some of those noodles mhm.

springy, slightly chewy, some bean sprouts in there, one another. Just totally awesome usage of the snow crab. Yeah. Mama and you can never have enough s Snow crab.

Oh man. oh when it's in that soup, it just absorbs all of that broth. mhm man. Okay, I Thought the rice was a grand finale and that is a grand finale, but the ramen is an absolute must to finish off your meal.

Absolutely a quintessential experience, especially in silk. Cho especially on the eastern coast of Korea the Red Snow Crab is a prized delicacy and it's been everything that I had hoped for and more. I Honestly had no idea what to expect. Uh, but that turned into a gourmet thrilling straight up Chef's Table Red Snow Crab Meal experience.

Oh what a meal some people might come to soo for that Fried Chicken but I can guarantee you I'll be coming back for the Red Snow Crab and that was by far the Highlight that it's so good. Everything about that restaurant. the experience was so good. straight up.

Gourmet And from here actually, we continue on with this ultimate Korean road trip. We're heading back to Soul and that's actually going to complete our entire trip. We did an entire circle around the entire South Korean Peninsula for some of the most unique, some of the greatest Korean Food So make sure you watch this entire series. It's been a phenomenal Korean food experience and also a huge thank you for watching this video.
Please remember to give it a thumbs up if you enjoyed it. Leave a comment below I'd love to hear from you and if you're not already subscribed, make sure you subscribe now for lots more food and travel videos. I'll see you on the next video.

By Mark

16 thoughts on “Red snow crab!! giant crab ramen street food in korean seafood capital!”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars AR-Sith F.Austin says:

    Yeah, it's easy to make gooey when it's way undercooked. Needed to be thinner and more crisp.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars WendyEATS says:

    Wow!! Im hungry now!

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars AR-Sith F.Austin says:

    That box of sticky chicken looks pretty good. Needs to be hot though…

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ульяна Черненко says:


  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars bixby9797 says:

    Love not only the production quality of your video's but how happy you are trying different foods around the world. You lead the way in letting people know to stay out of the chain restaurants and seek out the local food. It's always better no matter if a small restaurant, walk up mall food from a stall or eating on the street at a picnic table from a food truck or open air vender.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Shree igloo🏕 says:

    Different varieties and nice to you on new discover

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Eddy E. says:

    I certainly understand how appealing shellfish can be. However, this type of crab has been overfished, and its population has declined sharply, but the people of southern Korea don't care. And it looks like you don't care either? And if you don't know, that makes it even more worse! You shouldn't eat them! You should know that if you run a YouTube channel like this! It means responsibility and not – eating everything that creeps and crawls on your visits in such countries.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars mamatha'skitchen&beauty says:

    Impressive ❤

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Seymur isgenderli says:

    I watch you from Azerbaijan.there is your name our books.l have found you there

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lee Chang says:

    Mark Wiens for President of Planet earth. We all get universal pass port so we can travel around the world to try food 😅

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tuff Shorty says:

    Post more often

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Pratik Pote says:

    I just don’t get him. How does he eat that hotter food and not get burns? 🥵

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars LINY's Cooking & Traveling says:

    Interesting food. I wish to go to Korea to test all the food there.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lothaim says:

    Where you need to be if you need the steam

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Aggie Kromah says:

    This is very delicious I love sea food thanks Mark.😁🙏🏿🙏🏿

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Мирзахан Кадыров says:

    Will you make video about France street food

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