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📍 Nong Yao Restaurant (ร้านอาหารนงเยาว์ (ป่าไม้ เจ้าเก่า): https://goo.gl/maps/Qp7q8i1s9kcAvkcB6
SONGKHLA, THAILAND (สงขลา) - Welcome to Songkhla, a province, and city in southern Thailand. It’s one of my favorite places in Thailand, with a fantastic mix of people, history, and delicious food. Today we’re going to eat at a legendary Thai rice and curry restaurant called Nong Yao Restaurant (ร้านอาหารนงเยาว์ (ป่าไม้ เจ้าเก่า). They serve many unique Thai dishes that are rarely available elsewhere.
The restaurant is so laid back and very locally popular. Aunty has been cooking for around 50 years, and her cooking skills are insane. She tosses ingredients in, sloshes things around, all within an ancient kitchen.
Along with you variety of Southern Thai rice and curry, you have to try something that you have to eat in Songkhla is called kai krob, which are salted egg yolks and two are stuck together - they sort of look like a butt!
This place serves amazing food, highly recommended when you visit Songkhla, Thailand.
📍 Nong Yao Restaurant (ร้านอาหารนงเยาว์ (ป่าไม้ เจ้าเก่า): https://goo.gl/maps/Qp7q8i1s9kcAvkcB6
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Good morning hope you're having an amazing day, it's mark wiens, i'm in the old town of songkla. This is one of my favorite old towns in thailand, the culture, the history and especially the food. Look at that yolk and today, uh we're gon na go check out. It's a cow gang restaurant, a thai rice and curry restaurant, but they serve kind of like thai chinese malay, all things songkwa food.

It looks like you're going into a market to eat and the family that cooks, the family that runs the restaurant they're. Absolutely legendary they've been uh running the restaurant, for i think at least 50 years cooking. Her cooking skills look insane gon na eat a bunch of traditional thai songclaw, rice and curry. In this video, i'm gon na share all of the food all of the cooking everything we do everything we eat with you in this video i mean.

Definitely one of the highlights of being in the old town of songkla is just walking around the narrow streets. The architecture, the mix of chinese thai malay, even portuguese, influence the narrow alleys, the old buildings, the murals on the walls, the little shop house, restaurants, the melting pot of cultures that have formed the identity of the old town in san cla; okay, yes, okay! So it's not actually in the market, but it when you get back here. It does look like a market, a beautiful opening, all the age, the history. You can just feel the history here um and this place is known for their cow, gang rice and curry, local style, oh man, i love this place, the smell of the curries and they cook everything over fire over charcoal still, so it has this smoky flavor.

This is just complete old school thai southern thai rice and curry. You smell the turmeric, the chili's in the air. What a spot you know, foreign smells incredible: the herbs the spices are just wafting and the smokiness of that charcoal just wafting through this restaurant. Okay up, oh even the chairs, even the chairs are cool, but everything is so old.

So traditional you do not find most of these dishes at other restaurants or at other curry stalls throughout thailand or even in sunclaw. This is extremely traditional old school hard to find rare dishes. I'm ecstatic to start eating, and just as i was about to dig in about as we were about to eat, she brought us some cause. He said if we had gengson, we had to order a little bit of the sweet, pork, the sweet, pork right and there's another thing too.

So she she just kindly gave this to us and came to that's how nice they are here, but some amazing looking dishes. These egg yolks kai club, oh yeah, kai krob. These are egg duck egg yolks, which somehow have just expanded. She said it's not too salty.

I think they're preserved a little bit, but it almost looks like a peach. Look at that. It's like a bright orange peach. Never seen duck eggs like duck egg yolks like this, i'm going to start with this penang curry, making sure to get some of that kaffir lime leaf.
Oh it's kind of crispy. It's kind of feels fried crispy, fried fragrant all that spice caked up on the meat that is tasty. You immediately know it's penang, but without all the gravy, without all the sauce, the balance of sweet citrus spiced, it's almost nutty tasting too. That is tasty and this is actually famous in sungla, but i've never tried it before just an entire.

Oh, it's like a double. Is it? Oh, it's two yolks together, it's too stuck together! Ah now i see oh now you can see the yolks, oh man, that is awesome, and then you take a little bit. You don't want to one bite this because it is rich and maybe a little bit salty, but you can just eat it with rice or you can eat it with curry. Oh wow that texture, it's so silky, smooth, salty, rich and creamy.

Oh, that is rich. That feels like butter in your mouth follow that with a little bit of the the gaengchi there's minced pork in here - and these are ivy gourd leaves well that's just simple. I love ivy garlics. They have a kind of a spinach but a nutty taste to them and garlic in there garlic, and i can't wait to try the green curry, traditional style.

You see the thick rich, coconut milk pieces of beef in here, uh, pea, eggplants and also lots of lots of thai basil sweet basil in here. Look at the richness, the rich thickness. Oh man and beef with green curry with beef is one of my favorite. I mean it's my favorite type of green curry, so i need them.

I see green curry, especially a traditional style with beef. Oh it's, the best, oh wow, that's extraordinary, thick and rich from coconut milk. You taste the spice blend in there, the green chilies, the sweetness of the thai basil, the cumin seed in there, and then the the pieces of beef that just soak up all of that green curry. Sauce, that's delicious! That is just the real deal: authentic, traditional thai, green berry, okay and next up.

I even love these metal bowls that they serve you in it could not get more classic than this, and this one is the curry, with the kaimenga, the horseshoe crab eggs again, i've. Never seen a curry like this before and i think she said, there's a pineapple in here too, and you can see all those little beads, all those little beads are the eggs. Oh, what a dish the pineapple in there, it's sweet and sour and so juicy the coconut milk. In there, the horseshoe crab eggs are a little like they're, like mini yolks, they're starchy they're rich.

Oh, that's unique! Something i've never had before and they gave us another dish to try they're so nice, okay, it's so fruity. I just want to say a huge thank you for watching this video. I hope you're already enjoying it, but right now, if you could quickly click like on this video, you would be a huge help and it will just take you one second. So thank you in advance for clicking like on this video.

It's rice: it's chicken, curry, there's sweet shrimp, there's ikan bilis, i believe, which are uh, dried, fried anchovy or some type of fish, there's some different types of sambal, a tamarind sambal and a spicy sambal. What you do is you mix it all together, so they wanted us to try that that's awesome. I want to try to get a little bit on every everything: the chicken, the shrimp, the fish, the sambal, that balance of sour tart sweet, spiced fishy. That is an amazing balance of flavor, but really sour and sweet mostly time to dig into the gang zom and she just refilled us up with more bamboo shoots.
Uh hot bamboo shoots: oh man, okay, so, and you can see, look at the oils of the fish coming out on that broth. On that, on that curry sauce, the turmeric is blooming, the chilies, the garlic everything here is absolutely outstanding, and that goes for the food and the hospitality. Oh man, the gang sound is amazing, too, just sour and spicy. That's it and that crunch, especially of those fresh bamboo shoots.

She instructed us also to eat the gengsum, along with the the moonwa and the sweet, pork, okay, and then take that sweet pork with the with the bamboo shoots. Well, that works one last bite of the egg yolk and i'm gon na pair, that with green curry, green curry is amazing and that the silky rich butteriness of that egg yolk it's like having a block of butter on your rice as soon as i've almost finished. One dish she brings another dish like it's a never-ending curry meal because of their amazing hospitality. They just keep bringing us little dishes today, she's like taste, this tastes.

This i mean she just brought us the dish of the gengari, which is like a it's. A chicken curry um, it's kind of a more like an indian spice blend dry dry, curry spice blend. Oh, that's awesome! Yes, the coconut milk that blend of coriander seed coriander seed in there cumin firmaret um, oh um, i'm having the honor to come back into the kitchen to watch her as she's cooking. She is a true master.

She, oh, we can all learn something about cooking from her she's 74 years old. She wakes up at 3am every day to cook and how it works here is she's, just cooking continuously from 3am until about noon or until about 1. um and her secret, she said, is she only cooks, small batches, i mean, along with her immense experience. She doesn't cook a massive wok.

She only cooks, one bowl of that dish and then her daughter who dishes everything out. She was telling she was explaining to us that if you come at a different time, you'll get different dishes. So if you come at 7am you'll get the dishes that she cooked, then because then they sell out of those and then they won't sell it later. You know she just continually cooks, so you never know exactly what you're gon na get well.

She cooks, small batch portions to control the flavor that immense experience and her style just chucking ingredients seasoning in sloshing around in the wok adding in soup the smoke rises, the chili fumes, the smoke, oh she's, an absolute master, so much style, so much character and they're. So nice, oh okay, my hub, there you go, let's go foreign, oh okay, foreign she's, so nice and talkative. Also, once you get to hanging out with her in the kitchen she starts talking. She i asked her how long she'd been cooking.
She said about 30 years, and then she said, oh, maybe about 40 years and then her daughter says 50 more than 50 years. Actually she could close her eyes and cook. She is the utmost mastery of pie, cooking, unbelievable skill, unbelievable style, just chucking things in without even thinking, wow i'll, tell you how you know someone with cooking experience. With her bare hand, she grabs, chopped ground, chili and just sprinkles it in oh man.

For most of us, our hands would just be burning for the rest of the day for the rest of the week. She just does it effortlessly and one more thing to mention. There is a sushi who helps uh, prepare the ingredients who chops the chilies, who chops the garlic who peels things, but she she cooks, every single dish, everything you order who you're here passes through her her wok, her her cooking everything you order here: okay, oh man, She is she's like a mom to everyone, what extreme cooking skills oh and they brought us more dishes to try all those dishes. So, theoretically what you could do you could come here at like 8 a.m as they open you could have one round.

You could wait. Another hour you could order more dishes. Wait another hour order, more dishes. You could be all the way until 1pm when she finished with when auntie finishes cooking, and then you get the full spectrum, but then you'd probably eat like 50 dishes, which, if you can handle it, you can spend the entire morning here and you'd.

Be really really happy and really full uh muhong but um. So this is a braised thai chinese dish. Wow! That's a pork belly chunk right there. Oh man, it's just melting though, and then uh with quail eggs.

I've never seen it with coil eggs before there should be pepper in here and again, just traditional cooked look at that. Oh man, oh wow, that glazed sweet, salty, fragrant, pepper the chinese spices in there, the anise star hand is in there. This is one of the dishes that i saw her make, which is frog. She added in a ton of chilies, a ton of garlic and a ton of basil.

I probably have to pick out a little one, maybe eat the bones: oh yeah, oh yeah, the flavor of that curry, paste the chilies, the garlic, oh man, the fresh, powerful flavor of that basil and the lime leaves in there too finely dreaded it's so fragrant. Next up she said this is really one of their special dishes um, and they only make it once a week. It is such a mix match of different ingredients from shrimp to pork, belly to pork, skin, to peanuts to chilies and ginger talk about uh, a mash-up that is a textural dream. It's gelatinous, it's cartilagey! It's crunchy! It's crispy! It's nutty from the peanuts.
You taste the chili, you taste the ginger, you taste the little lumps of fatty skin from the pork. It's almost like a snack food. Next, up for the pat stink beans, there's shrimp, there's pork, there's onions, there's chilies in here, and i think it's like a shrimp paste. I think a shrimp fish.

It's like a peel one, sour sweet and sour much more sour than sweet. It's called priyawan kapi! It's shrimp paste, but with uh lime juice with lime juice in there to make it sour i'm sweating. My shirt is drenched what a meal and they just kept, bringing more and more dishes, as they came out, sticky, rice and durian for dessert. That's one of the greatest desserts, oh one of that one of the greatest desserts period, one bite of sticky, rice, durian and again that is so so incredibly fragrant, and this is gon na be my final bite.

I am at the maximum capacity. That's extraordinary! The creamy sweet durian and it's actually, oh, it's salty, it's almost more salty than sweet. That brings out the flavor of the coconut milk and the custardy durian, and the the sticky rice is kind of al dente. So it has a little bit of a chewy texture to it.

What a way to end what a bite. I think we started off ordering just four four dishes: we ended up eating at least a dozen different dishes. She just kept bringing them bringing them and then to be honest, i have no idea how much it costs she charged us just 300 baht for everything all 12., that was a straight-up buffet of thai traditional sunclaw, rice and curry. I need to take a rest now.

I need to lay down 14 dishes. 15 dishes. Okay, you just counted 15 dishes, but this is the location from the outs. There's no there's not even a name on the outside right, there's, not even a name on the outside.

The restaurant is called and it's right across the street from wat dan yeah wat, daniele temple. I loved everything about this and i am stuffed and sweaty and i need to lay down so i'm going to end the video right now. I want to say a huge thank you for watching um i'll, have the information in the description box that you can check out and big. Thank you to you for watching this video remember to watch more videos in this series from songkla and hatyai and south of thailand, lots more incredible, incredible food, incredible people, and thanks again for watching.

Please remember to give this video a thumbs up if you enjoyed it and also make sure you subscribe and turn on the little bell icon, so you'll immediately get notified of the next video that i published goodbye from old town. Songkla see you on the next video.

By Mark

15 thoughts on “Pro Grandma Chef – 50 YEARS COOKING!! Insane Thai Street Food in Songkhla (สงขลา), Thailand!”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Muka Justine says:

    According to your videos all the foods in the world test very good 👍🏾👍🏾 magnificent 👌 no need to test

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kristy Burroughs says:

    I am really enjoying this video! Grandma Chef is fabulous 💕🙏🏼 I hope and pray people treat her well

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Weng Kwong Wong says:

    Wonderful video….!!!!! Nice food…..anyway how about a shave???…. I think you looks much younger with a clean shave … thanks Mark.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jacquelyn H Everett says:

    I won't lie. I'm addicted to your videos. But, the talking with the mouth full of food is causing me to have flashbacks of my childhood…

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Chada tirakul says:

    Thank you, Mark. We will go there next time when we go back to Hat Yai ( my home town)

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars nirvanagift888 says:

    Hi Mark! Thanks for coming to my hometown! The sour soup you had is southern style, the color is not bright orange as central of Thailand style, it is more yellowish, spicier, and sourer. I adore this soup so much (i love sour taste). I recommend the sour soup with coconut shoots and fish. Bamboo shoots will do fine as well. And the duck egg yolks you had, it's local food of Songkhla. It's quite like salted egg but it's not that salty, like you said, it's more creamy and buttery with less salty. And the granny who cooked spoke in southern accent. (When she said No in Thai) Her cuisines make me mouth-watering. I miss Songkhla real much!

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars XIE xie says:

    I have been Thailand twenty times,some Thai food I am like too much,some curry too strong taste,too spicy 🌶

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Joe Champion says:

    I troll Mark a lot, but this, THIS is my favorite episode EVER! Need to go back to this restaurant and make a video at least 3 times a year

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Gweneth Hanam says:

    You have some mad skills auntie, if you were able to fill this guy up to the max! Thank you mark for visiting this lovely place and sharing it with us.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars rileyplaxton says:

    Lol Mark just got adopted in this episode. Can't stop smiling at his pure joy. So jealous!

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Yirmi Kashung says:

    Where does all that stamina and swiftness come from? Also a 74 year old..woww..I'd sleep for a whole week if I've to work like her for a day! Respect !!!💯

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Gabriel says:

    I love Thai people, I worked at a Thai place in LA the cleanest and strictest, lol. Genuine, awesome loving people. Ja

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars fwd_thinker says:

    Like father like son…Michah is still eating hours later, too, LOL! Although he looked a little glazed over, hahahaha. I know I would be too. Looks so delicious.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars alex tuck says:

    That's why I wanna go to thailand so bad! these flavors will blow your taste buds away! love thailand! and vietnam! any asian food is aweseome!

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars alex tuck says:

    Can Mark do anything wrong? For real he is awesome and I love him and his family!

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