๐Ÿ• Chef Bing Pizzeria in Bangkok: https://goo.gl/maps/K6RY3Qfn41S2Rxgm9
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BANGKOK, THAILAND - Today weโ€™re going to ChefBing Pizzeria, where Chef Bing serves amazing New York style pizza in Bangkok, Thailand! What I think is so amazing about Chef Bingโ€™s pizza is that he makes both traditional classic NYC pizzas and also makes pizza with a twist of Thai flavor and ingredients. The combination is amazing! #Pizza #NYPizza #Bangkok
Chef Bing has an amazing story. He lived in NYC for over 30 years, and so spent most of his growing up years in the US. He also worked as a chef in NYC, but surprisingly, not as a pizza chef. A few years ago, Chef Bing came back to his home country of Thailand. As a challenge, and to try something new, Chef Bing started experimenting making pizza, and after a lot of testing and trying, came up with his recipe for NYC pizza, and started Chef Bing Pizzeria.
It was so cool to watch Chef Bing in the kitchen making his pizza. He did everything with such precision and care, with extreme attention to detail - this is without a doubt one of the top reasons why his pizza is so outstanding. He takes care of every single pizza he makes.
We ordered 2 pizzas, a classic tradition of half cheese and half pepperoni, and a Thai topping pizza of grilled pork neck, culantro and toasted sticky rice. Both were fantastic. I did really love the traditional, with cheese and pepperoni as thatโ€™s the ultimate taste of NYC. However, the grilled pork neck was also fantastic. The crust / dough, which Chef Bing really puts a lot of time and effort into, is one of the factors that stands out. Thin and crispy with just enough crunch.
Highly recommended for the best New York pizza in Bangkok!
๐Ÿ“Chef Bing Pizzeria: https://goo.gl/maps/K6RY3Qfn41S2Rxgm9
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Hey everyone hope you're having an amazing day. It's mark wiens, i'm in bangkok, thailand and today we are gon na go eat, new york, style pizza in bangkok, uh, chef bing, who is from thailand, he's thai, but he spent. I know he spent a lot of time in new york city and he makes authentic new york pizza, but sometimes using thai toppings and ingredients. So we're gon na have a chance to learn from chef thing.

We're gon na watch him as he makes some pizza, and i cannot wait to taste his amazing looking pizza and i'm gon na share it all with you in this video, okay, but really quickly. If you could take one second to click thumbs up give this video a like. That's really gon na help out this video and it's just gon na take one second, click that, like button, thank you in advance all right. Let's go welcome to chef bing's pizzeria and i love the the feel of this pizzeria already it.

It feels like you could be at a corner pizza shop in new york city, and yet you can also feel that you're in thailand, you're in bangkok, in the heart of bangkok, both new york city and bangkok, are just totally represented. What's up champions very cool to meet you? Could you tell us like a little bit about your story and how you uh lived in new york city sure i was born in thailand. I relocated to new york when i was about seven all right lived in new york, pretty much all my life um, you know, went to school, worked in the city for about 30 years and um circumstances. Being i kind of needed a change.

Um had a little bit of trouble with addiction and stuff like that, and thailand was kind of my escape, so i moved here and uh kind of just pursuing my passion. You know, um pizza was actually uh. It was more of a challenge for my friends. I never cooked pizza, never work in a pizzeria.

You were a chef before also in new york city. Yes, but not not cooking pizza, not cooking pizza. Okay, we were doing more, like you know, fine dining, restaurant stuff was it in bangkok that you started making pizza? Yes, or was that back in new york city, it was in bangkok, yeah, it was bangkok, and now you know when i came back um i got got to work just started recipe testing i had uh. I tried to go local tried to do thai flour and stuff like that and just tons of issues um almost gave up, but i'm glad i did it because uh, we are glad you didn't yeah.

Thank you thank you, and how long have you been open here for about six months about six months, we're pretty new new kids on the block right now and we're very happy to have you in bangkok? You do also kind of a combination of authentic new york style with new york style toppings, but then also some thai twists, yeah, we um. We found that um. You know the the thais really love our pizza, so we wanted to have give them a little bit of something special that could kind of like that. People have never really seen on pizza.

You know, and i really loved komo yang um, young grilled, pork yeah grilled. Pork neck um, so you know i started testing it out and i was like: let's see how this thing works on pizza, how did you learn the whole process of pizza? Did you self-taught? Did you self-taught um? The internet is one of the best tools that we have available. There's a lot of information, there's a lot of information, and sometimes it's good and bad. Sometimes there just really isn't an excuse.
You know like if you really want to learn something. You really want something: the information is there, it's just a matter of designing it yeah. Sometimes it's about uh, knowing what that? What's the bad information? Yes, exactly what's what's true and what's not true a lot of trial and error, a lot of pizza eating a lot of pizza eating. You got a lot of that's what i like to hear the dough.

It took me six months, and then i mean i'm still. Learning um because i didn't realize how difficult pizza was. I thought it was like. Okay, you get the dough down and you're fine and temperature comes into play a lot because, essentially we're baking.

You know we're not we're not really cooking we're baking, okay and uh. Baking is uh a science. A lot of things come into factor. What type of pizza are you making here? First chef? Oh, we are going to go with the koala.

Oh awesome, yes, we're gon na go straight into it. Uh komuyang is marinated with our homemade num chim chow, so this is a great demonstration of a pizza that is new york style authentic. Yet, with thai topping a thai twist to it and chef being style, uh sauteed herb, oh awesome, commonly known to us americans as poland or sawtooth. Oh that's great uh, our kombu yang.

You know we we tenderize it. We marinate it with some coconut milk. A little bit of fish sauce, oh nice kind of - gives it extra a little bit more crunch, so it holds up during delivery. Okay, their delivery is out of the main yeah, okay, all right and coming to the back room here where the oven is.

Oh, it's actually almost like a little patio hugger, roughly about eight minutes for the pizza to get done. Everything was so methodical, and so even in spacing just the the care that you can already tell the passion, the care and the love that chef puts into every single pizza that he makes and that's gon na make a huge difference as well. Four minutes on top four minutes on the bottom: okay, so once it starts to start bubbling, that's when we kind of start popping these air bubbles, the dough rises and then you're going to get these uh these thin spots and your cheese once it bubbles your teeth. Disperses everywhere else, so you're going to get spots that have no teeth really closely monitor it yeah, i know you're used to it.

Yeah feel the heat yeah we're running at 650. Fahrenheit, that's about 400 celsius, cool, it's pretty hot! I have to get this: don't touch the oven. I have to get this often imported from the states, okay, because the ovens here just they're not insulated. Well.
So at this point i kind of checked on the bottom to kind of make sure it starts to char a little bit. We kind of tweaked it uh americans, like the heavy char, try people will look at the char and kind of tell you it's burnt, oh kind of try to find a happy minion. So that's that's especially on the bottom of the crust. Yes, americans, like it a little more done, yeah! Okay, you don't have that blackness uh.

If any from my understanding, you thai people see that blackness they're gon na be like hey eat this part. So we try to. We try to keep it uh as nice as possible for everybody okay, so we kind of do a pizza test. If it flops a little bit like that just a few more times.

If it doesn't flop, then we're good to go. Okay, you need a few more seconds. You have taken it to a personal like a personal science, not a not a science but a human science. Man.

That's what i love about this. You just did a quick little like flap test flap test um and it just needed, like literally like five more seconds in the oven. Okay, what's next here, this will be traditional half classic cheese. Just because i want you to try the classic cheese all right.

That's my preference and pepperoni cool um. This would be very new york, very new york style noodles. This is what helps make in new york, also semolina flour. Ah, i kind of helped you add that extra crispness to your dough, you kind of - have to really pay attention.

You kind of slip a little bit, then it it's kind of just going to mess it up with the dough yeah. Is that what would you say? The one of the biggest factors in getting a new york pizza right is the dough. I think it's yeah, i'm i'm a firm believer. I think it's in the bread in the dough just like for tacos for me, like it's in the tortilla prep and our biggest like attention is on all that.

So we try to pride ourselves in being as consistent as possible when you were in new york. City. Did you have any idea you would be making new york city pizza in bangkok? I i did. I did not the the interesting is my dad used to sell pizza on pasta road about 500 meters away in the early 90s cheese pie? We add uh parmesan cheese.

Okay, just to give it that little extra flavor, this is um rad eats cupping pepperoni he's a chef friend of mine do really great things out here very lucky: to have him to be able to source it beautiful, so cupping pepperoni classic cheese left in the days You get you get more of a fluff you up tomorrow. Oh oh, so we even noticed the humidity in bangkok and how the pizza turns out yeah wow, that's why we have to. We run the ac, not necessarily for us, it's more for the dogs for the it's for the food yeah. This is a great thing: man um, let's perfect, i like the the style in here too.

It's you feel almost like a new york pizzeria. Yet with like a the shop house, thai, yes style, it's like a perfect mixture dude, i love it. That's awesome! It's like a it's! It's like a new york city, thai shop house and again it was so incredible to watch chef as he made these pizzas. I think this is for sure the most strategic, most methodical, most thought process and detailed pizza, making that i've ever seen in my life.
Everything is down and, like i said it's, it's like human science. It's not it's not uh computer science, but it's his experience. Practice pizza after pizza um and i like how he didn't rush it. He just did the process he's an artist, a pizza artist, i'm gon na go pepperoni.

First, look at that crust, though the care that chef bing took on that crust. Oh man, this is like a pizza where the the back, the crust is just as beautiful as the front. It's just absolutely beautiful, just to look at it. Oh, that's incredible! The crunch of the dough, how it just fits together with that layer of gooeyness from the dough and the tomato sauce, and just the way that all the toppings fit together the crust that crust and that's something that chef being takes extra care in is the dough And then baking that crust, i think, what's also stand out, is just how even all of the toppings are how even the construction of this pizza is wow.

I just love how everything works together in a harmony and not only the flavors but the textures. I was going to take just a few bites of this pizza. Then try the next one then try the the fomo young, but there's no way i can set this down. We got to finish the whole slice before we try the next pizza you immediately with every single bite that you take.

You can taste the love and the care that chef has put into it from the way that he just gently, spreads out the dough and doesn't overwork it, but lets the dough. Just live everything matters and even the small things make a difference and that's what really stands out. That's what you can tell so so vividly so evidently in his pizza next up for the grilled pork. I am extremely excited for this one.

Okay, i was like debating. Do i fold the pizza? Do i not fold it? Um chef just walked out, he said fold hold the pizza he's from new york that way, you've got an easier handheld grip, the tenderness of that pork neck, just kind of melts in your mouth. It almost has a little bit of a lav taste to it, thai lab taste, but another reason that i'm so excited to eat. This pizza is because he serves it with a chili oil, so some chili oil that goes with this pizza.

Oh yeah. Oh that's! A great idea, oh yeah, with the jelly with that oil and then again that pork nut just melts in your mouth, just a complete harmony of ingredients and the tartness of the tomato yeah. Really that's one of the best pizza doughs pizza fishes that i've ever had. That just is another testament of how you know if chef bing takes such good care of the pizza is that he said he turns on the ac and controls the temperature.
It's not for the not for them, not for the chefs, not for the staff. It's for the dough. Lastly, for this is the original cheese pizza there's just a whole different dynamic, nothing to cover up the flavor of the cheese, the crunch of the dough, the tartness of the tomato sauce? That's just simple and the most classic of all new york city pizza. Okay, i'm going to add a little bit of the dry chili, but it's awesome.

We have two different choices: the dry, chili um and then the chili flakes and then also the the chili oil. I might need to open the other side. Oh yeah and chili oil on pizza is a genius idea. Pizza is amazing, and i know that chef bing does a lot of delivery all across bangkok.

But if you come into the shop, it's also a cool experience, because it's just it's such a cool blend of being in bangkok, in an old thai shop house. Yet with a feeling of a local pizza shop in new york city or in brooklyn. Just on the corner of the road in every single neighborhood - oh that was amazing. I am stuffed some of the best pizza i've ever had and we ate one of the pizzas, but we have a pizza to take home.

Well, half and half of the pizza to take home, and so you can order all over bangkok, i'll have all of chef bing's information. This is the type of pizza that is as good takeaway and is as good, cold or hot as it is cold or hot, or in the shop, or take away whatever scenario you're in whatever heat the pizza is in, it will be delicious. That was amazing. So again, a massive thank you to chef bing.

I love what he's doing, and i love just the care, the passion and the precision that he gives to every single pizza and that you can taste with every single bite the care that he puts into the pizza and chef bing he's just such a cool guy. Uh, i love that he's following his passion, he's doing uh what he cares about, and i want to say a huge thank you for watching this video. Please remember to give it a thumbs up if you enjoyed it, leave a comment below i'd love to hear from you and if you're not already subscribed, click subscribe and also click the little bell icon. So you'll immediately get notified of the next video that i publish thanks again for watching, and i will see you on the next video.

By Mark

10 thoughts on “New York Pizza!! ๐Ÿ• 18 Inches Pepperoni + Cheese NYC Style Pizza!!”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Paula DeMeyere says:

    FANTASTIC story about Chef Bing, he battled a journey to get to be able to do what he loves most NYC pizza, LOVE seeing these stories of REAL people powering through challenges to get to where they want to be. Kudo's to you Chef Bing you are an inspiration to many!!!

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tamara's Tarot Variety says:

    Thatโ€™s a way better quality pizza than a typical NYC slice. The typical place now wonโ€™t add Parmesan, just cheap mozzarella. You can tell because itโ€™s just white.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Haze Lady says:

    That pizza looks great Iโ€™m grateful for Thais young man to bring Our food and culture to his country pizza is Italian but New York pizza belongs to New York

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Coolduder Bald says:

    I hate hearing that word โ€œAuthenticโ€ technically no dish Is authentic unless itโ€™s the original. As well as he admits he never made Pizza before now, never worked in a pizzeria. So how can this be authentic?

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Technical Glitch says:

    Sorry to be the Debbie Downer, but honestly, that pizza doesn't look appetizing to me. I never order plain or pepperoni pizza. Also, the crust looked a little tuff? And, I never fold and eat. You might as well get a Calzone if that's how you eat pizza. However, I do love chili oil on my pizza, and always ask for it. Lots of places don't offer, but, some do, and that to me makes the pizza even better. My favorite toppings.. Spicy red sauce, and a variety of cheeses in moderation.. Mozzarella, Goat, Ricotta, Parmesan, Reggiano, then mushrooms, green bell peppers, roasted garlic, a little Italian sausage, red onion. After the pizza is taken from the oven, lots of fresh basil all over, the more freshly grated Parmesan, and Oregano. No limp or soft crust please.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ordo Militaris Radio TV says:

    looks great. you need to try what we call a hot wing pizza; cooked chicken breast, use hot wing hot sauce as pizza sauce, pizza crust and whatever cheese to put on the chicken to hold it on the crust. soo good.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars kathy gillespie says:

    Love the way you review all the places you go…your videos are awesome..im sure all the business owners appreciate your reviews.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars A P says:

    Iโ€™m from nyc and that pizza looks delicious. He is doing a great job and canโ€™t wait to go to Thailand , will definitely stop there . Good job and luck to them

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars one_on_ trip1421 says:

    I'm watching this on the morning, havenโ€™t had Breakfast yet , now l want pizza for Breakfast.๐Ÿ˜… This is crazyyyy, those pizza's look amazing๐Ÿ˜‹

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Cafe Bonjour says:

    I am second generation Italian from Brooklyn , NY.. Iโ€™ve been making Hand tossed pizza for a long time. I salute and applause ๐Ÿ‘ the chef for his tremendous effort and passion to chase his dream.. bellissimo

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