🦞 Ultimate Lobster Roll Tour of Maine: https://youtu.be/xhiuxMPJ-8U
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🥬 Cabbage Island Clambakes: https://www.cabbageislandclambake.com/
MAINE, USA: One of the experiences I was most looking forward to in Maine, was a New England clambake. It’s a method of cooking where a variety of seafood, plus potatoes and corn, are steamed and baked, sometimes underground, topped with local seaweed, over fire. When I was Cabbage Island Clambakes, I knew it was going to be epic!
Friends in the video:
🔹 Follow Jeffrey: https://www.instagram.com/jeffrey_merrihue/ - Stop by at Heroic Italian (https://g.page/heroicitalian?share) in Santa Monica and say Hi to Jeffrey!
🔹 Follow Jessica: https://www.instagram.com/cheatdayeats/
The journey begins from Booth Bay, a beautiful coastal town in Maine. We set off for Cabbage Island, with about an hour boat ride and tour of the harbor. When we arrived to Cabbage Island, I was excited and ready to see the clambake and eat. One of the great things about this clambake is that it attracts so many people, and therefore they cook such a huge quantity of food at one time - making it it even more of a delicious and visual experience.
They had two full trays of lobster, 298 lobsters for lunch! Plus an entire tray of corn, potatoes, onions, and eggs. There’s a very interesting story where they used to use the eggs as a timer, when the egg would cook and crack, then the clambake and all the seafood would be ready. I’m happy that even though they don’t need the egg timer anymore, they have maintained the tradition.
The clambake was incredible, I loved how all the ingredients steamed, baked, and roasted all at the same time. The lobster was probably the best I had in all of Maine. It was perfectly cooked, and some of the sweetest and juiciest lobster I’ve had. That clambake technique is without a doubt one of the best ways to preserve the taste of the fresh Maine lobsters. The clams - or I think in this case they were steamers, were also delicious. The sweet corn was among the best I’ve ever had, and the potato and eggs were great as well.
Finally to finish you meal at Cabbage Island Clambake, you get their famous blueberry cake, which is famous for a reason - one of the best of the best blueberry cakes ever.
And that completes the Cabbage Island Clambake experience. Highly recommended when you’re in Maine, and I think it’s one of the greatest USA, American food experiences you can have.
Make reservations here: https://www.cabbageislandclambake.com/
Price - It was $72.50 per person
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Hey everyone hope you're having an amazing day. It's mark wiens. I am in boothbay maine in new england. This is a beautiful place.

Today is an extremely special day because we're taking a boat to a place called cabbage island every day they host this gigantic new england. Clambake, let me show you what 298 lobsters looks like there's going to be lobsters, there's going to be clams, there's going to be corn, there's going to be chowder, it's going to be an entire culinary experience, we're gon na well we're about to take the boat, we're Gon na experience the full clambake - and i cannot wait to share this ultimate new england food experience with you in this video we've already made reservations ahead of time. You got ta book, maybe weeks or even months ahead of time, but we have reservations - and this is where you then pay at the front box. Here, it's 69.25 per adult 72.50 per adult with tax and here's our menu we're gon na have new england fish chowder.

Two lobsters per person, steamed clams corn on the cob, potato egg and onion and then famous blueberry cake, so that's all included boat ride to cabbage island plus all the food and the entire clambake experience. How long is the boat ride? 55 minutes all right cool. Here we go: there's our boat to cabbage island, our ticket to cabbage island to the klambic. I am extremely excited number one because we're going to be taking a boat to cabbage island cabbage island, what a cool name and then number two.

This is going to be my very first ever new england, clambake hello, three of us yep, okay, we'll on to it. Okay, thank you. Our trip over to challenge island will take approximately 55 minutes and, along the way, we'll show you all the sights and sounds of blue bay harbor. My name is larry gusto i'll, be your captain and we are captain is just giving a quick introduction.

Just came to the front here of the boat to get some photos and some views. Oh, it's so incredibly beautiful and it's it's like a really warm day with the sun, but as soon as you get over the ocean and feel that breeze coming off of the sea, it's just chill that just it's like an ac hitting you also for the clambake. Today, we are hanging out with jessica from cheat day, eats hey guys, what's up jessica, what's up, have you been on a clambake before i've never been on a clambake, and this is like gon na be the perfect place for it. Awesome yeah, awesome cool.

It marks the entrance to the inner harbor, that's also one of the oldest stone towers. Still standing. Have you ever been on a clambake. I have not.

I mean about a million clams, but never the full-on clambake. So i'm quite excited and i grew up in new england. So i it's about time, brian first time. For me too.

First, clam bake, mr cheetah eats very cool cabbage island covers five and a half acres, and it was originally granted to a family here by the government of massachusetts in the early 1800s. Hello, very good. Thank you. Welcome to cabbage island a beautiful boat ride.
Yeah. It took almost an hour and one of the cool things is right. As we arrived to cabbage island, he did say, as you might expect, cabbage island is named after cabbages, which this island they used to grow cabbages here already, i'm loving it. It's so beautiful.

You can just feel an ultimate piece come upon you before doing anything else before walking around we're heading straight to the clambake. Klemvik is right there and each one of these has their own firebox and then just above it is a water. Pan holds probably about 25 to 30 gallons of water. It's all salt water.

So this tray right here is all your vegetables, corn, onion, potato and also the egg eggs go right on the very top and the traditional clam make they used to use the egg as their timer. They dig a big pit in the sand. Get a nice hot fire going throw rocks into the fire, then what they do is let everything die down the coals. Once the rocks are red, hot, throw a thick layer of seaweed, then put all the vegetables on seafood on top of it, eggs in the very top cover it over.

Let it cook for a while. Then everyone saw a pulled egg out and crack it when the egg was cooked all the way through they knew all the food below it was done. That's awesome, then, in the second and third tray you have all the lobster clams they take about an hour less to cook and also if somebody does have a shellfish allergy, they can still have all the veggies. It is hot right here.

You will bake yourself. If you stay here for too long, what an incredible location for a clambake we're overlooking the sea we're on this patch of rocks the forest, it's a perfect beautiful location, the clambake is going. Fire is raging at the bottom in between the fire and the food is a layer of water, so it does kind of bake and steam and roast probably all at the same time just the aroma of the smoke of the fire, the steam coming off of it. It smells so good.

You can just smell clams in the air one of the techniques that i love is just how they're using the natural kelp, which is actually, i think, that's it right there, which kind of blankets and covers their pile of food to keep in that steam. But i i think it also probably provides some aroma some fragrance, even maybe some salt water saltiness to whatever you're baking in that clambake. So wood, as far as you don't know, is get an even heat. Okay, so just by spinning around the back, it's front focus all right: they're, getting ready to spin the trays yeah.

Okay, this way it's much faster, because what it does is just uh. You have a nice nice high control, heat, okay, wow! Oh that's! Fine! So all your steamers are wrapped in these pinhole pockets, stacked right around the edge of the tray boxes right in the middle on the back. How many lobsters is this uh right now we have 290 298 lobsters 298 lobsters wow. Let me show you what 298 lobsters looks like they're, so beautiful so fresh, the aroma, the steam coming out of them.
The that scent of the seaweed has a huge impact. It's going to have a huge impact on the on the lobster taste themselves. I bet love that hiss, the boiling water plus the steam and the smoke, so that was just uh. They had to spin the trays and then uncover them release some of that pressure for a little bit and then recover them and about 15, more minutes to go on the bake until the lobsters are ready.

Definitely getting close very close. You guys ready clam big time. Yeah, i think, coming here a little bit early to watch the clambake happening. Only excites you more and gets your.

How many are you ready to eat 98. 298 lobsters at this time? Yeah. I was happy believe it or not. Oh there's onions in there too, nice potatoes along the bottom.

Okay, potatoes got it. No that's a lot of butter. It is a lot of butter a day like today, we'll probably go through, oh, maybe 70 or more pounds of butter 70 pounds of butter. Yes, how many pounds of clam uh almost 500 pounds of clams today 500 go through clams, another 500 lobsters today, here's the whole basket of eggs that has hard-boiled perfectly done perfectly ready.

That means everything else is ready. Gon na sound off this air horn, don't want to jump you guys, everybody ready time, i think for the rest of my life. When i hear a horn like that i'll be dreaming of lobster, that's the call to lobster yes, everybody's lining up now. It is time you guys have a system going.

Yes, it's almost like we've done it before it took me twenty few times right five years, i finally figured out the disassembly line. Yes, yeah we've got it down now, so they've got a really good system lobsters. Go on and then a packet of clams and then the final station corn, potatoes um. Thank you.

You're welcome, hard-boiled egg onion and then the final step is a little bit of that clam broth and butter tray completely. How is it very good, okay, so amazing to see them as they unload those boxes that clambake the line people are in line, getting their lobster platters and all the fixings and everything? But actually, while i was down there, while i was still filming them as they were rotating the lobster troughs uh, they served the clam chowder as an appetizer. So, coming back for the clam chowder first before we jump in line and get our lobster trays, there's potato in here, clams onions and i think, there's also fish in here too i'll - be fighting. Oh, it's thinner than other chowders that have had thinner but flavorful.

The potato just melts in your mouth uh you've got the the aroma of the clam and the fish in there. Okay, i'm gon na try yeah sure these are the crackers a few more oh yeah, then you've got a crunch crunch from those. Oh, i do like the fish in this chowder we're jumping in line ready, jeffrey ready. We got a chicken ticket from micah, oh yeah, lobster tickets, but also we're both jeffrey and i were quite excited to try the chicken as well, along with the lobster.
Of course, i guess we got two and two double bird double birds double decker enjoy. Thank you very much. Thank you. Oh yeah double decker lobsters.

Let's go back and conveniently we have the table picnic table closest to the clambake, the closest possible table to the clambake. The fruits of my first ever clambake, although we didn't do any of the baking we just came for the eating. The lobster cocktail choose your largest claw, choose your largest uh. It's got to be this one, this one right here, that's gon na, be it do the lobster shot where you pull off the the claw you break off the claw, but making sure that this side is down so that you save all the broth all the liquid On the inside crack off the knuckle, we'll come back for that cheers that is you're right, yeah the sweetest lobster we've had so far in lane wow immediately you taste a sweet, briny lobstery broth that just is filled into that clock from the ocean.

Wow nice to meet you nice to meet you, oh and these are all soft shell. He said they're all soft shell crab, so you can snap that you might need a cracker, but oh yeah! No, you can you can just pop your finger in revealing yeah and also because it is soft shell, so the claw will be a little less developed, but the meat should be sweeter and softer and more juicy. Oh wow, i mean it doesn't need butter, but that doesn't mean the butter is intelligent. Oh, i think that's the sweetest lobster we've had in maine so far.

Maybe it is so sweet. It is so like ridiculously flavorful and just melts in your mouth. The perfect brininess. As well, we've never had a clambake.

We've never had this combination of baked and steamed at the same time, yeah because every other place we've had it's been. I mean equally fresh lobsters, but never one cooked this way it retains all the moisture is beautiful. Really everything is just sealed into the lobster it can't escape and you can taste the smoke just going to take a little quick timeout before we could try the clams to put on the proper attire. It might be.

Oh yeah, oh yeah, with a pro tip, yeah man, the packet of clams, which actually they roast the clams. They bake the clams at the bottom of the lobster. So if anything, the clams accumulate lobster juice, plus that salinity from the seaweed. First clam open this up.

I'll do a little pour to keep it in the shell cheers yeah. These are the cheers times. I've ever eaten for sure, yeah wham bam. Thank you claim yeah wow, it's so perfectly sweet and condensed with flavor.

I love that just hint of bitterness to contrast. The sweetness it's phenomenal, i love the texture, you get both the soft and then you get the chewy yeah, that's a great tip. We should there's another way to eat it's right off, so you pull that as a handle. You can see that anatomy of the clam you have the little the little neck, the body yeah.
I i actually don't know any more anatomy on the clam than that, but you pull it by this little handle here now you have freed freed the clam. Then you dip it into the clam juice to remove any sand or mud, pull the top off now hold the white part off there. You go got it, i see there, you go, you guys are awesome. There you go so now.

You've got this little kind of like membrane-y, then a dip in the butter, i'm gon na turn it into a clam chowder. Oh yeah, you don't have the grizzle just have that sweet bitter slightly fragrance of the clam. These are just world class like some of the world's best clowns yeah. I can't wait to try the corn the only place in new england that i've ever been in my life was boston.

Probably when i was a kid definitely like five years old, but i have vivid memories of the corn. This will be my first, my second ever piece of corn, but i still remember how good it was. I can still remember back then, when i was a kid. Oh wow, it just bursts with salty, with sweet like unbelievably sweet soft tender, milky corn.

All that corn is spectacular. Wow some of the best sweet corn you'll ever have how's everything tasting guys. Why is your corn so sweet? Oh well actually funny story, um, the farther up. You go north um, the sweeter.

The corn will get so wow. It has some of the best corn in the world. Oh wow, that is like that's uh. We just think it tastes like incredible yeah exactly well.

Hopefully, you guys save a little bit of room. We got our favorite blueberry cake. Okay, i'm gon na reach into the baked potato. Next, oh it's still so hot hot, it's a hot potato, it's still hot! Oh! Even the potato is amazing.

It's not not too starchy. Not dry at all, it's so moist from that clambake. I think i'm gon na do it. Nobody potato dip! How about a whoopie pie? You, like those peel back the onion a little bit? It's so juicy! It works! Oh, i got the center piece of the onion.

It just popped out into my mouth like a little projectile. Oh it's! So it's so sweet this one's sweet too! It's so juicy! Okay, let's do a! Let's do a bite like an apple ready apple, a day gives a doctor away. I love onions, it's so mild, but so sweet juice is just pouring out of it open it up like this taco a lobster a lobster onion taco. Yes, here we are loving it good.

Thank you. You get some good pictures very good, yes, onion lobster onion just been exploring all the side dishes, but we have barely even gotten to the lobsters. So it's time for the for the tail, you do one more tail crack that back spread it. I'm just trying not to do it too, because i don't want to clean the lens.

I'm trying to do it kind of gently semi-gently. You have freed the tail and it should just pretty much slide slide right out like that and then dip in the oh dip. In the the chunkier part wow, the tail is so good, so firm, so just like pure and natural tasting, it's unbelievable. So what you have to do is just kind of pinch.
It almost pinch it at the top there that outer skin, oh he's got it yeah. The outer skin thing just kind of slides off bringing with it that little bit of stuff, then the rest is just all pure, edible fleshiness. I think there might be a thing as an overdose of the lobster claw juice because of the saltiness yeah. It is the saltiness, oh the juiciness.

Finally, i don't even know how i i ended up with the egg as the last piece. I think it was just at the bottom of my tray and i was so excited for everything else, but we've got to try the hard-boiled egg, because this is a piece of history when it comes to the clambake wow and it will be interesting to see to Analyze the egg, if it does accumulate the juices and the flavors of the clambake, because it was what was that at the bottom of the bottom of the vegetables on the bottom of the corn and the potatoes yeah, or was it the top? Okay? I can't even remember, but it was surrounded by seaweed as well, which is another potential factor. So this is the final piece of the clambik. I don't think i taste anything different from a normal, hard boiled egg.

If there's a good hard boil there go to me next tail, the slide never gets old either the tail slide slide away from camera, save the lens. Oh just the muscularity of these tails wow, that is the flavor of maine. Just in one single bite that you will never forget, you can taste the quality of that clambake and what it does to the how it just transforms and cooks the lobster to perfection and retains all of its juices. Its juices are re-embedded into itself smoked into itself.

Final bite of lobster right on time, because the blueberry cake is on its way cake man, yeah people will come out here. Just for the cake, i mean it's really that good that good they won't last divulge the the recipe, though so the secret blueberry cake, blueberry cake. That's next blueberry cake! Thank you very much. Thank you.

Thank you. Wow i've never been huge on desserts or sweets, but i will have one gigantic bite to finish off this meal because nobody has said anything bad about this blueberry cake, everybody raves about it incredible and make sure you get a corner bite too. Oh you're right! It's not dry at all. It's moist not overly sweet.

It's fluffy, i think also after eating all the the saltiness of the lobsters. It is the perfect mouth refreshing area and that completes the cabbage island clambake. So they ring the bell. 4 p.m.

That signals cabbage island is over. We got to get back on the boat and head back to the mainland, but i think also, what's so cool about this one is how many people they cater to they serve. So that's such a massive bake. 200 people 298 lobsters 15 minutes they served everybody.
Thank you, you're. Welcome. Thank you. Thank you very much appreciate it.

Thank you, as we are leaving today, is a special day because they're having some kind of an event or get together of traditional windjammers or schooners, pretty much pirate ships that are coming into this bay sailing having a meet up an event here and then they're actually Going to have an evening cabbage island clambake, but it's so cool to see the giant sails. Oh they're, spectacularly beautiful! That boat right there says 1871, i'm going to go ahead and say that that is one of the greatest united states food experience, the new england clambake that you can possibly have so much fun. The cooking process was so cool. The food was delicious and, on top of the delicious food, what really made the cabbage island clambake experience so special and so memorable - is that it's family run the staff, the owner, the entire family they're.

So have such an incredible service mind so hospitable so friendly. They just take care of you when you are there and that's something that stands out along with the clambake so highly recommended. This is a must do when you're in maine an outstanding experience and well worth it, and that's going to be it for this video. I want to say a huge thank you for watching also remember to check out, so it was so much fun to hang out with my friend, jessica and brian from cheat day eats and jeffrey marahu from heroic italian in santa monica i'll.

Have their information in the description box below but go follow them go check them out awesome to hang out, and thank you for watching this video. Please remember to give it a thumbs up if you enjoyed it, leave a comment below i'd love to hear from you and if you're not already subscribed, click subscribe and also click the little bell icon for lots. More food videos see you on the next video.

By Mark

13 thoughts on “New England HUGE CLAMBAKE!! 298 Lobsters, Clams, Corn on Cabbage Island!!”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars BK5000 says:

    He could have been eating steamed turds and would have been like "ohhh my goodness its so sweet and juicy" lol

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rosanne Jimenez says:

    I love seeing you doing real life! This is so awesome! What a neat trip! I also like how you summed it up at the end and your surprise tasting partner was a kick, haha! What a character! That was so fun to "go with you", all the way from Washington state 😉

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Celicia Lyons says:

    Jesus died on the cross for all of us, turn to Jesus and God before it's too late, repent and spread the Gospel, ask God to forgive you for all your sins, read your Bible and pray Jesus is coming very soon, have a bless day/night. Jesus and God loves us all ❤😌

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Cody Culpitt says:

    Lol wiggleing the claw 😂 they do know if they snap the claw while they suck it realeses all the juice 😅

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Shana Hatcher says:

    Can I get the particulars on how to take this amazing journey as a tourist please and thank you!

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Krenar Ga says:

    No hate towards you, i'm a meat and seafood eater myself but when I see this, it just reminds me how sick we humans are for eating other living beings not just for surviving but for fun. I will still give u a like, but rethink some of my own life decisions at the same time. Thank you

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Amandeep Singh says:

    the way the girl says welcome every single time when someone says thank you just melt my heart

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sera Rameka says:

    (Kia ora hello mark) that video is one of my favorite(❤❤❤❤kai food tour thank you for sharing from Wellington ❤❤ NZ

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars jane falk says:

    Does anyone else prefer cocktail sauce over butter? I like the horseradish flavor and lobsters are so rich that dunking them in butter is too much

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Strider says:

    my parents used to put on a Neighborhood Clambake in our backyard every year. good memories.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Edwin Mintey says:

    I watched every episode of Mark's New England seafood tour and then watched Marks trip to sample seafood in Denmark and I was struck by the contrasts. In Denmark they go to great pains to serve the food in an elegant manner but honestly, at least to me the food in Denmark just doesn't look as good. The colors of the seafood in New England are more vibrant, the freshness is incomparable, as well as the quantities and that is borne out in that Mark and Jeffrey appeared far more enthusiastic about the experience in Maine.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Blade Jacks says:

    Maori styles, we call it a hangi in NZ we use cabbage leaves , heat our rocks or railway plates and clever it with wet sacks

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mhelyang World says:

    My mouth is watering everytime watching your vlog Food so yummy 🤤😍 the seafoods look sooo yummy .

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