🇲🇦 Morocco Street Food in Marrakesh: https://youtu.be/mNqNF0iiWR0
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MARRAKESH, MOROCCO - One of the most thrilling places to eat Moroccan street food in the entire country is in Jema El Fnaa Square at night! So tonight we’re going on a Moroccan food tour to eat a few of the must eat dishes you have to try.
A huge thank you to Moroccan Food Tour (https://moroccanfoodtour.com/)'>https://moroccanfoodtour.com/) for arranging my trip to Morocco!
Jema El Fnaa Square is a UNESCO world heritage site, and a place where people have gathered together for hundreds of years to tell stories, perform, snake charm, have food, and play instruments. It’s truly one of the most fascinating squares on earth. While daytime is calmer, at night you’ll find an abundance of street food and performer and so after a full Marrakesh street food tour in the daytime (https://youtu.be/mNqNF0iiWR0), we’re going on an ultimate night market street food tour!
We first started with Harira, a porridge soup with tomato, lentils, and herbs. It’s a hearty dish, and really warm and comforting. Along with it, you can eat dates, chebekia sweets, or my preference for msemen - Moroccan stuffed flatbread.
Here are the other places I tried:
Hassan Snails, Stall #3 - Amazing Marrakesh herbal snails
Chez Krita, Stall #14 - One of the oldest stalls at the market, and famous for seafood
Lamb Head, Stall #50 - Can’t go to Jema El Fnaa Square without a lamb head!
Chez Abdelouahed, Stall #66 - Iconic and extremely popular potato and egg sandwich
Chez Hassan, Stall #70 Herbal Tea
Jema El Fnaa Square is an overdose of everything - from music and dance, to a festival of tasty food, there are few places on earth more exciting if you love to eat!
Moroccan Food Tour: https://moroccanfoodtour.com/
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Hey everyone hope you're having an amazing day. It's Marqueen I'm in Marakesh Morocco and if you love to eat Geml! FN Square is a Moroccan street food theme park. There's something interesting and delicious everywhere you look. From snails boiled in medicinal broth oh man, what a what a snack to the freshest fried seafood.

two oh yes mountains of bubbling juicy Meats ribs. oh man we're going straight into the action to show you the best Moroccan food and the places where locals love to eat roof of the mouth cheek everything is in there. Oh wow behind the air. oh it melts in your mouth all that aroma so make sure you're hungry.

We've got a lot to eat on this street food tour. Hey what's up man, all good buddy happy to join you. Thank you thank you very much! Let the show begin for sure and it's actually an unbelievable view. An unbelievable sight.

just the amount of people going in every Direction the amount of action and energy that's happening that's taking place, the musicians, the performances The Cloud of smoke Rising truly nowhere else like it on Earth Uh first we're going actually for the Hara the Moroccan soup. Oh nice. A very famous soup that every family Cooks especially during Ramadan Oh man, we've arrived to the first stop and it's just like a crowd of people huddled by the gate. Oh nice here we are Buddy! So we made it to our stop here which is the Hara stop and I'm talking here about the Moroccan soup called Hara uh and as I mentioned before, it's a soup based on tomato with some celeries, coriander, lentils, Shake peas, beans and thickened with flour.

Each woman says that my the best okay so that what makes the difference from house to house and it comes usually with some uh dates or with another sweet pastry we call it chipo oh there it is bubbling away. oh that smells incredible. You smell the aroma of the Tomato oh she Scoops it out fresh and serves it with a a wooden spoon. So now we're here.

Next to the second things that comes usually with the Moroccan there's a lot of people they prefer them. where the sweet pastry in dates and the ones that not like pastries and sweet things they get it with the Moroccan Pake okay we call iton. It's made out of flow mixed with some simina, yeast and sugar, filled with some choed onion and paprika. She Kneads out the bread and then adds in the paprika, onion marinade mix or filling filling Center then wraps it up into a pocket Kneads it down you can see how stretchy that dough is, folds it up, goes onto the Hot Grill to like uh just toast and Grill until it it's golden that smells so good with those sizzling onions on the inside, the paprika, the spices on the inside and then she uh grills it over that hot griddle with a bit of oil so that the crust I mean you can see the flakiness of it because she really Kneads it out thinly and then also folds it over so it has layers.

Oh here it is nice so you have these special wooden SP spoons as well. Yeah, just one little advice cuz it's so hot I'm going to show you how our mothers used to show us to drink the all Right soup before. always cool it down the way okay and you sip from the sides. ah so that's the the part that's cooled off or from the top scrape from the surface.
you can already tell cuz it's thick it will be super hot right and retain its heat as well. Oh the flavor of the the celery in there or the parsley comes in so nicely. the Tomato it has a really smooth texture and it's thickened but then you've got all the textures of all the different uh grains. the the lentils, the beans or the chickpeas the the wheat in there.

the pasta really good and so you would typically with the different sides with the with the Shia with the dates with the c you would you would then just mix in and or yeah eat them on the side coming take a bite of take so warming and Hearty and yeah the acidity of the tomato is so nice. I'll try chasing with a date. Oh yeah, that's a total contrast from the savoriness of the Hara to the dense sweetness of the date. Awesome! Oh, and now I'm getting down to those chickpeas which are really good.

Really creamy. Okay, let's try some of the simit M Immediately, even as you pick it up, you can smell the aroma of the onions. Oh wow yeah, that's so tasty. Yeah, very very good.

Very perfectly oily, crispy, all the different layers of flakiness. Amazing meal, Amazing snack in mes. And I think definitely eating it with a wooden spoon. that even makes a difference as well.

That makes it more satisfying. Just like feels right going down something really comforting, really warming. It's comfort food for sure without a doubt. Man, that was extremely tasty warming.

and they were so nice as well. And what a spot! After that bowl of Hera we're back at Jam FNA Square Uh, where we're going to start eating Now we're coming up onto the the food stalls. just the Aromas the smoke billowing through the air from the tents, bright white lights lighting up the entire scene. He's on a Podium kind of like high above high above where you can see the entire crowd of people walking by and he just continually like stirs those those snails.

You can hear the rattling of the of the shells of the snails. hased me to the stall. Oh the bird's eye view of this. Nails Oh, dishing it out Oh okay I can try one.

Okay I'm going to try one on the podium and that soup broth. oh it's incredible. He kind of just Scoops them up and you can hear the clanking of the shells. Oh and then he Scoops them out.

Oh man. he just bathes in the aroma of the snail broth all night long. Oh man, what a what a snack! Very good. Yes, tradition is already very old in Morocca.

Here comes came first of all with the finitions and it becomes again trendy with the French during the colonialism time. Okay, okay and but the way we cook them here is a bit different than the French way. uh the French. They cook them usually with some garlic and some salt, but we cook them here with the Moroccan spices mixture and made out of 35 spices mixture.
Oh man uh. some people people believe that the soup here uh works as a medicine, especially when they cat cold. they like to sip it in. Awesome Awesome! Oh snails.

All right. how could you get your snails? You pick one, you use the toothpick, you deepen it in the snake, then you get yours. I Usually don't eat the bottom of snails so you move it and I get it here and you can get a soup from the soup separated. you drink that broth.

Bim try a big one steaming hot, you can all that Aroma you kind of remove that bottom section. Oh the savoriness of it. The is in there but not overpowering. It has this like sweet spiciness to it and then you can drink the Breo oh it has like a peppery Aroma to it right? Um you can kind of feel like it's not spicy but it does.

You can feel like all the herbs in your in your down your throat a little bit. Oh man that's so good. Got some broth on the side as well and then one of the things here is that once you finish shell everyone just tosses it into the the bowls. Oh man.

so tasty as a snack. They go down so easily actually the snails themselves are so sweet and then I love how you can chase that down with some of the broth. like you can really feel that it's medicinal man in what a location to be snacking on snails as well. But yeah, those go down really nicely really easily.

Really tasty. It could make it a habit eating snails. Oh yeah, I love that broth. They're addictive.

I You can sit here and eat bowls and bowls of snails. They just go down so easily. They're small, the broth is really flavorful that was delicious. and again there's like a dozen different stalls.

We're at number three with Mr Hassan He's really friendly and those are some top quality snails. and the soup. The broth, oh that just feels so good going down. Okay, we're moving on.

We still have a lot more Mor Rockan food to eat we're having actually uh, like fried fish like a mixture of fried fish. call it FR Mares is not on the coast, but like literally 2 hours away. You can get to the Atlantic Ocean so you can get fish from fresh fish from Elida from Estaa here to Maresh so you can get also so there's plenty of seafood available in Mar as well. Yeah oh nice.

So we're sitting down here for a full Seafood meal. A variety: there's Conger Eel there's Whiting there's shrimp, there's calamari plus all the different sides, the roasted Peppers the tomato sauce, the bread, the olives, the roasted eggplant dip fried Peppers as well. Let's dig in. Bis: Oh yeah, there's a big bone on the center.

There you go. All right. Perfect. Oh yeah, that's so silky smooth, so buttery and he gives it just a really light uh dusting in the flour so it's not over.
Not an Over Batter just a dusting in the flour. Oh and then the eggplant roasted eggplant wa the eggplant. oh oh the garlic in there. well like a vinegret with uh with garlic like vinegar? Yeah that white Sa that white sa is just P like garlic vinegar with the roasted eggplant and the creaminess.

Good. Very good. Good? Yeah! I Want to show you how to use the bra toat okay always use the three fingers index mle finger and Thum okay you de first that one here using these two fingers and you can feel with the Thum all right and then scoop in. Okay, there you go is amazing.

Wow, thank you. So we also have pieces of the the Conger eel again dusted and deep fried. oh you can see how buttery this is. a little dip and the tomatoes.

oh that tomato pure r that just livens it up. it just brings out the freshness. I think Tomatoes there might be some onions in there, maybe a little bit of corand but it's not like mostly about that tomato puree, that juice of the Tomato All right, let's try that. Oh yeah, it is sweet fruity.

oh yeah, it's definitely definitely a little spicy. Nice. We got the raw shrimp. okay kind of yeah, you can see it kind of kind of cooks a little bit with the acidity of the of the lemon juice.

There you go first. Mamed Al film. Wow yeah. vinegar.

You can taste this some of the the herbs as well. B that's a nice gaspacho style shrimp. Nice. All right here we go.

Oh and they they just kind of I think they cut it down the center, then they marinate it so you could just bite down the middle. Oh M yeah. great texture, sweetness, vinegary. lemon juice.

um maybe a little bit of a like a yeah little coriander flavor to it as well. Excellent. Excellent. Okay, we got some of the the fresh calamari.

Oh oh man, that's so tender you barely need to chew. It's not even not even rubbery, not even chewy at all. So tender. The shrimp, oh the shrimp is muscular, sweet, crispy, fragrant.

Oh everything's good. Some of the Whiting Whiting is really flaky, really buttery texture of flak, you just like you can feel the flakes coming apart in your mouth. Those I think those are bell peppers roasted really silky smooth, have a nice spr uh Smoky fragrance to them. Excellent.

And again I mean it's not only the seafood, the seafood is outstanding. Fresh, freshly cooked, but all of the sides are great as well. All the sauces all the the the chilies and roasted peppers and the oin and the tomato sauce. Thank you very much Shran, what is your name? Mustafa Mustafa and stall number 14, right? stall number 14.

One of the oldest stalls at the market since 1966. Thank you thank you very much Shr nice to meet you! Okay, but we're going to continue walking down the the main food alley. These are just makeshift tents, just almost a sea of food that never ends. There's so such a huge variety, so many things to eat and try and it's just I Love the incredible buzzing atmosphere.
Oh lamb heads a sheep head Have meat beef I have tongue bring have t very good of clim this is she this meat beef Oh yeah nice man. this truly is just a carnival of street food of food of everything of of all Moroccan food. and so we're sitting at the next stall front row seats. There's I mean straight up Chef's Table the tangas which is the meat boiling in the The Clay Pot The Vessel uh he has that simmering away.

He has a variety of roasted. Meats he has lamb heads, goat heads, beef heads, just bubbling pots just going all over the place. Steam the meat juices are just flying brace W okay. Ribs, ribs.

oh man. very nice. very nice. Wow yeah very good.

It's falling off the bone and it's actually good though. Yeah for sure for sure for sure Man he's just you. get your cut of meat, he just slices up, just falls off the bone. Man, he's just slicing and chopping the meat juices.

or just you're inhaling meat, juices and steam. And the Aromas Unbelievable. This is just a carnivore's affair here. Oh he dips your bread okay, dips your bread in the meat juice in the oil.

Oh man, that's what we call B that has to be the most calorie Rich bread you'll ever see in your life. He's going to dismantle. it. actually just falls apart.

The head. Oh man. look at the way he dismantles that head. This is behind the ear.

behind. Okay, oh thank you with your mouth. There you go. Oh man.

behind the air. Oh it melts in your mouth. So gooey too. Man, He knows his way around the lamb head.

No seasoning for the head. It's just steamed so we need of course to put some salt in cumin. so you use your own salt. That's nice so that you can control the saltiness.

Let's go in for the the head. The head. Y Oh, it's totally saturated. Totally totally gooey from the the oil and the broth.

Oh man. so you eat it on its own. or you eat it with the meat too. And then you scoop it okay.

and then you scoop in with the meat. Okay, grab some of the meat. Okay A little bit of eyeball, socket, roof of the mouth, cheek. Everything is in there.

Wow. Oh the texture of that head. The jelly gelatin fattiness melts in your mouth. Oh yeah yeah.

wow. Oh man, that's good. Wow. Oh the bread.

The bread. that CH is like oh yeah, you don't even taste bread. Actually, you forgot about the bread. I Totally forgot it was even bread in my mouth.

Oh yeah, it just totally dissolves because it's just fully absorbed with that broth and that oil. It just disintegrates with the meat in your mouth. Oh man, it's it's good. So good.

And that part has a little bit of cartilage in it. So I got that crunch? along with the the gooey heny gelatinous texture in your mouth, that bread is something else. Something truly magical in your mouth. Okay, And then moving over to the mix plate.
Oh that bread is unbelievable. Got a mixture of all the different parts here. This one in particular is the the cow. Utter yes.

Getting used to it, it's good. Oh yes, the UT is excellent. Wow. Oh man.

it's so spongy. Yeah, spongy goes down so easily. you can taste actually the difference between the um. beef and the lamb.

Oh yeah, definitely. I Went for the tongue. It's a different texture. Wow.

Mhm. Wow. Lamb tongue. I mean one of the great things about a head, which I've probably said many times is that it's like every different texture you could possibly want all in one place.

I Awesome. From gooey to gelatinous, to crispy, to crunchy to uh, melt in your mouth to a little bit chewy, it's all there in the head. With so many different flavors, so many diversity of different flavors, that's undoubtedly why so many cultures consider the lamb had such a delicacy. Okay, and then of course tea to wash it down.

That's what you need to be drinking. Yeah, to balance the the oiliness, the fattiness of that lamb and that meat. Well, the food tour continues. the street food tour.

What are we eating next? Yeah uh. Next we're going to try sandwich with like boiled eggs, potatoes and also you can make omelets with potatoes and and also you can add the cheese as extra. All right. This is the famous famous uh place that locals come comes to Chef Chefs? Yes oh brother chefs.

Okay so the potatoes are boiled, potatoes are peeled, skin is peeled man and they're like group of chefs. Really fun guys. Um and they just like work so fast I mean to supply the demand of the the entire crowd and they just chop up, mash up those I think that's part of the key this taking those fresh uh boiled potatoes or fresh ingredients and just mashing them directly into the bread so it stays fresh and hot and doesn't lose any of the moisture I Think that that has to be key in the sandwich. In the Simplicity of the sandwich we have just simply potatoes, cheese, eggs.

Oh so it's on a plate, just not in the sandwich. Yeah okay. potato is down there yeah Oh The Squeeze of cheese. The egg.

oh man. that squeeze of cheese. the potato potato is so Ary and so creamy. Oh here's the here's the main one here that they're just flying making the bread.

the potato, the egg. the Hara goes in the olive oil. something so simple but so good. It is a a carb overdose but it's yeah.

Overall, healthy energy pack, filling, affordable. Um, this has it all. and I mean a crowd to prove why it's so popular gives it that complexity, that saltiness, that acidity that goes great with it, and a little bit of chili. There's a little bit of heat from the hoodies off, but not much, just mostly about that preserved lemon.

I Think yeah, it's more sour. Yeah, yeah. I think so Sour. Sour and salty.
Just a little bit of spicy. Yeah, it's good. Mhm Yes, very good, Very good. Thank yeah I Mean you can definitely tell that they're having a great time working here.

We have just stepped uh, like about 100 meters away from the square down in alley and this is a Juice Shop a dairy shop. but we're stopping specifically to try an orange avocado juice. All right, thank you, you're welcome. So here it is.

Their their famous combination of shake with avocado with orange a combination I've had avocado I've had orange I'm not sure if I've had the the combination. oh it's so thick you got to got to suck hard on that. But the texture, the foaminess of the avocado is incredible. The richness of it.

and then you've got that acidity of the orange. Oh, that's an incredible combination. Man wouldn't have thought of that combination. but it works so well because of the richness.

And you know I mean avocado has kind of a neutral taste. It has that buttery, foamy texture, kind of a neutral taste. But then with the orange, you've got that acidity. that citrusy, really good, really hearty thick.

When you come out of the food section, there's just a whole Carnival of performances and I mean it's been. This square has been used for since the 12th century as a Gathering Place uh for performances for storytelling now, games, musical performances and there's even a fishing and also a a modh coin throwing Casino Okay, are you supposed to twist it? he you go. it's harder. It's harder to do than it than it looks but they don't move their head right.

you have to really concentrate. Oh man. okay where did this hat come from I don't know where that I don't know where the Hat came from. you're naturally broken.

Okay, this is the second time I am I am impressed. The first time was in the couscous little balls and this one not all Moroccans can do it man. the hottest drinks in the downtown here call it H Andel H Andel if you want to translate it with Google we mean like the brother of over to do with oh this is a SA or it's a it's a Savory or it's a sweet okay oh these are all all in the tea. Also, it's a health a health beverage Yes please.

Shakan Cheers! Hey cheers man! thank you guys! What a night! What a night! So oh wow yeah and it's very warm it is and just very very lightly sweet from the honey. but mainly you just taste that mix of herbs. Oh that's wonderful really. The clove and the cardamom comes in.

those are like some of the dominating spices man. The cinnamon. The ginger. The Gango Wow, that's perfect for digestion for sure.

Almost like a one chunk, almost like a crumbly cookie. Oh, you need that? Yeah, it's really dry, really dry, but really toasty. Smoky Stick Yeah, You need it with the tea. Yeah, but at the same time it's really fragrant.

y has this toasty smokiness to it. Tastes the nuts in there and the spices as well. Oh man, like the cinnamon. The maybe the cardamom in there as well.
That's good. Really good. I Could I Wasn't expected to be so dry and crumbly, but that's kind of the attraction of it. that kind of real dry starchiness.

But I I Think this. this herbal tea is the Highlight man that just like warms you going down. And there's a lot of herbal drinks around the world that are kind of a little off balance that are a little too bitter or a little too strong. This one is such a nice balance.

so like perfect with that clove. It's so much more than a street food. Night Market of Moroccan Food: It's a cultural land market. It's a UNESCO world heritage site.

Storytelling, music, people coming together in this Square to share time together to eat, to learn from each other. A place where people have gathered for hundreds of years and the food was absolutely outstanding. An incredible experience. People are friendly, some incredibly delicious is fresh on the spot.

Moroccan Food could not have done this with all of my friends from Moroccan Food Tours who took me around showed me some of the best food to eat when you're here at Jamaal Alenna Night Market in Maresh Morocco I'll have their information in the description box below, but they can arrange: Food Tours Amazing Food Tours Uh, when you're in Morocco when you're in Marakesh But that's going to be it for now I Want to say a huge thank you for watching? Please remember to give this video a thumbs up. Leave a comment below I'd love to hear from you and if you're not already subscribed, make sure you subscribe now! Thanks again for watching Good Night from Marakesh and I'll see you on the next video. Be sure to watch this entire Moroccan Food Series Where we're going around the country eating the best Moroccan Food.

By Mark

16 thoughts on “Moroccan street food night market tour in marrakesh, morocco jema el fnaa square”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @yassinechaabane1334 says:


  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @naimabelhaj9563 says:


  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @Hanan-ix8jt says:


  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @BakaMoors says:

    الأكل واطباق وثرات مغربي عربي الأصيل فخور بثرات العرب المغرب فخر العروبة

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @naimabouajjane4563 says:

    I have been a follower of you from the beginning, i like the Food diversity in yours videos. Welcome To Morocco 🇲🇦

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @AggressivelyLoving says:

    i dont know why but as a european I have so much respect for culture that if I were to travel to an arabic or japanese country I would say bism allah and itadakimasu before eating.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @earthyduncan37 says:

    You eating good

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @liloliloben8109 says:

    Welcome to moroco 😂😁🇲🇦🇲🇦🇲🇦🇲🇦🇲🇦

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @thehairshop1 says:

    I am Nigerian and i am used to eating very very well.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @user-ce9ju1mz8k says:


  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @lhor3154 says:

    You got to check the best and expenssive mushrooms in the world market right at the atlas mountains waterfalls and see how berbers prep them ❤ heavenly delicious.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @lhor3154 says:

    That fish and seafood was swiming in the morning in the atlentic ocean or even the mediterranean sea and end up in Marakesh non costal city 200 to 600km aways by dinner. Thats Morocco. Everything is fresh. Dima Maghrib.❤

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @nadianada9496 says:


  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @Choayb1989 says:

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @rachidmaddah2522 says:

    You will need 3 wives after this feast lol

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @abourihab8679 says:

    محتوى رائع يا ريت لو كانت الطرجمة بالعربي

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