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🥩 Mexican Street Food in LA (Part 1): https://youtu.be/BEbKyZSpBQk
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LOS ANGELES: Welcome to LA, home of some of the best Mexican street food in the world! Today I’m hanging out with my friend Mexi Papa, and he’s taking us to a few of his favorite spots, including an amazing spot for carnitas, deep fried chicken necks, and a place that serves one of the best and freshest quesadillas I’ve ever had in my life. Get ready for amazing Mexican street food in Los Angeles!
Carnitas el Momo (https://goo.gl/maps/32BbkJTGRSpSXspv7) - First we headed to Carnitas el Momo, one of the best places for carnitas in LA. They boil the pork in huge bathtub sized copper pots, just like in Mexico. Their carnitas are moist and so flavorful. Along with all the different parts of the pig, the highlight at Carnitas el Momo is the burnt ends - all the drippings from the bottom of the pan that accumulate the most flavor.
Santa Rita Jalisco Taco Truck (https://goo.gl/maps/LdQ6ckeYq1asECyD9) - Next up on this Mexican street food tour in LA, we headed to Santa Rita Jalisco Taco Truck which is legendary for their deep fried chicken necks. They are deep fried for 20 minutes until the entire chicken neck is crispy all the way through. What really makes them is the fresh salsa!
Tacos Los Poblanos #1 Estilo Tijuana (https://goo.gl/maps/iTbH6mFH5sTZo5CA6) - Finally to end this food tour, we headed to Tacos Los Poblanos #1 Estilo Tijuana, a Mexican food stall that sets up outdoors and serves everything fresh - from the tortillas to the meats to the salsas. Along with a huge selection of things you can order, one of the highlights for me was a huge fresh quesadilla, loaded with both carne asada and chorizo, guacamole and salsa.
And that wraps up another amazing day of Mexican street food in Los Angeles!
Mexi Papa
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5WgbqLqkatkalH_-R9BUvg
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Hey everyone hope you're having an amazing day. It's mark wiens, i'm in los angeles, california, and today i'm hanging out with my friend mexi papa. We are going to take you on a mexican food tour, i'm not totally sure everywhere - mexi papa's taking us today, but i do know that one of the highlights is going to be a place that serves some of the best carnitas in the united states. Oh we're going to have a chance to look behind the scenes where they literally have bathtubs of boiling meat and juices, just squishing and squashing of meat, serious meat juices coming up.

It's going to be an amazing day of mexican food and hanging out with maxi papa, and i'm going to share everything with you coming up in this video right now, another day in l.a, here, carnitas right here in boyle heights, the pioneers of carnitas here but you're Going to be able to see uh some big jacuzzis of carnitas there's nothing more beautiful than a meat jacuzzi and delicious and delicious. Let's go so they have a food truck out front where they serve the carnitas. But we are heading immediately into the back into the warehouse. It's like a tent, shack, carnitas and then here's another point.

These are copper pots yeah. This is the real thing. This is what they use in mexico. Massive jacuzzis of copper boiling meat is what you call shaking meat.

Did you hear that sound of it? That's one of the most satisfying sounds you could ever hear, but here over here this is some of the the cooked meat right. Now, oh, what i'm talking about next, that is heavenly you do you think they'll have some carnitas cologne we can buy. I would be the number one customer straight out of the bathtub, so this is pork butt bone man wow. Thank you, billy.

It's kind of awesome! There you go first bite cheers i keep telling him. You should run for mayor i'd vote. That is just unbelievably soft and tender, and even though it's lean the like that lard has seeped through the muscle broken it down. That is unbelievable.

Flavor, life-changing flavor man. That's just a tip of the iceberg. Amazing, i don't even want to swallow. I want to just hold it in my mouth.

What is that, when you that's a sprinkle on that the color? What is it? That's our secret sauce uh, it's a sauce, though. So that's a sauce that you, you kind of like spray on and it has flavor. So it's spices, and what's your name, man chris chris, so chris is unloading. The batch this batch of carnitas is just like chunks of pig which have been boiling in their own juices in their fat.

I mean carnitas is pork all parts of the pig boiled in their own fat. How long does it boil here, four to five hours? It boiled four to five hours. It smells unbelievable. The richness of that melted fat.

This is some of the greatest ever meat jiggling and meat. Uh sounds that you'll ever hear just squishing and squashing of meat. What we're going to start off with is a just a pork butt moment and then we'll go to all stomach and then we'll go to all skin. Then we'll do the mixed one and then we'll do the the burnt ends at the end.
Buttery soft. Thank you very much. Okay, so you said this one is the shoulder: yeah, pork, butt, pork butt here comes the jalapeno. Thank you billy.

So that's that's the way to eat the carnitas just straight up, just a jalapeno, a pickled jalapeno, with the pork totally focus on the this is the carnitas itself yeah. This is the traditional way, so the strategy for me is buy. The jalapeno pour some juice in the taco and then bite it because when you bite that jalapeno it's gon na unleash juice, i cannot wait pot to tortilla. Yes, sir jalapeno jalapeno buy it.

Oh look at that juice! Mmm! Okay! Now you have the perfect carnitas taco. All that juice just sprayed the jalapeno juice sprayed all over it. A few carrots in here that is a life-changing moment. It's so tender you're like the fattiness of the carnitas.

You don't even feel it yeah because of the acidity of that jalapeno, but the flavor of the the pork is so powerful, so strong. So condensed i mean it's been boiling. It's been simmering in its own fat for like five five hours. I think you said its own fat just penetrates flavor into the muscle of this shoulder.

Okay, why don't you try the mixed one? Okay, okay! We got ta finish this taco fast, because we're moving on to the next pig part like every piece of meat. You try tastes different when you go to, i mean other places. I don't know what the cooking process is, but it all tastes the same. So here you're able to taste the stomach you're able to distinguish from the skin to the to the meat and when, even when, it's all together on the mixed taco you're able to experience that differences of of cuts that are in there.

So this is stomach right. Stomach buche, let those juices drip pick it up unbelievably tender. Yet it still has texture at the same time, creamy and buttery almost buttery yeah taste is very addicting and then, if you notice, like you said before, the jalapeno just makes it better mm-hmm wow, i don't even believe it. I was delicious man and my dad always said: no, you don't want the meat too choppy you want it.

You want the you want the person to like be able to bite it and bite it and bite it. So everything you feel that texture, everybody you're getting more of a kick. Look. How look at the color it looks.

Almost i mean it's caramelized, it's tender. It's juicy, jalapeno ready to be squirted. On top one of the awesome things that billy is hooking us up with is isolating each part so that we taste the full effect and the whole different texture and flavor of each part of the carnitas of the pig like noodle slices of pig skin, which are Just you could tell how soft, how jiggly and how tender they're gon na be a carnitas yo-yo. You wan na give this a try by itself, yeah sure, let's just taste the piece.
First, all right, the taste keeps them coming and coming different tastes. Different flavors, oh wow, yeah. What is that? I don't even know what to say it's like unbelievably creamy slides around in your mouth. It will be good to eat a jalapeno.

To contrast that richness, yes ready. Oh, it was a juicy jalapeno. Oh yeah smashed. I couldn't stop, i'm sorry yeah, but i'm also gon na separate it.

You want to finish uh, mr mark and mr mexi. Puppetry is something we're sort of known for, which is the burnt ends um when you're done cooking carnitas, because all the small particles that fall off that pork butt bone in in the buche, the stomach, the cuaritos. They all fought to the bottom of the pot, so we're done taking everything out, and this is where all the flavor sits in, which is the migajas sientos burntens, whatever you want to call it, and this is what we have here and it's it's an explosion of Flavors in your mouth, this is the granddaddy of all this taco right here. You ready man, same procedure, same strategy, bite and spray, but different flavor, though oh yeah, i love those juicy jalapenos.

The burnt ends fully loaded bam, wow, it's like all the parts of the pig one taco, condensed all in one one flavor and the one flavor wow freaking delicious. I can't even believe that that's like the most pig flavor you could possibly have per square centimeter in your mouth yeah. I literally want to cry. I had a tear i'll, introduce you guys to my mom hug.

I needed a hug, so i'm gon na serve up the mixed taco, which has pork stomach some skin pork butt bone in and then i top it off with some of the front end, so you're getting you're getting four meats and one taco. That is heavy. I'm already getting the the carnitas meat sweats, i'm moving slower slower than before. Oh you got the juicy one this time.

Oh that's monstrous! Look at the size of this yeah. This is heavy yeah twice the same as the other one yeah. This is a man who knows how to eat a taco. Oh man, that was an unbelievable experience insane i'm walking a little slower now, underneath the sign behind this gate awaits one of the greatest food experiences in los angeles, hidden gem brother, a hidden gem, we're out here street side.

Now again, this is where the food truck is and then in the back is where they cook the carnitas. We weren't expecting we already how many tacos did we have five five tacos and somehow like billy, kept making them bigger and bigger and bigger, but he hands us a torta. Bread toasted filled with you can see the burnt ends and then just literally an entire half a pig's worth of skin. Oh, it's warm it's gooey, the gooeyness, the jiggliness, it's so gooey and fatty and meaty.

I never had a torta from here wow back in mexico. They used to uh feed the pigs like a lot of food and then they will sell them by the pound. I think that's what they want to do to us. You want to get us all chunky and then sell us by the pound.
Look at this man. This is what is called amulita packed with carnitas cheese and then crusted cheese right on the outside insane brother. It's hot right off the grill too oh cheers. Well, they put carnitas and everything and everything just tastes, so good, so much cheese, oh man, a massive honor to be hanging out with mr momo he's the one who started who brought the carnitas and it's just an honor to hang out with him to be in His presence, thank you so much for sharing your your family story and man i mean, i don't understand all the spanish, but with the help of your translating, but even if i didn't speak a single word with your father with mr momo, the smile on his face, The look of joy when in his eyes is just incredibly special and that's why i love your your channel bro, because a lot of the stories you talk about and you you know you present remind me a lot of my family, because i love the fact that You go to these hole-in-the-wall places and bro, that's like to me.

I feel like i'm watching my family's story again. Thank you very much because i started following you like four years ago four years ago, and i seen you come along so like dude. Thank you. It's an honor, it's an honor honestly.

Thank you, billy. Thank you, billy. Thank you. Thank you very much massive honor.

Thank you very much. Thank you. Thank you. An absolute hero of carnitas of food, a story of coming to the united states and building something that he pursued, and that is wow that was special.

That was just literally a five minute drive from carnitas we're at the next place. Yes, yes in uh cheers l.a. It's very iconic for hispanic culture. Mexican culture, as you can see in the background over here - love the murals so much artwork in this area, so many little markets and restaurants and little stalls.

Yes, yes, and this place is very unique, taco santa that's what it's called jalisco, but they got something very specific, very special, something very delicious that people drive far from is called chicken eggs, they're, deep, fried so good chicken necks next, yes, santa jalisco, what a cool Place the main kitchen is this: ornate beautifully designed food truck? It's a bus, a food bus with murals on the outside and they're doing most of the cooking, i think in the truck, and then they have this whole built-in permanent patio, seating section, which is also fantastic. We're about to go into the truck we're going to see as they deep fry the chicken necks and see what they do here. So man, that's just like a a violent, deep fry, just submerge them they just erupt in an explosion of oil and deep friedness. You can see maybe a little bit of spice or marinade on those chicken necks, i'm not totally sure, but he just puts like fistfuls of them into the deep fryer drops them in wow.
That is intense, deep frying, a cloud of oil they go through about 6. 000, pounds of chicken necks a week, that's about 24, 25 000 pounds a month. That's a lot of chickens! The next question is how many pounds per how many necks per pound four next per pound. Four next per pound who's good at math.

You've got to be better at math than me: yeah. 20 minutes. 20 minutes; okay, so that's 24 000 necks per week that they make here uh and they deep fry for about 20 minutes. So you that you can tell that crispiness is going to go all the way through through the bone river and that's what you call a tub full of fresh, deep, fried chicken necks and you can see how that color has changed to golden brown.

How the skin around it has completely crispified how even the bones have turned crispy. Oh those are beautiful chicken, necks and just look at the way. They're crispy, all the way through plus that salsa looks amazing. Salsa fresca sausage yeah is not spicy very, very flavorful and again it's all to make the chicken eggs just taste better momentous chicken necks.

Yes, so you can eat them different ways. You can just pick them up. Put some salsa in it. Try some fresca just buy them like that or you can get them in a tortilla and a taco.

So, okay, how about we start off with uh putting some salsa fresh on it. I think yeah, i think so or you wan na just eat one just eat it like some of them are hairier than others. I'm going this one right here. I like little little uh fried the little skin yeah.

Yes with the skin because yeah they kind of have, they all have a little different, their own identity. It's all a different chicken, hey they're, probably customs right here, right out of east l.a, taco santa rita, iconic, iconic man. So good, let's go oh yeah, oh good! Huh so many textures crunch down on the bone, you can eat the entire thing. People might think that they don't have meat, but trust me.

They got a lot of meat in them and that's a yeah so has bone on it. You're going to eat the whole bone at all, yeah you can eat that meat, which is so so moist. I think it's so oily right. The neck bone neck bone meat is so oily and moist a fresh one.

This is your salsa fresco. Oh, thank you for some of mine. I love that it's almost orange, it's so red right! Oh it just has this amazing pop to it? Oh yeah, you could drink that salsa and you know like chicken neck bones are something that probably in most of the united states are discarded or thrown out. It's a part, that's neglected, so i'd love to support anybody who is using the lesser common parts of an animal, no waste, no waste man, and it's so good, oh yeah, you're, going to want to just drench it in this salsa.

You were right about that. Salsa mexi papa, it's also like they're good on their own, but you need that salsa to like break that that crispiness that oiliness, it's so addictive right! Yeah! You just can't stop eating these things. You can crunch the entire bone, eat them different ways when you're licking your fingers playing with uh bones. It is really good and it is one more way to eat in a taco.
Okay, why grab yourself a tortilla? Thank you, mr papa grab a neck. Oh look at that skin. There's like a chicharron on this one. It takes a pro lita taco.

You bite a smiley face into it. This my friend, is how you eat. Oh, it's so good. It is good with the tortilla as well to absorb the salsa.

So good all the different textures of crispy skin, the meat i mean even the meat is crispy. Yes, everything is crispy and then moist so moist chase that with some onions, some of the radish we're back in south central, yes, south central, a very, very iconic and famous place and very love here in l.a uh we're right here at avalon and it's called taco Los poblanos estilo tijuana when you think of tacos in l.a you think of this place. This is the spot. This is a spot.

Uh um, los poblanos is starting to come alive. All the taqueros are getting their stations ready. The steak is going on, the jalapenos are roasting. Al pastor is starting to spin they're gon na get ready to pour those salsas very soon.

They're gon na make handmade tortillas here as well to go with everything, but what a just? What a street corner in los angeles, hello, mexi, papa's gon na teach me a move with the fresh tortilla. This is a move that is very dangerous. Do not try this at home. These are professionals on it.

Only professionals and you can see how the tortillas puff up nothing like a fresh tortilla, oh yeah, that masa, oh, even the texture, the gooeyness. You know it took me years to practice this move. I can't believe you got it at the first shot. He takes a pro back over to the grill.

Now more steak is going on and then some of the chorizo is on the grill now an ultimate system that they have going. Here i mean from the fresh masa all the way in the end grab a fresh, then one of the stations when they get in order. They grab one of the fresh tortillas literally cooked seconds ago. Then you get your choice to a pastor, the grill, the variety of different tacos that you can order so fresh, so good.

What a system? Okay, first thing that we're ordering is a quesadilla and for that they make a extra large tortilla corn tortilla and put that on the the hot plate. She adds a handful of cheese onto it and then we're gon na see what they add. Next, oh foreign, i like the combination of carne, asada and chorizo, and then they made this tortilla sand made with cheese. Best combination ever trust me literally in like 30 seconds, from masa to quesadilla wow everything cooked fresh, okay, i'm just gon na.

Do an opening reveal to show you what's inside no secrets. Look it it's all perfect. In there, oh man, the cheese holding it together, the guacamole, the onions that mix of chorizo - yes, so perfect, best combination ever mark, yes, truly, truly, a magical device that is heavy ready, ready. The greatest question ever the fresh tortilla makes a difference, a huge difference.
The chorizo just bumps up that flavor the cheese is melted. The crunch of the onion, the salsa in there, the creaminess of the guacamole, everything you could possibly want. I don't want to be holding anything else in my hand. Ever wow we come on there just right off the grill right into your quesadilla.

We saw everything in this entire thing being cooked. Yes from start to finish right here seriously, it's so good, unbelievable, it's huge, but you don't want to set it down. You can't set it down, set it down, you feel like you're gon na want to run away or something somebody might take it from you. Where's south central spectacular down here.

Oh man, six inch piece of chorizo in a fresh tortilla, mexi papa got his just with salsa. I got mine with salsa and guacamole. It vaguely reminds you of eating a hot dog, a much much better one right, maybe kind of like a mexican hot dog usa. It has tortilla and chorizo almost cannot stop smiling when you're about to take a bite of this.

You just start feeling giggly. It doesn't get all for me. Man, oh wow yeah, oh the flavor of that chorizo, the like chili oil that burst in your mouth done with that salsa and it's so much fun to eat. I don't want anybody to talk, no we're done talking for the day.

Yes, we are. You got two more bikes i got one. Should i wait for you is this? Our final bite final bite final bite over there, okay final bite of the day, one second and you know what best bite ever crunky, one more one: more whoa, okay, one of the great legends of street food. I can guarantee you everything is spectacular.

That quesadilla will just blow your taste buds out of this world, unbelievable one of the great destinations of los angeles that wraps up another just unbelievably spectacular mexican street food day with mexi papa in los angeles, oh man everywhere we went today just top of the notch. Iconic great people spectacular food i'll have all the places that we went to in the description box below and also, i want to say, a huge thank you to mexi papa without him. It wouldn't have been possible he's taking me to all these spots and i'm grateful for his help, and i mean just just fun to hang out with mexi papaya at the same time and yeah be sure to follow. Mexi papa go check out his videos and his social media i'll have all his information in the description box below, and also a big thank you to you for watching this video.

Please remember to give it a thumbs up if you enjoyed it, leave a comment below i'd love to hear from you and if you're not already subscribed, click subscribe now and also click the little bell icon. So you'll immediately get notified of the next video that i publish and also remember, to watch more los angeles food videos uh, which you can check them all out. Thanks again for watching goodbye from la, and i will see you on the next video.

By Mark

15 thoughts on “Mexican street food – loaded quesadilla meat jacuzzi in los angeles!!”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Honey Moon says:

    God bless Mr. Momo & his family. Billy is doing phenomenal things in that kitchen! He definitely was taught by one of the best! 😍

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Abe Naz says:

    Hi Mark, do you get food poisoning when you try some strange 🤔 food if not, I don't know what you are made with.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Knock it Down says:

    Bro that meat boiling at momo, that stuff looked so good. I travel to LA a lot during winter in Minnesota so this is for sure a must try.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kel LA says:

    Mark! Are you doing other types of LA food? You could do ramen! We have so many types of food in LA!

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Notfinancialadvice says:

    🗣 Aye I always said ANYTIME you get served food in foil paper you know that it’s about to be 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars galindoa21 says:

    OMG I miss the delicious food from L.A. Can’t wait to be back home in a few months so that I can stuff my face with tacos! 😋

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nicky Rich says:

    Love your show as usual Mark. Keep up the great work.. Everything looked awesome even the chicken neck minus all the feathers. I hate eating feathers.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Juan Rodriguez says:

    Do food docu series 1 show per family 👪 do something crazy go to there hometown and show them there family from home

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Claudia Fuentes says:

    Born and raised in east LA and I’ve never even heard of any of these locations lol.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Michael Reyes says:

    Life changing…LARD?!! Anyone can make dead pig smothered in lard sauce taste good! Give me some tasty vegan Mexican food!

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Erick CK says:

    Not even Mexico's mexican food tops California's mexican food. No joke!

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Puppets Tiny World says:

    love your expressions when you see the food and you literally melt when you have your first bite 🙂

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars alejandra ramirez says:

    Yay!!!! No way! Tacos Los poblanos is actually my go to place, love those tacos!!!! It’s sooo awesome that you went here!Im so jealous I wasn’t there!!! You are awesome mark!

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Edward Hilton says:

    I got so emotional, Mr Momo was a delight. And Mark was a great ambassador of food culture

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Gnaus76 says:

    When they serve you straight out of the can, you know that your getting the gourmet experience

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