🥩 Carne Asada Tour: https://youtu.be/4FTSW08mDN4
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TUCSON, ARIZONA - Tucson, Arizona is one of the great Mexican food cities of the United States, especially for Sonoran Mexican food. Today, we’re going to a place that specializes in a huge burrito, filled with grilled steak, and fully wrapped in bacon! Delicious, or too much? Let’s go try it!
📍 Percheron Mexican Grill (https://g.page/percheronmexicangrill?share) Price - About $12 per burrito - Percheron Mexican Grill is known for their percheron, a type of giant burrito that’s known from Hermosillo which includes a huge flour tortilla filled with carne asada, cheese, and avocado. But at Tucson’s Percheron Mexican Grill, they take the percheron to the next level by wrapping it in bacon fully, and searing off the bacon on a hot griddle before you’re served. At first, I was thinking it might be over the top, and just too much of a good thing. But taking my first bite, I knew it wasn’t hype, it’s the real deal. Somehow the bacon isn’t overpowering or even too rich, it just provides the ultimate burrito wrapping. Incredibly tasty, a must when you’re in Tucson, Arizona.
📍 Elotes el Fridas (https://goo.gl/maps/8rMKThWMaaurdFDA9) - Price - $5 - Next up on this Mexican street food tour in Tucson, Carlos and I headed over to Elotes el Fridas to eat elotes, corn on the cob dressed in Mexican cream, mayo, and cheese, with self seasoning of salsas. It was great, the corn was sweet and delicious.
📍 Marymar Raspados (https://goo.gl/maps/wLyeQdCjR2oUUJ8L8) - Finally to finish off this Mexican food tour of Tucson, we headed over to Marymar Raspados to eat a variety of fruits and drinks, super sweet and dressed in chamoy. It was a great sweet way to end this amazing day of bacon wrapped burritos in Tucson!
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Hey everyone hope you're having an amazing day. It's mark wiens, i'm in tucson south tucson. Today we are gon na go on a mexican food tour, but especially focusing on some unique, very unique mexican dishes, such as the bacon, wrapped burrito, we're gon na see the entire process, it's amazingly stable and sturdy, and some unique mexican street food, snacks and dishes. So it's gon na be a lot of fun.

It's gon na be a lot of delicious food and i'm going to share everything with you in this video we're starting off this food tour today at pecheron, the home of the bacon wrapped burrito. What's up carlos another beautiful day, man in tucson? Are you ready for pecha ron? I got my shirt on again. Okay, i got my shirt on again and it's meant to be like a big guru with a lot of stuff in it. Karnasara usually, and they put a different stuff inside, but this location actually wraps the vegetarian in bacon.

So, oh, so the pecharon is not always bacon. No, it's not always making it's just. Basically, it's just okay. In this case, it's going to be wrapped in bacon.

My name's alex alex yes, how long have you been running? This we've been running this business since 2013.: okay yeah, my family started it and yes, so yeah. We introduced the bacon raw burrito, i believe in 2015 or 16.. Okay and yeah we've been making it. Since then awesome, so these tortillas are straight from mexico.

Okay, that's like what makes them so delicious, okay yeah! We they bring them from our hometown. Oh so, you're from there excuse me you're from ireland. Yes, okay, my family is from i am from, and my brother who started the business is is so here. Whenever we make it, we make it medium, rare okay, so that when we put it on the grill, it finishes cooking and it gives that like hardness out of flavor, you know here we put some shredded mozzarella cheese in it.

We cannot like change the way. The ingredients are uh putting together, so we start everything like meat, onion wow, and you saw how i put the turkey on the grill and we put the cheese here. The the cheese like the winner, the layering of ingredients, is, is special too right. So whenever you take a bite of the burrito, the cheese will be melted.

That's awesome, tomatoes, tomatoes and a bunch of avocado. Okay awesome if it's a small avocado, probably one for burrito, okay, so yeah with the whole avocado yeah. We make sure we put thick slices in it, you can fill it whenever you buy it, you can take a bite okay because they have mozzarella, cheese and mayo. You see it has just a little bit touch of mayo yeah.

So this is what gives it the flavor and that's the difference it makes from other burritos. Okay, so banana wrap. All the ingredients are set up. Yeah we go now and wrap it up.

Oh that's pretty huge. I know right. It is huge all right. Okay, now comes the bacon.

Yes, now comes the bacon, i will say we use like probably five to six slices for burrito yeah, like that, so he's fully coated in bacon. It's fully coated in bacon. Of course, it's so delicious. You would love it whenever you try.
It okay, so this is the product almost done and then right now we put it in the grill. So whenever you take a bite of the burrito, it will be crispy. You get all the goods inside the cheese, the steak, the monster, though you cook it until the bacon is like crispy, caramelized and brown. Oh man, the bacon, wrapped pecharon, absolutely amazing.

It's that's at least a foot long, a foot long in these massive tortillas straight from mexico, carne asada goes in on that hot plate. He adds on actually the touch that i really like is. He adds on a half of like actually like a whole avocado right into it. Oh, that's gon na melt into the buro with that bacon, and so the final step is you just like completely just plasters it in bacon on the hot griddle and just gon na wait for all of that to sizzle all the way through on every side.

Until it's caramelized and crispy and encased fully burrito encased vacant encased, oh man, my first time ever, yes for the bacon-wrapped burrito, never forget no, never thought he will be so once the bacon sides to it starts to like tighten up. You see how the cheese is like yeah, you come out like everything but the, but the bacon is sort of like yeah holding it in holding it together, see that cheese. Yes, oh wow, oh wow, okay. I think this one's ready.

Oh man, it is huge. It literally is a it's a foot long and it's like literally held together by the bacon it's held together by the bacon. It's exploding and bulging with cheese and melted ingredients and the bacon is literally wrapped and like ribs, like ribs, holding it together. Okay, we're gon na do one more yes, we're gon na do the mixed burrito, which is one of the popular ones too.

Okay, and what does that include? So we start with grilled onions, marinated also pasta, so this is what basically gives the flavor to the inside. Oh man, foreign now to the girl, so thank you very much. Absolutely awesome man good job. Oh thanks for me.

Thank you. Now, let's go try it it's heavy. It is massive, but typically they would slice it in half, so it's easier to eat, but we thought it would. I mean when there's something this big in front of you, wrapped in bacon.

I wanted to pick up the entire thing with two hands and bite it all the juices, it's amazingly stable and sturdy. Okay, let's do this man ready. It smells so good too, that bacon all right, carlos, oh wow. Oh, that is insane there's so much going on, but everything is working together.

Okay, you immediately taste the bacon, but i also immediately taste the creaminess of the melted avocado and the melted cheese yeah such such a filling such a complete butter right here, there's so many flavors. The only thing is going on in your mouth. It's amazing! It's good! It's amazing amazing, the bacon is not overpowering, but it's there and it's flavoring and it's like crispy and all just like the melted ingredients on the inside. If you choose not to cut it, you you don't have a choice to set it down.
You have to keep holding it or you have to like lean it wedge it onto your plate, because we need to do a little bit of seasoning for the next bite. A little i'll need to have a sprinkle of lime, and that tortilla is amazing too. Oh wow yeah, wow signature sauce, yes yeah the creaminess of it, the creaminess of it and then that, like little smoky, chili flavor to a chipotle to it and also with a squeeze of lime, perfect counterbalancing, the richness of all the meats. It's like a baton.

No, this one is okay, so this one is pork mix of pork and then also um as well with everything. Oh carlos is exploding. It really is truly amazing. Okay, i'm going to season at the top i'll, try the red chipotle fatter than that one.

No, it's better! This one's fatter, ok, no jalapeno, wow, the mix of adobada, the mixed mixed burritos amazing group, because we've got the two different textures of meat plus the the flavor. The marinade of that adobata, i think, what's amazing, is that that avocado is also one of the key ingredients that makes it the creaminess of it being melted within the burrito as it cooks as it sears on the hot plate. This may be a failed move, but i'm gon na try to break it. Oh you got ta the key.

Is you have to break it in between slices of bacon? That way it breaks off nicely nice and even oh yeah, look at the inside of that. Actually they're both good. The mixto is actually incredible, though, because you have that extra layer of flavor from the adobada marinade, okay, i'm getting down to the bottom. You feel just the bacon oils and juices and meat juices just accumulating at the bottom melted avocado wow yeah - and this is a it's a serious burrito.

Not only is it a serious bacon creation, but that's a seriously sized burrito at least a foot long literally the type of burrito you would eat and you can't do anything else for the rest of the day or the rest of the week wow. That was a new burrito experience, absolutely incredible that bacon just cases in encases all of the juices and just wraps it in this crunchy ultra flavorful crispy, bacony, torpedo insane and i can guarantee you you're gon na feel sluggish after that one. But we're gon na go to the next place, which is a food truck just down the road like it's a trailer home food truck. It's called elote alfreda, and this is so cool on the side of the road we're on 12th avenue again, which is the ultimate mexican food street in tucson.

They do all sorts of elotes, which is what exactly is an elote carlos uh. It's similar to the yellow corn, but it's more of a white corn. So it's not as sweet as the american yellow corn and, yes, they do mayonnaise lime, chili sauce and it's popular popular all over mexico. I remember we had elotes in oaxaca.
There are different ways you can sometimes they grill it okay. This is mostly just uh boiled in water to make it soft, so it varies difference between mexico pipe. This one is going to be boiled on a stick. All the toppings come out.

The full corn on the cob, which is boiled and then i think he adds some mexican cream as well as cheese all around. So then it's on it poked on a stick, so you could pick up the whole thing, but where it really gets good is when you do your own dressing. Add your own seasoning. We're going to have carlos show us how to do the seasoning, my favorite valentina.

This is just the spicier spicier butter, oh nice, okay, these are both valentina, so i think we'll go with the spicy vanilla, yes for sure, um, and then you can do this a little bit of salsa and you don't need much with this. I mean it's already. What do you think so? This is uh chili. This is just uh powdered chili, yeah powdered chili.

This is natural powdered powdered chili. They shouldn't be too spicy, so it's gon na be mostly for flavor. The flavor is gon na, come from the rest of the things in there mayonnaise mexican quesos, cremas and salt, a little bit of salt here and that's good yup. Here we go this massive corn.

Look how huge it is huge corn on the cob carlos. You did get a good job. Seasoning, oh yeah, oh the corn is hearty filling juicy. You've got that creaminess, i'm not sure if it's mayonnaise or like a mexican cream, maybe a combination of both with the cheese with all those different, salty seasonings, the salsa, the powdered chili, oh yeah, that's fantastic, and it just gets over your entire face as soon as You take a bite, oh the juiciness.

You can tell this is fresh or nothing. You can tell the difference. Yes, very fresh! Look at that, it's so good, so good, yeah again like carlos said the freshness of the corn, is, i think, what stands out about this place. I mean they specialize in corn.

This place is amazing. It's like this empty yard. In the middle of tucson, there's some old fridges and debris laying around there's this amazing old camper van camper van horn, cart, where they're selling the elotes prepared like this, but actually it seems to be like really one of the main businesses here is the masa grinding. The corn lots of people have come here, filled up their buckets or filled up their pans, full of the masa and continued on their way, but the place is amazing.

Do i need a tissue? Oh yeah always remember to wipe your mouth after you eat an elate cheese, valentina hot sauce, corn juice. All over my face. Okay, let's go to the next spot here we are next spot. So next up on this food tour, we're going to marimar, which is on the corner of a neighborhood and a main road.

I love the colors bright green, all handwritten hand painted so cool and they specialize in graspados, as well as all sorts of different fruit, salads and also variations of tostitos. It's crab meat tostitos with meat, locos, okay, okay, so she's gon na make the tostitos locos, which is made from tostitos the chips, but it's dressed with all different sorts of toppings and salsas, and so she's gon na make us demonstrate how to make a bag of Toasty locos, okay, so cucumber, goes in okay, so that's tamarind, peanuts, peanuts, some more cannoli, so a crazy, crazy pineapple and it's served within an entire pineapple. This is the tamarind goes in there peanuts, yes, is they take the whole half a pineapple? They chop it up. They put it back inside then she mixes on tamarind, there's peanuts, there's a bunch of chamoy on top, which is a fermented plum, salty, plum which actually originates in china and so you'll you'll find that throughout asia as well, the same flavor like a salty plum, so That goes on top.
Then she added in another layer of pineapple another layer of peanuts and tamarind. Then some tamarind and some chamomile like fruit leather, goes on top and more chamoy sauce and then finishes it off with a chamoy straw that goes in. That is a crazy pineapple. Okay, uh mango mango annette is joining us because she's the snack lover.

Yes, i think we should start with the toasty. It's like wet and juicy there's salsas, and yet it's still crunchy and there's cucumbers in here. You kind of kind of build a sandwich almost with all the different. Oh, oh annette got a nice scoop.

She is an expert i'm going to go in her scooper spot right there, that's nice pro! That is a pro move. Okay, i found some. You want to scoop to the bottom: oh yeah, the tamarind, the peanuts, the cucumber all of that chamoy yeah, so very traditional snacks to us mexicans this. We love this every single day, every single night or every weekend.

Whenever we can get this next, we get it. It is really good salty, for this bite add some of the valentina salsa, oh yeah! Thank you that extra spice, the flavor of the valentina and again with all those different textures. It's amazing how the chips don't get soggy. They just remain crunchy wet.

At the same time, okay, so this one is a lot of the the same toppings except mixed with in a pineapple. So you just dive right into this. Try to poke up as much as you can making sure you've got a little bit of everything in a lot of the chamoy. Oh yeah, the pineapple is cold, yep, so sweet, it's nice and juicy and sweet and refreshing yeah, yeah, so sweet and then ollie's.

Very very flavorful: what's amazing is it looks like it's going to be crazy with so many different things going on and it is crazy with so many different things going on, but they all go together. It's sweet! It's juicy! It's sour! It's salty! It's everything in one! In one harmony of a pineapple, in fact, the saltiness and those different candies and syrups almost bring out the flavor of the pineapple even more okay. And then the final thing that i got is the raspado. You can get all different flavors, but it's mainly about that crushed ice right yeah.
What i like about pizzas was that they use fresh fruit. Ah, okay, so fresh fruit, there's ice cream in here she layered it in. I was gon na take off this cover, but i think that might be a bad idea. I think it will completely fall over because it's already melted a little bit, so i think i need a straw actually incredibly refreshing.

I love the crunch of the ice. The ice cream and the fresh fruits - you really taste those strawberries in there too, and if i take one more drink, then we can kind of open the lid and we can spoon it get it. We brought a pro when it comes to sweets. We brought in ice cream.

We brought a lot of pros when it comes to sweets. Go for it. I see some toasty locos on your cheek. I like the strawberries, you like the strawberries.

Okay, i'll, try, the mangoes, oh yeah! This is a family raspado. Oh, it's amazingly creamy and refreshing and icy all at the same. Oh time coming up who's coming up from the booth come on micah, oh, my god after i ate that bacon, wrapped burrito, my stomach is protruding. Okay.

Now this is family snacking. It's amazing they've been sitting here for like 5-10 minutes and they're still crunchy by the time you get to the bottom. Here you almost need a fork to scoop everything on yeah. It gets messy and that is extremely tasty and again so many things going on, but everything working together: okay, oh man, that was another amazing day of mexican food in tucson arizona.

Again, i think this is one of the greatest mexican food cities in the united states, especially for sonoran food, and today we ate a lot of unique foods. Some very interesting combinations, some huge things the highlight for me for sure was that bacon-wrapped pecheron burrito gigantic burrito. Oh man, i can guarantee i'm gon na, have dreams about that. It was that good, but really everything today has been superb and again the friendliness of the people of tucson and the way that food is such a huge part of the culture is what always stands out to me.

Every single day that i'm eating in tucson i'll have all the places that we went to in the description box below, so you can check them all out when you're in tucson, and i want to say big. Thank you for watching this video. Please remember to give it a thumbs up if you enjoyed it, leave a comment below i'd love to hear from you and if you're not already subscribed, click subscribe and also click the little bell icon. That way, you'll immediately get notified of the next video that i publish thanks again for watching goodbye from tucson, and i will see you on the next video.

By Mark

15 thoughts on “Mexican Street Food!! 🥓 Giant BACON WRAPPED BURRITO + Tostilocos!!”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kuwait Kuwait says:

    Greetings to you and the beautiful people of Mexico and the Inca civilization, and thank you, your brother from the Arab world

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars mrwell2341 says:

    Thank you, Mark, for showing us to have a good time and enjoy delicious foods.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ClipTimeJunior says:

    That burrito chef … Lets go try it ….
    Mark and his mate … Leaves him out the camera and doesn't share 😂

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Levi Cruz says:

    i don't know what's the point of trying all these unhealthy food all around the world when you know with time it's build up diseases in your body.. Plus Mexico is considered the the #1 country for people with diabetes…

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Freebird Tina says:

    Tell them to bring their bacon wrapped Percheron to Creston, Ohio pleasssseeeee 😭😭😱😱😱✌✌🙂🙂

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars panchyto1101 says:

    So putting raw meat on the same table where you prep food is very unsanitary

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars San Tiago says:

    Burritos are not Mexican food, they were invented in California in the 60's. Burrito means small donkey in Spanish, and "Percherón" is the Spanish word for Draft horse, a large, strong heavy horse used in farm labor. I have never seen that concoction in a restaurant in México. Avocado does not "melt".

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars pasha gerami says:

    Yes so tasty 😋 but reflective of an unhealthy culture. My mom is from Mexico and it’s sad how fat Mexicans are in general. Drinking coke and stuff from a young age and all that fried stuff. Anyways love your channel man🙏

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars InItForTheParking says:

    I'd prefer the bacon on the inside. But the corn, my absolute favorite hot sauce is the black label Valentina's. I've seen in bag natchos before, but that is a nice twist and the pineapple looked amazing.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars O. Bartlett says:

    Bacon Burrito ? I just had an orgasm watching all of them enjoy it. Since I doubt I'll be going to Arizona anytime soon I'm gonna have to try & duplicate this

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Fabian Garcia says:

    I've seen like 90% of Mark's videos and I think the food that he enjoys the most is the Mexican food.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars aqualad says:

    thats a real homie, who else is gonna dress up your elote like his boy did

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Barbara Elstad says:

    Mark Thank you so much for coming to Tucson.
    I’m a native of Southern Arizona (Bisbee) and it’s so great to have you enjoy our food!
    Thank you 🥰 Barbara

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Eagle775 says:

    For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. John 3:16 KJV, Jesus Christ is the only way…..

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Adam Diaz-Garcia says:

    hey your friend really does know how to make a corn I can remember 32 years ago when I was in Mexico and he sees Valentina hot sauce for the corn does that same way he prepared it that's the same way I remembered 32 years ago man I bet you that corn was delicious love your show I love your face expressions makes me laugh reminds me of me when I'm eating food that I really enjoy keep up the good videos loyal subscriber to you guys much love and respect

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