📍 Kin-Kub-Ei (กินกับอี๋): https://www.eatingthaifood.com/kin-kub-ei-restaurant-phuket/
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PHUKET, THAILAND - Located in the southern Thailand island of Phuket, Aunty Tubtim serves home cooked southern Thai food in her backyard. It’s the definition of home cooked food, and it’s a fantastic restaurant to eat at when you’re in Phuket. Today, we’re going to go eat lunch, see Aunty as she cooks, and eat. And one of the unique signatures is that Aunty always wears batik pajamas and a shower cap when she cooks! #Phuket #ThaiFood
Kin Kub Ei (กินกับอี๋) restaurant which literally translates to Eat With Aunty, is the perfect name for this restaurant. She cooks a mixture of Southern Thai, and Chinese, specifically Hakka food. Here are the main dishes we ordered during out meal:
Deep fried fish with curry paste (pla tod kreung ปลามงทอดเครื่อง) - This is one of their signature dishes, and it’s delicious. Crispy fish, and deep fried curry paste, can’t get better.
Aunty Pork (หมูอี๋) - There’s a famous braised pork belly dish in Phuket called moo hong, and this is their own version of the dish.
Chicken “bae sa” (ไก่แป๊ะซะ) - This was a standout dish for me, Hakka Chinese style boiled chicken served with a ridiculously tasty sauce of soy sauce and fried garlic. The chicken texture was fantastic and the garlic sauce was what made it.
We also had a few more dishes:
Gaeng som pla mong (แกงส้มปลามง) - Southern Thai sour curry with fish
Nam choob yow (น้ำชุปเย๊าะ) - Chili dip with dry fish
Pad krut pad fai daeng (ผักกรูดผัดไฟแดง) - Stir fried ferns
Napa cabbage soup (ผักกาดสาหร่ายเต้าหู้หมูสับ) - Plain napa cabbage soup
Mantou tod (หมั่นโถทอด) - And finally for dessert, Chinese style mantou, but deep fried and served with coconut custard. This is something you must eat.
Total price for everything - 1,020 THB ($33.19)
Kin Kub Ei (กินกับอี๋) is a fantastic home cooking style restaurant in Phuket. The service is friendly, family run, and you really are eating a meal in Aunty’s backyard.
Keep in mind that reservations are required a few days in advance and they are only open Friday - Sunday for the weekends. Makes a great place to relax over the weekend.
You can see the full meal, with photos and information, on the blog: https://www.eatingthaifood.com/kin-kub-ei-restaurant-phuket/
📍 Kin Kub Ei (กินกับอี๋):
Google maps: https://g.page/kinkubei?share
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/eatwithaunt
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Hey everyone hope you're having an amazing day. It's mark wiens, i'm in phuket in southern thailand and today for lunch. We are eating at a restaurant called gingapi and it literally means eating with auntie. I'm gon na go ahead and say that she is the coolest chef and that's the coolest chef outfit of any chef outfit i've ever seen anywhere.

She is legendary for her phuket style. Thai chinese, specifically hakka food auntie is an incredible cook. I love her style. Her cooking method, we've pre-ordered, the food, we're gon na watch her as she cooks, and i can't wait to eat and to share all the food with you in this.

It really is a home-cooked backyard meal. You just pulled in um and it is their house. So you're eat in their backyard, there's just tables spread out throughout their backyard, but they're so friendly. The family, um and they've greeted us and welcomed us.

I love the feel the relaxed pace, just the garden you're dining in the backyard. We got a table right under that little bungalow, perfect, okay, something you have to do here is you have to pre-order the food before you come a couple days in advance, or maybe the day before, uh reservations and at least two days before: okay, okay, two days Before you have to make a reservation, and during that reservation they send you the menu, and then you choose the different dishes that you want. We're gon na head back to the kitchen now to watch her as she cooks, auntie as she cooks, they're, so nice. So cool, oh and this is the house - she actually cooks at the bottom of the house in the yard awesome.

So it is a huge honor to have a chance to meet auntie and have her cook for us, oh man. She is her years of knowledge and experience and what a kick in open air underneath the house uh facing the backyard you can hear the sound of the stream just trickling by which adds to the ambiance okay. She is amazing and she's making a nam prick with a little dried fish, and then she just shredded in some green mango, and it's so aromatic so fragrant with that uh, especially the shrimp paste, the fresh chilies and that green mango make-up um. We ordered mostly their signature dishes.

Another signature dish that they have is fried fish. This time is a blamong in thai and marinated in a mixture of turmeric and lemongrass galangal, a curry, paste and then deep, fried the aroma of that makes your mouth immediately water. Then the next thing we ordered is a steamed chicken which is already prepared, which is already cooked, so she just chops it up into bite-sized pieces onto the plate. Oh man, the aromas we also got gengsom, which is a sour curry.

Southern thai style with turmeric fish is still frying and, and he just finished chopping up our chicken half a chicken. I just want to say a huge thank you for watching this video. I hope you're already enjoying it, but right now, if you could quickly click like on this video, you would be a huge help and it will just take you one second. So thank you in advance for clicking like on this video.
This is one fried with fish. Okay, the curry paste. Yes, oh and then you'll put this back onto the fish. Yes, so it'd be a little bit crispy.

It's like deep, fried crunchy curry paste that just smells insane what a technique! I think that's everything. Okay! Thank you very much! Oh man. I think that completes after she dished out the gang some and fried the um, the which is the fern. I think that is all the dishes we ordered i'm rushing back to our hut to start eating, but they're so cool.

This is a family restaurant. You feel the love the passion this is, you are at home eating here, that is all of the dishes, a beautiful spread of different food and again she has the coolest chef, outfit and style that i've seen of any chef ever that style, oh man and you're Sitting in their backyard, which is even more awesome and the flavors the bright colors, the just everything the dishes, look, superb and there's also a lot of home touches. A lot of traditional thai style touches like the the spoons made from zinc, usually made from zinc. These are the old thai style spoons, and i have to begin with the fried fish, the which is the the curry paste deep, fried crunchy fish, and this is a blabong.

I forget what it is in english right, but we've been eating a lot actually um, and i love that curry. Paste crunchy on top is a beautiful thing. I have to begin with that that fish yeah this is just such a cool place, the entire concept, the entire idea, the entire house and ante, and i love how this entire restaurant is also just a family, a family initiative wow. It tastes like deep-fried curry, with a fish in the center.

It is deep-fried curry that that marinade, those herbs and spices, the turmeric, the lemongrass, the galangal. It is superb and it's a little bit. Spicy too there's. Definitely some dry chilies in there.

The fish is good, but the curry paste is where it's at. That is the highlight, fried curry, paste, superb and so fresh next dish, i'm going to try is called kai pesa, which is, i believe, it's a steamed chicken, thai chinese style or haka style, haka, chinese style and the yellow skin. So she chopped this up. Had it prepared already, but the the main thing that goes with this is this amazing oil filled with garlic and i'm not sure what else.

But it looks incredible. She said: don't pour it over the entire chicken because it's kind of salty, but you dip your chicken into that sauce. You can feel the texture of that amazing chicken uh, the the slight chewiness, the free range aspect of it. Oh, what else is in the sauce? Garlic, maybe some soy sauce oil.

I want to cake up that garlic on this piece of chicken. Oh wow, yeah, that's stunning! Okay, it's the whole package in your mouth all at once: the the texture of that chicken, which is so juicy and yet soft, yet muscular at the same time, um and then that sauce, just the smoky garlic, salty, extremely fried garlicky. And that's what makes it yeah that sauce is delicious, but the chicken is also just done perfectly because of the different textures, because of that skin that skin just melts into the meat. But while that sauce, you know the fried smoky garlic.
Okay, you'll lick your fingers. Okay, next up for the num prick with the little fish with the green mango, which was pounding up um and then it's served with a selection of different vegetables from eggplant uh bamboo shoots, there's bitter melon, there's carrots, there's cucumbers, there's white turmeric! This is a specific type of uh phuket, which is a little dry fish um, which you pounded up in there, and i love the dryness yeah chunkiness of it, and you can just see how much flavor is in there. I think i'll start with a cucumber oil. Oh, that's just beautiful! I like how it's dry and not watery um the condensed flavor of the shrimp paste contrasted by the sourness of that green mango, the chilis and the dried fish just give it even more.

A more punch of salty fishy, just umami burst in your mouth: oh, what a dip! Okay, bitter melon! Oh! I think this is raw bitter melon, nice and just all of those ingredients pounded up into a harmony. It's spicy, oh, and with that bitter melon, adding the bitter element to it. That's another contrast, another layer of complexity. Did you try the gangster at you, oh okay, and next up for the gang som, which is the sour southern thai curry uh we got it with.

I think this is the same type of fish as the fried fish um, but this one just slices steaks of it and then she made it also with adip, which is um uh tarot stems i'll just take that whole slice of fish. A few more of the stems all right and a bit more of the curry, sauce turmeric garlic, um, dried chili chili's in here, a bunch of chilies and then that fish, just sour and spicy, with just a hint of sweetness to balance the flavor. But the fish is fresh, it melts in your mouth and then the sponginess of those taro stems awesome. That's just it's mostly sour and spicy, and just soothing, oh so, soothing, ah wonderful, lots and lots of turmeric in there, which is a stir-fried fern with a little bit of garlic, a little bit of chilies in here, and she gave this dish.

The nice light wok fry over a high heat, perfect saltiness, and then i love how the garlic is just barely toasted. So it's almost rough, so it has so much flavor. The final dish that we got here is this is a dish i've never heard before, but this is a their own style, but uh phuket style dish. It looks somewhat similar to muhong, which is a famous stew of pork stew in phuket, but this is more of a sauce poured over this pork.

You see the pepper in there. You see lots of garlic. I think that's pork. Belly, too, you can see the layers of it wow the different textures of that pork from the skin to the fat to the meat and then that sauce taste, the garlic and black pepper, but it tastes like a just a thick braised, porky sauce.
I love that black pepper and that garlic caramelized garlic, oh - and it also came with this pickle - maybe to cut probably to cut the richness, because that pork is really rich yeah. The fattiness of that pork is really rich and even the sauce i'll put some of this onto the rice mix that together. Oh, it's a combination that works so well. The pickle is kind of sweet and salty, actually not very sour, but that works in so many ways, because you've got the the gooey sticky fattiness of the pork and the crunch.

The refreshing aspect of the the pickle now eating them together is perfect, a perfect balance in your mouth and on that bite, i've tasted all the main dishes that we ordered uh. What truly stands out to me about this food is that it's uniquely home cooked, even if you were to close your eyes, you would know this is home-cooked food, and i think that aspect, that part, is what makes this food so special, this meal, so special. What makes it such an experience, probably my favorite dishes - are the fried fish with that crunchy curry paste and the chicken the chicken is amazing, but this fish is extraordinary. That's just straight caramelized curry.

This chicken is amazing, too just the actual chicken and that texture and those layers, and that sauce and the fried garlic is just an extra bonus. The icing on the cake that sauce is so good. You could bathe in it. It's also a great place for kids.

Micah is running back and forth from the swing to the horse to the to the wooden horse to the table to grab a bite. Perfect family atmosphere - oh i'm just halfway through the meal, but ying already ordered dessert and something you have to try here is the montota and manto are the chinese steamed buns. But this is actually deep, fried um and then served with a sankaya which should be a. I believe a coconut milk based kind of custard cream, but i'll come back for that dessert.

I got ta finish the the main dish. First, i think it's the heart and liver combo. Yes, i'm just gon na submerge, it's wonderful, the creamy, liver, the spongy heart. Okay.

I totally forgot about drinking any water or drinking anything during that meal, because it's so good, but another homely touch is that when you're thirsty you just come over to this umbrella under this umbrella they have cups. There's a ice chest of ice. It's all self-service. Can i get some ice? Oh thank you and then finally for dessert, the classic dessert, the fried manto, oh yeah, that is oh he's soft dip, a lot of sangaya i'll make it count.

Look at the fluffiness of that bread, almost like angel food angel cake. What is it called angel angel food cake yeah that is delicious, all the pillowiness of that munto, it's so fluffy, and so like fine in texture. Just with this light skin of a golden crunch and then that coconut custard is sweet, almost has a little bit of a caramel taste to it and just thick and rich and what a combo, what a way to end a fantastic home-cooked meal. I think hot hot water, just black coffee american american, also extremely convenient after you finish.
If things could not get more convenient or more perfect after your meal in the garden in the backyard, there's a coffee shop, a kopi coffee shop, they have some traditional thai chinese kind of coffees and also drip coffees uh. A variety of different, oh different, coffee beans. From the north of thailand, he grinds the coffee fresh by hand. That's awesome, um an amazing device like similar to an aeropress, but it's called an rok or rock made in thailand.

I've never seen it before uh a press, espresso press, oh yeah, just a fantastic restaurant to come with a group to come with your family. A couple of details. Number one is that uh the restaurant is open only on friday, saturday and sunday. So it's a weekend.

Restaurant and it's only open for lunch, i believe in throughout the afternoon, and then additionally, you need to order two days more than two days in advance, to make your reservation to make your order, and they can speak english as well. So you can call them up. Uh to make a reservation when you are in phuket and highly recommended for a great just relaxing afternoon meal on the weekend. So thank you very much to auntie.

Thank you so much to the entire family here for the wonderful meal, and that's going to be it for this video. I want to say a big thank you also to you for watching this video. Please remember to give it a thumbs up if you enjoyed it, leave a comment below i'd love to hear from you and if you're not already subscribed, click subscribe and also click the little bell icon and that way you'll immediately get notified of the next video that I published goodbye from the beautiful garden at gingapi in phuket and i will see you on the next video.

By Mark

12 thoughts on “Meet The Pajama Chef!! FRIED GARLIC FISH – Backyard Food Paradise!!”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars panda hug says:

    hey mark. you keep on talking about the place is perfect for family but you dont even show your family on your video . we would love to see you aeting with your wife and child .

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Iris Bolotaulo says:

    I'm learning so much from Mark , he explains thoroughly , the dishes , techniques, ingredients .
    Micah fits in anywhere they go , hearing his chatter and play , having fun is comforting to witness. Smart and secure child despite their traveling lifestyle. Learning the world at that age from exceptional parents , no amount of tuition can buy.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hajar Renate Midbrød says:

    I get that Mark is a nice guy and there is not an evil bone in his body although I do feel he exaggerates a lot , what cracks me up every time is how he eats ..he looks like a special needs kid when he eats , bizarre , never seen anyone eat like that ..like he has not been fed ..ever … but I do love all the food he shows , lucky man living his best life ..and yes I am hella jealous .-)

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Shanlyn Kanuha says:

    If you don't like marks videos don't watch. Why would you waste time pressing thumbs down. If you have nothing good to say or do with his videos stop watching. Don't be a hater. Don't hate, appreciate.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Katleho Mofokeng says:

    I honestly cannot watch your videos without food on my table 😅

    But anyway, you MUST visit South Africa, Johannesburg 🇿🇦

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars G. Bemak says:

    I follow you, I’ve seen most of your videos, I love 💕 to cook 👩‍🍳 but I have diabetes omg I would love 💕 if you ever come here to meet you in person & go have dinner & eat with you & your family.
    I don’t eat any 🥵 I hots 😂 but I just enjoy the way you enjoy it when you say “oh wow “ cus I do the same.
    My name is Gladys from Philadelphia,PA19120 plz if you come can I be your guest? Hmu I love ❤️ you guy’s & diabetes is killing me slowly and I haven’t been able to do much of my creative cooking 🧑‍🍳 cus of the pain but with your help we can do something together if you like I just enjoy to explore my tease buds lol.
    I hope you get to read your messages cus I’m very sincere about your show I watch it just to inspire me and motivate myself to cook 👩‍🍳 God bless & never stop your channel doing what you do cis your a amazing guy’s.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dorothy Rayner says:

    Eating a half raw egg or just a raw eggs. This is not my cup of tea. Seen Mark eat raw eggs in his food. That is beyond realistic. Not my cup of tea.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nouf371 says:

    You are the most lucky person because your wife is Thai and is very knowledgeable about the Thai cuisine. Most of the time she does all the reservations and planning of the meals and the dished to be ordered for your meal which you and your son and wife enjoy. Three cheers 🥂 to your wife. Why don’t you make a video clip on your wife and som. I guess everyone would appreciate it . Thank you Mark.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars sarah zafirah says:

    mark…with all the delicious food..why r u so slim? do share the secret…please..keep up the excellent taste bud…

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Paula Smith CryptoFX says:

    Investing in crypto now should be in every wise individuals list, in some months time you'll be ecstatic with the decision you made today.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kim Young Jin says:

    Mark is there anyway u can tell me what are the ingredients for the one that u shows first? The one that old lady pounding. It looks delicious.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Suseela K says:

    So sexy aunty! Just like ordinary Thai mommies cooking at home such a style. Thai screenplay should have this character in movies!

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