🇰🇷 Korea’s Spiciest Beef Ribs: https://youtu.be/Yo-RDfw5kfo?si=d9O4o8Eh0W-3FDQ1
👕 T-shirts: https://store.migrationology.com/
🌶 Ghost Chili: https://amzn.to/3PNTvNQ
BUSAN, SOUTH KOREA - Welcome to Busan, a major city in southern South Korea and it happens to be one of the seafood capitals of the world! Today we’re going on an extreme street food and seafood tour in Busan - get prepared for some of the best local Korean food.
Jagalchi Market, Busan, South Korea - No trip to Busan is complete without visiting the main seafood market where you can literally busy anything from the sea - it’s supposedly the biggest seafood market in South Korea. You can buy fresh seafood and go to a restaurant upstairs to cook and eat it. Price at seafood meal: 90,000 KRW ($67.38 USD) for seafood
Baekhwa Yang-gobchang (백화양곱창) - When people in th seafood industry want to eat, they might be pretty tired of seafood, and so one of the historical foods to eat in Busan is actually intestines bbq at the market. They grill it right in front of you, the big and small intestines. It’s an amazing experience! Price at intestines bbq: 75,000 KRW ($56.15 USD) for everything
Gukje Milmyeon (국제밀면) - There’s nangmyeon in the north, but in the south of Busan, milmyeon is the noodle of choice, and it’s a Korean food you don’t want to miss. Price: 9,000 KRW ($6.74 USD) per bowl
Gukje Market Food Street (국제시장) - Next up on this Korean street food tour in Busan we visited the Gukje Market for some of the most iconic street food snacks.
Amnam Park - Pojang Macha - Lastly there’s no Korean food experience quite like eating at a Pojang Macha, a tent on the side of the sea where people come to eat and drink and grill trays of seafood with butter and cheese!
Busan is a fantastic city and a must visit destination if you love Korean food!
Thank you to KTO (Korea Tourism Organization) for sponsoring and making my trip to South Korea happen!
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👕 T-shirts: https://store.migrationology.com/
🌶 Ghost Chili: https://amzn.to/3PNTvNQ
🎥 Camera gear I use: https://amzn.to/3FVdBUd
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Oh wow, this is literally a party tray I Love how everything here is just completely fast, furious, loud action. Woo! Okay let's go right off the grill in the fire. The live octopus I Cannot wait to start digging into that! Sashimi Today we're going on an ultimate Korean street food tour to eat some of the best local food in. Busan This is by far the sweatiest Korean meal I've ever had starting right here at Chagi Market which is the biggest seafood market in all of South Korea Huge Fresh Catch of the Day dried Seafood I mean you could buy everything at this market and it's just a a Wonderland of seafood and right now we're just on the outside kind of sprawling section of the market.

but this Market just goes on goes on and on and there's a huge indoor section as well that we are making our way towards. Oh look at these giant cuddlefish! but they also have a huge official section of the Jagalchi market which is right here behind me. Uh, almost looks like a like a train station. It's so big and we're going to step inside there to continue with the seafood tour.

it's just a sprawl of aquariums of all things from the sea that you can possibly imagine and more. The plan here is to walk around to check out some of the seafood to see what's local and fresh and seasonal. Then we buy some seafood at the seafood market. From there they have restaurants which you can go to where they will cook the fresh catch that you bought cook it fresh Ultra Fresh and you can eat right here at the market.

So we met up with Market stall owner. He's going to be our host for the day at the at the seafood market and he has a stall selling fresh seafood but he also has a restaurant upstairs so he's going to help us navigate, help us get some of the seafood uh immediately. One of the things that's in season that's a local delicacy is called chono which is uh I think it's a spotted sardine. Uh, it is very seasonal, only only in season right now during this month that we're here so immediately darted out to the truck to get it fresh from the truck.

This is the process where they take it live and then they put it into the okay okay from the truck to the basket to the tanks and this is live, fresh, freshly cut right off the boat from the truck. This one oh like a looks like a snapper. a seab bream. Okay oh seab bream.

Oh that's a good fish that's a very good fish. Everything is as fresh live as possible. Okay so we're going to go for that. seab bream.

What a beauty Swift work of that seab bre. Oh man, splatter to the lens. But if he makes Swift work of that se bre. he's so fast he knows exactly what he's doing I mean that goes from live and swimming in the tank to Sashimi within seconds and so clean.

Such a clean process. Whoa. squirting Who? It's so slippery. Oh yeah, the live octopus.

One of the things that he specializes in is everything is local. everything is seasonal Seafood Oh he's sliding out. Oh and oh yes he the squirters. The sea squirts.
Oh man. he just reached in and got one of the SE squirts which are always hilarious I mean it kind of look looks like a like a pink hot dog and he immediately I have had this before in Soul immediately grabs it from the tank, slices it up Pops it open, slices it up and says want to try some Sashimi with it immediately. Okay, let's try it definitely I have had this before a couple of times. oh it's so slippery.

Oh it almost feels like leather in your fingers. Give it another try and Bush on did it say oh oh it's crunchy and sweet. very good. and that's the freshest sea hot dog you'll ever have in your entire life.

Literally seconds ago. Oh very good, very good. Oh thank you. Okay, it's definitely a bit of a chewy texture.

okay, okay, and kind of slimy at the same time. Oh definitely slimy. That's kind of like a slimy piece of leather that you kind of chew on. He's doing a beautiful job with that plate of fresh.

SE Bream Sashimi that is. Oh man, the transparency. the color of that fish is beautiful. Those spotted sardines.

that's just incredible. He cleans them so well, takes out the center bone, dries them, makes sure they're really dry with a towel, and then he just slices them finally. almost like a like a slicing machine. so thin slices.

oh man, that's going to be so good and that's what we're going to eat for for SAS. Oh and he's doing a variety of techniques. some cross some to the side, some Julians and well I Love all sorts of fish, but sometimes small fish are some of the tastiest. best fish.

uh that you can possibly eat. So I'm I'm really excited to try this. Oh, we're finished with all of the prep work. we're heading upstairs for the meal.

Oh and you can see there's all just kind of like food court stalls. It's almost a a seafood. Sea Market aquarium food court. Okay, and she's getting started on the Abalone Oh and for the Abalone we're getting them grilled right grilled.

Abalone Oh man she does it so fast and just scores the Abalone perfectly. Oh ready, abalon are going to be sauteed down with some butter. Oh nice. Come here! We are beginning this Busan Food tour Ultra Fresh seafood I Cannot wait to start digging into that sashimi and look at the way he made this floral formation of the Sashimi of the bream transparent slices.

So white transparent actually. And then it is called Quay which is the the raw raw form of fish or raw form of of ingredients. Um this would be the the bean sauce that you could dip into with garlic. Looks like there's some green chilies in there as well A Little dab in this.

oh wow oh that's fresh, the texture, the muscle, it melts in your mouth and it has a little bit of chew at the same time. What a just Ultra Clean Fish I mean I Do love seab braam that is delicious and dipped with that bean paste that gives it that that burst of saltiness Umami Garlic fresh garlic, fresh chilies. Wow that's good. And we also have the the seasonal specialty which are the the spotted sardines.
a delicacy and he sliced it three different ways. Let's try the cross-section first because it has little bones in it. It has this little bit of a crunch SHP but the way you sliced it you can just crunch through the bones giving it extra texture. Almost has a little buttery feel to it with that crunch.

oh that's so good! I'll add some soy sauce to the Wasabi let's try another slice maybe this this larger slice and for this piece I think I'll dip it into the soy sauce and wasabi. even the way he slices it gives it a different texture. that one even has more of a crunch to it and think you got more of a cross-section of that bone structure. but it goes down so easily.

I Love the texture, that diversity of buttery fish plus crunchy bone all together. And then he gave us an octopus to try. This is the famous Korean Nak which is the the octopus which is then just completely sliced up. Oh yeah, wait, let me grab a little.

Oh yeah oh the little suction, the texture. it's a little bit slimy, a little bit chewy. I Love the flavor of the sesame oil. Okay for the next bite of Sashimi I'm going to do a Korean style wrap.

So you take a piece of lettuce, take a massive Pilla Leaf then we go garlic raw garlic, dip into the the bean paste into the center and then a piece of the the bream and I think that's good, wrap it up. Oh that combination. The lixy flavor of the P Leaf oh that garlic is great. The licoricey flavor of the pera Leaf goes so well together with that raw fish.

Oh man, what another just incredible combination in your mouth. Next up, I'm going to try the grilled Spotted sardine. or actually she fried them in oil. kind of shallow fried them so they're crispy on the outside.

Oh man, and if you look inside that fish, you can see how butter Y how oily it is. the texture, the fattiness of it, the oils, the fish oils. oh it's so good. Just totally melts in your mouth and the skin is crispy from being fried in that oil.

I think they made this from the head. This is our seab bream head and the bones. They made a soup which also comes with your meal. You can see the bones in here.

A lot of scallions in here. Oh it smells really good. Garlic so hot sitting over the burner like a hot pot of fish head soup. That's like one of the greatest usages of Bones and head bring out that flavor, then you get to nibble on the bones, get all of the meat off that you weren't able to get for the sashimi, and then it also just provides such a unique delicious flavor.

Because everything we have we have a lot of Sashimi We have a lot of raw seafood. just so comforting to have a a hot scallion bone soup. Salty. Lots of scallions in there.

really good. I'm going to try next up the saute. Abalone oh she kind of like sored it but then she kept them whole, sauteed them in a little bit of butter. Wow! all the freshness, the texture of that.
it's not rubbery at all, so soft s and tender sweet. oh man that's good. I'm going to circle back around to the chono. the Sashimi spotted got to go with the garlic, loaded up with that bean sauce with the the green chilies, the garlic slices and again the wrap I Love Pilla leaves man that flavor goes so well with fish.

it's just a total match. Then with that fermented bean paste that gives it extra flavor. the pungency of the garlic. oh the green chili.

Oh yeah. the white kimchi. the gr chardin. mhm.

Awesome meal. Oh man, that's buttery. Oh that was an incredible Seafood me meal in Busan And now that we're leaving, it's pretty full. Lots and lots of people.

I Mean this is where you come for an ultimate Seafood Feast We're going to continue eating. We have another place to eat that's actually at the Fish Market and it's extremely popular locally, but it's not seafood at all. The next place we're going is down this alley. Look at that! There's so many signs on this alley! So Many Colors Okay oh wow, this place is incredible And like I was mentioning, it's one of the most popular places to eat in the entire fish market area and that's especially for local people selling fish.

I mean when you sell fish when you work with fish, when you work with seafood all your day in day night? I Mean sometimes the last thing you want to do is eat seafood and so this is a famous place for old school for their uh, intestines barbecue as well as their tripe. Hot Pot Oh okay okay oh we have aprons. Oh oh No Doubt No doubt I'm going to put on the apron. Yes okay so triy poot pot intense SS Barbecue This place has been here since 1952.

Extremely popular I Love this style. It's just straight up bar counter seating. They cook the griddles in front of you all the bunch CH are already laid out on the in the condiments. I Can't wait to see.

Oh she's slicing up some tripe in the back there. she has some massive like blankets of tripe. This is such a cool experience. This is the W that's the intestine w wow that's a whole coil.

Oh and on the grill. Now with the gdle we have heart. The heart. Yeah okay the heart goes on.

The origin of this place like the root comes back all the way from the Korean War Oh wow. Okay and it's this is all one restaurant. or is it is it different stalls all within one restaurant? All different stalls within one restaurant. Yeah, it's almost like a food court.

exactly. It's of intestines and Auntie said that she's the fourth generation cooking intestines here. So much history. Got to try the beef heart.

Beef heart is ready First she said eat it immediately. you dip it into this sauce with garlic. no I want that garlic? Okay then you eat it with some of the salad and you eat it with some of the oh some of the salad. Okay first bite oh wow the texture is incredible and so much flavor.
Next course is the the first layer of the the stomach. Aunti he did did tell me that I over Sauced on my first bite I added a bit too much sauce so this time she said just a little dip to really taste the flavor of the the stomach. Oh wow that texture it like Springs back at you. it jumps in your mouth a little bit.

oh that's a little rubbery but really unique texture. M flavor keeps on coming. a little bit chewy definitely but good. Get another heart this time.

I might go in for some of those green chilies. Man the heart is so good. so sweet. And as we were eating that she brought over the hot plate of the intestines that have been sizzling in their own fat.

Oh man they're squirting so oily. Oh oh so it's first griddle fried and then onto the Hot Grill So it's a two-step cooking process. Oh it. Squirts and sprays going and okay we're moving into the the small intestines.

This is when things are really getting excited. The the intestines, well intestines are always just slightly hilarious and delicious. Delicacy! and I mean just the way they look and the way they're so fatty they're just spewing with juices and she adds it to the fire. they just erupt with flame.

Another dip into the sauce. oh wow oh that's so good. Almost has a Nutty creaminess to it with a chewy wrapper and the smokiness grilled in its own fat on The Griddle Then the smokiness from the grill that t off all of that excess oil and grease intestines is fantastic. Yes and then they.

also we also have those. they look like sausages but they're the big intestines sometimes. I've heard them called flower intestines because when you chop them over they just kind of spew with fat and juices into a floral floral crystals. almost.

And then we got the garlic in the intestine fat. Oh wow and the intestines taste like so clean. They're not irony at all. just like nutty Spite of Intestines is to go into the the sesame oil garlic Tre Said Nutty Intestines Nutty sesame oil.

oh it's so good taste with some of the salad. and then we also have a kimchi here. oh there's radish in it to so there might be radish water in this kimchi as well. that's really refreshing that's going to cleanse you from all the the oily and parts.

Okay here we go. let's try the flower intin. Oh that's like fat on fire. oh that totally melts in your mouth.

Oh man, it liquefies. Then with that kind of stretchy skin around it flow fat on the inside, just totally dissolves on your tongue. Wow, you need to chase that with kimchi. that's without a doubt cuz it's so rich.

Oh man. and then with that fire it's amazingly neutral tasting. Just fat. M Wow So each individual part has different textures and feelings so asking like what is your favorite like part so far I Really like the the small intestine.
I'm going to go for the small intestines. I Think the small intestin is my highlight. That's my favorite. Dip it.

oh that's hot okay I want to Tastee it with a chili. Think you can dip the chili in the bean paste? I Oh yeah, that went up their nose a little bit. Oh it's good. Oh yeah, oh man, that is so rich you almost immediately have to taste it with kimchi to cut that grease.

Wow, it's tasty though. H Rich Andx goou Chong Is there rice already in there? Uh no, no rice yet. Okay, as we continue snacking on all the organs, some carbs would be nice and they have the perfect solution. Oh so these are all of the that in that tripe, that tripe, or the intestines, the remaining tripe, or some of the that first stomach with sauces and guch Chong and lots of onions that they sizzled on the hot griddle until cooked and now they're just slicing it into tiny bite-sized pieces with scissors scissor cut.

Oh and here comes the rice. Wow! Oh what a move girl. Very hot, very hot. Careful when you put it.

Oh wow oh that is rich in flavor. Ful. the rice has just absorbed everything just stretching the flavor with little chewy bits of tripe in it as well. The onion.

oh that's on fire. still too. oh what a move! to make use of all of the juices, all of the oils every day, and to complete your meal feel good? That intestines rice might be my favorite part of the entire experience. It's so good.

All the oils from the intestines cheeped out just completely absorbed into every single grain of rice. with goou. Tong with onions wrapped in seaweed? Oh it's so tasty! Wow! And finally the end of your meal, you're going to want to take a drink of that kimchi water. I Just wash it all down, just cleanse it, cleanse it going down.

Oh that was satisfying. That was a a textural playground in your mouth. and I just absolutely love the history here and the culture. Next up on this food tour of Busan We drove a little bit outside of town about 15 20 minutes and we are at a legendary place to eat.

One of the signature noodles that originates right here in Busan I Love Korean noodles I'm very excited. Okay nice. we got the the floor seating here in the back. oh I Love it and we came here specifically.

I Mean this entire restaurant specializes in something called Milan which is uh Busan's special noodle. Man you step in here you can immediately smell the aroma of beef like they're just beef bones filling the air. And another thing is that they gave you water and I think oh it is hot this is the broth in a tea kettle. You can start with the broth.

you got me. It smells so good and warm. Oh oh yes, come. This is a beautiful noodle dish and you can see that the noodles are yellow in color.

They're made from wheat flour and two different versions. Uh, one is the I think the original one is with ice water soup which I have grown to absolutely love ice water. Korean Noodles and not just water. but I mean that's like a broth, that's like a broth.
It could be mixed with other things as well. sometimes could be radish and kimchi water inside of it. um and then you can see pieces of beef, the ball of wheat noodles. there's uh, slices of cucumber, some definitely some uh radish on there guch, Chang and an egg and then the other one is just called the biim Milan which is the the same noodle but without the broth.

Oh man. but we got to start with that broth. So actually they don't serve you any spoons. there were no spoons in the in the little little case.

so I think you're supposed to drink the broth. Oh oh oh wow. The initial first taste is a little bit sweet, not too salty. and then you get this slushy.

It's like beefy slushy in your mouth all at the same time. Oh that's so refreshing. Oh I Love it! So you're going to mix it up First, mix up the the ball of noodles. Well, that's a it's a nice tight wad of noodles and you can see all that.

GOI Chong Mixing into the icy broth cucumbers Dacon radish pieces of slices of beef ice Plus Try those noodles. Mhm. Oh yes. The texture of those noodles is incredible.

Slightly chewy, so clean, so pure tasting. The sweetness from the goou Chong The icy coldness, the beefiness man feel. those are quality noodles. You can taste that they're just like real deal handmade noodles.

I Love that. And actually before I do there are some seasonings that you're supposed to add. but before I do that. I'm going to mix up the Be beam because I've already learned a lesson.

When you eat two bowls of noodles, you want to mix them up fast because if you wait too long to mix it up, it will get too hard to mix it up and kind of like dried out so you want to mix it up. Now let's do it. The mix: I Love how they make such a tight wad of noodles. The sesame seeds definitely an art to to the Be beam in.

Korea Stirring things up and mixing them evenly, coating them all evenly with the sauce while we're at it. Let's go ahead and try this. that's a huge tangle of noodles mhm I Love the quality and texture of the noodles. this one.

You can taste more of the sweetness from the goou Chong and a really nice sesame oil flavor as well. Okay, but after tasting that, I'm going to move back over to the icy noodles and season. So you do one swirl of vinegar, one swirl of the kind of like a horseradish dressing, and then you stir that around that's going to slightly alter the flavor of the broth. Give it a little more of a bite Actually, let me try that broth.

Yes! I love it with that extra bite of that that horseradish she bite that just kind of just gives it a little bit more of a kick. mhm. So refreshing! I Like them both, but I really like the one with the icy water. Then really good shreds of shreds of beef radish Julian cucumbers all with those tangly chewy noodles.
Let's try that egg that was excellent. I especially Again, love the one with the icy cold noodles. the slushie. Uh, from here we are heading back to the center of Busan where we're going to go to another market and try some street food snacks.

we are at G Shi Jang Market This is one of the extremely popular Market areas and actually connected. I Mean basically this whole Central area of Busan is a market connected to the fish market where we at this morning. Uh, but it's There's a lot of things you could buy here. lots of fashion accessories, but there is some street food to be found, including a couple of famous things that we got to try when we're here.

Yeah, it's so. another one of the popular street foods that you have to try when you come to Busan is called Busan Omuk and they have some really packed stalls in the center of the market. and then we found this stall where she has a nice selection of the it's fish cake boiling on sticks and it's what's awesome is it's self-service You grab your own. let's do it for some of the sauce.

There's sesame seeds. there's big scallions in here. I'm going to put that sauce into my my bowl. Okay and then they have all the all the skewers.

giant skewer sticks. This one is I think the most classic huge sheet of fish cake skew boiling in the juice. okay dip. oh that looks extremely spongy.

Oh yeah, M almost feels like fish tofu a little bit. well really spongy, just absorbs all of that broth as it soaks, boils remains hot, nice texture and then also probably one of the coolest moves of all. you grab a red cup and it's a scooper cup. Then you can just dip into that broth.

Just no double dipping. a little bit salty, not overly powerful in flavor, kind of mild, watery, salty. and just with that Essence that Aroma of the fish broth. Okay, I'm going in for one more.

I Want a really hot one? Looks like a Patty a Patty formation. So cool that they just give you freedom to grab your own stick self served just on a busy Lane just reach. walk by and reach by with for a skewer. Oh this one's really good.

This one has a little more like scallions, carrots inside of it or chili. oh is good. A little more of a spongy texture and uh, a little more flavor coming out of this one. Well that's the Busan fish cake experience.

Wonderful! We have a lot more to eat. There's an entire lanane for something which is called bingu which you might have heard of. It's one of the most famous Korean desserts. A shaved ice but with so many toppings I Think you'll find it around the world now.

And so we're going to try the the original. Uh Busan shaved ice Bing Su Nice. They still do it by hand. Crank that ice.
Oh so shaved ice. beans, fruit. oh more ice gets shaved on condensed milk. That's condensed milk.

goes on. Oh and more ice. Oh the laying. Oh and what's that? Go on top some candied fruits.

Oh look at the look at the texture of that ice though. Beautiful shavings. Okay, man, she does it so fast. Uh, just whipping together the ingredients, layering it together, adding on multiple layers of beans, candied canned fruits.

uh, and beans and condensed milk? Really? see the shavings of ice really nicely. Shaved ice. It's not. it's it's not crushed, It's not.

uh really fine. It's not snow, but it's like these beautiful shavings. Look at that texture. Oh oh yeah, oh that is refreshing.

I Go The Joy of Eating Bingu is that when it starts to melt, it starts to create these new flavors and mix all the ingredients together. You've got the texture of that ice which is it's shaved so fine that it has a little crunch but as soon as you crunch down it it just melts dissolves on your tongue. The beans are a little bit sweet and just act to to to bring it together. And then you got that candied fruit and the condensed milk which also just makes it milky and you start to mash it up.

it starts to get wetter melt with the ice. The Juices Flow I love her texture of ISO The Bing Su was excellent, Very refreshing and just a simple simple Bing suo which is what I Enjoy! Okay, we're on our way to find another thing in order to make it, she takes a handful of the dough which is quite sticky. Uh, she kind of presses it into a ball and then she puts in a spoonful of this cinnamon sugar mixture and then wraps it up to close it. Then she puts it onto the hot griddle which there's oil in it to shallow fry.

He shallow fries it in the oil, smashes it down into a Patty formation, and then flips it over and Cooks it until it's golden brown, until the the sugar starts to melt on the inside. and then the really cool move is that once it's done and crispy, they make an incision into the top of it and load it up with a a bunch of uh, crushed I think almonds and pumpkin seeds, nuts, a variety of nuts on the inside, and then it's ready to eat a handheld pocket. That's a really, really cool idea and and serve it to you in a cup? Check this out. I mean it was good.

It was good already before the nuts, but when they open it up and load it full of nuts, that makes it even better. Oh, there's even, uh I think almonds, pumpkin seeds, and sunflower seeds. At least maybe more. And that's hot.

That's right out of the oil. Oh man, it's good. Crispy on the outside, the the dough is really chewy, elasticy, you got the sweetness of the sugar which has been melted with the cinnamon, and then the crunch of the nuts, the nuttiness of it. oh all coming together kind of like a doughnut pocket, but so good.

Yeah, I'm not that much into sweets, but this is it's really good, especially since it's hot and fresh prepared right in front of you. That was a great time. Definitely a place you want to get lost just walking around exploring all the shopping alleys and lots of street food tucked within. But from here we've got another place that we're going to go that's also a big part of the food culture of Busan.
We ended up driving probably a 15-minute drive or so from where we were uh, to a place called Aman Park and this is on the seaside. Actually, it's really popular for fishing. Almost everyone here is fishing, but it's also popular for these local Busan food tents and that's what we came for. Oh, and this is the food section.

Look at all the Stalls there's probably about a dozen or so Seafood stalls absolutely packed, people waiting outside I Love the environment. um and I mean these are straight up Seafood Shacks next to the Sea we are in. Oh, it smells good. Oh the seafood.

Oh it smells amazing in here. We are in and this type of dining is called the Poang Macha It's a part of the Busan Korean food culture. It's like this hot, steamy tent and you feel all the heat coming from all the grills going clouds of smoke Rising as you grill up. Seafood Um, and they're especially known for having some drinks, having some bites to eat, some snacks, some drilling, some seafood, and for the the loud environment.

What a What An atmosphere. Okay, and here comes wo that looks like a plate of cheese or butter. Make sure you grab the cups! I Love how everything here is just completely fast. furious, loud action.

Yeah Cheers! Oh the appetizer plate. Octopus! oh and some sea squirt I think that is SE squirt M Oh wow that's a strong flavor. it's one of the most Seafood food tasting things that you'll ever I Have had it before. just straight but that's with marinated in sesame oil I think it's came down the seafood a little bit.

it's still very strong. very pungent, almost bitter. The muscles have arrived. Some freshly steamed muscles.

Oh and clams down here too. steamed with a broth. onions in here. some chilies in here.

Oh I can't wait to try those on the half shell. loaded up with some of that soup. Oh sweet. a little bit of onions and chilies in there.

that broth is great then. Ultra fresh muscles. Let's try that clam. Oh yeah, oh yeah again.

Ultra fresh P Being hot wo and here's the main event. a whole tray. Wow oh wow. This is literally a party tray I see spaghetti I see hamburgers I see shrimp I see Abalone all on this tray and it's kind of like you.

There's no real menu, you kind of just serve you. They have these set menus that you order and we got the definitely the party platter. Here comes the fire. Put it on to the to the edge.

okay you want to let it R the whole time for a okay so that just needs to slowly simmer. Looks like there's chilies, onions, some kind of a yellow substance on top and that just needs to slowly simmer on the fire. Oh the the scallops. All of them.
Y Okay, so now we have the butter, the butter, and the cheese tray. You take a blob, a block of butter, put one into, put one into each scallop, and then you add a little cheese. Yeah, you can try Like cover it up with cheese, make it like a cover with cheese. Okay, cover it with cheese.

Oh man, Yes yes. Melted cheese and butter. Believe It or Not There is a order and a strategy and a method in which you grill in which you, uh, prepare all this. Seafood and this is as like Korean local modern style as you can get.

Oh man with the butter, with the cheese, all the onions, and all these different trays of mixtures that you're going to keep on feeding to your wow, feeding to your grill. So you do want to then mix this up. Oh there's shrimp. Oh more cheese, more butter.

onions. Mix this up so it starts to slow cook over that fire starts to melt. This is like powerful fire cooking. Look at that scallop in the middle.

It's already melting. We better move it out. Oh that's a raging hot fire. It's a raging hot fire.

Okay, I Think this one is ready though. Cheese, onions, scallop has come off. Woo! Okay, let's go right off the grill in the fire. Oh wow, the cheese is so mild but you got the sweetness of the scallop, the onions, the green pepper in there, the fire.

Oh man that is pretty tasty and Abalone goes on. Look they are okay. let's try it. This red cheesy, shrimpy, just melting sauce.

Molten lava cheese. It looks like literally it's molten hot lava cheese maybe with pepper paste and shrimp in the center. Cray of cheese goes on. Almost looks like the last tray of cheese.

gr Abalone is ready. Let me dip into that that sauce. Oh wow that is so tender, so sweet. This shrimp here I've been looking forward to it from the start.

These are beautiful beautiful. They're going to be so sweet. let's put them on. Oh that's a lot of butter.

Good night. Oh man these shrimp Beauties the shrimp is ready. Oh man that fire in the face. It is warm in here.

Oh wow that is by far the best bite of the meal. Oh that melts in your mouth. Oh it's so sweet and fresh. Shrimp is incredible.

I'm putting on the burger spaghetti time. This is the finale. This spaghetti finish. oh it's okay I think I got it sliced up that Hamburg steak and it's ready into bite-sized pieces.

Yeah, that's that's done. That's good to go. Oh that is good. A Little sweet, totally caramelized, crispy.

Smokey Now mix the spaghetti. Oh yes, there's butter. There's onions. there's shrimp, there's ham.

Okay, time for the spaghetti. Seafood Spaghetti ham Korean spaghetti. Oh flaming hot spaghetti that tastes kind of good and guaranteed this is the sweatiest hottest Korean meal I've ever had in my life. Not only is it a dining room and a restaurant, it doubles as a SAA you sweat it all out as you're eating.
Oh wow, again that was the this by far the sweatiest Korean meal I've ever had. This is such a popular place. so local and yet so modern. So much cheese but man it's so Smoky so hot back there.

just feels great to be back in the fresh air and what a day in Busan Busan has so much character to it. People love love to eat and this is only scratching the surface I Mean there's so much more to eat, but it's been an incredible time in Busan and I'll have all the information in the description box everywhere we want I Want to say a huge thank you to the Korea tourism Organization for arranging our entire trip here and for setting everything up tomorrow. we continue on to Deu and then on up the east coast of Korea for more food so stay tuned and thanks again for watching! Remember to give this video a thumbs up if you enjoyed it. leave a comment below I'd love to hear from and if you're not already sub subscribed, make sure you subscribe now for lots more food and travel videos.

By Mark

15 thoughts on “Korean street food – extreme seafood must eat food in busan, south korea!!”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars vin c says:

    ngl… having to cook that much food at a tiny table is kinda trash lol.. imagine being hungry traveling gettin there waiting for ur own food to cook and the finally eating

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Justin Emlay says:

    I've never seen shrimp peeled with the head still on. That's so cool!

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars KK Walker says:

    Thank you Mark for sharing such delightful seafood meal. I think Korea's seafood industry needs support such as yours to show how fresh and tasteful Korean seafood are due to ongoing market downturn against seafood. 🐟🍲

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars christopher brown says:

    lol when your eating that ice i can see ying digging into it thats priceless.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ZY L says:

    The places are definitely authentic. However, I doubt the way you enjoyed the food is authentic as well. For example, I surmise local people enjoy the intestine fat directly with only the side of kimchi.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Costin Dospinescu says:

    Doamna se dădea la tine

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mukesh Bikram Shahi says:

    Hi 🙋‍♂️ nice🎥 video🎥 👌

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Elijah Olivares says:

    Ive never seen someone so happy to eat a slimy piece of leather. Mark is the GOAT

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kevin Appiah says:

    Mark is probably the coolest homeless person ever

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Anna Dibba says:

    hope there are vegan options. otherwise what a nightmare for vegans.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kellie Pineda says:

    xing se4m3d to really l8je that lol bet Micha did too

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Stalina Da says:

    “Pink Hotdog” yah yeah Mark 🤣🤣🤣😅❤

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rick Miclat says:

    why is he so overly descriptively scientific about his review of what he eats??? Like he's saying it's better than it really is?

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Player1 says:

    the "official" section of Jagalchi market should really be the outside vendors since that's how it has been throughout history. From my experience, indoor vendors won't scam you or anything but they are typically going to charge you little more. Understandably so since they have to pay rent to keep their spot. And little more convinient if you plan on using the affiliated restaurant upstair. If you plan on just buying some fish to cook at home, I recommend using the outside vendors.

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kaitlyn Hunt says:

    now im craving for naengmyeon even though im hours away from anywhere that sells it TT

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