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SOUTH CAROLINA, USA - Today we’re going to two of the most legendary barbecue smoke houses in the United States. They do everything the traditional way - using only hard woods. We’ll begin with the original Scott’s Bar-B-Que in Hemingway, South Carolina and continue to Rodney Scott's BBQ in Charleston.
Scott’s Bar-B-Que: https://goo.gl/maps/uEcd1Q44iV2L2iHK9
To begin, we started where it all began, in the small town of Hemingway, South Carolina. The bbq was excellent and I especially enjoyed the ribs and the chicken.
Rodney Scott's BBQ: https://goo.gl/maps/b4VG6u6qypfHsyxg8
It was an honor to spend a few hours with one of America’s best pitmasters Rodney Scott. I asked him what makes good bbq, and he immediately answered patience, hard wood, good proteins, music and storytelling. Rodney also sprinkles on seasoning, spoons out the meat, and uses a mop to add sauce!
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Everyone hope you're having an amazing day. It's Mark Wiens I'm in South Carolina It is such a privilege to be here at one of the world's greatest barbecue destinations. First we are going to go to the original Scott Barbecue the family restaurant in Hemingway South Carolina where they preserve the time and take the energy to barbecue the real way. This is the definition of barbecue.

Wow! Burning only wood in the countryside in rural South Carolina And then after that we're gonna go into Charleston where Rodney Scott Who is the son of the owners of Scott's Barbecue Every day is a good day in the barbecue World None of these are going to fly away where he's branched out into the Rodney Scott Whole Hog Barbecue which they still barbecue the traditional way I Feel like if the entire world would start a barbecue on the same day and as peace and happiness everywhere I'm gonna share it all with you right now thank you! This is where we started from the depth when he started in Charleston We moved from here to Charleston but this is this is the yeah, this is the original. this is the original. Place Yep well when y'all taste and eat y'all will find out. Yes, the front face is the variety store and that's where you go to buy the barbecue.

but in the back here that's the SmokeHouse That's where the pits are. That's where the barbecue goes down down. Yes oh man this place is incredible. This is the suit I have start in the sauce right now.

Okay in this sauce this is the sauce this is the sauce. that's going to be taste good. that's and that's like a vinegar pepper. It's like a vinegar pepper sauce.

Wow Yeah! I'm ready to go. Whole house ready to go in the store. Oh man, these are the whole hogs at the legendary Scots Just look at that meat. literally.

You can see the bones coming off of the Hogs. You can see that crispiness. You can smell the vinegar and pepper in there. You can see the chili seeds.

There you go. Oh man, enough this is. There's nothing like this in the world. This is the real deal.

And how long have these been cooking? Yeah eight hours. the daily comes this morning and finish up and we do the back side in the morning. Okay, about 10 hours. Let me show y'all Okay getting a quick tour.

Oh man, this is such an honor. You split all the wood. Okay, hit him in the bathroom, get the Colts on the back, pitch straight in the pit. right there in the little hole.

We don't use no gas, no gas. it's all Oakwood or a mix of Oakland Hickory There's Oak whatever kind you get, you know? Definitely, we don't use pine and nothing like that. Okay Hardwood So cool back here and this is the back of the scenes here. They chop the logs over there, then they go into the burning barrels.

they burn down until the Embers fall below. then they shovel those coals into the pits. Such an art truly preserving the tradition of real barbecue. This is the definition of barbecue.

Yes, thank you very much thank you very much Welcome step in here. Oh man it smells good. You come to the front here you order. we got a barbecue fade.
We have to get the classic barbecue plate. We've got a ribs plate and got a half a chicken. Thank you very much thank you Yes a stack of barbecue again. As soon as you open that you can smell the aroma quickly.

A little bit about the story of Scott's Barbecue I believe it dates back to the early 70s when Roosevelt and Ella Scott they opened a variety store which is a little convenience store and that was the main family business and so the the Whole Hog Barbecue wasn't from the beginning but they did know how to make Whole Hog Barbecue and it had been passed down from them and they had learned to make it the traditional way and so I believe that it started off as a special. On the weekends they would barbecue a whole hog and they would sell it as a special at the Variety Store But then soon when people figured out how incredible their barbecue recipe was that they didn't take any shortcuts that they did at the traditional the true the real way it started catching on, people started to share the news that they sell Whole Hog Barbecue during those certain days and so that barbecue business started to take off, started to do better and soon they were making more hugs and increasing the days that they sold the whole hog. But that's just a little bit about the story. Let's dig right in now.

Oh oh that chicken. All the ribs. And finally we got some of the skin. You gotta get here early for the crispy skin.

Here we go. The legendary. Oh man, the texture of that because it's just hand pulled. It literally just falls out of the pig.

It's cradled within the juices by the skin. I Already love the strandiness of it. Oh wow, oh that flavor. The immediate burst of vinegar pepper in there, actually the leanness of it.

It tastes really lean, yet moist and juicy at the same time. So I gotta try a little bit of that barbecue sauce. a little extra of that vinegar pepper sauce. Like the real signature of the Scott family.

Oh man, that secret sauce. Such a good balance. such a good acidity, a nice peppery heat to it. That sauce is one of the greatest single barbecue sauce that you'll taste.

Oh I Love it! I think I'm gonna move into that rib. Oh men, look at that rib again. You can see that Peppa vinegar sauce. You can see that smokiness.

Oh wow. Okay, the rib is incredible. Oh man, the smokiness all the way to the bone. That seasoning.

I Don't know if it's that tip. No, it's not sour. It doesn't have a vinegarness to it, but you taste that spice. rub that chili on there, which it's not spicy, but it gives it an amazing aromatics.

Oh man. just the right tenderness. Like almost falls off the bone, but it still retains its stringy texture. That's like the type of rib.

This is like the perfect rib. Oh yeah, pull off pieces of that rib. Oh man. Next Bite Dipped into that barbecue sauce.
Wow. Okay, don't miss the ribs when you're here either. Okay, let's try some of that skin and you got to get here fast before it runs out. But you can see that that skin.

It's not fried, but it's just crisped up by the fire. It's like razor crispy but then slightly chewy at the same time because that's real skin and that's not deep fried that is just fired to make it crispy over the coals over the same burning coals. It's so flavorful. I Know one more thing to do though.

Gotta dip it in that sauce. Can you hear that? Krishnash? Um and I Love that you can taste the wood. You can taste the fire. And then finally, we've got the barbecue chicken.

Oh that skin almost looks like a blanket like a towel covering the chicken. Oh it just tears apart. Got to get a little bit of that skin flap of that skin, some of that meat. Oh look at that.

all the bone just completely slides out. Ultra tender mulch in your mouth that's gonna show Flavorful, not like a a really strong rub or sauce to it, but mostly just like really tender, really good chicken. and I will I think it would be Yeah, because it's mostly just the chicken. It's not a lot of not a lot of seasoning.

I Think it will be best dipped in that barbecue sauce? What? I mean everything is enhanced with their barbecue sauce that is. that's a special barbecue sauce. Got some baked beans as a side. You can see the pork in there too.

Oh a good smokiness. Not too, not too sweet, but a good balance of flavor. I got the coleslaw and then finally the potato salad. Well I like the pickles in the potato salad.

Load up a bit more sauce onto that pulled pork and just keep digging in. Maybe I should try it with some of the bread. Amazing barbecue again. Like such a privilege to finally have a chance to be here at this national landmark and a cultural preservation of real honest barbecue.

All right from here we're gonna drive to Charleston it's about an hour and a half or two hours away and then we are gonna go to Rodney Scott's Whole Hog Barbecue We're gonna learn about the barbecue. We're gonna see a little bit of process. we might have a chance to meet. Rodney Scott Well I'm not totally sure but which will be similar with the food but a totally different dining experience.

Welcome to Charleston And as this story goes, Rodney Scott he was the Pit Master at Scott's Barbecue at his parents place for many many years. He tested new ideas, he improved techniques, he started optimizing the business for the better I know at one point there was a big fire and Rodney Scott went around the country doing pop-up barbecues and raising money to then build the the new Smokehouse at the original location but then eventually I believe it was in 2017. Rodney along with a team of restaurateurs decided to open a location here in Charleston called Rodney Scott Whole Hog Barbecue So I'm in the the pits here at Rodney Scott it is an honor to meet. Pit Master Rodney Scott Dude it's so good! Thank you for coming thank you I'm always here thank you very much Oh Nice! Sam So these are the freezer we poke my head into here.
These are the hogs in the freezer. That's the fresh meat. and again, one of the key elements of barbecue is the quality of the Fresh Hog the fresh meat. Oh man oh feeling nice just about ready to flip.

Okay, we'll be back in a second to put this baby over. Flip this baby over and what how How long do they you typically barbecue them for smoking? 12 hours is typical barbecue time. Okay, um, we'll start like day before. All right.

go slow all night and flip them off the next day for lunch. All right, and then we'll uh, once we flip it over, we'll break it up a little bit, put our hog rub on. Oh yeah, you know I've seen that kind of like spoon technique that's awesome. Make it nice and flavorful.

Oh yeah, so we'll flip this short. Okay, some ribs on here all day. Ribs are glowing. Look at that all formed up.

Oh man. as soon as you open that lid, that Aroma that spice Aroma Now is this A Is this a dry rub on these? We do put a dry rub on the ribs. Okay, a lot of people misunderstand rub doesn't always mean rub it in. Okay I dry her up.

We just sprinkle on. We put the protein on. Okay, let it cook, mop it, flip it, mop it again while it's cooking. The juices that you see here, that's some of the mop sauce that's slowly screw along with the rub on the spare rib.

I'm telling you man, it is so good. Got some birds over here. Wow. The chickens.

Wow. none of these are Gonna Fly Away Process for the chickens is pretty much the same as the ribs. Gotta remember to lift the wing up. get under there.

Oh yeah. well. okay. and we just put it on just like that rub.

throw it on. Awesome for the whole hog. It's just at the either ends of that's right. Okay, only the heads in the shoulder so that the belly.

Yeah, you'll start a fire for sure. Oh okay, because it's so fatty. Oh yeah. okay.

that'll cook itself. What are the key most important element in good barbecue? One: A lot of patience. two Hardwoods that are great. Three proteins that are in great condition, good marbling, nice fat to meat ratio, great music, and a whole lot of Storytelling AKA lies being told while you're cooking.

Halal I Think around the world, we love to eat good food. We love to eat food that's cooked with love. You can taste the difference. But then like you mentioned, probably the most important factor.

The memories you have from eating food are about hanging out with other people. Yes, you can have all the good food. You can have everything but to be hanging out with good people. the memories that it brings.
That's that's that's key. That's key. And I think that's what barbecue is I think that's really about all about. I Feel like if the entire world would start a barbecue? Yeah, on the same day, that would be a day that the world just relaxes and everybody is in such great moods.

Oh, and there's peace and happiness everywhere. Hell, the crime rate may go down if everybody barbecue all on the same day for sure for sure. I'm just saying. that's words of wisdom.

but that's the truth though. every day is good day in the barbecue world. Oh man, so watch watch. Oh oh a little progress.

I'll say what are you doing when you're we're checking to see how much of the fat has rendered out. Okay, because when it's like this, it's not quite where we want it as opposed to here. see the difference. Oh yeah, all the fat has rendered down.

and this particular part is done because when you can pull a bone or twist a bone like such, when you know it's done, this right here is done. You can see where the fat see where that fat is running from. Oh yeah, so because this part is already done, we want to catch this part up a little more so that when we flip it over, it's cooked easy to pull nice and tender all the way through. All right to the fitness.

Life in the pits. That's another thing that Rodney keeps on mentioning is life in the pits and that's because it truly is. When you our Pit Master You spend your life in the pits. You're really that's a commitment.

I Mean you. You live and breathe barbecue. You might even sleep in the pits, right? I Have slept in many of you. that flip is beautiful.

feeling. the meat, the ribs, the bone, the backbone, the spine on the inside and you can see how it's just kind of tearing away from the bone. Now that's just gonna literally pull apart is where we spread the cold out a little bit more. All right, trying to increase the heat off.

Ah, okay, so on the other side of the hall, we're cooking the meat side. We like to keep the colds only here and there. Once we flip it over, we want to try to heat up the entire animal. So while all the flavors be cooked through okay, spoon in time.

Yes, look at that custom spoon. Those unit like spooning. There you go. Oh I Love spooning all the spooning technique.

So here's where we just like to break it up a little bit to make sure that all the flavor goes through. Back over to get those juices go flowing all the way through there. One of the great techniques culinary techniques. Hear that crackle of that top layer.

Rodney's hog world. All right. The hog rub is different from our rib rub. One of the things that's different in our hog rub than the River of is we don't have sugar in our hog row.

We do have iodized salt in our hog rub, but we don't have kosher salt. Okay, in our rib rub, we have brown sugar all right. and kosher salt. Okay, You just want it evenly.
Make sure you're holding your left foot up when you're doing this. left foot gives you flavor so everything is pre-measured So what I like to do is not put it all on at once. One of the moments I've been waiting for one of the great you just let it culinary move the furthest point. the mopping two three four.

come back. the dip one two three four and you work your way around two three four four albums. Oh now it's It's just like the juices are just accumulating into a that cradle of that skin. The vinegar and all the spices are starting to work their way through the protein.

I Go back to spooning again. You don't want to punch it through because if you punch a hole in the skin, you run the risk of the fat running it. Okay, so you don't want to puncture the bottom, just want to gently go in and twist. just a little going and twist just a little.

You hear that drip again. Yeah, you'll see the juices in the love starting to flow all the way through that your Hub rub and again left foot is in the air. Now you can put your foot down. You're gonna add a little bit more heat to this thing.

Positive Vibes Yeah, after how many thousands of pigs have you have you smoked and barbecued Thousands and thousands, it's just like you still have that total excitement. It's like total energy. First time all over again. Man, that is the way you know.

you love what you do that here. fatty dinner. Look at that. Wow.

Come apart, looks right through and everything falls out. Bones Come right. completely clean. Get out of there.

You can take all the ribs out at once. Pull the strings, strings of fork and who wouldn't want this at their backyard barbers? Look at that. the juicy oiliness. Look at that.

Look at that. That is it right there. See all those spices. it's just dripping.

Wow. Another hog done ready to be served. Oh yeah, here we go. Thank you.

So this is going to be just some ranch for the wings, some Alabama white sauce and that uh honey butter for the hush puppies. Okay yeah, y'all Enjoy! Thank you. The weather here in Charleston today is perfect I Think barbecue is best enjoyed Outdoors So we chose to sit outside here. We got the Breeze.

It's beautiful, but nothing is more beautiful than this platter of barbecue. So we got the we got the mixed barbecue tray. We got a bit of everything. We got the ribs, we got the barbecue pork, We got the chicken.

We got all the different sides. The hush puppies got to be served with white bread. We got the collard greens. We got the chicken wings which are actually smoked and then fried.

We got some fresh. Cracklin We got some coleslaw. We got some potato salad today. That's a lot of food.

Gotta start with that barbecue pork. This is the Classic This is the whole hog. Again, this is not chopped. this is hand pulled.
This is barbecue you can eat with a spoon. Um oh wow. The layers, that complex, slow smokiness. oh that makes all the difference.

And then the pepper. the Cayenne in there. that acidity of the vinegar to cut the richness. I'm gonna try a little bit more of Rodney sauce on this bite.

Oh yeah hmm. the sauce. Again, it's vinegar based. It's refreshing.

It's acidic, it cuts the richness. but I love that undertone of black pepper and cayenne. Mmm and it has just a hint of sweetness. Not you wouldn't really call it sweet, but you can tell that the the sweetness is there only to balance the harshness of the vinegar.

Okay, it's rib time. I'm just grabbing that massive rib on top there. Look at the beauty of this rib. Um oh wow.

Oh the rib. Oh man. when that meat is on bone, there's some of the most flavorful rib. Meat has that incredible mixture of fat to meat ratio, the smoke that penetrates all the way to the Bone and that dry rub that just enhances the flavor of the meat.

The Cayenne in there. oh the ribs are phenomenal. Let's do a little bit more of Rodney sauce. To be honest, it's so flavorful.

Thank you! Michael Okay, I do love it with the shock, but it is so flavorful you don't The sauce is not even a mush because there's so much flavor already in it. Okay Collard Greens: One of my favorite sides. Um, so much flavor. You can taste the natural sweetness of those collard greens and they're so juicy.

Coleslaw Another classic side when you eat barbecue. Mmm Oh Coleslaw is nice, refreshing, not too sweet, a great Crunch and not too like thick main regime: Okay and then try some of these cracklins. Oh these are still warm and you can tell they're seasoned as well. Oh wow.

that crunch. oh man. crispy all the way through. I Love that seasoning.

A little bit of chili in there that is addictive. Okay, chicken time. Should we break or just bite? No, let's break it. but the tenderness of this, the smokiness of it.

Oh man. I Can feel that spice rub on my fingers. Oh chicken is perfectly tender. Smoke all the way through that rub, a hint of that sourness, the cayenne and pepper.

That's what makes it. Hmm. Next up for the chicken wings, which are smoked and then deep fried. Maybe a little bit of ranch in there? That's what a lot of people like with ranch.

Oh yeah, wow yeah in case the smokiness within the meat, but then crispy on the outside flavor just goes all the way through to the Bone Well it's so good. okay. Potato Salad: I Already like how you can see the the skins on that potato salad. Mmm that's delicious too.

Almost like mashed potatoes. but I Love the skins on the potatoes. The acidity of the pickle in there is what makes it for me. Okay, we've got some mac and cheese.

the baked beans. all the flavor of the green pepper in there. Oh those are good. Really nice and tangy.
I think the final thing that we have here are the hush puppies. Big Balls of Hush Puppy. Um, that's meaty, crispy and really crumbly on the inside and almost like rather than being too dense, it's more Airy and fluffy. Really good.

So again, got a lot of barbecue. Have these trays to eat. have a good time. That sums it up.

That is the foundation of barbecue. We're circling back around to where we began. We've got some serious barbecue to eat now. gonna Circle back around gonna add some more of Rodney's sauce.

Oh, we got to try those other sauces too though. I Love the texture and how you can tell that it's a mixture of lean meat, fattier meat. Another rib. Okay, we'll try a little bit of the this is Kathy's sauce.

Oh Kathy's sauce is incredible. Too much more of a like a Tangy balance of sweet sour. Good balance. So good too.

Okay and then finally, one more shot that we might as well try while we're at it. This is the other sauce. oh it's similar to a Rodney sauce but maybe maybe less peppery. Oh man, I am full I am happy and dessert.

Had to try some of their banana pudding. Wow sweet, Lots of pudding that is delicious and I know this is something that is truly uh, like a comfort dessert here in the south. What a meal man! Absolutely incredible! Amazing food! I Love this location! I Love how they have lots of outdoor seating and the pits right there in the back. You know where your food is coming from.

You know that it's smoked and barbecued, fresh and incredible Service as well. the staff from the pit to the kitchen to the service has been fantastic. Highly highly recommended when you're in Charleston when you're in South Carolina go to the original Scott's Barbecue in Hemingway but do not miss Rodney Scott's Barbecue here in Charleston So that's going to be it for this video. Thanks again! I'll have all the information in the description box below and I would say a big thank you to you for watching this video.

Please remember to give it a thumbs up if you enjoyed it. Leave a comment below and also make sure you subscribe for lots more food and travel videos. Thanks again for watching goodbye from Charleston South Carolina and I'll see you on the next video.

By Mark

12 thoughts on “King of american barbecue!! #1 pitmaster rodney scott shares his secrets to perfect bbq!”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rene F says:

    Looks overcooked and dry af.trying too hard. Epic fail sorry

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sam Lee says:

    I feel ashamed of being born and raised in South Carolina and never heard of this place while growing up. I need to take a trip back home.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kelv Martinaz says:

    Mane so weird 😅😅😅😅😅😅look at his eyes

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Louis Miller says:

    I love the look on Mark's face when tasting food😂

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Richard Kraneyum says:

    Best smoked turkey breast you will ever eat.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Casey Powell says:

    They spachocked a pig looks good

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Afirika Lewa says:

    Not only is there nothing better than Scott's BBQ, but SC has the best BBQ period. Nothing beats that vinegar based sauce! YUM

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bernard Carroll says:

    Lmao you can tell when he doesn’t really like something his excitement changes, the Mac n cheese wasn’t the best 😂

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Johhn Morgan says:

    Americans don't eat any vegetables and fruit just meat

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Vladimir Sadang says:

    Food of the lazy.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars steady says:

    I have such a Jones right now ooomy ! 🥴🥰😭✌️

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Chris says:

    Everything is WOW to this guy😂😂😂

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