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SARDINIA, ITALY - Today we have the once in a lifetime opportunity to spend time with Paola Abraini, one of just three people on earth who have mastered the art of making su filindeu - a pasta thatโ€™s from the mountains of Sardinia. Weโ€™ll learn and get a demonstration of exactly how she makes it, get to try making it ourselves, and then weโ€™ll eat it the traditional way they eat this rare pasta in Sardinia!
Friends in the video:
Edoardo Celadon ( @MostOfItaly https://www.mostofitaly.com/) - Huge thank you to Edoardo who can arrange you the best and most authentic food experiences throughout Italy!
Jeffrey Merrihue: https://www.instagram.com/xtremefoodies_/
Hamid Sepidnam: https://www.instagram.com/mr.taster/
Also known as Threads of God, Su Filindeu is the rarest pasta in the world, and something only three people on earth can actually make correctly. Chefโ€™s around the world have tried to make it, but failed. And something I found very interesting is one of the biggest Italian pasta manufacturers tried to make a machine to produce it, and they also failed.
To make Su Filindeu, Paola first made the dough and had to knead it and stretch it into the right texture. She did many test pulls and it kept feeling the dough until perfect. The strategy take 8 pulls on the dough to create 256 threads, of the smallest noodles you can imagine - almost the thickness of your hair.
After stretching out the noodles, they are laid out and dried and cut into bite sized pieces. The noodles are then cooked the traditional way with mutton broth and a special sheep cheese from Sardinia.
It was truly something unique and special, and being able to meet Paola was a true honor!
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256 threads Today we're in Sardinia making and eating the rarest pasta in the world. Many famous chefs have tried to make it and failed and we're going to find out today why it's almost impossible to make and why only three women on earth can make it. It's microscopic, almost thinner than a hair. Wow! Paa is some kind of an Angel who's come down from heaven to share her threads of God almost an extinct pasta which is called Sindo.

Here goes the pasta. The pasta is eaten with a broth. A sheep broth. This sheep is so good.

The rarest pasta on Earth Oh Sardinia just some sheep in the middle of the road. Welcome to Sardinia Hey nice to see you out here in Sardinia Mr Taster Jeffrey Hey everyone hope you're having an amazing day! It's Marqueen and welcome to the island of Sardinia The drive to get here through the Sardinian Countryside was spectacular. Unbelievable and we've arrived to a place which is called Teston. It's an AGR tourism uh restaurant I think and this is where we're going to make make the Sindelle and learn about it.

Mark What are you doing here? Oh here to eat Sindelle A Let's go hello hello oh this is M Nice to meet you, Nice to meet you. Good to see you Mr Taster Eduardo Edo We made it, we made it pilgrimage destination. Eduardo Hi nice to meet you. Nice to meet you Suf Lindel the pasta.

It has an incredible story and history which we're going to learn all about. But first let's get started making it. Paula Very nice to meet you Thank you Mark Yes here we are in! Paradise ELO from most of Italy Nice to meet you guide Legend Friend Thank yes, thank you for helping to arrange this entire experience. Oh I Cannot this? This is once in a lifetime? That literally once in a life is once in a lifetime.

Ed What is this? This is pecorino cheese sheep milk cheese made here to pair with this pan or cartam. Music Paper Awesome. Wow that's paper thin paper thin. Typical.

Sardinia Bread Amazing. EXT Virgin Olive oil and been just pressed few days ago the right moment to press. Oh it's so green. Yeah it's so green.

The color that originally has to be a little more neon green. so that's fresh olive oil. Is it good? He's analyzing it. he's analyzing it.

I Got to try some of this. Sardinian Bread Paper thin. Oh Mark uhhuh oh man. that crunch.

Wow. that is entirely more delicious than I expected. The saltiness with that fresh a fresh pore of olive oil. o E tons of this.

You don't feel it, it's so salty. Oh thank you Cheers! Oh man and that olive oil is just spect. You really taste the vibrancy of it that fresh squeeze and even I mean the color. the greenness, the greenness.

possible we're in Sardinia that's how it's possible We in Sardinia Yes that has more Olive flavor than you ever find this. Just press straight up. slightly spicy, slightly bitter. It's the juice.

It's the straight up juice of the olive. Oh yeah, what is this one? Ador it's a little bread with pesto deardo so lard, pork fat little little Rosemary a little pepper, a little salt, lard lard on bread. so with the fresh squeeze be considered a something special. Yeah okay.
it keeps all the nutritive uh, characteristic, all the flavor, a little spiciness, a little more green in taste, so more herbs, more bitter. It's very good. Have one the vibrant greenness that was the best olive oil you'll ever eat. Oh no, go ahead.

So she just explained that the dough is made of simila, flow of durum, wheat, water and a little pinch of salt and then here to help the pasta become more stretchy. We have coarse salt in water so she would wet her hands uhhuh with that cor salt with this water. Yes! so the pasta becomes more elastic and then you fix it with regular water. W she's already, she's making it.

She doesn't lose time. Yes, most difficult past. Don't talk because then you have to do it. Don't talk.

Wow. Looks easy. Then we see what you do wow and then it dries and then we break. and then we eat.

Unbelievable. Wow. So in order to make the suil Lindo pasta she has to stretch it either six or seven times and in the end she's left with 256 threads of pasta. 256.

Perfectly. Even perfectly. the same size. All 256.

Literally. If you look at it, it looks like thread. It does not look like dough. 64 128, 266, 5, 256 That's 256 noodles.

Wow. 256 Oh, that is. The Impossible Sardinian Pasta Gosh Amazing. Wow, That is the thinnest thing.

It's almost. You almost can't even feel it. Man at first I Thought she was just doing it to show us, but she's actually waiting for the perfect texture. So she stretches it out sometimes until she gets the perfect texture before it's then laid onto the the the wooden base to dry.

This is one single strand. It's it's microscopic, almost microscopic pasta that's imposs. possibly thin, thinner than a hair. Wow her.

Her finger skills are the greatest in the world. All of us be so silent in our lives I've never heard this amount of Silence This is not food. This is Art Yeah, this is truly something unfathomably spectacular. And it's not.

It's not a complicated recipe, it's such a simple recipe. I Mean, it's only it's Simina flow water, salt. That's all. but it's truly just the unbelievable practice and skills of Paula and what she's been doing for so many years.

Paula How long has Paula been been making making making this pasta for years? 50 years of experience. And here comes another. another row. onto the the drawing board.

She was mentioning that it takes her which is she's expert about 20 to 25 minutes to complete the three layers of the Sufi lindel and then it takes about 2 hours at the sun to dry or alternatively one day and one night indoor if it raining or something. One of the things that I was reading about this suf Filo pasta is that one of the biggest pasta manufacturers. Uh, they came to Sardinia they tried to learn the recipe Engineers Pasta Engineers came to Sardinia They tried to learn the recipe, they tried to make a machine to replicate it and they failed. Totally failed and also famous chefs have been here to try to learn the art of making the pasta and could not and gave up.
gave up. And I mean this is one of the reasons why it is so precious. Why? it's just like the rarest, hardest to make pasta. rarest to make dish, one of the rarest to make dishes on.

Earth That's one layer, one layer. Wow. it's going to be two or three layers. Uh, layers.

So three layers. It took like 30 minutes for one layer and there's two more layers to go. That's just time consuming. Layer number two.

She's going to lce it. There's many, many complicated recipes. dishes that include so many different uh ingredients in there, you have to put them in the right. But this.

there's no other dish that I know of that requires this much technical skill. It's not. This is not science, this is just experience and precision. She's about to finish with the entire tray, but we just did a a phenomenal calculation.

So it's 256 threads per pole and I think she does it about eight times per per. uh, like kind of bands on the on the on the Um tray and three layers. That is so 3 *, 2, *, 8, *, 256, 6,1 44 I just did that in my head by the way. no I'm joking but but um, uh, that's on this tray.

6,144 noodles and stretch this one. Okay, so open, hold it with the open hand. Oh, hold it with the Open Hand yes okay and then pull, then pull. yes yeah and then stick it and then stick it here.

We are okay giving a chance. That dough is that dough is beautifully strch and I liked how she kind of like almost snaps it like like Fast yeah oh oh no oh oh man it's so it's so delicate. It's unbelievable how delicate. but she makes it looks so easy.

Okay, we are at the world. Su Championship You have to be easy. Marque's coming down the stretch. It's like you need to be.

You need to be delicate yet fast and and hard at the same time. Oh okay, well you are. That's what a skill. What an incredible skill.

Okay so she's moving outside and here's the dry pasta after been it's been dried for 2 to 3 hours in the Sardinian sun on the rock or you could dry it on the inside for 1 to 2 days. it becomes I mean you can still see all the threads but it's in this dry pasta sheet of lattice. From here we're going to go into the kitchen and they're going to prepare. I mean it's traditionally eaten.

the recipe includes the mutton uh made into a broth with vegetables and they're going to show us how to eat it the authentic traditional Sardinian way. I Wanted to share a little bit of the the history and as the story goes, there was a criminal who I think he was hiding in different caves around Sardinia and somehow he escaped the police and got away and in order to celebrate that he escaped. uh he went to the Village of Lula in Sardinia and he built a church and from there the history is unknown. Nobody quite knows how suinda was invented.
However, to this day during the Festival of San Francesca the suinda pasta is made and people pilgrims come uh, make the the journey on foot and on Horseback to the Village of Lula to eat suinda with mutton broth. Before we cook the noodles with the mutton broth, we need to make the cheese. Oh oh it's solid already almost now we have to Broken it and to warm up again at 43. And what is the name of the cheese? Pino Pino Pinoo Okay and is it a a cow cheese or a sheep cheese? Sheep cheese Sheep cheese.

Okay yeah, they're heating up the milk now to the perfect temperature after a couple minutes after you put the sh this the way sh separat fermentation. Oh so it's animal powder that's used. Yeah, Renit renit. So that's the the agent that's used.

Okay oh yeah, it should be hot. Yeah it's not hot. Not much. Yeah it's a H huge.

It's like a huge they cutting it into half. Mhm Wow Right right off this is. look at that texture. Oh M that's the piest cheese on Earth that tastes like Sardinia the ship we use for the broth and the ingredients, the fing and the fresh cheese along with the pasta you the pasta is eaten with a broth, a sheep broth and so he's already started uh making the broth but that's going to include the the fresh sheep meat.

Sardinian local sheet meat, carrots, celery, onions. looks like there's some uh, parsley and some herbs in there potatoes and that's boiling away for the broth for the Su because it takes a long time we okay so you need to boil, the sheet meat is already inside. Oh that's just a oh just a beautiful simple stew ofal local ingredients and is is Su f Is it always eaten with this broth or is there another another way to eat it? This? this is the traditional recipe okay sheep broth and fresh peino cheese. All right.

So how long has this been boiling for? is? uh, 3 hours? 3 hours? Okay, oh that smells so clean. I Think we've got the fendel, the pasta. We've got the cheese. We've got the broth.

We're ready to assemble the rarest pasta on. Earth But hold on before we eat the pasta. in true Sardinian custom. We need to begin with their homemade anti Pasto So we have prut over here.

We have Sal P or Salam Capo and Guan chali which is the cheek of the pork. So you have almost every part of the pork. So this is the cheek. It's super fatty.

Oh look at the the lines, the grains, it's transparent. the cheek. oh wow. wow.

their own honey and then a little bit the fresh squeezed Olive o we'll try this. thank you. Eduardo It's good isn't it? It's a massive mouthful of cheese. Oh man.

the flavor of the sweetness of the honey, the pungent flavor of the the olive oil. A Harmony yeah that's unbelievable. Okay I'm going in for this one now. Oh that one almost tastes cheesy.
This is the salami. Oh I Love that. Oh man. Everything made inh house.

The freshness. I Mean the quality is what you taste, The quality, the naturalness. Cheers! Cheers! Everything made Oh yeah in house M Tast They have one in house, more or less more. Next one that feels like butter in your mouth.

You know what this is It's a salami made of all the iner and parts of the pork. The honey thees together and cook all the head. Wow that is delicious. What is it? It's a puso ricota, homemade honey and C Mus sandwich.

Greatest sandwich. Oh wow. That sweet and savory, so natural y. So far the best.

Unbelievable. So this is the pasta now that has been dried, pulled, dried and then broken apart into little pieces. Oh here goes the pasta. They cooking it for 1 minute.

Cheese Cheese. Wow. Porino Pino Porino We did before. Okay, that's the cheese we made but this one has just been aged a little bit right? Yeah, a couple of days.

Just a couple of days. Okay. W all of that work for this bowl of suo. the noodles, the mutton broth and the cheese.

cheese like nuggets of cheese melted in. Oh that smells unbelievable. Eat it. We got have a group photo.

no Eduardo can you find anything else like this in other parts of? Italy M This is only here. No. this is unique. You got to come here and uh, you have to make the class.

You have to pass the class after. Maybe they'll feed you. Maybe they will. Well we all we all I think we all failed pretty hard.

We don't say except you you did the best. Here we go. This is what it's all come down to. the uh suo and again suo and again it translates literally to the threads of God tiny threads then broken into bite-sized pieces melted with the cheese.

Oh wow, the rarest pasta on Earth It just totally melts in your mouth. The most sheepy pasta in the whole world. Jeffrey What's the verdict? oh my God the texture and the cheese is intense. This is like absolutely intense I Love it Threads of God It is intense.

It's yeah it you taste the pastures in that bite and then the literally the pasta just dissolves on your tongue with the underlying tone of that that mutton broth and you taste the creaminess of the cheese too cuz you have like nuggets of cheese but then it's sort of also dissolved into the broth a little bit. Do one cool thing, there is a tradition. it's a crossover. the Sardinia broth of course.

uh Emilia Roma ex Sardinia it definitely is salty but I think that's coming from the the cheese and the broth and then I mean I Love how the the broth has some of the cheese has melted into the broth making it kind of creamy. but then at the same time you've got like yeah, the little nuggets of cheese that kind of have a little bit of a chewy texture in it in it as well. different texture from the silkiness of the noodles. Man the threads of God Truly a pilgrimage destination to taste this once in a lifetime pasta dish.
It just simply cannot be replicated unless you're right here. Oh Eduardo What the surprise surprise wine at the bottom of my bowl. So this is a Emilia Romana tradition. it's called Sur at the end of the broth.

When there is no pasta left in the hot broth, we had a little wine Soul Restoring it's a medicine wow and that probably adds some acidity to it as well. So like because it's Rich it's rich and salty meets Sardinia I think that's a good move. Oh oh that's amazing. Kind of lightens out the richness of the of the broth and the cheesea wow that was impossible pasta Jey Suil Andale We've been talking about it for years and we made it! We made it to heaven For the threads guys! the most amazing pasta on Earth Thank you B Yes wow oh thank you Oh gosh oh oh lamb.

oh yes it is the backbone I think thank you so it's time for round two. This is all of the the lamb or the mutton, the Sheep the potatoes, the tomatoes, the peppers, the carrots, the celery that have been boiled down to create the broth for the suo and now we're eating all of it. I think it's just I mean it's just straight up boiled simp simple but the purest ingredients you can find that you can get. potato oh feel how tender it is.

carrots I'm sorry the mutton with the with the soup in there was incredible. Oh the whole onion Extra Virgin Olive Oil: Wow it's like the best olive oil I've ever had. Yeah By far it's the best olive oil I've ever had the most. Okay here we go.

the Sheep Oh wow That sheep is unbelievable. Oh it is tender, melts in your mouth. The drizzle of the olive oil just enhances the flavor. It's incredibly Sheep Full I am Sheep full.

Oh all the fattiness the Sardinian herbs just transformed into Sheep Man This this uh sheep is so so good. and I don't think there's any seasoning. everything is just boiled, but the flavor of the sheep is so so pure. so clean, unbelievably flavorful man with that olive oil.

CH Incredible should be. If it's not, it's Zero! Oh the potatoes. Amazing! They're so tender, silky silky smooth and I'm actually very excited to try that carrot. So the class was 300.

Yep, totally fair. Oh my God. Oh the carrot. Wow.

Completely dissolves and it's filled with the lamb broth as well. It's just like a a sponge of lamb broth. The Onion Eat. it's so good.

Lamb Potatoes Carrots were excellent. And now moving on to dessert, which are these big ravioles stuffed with cheese deep fried and then drizzled in Sardinian Honey Oh man, the combination of cheese and honey is something that they've known how good it is for thousands of years in this region of the world. Oh there's this citrusy as well, like a lemon. I Don't know if that's coming from the honey or from the dish or from the recipe, but that's oh man.
A sweet finish to an unbelievable culinary experience once in a lifetime. And I love how it's not that sweet, only sweet from the honey so it's not artificially sweet. Some honey. Grappa To end the meal, the digestive.

Oh delicious. Oh oh what an honor. What an honor! Thank you Very thank you so much! What a family, What a farm, What a what an island! Jeffrey Are you find a final verdict of the suil Ando experience I Mean one of the greatest food experiences ever on earth. Incredible.

Unforgettable It exceeded our expectations without a doubt. I Think Paa and we had high expectations. High expectations I Think Paa is some kind of an Angel who's come down from heaven to share her threads of God that was a once in a-lifetime Opportunity I'm still trying to comprehend it I Want to say huge thank you to everyone who made this once in a-lifetime pasta experience happen and I hope you enjoyed this video. Please remember to give it a thumbs up and leave a comment below.

I'd love to hear what you think and remember to subscribe because there's going to be a lot more Italian food that you're not going to want to miss. Thanks again for watching goodbye from Sardinia and I'll see you on the next video.

By Mark

16 thoughts on “Impossible italian food!! world s rarest pasta! only 3 people on earth can make it”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @Chosenonefourfour says:

    Mark this was an incredible video. Thanks

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @LisaGates64 says:

    Mark! You have expanded my knowledge of speciality foods of Sardinia!!!

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @stevemurray1340 says:

    Such a super talented lady๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿฟ๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿฟ โ€ฆher talent is unmatched in pasta making!!

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @Mr_Helios76 says:

    Hey Mark i0m waiting for you visiting my region…Abruzzo.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @suzethbaclayon4892 says:

    Thank you for your video,Sardinia a hidden paradise gem.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @scottburrow8717 says:

    Once in a lifetime opportunity and meal.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @qstas1312 says:

    We have it in Greece and we call it Fide…(ฮฆฮ™ฮ”ฮ•)Search it… Wish you the best…๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @goldenage says:

    Not sure how long this tradition will last, so thank you for documenting it Mark!

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @localsource3012 says:

    Simply amazing. Love these videos from Italy. I believe itโ€™s the best cuisine in the world. If I had only had one last chance to travel it would be to Italy.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @jimmymartinez2585 says:

    With practice it can be done ๐Ÿ˜…

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @daddyteddy85 says:

    Never knew this pasta existed

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @Sicwkskxkckckzd says:

    Mark can u make a video with the tren twins please ๐Ÿ™

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @MrAlwaysRight says:

    Only three women in the world can make this pasta? Pffftt. I could make this pasta with my buttcheeks.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @angelicaromero2488 says:

    โคso cool

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @sohammondal406 says:

    Pasta maker Ursula Von Der Lyen

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @annother3350 says:

    She made Shreddies!!

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