Thank you to Visit Dubai for inviting me on this food tour of Dubai!
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DUBAI, UNITED ARAB EMIRATES - Welcome to Dubai, UAE, and today we’re going on an ultimate 48 hour food tour of Dubai. We’ll be eating traditional Emirati food, Iranian, Pakistani, Indian, and local street food fast food. It’s going to be an amazing two days of eating our way through Dubai and I can’t wait to share it all with you now!
Here are all the places we ate:
Al Jawareh Traditional Restaurant ( - This restaurant specializes in traditional Emirati food, a little outside of the center of the city. I especially love the omelet with tomato and chabab bread that you can eat with cheese and date syrup.
Al Fareej Restaurant ( - Next up, Iraian food and a massive kebab tray that included a big variety. Of course kebab koobideh is the king of all kebabs and it was delicious.
Mumbai Express Restaurant and Cafe ( - Next up we ate at Mumbai Express, an Indian restaurant serving mainly Mumbai snacks, chaats, and light meals. Their pav bhaji was fantastic.
Ravi Restaurant ( - One of the meals of this entire Dubai food tour was at Ravi Restaurant that’s probably the most well known Pakistani food in all of Dubai. Their food is outstanding, including the variety of grilled meats and especially their mutton Peshawari.
Al Ijaza Cafeteria ( - Next up, Al Ijaza Cafeteria which is one of the most family street food / fast food spots in Dubai. They have a humorous and creative menu highlights sandwiches and grilled meats with a huge selection of milkshakes and fruit shakes.
Sonara Camp ( - Finally to complete this ultimate Dubai food tour, we headed out to the desert to the luxurious Sonara Camp. There was entertainment and food and a great family and special meal experience.
Again, a huge thank you to Visit Dubai for sponsoring my trip to Dubai and for filming and producing this video.
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Hey everyone hope you're having an amazing day. It's mark wiens, i'm in dubai uae, and one of the things that i love most about dubai is how it attracts people from around the world bringing their cultures and their food all together in one city. Today we are going to go on an ultimate i'm going to do a combo bite, a huge food tour of dubai, we're going to visit some of the lesser-known destinations eat at some of the best kept secret, hole-in-the-wall restaurants, everything from casual to gourmet food in dubai. I'm gon na take you with me on this incredible food journey, so sit back, relax, get a snack if you're hungry and let's explore this vibrant, incredible city of food, we're on the outskirts of dubai at mamzar beach and there's some hidden gem restaurants out here, but Really quickly, you might be noticing that this is not my average vlog.

This is a little bit more professional, a lot more professional. I am joined by an amazing team of 10 there's four cameras, rolling they're holding a tent and a huge thank you to visit dubai for inviting me on this trip, we're on our way to go eat a huge emirati breakfast we're on the outskirts of dubai. At a place called al-jaware, which is known for their authentic emirati food and also the traditional dining setting, so i'm looking forward to the diversity and a huge emirati breakfast so within the restaurant there's a number of different places that you can choose to sit, there's tables. There's private family areas and then there's the michelas, and this is a traditional part of emirati culture and a place where a family would greet visitors, socialize, share food together and i think it's the most homely area to sit.

So this is where we're gon na eat. Uh, this is the the emirati breakfast today we like will have hameer with the cheese and dips mr sauce. They could have. Also balalid will have dangos.

The chickpeas will have egg with tomatoes with dua guppy, bread, okay and then in the corner. That will be the regex with the cheese and mashawa and then we'll bill of the pancake. But it's calling by emirati the emirati breakfast feast is ready, we're just gon na jump right in and start eating. So i'll start with this bread here, along with some eggs, which have been scrambled with tomatoes, everything prepared fresh, traditional emirati, breakfast dishes: oh yeah, i love the chewiness of that bread and then you've got the scrambled eggs which are really like finely mashed up.

So it just mingles with that tomato juice and the oil, and i mean even before, trying all of the different dishes, the smells. The aromas you smell cardamom. I like how there's a mixture of both sweet and savory dishes, because we've got the date palm syrup. We've got emirati fish sauce all together in one meal, so already just the diversity and the different flavors that are going to be involved.

Next up we're going to try the bella it's a very unique dish, very interesting because it has noodles on the bottom with an omelette on top. There are spices involved, and then i do know that it's has kind of a unique sweet and savory taste all at once. It's very unique. It is sweet.
You taste that aromatic spice to it, i think mainly cardamom. It's nice how it just kind of like almost just melts in your mouth, the noodles are very soft and then the different texture of the omelet, very good, i'm going to move on to the khmer bread, oh wow, that is amazingly pillowy and airy. So it's served along with a side of date syrup as well as cheese on the side, i'll go with the date syrup first and maybe just drizzle a little bit of this onto the first bite. It has an amazing kind of smoky roasted flavor to it.

Oh, but with that date syrup man, it makes it so fragrant, maybe break off a piece and dip it into that cheese. Oh wow, and that's great how you can choose if you want the salty or the sweet both are good. This is exactly what i needed. Thank you.

I need a sip of that immediately. This is karak just about everybody. Dubai will start their day will finish their day throughout their day with a few cups of karak tea. Oh yeah, you taste the the strength of the tea and then that cardamom coming through the sweetness of it, you can drink it all day.

Long next dish is dango which are chickpeas. These are nice because they're not too soft, there's just enough, like salt balance, with lime or lemon juice in there just to like bring it together and then we'll move on to the chabab, which are like emirati pancakes, they're rolled on the plate, and then again they Are served with the the date syrup and i believe you could also eat it with the cheese i'll again go for the the date syrup. First, oh, oh wow, yeah, it's so soft, it's so just slightly gummy and again with that date, syrup man. I love date.

Sir, because it's like sweet - but it's not like that - really harsh harsh sweetness - it's just like a soothing, mellow sweetness with so much complexity to it. So much fruitiness date syrup is amazing. I'm gon na do a combo bite. That's the only thing left to do so.

Cheese first and then date syrup so that it sticks the best of everything all in one bite. Wow yeah do the combination, the creamy stickiness of the cheese, the sweet fragrance of the date syrup, oh yeah and lastly, ragag bread, which is one of my favorite emirati dishes: snacks. It's a paper thin bread. It is filled with emirati anchovy, fish sauce as well as cheese and yeah.

It's really thin really light, but really fragrant, really crispy yeah. You can hear that crispiness yeah, it's so paper thin that it's crispy all the way through and then it's just like a light. Fragrance not too heavy, but the fish sauce. I mean that umami of the fermentation, it's just so good.

Along with that cheese in there you could eat it at any time of the day. It's addictive yeah, it's so good. That was an amazing breakfast. I loved the selection of different dishes.
I especially love the ragag, the chabab and that combination with the cheese and the date syrup. You don't want to miss it from here. We're gon na continue our exploration of dubai and we have a lot more food coming up and next up we're going to a restaurant. It's really in a beautiful location next to the mosque and surrounded by what is a little mini oasis of date, palm trees.

The restaurant is called al-farij and they have been serving authentic iranian kebabs. Since 1987., kabobs are some of my favorite food in the world. You could just feel the fire in your face. Yes, so hot, so there's half a dozen different types of kebabs on the grill right now, man, it just smells so good and a raging hot, a blazing fire white, hot coals, fanned on by the flames to keep them raging hot and just the way the meat Sizzles is just what makes all the difference.

I mean that, like intense smokiness that char. Oh, that's what kebabs are all about that fat sizzling out of the kebabs, oh man, the juiciness is going to be out of control. Look at that! That is beautiful! Oh man, that is a tray wow, that is a platter of meat. Oh man, i'm just like overwhelmed by a 10 kilo tray of kebabs, there's nothing more beautiful in this world, but then all the different sides as well, the salads, the vegetable garnish, the persian rice with barberries on top man.

This is six varieties of kebabs man. I got ta begin with that. I believe this is the kebab koobide, which is just the ultimate classic of all iranian kebabs. Just the minced meat, usually like not heavy on spice but mince meat and onions, one of the ways actually oftentimes they'll do this for you, but i love how they served it on a skewer.

This time take the bread kind of like wipe up those meat juices. Let them stop absorb into the bread and then just kind of gently, just pull it out. Just let the meat slide slide right out and then you've got you can see. You can see on that bread.

Some of the meat juice has just stuck to the bread. Here we go kebab koopie day to begin this meal. You immediately taste that smokiness that intense fire that they cook these kebabs on it's so juicy and oily the meat is caramelized. You taste the juice of the onions in there wow you're, going to want to chase that with some onion and have it all mixed in your mouth, all at once.

Oh yeah, next kebab, i'm gon na go for. I believe these two are chicken over here on this side: oh man, again the smokiness and just that intense, like char from that fire. Oh yeah, that's a juicy piece of chicken okay! Next up for the the chicken tikka kebab. What you can see! This is a totally different, marinade, even smaller pieces of chicken, on the kebab that same char that same intense roasted fire on it.

Oh wow, you taste more of a like citrusiness to this man and again it's like such a different flavor from the other chicken. Okay. Let's move on to the next kebab kubite, which is maybe with chicken because of the color of this, and actually i remember one of the combos that you do is you can you can take a piece of the kebab tomato juice and some of that roasted tomato On there there we go and that's the bite you want with the kebab, the juiciness of the tomato that little like hint of acidity and just that salty oily such flavorful kebab. Moving over to this side of the tray there's two types of lamb, kebabs: let's try! This one yeah that is meaty but man, the marinade.
We taste that acidity in case the light spice. You taste the fire, that's just like the ultimate meatiness that you've always wanted and then one more lamb kebab, which is a totally different marinade, a totally different mixture of spices and seasoning. Oh wow drone is even more tender. The creaminess of this lamb is what stands out something i love about.

A kebab tray of this size is the variety and all of the different bobs have a different flavor. Have a different spice blend have a different taste to them, and they all i mean it's great to just. Have a diversity, have a variety at your table and to be able to sample all the different kebabs in one meal. I'm deep within the old souk of dubai, and i especially love these really narrow alleys, where you can reach out and touch both sides.

Oh man, i just love that breeze that comes down through these narrow alleyways, but this is one alley where you've got a squeeze and if you ate one too many kebabs, you might not fit there's stores of every kind, and this really highlights the diversity of dubai. There's flowers, there's temples: you smell incense burning as you walk down these incredible ancient alleys of the old market. It's really really beautiful and it's really such a contrast and a diversity that represents dubai. Oh yeah, that hits the spot man the flavor of the spices, the cardamom in there, the masala and there's just no better place to drink a tea.

I mean within the ancient market, within the alleys, the sights and sounds the aromas, the incense, the spices. Oh yeah love it good morning from dubai. We are in alkarama, which is a busy district known for its delicious food, and we are starting this morning at a place called mumbai express where they serve indian food, snacks, full meals. It's a great place to have a cup of tea and i'm looking forward to breakfast.

This is just a beautiful spread of food and so many familiar dishes. I love the aromas, the spices, the colors, the vibrancy of everything i mean, there's nothing. I would be happier to wake up to in the morning than indian food yeah. This just makes me happy even just looking at it, but we got ta start this dish.

Right here is calling my name, the paubaji, which is one of the. I think it's one of the quintessential dishes of mumbai, so let's start with that, i love how you can just see even on the bread look. It's just like absorbed. It's like a sponge of flavor.
All of that butter melted into the bread with that bhaji. Oh man, the bread, it's just so soft, so buttery, and then you just taste the flavor, the spices, the vegetables that have just been like pureed down into a sauce but full of flavor love that crunch of the onions. Let's try some of the samosa chaat. This is a beautiful, just, a beautiful looking chat right here.

Uh there's some samosas, i believe, there's probably some uh. I mean a lot of spices in here. Some chickpeas. Definitely some some different chutneys coriander onions in here.

Oh man, there's so many different textures going on. So many different spices, the mint in there, the raw onions, the coriander and it's just like hearty crunchy, starchy and full of flavors and then moving on. Let's try the dosa andosa is one of the one of the ultimate especially of south indian foods, and what is really the highlight for me with a dosa is all the different sambars and chutneys, so i'm gon na just like i'll go in for some of that. Dosa, there's the there's the sambar there's the coconut chutney, the tomato is a spicy one.

Nice add in some of the some of the masala potatoes and then i might go in for some of that tomato chutney all right, authentic flavorful, you taste, the mustard seed, the curry leaves in there, and one of the great flavors of south india are curry leaves Which is just a burst of flavor, a leaf that actually like has a full curry, spice blend flavor to it we'll move on to the panipuri, and so these are the puris which are little like hollow chips. Oh there, we go okay. So what you can? What you do with the the panipuri is, you add some of the lentils and then you can either choose some of the sweet water or some of the spicy water i'll go with the spicy water, and so what you're going to do? You're going to fill the water into the the puri and then get it to your mouth before it gets soggy, typically you're standing up on the street. Somebody is making panipuri and they make it just one at a time because of course, there's water inside of a chip.

It's going to get soggy if you don't eat it fast, so it's almost like just serves you one take a bite. Serves you another one. Take a bite you can just stand there and just eat non-stop and again take it to your mouth fast, herbal, spicy, salty. I love that combination of literally liquid water at the same time as you have this crunch from the puri we're going to try the vada pow.

It's vegetarian, you get it all over mumbai and you just like grab a burger on the go and keep on going. So there's a variety of chutneys in here: there's probably onions, there's the patty and then always served with chili's on the side as well. The onions, the potato, the patty is mainly made from potato and actually before. We explain that got ta chase that with a chili.
Oh yeah wow that that bumps it up, oh man, that brings it together, but all the chutneys in there, the mint, the patty, is mainly made from potato. You taste the spices in there, though the coriander the crunch of the onion and then, of course, just the softness of that bread, the pow and i think we have one more dish to try, which is the bombay sandwich and again it's like a purely vegetarian sandwich. There's cucumber in here, there's probably onion, there's tomato and then there's layers of chutney when it comes to vegetarian, pure vegetarian food. There's just no other vegetarian food in the world that can compare to indian food because the spices, the chutneys the use of herbs.

I mean a vegetarian sandwich just filled with a variety of vegetables and chutneys, and it's amazing. It's so much flavor, okay and then wash all that down with a cup of masala tea. Oh yeah, the cardamom, the mix of spices, creamy and just like yeah just enhances everything so for lunch today, we're at ravi restaurant, which has been serving some of the best pakistani food in dubai since 1978.. So i'm here with mr waheed - and you are the son of mr ravi, who started this legendary pakistani restaurant.

Can you tell us like quickly about the history of mark? Thank you for coming down to the restaurant uh. The name of my father is actually not ravi. His name is abdullahi, the name ravi is actually the name of a river in the city of lahore. It's named after that river, okay, so because we are from punjab, okay, my mother is from law.

So that's why my father named did ravi restaurant uh. He started the restaurant back in 1978., okay, so it's been 43 years now, so we started in sapporo. He started with two shops. Alhamdulillah we've got three branches right now: yeah, okay, so i'm in the kitchen at ravi with the chefs.

Oh man, this is the most beautiful kitchen in dubai. Oh man, there's literally a bathtub inside with a volcanic fire on the bottom, just bubbling away man, you can see wow it's volcanic heat coming off of here, but man that heat the spices. You see the pods of cardamom just floating around on the surface. It's thick, it's rich, you can just see the the meat, the mutton just bubbling away, and just oh man, it's going to be this ultra flavor.

This is where they're, making the and then over here is where they have the prepared different curries. Everything is ready to go so as soon as you order. They take it out. It's hot and fresh straight to your table, they're, making the roti over on this station over here.

Oh man, it's just fires. Just going up all over the place, the meaty aromas, the spices are out of control. So this is just an absolutely magical display of pakistani food and i had a chance to step into the kitchen to watch them as they were cooking and it's just literally. Volcanic fires, masses of spices and just you could see the richness of all the curries and all the different dishes - the biryani, the tandoori roti, the grill station.
Oh man, this is this - is an absolute amusement park of pakistani food. We have to begin with that. One of their specialties here is the mutton peshawari. It's a peshawari style mutton which he was cooking in this massive tub, like literally a bathtub of mutton, just whooshing around in so many spices and so much sauce, we'll break into the tandoori roti tear off a piece and then just scoop straight in there's, um there's Pieces of the mutton all of that sauce and then they top it off with slices of fresh ginger, coriander and green chilies, so rich and so like.

You can feel the thickness of that sauce. Oh wow, that is insane. It was so buttery, so rich and creamy. But then you got that fresh ginger to just like contrast that richness.

Oh man, that's meat, heaven right there. Oh, that's insane, let's see what's next, i think this one is called chicken ginger and you can see that there's slices of ginger in here there's slices of green chili, the ginger there's peppers in here, there's coriander. What i like about this is there's full check this out, like green bean style whole green chilies in here, oh man, again so rich and flavorful spicy from the chilis, and that flavor of the ginger is just what's like the highlight here. Let's continue down the line um i'm gon na go for this dish right here, which i'm not sure.

If i remember what this is, but that's, okay, we'll we'll find out wow, that's a totally different flavor. It has this like acidity to it. There's a certain spice in there that you really taste as well, and then you really taste the it's almost like a almost like a fruitiness to it, i'm not even totally sure but the again. The ginger stands out the green chilies in there and the coriander and then moving on another one of the like ultimate dishes is nihari, which is more of this, an extremely rich meaty stew.

It's finished off of sliced ginger as well as uh green chilies, and just look at the thickness of that sauce again so meaty and just you can tell that that's just been boiled for so long. So all of that marrow all of the flavor is just released. All the way from the bone, so we have one more dish which is the halim over here. This is like more of a almost like a porridge style.

I believe that sometimes there's like shredded meat within here and then topped with again ginger green chilies and this time with fried onions as well. Oh wow, that's like the the richest most flavorful meaty porridge. You could ever have you feel the shreds of the meat in there. What i love about this one is it has that flavor of the caramelized onions on top as well and then moving on to the mixed grill, there's a variety of different kebabs.
There's the chicken tikka and then lamb chops, and you can see that these are just like grilled until the outside is crispy wow. It's just like it is grilled until crispy, but the inside is still so moist and so tender and juicy everything has. I mean there's such a different variety of different flavors in every dish, but one of the common flavors that i love in in a lot of the dishes is how it's finished off, with freshest of slight slices of fresh ginger, green chilies and coriander. That, just like.

I mean truly enhance the richness and the meatiness of all the dishes, and then everything is spectacular here, but this mutton peshawari, which is one of their highlight dish one of their specialties here - is truly truly something special, truly stand out. We'll just make you weep tears of joy. Next up, we are in jumeirah at alijaza cafeteria, which is one of the legendary snack shops in dubai. You come here, they have shawarmas, they have a variety of sandwiches.

They have a lot of juices and smoothies on their menu and they also have a very unique array of naming their dishes and their juices. It's right here, kind of like within the neighborhood. This is the spot right here and there's no seating inside, but they do have some tables outside. However, the majority of people will just drive past on the main road honk their horn a few times.

Someone will come out take their order and then they'll deliver their order straight to your car. You can sit there in your car. You can have your order or you can just continue on your way, but a legendary place. We're gon na stop here.

We're gon na have a seat on the sidewalk and enjoy a quick snack. It's supposed to be a snack shop, but this is a an all-out feast that we have on the table and then you just got ta love this place. It's a place that you can tell just everybody loves the neighborhood, loves and embraces their slogan. Is the talk of dubai since 1990, and you also got ta love? How there's just a continual stream of cars that just pull up honk their horn get an order and then take off the sandwiches.

You can see how like thin that bread is, but i guess we'll start with this one right here, which is the the hassan matar, which is the this is like. I said it's the most popular thing on the menu. It has a unique story where the he wanted, like his own signature dish, always a good sign when sauce is kind of like splooging out and it's almost transparent. The bread full of chicken looks like shredded chicken with sauce all over it.

Oh wow yeah, that's that is tasty. Oh man, the toasted bread, the shredded chicken that sauce kind of has a like. May nazi mustardy kind of taste to it. You can tell that this is the type of food that would be good, 24 hours a day, especially at like three a.m.

We better start trying these beverages, one of the main beverages that i'm most excited to try. This one is called the vaccine. It's a combination of variety of fruits, there's blueberries in here. I guess it will boost your antibodies.
Oh man, that's creamy! That's thick in case the blueberries in there almost has a little bit of a i'm, not sure if there's ice cream or yogurt in here to make it really thick and creamy as well wow. So this one is the expo: 2020 wrap. You can see it's. It looks like there's a variety of kind of like fried shredded chicken.

I think there might be fries in here as well. Oh yeah, the shredded chicken, the crispiness and there's some kind of a like pickled chilies, almost like a jalapeno in there as well, really good and that same kind of like may nazi creamy sauce, which is, i think, it's one of the signature sauces here. You can see it on almost every sandwich, just creamy and mayonnaisey delicious. Okay, let's move in for another drink.

I think this one is the one of the original uh drinks here with mango and honey. It's called a boot, that's just like yeah thick mango. It's um! You taste the the fragrance of the honey in there yeah thick and creamy and rich. This one is called the crazy burger.

You can see that the the burger patty is in the center. There's lots of mustard in here. There's some mayonnaise there's lettuce, the patties, the double patties and then there's pickled. They do look like pickled jalapenos on the bottom.

There meaty you've got the acidity of those pickled chilies and just heavy on the mustard, which i love and then let's move on to another. Another drink, which is which means broken heart, a scoop of ice cream on the top. So i guess, if you have a broken heart, this will cheer you up. Oh yeah, i mean you can already tell it's sweet, that's exactly what you need this one right here is called the arb burger, which is it means boss in arabic.

So this is the boss burger. You can see that it's double decker, it's toasted, there's spicy sauce. All over it yeah that feels heavy and hearty oh man, there's so much mayonnaise and sauce. Then you've got the crispy layers of chicken, the pickled jalapenos.

In there our pickled chilies, the soft toasted bun, it's salty it's creamy again. This is like the type of food that you'd want to be eating at 3am in the morning and then we've got the expo 2020 here which what is that? I think there might be mango in there and maybe papaya? Oh yeah, it's wonderful again, you're just guaranteed creamy rich, like very, very filling milkshakes here and really good. I know this is a signature sandwich as well, and i like how this one is. The bread is very thin uh.

You can see some melted cheese in here. Some fries in here as well - oh, it's like a almost tastes like like a chicken kebab in the center, which is just flattened down toasted down cheesy french fries in there yeah. Everything here is tasty. We got one more drink way over here on the other side of the table, so this is the eye in dubai and from that greenness you can tell this is avocado in here: wow, that's, sweet and so creamy when avocado is blended.
It's just like a like a natural, whipped cream. Almost that's like very thick, very creamy, really good too great sandwiches. Some of them are heavier than others. You've got a lot of spicy mayonnaise sauces fries to go with it pickles and i like how they balance.

Like the the fried chicken, along with pickles, to to contrast, the the richness and then, of course, the seasonal and the really good milkshakes fruit shakes that come with it. Okay, so we made it out here to sonara camp. It's a spectacular atmosphere. The sun is just going down, and this is where we're gon na hang out we're gon na relax.

We're gon na enjoy some of the evening entertainment and have dinner we're just enjoying the last few minutes of the sunset. The wind is picking up it's cool over here is where we enjoyed some relaxation and a drink and we're about to head down there for dinner. Wow man, the acrobat show that was he was some kind of a wizard of balancing mixed meat. Platter comes sizzling on a hot iron griddle.

Oh that looks amazing with some uh rosemary on top i'll go straight in for some of the beef, the lamb chops, oh yeah, there's tender juicy beef really nice! We've got lamb, oh yeah, again tender and juicy. You taste the nicely that flavor of the lamb a little bit of rosemary and then again that kind of peppery sauce, really juicy. There's two more dishes: we've got a fish which you said was nile perch. I believe it's within some kind of a cream.

It looks like a little bit of pesto and maybe some almonds and looks like a very creamy creamy sauce, a little bit of a buttery creamy sauce, the flavor of the basil from the pesto and then a nuttiness from some almonds. Final main course dish is it's like a vegetable stew, there's tomatoes in here, there's celery. There is oh, i think i think some pine nuts as well. This would be really good with the rice and then also probably to go along with the meat as well.

You've got the acidity of the tomatoes, the crunch of the celery, and then i think those are pine nuts in there yeah pine nuts as well, that give it a little bit of a nutty fragrance i'll go circle back around to that beef, though oh yeah, and So again, this is um kind of food. I mean i would call it kind of french european food with a little bit of a middle eastern local emirati touch to it, and it's also great for entire families. There's a lot of people that come here and the whole family can enjoy this food. I think it also shows the diversity and the variety of food and food, not only food, but food experiences that are available within dubai, not only the food also, but the location part of what really makes this experience special.
Is this gorgeous desert atmosphere within we're within the sand dunes sitting here under the stars? Under this drapery of lights, the entertainment has been hilarious and fun, and it's just a really spectacular atmosphere here, along with great food that wraps up dinner at sonara camp, which was an amazing experience and loved the entertainment. The show the atmosphere, great food and that wraps up this entire trip, this journey of food through dubai. Again, what stands out to me so much is the diversity and the melting pot of dubai that attracts people from all over the world that come to dubai. That share their customs and culture and food and it's been an amazing journey.

I want to say a big thank you to visit dubai for inviting me on this trip and for making this incredible food journey to dubai happening.

By Mark

3 thoughts on “Huge dubai food tour!! 48 hours eating fast food emirati food in uae!”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars B says:

    1st . shoutout

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