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๐Ÿ‘• T-shirts: https://store.migrationology.com/
๐ŸŒถ Ghost Chili: https://amzn.to/3PNTvNQ
GUATEMALA CITY, GUATEMALA - Welcome to Guatemala City, Central America, and today weโ€™ll be going on an ultimate Guatemalan street food tour - eating some of the best food in the entire city!
Mercado Central, Guatemala City - Weโ€™re starting this street food tour at Mercado Central (Central Market) to check out all the amazing produce and especially avocados as this bustling colorful market in the center of the city. The avocados were delicious and the fresh fruits were amazing. We ate some delicious Guatemalan antojitos as Refacciones Doรฑa Mela, Guatemala City and some adobada and beef soup at Comedor Angelica, Guatemala City.
Cevicheria Los Chavos, Guatemala City (https://goo.gl/maps/nHTcpFTNXuXiDbdJA) - After some sightseeing about Guatemala City, we then headed to Cevicheria Los Chavos for a unique Guatemala City style ceviche made with some surprising ingredients - like worcestershire sauce and ketchup!
Hot Dogs Ejecutivos el Chino, Guatemala City - Now weโ€™re moving on to the the most famous Guatemalan street food - the shucos or Guatemalan crazy hot dogs literally! This is one of the places that started it all - everything is grilled over fire and there about a dozen meats and toppings that go on. Itโ€™s a huge celebration of a hot dog all in one bun, everything chopped and layered perfectly. It was very tasty, and I especially loved the layers of guacamole avocado.
Shucos Campo Marte - Finally another Guatemala City street food gem is Shucos Campo Marte where thereโ€™s half a dozen stalls are serving roadside shucos and the trans-metro - a huge bus sized hot dog!
Big thank you to Pablo Matute from Etnica Travel (https://www.etnicatravel.com/) for arranging my trip to Guatemala.
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๐ŸŒถ Ghost Chili: https://amzn.to/3PNTvNQ
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I'm in Guatemala City in Central America and today I'm going to take you on a street food tour to eat some of the most famous and most delicious. Guatemalan Street Foods in Guatemala City Hey everyone hope you're having an amazing day at to Mark Wiens I'm excited to be in! Guatemala City This is the biggest city in Guatemala and it's actually the biggest city in all of Central America It's colorful, it's vibrant, and they have some delicious food. So today I'm going to take you on an ultimate Guatemalan street food tour. We're going to eat some of the best, some of the most famous street foods.

It's bigger than my entire arm, including a gigantic one foot long, just absolutely fully loaded. Guatemalan Hot dog Foreign. Good morning, Good morning. Where are we at first? Uh, we're in the Central Market it's the only.

Underground Market in Guatemala Oh okay, we'll be walking a little bit underground I think oh yeah, it's underground. Okay, great, yeah, it's three levels. So okay. we'll start with the welcome to the Mercado Central This is the Central Market in Guatemala City This is where we're going to begin the tour we're going to walk around: I Think this is a market that has everything you can imagine from clothes to fruits to vegetables to food stalls to eat at.

So we're just gonna walk around the market, see what they have, see some of the local ingredients and we're definitely going to be eating as well. We have a lot of leather also here in Guatemala Oh okay, yeah, so there's a lot of leather goods. There's textiles, the colorful clothes of Guatemala The second floor is the oh, we're going down further. Nice.

Okay, don't know. I mean I've seen a couple. of it's almost like an inverted Market It just goes down down levels and if you go to the bottom level here, we're getting to the to the the food section of the market. Oh yes.

Foreign. Okay, look at everywhere. Everything is not frozen, it's delivered fresh and you have to sell it fresh. People don't buy frozen chicken breasts.

So we're starting at the meat section. A Lot of fresh pork, a lot of fresh beef, chicken, the meats of Guatemala And then we're moving into some of the seafood section as well. Hola, the meats. Whoa.

That's a nice stalk of beef right there. I Mean we're just talking with some of the butchers and they said in Guatemala food the freshness of meats is extremely important. They sell everything. Everything is slaughtered, butchered the day, and they sell everything.

Nothing is Frozen Everything fresh. All parts of the animal are available. massive liver, longanisa, and chorizo. They have bone marrow.

They have the hoofs. Everything is available. Nothing goes to waste. Diablo itself comes from this area of the world that's native.

It's native. It's indigenous. Yeah, that is the southern part of Mexico all the way down to Costa Rica Somewhere over there the first avocado. So we have a different varieties of different types of avocados.
Um last century one guy with the has name came here mixed together most of the some genetics of avocado and came out with the avocado has which eventually was transported into United States and Mexico and it just blew up and as avocado you'll get everywhere right? But here we got the avocado crio that is the small one. We have some other avocado that are bigger one and we have the house. These ones are all traditional here from Guatemala and in everywhere you find avocado in our local Cuisine Yeah okay in our cuisine. so avocados I mean we have the entire world has Guatemala to think for Distributing for transporting the avocado throughout the world.

and I mean avocados are one of my favorite fruits in the entire world. Thank you to Guatemala It's only right. It's only right that we're starting off with some avocado. Here we go.

So this one we're starting off with. oh look at that just peels off. It just peels off. It's perfectly ripe.

One step backwards. Okay, oh how was it man. no problem. It's it's perfect.

It's very. It's like it feels like chocolate. It does feel like chocolate. It's buttery because it's so buttery.

I Can't believe how easy it just comes off the skin. That means it's absolutely perfect to eat. Oh yeah, this is the National. Yeah, it's a little bit more juicy.

Okay, you can see even it's a little more oily. It's a little more oily. almost foreign. It's a totally different taste and texture.

It is a little more watery, but more sweet. not quite as creamy. Really good. and you really feel and taste the difference.

more fruity. Now we're moving on to the food court section. People just standing around stalls just loaded with the fresh dishes of the day. It's vibrant and colorful.

We're gonna probably start eating some things now and then. Also keep on continue walking around the market. A lady that is famous for this for having this pose for many, many many many years. She's not with us anymore.

But people continue. Okay, okay so this is. It's such a cool place. They have a couple of dozen different dishes and you can just kind of choose the little plates that you can choose from.

a lot of Specialties local dishes. Okay, these are the Guatemalan tacos. Okay, this is one of the things that I really try. This is, uh, like the feet of the pork that they put it on vinegar and then they add all.

oh nice. Okay with cabbage as well. Okay, this is oh yes. uh-huh So the tostada and it starts with guacamole.

Guacamole goes on. It's just pure avocado so that pork stomach goes on with tomatoes. Come on! Yeah, so it's Queso Gracias. Here we go Pablo You ready? This looks so good? Um I Think we should start with that dish you were talking about that.

Yeah, it's the whole pork. The pig hoof, right? Yeah, that's been vinegared and been cooked in vinegar. So basically beautiful. to let the vinegar final acid acid.
just Cooks it? Yeah, Okay, yeah. okay. it's very traditional from these areas of. Guatemala So I think we should try that.

We should try that. Yeah, Oh, just bite it. just bite it. Okay, look at this thing.

I Think we should. let's break and bite. Maybe? Yeah. Okay, here we go.

Oh, it's slippery. It's slippery. It tastes really good. Yeah, it is really good.

It's oily. it's blubbery. Oh live music, it's blubbery. Um, you taste that vinegar.

I Think it's really all about the texture and you can just keep on. like gnawing on that bone and getting the flavor. Very good. I Love their skin.

It has this bouncy texture to it. Yes, definitely. you can. Also Chase with some of those like pickled cabbage.

Oh, the cabbage is amazing. Vinegary, salty, and so juicy. okay. I'll go for the buche.

Wait wait, sprinkle in some lime. Yeah, okay. rather than calling them tacos though, these are called tortillas tortillas. They're just.

it's just like a tortilla wrap. and so I'm going for the buche. The pork stomach. You've got the cow stomach.

I Think there. yeah. top with chicharron. Oh wow.

it's crunchy. It's juicy, the acidity of the limes and the tomatoes. Oh I do want to add on some of that salsa picante. okay um and the way they've cooked it I think it's been stewed down so or cook down until it's so tender and then at the same time it's mixed with tomatoes and lime juice so it's almost like a it's almost like a butcher Ceviche because it has that acidity that's continuing to tenderize it and just bump up the flavor.

and then you've got that textural crunch of the chicharon. the fried pork chin. that's so tasty. Commercial for me because like you gotta have a budget yeah, you need to look.

Yeah, this is another one. yeah this is called and it's a very traditional from all over. Guatemala It's very good with beer. Oh so that's just the radish with chicharon.

Yeah, okay so very simple radish, chicharon. and then you got a Buche a pork stomach over there I'm gonna hit mine with some some salsa. you want some? yeah, another tortilla this time. um and Pablo was telling me this is very traditional, very simple.

All it is is a radish. kind of like a radish salad. um with tomatoes and then with the chicharo and on top. Yeah, it's a very juicy.

it's a juicy very Saturday snack foreign. it's still good I Think what's amazing about that is that you've got the the Crunch and the freshness of the radish combined with the richness and the crunchiness of the chicharon. Yes, devoured. um with some of the radish topping and tomato sauce.

tomato sauce. Okay, then we'll put some dried cheese, some onions. Side of it is a mixture of beef and vegetables, beef and vegetables. Inside it's a big corn tortilla Which is folded over deep fried so it's crispy and then I love all those toppings that go on top when you order it along with the radish tomato sauce.
A Sprinkle of cheese here actually I think I Can we can both grab it? Okay, Oh, loaded with toppings. Oh the guacamole as well. Oh, that's amazing. Yeah.

I think one of the main vegetables on the inside is potato. It almost has this beef potato mixture with this really crunchy, crispy, slightly oily fried corn tortilla on the outside, and then all those toppings coming together. the creaminess of the guacamole, avocado, the tomato sauce, the sprinkle of cheese for a little bit of salt. yeah, that's delicious.

Might go for a little bit more of that. that chili sauce. All right, that is so tasty. The crunch of the onions.

oh the raw onions on there as well. That's amazing. So we just finished our first Antojitos in Guatemala City that was so good! We're moving into the fruit section of the market and I think what's amazing about Guatemala as well as all of Central America is that you have so many different climate zones from tropical to Highlands and so that you can get such a diverse and Incredibly diverse range of fruits and vegetables, we're gonna stop at this amazing fruit stall. She must have two dozen varieties of fruits and she's going to make us a mixed fruit platter or plate to try.

a dragon fruit. Okay Chico Oh wow Oh this is like a like a cherimoya or a anoina. I've never seen a pink color like that. Oh the mangosteen.

Okay, but no yes, I think these are called. Are these the ice cream beans ice cream. Colombians Whoa. it's vibrantly orange.

Okay, okay, yeah, they've prepared for us. This is like not quite a dozen, but at least almost seven eight, nine different types of fruit that they have. Uh, just a colorful assortment of the local produce and fruits of Guatemala It's beautiful I Love the colors. Some of them are fruits I've I've seen them, but these are different varieties of those same fruits.

This is the fruit I'm really interested in one of them. I mean I'm interested in all of them. This is like a cherimoya or a a Nona fruit or a custard apple. except it's gigantic and I've never seen that pink color Here we go.

let's try it. Oh like so good. Okay, you do taste the same flavor as a custard apple. It is a variety of a custard apple.

still creamy sweet, but it has this almost guava flavor to it. It almost tastes like a cross between a guava and a cherimoya. a custard apple. that's sweet and custardy.

Delicious. Oh man. I'm trying to balance a lot of fruit. they just totally loaded this.

I'll try the uh from Colombian Sapote thank you. Almost has the flavor of a carrot, but sweet and juicy and you can feel how fibrous it is. Okay moving right along to the cactus fruit and so this one they call Tuna might have had some varieties of this the shrub before. It's a little bit like fluffy, a little bit dry, and then you have these little seeds.
almost like kiwi but a little drier. Next, double charge then Bolivia Oh that one's incredible. Almost has a flavor of mangosteen. so juicy and creamy.

almost has like a milkiness like fruit nectar syrup that just comes out of it. Okay and here we go. This one you I think it's the same as the ice cream Bean but it comes in a long pot. It has these little white seeds covered in a kind of like a almost like a fluffy little rahara.

Okay yes it does kind of taste like vanilla ice cream except it's kind of like silky. feels like the the texture of felt felt in your mouth. but then it kind of gets juicy and sort of has this creaminess to it as well. Moving on to the dragon fruit pitaya.

Wow that's sweet. Most of the dragon fruit is not sweet. It's kind of like actually kind of neutral tasty. It's known as sweeter than a kiwi.

Oh man, that's the Swedish dragon fruit I think I've ever had when it's just dripping with juice I Definitely have a dragon fruit mustache. Yeah, we're We're entering a part where you can find a lot of uh objects that are used for worshiping. uh God Okay, but here in Canada Catholic Religion candles and incense do have a Maya meaning okay, they hide most of your Maya Traditions inside of Catholicism So you will see that many of these candles have colors because colors not mean the exactly the same thing as in Catholicism. Here colors mean uh, different things.

For example, the red means the morning, the early morning, the dark color means that start of the night and yellow means corn. So it depends on what you're doing and where you're putting it what you're gonna ask for. You will also find a lot of different saints that are not Saints these are Maya saints that became with that got a Catholic uh meaning okay. Okay and then one of the things about Guatemala is that it remains very indigenous.

I Believe about 60 percent of the population is indigenous. the market continues and keeps on going and we are now passing through the food court section. Uh Pablo says we're here a little bit early but if you come here at the peak of lunch time it will just be packed. it's just stall after stall with seating.

Um, and they all. It's like home-cooked Guatemalan Food right within this food cart tables. Okay, so onions, tomatoes, and coriander goes on or cilantro? Oh, and a Sprinkle of salt goes on as well. Okay, the vegetables that go with the beef soup.

so the green onions and coriander goes into that beef soup. Wow. This stall here in the market in the food court is impressive. They have at least a dozen dishes going and that's what's cooking on the stove.

like the stews, the hearty dishes, the soups. But then they're also famous for their cabinet of fried meats and so we especially came to try the Autobada, but we could not leave without trying some of their other Specialties like the beef soup. Pablo Let's let's try the Auto Body first. Sure, Gracias, so you can see another tortillas.
Oh and these tortillas are. The tortillas are really thick. they're amazing. All handmade.

Guatemala We don't. We don't use the machine to make tortillas. Okay, two hands hands. Okay, here we go.

Um, that is awesome. tender. Smoky Pork with achiote gracias. Oh I think we gotta hand delivery of some more tortillas.

It's salty, but then they have this big jar of fresh freshly made pickled jalapenos and cabbage. All right. It's not really shower, it's more like almost a brine. Maybe like a salty water.

Um, really refreshing. You've got the full crispiness of the cabbage. and the jalapenos. Almost like a like a refreshing garnish.

And then to wash that down, a fresh, um, starfruit juice. Sweet, refreshing, and so then we asked them what is one of their most popular soups. They said the soup. That's a beef soup beef soup.

You could see how thick how oily that soup is from being boiled. I'm sure all of the marrow, all of the fat has come out of it. Oh, do you want to have some have another spoon? You're good. again.

you should go. I Guess you try it. Okay, it's it's a one one. minced food.

You know it looks a lot. but yeah, it's all. I Mean there's a little bit of beef in there, but it's all about that broth. Oh that's incredible.

That's like pure beef flavor. It's thick, it's so rich. Sprinkles I'm gonna sprinkle some of that lime juice in here. The proper ways to grab a tortilla: Grab a tortilla a hand.

You will grab a little bit of whatever vegetable you want. Oh okay. A little bit of rice. okay and a little bit of the juice.

and then you eat it. Okay I love these tortillas. So what you can do is grab some of the some of the vegetables. The cabbage.

Is this the right way? Yeah, some of the carrots. Happy birthday too! Gotta add some rice in there. Okay, so you can. The traditional way is to take a bite.

take a bite. drink the broth. Well, it's hot. Mix it in I think because it's so oily, it just remains so hot as it sits here.

Mix it all in your mouth. Okay, we've got all the vegetables, You've got that tortilla, and then you have that rich, meaty broth. What a combination! Yeah, I mean when you take a when you take a Big Gulp of that broth, that's when you just get the magnitude, the full flavor of it. There's I mean eating it from a spoon is okay.

I mean it's still good, but when you take that gulp, that's ultimate satisfaction. It's just really like home cooked. Okay, she's home cooking exactly exactly. So you come here to look for that taste Right to this food court.

Moja Gracias Muchas Gracias Gracias Gracias so that was called Comeror Angelica It's so nice. So friendly, Delicious home-cooked food. Okay, we are oh well. on our way on this Guatemalan street food tour.
It's been great so far. I'm loving it. The friendliness, the colors, the vibrancy. We are taking a walk outside.

Oh it's like emerging from a movie theater from the depths of the market into the bright, the bright light. So this is the Central Park a big Gathering area of Guatemala City Behind me is the Cathedral de Guatemala this is the biggest. this is the most important Catholic cathedral in all of Guatemala And as Pablo was explaining to me, something very interesting is that that front that facade. That's the original dating back to the 15 or 1600s, but they made that like the strongest.

the most powerful facade. As you go back you can see it turns white and it has different structures. That's because of the earthquakes. Guatemala is very prone to earthquakes and so the back of the cathedral has been destroyed by earthquakes.

The front remains strong because they built that so strong. This is such a cool atmosphere and environment. I mean I Love this about South America And about Central America is these communal plazas where you can really observe life, people watch. Uh, come to hang out.

There are thousands of pigeons I Love the giant Guatemalan flag just blowing in the wind, but really a beautiful atmosphere, beautiful location. Ah, this is when you can really like sense. you're in the heart of Guatemala City which we are foreign Guatemalan style. fried like donuts.

Uh, he keeps them hot and then as you order them, he dunks them into sugar. Oh little bite size. Hmm. no clown.

They're really crispy. Yeah, really crispy, a little bit gooey in the center. Sweet. Really.

Yeah, they're deep fried, but they don't feel that that oily actually. There we go, but we've also got the stuffed. the stuffed Turtles A little bite-sized again. Oh, it's really sugary crispy.

Hmm. and the cream is not too rich. There's kind of like A an extra like texture in your mouth along with that crispy turtle. Foreign, foreign.

what a just great live music. Uh people walking by. Fantastic! Started off today in zone one. Guatemala Said it's something you've got to know about.

Guatemala City is that it's divided into zones and Zone one that's like ground Zero. That's where the city all begins. That's where the Central Market was. That's where the central Cathedral was all the government buildings and it goes around kind of in a spiral shape.

So we've now so you can sometimes have like Zone one and then if you cross over a street you'll be in another. like not just necessarily zone two. Uh, but like you could be in zone four because it goes in a spiral shape. So now we've continued on to Zone five and we are going to eat something very special that's going to be really good.
and we're at Los Chavos. it's called means like John bones. Okay yeah so it's like famous for Guatemalan Ceviche yeah famous for Guatemalan Ceviche Traditionally people come here Mondays and Sundays when they're too hungover so it's a way to to be feel better. I mean they have a bunch of different ceviches, but we're gonna get the giant mixture, the super mixture of Ceviche and they have four different sizes: small medium Grand and familial.

I Think it's the family size is beyond the grand size. We got to get the family size Something that's kind of cool is that literally the moment the second you sit down, they deliver. Uh, kind of like a seafood broth which is kind of like just an appetizer. I Think it kind of gets your your what's your appetite, what's your taste buds to then maybe it helps you order more.

I'm gonna add some of this. it's called what did you say it's called and this is the seasoning for the it's it's cilantro and onions. Onions nine. Okay try that.

Try that broth. Well it's almost like a chowder. Thick, heartied seafoody. forgot to add the lime.

Squeeze the lime on this would be great. That's really good and I love it with that seasoning. I think that chili water with that vinegar with that Glory Under all that that just increases the flavor. Okay so we're getting the Super Bowl So Tomatoes go in first.

Oh a lot of tomatoes. okay and this looks like onions and cilantro? Yeah everybody. Oh calamari. It's like a squid.

Yeah a bunion. Fish is this is fish cooked only lime? Okay. Crab like. The imitation crab.

Octopus goes in. Oh yeah, that's a small mountain and this is okay. Oh and here's the shrimp. goes in.

Oh there's the sauce. Oh there's the sauce and those are like looks like clams or something special. Okay salsa. Oh where's the shirts Worcestershire sauce.

Wow that is unexpected. Lime juice. Fresh limes. oh that squeeze on top.

Okay oh he made like a volcano and that lime gets squeezed into the center. Oh a lot of limes go in. Oh yeah oh those are so juicy, funny okay and then mix. It's a massive overflowing bowl of Ceviche and he just like it's overflowing from the top so he just has to mix it.

Yes, mix it from the top and kind of stir it in holding it in. Excellent! And this is Guatemala City Style Okay with six different proteins and Seafoods Worcestershire sauce and a a small like bag full of limes only in Guatemala City that was awesome. To go with the ceviche, we're gonna stop off at the bar now to order something called a michelada. Esteban is the bartender and he's gonna make Micheladas the Guatemalan style of michelada.

Okay yeah okay oh it dips into the the chili and salt. Okay so now you've come here. You can choose your beer. yeah and you pour that in there.

Yeah I chose you a black beer so we can go with okay that will go with the black Ceviche the black Ceviche Okay, a fella. Oh yes. Cheers to Guatemala Oh that's so refreshing. Oh the acidity of the tomato juice, the carbonation of the beer, and the bitterness.
and then you've got that saltiness. a little bit of chili in there. Extraordinary. All right.

And so we have this: Ceviche here Again, it's a small Mountain overflowing over the bowl. lots of tomatoes and onions and cilantro. All of the seafood. There's imitation crab in here, but the most unique and surprising ingredient is that Worcestershire sauce.

Oh, you add your own seasonings? Yeah, okay, that's like the main ingredient of this. This type of. Um. Ceviche.

And then we also have ketchup. Yeah, ketchup is the main ingredient for the people in Guatemala without ketchup. A lot of people don't like the ceviche, which is really, that is definitely interesting. That is definitely interesting.

Okay, so you got to add ketchup. Yeah, the ratio. The ratio. It's like this: Oh, it's kind of grounded.

okay. I'm gonna try mine first without the ketchup, and then I'll add ketchup. Okay, grab a little bit of the tamale, grab a little bit of it, and these are. these are plain tamales.

Yeah, so there's no meat or anything in it. It's just like pure corn. pure corn mess. Okay, mix it with that.

The ceviche. Cheers. Hmm. show refreshing, cold.

so the Worcestershire sauce provides this kind of well-rounded sweet shower acidity that forms the basis of this Guatemalans of Egypt Um, yeah. then you've got all the all the pre-cooked Seafoods the shrimp, the fish, the octopus in there. Everything is cooked in Lime So it's pre-cooked but it's cooked in nine. Okay, fresh, fresh, Okay, just as the meat in the market.

Just as the you know, whatever we have eaten, it comes today and it finishes today. I Really like it with that tamale. That's good that you can taste the freshness, the quality of that corn. okay some shrimp that juice, all that lime juice.

Really refreshing. Okay, it's time. Yeah ketchup a squeeze is that good. Guatemalan Style I'll add this chili as well because chili is amazing and then you got to mix it all up with that with that ketchup.

So most people would not even eat this without the ketchup. Yeah, you've got to have ketchup. It's a must. It's a must That is.

What a Twist What a Twist What a What a surprise! Never would have guessed ketchup is essential in Guatemalans but that's that's where also beaches are for this type of conservation. This is for most of which is too. unless well if you do it with a Peruvian Ceviche it tastes really bad but like with this one the sweetness of the ketchup comes up. so now it's a whole different.

Ceviche Yeah true you've got that real sharp acidity with that sweetness of the tomato sauce tomato Saucy Ketchup flavor that you get when you have like a sweet and sour dish because it's sweet and sour. makes you want to keep on eating and drinking. Oh that is amazing And we got it specifically with a dark a dark black beer which gives it more of this toasty, toasty flavor to it to go along with the dark ceviche. Yeah oh Yeah, and I would say that in comparison I mean there's entire region of the world.
but in comparison to other versions of Ceviche this especially this Guatemalan version, it's really such a diversity of seafood. So much Seafood in one bowl. I think six different types of seafood. and the other thing is that there's so much going on.

There's a lot of vegetables in there too. a lot of tomatoes, a lot of onions and cilantro whereas other versions of Ceviche in surrounding countries can have. like sometimes just single Seafood sometimes no tomatoes. Um I think that's what stands out.

That's the difference of this Guatemalan style Ceviche and the Worcester shots. not not mentioning not forgetting the Worcester sir sauce and the ketchup. So next up on this Guatemalan street food tour, we are going to eat what is possibly the king of all. Street Foods It's called Shuko's It's a hot dog, but it's this giant hot dog sandwich.

We're here at one of the places that started it all. El Chino So Pablo yeah, what is Ashoko? It's uh, it's a Guatemalan hot dog. Yeah, it's basically they call it sukus because it's a dirty one because translates to dirty one. That dirty one Nice.

So it was called a dirty one because it was street food street food street food. The main difference between this and a hot dog from other places is that we grill everything including the bread so the bread is toasty and we had a lot of guacamole. So the guacamole and the the type of protein that we add to the shuko gives the this flavor that it's like moisty but at the same time it has a lot of you know like protein flavor of the of sausage, chorizo and okay yeah it's oh so all the meats, all the sausages and hot dogs, they all get sliced so you get more Grill flavor. Oh here's some bacon.

there's steak, there's a there's salami okay okay guacamole so that's just straight avocado. I think this is okay, even some pork adobada goes on. oh man, the mayonnaise, the mustard. oh and then loaded with okay cabbage, onions, cilantro and now this is like a tomato tomato sauce.

Oh oh and Margo more guacamole goes on. Oh and the lid goes on. Look at that. Char oh that's that's what makes it so fragrant.

Okay oh too the super shuko. It's gigantic. It literally this is my arm. It's bigger than my entire arm.

It's over a foot long. It's like a foot and a half. maybe two feet, cut into two pieces. Sometimes even cut it into four pieces.

So it's like an entire sandwich for the entire family. Yeah! Pablo How often do you eat shukos? Ah I Eat it often. Not this size daily. Yeah, but yeah it it like this size.
It's a family size actually. When you order, you order three, two clothes or two or one of these right? and you can share it with everybody. Exactly. It has so much meat.

I Think it has more meat than our arm. too long? Let's go Good. Oh oh oh it's just it's bohemoth. It's gigantic.

We don't know what to do with it. Let's go. Yeah um oh wow. looks so good.

I Love the combination of all those meats. Plus the bread is really soft and really crispy. Look, it's extremely the bread is. the bread is extremely fluffy and then toasted until it's like completely crispy.

Forgot about the mayonnaise and the mustard in there. That kind of just Blends into a sauce that's good that is incredible. You do peel all the meats too. Yeah, even though it's so many things going on, you can distinguish which meat you you got a bite of.

Yeah, even though it may be multiple Meats in one bite, you have some salsa available as well I will drizzle on. Oh oh that's the spicy. Okay, oh wow. with that sauce up.

oh that bumps it up. the the spice. the smokiness Good, right? Awesome! My first ever shuko. It's way more than just a hot dog.

It's like the the Guatemalan all you can eat all inclusive sandwich just for the um, you remember what? you're gigantic I think because the bread is so soft and fluffy, it actually goes down quite easily. like dangerously easily. Before you know it you can eat through a foot long, a foot and a half of shuko and be happy about it without a doubt. What stands out to me about the shuko is that everything is Smoky Everything is grilled.

That gives everything this extra layer of complexity and flavor. And somehow, ironically, even though it's so many things, so many toppings, so many Meats they all blend together in a perfect harmony. It's a genius of a hot dog sandwich. and this is what this is what happens when you eat a shuko.

It just like toppings, start to sprawl. So I'm just going to kind of scoop it back on. Oh yes, there's I think there's no like totally clean way to eat a shuko when it's fully loaded like this. Toppings are just dripping and oozing water falling out.

Oh and the Cabbage It was almost like sauerkraut. Oh yeah, this is Guatemala in a bun. Yes, that was absolutely awesome. My first in life.

that was my first shuko and that was so tasty. So good, so gigantic. But we're continuing on. We have more to eat including another shuko.

so we're We're continuing with the shukos. and um, what is this one? What is this one called These are the traditional shoes? Okay Um, this is also extremely well known in Guatemala City for their shukos. There's about four or five stalls right here and this is kind of a Sports Park area. and this is like the real street food.

Shuko's the traditional way you can get tortillas. They have all the meats they're known for. the transmetro I think that means the Metro Does that mean the Metro like like train? Yeah okay, we have a trans Metro that it's that comes here. So yeah, it's a it's a sandwich.
it's a hot dog sandwich. As long as a train a Metro it's a Metro and we're gonna order it now. So we have: chorizo, salami, salami, the bacon Casino bacon. Okay and one of the interesting things here you can get is you could get it on the bread, the baguette, the baguette, or you can get it on tortillas.

foreign. The hot dogs go on. oh crap singles, go on the cheese, the mayonnaise swipe, oh and mustard. all the Cabbage yes Oh and then the onions.

some more guacamole. oh I forgot to have him. Okay here we go. This one looks absolutely incredible again.

Everything is cooked over the fire. Hmm that bread is so toasted and so crispy that I almost cut my lip as I took my first wife. Oh I love that. I Love that cabbage.

It's like salted and preserved. kind of like sauerkraut actually. Also hot dogs, the tocino which is the bacon. You've got that salami in there, you've got that longanisa sausages, the freshness of the onions, and the cilantro.

oh that's good. Oh man, the mustard. The Mayo combo. Foreign.

Okay, I'm gonna open that up. and I'm going to add in some of that salsa picante, some of the chili sauce. Oh yes. oh I Want to drench it in this? oh that looks spicy.

mm-hmm Oh with that salsa. Picante that spicy sauce. Oh that's so good that I think that's just straight up like liquid chili. There's no no salt, no vinegar in there.

just the heat. Not too hot, a little spicy, kind of burns your lips a little bit. Delicious heat. We need to add a little more.

Again, it's just like everything coming together in that soft, crusty, really fluffy loaf that's toasted that's charred. That's Smoky to Perfection And as ironic as it kind of seems, because it's such a gigantic mixture of things, they all come together in. Perfect Harmony Well, that salsa makes it so good. Oh, drench it.

So people come here. Lots of people come and just sit in their cars and eat. Or sit in the back of their car. Others just stand here at the grill as it's being made.

Guatemalan Shukos. Oh all the bacon. With each bite, you get a new protein. And by the way, not only do they do bread, they do the super tortilla.

So everything all the same things inside of a giant corn tortilla. That was so much fun! I Loved the market, the vibrancy, all the different ingredients, and the shukos. Oh, when you come to Guatemala you do not want to miss eating sugars. They're so good! And I'll have all the places that we went to in the description box below that you can check out when you're in Guatemala City and also I mean this is day one in Guatemala but we're traveling all the way around the country, we're going to be exploring some rare and all the local Guatemalan food You're Gonna Now you're not going to want to miss any videos in this series, so make sure you keep on following along and I Want to say a huge thank you to Ethnica Travel.
This is not sponsored but they did an amazing job to arrange my entire trip here to Guatemala and arrange all the food experiences and to Pablo who's been our local guide. He loves to eat. He's so knowledgeable it's been a lot of fun. and I want to say big thank you to you for watching this video.

Please remember to give it a thumbs up if you enjoyed it. Leave a comment below I'd love to hear from you and if you're not already subscribed, make sure you subscribe now for lots more food and travel videos. Goodbye from Guatemala City and I'll see you on the next video. Foreign.

By Mark

17 thoughts on “Guatemala street food tour!! craziest hot dogs in the world in guatemala city!”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Eduardo Berrios says:

    I was hoping to see the beauty of Guatemala but got bore watching you guys eating .I being in Guatemala in 1996 and I enjoy the beauty of Puerto Barrios .

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars melrodas says:

    Mark can pile on the food man!

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ider Villanueva says:

    Hi mark how are You all You content is beautiful i like tha
    Ok anona color is only white
    Tha fruit is name is pause, tha fruit have 3 diferent color, pink,white and purple

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Isaias Carvalho says:

    It is interesting that in all latin america only Brazilians use avocado in sweet recipes (cakes, smoothies, candies, ice creams). For us it is strange avocado in salty recipes.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Gayle Davis says:

    Love you, but please don't talk with your mouth full. It really is disgusting to see what has been chewed and what has not. GROSS!!

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ล”รจฤ‘ฤ‘รกรฑ187 says:

    Come to belize 501

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars TheIntertainers says:

    Eso no son shucos, son limpios!

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sarah Welsh says:

    Iโ€™m so jealous over the tropical variety of fruits they have! The USA has nothing this amazing!

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sarah Welsh says:

    I just watched a show on how many people actually lose their lives for being avocado farmers. Their families get abducted/killed, and they steal their land. Itโ€™s sad.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jaylinee says:

    Ceviche con tamal? Jamas habia visto eso, y soy de guatemala jaja

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Wil Santos says:

    I don't like ketchup and ceviche. They used to call that cocktail.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Alex C. says:

    Looks like Mexican food ๐Ÿ˜‚

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Arturo Jimenez says:

    The last shuko the. Metro really looking so tasty.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Arturo Jimenez says:

    All looks delicious.
    I thought the shukos have more meat .

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Alexis Patrick says:

    I am from Texas and I have lived in Guatemala for 6 years now. So nice to see you post a video about this beautiful country!

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Angy Mel says:

    Que rico se come en Guate ๐Ÿ˜‹๐Ÿ˜‹๐Ÿ˜‹

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Pedro Lopez says:

    Love your chanell ,i hope i could travel the world and try all foods lol

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