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📍 Pa Ngiao Restaurant (ร้านอาหารป้าเงี้ยว): https://goo.gl/maps/q5e6UD6Deqrzv2es9
PHATTHALUNG, THAILAND (พัทลุง) - Welcome to Phatthalung, located in Southern Thailand, it’s one of my favorite provinces in Thailand. The people are amazing, it’s so peaceful and quiet, and the food is spicy and powerful. Today we’re going to eat at a small family run restaurant, where they serve ultimate Southern Thai food and specialize in local seafood, especially freshwater shrimp. #ThaiFood #Phatthalung #tomyum
Pa Ngiao Restaurant (ร้านอาหารป้าเงี้ยว) is in Phatthalung, near to Lake Songkhla. And something to note is that there’s not ocean front coastline in Phatthalung, but they do have lakefront. And so there is a different variety of seafood available than other parts of Southern Thailand.
From the look of Pa Ngiao Restaurant (ร้านอาหารป้าเงี้ยว), I already knew it was going to be my kind of restaurant. The family was friendly and they took care and pride in their dishes. We ordered a mix of different dishes, including tom yum goong, and some Southern Thai curries.
It was a spectacular meal, one of the best meals that I’ve had in a long time in Southern Thailand. The tom yum goong was huge and so incredibly tasty. And their gaeng som, or southern Thai sour orange curry was one of the best versions I’ve ever had in my life.
Highly recommended. Don’t miss it when you’re in Phatthalung (พัทลุง), Thailand!
Total price - 2,005 THB ($66.76)
📍 Pa Ngiao Restaurant (ร้านอาหารป้าเงี้ยว): https://goo.gl/maps/q5e6UD6Deqrzv2es9
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Hey everyone hope you're having an amazing day at smart queens, i'm in the southern thailand province of patalong and there's a little very laid back uh, just a house restaurant where they are known for their huge freshwater, shrimp, tom yum. And so that's mainly what we're coming here to eat, but i think they have a couple of other dishes that look extraordinary as well. Oh man, it looks so good and i'm gon na share all the food with you in this video. Oh man, this place talk about laid-back.

It's looks like just the family home there's, not even a sign for the restaurant here, there's just some tables that you see in the front yard, and also again, we are uh in pataloon province in southern thailand and right now we're just just a stone's throw throw From lake songkla, you can almost see it from here, but we're in a place called lampam. You don't even really know it's a restaurant until you look at the front and then you come in the back and the menu is just plastered over the wall. Not a huge menu, but just a few special dishes looks like they perfect. Oh she's, pulling out the shrimp, so three of them is one kilo and 100 grams that makes each uh so 1100 grams, so they're about like 350 to 400 grams per piece.

Oh man, those are big and they're from the the lake here from the fresh water flachon that dial, which is snakehead fish, which is salted and dried in the sun as she dries it herself makes it herself. Oh that's gon na be really good foreign three shrimp. Take up the entire walk immediately, they start to turn bright orange and immediately as she added in that lime juice, it kind of like curdled, the head fat, the head butter, the tamale, that's going to make it so rich, there's no cream or milk in it. But you can see it looks so creamy because of that head butter already the broth.

Okay, hmm, it looks like a whole family affair. Everyone is cooking. Now uncle has come to make padpet, which is uh. Well, usually, it's like a stir fry, usually a dryer curry, with lots of curry paste but he's making it almost soupy, and so he began with water.

He smashed some chilies and then he put in a huge amount of curry paste turmeric dried chilies. That is massive flavor and that's going to be with the seawater catfish. Just the aroma of it clears out your nose. The chili's in there, oh and uncle said he makes the curry paste his own.

You can see it's like really moist, curry paste. He makes it himself uh using natural herbs, natural ingredients really notice the turmeric and the chilies are just bumping in there. The black, pepper, the catfish. Sorry, okay and you can tell uncle - is such a he's such a artist.

He like takes such care of what he's making he chopped up some tree basil, which is also called clove basil, added that in immediately even before cooking it just just cut slicing it up. You smell that aroma. It smells like a clove patch uh, but you can tell he is a a massive expert. He has perfected pot pet.
Oh man that smells oh okay, the tom yum is going to be incredible, but that pud pet i've never been so excited for pipette. In my life, so next he's making the gang, which is again one of my favorite dishes in the entire world, and it is omnipresent in southern thailand, but there's so many variations and ingredients and things that you can get it with and one of the ways immediately. That you can know a good restaurant is when the owner or at the restaurant they make their own curry paste and they usually take pride in their curry paste because that's where the flavor resides. That's the mix of ingredients, chilies turmeric, garlic combination, lemongrass pepper, that provides the flavor in most of thai curries.

So when an owner makes their own curry paste, that's immediately a sign that you're going to have some of the best food thai food that you've had they're, not quite done cooking with all the dishes, but i cannot wait. Three of the dishes are ready. The gingsom is on its way and yeah. I absolutely cannot wait to try the tom yum and the catfish padpet curry, brought over there getting so much ready and, first of all, i love how they serve it in a clear, see-through bowl.

That's one of the awesome things: it's like a glass-bottomed boat. You can see that fish king. How is that? Okay, now the opt-in is just it is we're outdoors and still all of outdoors can smell this dish, wow one of those meals where i'm almost shaking an ant hesitation. We got ta start with that tom yum though, and it's only ying and i eating.

So i think i'm just gon na go in with my my spoon, but look at these huge, huge shrimp, huge massive fronds. She also included the the tentacle legs um, and you can see that kind of fat floating on top, which just makes the broth and every now and then you'll get a chili. And if you dig down you'll get a chili and um and some of those shallots look at that broth, though it's like a swirl of orange and yellow tamale, wow yeah, it's so simple, it's just rich and creamy from the shrimp. And then i got a piece of one of those chilies which is so it's spicy and fruity, and then just the sourness of the lime juice.

All that's rich! That focuses on the shrimp itself and that's just like that is a beautiful, beautiful broth. Wow. Can i just bite into it, muscular and fit and firm and so fresh and so, like so pure tasting and again their simplicity of the recipe just straight up: lime, juice, salt, chilies and shallots? That's it it's just ultra refreshing! That is a broth of wonders and just the creamy richness of the shrimp themselves. Look at that one bite and i couldn't even bite all the way through it.

It didn't make it to the other side. I didn't even make it to the other side. Oh i'm gon na dip, rehydrate, oh man, you could lose your spoon in here wow that is truly unique and spectacular and, unlike anything, i've had elsewhere in thailand. The simplicity - i just need a moment to contemplate to think about that here.
I think a couple raw stink beans will help me to think that over a little bit - oh, these are nice and young, really fragrant, whoa, really just popping your mouth and really juicy and crisp. Oh stink beans never get old either and when they're young, like this yeah they're juicy, you can almost feel that bitterness going down your throat. Okay, let's move on to the putt pit that river. Actually, this is the seawater cabbage he's so artfully cooked this, and you can really smell the bajira, the tree basil.

In there look at that curry paste. You can even smell the the cumin in there too. Oh man, that curry paste, though unbelievable wow, the well-roundedness of it, the licoricey clove taste of the basil in there and the chilies. I love how he smashed those chilis with a knife and just tossed them in a whole handful of them with the fish, the catfish.

Just melts in your mouth and you can see you can feel that that's the type of curry paste at first, your first bite. It's not that spicy okay, but it just starts to kind of build with the pepper, with the chilies and with the fresh chilies um that turmeric in there, oh man, almost beyond belief, delicious. I almost forgot. We got one more dish.

Blah todd come in. This is mullet fish, deep, fried with turmeric and garlic. Look, that's a whole chunk of just smashed galangal that he added on top of there wow that's flavor overdose. Okay! Next up for the gang song, the sour curry, um, what type of fish was it? This was a catfish too right.

I think it's a type of catfish as well. Um and again this is some of the oranges curry paste i've seen the turmeric content, the fish he added in smashed chilies, again, uh eggplant, i think coconut soup, oh wow, that's like breathing fresh air. Oh that's like that's like an entire experience on its own. Oh man, the balance of flavor, the spice, the turmeric - that is that's insane.

Oh, he got like the ratio, is so perfect. The spice the sourness, the the powerfulness. You can just see how thick it is from that curry. Paste they'll punch you in the fish that might be one of the best bowls of gangster.

We've ever had you, you think so, the best of the best yeah. It's truly like, like almost incomprehensible the balance of flavor, the spice and the chilies in there wow. That's an experience in a bowl okay, so i'm going, i think it's one of the best we've ever had ever yeah. Let me try the fried fish with turmeric.

This is mullet fish. Oh yes, it's so aromatic their turmeric in pataloon is just on another level. They must have grow the best turmeric in thailand. I'll put this onto my rice because there's a sauce to go with it too, a chili sauce that they just made oh yeah that smells so good.

Oh that garlic, the turmeric wow so good too, like the mustardiness of that turmeric, then the sauce is kind of sweet and sour and then the last dish that we've got. I think it's, the last dish, at least, is the it's actually, the first dish that they brought over, that they cooked is the chunder deal which is sun, dried and then fried snakehead fish might be a little bit salty, um and kind of have it like develops Its umami, when it sits in the sun and dries out and condenses the flavor, it's not really fully dried, but that deal just means one sun. So traditionally it would just be dried in the hot sun. For one day, the extra moisture uh evaporates that just increases the umami content.
Oh it's amazing! You can't get over there again, like i just want that. I want that flavor to never end on my tongue and now moving back over to the lake of tom yum and that's such a contrastive flavor from the curry, so much more mellow, rich um and just fragrance with those chilies and the shallots in there. Let's find one of those legs: oh there we go, she smashed them also, so that they should be easy to open. Even these are huge.

It's like an oh, oh wow. I just splattered all over. This is like a mini king crab leg. There we go slide.

This out and there might be one of those little kind of plasticky - oh yeah, there is oh, i wouldn't want to miss the opportunity to reduce it real fast and that's a totally different texture from the body. That's that's! Really firm, um really, really meaty part. The soups part the curries back over to the the pot pet. This is just equally stunning as well.

All the dishes are incredible. I mean, to be honest, i'd be happy just with that sauce and with that tree basil that slow visual, i don't even need fish with that. This plate of vegetables is probably directly from their yard or from their from their house, because this type of eggplant this is like just straight homegrown, the crunchiness of that so crunchy. I love it raw.

I got completely squirted with juices re-juice and then chase it with the shoe legendary food in terms of flavor overdose, though you just have to give it up for his king. So one of the best i've ever had kind of love how it served in a glass-bottom boat. I didn't even notice at first, but this is my favorite in thai they're called baimui, which are indian, curry, leaves they're so fragrant. I can chew on those all day long, that's just a completely natural curry party in your mouth and then follow that with stink beans, and indeed you have a full herbal curry in your mouth all at the same time, oh man, that's just flavor overdose and freshness Overdose, oh man, i'm at an all-time state of happiness and just over joy at this food, unbelievable love ingredients and knowledge of how to make them.

Our total bill came to 2005 bought and we had over a kilo, 1100 grams of shrimp and all of that food. Huge portion sizes, one more quick thing - is that uh the restaurant is called bang, meow and ba means auntie. The uncle who made the curries that's his his mother, who started the restaurant flavor overdose to the max. It's one of those meals, i'm just like blown away and shaking my head in disbelief of the flavor just overdose, that's overwhelming my tongue.
This is just such a local, such a like such a place. That's not very frequented, but believe me, i would travel here from bangkok for the food and i want to say a huge thank you for watching uh. Please remember to give this video a thumbs up if you enjoyed it, leave a comment below i'd love to hear from you and if you're not already subscribed, click subscribe and also click the little bell icon. That way, you'll immediately get notified of the next food video that i publish thanks again for watching, and i will see you on the next video.

By Mark

14 thoughts on “Giant SHRIMP BUTTER TOM YUM!! 🌶️ Spicy Thai Food in Phatthalung, Thailand!”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Clarissa Pennington says:

    Hay Mark what kind of baby eggplant was that you were eating and can we get them in the States? If not can we grow them?

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hilton Lopez says:

    hi mark am a big fan of your show. Am also a tour guide in my country Belize am inviting you to come visit us and try Belizean cuisines

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars anna saures says:

    Trade mark: Oooooh WOW! lol. I love all you videos! Educational regarding Geography, food and life! I LOVE IT!

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Iris Bolotaulo says:

    Made me wonder if you finish all that food
    or take the leftover home . Should I be there, i'll take it.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars tom sprague says:

    Dude…….you have the best job in the world! Your show makes me food trip everytime! Then I realize I live in boring America food wise.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars BlackSeriezz says:

    So your son sits at the table while you eating food and watches videos on a tablet or laptop? As a father im shocked.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars rjmprod says:

    Can you really trust a guy that finds EVERYTHING he tries, “amazing” while rolling his eyes back….? With all due respect I don’t really think so…!

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sheena's keto Homestead says:

    I love these videos I also love the ones that shows how to make it looks delicious

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars HUTOKSHI IRANI says:

    Luv All Of Your Food Videos. Stay Blessed Adorable Mark Weins. Holly 4rm Karachi, Pakistan ♥️♥️♥️👍👍👍👍🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏👍👍👍👍

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars king morggorm says:

    I have never seen your face so excited wherever your video is and this means that the shrimp tomyam is indeed so delicious that its deliciousness is unmatched..from kuala lumpur..

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Christina Denton says:

    Honestly i am really speechless but am from Jamaica and I love love your videos. When r u coming to Jamaica please visit here too

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Stacy Oneill says:

    I Love The Way You Take Your Beautiful Family With You And The Way You Love Food 🥘 You Love People Your Awesome To Watch And I Always Wait To Hear Oh Wow 😯 🌶🙏🏽

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars tamara shim says:

    Been watching your videos for 2 years and just realized today that I'm not subscribed to you at all. Sigh

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Patty Hem says:

    Absolutely loves the way he described the food and the flavor. Can't wait to visit Thailand would be nice to meet you one day.

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