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🥖 อยากทำแต่ไม่อยากกิน by Chef Big: https://goo.gl/maps/4FL9w2XRPYbvg5Qc7
With a restaurant name like “I want to cook, but I don’t want to eat (อยากทำแต่ไม่อยากกิน),” you know you’re in for a unique eating experience. And then you arrive, and to get there you have to maze your way through the backstreets of Bangkok through a very industrial warehouse area. Even when you arrive, you’re not sure if you’re in the right place. #FrenchFood #Bangkok #อยากทำแต่ไม่อยากกิน
Thanks to my friend iTan (https://www.instagram.com/itan/) for getting us a reservation, which happens to be one of the hottest restaurants in Bangkok - fully booked for months in advance. Chef Big cooks gourmet and traditional French food from his house, which is his parents’ print shop warehouse. He has a seriously cool story, led by passion, a desire to do what he loved to do despite his family wanting him to choose another direction.
I asked Chef Big if he ever thought about cooking Thai food or another type of cuisine, and he said that as soon as he started learning about French food and cooking techniques, he was in love and he knew this is exactly the food he loved the most and the cooking. There are rules for almost everything he mentioned, and you can tweak things to your liking, but the methods are so well in place. Chef Big spent time learning and cooking in Switzerland before returning home to Thailand to start his own restaurant which is literally in their home on the top of their family print shop warehouse.
This Bangkok restaurant is a Chef’s Table style dining experience, where Chef Big, his brother, and their team, assemble a set meal of gourmet French food and serve course by course.
The food was spectacular, one of the most memorable French meals I’ve had. I especially loved the exploding pastry soup, and the Beef Wellington.
Truly an amazing French meal and entire experience in the heart of industrial Bangkok, Thailand!
🥖 Here’s the restaurant: อยากทำแต่ไม่อยากกิน by Chef Big: https://goo.gl/maps/4FL9w2XRPYbvg5Qc7
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Hey everyone hope you're having an amazing day. It's mark wiens, i'm in bangkok, thailand and today for lunch. We're gon na go to one of the most thrilling french food restaurants in bangkok. You'll have a chance to see the chef as he cooks, but he has insane cooking skills and he has so much passion and he has such a unique story about how he got started cooking.

And on top of that, the restaurant is in one of the most unusual unlikely locations, and so i'm gon na share all of the food with you. This entire unique french food gourmet experience with you in bangkok, but just a quick story of how this came about it was about 6 a.m. This morning, just this morning it was completely unexpected. I got a message from my friend pitan, who said: are you free for lunch? So i don't know too much about the restaurant that we're going to or what it's going to be.

But i do know that it's one of the most unique and one of the most exciting french food dining experiences in bangkok, so i'm very excited to see what happens and we are on our way now take a look at this location. This could be one of the more unique french food restaurant locations. I've ever been to uh. We are really in the back streets of bangkok in an industrial area near to rama, 3 bridge and the river there's a lot of shipping industry here, there's so many factories in this area, a lot of production, there's tire shops, there's pallet shops, there's packaging and the Restaurant is right in that building, but another thing that i need to tell you about is the uniqueness of the name of the restaurant, which is called yak mayakin, which means i want to make it, but i don't want to eat it, and so that's uh chef, Big is the the chef of the restaurant, that is the slogan, that's what his restaurant is called, um and so already you know it's something unique and something uh definitely different and his own expression of his cooking.

Where are we? Are you shooting already? We are in the middle of uh rahmatri area, actually big. He was a chef from like two michigan stars from and then they decided to do the restaurant together in the house. They live here and you have to see you don't know. If it's a mechanic shop or a print shop or a tire shop, it could be anything or everything we're going.

Look wow! Oh it's a print shop. I still don't know what it is. It's a crazy screenshot. Oh it's a bridge, hop okay yeah! This is a print shop um.

These are your amazing mom and dad here and we're going to go upstairs to the right. Now, cuff, the might be like okay, so we go upstairs to the restaurant here. We go follow me this way. So now we are on the way to the second floor and this is their house where they live where they live, and then this is also the restaurant in their house who's that on the door.

It's me, okay, so that's the sign of best quality restaurants, and now we are in front of the restaurant, where the restaurant located in the house all right. We are on the second floor of the house room and it opens up into a room which is literally like a straight up. French dining room. Look at this place and the kitchen is right here like fall again right here.
Looking in there very nice to meet you, i'm a very big fan of yours. When i wasn't serious, i opened your channel to all my foreign friends. Thank you very much. Thank you.

Thank you very much. How did you start cooking uh? It begins ten years ago at that kitchen awesome. I turned myself to a friday night. Then i realized wow, kai mitiga.

The pan need to be hot, the shape of the pan, the oil that you put on the pan and then the time you wait, the oil to heat up, and then you put the eggs in and then you would move the pan or not. So in no one fried eggs is so many factors. That's why i fall in love in the past. The parent not allow him to like learn to cook and be a chef, so it's kind of like you try to prove the parent that he can do.

Yes, so you went to school in switzerland. Yes, i go uh study abroad, hoteliers in a master degree in swiss. Then i work there also, but i work at shadowbee, which is like a classical french restaurant wow and in that kitchen they they cook they don't mess around, they just cook and cook and cook. So it's amazing awesome.

I i get to wash dish, but then i cook at the same time so wow and it all started it all started with your. Are you wanting to like prove that you could cook? That's all that's the core value. Okay, chef big has the coolest story where, where cooking was almost his rebellion, that he could cook that he could turn his uh cooking into a business? Yes, when he opened for the book, he opened only months like within an hour, and the wedding list is full until the end of the year. Now now we should now, we should be in february right all the way until it so like 10 months.

It's full! Yes, i actually can say the most popular restaurant people want to book in bangkok for now wow four times already. This is my full time already awesome: six courses, including some heirloom tomatoes, there's some salmon eggs, there's crab. There's this roll there's foie gras i'll go with a mix of everything and a tomato, the crab just melts in your mouth. I think i made a mistake.

Chef said just start with the the roll so i'll make that shredded crab. It's so incredibly creamy, and has this amazing like citrus zestiness to it? I should have picked this up from the beginning and really quickly, if you're enjoying this video, could you please give it a thumbs up? Click that, like button, i would really appreciate it, and it would really help this video out. Thank you in advance for clicking thumbs up. Chef is already getting started on the next course the next plate.

But if you look down this window, that's the print shop right there. That's the the warehouse printing. This is the gourmet french restaurant unbelievable to watch chef, as he cooks he's so laid back and just yeah, like he's, born to be a chef so laid back so relaxed so fast-paced, but just ultra determination ultra like focus. So the next dish is poigra on toast.
With cherry sauce, all that, just all the butteriness of that foie gras just went through that like a piece of butter, it's so oozy tender, oh wow, it literally just liquefies in your mouth and then you've got the sweetness. The tartness of the cherry sauce, the butter, the crunch of the toast, oh wow, that is rich. That is amazing. What i think i also love so much even having just two courses, it's so like personal, it's so a reflection of his personality, which means i want to cook, but i don't want to go.

I want to eat, he doesn't want to eat his food. Yeah. Awesome. He's so cool yeah he's so incredibly like laid back and he's very young compared to the like.

I have to find any chips. I was going to ask him how old he is. Oh, those are the scallops wait, chef. How old are you twenty-seven, twenty-seven superhot cup? Let me know if you need me to move anything, no, no, no at any time, 27 years old and doing this absolutely incredible um.

It's for the only only reason that this soup has revolutionized all the gaps in the real world is that the king of chef chef of king created him. Okay. His name is paul vocus. Oh, this is one of the coolest soups that i've ever seen being made.

Being prepared being assembled in this amazing lion vase and he just like chucks it into the pastry collapses, it uh explodes with buttery pastry. That aroma coming out of that soup is incredible and he said it's like lava hot, so we're gon na we're gon na tear into that pastry. I cannot wait, you kind of break into the pastry. Oh and then the soup is underneath it, the flakiness, the crunchy butteriness of all that pastry too, and let's try to taste that soup underneath the moro mushrooms perfectly rich yeah, and you do not want to take a big bite of this all at once.

Where you'll wind up with a fully burned mouth, like that, probably too big of a bite, but oh it was worth it. It was so incredibly good that vibrancy of the morels and then the giant scallop below wow. Oh man that just melts in your mouth i'm going to go ahead and rehydrate redip into the lava soup. Oh when i learned this, you have to hear the sound because you can tell the texture.

Yes, actually, in fact, they always do like this when they cook like and they hear the sound, it indicates all the right, the doneness, the texture, the consistency i just love, his cooking style, just they're so laid back so chilled out and so much skill. So you can already find it in saboa region, cyborg region in the french alps like a bridge. This is a straight up, foot bridge, and so i think i'll cut a piece look at the size of this. You can already feel the muscularity of that shrimp.
It does feel like little squares of pasta, but really chewy, um really kind of gummy in texture, and then that's just a rich like you can taste the hot butter in that sauce. The tummy one of the coolest things is that you're eating in the kitchen and the kitchen is in the dining room so between every course you can come talk to the chef and hang out with the chef between every course. You guys are awesome wow. I thought it's gon na the mashed potatoes yeah, because i am the asian in in the kitchen mashed potato duty yeah.

I get the recipes good for me, but back then you got it perfect super anxious, wow dude yeah. I do everyday 20 kilograms. 10 kilograms watch. One question i have: how did you choose french food, though uh? It's very easy question to answer for me, because at first is a bit hard uh back then i begin cooking by searching on youtube.

Now: okay, okay, always pop up the first one awesome. Then i flashed back 10 years later, you can ask my brother, i still watching his cooking watching marco marco pierre white. When i go to lyon, i taste chef, paul, vocus food and i know wow. This is, this is the food i want to cook and the food i want to eat.

Did you enjoy french food when you were a kid or just from watching youtube videos? No! No! I! I grew up eating farang food. You can ask my mom: they always know that i love foreign food more than asian food always have you ever have you ever enjoyed cooking asian food or you do enjoy. I try i try, but for me it's too complex, because the good things about french or european food is that they they have the the bible, they have the bible, they have the right and wrong. You can open, and you say it is wrong, but in thai cuisine it's super hard.

No, because thai people they don't want to tell recipes some people, wake up at midnight to cook some piece of curry. You know they don't tell so like. So then the culture is not secret recipes yeah, it's not passing, but in french augustus coffee he wrote a bible, so it's you have right or wrong. You have technical meta and that's why i love western cuisine the most.

I rest, the meat super long time. This is 10 years of my cooking. You see, there's no blood come out, but when you touch it, it's it's warm. This is super hard because i didn't sweet.

Oh amazing, so so kind of a signature dish with the slogan written his his motto written on the plate. I have to first just try those mashed potatoes, oh wow. Yes, i tell you, i don't think i've ever had mashed potatoes, like that, it's like the whipped cream of mashed potatoes. I told you that one, that's why i asked for more mashed potatoes.

I need it too. Those are the best potatoes. I've ever had. Look at that beef wellington look at the beef inside of it, the pastry surroundings cooked absolutely perfectly so, it's bloodless yet pink in the middle wow, the tenderness, the juiciness, that meat juices, the pastry i did get a refill of mashed potatoes in a cup.
These are the most the moment of silence for these mashed potatoes, life-changing mashed, potatoes wow. These are some of the greatest perfected mashed potatoes that you will ever have. I don't need whipped cream anymore in my life. How is he vanilla, creme brulee? Oh it's so creamy! Oh, it's so light and fluffy, yet creamy and rich at the same time really taste the vibrancy of the vanilla and then it's just so refined.

It's so delicate! Oh it's so good! Oh my god! That's unbelievable! I can't believe how rich and creamy it is while being light and fluffy all at the same time. Yes, i do i like whatever, whatever you decide, so what is this dish? So this is just the dish that i make me get this room pasta. It's originated one year ago, during the 4 week 19 season. I just uh make them for uh just for fun, for my uh followers, my friends on facebook and then they start and then people started ordering it.

I don't know, but i think you're going to see why yeah dude, so it's kind of a thai inspired yeah a boy. I sacrificed the camera. You could just watch him cook all day. That's skill that, like hyper just hyper energy dude, he is a what a talent.

This is just an extra dish, and this is one of the dishes again. This dish has a story because chef big started cooking it during the pandemic and posting it on facebook, and then his friends would order it and it became a sensation and people started booking it. So it's one of his signature dishes and it's actually not part of the menu part of the meal that we ate, but he just decided to make an extra dish. So we are lucky and privileged to try this amazing pasta and talk about a fully loaded, pasta and you can smell the chilies immediately because you just so like caramelize, the chilies and the garlic in there.

That is stunning. The lime peel zest in there, the crab just melts in your mouth and spicy yeah, so use all of like the the aroma of the chilis that come out here when he comes, i like the lamb, the lamb's kicked. The limestone. I've never had another pasta like this.

It is incredible: oh we're having a chance to just hang out with the family at the end of the meal and they're, all so incredibly, nice and so cool. This is mom and dad the whole family. You guys are amazing. Best people in my life best people - yes, thank you so much dad is just quickly giving us a tour of the print shop which has been open for 30 years, so cool.

Oh, this is the modern, more modern press, wow print shop, warehouse on the bottom floor. Gourmet french restaurant on the second floor right in that window, what an experience! What a thrilling meal curry paste that was an outstanding it was an entertaining. It was a thrilling french food experience in industrial bangkok. He has a story of determination.
He has a story of practice, but i think it's that determination. It's that energy, his skills and his talent, our next level and he's just so much fun to watch and he's so positive, so energetic, and that's also what makes him so special. Thank you very much for watching this video and please remember to give it a thumbs up if you enjoyed it, leave a comment below i'd love to hear from you and if you're not already subscribed, click subscribe and also click the little bell icon and that way. You'll immediately get notified of the next video that i published thanks again for watching goodbye from bangkok, and i will see you on the next video.

By Mark

12 thoughts on “Giant Scallop PASTRY HAT!! 🥖 27 Year Old Chef Cooks FRENCH FOOD in a Warehouse!!”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ricecakejohnson says:

    I wonder how much that meal cost per person. Normally Mark puts the price they paid for the full meal in the descriptions, but I didnt see any price info in the descriptions.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Cosmic Energy says:

    I’m going to start a home restaurant and get mark to come and try the food, I know my business will get all the marketing it needs after that lol

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jubilant Jane says:

    You and Ying had some delicious food in this episode, Mark! Best wishes to Chef Big…he has a very bright future ahead of him! His family was very appreciative of you giving him some exposure. I hope you revisit him again soon to see how his business is flourishing, Mark!

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Teresa Parks says:

    I found you while I'm stuck in the hospital and sought out different foods from different cultures because I love food, as well. Your trips around the world have me adding certain cities and counties to my list of must visits. I believe your positive energy helps me maintain mine at such a challenging time. Happy Eating, Marc and all the best to your beautiful little family!

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars kasper sørensen says:

    Sometimes mark eat like, someone would takes he's food.. " i take some of everything ".. and 1 -2-3 .. marks has eating the whole plate..
    Slow down dude.. enjoy the food

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Natalie M says:

    Wish I could fly there now! These dishes are beautiful, and obviously delicious. Kudos to the chef and staff for a hidden gem. 27 and a star performance. Whatever I'm having for dinner tonight here will totally suck compared to this! I'm crying!

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Clay Childs says:

    This was definitely one of your most outstanding videos!!! And this is a type of cooking I would love to do for people and your clients and the chef.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dragon King says:

    No sincerity , he is paid to do this. Evident from his reactions when eating . Everything is perfect nothing constructive from him. Deceiving viewers

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Andrea Catzel says:

    How phenomenal! Thank you, Mark, for taking us to this superb young chef and his amazing cooking! I’m sitting in locked down Sydney pretending I’m enjoying every bite with you both! 🙏

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lauren Griffin says:

    At 27, in a French Restaurant he would be lower than a Sous Chef. Here he can do him in a spectacular way!

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Odette Uys says:

    What joy to watch this episode! O my, it just made my day! There needs to be a movie about this exceptional young chef! Thanks Mark for taking us along for this experience, you really made it feel as though I was right there with you! 👍

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars CrabbyCDN tucktoyuktuck says:

    Loved it. Would love to know the cost for the six course meal, including the pasta. Thanks again for another great video. Am salivating…lol.

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