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Shady Maple Smorgasbord (https://goo.gl/maps/agjhuKJc1zJEVMAB9) - When I heard about Shady Maple Smorgasbord buffet, there was no way I was going to leave Pennsylvania without going. It’s a massive, Amish Dutch food cooking, probably the greatest American country cooking buffet ever. Also something cool, it’s a 200 foot buffet!
From Philadelphia it was a little over an hour drive to Shady Maple Smorgasbord, which is pretty close to Lancaster, and it’s in the beautiful Amish countryside of Pennsylvania. Seemingly in the middle of nowhere, you arrive to this massive buffet - it looks like the town is built around a buffet. They serve breakfast lunch and dinner, and we arrived just before the end of breakfast, to be able to eat both breakfast and lunch, as the food changes. Breakfast was amazing - any kind of Western food breakfast dishes you can imagine are available - pancakes, omelettes, toast, mountains of bacon, and biscuits and gravy. It’s amazing. They then switch to lunch, and I was even more excited for lunch. You can just pay the difference of breakfast - so actually you’re just paying the lunch price ($14.99 per person) and then be able to enjoy both breakfast and lunch. For lunch they have a huge menu of dishes, plus a few extra special dishes each day. On the day I went they had Beef Brisket, Smoked Pork Chops, Fried Shrimp, New York Strip & Delmonico Steak for the daily specials. You can check all the menus and pricing here: https://www.shady-maple.com/smorgasbord/daily-menu-pricing
I was pleasantly surprised at how tasty and how quality the food was, even cooked in large portions on a buffet. Really an incredible buffet eating experience, and that’s what makes it one of the most popular buffets and restaurants in Pennsylvania - every day it’s packed. A must eat Pennsylvania Dutch, Amish influenced food experience!
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Hey everyone hope you're having an amazing day. It's mark wiens, i'm in pennsylvania, and today we are gon na go to the shady maple smorgasbord, which is a 200 foot buffet. It's literally like an entire town built around the buffet serving amish dutch style pennsylvania, food, they're known for their country-style comfort, food, we're going to hopefully eat breakfast, both breakfast and lunch, back-to-back the gravies, the meat juices, i'm going to share everything with you all of the Food, it doesn't even hold onto the bone. It just slides out, look at how tender that is, and the entire experience of going to one of the best buffets on the east side of the united states, all at shady maple smorgasbord right now.

Okay, that was about a little over an hour drive from central philadelphia, and when i saw that shady maple smorgasbord was just an hour drive away, i had to make the drive. There was no way i was going to leave pennsylvania leave philadelphia without coming out here. We're in this town called east earl pennsylvania to get here. The drive was beautiful.

You drive through just miles and miles of vast hills, beautiful lush, green farms, farm houses. There were dairies, you saw horses along the way and then all of a sudden kind of in the middle of nowhere. You get to this parking lot and at this time that we've arrived, the entire parking lot is almost full. There must be hundreds of cars here.

Everyone here to eat at the smorgasbord buffet it's a palace. It is a buffet palace in the middle of farms. Wow step inside. It is massive jumping in line we're gon na pay before we eat, but oh yeah, one more pro tip and thanks to mike chen for this pro tip you get here, we've got here.

Just breakfast is going on for another 30 or so minutes, and so we're gon na hopefully get in on breakfast, but then lunch begins. I think at 10 45 a.m, so hopefully we'll be covering breakfast and lunch. You got to get here at the perfect time right in between, so you get both of them, hello, two adults and one child. Please a booth, please! You can head right over here, just get the pudding.

Thank you very much. All right, oh yeah. Welcome to our our home for the next few hours uh she just explained to us about the whole buffet, it's so organized the different uh stations and then she also said that you keep this purple side up until you surrender, and then you turn it back. You turn it over purple side down that signals your surrender, but let's not spend any time at the booth right now.

Let's go get some food, oh man, this breakfast paste, it's massive. It just goes all the way down the entire side of the building. I think we're gon na jump in line first for the omelet, the egg station, where they make fresh eggs, there's all different types of eggs that you can order all different types of omelets. Oh, that looks good right.

Yeah, it looks really good. Can i please have two sunny-side-up eggs and then an omelet with everything? Okay, you want more than two eggs for that two should be good. Thank you. Just a little bit, a little bit of everything would be awesome.
Let's do it. Let's do everything. Oh nice huh and then you have to whoa that flip was awesome. Oh man for the fried eggs.

Can you leave it a little more, a little more cooked? Yes, thank you very much sure next door. Oh, that omelette looks amazing. Thank you. That is a masterpiece of an omelette.

I think that might be 15 toppings on this omelette huge and bulging and full of toppings. Thank you very much have a great day. Oh, look at that amount of bacon nice job on the bacon. Perfect.

Yes, oh nice! Bunch of mushrooms that they just brought out yes want a whole scoop of mushrooms, okay, a little bit of horseradish for that omelet. Thank you. Okay. I think we better take this table.

Deliver it to our table. Take this plate to our table. I'm gon na set this down, but i wan na get uh one more plate before we actually sit down and start eating. I got ta.

Have a biscuit steaming fresh. They look so soft. Here we go. Oh man, it's an almost overwhelming buffet situation.

There's so many things to get there's so many different stations, i've never seen so much breakfast in one place, man, it all looks so good country style cooking. I mean with an amish influence, but really dutch cooking. That omelette is hidden below there, that beautiful omelet that she made a pile of bacon. I got some horseradish to go with the omelet and topped it off with mushrooms a small mountain of breakfast.

I can't wait to dig into that omelette fully loaded 15 different ingredients on the inside and i like how she wrapped it. She doesn't mix the ingredients into the egg, but rather just tops it all. I love that style. Now.

That's an amazing omelet, oh yeah, the spinach in there i think, there's four or five types of meat, four or five types of cheese, all the flavor of the bacon, the mushrooms. I wanted some of that horseradish on there, though too, and then i got some potatoes on top of there there's some peppers in those potatoes. I love it with that extra bite of horseradish, one of the better omelets i've had in a very long time. I'm gon na add a little pepper to my plate and, let's rotate over to the bacon perfectly crispy fat rendered out.

So there's no gooey bits, but just completely crispy bacon is amazing. I love it when it's crispy like that and again no gooey. It's just completely crispy. All the way through coffee could be a little bit stronger, but still it kind of goes goes good together with the meal.

It's like a it's a refreshing, coffee and then moving on to the biscuit with sausage gravy. I can't even remember the last time i had a biscuit with sausage gravy, and that is thick. It's so thick, it's so thick. The gravy doesn't even run.

Look it just. It just sticks. That is some hearty gravy. Oh yeah, that is so rich, so creamy and the gravy is so thick.
It's almost foamy, oh man, that is rich, that is so good, so buttery and so creamy, okay, gon na finish off the omelet gon na finish off these pleasure breakfast. We go explore and get some more food next up. I think it's time to break up the meats and the rich food with some fruit got a lot of fruit options as well. Watermelon we got some oranges and cherries.

Oh fruit hits the spot. Okay, the last station that i haven't gotten to yet for breakfast is the pancake station. Let's go order a pancake and they have all these different toppings that you can get a variety of different uh combinations that you can get and they make them fresh as you order them hello. Can i please get a blueberry pancake.

Thank you very much. It's blueberry season too right fresh blueberries. Well, i could order one. I could order another one.

What is your favorite pancake? Oh one, more blueberry, and what's your name, hannah fisher hannah very nice to meet you. Thank you for the amazing service, glad you like the pancakes. I love them and that's one of the greatest things about the shady maple smorgasbord is the amazing service. Thank you.

Yes, so where are you from i'm from arizona actually yeah? I came from arizona yeah, but normally i live in thailand. My wife is thai. My wife is thai. My last name: yep wow, beautiful chocolate chips in there too.

Okay. Thank you very much all right. Thank you have a great day. Oh man, i don't even need syrup or anything just straight up pancake.

I just want those blueberries to shine which they will so fluffy the blueberries just melt in your mouth, they're, sweet, they're, tart and then just to tell you a little bit about the story about the pancakes which was so cool. I ordered one pancake. I ordered a blueberry pancake. I was just gon na have one pancake, but then hannah who was also in the kitchen at the pancake station.

She said: oh i wan na. We should have filmed me making a pancake, and so i said, oh, we can uh. What's your favorite pancake and she said blueberry pancake, so i said we'll have another blueberry pancake. So thank you.

That's one of the like just standout factors of the smorgasbord of this shady maple buffet is the service the friendliness here, even though it's gigantic and attracts people from all over the united states and all over pennsylvania, the the food is home cooking and it's such a Friendly countryside atmosphere whoa, i'm gon na finish off these pancakes and i think i'm gon na call that the end of breakfast we have approximately oh there's like five minutes left to go. I think i think lunch opens at 10 45. So there's just five minutes left to go and they're gon na open up the lunch buffet greatest idea ever go back in line pay for the next meal breakfast and lunch back-to-back same buffet, totally different food, hello. Good morning i was here for breakfast, but i want to pay for lunch.
Also, okay, thank you very much. So what you do is you come to the customer service uh. You can take your breakfast cab to the customer service and then you pay the difference. You don't pay fully again for lunch.

You just pay the difference which in our case, was an extra 11.80 from the breakfast buffet and now we're good to go we're good to start digging in to the lunch buffet. Let's go back to the table, i'm just taking a little walk around now at the transition stage right in between breakfast, when they transfer from breakfast to lunch, and literally they have the most amazing system down where the breakfast just sort of disappears into the kitchen and Lunch just sort of appears fried chicken is starting to emerge. Meatballs, there's, mushrooms, there's whole fillets of fish. It's truly a magical transformation from breakfast to lunch, there's a massive salad bar there's, an entire hot vegetable section.

The corn looks incredible: they have a whole soup station and then you get to all the hot section. There's the famous roast beef there's the cold salad station, there's macaroni salad, those are pickled eggs, whoa, pickled eggs, there's barbecue wings, chicken, noodle soup, there's broccoli, there's onion rings; there's beets, there's casseroles, there's mashed potatoes, there's rice, there's gravies of all kinds imaginable: there's sauerkraut! No pork kraut i've never had pork, a kraut. Oh, it's super soft fluffy, fluffy yeah, i'm gon na grab that fried chicken looks incredible and it looks so incredibly crispy. You can just hear the crispiness on the tongs when you pick it up.

I've never had a hamball before ready, yup yeah yeah these duck. Lugs look amazing! You can see all that juicy oiliness wow, oh man, onions and steak. Next, oh, that looks incredible too. Okay, i think it's time to balance this plate with some.

Oh, we need some of that pork kraut, oh yeah, that point's getting heavy and then before we take these these fried chicken plates to the table. Let's load up on a plate of salad, oh yeah, all you can eat raw onions loaded up. Oh man, reach across the buffet got ta get some of those tomatoes. Some bell peppers, pickled chilies to my top of my fried chicken plate.

Okay, that's all we can handle on this load. Let's go to the table. Come on micah: let's go oh yeah, some seriously good-looking country-style dutch food, the fried chicken looks incredible, but i have to start with that duck leg just dripping in oily juices. Oh man, can i pick it up.

It's like almost like a comfy. I think i think i mean i don't know if it's actually cooked in its fat, but it is dripping in its own juicy fattiness. Oh, you can just feel the tenderness in your fingers like if i were to shake this a little bit. The entire meat would just fall off the bone.
That's without a doubt, oh wow, that is melt in your mouth. Oh, the skin. It's gooey the meat underneath it's so incredibly succulent and so moist. Oh, you got ta.

Look inside. You got ta look into the depths into the into the inner core of that duck. Lag. It's so good! Oh look! Oh it's just falling apart! You can't even it doesn't even hold onto the bone.

It just slides out. Look at how tender that is! Oh man! Oh, it's so good man! This is the most melting. The entire leg of duck is just it like literally just melts out the very good. Thank you.

The duck is phenomenal. Get some of that pork kraut. Some of the vegetables got some banana. I think some pickled banana chilies on there, some corn, i'm gon na, go really quickly back to the buffet line because they just brought out one of the specials it's a monday and they have different specials on different days and they just brought out the special hello.

Hello brisket. Yes, please, oh yeah, nice! Oh, this is one of the specials on monday right. It is thank you very much wow. That looks amazing, and this is the sauce to go with it all right.

Oh the meat juice. Look at this slab of brisket. It takes up the entire plate, i'm going to start from this corner here, where it looks really caramelize the edge the crust and really stringy and flaky. Oh wow, oh the tenderness.

Oh, that just is effortless cutting like butter. It just strings apart, wipe up some of the juice and that smokiness, oh wow, that's like equally as gooey and soft as the duck leg that melts in your mouth, the beefiness that smoky crust. Oh man, that is fatty, delicious, it's just finger tender. You do not need a knife, you do not need, you can just break it apart, oh, and i think actually that that bottom part is the softest the most tender mixed in with fat and meat.

This is juice. Okay, i think it's time to to balance out the meal with some of the salad, i didn't even add dressing to the salad, because i just i think the meat is so flavorful and salty already enough that just balance it out with just pure vegetables. For me, that's perfect, and then you can go right back to the fried chicken and they're actually known for their fried chicken here and just from looking at it. You can tell why the golden crispiness, although it has sort of soaked up some of the the pork juices, you can just see how crispy that is still oh yeah, that fried chicken is amazing.

It's so crispy. What i like about it is: it's not batter heavy. More of like a dry batter, i think, not like a wet batter, um, then deep, fried so the the deep friedness is on the skin. It's crispy it's salty and then the chicken is just juicy all the way through.

Oh that's, some quality fried chicken. So, incredibly, juicy all the way through, though corn we've got some of the pork kraut in there love sauerkraut and again it goes because of that acidity. That vinegariness goes so well together with that rich meat. What else do i have on this plate? I almost forgot.
Oh yeah, the ham meatball, i don't think i've ever had a ham meatball in my life. This will be a first for me. Here we go wow that is extremely dense. You can see the hardiness of that how it's so compact, it's incredibly compact wow immediately the flavor of clove, that's just pure ham, but it tastes like it's been ground up and then re-compacted together, compressed together into meatball form that honey roast.

Oh yeah, that's tasty, and then final thing i have is the mushroom steak over here. That's good too. You taste that pancher of the steak uh the mushrooms, the butter in there, the caramelized, onions, uh, soda water that hits the spot that helps with the digestion. Oh man, all of a sudden, the breakfast and lunch combination is starting to hit me hard.

The meat sweats are kicking in i'm starting to move in a slower, sloth-like pace, i'm having to lean back in the booth. Oh man, i didn't want to accept defeat. This early, but i think this might be it for me for the for the main course, especially because we have a five hour drive right after this buffet we're driving to connecticut. So i don't want to be too full.

I don't want to be too sleepy need to stay alert. I cannot yeah. I should do the responsible thing and stop right here after these plates. Maybe we'll try a little bit of dessert.

Okay, dessert, there's apple pie, there's egg custard, there's rice pudding, there's chocolate supreme, coconut supreme, grasshopper, low carb, chocolate, pudding, fruit, salad, cheesecake, okay, man, even the desserts are so heavy cobblers, cheesecakes yeah. Okay, do you come here? Often it's like about 30 times, maybe more over. The years very cool, very cool, uh, we're traveling and i make videos about food, so we kind of just travel full-time. I've got a chocolate cake and then also got some of the some of the candied apples, and i think the apples are just like.

Probably the fillings of an apple pie, but without the crust, oh yeah they're, so juicy crisp at the same time that flavor of cinnamon, probably some butter in there too. That's good! That's exactly what it is: an apple pie, but without the crust without the pastry it is fluffy and moist and airy, but i'm not huge into desserts. So this is the perfect way to end the moment has come. I hate to do it, but it's time.

Thank you have a great day: oh wow, the breakfast lunch combination back to back. Oh man, that is some heavy heavy food. What a meal, though everything home, it's amazing, the quantity that they cook, but the quality and the home cooking freshness of all of the dutch pennsylvania food that they cook there really really good quality, really really good flavor! So much heartiness, that's some seriously! Delicious amish! Dutch cooking and so that's going to wrap it up. That's going to complete our experience, eating at the shady maple smorgasbord buffet.
I want to say a huge thank you to you for watching this video. Please remember to give it a thumbs up if you enjoyed it. Leave a comment below i'd love to hear from you and if you're not already subscribed, make sure you subscribe for lots, more food videos, goodbye from pennsylvania - and i will see you on the next video.

By Mark

12 thoughts on “Giant AMISH BUFFET!! Fried Chicken + Beef Brisket | $14.99 All You Can Eat American Country Food!”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Stephen Janisheck says:

    watching you eat and enjoy your food makes me super hungry, it was cool to see you in roxborough for the cheese steaks

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars kedanpie4409 says:

    No sah Mark, you have a whole nation inside your stomach….Not even a baby bump after eating all that food.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars anna leonardi says:


  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Timothy Rill says:

    You can eat! I live in Lancaster, Pa and have been to Shady Maple. It is the best. I also go to Atlantic City which got me hooked on your video. Would eat at Tonys 10 times a year for ten years . Then had our daughter Shore life turned into Wildwood NJ with more family atmosphere. Keep up the amazing video's.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sandeep Karan says:

    You said you have never seen such huge breakfast spread .

    Thailand which is your home country has some excellent breakfast spreads . I don’t know why you felt so surprised by this sort of spread .

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Munch WillbeBlue says:

    I am Dutch and this looks nothing like Dutch cooking. It more likely has some German influence though. It sure does look like German influence in the cooking to me.

    And don't get me wrong, German cooking is also awesome!!

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dorothy Williams says:

    I love this I was just talking about Pennsylvania Dutch country and saw your video. I used to go with my grandmother when I was a kid. Now going to plan a trip there. Love your videos.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Brent Wheeler says:

    How do you stay so skinny. I was full after watching that. I loved your Indonesian shows too.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Luke Rabin says:

    Denver omelette! Biscuits and gravy! Two of my favourite and most missed things from American breakfast! When you get back to Bangkok, you’ve got to find an American chef who can do stuff like that for a once a month American style breakfast!

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Marie Tewhare says:

    Mark your metabolism is like my sons, they can eat alot & never put on weight. I think all buffets should be like that one too yummy. 😋😆

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Chasing.those.vistas says:

    Oh mark ! One question , man you’ve got to tell all of us how do you stay in such a great shape even after trying out all the delicious food!! You’ve got to make a video on that for real! That’s definitely one thing I would love to see on your channel for sure! It’s amazing how you do all of this!

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Guy Solis says:

    Excellent Buffet! There are too many buffets with the pre-packaged stuff and everything is breaded…those places aren't worth a dime..nice find and good to see you scarf!

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