🇧🇩 Day 1 Bangladeshi Food! With @Petuk Couple
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DHAKA, BANGLADESH - Welcome to Dhaka, one of the most exciting and busy cities in the world! Today is Day 1 in Bangladesh, hanging out with Rasif and Ipsha ( @Petuk Couple ). We’re first eating a huge Bangla home cooked meal at home before trying some local neighborhood street food. And ending today with a massive hilsa (ilish) fish fry in mustard oil - one of the national foods of Bangladesh!
Literally right off the airplane we headed over to Rasif and Ipsha’s home where they cooked a huge meal of over 18 different Bengali foods. Everything from beef curry to eggplant with egg, moringha drumsticks, fish curry and duck curry. The abundance and variety was outstanding and it was my first ever Bengali meal in Bangladesh!
Next up on this Bangladeshi food tour we walked out on the streets in their Dhaka neighborhood to eat some local street food snacks. We started with an amazing liver jhalmuri (30 BDT ($.035). Jhal means spicy and muri means puffed rice, and this is one of the most popular and common Bengali street food snacks. Especially with the liver, green chilies, and mustard oil, it was fantastic.
Continuing on the street food tour we ate some deep fried fast food like chicken rolls and Bangladeshi chicken nuggets. Then on to a stall that served amazing bhel puri and chotpoti - an incredible mix of chickpeas and spices, green chilies, onions, coriander, and tamarind sauce. The street was so tasty and without a doubt the bhel puri (20 BDT ($0.23 each) was my favorite snack of the night.
Finally to complete this Day 1 Bangladesh food tour we drove outside of Dhaka about an hour to Mawa Ghat, a famous location along the Padma River to take a ferry, and to eat the national fish of Bangladesh - hilsa (ilish). You choose your fish, we chose three, plus some extra fresh water prawns. The fish is cleaned and sliced in front of you, then marinated in turmeric and chili before being shallow fried in fragrant mustard oil. Additionally with the fried fish tails they smash them with onions and chilies and mustard oil to make Bhorta / Vorta - which is a common Bangla food preparation of ingredients that are smashed together to bring out their flavors. We had two types of fish vortas, an onion vorta, and a tomato vorta. It was an outstanding meal with incredible friends in Bangladesh!
Friends in the video, go check them out:
Petuk Couple: https://www.youtube.com/c/PetukCouple
Fahrin Zannat Faiza: https://www.youtube.com/c/Khudalagse
Araf Intisar Dipto: https://www.youtube.com/c/ArafIntisar
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Hey everyone hope you're having an amazing day. It's mark wiens. I just arrived to dhaka bangladesh. This is my first time here and i am so excited to try the amazing bangla food.

We've got 18 dishes on the table. We literally just arrived about an hour ago, and so this is day one in bangladesh. We're gon na go to rasif's house him and his wife are gon na cook. A huge feast.

Then we're gon na go out we're gon na walk around and eat some local street food yeah literally every flavor. You could want in your mouth at lunch and then tonight we are gon na eat. What is the one of the national dishes? The national fish of bangladesh so much food coming up, and i cannot wait to share it all with you in this video right now day. One bangladesh look at this vegetable cart that we're walking over to rasif's house man.

I love the friendliness of the streets, the action, the colors, the energy, the fruits and vegetables shops. The rickshaws just makes me smile and the people here are so friendly and i think russia lives right down the street daca. Yes, ton of food yeah. This is a real bangla flavor, real bungalow flavor first meal in bangladesh, yes, and they have cooked up just an amazing home-cooked meal.

How many dishes is that that's like it's 15 or 20 dishes like i think these are twenty finishes. You guys are incredible and the spices and the aromas coming out of this kitchen. That was incredible. This is beef.

Oh, this is over here cooking, the beef curry. Let me show you fish wow. We have been cooking for like uh 12 hours. I think did you guys cook all day long all night long fish is called, papada is popped, up, much means fish, oh and you can smell the green chilies in there and the coriander.

You see all the curries. Yes, all those green chilies. Where did you guys? Learn to cook recipes from mostly from the internet and now watch your videos because yeah we actually cooked like a chicken karahi after watching your video, but my mom is and her mom is also a great cook. So we actually got a lot of things from him from your your family yeah.

This is that curry. This is going to be a very spicy one wow. How come up almost all the food is ready, but we're starting to snack on. This is like a little fried banana and lentils yeah.

Oh it's so good yeah, oh man, that's like the most addictive snack. Thank you very much, and this is just an unbelievable welcome, a celebration meal to bangladesh. This is unbelievable, and so you said, there's actually an order to the way that you eat some of the dishes. We first eat the vegetables, okay and then we eat the meat and the fish, and is that, lastly, we finished our meal by you dal.

So there's an order and that's like with every meal that you would have, or for like a for like a celebration meal, oh well celebration meal is different. Okay, this one because usually what we have prepared for you is like regular life eating so much regular life eating yeah. So for celebration we eat pulao, biryani, okay, so these are. These.
Are these? Are home, cooked everyday dishes, just a lot of them? Today, 12. 14. 16, 18 dishes on the table, so you really kind of smash the rice a little bit smash the rice yeah mix in with the vegetables. Yes, you have to smash it other than that you won't get the maximum flavor rusty, smashing skills man.

Yes, that's pro moves and you have to take it and you have to put it in your mouth all right. You really got ta work it into the rice kind of smash it. You almost made each grain of rice like colored colorful from that smashing technique. That's only the first dish out of 18.

egg and eggplant eggplant egg and eggplant. You can feel the stickiness of that yeah smashing technique. Oh the smokiness, the eggplant was roasted yeah before then. It was made into like that paste and then the egg.

The egg is just kind of there like kind of scrambled into it. Awesome it's so good yeah. Should we move into the proteins okay? Why not? It's been cooked down, simmered down with that sauce with the green chilies in there yeah and uh there's a technique uh other than that. You will feel the bone in here.

So that's kind of like the the bottom thin. It's really tasty yeah and just the texture of it is so good. So next thing we try. Okay, we have to try the gooey fish, the next fish.

Okay, you can feel how buttery it is. Yeah and all the skin is mixed in and that belly fat. The belly just melts in your mouth fatty, contrasted by the tartness of the tomatoes, the flavor of the coriander. I think right, okay, right yeah, look at it! Thank you that juice you can pop up in the head.

You can suck out all those head butter juices that was a loud sound. Oh man, it's so creamy. Oh, that's huge the dino bone and look how this is like the the ankle. Maybe yes, it's it's look at that.

It's broccoli! That's the front leg! Yeah! Look at all of that collagen and cartilage just look at how clean the bonus - oh wow, i'm just so tender. Can you taste like more of those sweet spices, the cinnamon in there yeah kind of cinnamon, cardamom kind of clove taste to it. The ankle connection tissue is just like melts in your mouth, wow yeah. You don't need teeth for that.

No, actually you don't. You could be toothless to eat that, so this is a duck and what are some of the spices in the uh? Well, actually, this is uh like uh. What we put is like typical spices of what we put in the curries okay. Does it like green chilies, onions and garlic, garlic, ginger and garlic based ginger paste i'll just pick up this little drumstick duck drumstick, it's a dish.

After dish has a little bit of a chew to it, but with every chew it just brings out the flavor, the sweetness of it, that harmony of flavor and that's a is that a vegetable it looks like a stem yeah like a yeah like a oh, actually Aura is the english name, this really rich, just pasty sauce, just coating. It there's shrimp in there mix that again with your rice. I love that love there yeah guys. I love the vegetable.
It has this kind of snap to it. Yeah has this almost eggplant creaminess to it at the same time, it's a little bit fibrous and then all of that flavor just cake stuff on it, the garlic and ginger in there you really taste it. I love it. It's real good, incredible meal.

Lastly, i have a celebration end: it with dals with rice. We have to mix it first, we have to mix it okay and that goes directly over your eat. It rice rice, yeah with rice. Also we actually mix this dal with the troll.

I mean the gravy of the items because that's when the real flavor brings in beef juice yeah, so this is how you clean your plate only my first day in bangladesh and i'm already in love. This is the way you end your meal. This is the way you end your meal with dal and beef juice. This might be the greatest way to end a meal that i've ever seen in any country, um all the beef juice, oh and then the starchiness of the lentils.

Oh, that's incredible, and this will really fill you up too, because it kind of like fills all the yeah fills all the cracks in your stomach. I think i've got my last drink right here greatest way to clean your plate. Ever and now you have to use your finger, use your finger and lick it. Oh yes, that is something i can do incredibly successful, just ultimate satisfaction exactly.

I feel that you want to live. Vlog dixie market how's, the food guys food is fantastic. Awesome like cuisines yeah, so dinner. Well, it was a late lunch.

Early dinner was absolutely incredible. It was a celebration of feast and now we're just walking out onto the street to eat some street food snacks. What is this? There is exactly so. It's like a spicy crispy rice snack, which he mixes all the spices into, and he specifically makes a special version with chicken liver chicken liver goes in yes, 10 with a business card in the center ball is so cool and uncle is so good at what he Does he just mixes in all the sauces? Oh and the business card is actually the spoon, that's the spoon you eat it with and the the liver is all chopped up in there as well.

Oh that's amazing! Oh wow, you got the creamy starchiness of the dal. The richness of that liver just sliced up in there, the green chilies that has all the components of a snack. You want to be eating, there's so many things going, and yet it just all fits together. So well, oh man, what a scene, what a spot - and he is popular, this fish best, jalapeno, very good, it's just so addictive and so hearty all.

At the same time, don't know what? Okay: okay: let's have some fries fries, all right, we're going right across the street in the next street food snack. Oh, this neighborhood is incredible. He has a deep frying station here. Where he's making some different rolls some fries.
He has some chicken going on and i think we're going to have a few deep, fried crispy items. Next, okay, the spring roll is the highlight here, is this all handmade, so these are all humid okay, he makes them all himself very cool. Oh thank you. Thank you very much, so it's filled with uh, mostly veg, there's vegetables, there's cabbage and maybe some keratin dip it into this sauce.

Oh yeah, the egg roll is good, oh yeah, it's crispy and oily and the cabbage just kind of melts in your mouth. Oh. This is like a a stuffed, cutlet kind of cool. Oh that's! Pretty tasty chicken nuggets bangladeshi chicken nuggets, wow yeah that does taste like a chicken nugget, really soft, really just kind of like it's like a really fine minced chicken made into a patty, breaded and crispified.

I think the spring roll is the highlight. Actually, the chicken roll is very good, too yeah. Oh dad come on to get to the next chew food stall, we're jumping onto a cycle rickshaw, oh yeah, this! This is the best way to travel. What's up guys man, the people are just so incredibly friendly and hospitable, and just there's just so many it's like it's almost quiet like down this neighborhood road, it's almost quiet and peaceful and yet, at the same time, there's like so much going on the cycle.

Rickshaws, don't have the biggest butt pads, oh oh, that was great. Thank you. So we are going to have vil puris first then chat potty and he serves them all from right here. So he serves them all.

He's making jailbreak he's gon na make belpuri and have these little like crispy discs and then there's this kind of dal mixture with coriander and spices in it. And then he just uh wipes on a layer of that mixture and then he's going to add on some spices and we're going to see the whole process of him making it. They have dal, potato potato and lots of spices and lots of spices, yeah and korea. All are mixed together to mix and make this mixture, and they put it into this called bilpuri foreign tamarind, sauce, okay, medium and then he drains it all drenches it all in a tamarind sauce.

So you pick up the hole pick up the holes yeah disk. These are absolutely loaded and the spices is so fragrant. Wow, that's all flavors in your mouth. At once, yeah you have to put everything in: oh man, yeah, okay, it looks like a big bite, but then it like crumbles in your mouth.

Yeah. Okay, you've got the tartness of that tamarind sauce you've got the chili in there. You've got the crunch of the cucumber. Let me make it more spicy for you, oh man.

This is incredible. I'm moving back over to the cart. He said he needs to add us. Some awesome green chilies, yes, scoop it up, oh wow, that's even better! It brings out the flavor so addictive.

It's salty! It's spicy! It's sweet! It's sour! That's a pro move right there and then take it to your mouth. This one was nice. There's this wow man that just awakens your taste buds just you start to drool from all of the things happening in your mouth and your tongue and he's getting ready to make the next the next snack chat putty. We call this butter dal, coriander and coriander powder.
Coriander leaves go in there. Oh potato, it's a grated potato, oh my god that is so much spicy juice. Thank you. What is that cheese? On top? Oh egg? Oh man, that is such a complicated chat that he just whipped up and with so much care and precision.

Thank you, oh man, what a creation so much going on! It's mostly chickpeas, but so many spices in there you mix it up. Yeah mix it up mix it up. This one is sweet. This one is like sour, oh wow, it's just that snack after snack again, oh man, there's so much going on in here.

It looks right, yeah, good right, it's so good! This is actually the sour one and this one is sweet. Okay, but spicy that flavor of the green chili, the onions in there, the starchiness of those chickpeas, oh yeah, what sweet one is go, do yeah the sweet. One is more tart and sour yeah. Oh chickens.

Oh okay, and so this is another street food that we're trying on a cart here. He has this pot full of potatoes and chickpeas, and he does the bucket method again, where he just like scoots up scoots out some of those ingredients, the potato chops it up with a knife whisks it around with that stick in the bucket adds in some chilies. Some green chilies, some onions, some spices, serves it to you on a plate with a another little card to eat with. Oh, so this one has egg in it too.

So we chopped up the egg, the potato, the chickpeas in there, the green chilies. Oh, this one is hardy too yeah because it's spilling because of the potato and the chickpeas and the egg in there men - and i love that combination again. Almost everything we had has onions and green chilies, so that was an amazing mini street food tour around the neighborhood streets of dhaka. From here, where are we going? We are going to have uh like our national fish, which is english.

We are going to deep fry that english and we are going to have it, and it's like it's like about an hour drive away from here. There's still a lot more food to eat tonight and we're on our way. So that was about an hour and a half drive from dhaka, and it's almost midnight to get here. This place is open 24 hours, there's a bunch of restaurants, we're along the river.

This is mahwah got and you just step out of the car. You can smell the fish in the air. Oh yeah, nice, huge shrimp fish. This is the hillside yeah.

So the first thing that you come here to do is choose your fish and they also have giant river prawns. Okay - and this is the national fish of bangladesh. This is loved by everyone, and this is a fish, that's kind of like a salmon. I believe in the fact that it is born in the it's born in the ocean and then it swims up the river and then, when it swims up the river.
That's when it's harvested at its best point and most delicious point and that's a beautiful fish, it's so silver in color. It just actually kind of shines. We're gon na get three fish 3.7 kgs. So it's a little over a kilo per fish.

This guy caught seven to eight hundred fishes just to this date, wow. Today, a lot of fish. The fish has been caught up, we're moving over to the kitchen. Now, where they're going to start mixing up the spices, the mustard oil, then you're gon na fry them.

In the mustard oil, so talk about a pro tip here, yeah the protein is here to bring your own oil, bring your own oil to the restaurant, the oil. You want your fuse to be fried not only the the fresh oil but the fragrance, the the the strongest fragrance of the mustard oil, which you want for your fried hilsa. It's not only us. I saw like most people bring their own oil, so turmeric chili powder come on.

Basically, everything gets a marination, a sprinkle of salt, turmeric and chili powder. He just stirs that up shakes that up, so it coats evenly over the fish and then it's fried into the mustard oil and those bubbles they smell so good that mustard oil is so fragrant. The aroma's out of control man and you just sprinkled on a whole handful of fried chilies of dried chilis, which instantly fry in that so fragrant mustard oil. What a food experience! So that's ready! No, no! There they'll mash that one actually we'll make legs.

Oh he's! Adding on the fish eggs too, oh again, which that same paste of turmeric, chili salt and that's gon na he just slides in another batch. Oh we're getting splashed a little bit man i feel like i'm taking a bath in mustard oil right now, so they're gon na make eggplant the same way the same thing for the shrimp they except they were marinated in an extra paste. Those are gon na get fried shallow, fried in mustard oil as well. Oh wow, are you looking like that completely? Yes, literally a bucket full of chopped, onions and chilies, he marinated in the same spices, turmeric salt, dried chili dumps that into the mustard oil and he's gon na caramelize, those until they're crispy and then put it on top as a topping for the fish that smells Unbelievable wow, so we've got one more dish that they're gon na make with the tails that they already fried and set aside and they're gon na make a special dish with them.

It's an actual cup and just smashes the fish mashes it down. Until that center bone comes out, he's trying to clean out the bigger bones and just like until the the fish flakes apart, but what a move? Onions, salt, good! Oh things - could not get better mix. It in the ball - this is amazing, green chilies in this one, chef's approval juice and then the final one he's making is just like a straight up: onion ball chopped, onions, green chilies, lime, red uh, powdered chili oil, holding it together tomato one. Oh one, one more! One more ball with tomatoes: yes, just a handful of he's been making these balls for 22 years.
That is mastery and it's an honor to be hanging out with so many amazing friends as well. There's a mountain of the hilsha. We've got all the heads. We've got.

The eggs we've got the eggplant, we've got the prawns and those balls that was amazing the whole process, the entire process of the meal frying all of the fish, it's so unbelievably fragrant. This is that's the fish oil plus the mustard oil plus all the turmeric, which is just saturated into it. Oh man, you have to pour it over, pour it over the fish. Yes, oh the rice wow.

That is the move right there. Let's try that mix and smash mix and smash technique: okay, nice, okay, okay, um, all the mustard oil yeah that immediate fragrance, oh and the richness of the fish oil as well. Oh, it's good! It's good! The fried chili's in there, too they're crispy, and so just aromatic yeah. That's awesome! Amazing! We love this well.

This is like one of the favorite meals of many people. Okay, this is on national fish, national fish, national meal, national meal, the chili's, okay, moving into the next bottle, which he just like hand he smashed with the cup. Well, this one has even more of a mustard flavor. Maybe it's more pronounced more pungent.

I love the crunch of those onions. It's awesome, so you always start with the vegetables and then move into the or the lighter dishes then move into the heavier meatier dishes. Okay, these are like starters for us all, right, okay and so the same thing you just kind of mix in also you have to smash it with the rice. You smash it, the eggplant smash it every smash it into the rice, smashing smashing and mixing smash that like button, oh, it's so smoky and so creamy yeah, and it's just absorbed that fish oil that mustard oil.

We toss these in the same spices, the turmeric salt, red chili and then just that oil. Now, our now we're moving on to the fish. Okay, we've worked our way up just fish. There are some bones: all right, be careful of the bones.

Okay, sure sure sure. Okay, so you take some of the fish: oh wow, yes, it's buttery and like it has a like a fattiness to it and yet, at the same time, it's a little bit stringy. It has a unique flavor yeah exactly it has a unique flavor. That's, unlike any other fish yeah.

How often would you normally come here? I came here very often very often, okay, one of our uh best hangout places, because in dhaka we have restaurants and everything. We do not get that much free time to hang out with friends. So this is a very good place to driveway and have some good food, because it's like a whole trip to come here, exactly some relaxing a little bit of okay and we're next to the river as well. Right, yes, which one did you like the most.
I mean i love the i love the actual hill shop, but i'm like obsessed with these balls. I love anything. That's like exactly like smashed lots of flavor lots of ingredients and smashed yes, awesome. So let's try that oh yeah, the prawn, okay, yeah, okay! So much thank you nice to meet you.

Oh it's huge and you can just all of that. Flavor has just caked up onto it all that paste that they've added they added on a secret paste to it as well. Right, oh yeah, not only those spices but the secret pitch, it's a little bit garlicky. I think yes mm-hmm so good, great, so good.

I think we're just gon na sit here and feast and just enjoy the rest of this evening and by the way, we're not just eating like a 7 p.m. Dinner right here, it's 1am! This is a 1am meal. Late night, food, okay, that's good, which adds so much flavor to everything. Oh and i love these fried chilies in here too, every now and then you'll just crunch on one and it just bursts with flavor squeeze and go wow.

That one is like cheesy yeah yeah feels like a ball of sweet mozzarella, but like, but that's more spongy and fluffy and lighter wow. That is unique, unique good. It's really good yeah. It is sponsored balls.

Yes, what's this is the spot and they will serve you. The best hilsa we're ending the night this incredible day day, one in bangladesh here on the river, with the breeze drinking milk, tea yeah, that's really good, yeah, it's so good, so good and creamy, and so hot, oh man, and so that completes day one bangladesh, the People are absolutely incredible. The food has so rich has so much flavor and just what a place i'm so excited to be here, i'm so excited to explore more a huge thank you to all of our friends for their amazing hospitality for taking us around for showing us the true, authentic Culture and people and food of bangladesh - and we have a lot more food to eat in bangladesh - that i am excited to share with you, so lots more videos coming up so make sure you stay tuned, and i want to say big. Thank you for watching this.

Video, please remember, to give it a thumbs up if you enjoyed it, leave a comment below i'd love to hear from you and, if you're not already subscribed, make sure you subscribe now for lots more food and travel videos thanks again for watching goodbye from the outskirts Of dhaka in bangladesh - and i will see you on the next video.

By Mark

7 thoughts on “First time in bangladesh!! volcano mustard fish fry street food in dhaka!!”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars JerryDON Gaming says:

    Hey mark. I’m your biggest fan. Love from Nepal 🇳🇵

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars shornali samira says:

    Love to Bangladesh 🥰🥰🥰🥰

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MNUR YT says:

    First comment

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars its that wu tang guy. says:

    wu tang..

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Zaid khan says:


  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lad says:

    Ohhh we early today

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Paidon ไปโดน says:


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