📍 Aromkwan (อารมณ์ควัน): https://www.eatingthaifood.com/aromkwan-bangkok/
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BANGKOK, THAILAND - Aromkwan (อารมณ์ควัน) is an “Asian Smokery” where Chef Bank serves family Malaysian food recipes with his own touch BBQ smoking touches. You’re in for an extreme meal of smoked goat leg curry, pork knuckle curry, and a huge mountain of biryani. Get ready for a meal experience you’ll never forget. #MalaysianFood #Bangkok
I was more than excited to try this once in a lifetime meal in Bangkok!
Chef Bank is half Malaysian and half Thai, and his Father is Malaysian Indian, and his Mother is Thai Chinese - four of the best food groups in the world? I think so!
Aromkwan (อารมณ์ควัน) is where Chef Bank and team serve a combination of family recipes and curries, but then Chef Bank goes a step further to smoke the curries for 10 or 12 hours and build layer upon layer of flavor into each dish. One of the most impressive parts of eating at Aromkwan (อารมณ์ควัน) is how your meal is served on a banana leaf communal style. He piles on the dishes and we had a base of biryani, quail sambal, smoked portobello mushrooms, charred bok choy, smoked goat leg curry, smoked pork knuckle curry, ikan bakar, and smoked chicken wings.
The entire meal was out of this world. Both the smoked goat leg curry and smoked pork knuckle were were out of control delicious, melt in your mouth and not only flavored from the curry and spices, but from the smoke.
A world class meal, highly recommended when you’re in Bangkok for extreme Malaysian food that’s unlike anything else in the world.
In addition to the amazing food, all the food is cooked with so much love, passion and dedication which you’ll taste with every bite.
I wrote a full blog post here: https://www.eatingthaifood.com/aromkwan-bangkok/
📍 Aromkwan (อารมณ์ควัน):
Google maps: https://goo.gl/maps/fGcBQQwPiiMETGjN9
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/aromkwan
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/aromkwan/
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Hey everyone hope you're having an amazing day. It's mark wiens, i'm in bangkok, thailand, and this evening we are going to a restaurant. That's called romkuan asian smokery and chef bank. He specializes in all foods smoked, but he also has a uni and we're going to hear all about chef bank, but he has a unique ethnic background and i believe that he's half thai half malaysian and so he uses a lot of thai malaysian and even indian Ingredients and spices and flavors in his cooking, along with everything being smoked, and i cannot wait to share the food with you.

It looks incredible all right, chef bank, all right, so what do you do awesome to see you, and this is your yeah. This is your house yeah. This is our house. Yeah very cool, very cool come come over and have a look here.

Hopefully, it's gon na be a bit of a welcome drink station where we do a bit of izakaya and some welcome drink, where everyone can just have a bit of a chit chat here on the truck yeah yeah on the tracks. This is where we started from uh. I was on the truck before so to tribute to the truck okay, that's right! Okay! So i'd seen some photos that it was uh: okay, you're, half thai and half malaysian sorry! That's malaysian indian okay, my mom's thai chinese food, like people, salad, that's awesome, but did you grow up mostly in thailand or i was born, go up there and then come back okay back and forth two of the best food cultures in the world: okay, yeah! So here it is our tiny kitchen, yeah, okay, as of now yeah, pretty good. This is where all the deliveries are happening.

This is our package. Oh so right now you right now you're doing a lot of delivery right. Okay, you start it up so and that's the famous biryani yeah. This is the famous one in the clay pot.

The private dining room is here, um and then walk into the kitchen and again yeah just immediately. You can smell the smoke just everywhere. It smells so good, but i'm sure it will smell better outside it's just like seeing you doing thing, i don't feel like you're. So good you're so good at doing this just a lot of practice nice to meet you.

Thank you very much yeah. This is awesome, so we are doing the singaporean bakwa for the chitchat, yeah yeah. I can see the season there. So now we got some wings.

We got some bok choy portobello and we got some smoked curry afterwards. Wow yeah, smoked, gouda, curry, smoked, knuckle curry and ikan bakar and all this good. So the concept is a mix of malaysian thai indian yeah a bit of chinese yeah dude. That's like all of the best cuisines in one yeah and then smoked no mark it widely.

So i can oh you're putting a curry inside just heat up a little bit okay. So this is your goat leg. Curry you cooked this in the smoker yeah you did. The whole curry in the smoker, no, no, the curry, we baste there and you just leave it in here and then smoke it afterwards and bring those flavors.

Also the knuckles. We brine for 12 hours and then we smoke for another 12 hours and then we brace in the curry for six hours. So it's like yeah 30 hours process for this wow. That looks insane you mind, taste test.
Thank you, chef, oh wow mark. So the best part is the smoke rings, are still visible as you cut it in one sec. I hope you're already loving the food, but if you could just take one second to click the thumbs up button to click like on this video. That would be a huge help.

Uh. Thank you in advance for clicking thumbs up it's it's! It's gon na be a set dinner table. I call it yeah and it's gon na be banana leaf and everyone eats with their hands. That's what i'm encouraging! That's awesome for that, it's optional! So what do we have? First, you have the bakwa with the ginger face and the bakwa is the singapore.

Oh yeah, the char like it's sweet and kind of crumbly in your mouth and so smokey that umami from the fat burning follow that with the okay ginger drink, yeah, just ginger starter clean your palate get ready for your wow. That's awesome! Oh yeah! It's perfectly! Not too sweet so refreshing, so crisp, oh yeah, that's amazing, cool! That's a perfect combination too, because we got the sweet, pork, sweet, smoky pork and then the really cold, refreshing, ginger, nice and cold. Amazing combination, together, uh during during the food truck days we were doing, is off the street of superbit 19.. We just served with some dipping sauce.

My mouth was: okay cool, so we're gon na plate. It now all right - and this is oxton yep - there's nothing better to eat off of than a banana leaf in the world. Thank you, cub and uh. We have some mixed nuts here in case you want to chit chat while you get okay, so the first well now, actually maybe.

The second course is ready, but i love the concept here. It's a dining room chef's table but smoke table. So the first thing is oxton grilled ox tongue - oh wow. That is insane like that.

Totally startled me. I thought i was going to have to chew. So tender sorry is what's the sauce on top chef uh? Is it pickled, garlic and peanuts for lemons? Oh okay, yeah and chili wow - that is incredible. Next is okay: sambal for the for the year yeah the fish that we have our smoke, yeah gon na wrap the entire fall put the sambal on top and wrap it through in the amber nice.

Nice, dried shrimp, crushed pork lot and masala awesome yeah, we're gon na put them over here, first, so the fat of the pork and the dried shrimp. This one is crazy right now and then, when i go to malaysia, ikan bakar is one of the things i love the most. I love you guys so this time you just chuck it in the chimney, the camera chuck it in the chimney. Oh, this is the the side of it yeah.

Okay, oh this is the chimney where the the wood burns - okay, sweet. Sorry, when you're moving or something nice and sharp. How did you get so into smoked? Uh i've been i like barbecuing stuff, yeah yeah, because every restaurant i used to work. I was always the main course.
Guy yeah there was a. Are you big size go to man cause you big guy go to make horse chef chef. I want to do salads. So i ended up doing a lot of grilling okay, so that's that's how i get involved deeper and deeper more into the smoking barbecuing stuff, but then everyone's been doing barbecuing like you know, texas style, american style or whatever.

Why not do like the proper asian way? We have nice chassis, we have nice pecking ducks and all that stuff right yeah. Why not promote it more? You know ikan bakar, you know only the asian knows, but then half of the world doesn't know. So i would love to promote that too yeah. That's awesome! Philosophy, i agree fully agree.

It's so juicy there's a pool of juice in the mushroom, so all the ingredients are ready. All everything's smoked, the biryani is ready. Chef is about to set the table ready. Okay, so this is biryani.

Oh, it smells so good. Asian slaw quill sambal with real egg; sorry, wow, salt and dried shrimps. Next, you need the mush, oh! Is it the portobellos yeah and some bok choy yeah, goat gold, lake, goat leg, curry? Okay, there you go dude that smells insane. Pork knuckle curry! Oh wow! Oh man, some house curd onions, yes, crispy, poplar, fried curry, leaf wow sprinkle them on top.

This is the garnish sprinkle good to go. You can get more curry if you want yeah. This is our sriracha wings yeah. We almost forgot about the wings yeah.

This is like sriracha wings, okay pilot. It literally is a mountain of food. The aromas in here are insane the mixture of everything. That's one of the greatest things about this style of eating is just how everything mingles together, okay, ikan bakar, is always one of my favorite things, and because it's right in front of me on the top, i'm just going to dig into that ikanbakar right now and Ikan bakar is a malay, malay, grilled fish with sambal, and so this one is king mackerel right, the juiciness of it, the sun ball.

In there, oh man, curry leaves oh okay. The oily juices are out of control, wow the richness of it, the umami, the smokiness. It's all just like a happy packet in that banana leaf. Oh, that is happiness.

Oh, i need to chase that with some rice. If i can find the rice i'm eating on you, where's that bitty honey, i'm gon na, have to part the part. The seas part. The beauty on you, oh there's, just it's just like layer upon layer of sauce, chutney, sambal meat and the biryani down at the bottom.

There i found it. Oh man, oh wow, it's so rich and so fluffy all at the same time. Everything just comes together in an absolutely perfect harmony, even though every dish is so separate. At the same time, they taste like perfect, together just mixed together, i'm gon na move on to the leg, and i'm talking about the the goat leg.
Oh, it's just it's just completely sliding out of the bun i actually have to. I actually have to stabilize it to keep the meat from falling off the bone and you smell like the sweet spices in there, too kind of like a cinnamon. Oh, i just lost a chunk wow and all that spice has just been completely melted into the goat. Look at that inside.

It's like a straight up: brisket, goat brisket, but then just like with spices, curry smoked, curry just swimming in smoke. Curry! Oh, oh yeah! That's hot, maybe put this back onto the rice. Oh curry leaves in there mix this with biryani yeah. I'm gon na take this opportunity to chase with a chili.

Hmm that just completes the experience. I think we're moving on to the next leg. Look at the bone! Look at that wow a little serving it's like a slice of cake. Look at that! Look at that skin.

There is just complete, like you, don't even need teeth for that. It's like a ham that just melts in your mouth, that's baby food. A baby could eat the tenderness of this dude. It's so tender laughter and happiness of happiness.

Here we've got the egg sambal coil egg sambal, i'm gon na mix some onions into it too. Oh and how about a little piece of coat while i'm at it? Oh all the shrimp, the dried shrimp umami. I can guarantee you you're just going to want to put your face into this mountain of food. Let's try the portobello mushrooms wow, all the juiciness, the juiciness, the like liquid smoke just comes out of it and finally, the chicken wing, the smoked sriracha chicken wing.

Oh wow. Yes, you can taste the smoke. You've got that tangy almost like a barbecue sauce sriracha, and then you just taste the way it's just been smoked all the way into the bone. Okay, i think, have we tried every everything yeah.

I think that's everything and now we're just gon na repeat extraordinary, gourmet, culinary experience. This is spectacular. Where do a lot of the recipes come from? There is so i've been raised by my grandmother for like over than a decade so and that's in malaysia yeah. That's in malaysia, oh yes, little town called.

So i was a village boy during the the schooling days and she used to cook something like this and you know as i grow up, i've tried eating curries in many places, but you know the taste memory where you've grown and you have eaten every day actually Set the standard of a good curry unknowingly, so i asked for her recipe and then i tweaked a little bit we're doing barbecue stuff and just it's a tribute to her very cool. So these are family family recipes, but then, like tweaked a little bit and smoked out yeah playful, it smoked out. I almost totally forgot about the bok choy hiding underneath there, and you can just see that perfect char on the bok choy smoked out. It's still crisp and juicy has a little bit of like a a sambal chili taste to it too.

It's just like a mountain of melted, smoked, meat and sauces and sambals. Almost all of the meat on the goat, drumstick has just fallen off, just like literally just slipped off the bone, but there is still some bits to nod: go curry yeah this meal is just straight up like a an american barbecue had a head-on collision with southeast Asia, starting to get the meat sweats pushing out from your skin, it means sweating sweats, it's almost like you're swimming in it, oh, but yeah, guaranteed to just get all over your face and you're gon na love it just the mixing and matching is out of control. Yeah, oh yeah, the yogurt wow. I one of the top recommendations.
I can give you when you come to eat here. Do not wear jeans, do not use a belt elastic is the only way to go. You need. You need room for expansion.

Thank you, bob. Okay. So take away a whole clay pot to take home, that's awesome and then but jeff also did tell us that uh. If you come here with uh friends, if you come here, you get a lotus leaf to pack to take away um, and then you can bring it home and reheat it all right, you're better at packing than i am okay.

And so that's our takeaway. In a clay pot - and this is also how they do delivery chef was saying you could take it to the park - you could unwrap it, you could eat it anywhere, spread out, the banana leaves eat it at home, eat it on the street any surface. You find you can unwrap a package and i cannot wait to reopen this again. All you need, after a meal like that yeah.

That's all either something juicy but anyway for dessert uh, just fresh fruit. That is all you need after that meal, but i am just ultra to the max of satisfaction right now. One more question is emotion: one is a smoke. One is the process of smoking.

It's a process of smoking where require high emotion and high understanding of fire. So therefore it's called our one awesome explanation, great name, and it's like a perfect name for the food that we just ate. It's my most favorite thing you have to show off so how many years did you sell out of the truck uh two years? Okay, almost yeah, so this is where i i start my day by finding where's the light yeah you ready. Oh, oh, that is heavy the entire clay pot all the leftovers.

It is a hidden gem of a restaurant uh and then also the amount of care. The amount of love and passion that is put into the food into the process and then, additionally, just how everything is so personal. The food is so personal and it would really be fun to go with friends gather a group of people together go with friends for a feast of a meal, a meal that you will never forget. Amazing amazing, food and unique dishes that you won't find anywhere else.

Huge thank you to chef bank and the entire team at arom, kwan and again i'll have all the information in the description box that you can check out and thank you very much for watching this video. Please remember to give it a thumbs up if you enjoyed it, leave a comment below i'd love to hear from you and if you're not already subscribed, click subscribe and also click the little bell icon. That way, you'll immediately get notified of the next video that i published thanks again for watching goodbye from bangkok, and i will see you on the next video.

By Mark

10 thoughts on “Extreme Malaysian Food!! BIRYANI MOUNTAIN + Smoked Goat Leg – Unseen Eating Experience!!”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars John Rozz says:

    I feel very zealous sir, im in Penang for the past 2 years we cant eat what we want. I cant buy the food which i like. Its very hard pressed days.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ali Shahidinejad says:

    Great food and the chef manner was awesome. I hope one day I eat there. Peace from Australia.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jackie AQ says:

    I just don't know what to say about this video. If I could 👍🏾100k 😍. Just speechless, this chef and his team are A-Mazing!!!

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kuro Truesdale says:

    Yes. Good culture. Don't waste food. It's not shame to take leftover. Especially this kinda extreme wonderful meal

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mugam Velan says:

    that chef 👩‍🍳 should put all in one ☝️ in bread 🥖 call asian sandwich,not Subway sandwich 🤣😂

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Yang Lu says:

    Mark that meal looks amazing! I will definitely have to try them one day! How far in advance do we need to make reservations? And can we keep the clay pot or do we have to return it? Oh and the price point please?

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars John Michael says:

    And My Previous Indian Friend is Right, India is Incredible as i saw it in its Youtube Advertisements and it Really Is!

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars sidhartha1 says:

    always thumbs up for you but this one is for the humble, well spoken, awesome chef! 😀 One of the BEST briyani's episodes ever on YouTube!!

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Upasana Ganguly says:

    I loved this video.. i really do not k ow why your videos are so satisfying to watch, but they really are.. keep making such videos.. love you loads

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Manju Bellad says:

    Buddy I couldn’t stop my mouth watering
    U got ur wish of the the best food
    I envy u bro

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