🍜 Japan’s Best Beef - Miyazaki A5 Wagyu: https://youtu.be/TfRJal0QLSo
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MIYAZAKI, JAPAN: Miyazaki, located in the southern part of Kyushu island in Japan is extremely famous for its chicken, beef, and seafood - including the prized local spiny lobsters. To today we're driving along the coast of Miyzaki to eat some of the ultimate fresher seafood catch - including the freshest ever lobster sashimi and a kaisen don with raw seafood over rice.
Lobster sashimi: https://goo.gl/maps/E5A88xiyChpUCQNJ8 - The first place was off the beaten path, a small family run seafood hut on the side of the ocean known for their local lobsters. I chose one of the biggest they had - though not that huge. And in approximately 15 seconds it was lobster sashimi. It was so fresh and so sweet, and the lobster head was made into a delicious miso soup. Highly recommend this amazing little seafood restaurant in Miyazaki.
Price - 6,000 JPY ($45.89) total for lobster meal
Kaisen don at Taikai: https://goo.gl/maps/Br6rQpHLseWb6n4y6 - Next up we drove just down the road to the next bay along the coast, headed for an extremely famous seafood restaurant known for their lobster and kaizen dons. A kaizen don included rice topped with a medley of fresh seafood, this bowl included almost a dozen different seafood from abalone to fish. It was ultra fresh and pure. Finally we also ordered a big plate of fresh raw sashimi to complete this incredible day of seafood on the coast of Miyazaki, Japan.
Price - 2,750 JPY ($21.03) per meal
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🎥 Camera gear I use: https://amzn.to/3FVdBUd

Hey everyone hope you're having an amazing day! It's Mark Wiens I'm on the coast of Japan on the island of Kyushu in Miyazaki and this Coast is especially well known for their local Japanese red spiny lobsters and so today we are going to go to a couple of Hidden Gem seafood restaurants where they specialize in Lobster Sashimi It's going to be some of the greatest ever! Lobster Sashimi In all of Japan we're going to see the process. We're probably gonna have some sashimi and some fish and some other local seafood as well. It's going to be absolutely delicious! I Cannot wait to share all of the food coming up with you right now! Oh it's so happy to be here! So clean and air is so fresh the ocean. driving here the views of the sea were spectacular.

And just to give you a quick perspective of where we are, we are in Japan on the island of Kyushu which is in southern Japan and then we are in the Miyazaki prefecture along the coast of Kyushu Island and this particular Coast here is famous for seafood, especially during the right season. They are famous for the Japanese red spiny lobsters and we have just arrived to the restaurant. It is just a small family-run Seafood Shack this is a Japanese seafood Hidden Gem so step inside, it's warm and cozy again. their main thing that you come here to eat is the local Lobster and then they also have a few other side dishes.

One of the other things that we have to get is the lobster miso soup which they're gonna make with the head from the Sashimi So we're gonna see the whole process and then we're gonna Lobster Sashimi is coming up. We've also reserved a table and then also reserved asked them to to book us their best quality Lobster this is the largest size we're gonna have Sashimi this is the local fresh spiny Red Lobster off the coast of Kyushu and Chef is about to to make sashimi right now and then miso soup with the head. come on we made that Lobster Sashimi in like 20 seconds to the table. That was the fastest love Sashimi I've ever seen in my life.

Oh that was unbelievable. That is as fresh as you could possibly ever hope to imagine. Wow, that was the most record fast Sashimi preparation of a lobster I've ever seen so expertly, so fast. What a centerpiece of lobster.

And then the way he made that Sashimi I mean he literally he takes out the tail of the meat and then you see that color. You can just see how firm and how sweet that meat is going to be and even the color of it, that transparency. And from what they say, because of the strong currents of the water off the coast here the lobsters developed this really unique and distinct texture and that's what also gives them that sweetness and that complexity of flavor. And that's why I Mean they're known for having some of the best lobsters in all of Japan here.

I Cannot wait to try it. Look at that meat. the pinkness. he doesn't even slice it, he kind of just like shreds it because it that just relies on the natural shreds of the lobster and the stringiness of the lobster.
Nice meaty bites of lobster as well, that color that transparency that is absolutely breathtaking I Just want to taste the pureness of it the Japanese way. Thank you! Wow! oh that might be the best single Lobster but I've ever had the sweetness, the texture. it has this little bit of a chew but then it kind of melts in your mouth at the same time. Wow, these lobsters are the king of the seas in Japan that bite will tell you why that is Sensational the flavor keeps on kind of like releasing Lobster juice in your mouth.

guaranteed you'll never have a fresher bite of Lobster in your life. We've got a little bit of Wasabi though. that soy sauce I Love how he cuts it though. just meaty thick chunks the natural slices of the lobster for a quick little dip in the soy sauce and was heavy that muscular texture.

it is good with the soy sauce. I'll be giving it a little bit of saltiness to contrast that sweetness man that is Lobster in its purest and finest. I'm almost speechless. Can I try this? Unfortunately, we got here too late and they sold out of it.

They only had a little bit of extra fish which they made Sashimi for us. but man, their Kaizen Don looks so good. Unfortunately, we won't be able to taste it, but just a few slices of fish here. um that we can taste.

The freshness is just as fresh as possible. The texture of that muscularity and the sweetness of that is just that is straight up Lobster Like ice cream All men liquify sweet muscular. That's intentional. Time for the miso soup.

Appreciate: slices that head in half and immediately the burst. It bursts with the tamoli, the head butter and then directly into hot boiling water. You can see that commonly just kind of floating through the surface that's gonna mix into the soup. That's gonna make it rich and add so much flavor.

Foreign. There's a little bit of tofu down here and then there's a little bit. He added a little bit of cabbage. There's some seaweed as well in case that miso broth.

Oh there it is. The the row. Oh man. boil that head.

All the flavors are coming out. This looks so good. The Miso soup probably is incredible. Sweet and nutty with a hint of bitterness.

For complexity, all that is. What a way to use a lobster head. Oh and look at all the meat in the bottom of that head. Break it out.

Look. the tamale just comes up. It's still oozing. Oh look at that Look at that.

meat with the it's liquefying. I like how he didn't make it too too salty so you still taste the sweetness of that Lobster that's sensational. I Want some rice to Chase steaming by being hot roast and then there's so much more meat to explore on this head too. Oh it's such a simple preparation and with the Miso soup, it doesn't overpower any flavors of the natural.

Lobster yeah that really is the the Japanese way to be able to cook something with such Simplicity and respect the the natural ingredient wholeheartedly. This is one of the greatest lobsters I think I've ever had. might be good with a little soy sauce, a little drizzle and then follow that with more of the initial soup show warming and the Miso soup here. it's so good.
I Mean it's not from a package, it's I mean it's not fresh, it's fermented, but it is fresh in the sense that it's not packaged or chemical, just a natural sweetness. Go to the last drop. Oh thank you Micah Oh my. God Thank you thank you very much! That was outstanding and delicious And they're so friendly, so nice, so welcoming.

It's just a family run small restaurant serving honest, classic, local, as fresh as possible seafood and again the fastest ever. Lobster sashimi. We're gonna head down the coast just a little ways and there's some other seafood restaurants we're gonna try to go to one more seafood restaurant and especially focus on a kaisendan. um and maybe see what else they have on the menu.

but that's the plan. We need some more. Seafood Literally just a few hundred meters down from the last restaurant down the beach, we are at the next seafood restaurant. This place is extremely popular.

very famous. They're known again for lobsters, but they have kaisendons. They have sushi. They have local fresh seafood so we're gonna hopefully eat some fish here.

Oh this place is so nice and we're We're sitting upstairs so we have a view over the bay. Oh What A Beautiful restaurant up here? Yes! I'm ready for some fish now after that. Lobster looks like a type of local seaweed as a little appetizer. Oh you can see it's kind of like foamy from that sea water.

almost like noodles. Wow Oh that's incredible. It's sweet and sour. kind of feel like noodles in your mouth but slimy.

Oh that's so many flavors. It's really good so it is like vinegar and sugar. I think vinegar vinegar that gives it a real sweet and sour taste to it. very slippery.

This is a surprise. non-seafood but Miyazaki Chicken this is chicken nun uh deep fried chicken and then with tartar sauce. Japanese Style Oh that looks really good. Oh you can see how juicy it is.

Some onions down there, some sauce as well. and then the Japanese tartar sauce. This is a total surprise non-seafood dish, but it came with our entire set meal here and this is something that you'll find across. Miyazaki It's very famous because again, well like we're covering in another episode.

Miyazaki Chicken is some of the best chicken on Earth in Japan Foreign delicious. It's fried chicken but then it's just like absorbed with this kind of salty, slightly acidic sweet sauce with the creaminess of the tartar sauce. Really really tasty. We'll show you guys impressive the freshness.

The color of the seafood is just so vibrant you can tell how fresh it is. We got this amazing mixed Sashimi platter and it includes the centerpiece which is a horse mackerel and some other varieties of fish. I think there's some squid on there and then a whole Abalone Sashimi as well. that is just gorgeous.
But then the main thing that we came I mean also to their specialty here is that kaisendon that's a mix of different seafood over rice. Let's just get started with that. Sashimi Soy sauce. Resist this first piece of fish.

look at how perfect it is. Oh man, that looks like a slice of butter, but better. Oh not only does it look like butter, it feels like butter in your mouth that just melts. There's zero stringiness to it, just dissolves on your tongue.

Wow, that's the the purest Sashimi ever. What? So good? I Picked this one. Up Up top here is the the horse mackerel, which is what the centerpiece is. cool.

Wow, that's so fresh. Don has a totally different texture. not so buttery, more of a crisp texture to it, moving right along the red meat of the tuna. So pure it's butter again, just melts with no gristle or chewy bits whatsoever.

A bologna sashimi. Oh the crispy texture. Yeah, it feels like cartilage in your mouth. One of the questions I had is what's the difference between chirashidan and kaisendon? Something I just learned is that chirashidan is like a the rice is vinegared and sweetened just like sushi rice.

and so it's basically sushi in a bowl with all the different toppings. A Kaizen Done is just straight up rice with the variety of Seafoods on top. and actually there's even a few pieces of fried chicken on top as well. so it's more like a everything fresh right on top of a fresh bowl of rice.

That's the kaisen done and that's something that they specialize in here. and this is a beautiful. It's like a bouquet, looks like a flower arrangement of different Seafoods all on top there's Abalone There's shrimp, there's fish, there's Salmon Road there's egg. there's I think a scallop.

There must be at least a dozen different things going on on top of this rice. It's beautiful. This is the sauce for the Kaizen done which you can drizzle a little bit of a sweet soy sauce I think and then you can drizzle a little bit of this on. start with a little drizzle.

Look at that. There's so many things fried fish skin. There's the I Think this is the the minced fatty tuna. Wasabi Look at that shrimp.

Should we start with that shrimp? right now? there's some of the same fish that was on our Sashimi plate as well. Oh, that's Abalone That's the Little Hook of the Abalone and there's more Abalone on here scallop. There's so much going on. that shrimp is calling my name though that looks like it's melting with sweetness.

Oh, it's like a candy shrimp. It's so sweet in the texture. superb. While the sweetness.

oh, there's some of those little fish under there they didn't even know. Um, with the warm rice on the bottom, this is just Seafood I think in its purest form I mean nothing is added, just that drizzle of soy sauce over it. but it's just the pure Taste of the rice. all the different fresh Seafoods This is the taste of sea completely untouched in a bowl, sliced and in your bowl.
In that Wasabi until it's freshly grated. it's so mild. How about that crispy fishkin? Really crispy. I Think it's fried fish.

really heavy and dense. It's 99 raw, but just one thing deep fried. Look is the texture of chicken. but I think it's fish deep fried but really dense.

like it's heavy. just Ultra fresh rice ball Seafood with an entire Seafood over it. Then finally the miso soup. Whoa.

Big piece of fish in it too. Let's try that fish first. Oh that fish melts in your mouth and that miso soup is so soothing. It has this sweetness to it and it's also you can see the the fish oil floating around on top that gives it so much flavor.

Final move: she said you could once you start getting to the bottom of your question. Done! You can add on this broth or soup I think we're to that point. I'm gonna try it. Oh is that the right thing to do? Oh and then eat it with a spoon.

Oh it's like a broth, a soupy rice porridge with the rest of the seafood and rice. I Don't know if it's kind of a a kelp flavor, but it's lots of umami. Even though it's not salty, it's really good at the end of your meal. Soothing, but what? Uh, Sashimi overdose in some of the freshest fish like ever.

So good, so sweet, so natural Seafood in its absolute Purity and freshest State possible. We just finished with the kaisen done and that Sashimi platter one of the best freshest possible and our total bill came to under 11 000. And that just got me thinking I mean also at the lobster the entire Lobster that we had Sashimi that was six thousand. This our total bill was eleven thousand, but the kaisendon was 2750.

that entire Sashimi platter Was 1980 Yen and so I'll do all the conversions. but man, that's like so affordable for the value and quality that you get really outstanding quality and value for your money. I mean I'm sure if you were in Tokyo it would be double or triple the cost and then if you're I mean outside of Japan it would be double or triple or quadruple and not even close to the freshness and the quality that completes an outstanding day of seafood on the island of Kyushu in Miyazaki local Lobster Sashimi which was outstanding. but man, what a way to finish with this kaizendon and all the fresh seafood and sashimi that was outstanding.

Again, the quality, the value, the freshness. the Vibrance it was just so good. Highly recommended both places and the back-to-back combo could not have been better. I Will have both of these restaurants in the description box below that you can check out and so make sure you watch this entire series.
All of the dishes Delicious food Miyazaki A5 Wagyu Miyazaki Chicken Kagoshima, Kurobata Pork. it's uh, some insanely delicious food I Want to say a big thank you to you for watching this video? Please remember to give it a thumbs up if you enjoyed it. I Also would like to say thank you to the Kyushu Tourism Visit Kyushu for helping to make reservations and set this tour up. And oh man, we're eating our way through! Kyushu There's so much good food, so many good product driven foods to try.

Well thanks again for watching and I will see you on the next video.

By Mark

17 thoughts on “Extreme japanese food!! 20 seconds lobster sashimi kaisen don in miyazaki!”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Monica Romero says:

    That would probably cost over $100 in the US. Why is that? Makes me say Hmmmmmm…. Compared to 20,44 dollars and it’s fresh out the sea. US can take some tips from other countries .

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Скромная Жизнь says:

    Of the fish, I like the head the most! The most delicious part of the fish is the head! 👍

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Shinobi says:

    Concerning that this lobster is still moving when served with its head fully intact. Is it actually dead??? Seems cruel.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars classical7 says:

    Eating chipotle for dinner watching this. Now I want seafood!! 😭

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars PabloAMC says:

    Dude that lobsters antennae’s are moving

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars unebonnevie says:

    Incredible dishes for insanely affordable prices!

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Victor Lui says:

    Hi Mark Weins =]

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Roan612 says:

    I feel so bad for that lobster. As mark was eating it's flesh, it was still moving.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ryan S says:

    Lobsters are the cockroaches of the ocean.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Linda Barnes says:

    I just can't watch that lobster keep moving!!

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Eli Rivera says:

    What a cruel way to eat a lobster, it was alive watching you eat its lower half. 😢😢😢

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hola! ClOuD says:

    Video quality is so good. Have you hired people to edit?

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Juansolis says:

    Nice n fresh what better way than to have Mark enjoy a lobster 🦞

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dominique Jones says:

    I enjoyed this video

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Exploringwithruz says:

    I love all your videos Mark. I even have my own food hunting videos inspired by you. Thank you!

    – Big fan from SINGAPORE 🇸🇬

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dingdong says:

    Can't be fresher than the lobster watching you eat it 😅 that thing was still alive

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Let’s Talk says:

    Mark I love watching your posts but this one is cruel the lobster is still Alice watching you eat is barbaric I’m sorry it’s very cruel 🤬

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