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MADRID, SPAIN - Welcome to Madrid, Spain, home to the oldest continually open restaurant in the world, since 1725. Tonight I’m going with my friends Jeffrey and Hsien to go eat some of their signature dishes, and I can’t wait to share this legendary meal with you right now.
Friends in the video:
Jeffrey Merrihue (https://www.instagram.com/xtremefoodies_/)
Hsien Tan
Sobrino de Botín or Restaurant Botín (https://goo.gl/maps/ptRTA3m1diPJ1rmi9) is not only the oldest restaurant in Spain, but the oldest restaurant in the world, operating since 1725. They specialize in Spanish food and particularly roast suckling pig, which they’ve been serving ever since they opened. What’s also amazing is that their stone oven fire is never extinguished, it’s been flaming and never gone out ever since they’ve been open.
We started off our meal with a few sides and beginning dishes, some baby eels - a delicacy in Spain in olive oil, garlic, and a few dried chilies. They were excellent, although very expensive. Next we had a few vegetable based dishes, some beans with jamon and mushrooms topped with olive oil and garlic. After that I had a chance to see in the horno or the oven room the preparation of the suckling pig. It’s roasted for approximately 2 hours, basted with a sauce to increase the crispiness of the skin. The suckling pig is served in a massive clay boat sized tray and typically served onto your own individual plate. The suckling pig is delicious, and I especially enjoyed all that meat broth at the bottom of the pan.
Finally for dessert we had a milk cake and the highlight was a Spanish cheesecake.
Although Sobrino de Botín or Restaurant Botín, being the oldest restaurant in the world is a tourist attraction, they have maintained the quality of their food and I think it was well worth a visit, especially for any food lover, it’s truly a landmark pilgrimage destination.
Total price - €543.89 ($552.46) for 4 adults. The eels were very pricey, everything else was reasonable.
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Everyone hope you're having an amazing day it's mark wiens. I'm in in madrid spain and tonight for dinner. We are going to go eat at the continually operating restaurant in the entire world. They've been open since 1725 you have to see these bottles over here.

They haven't moved in centuries. Their wood fire oven is absolutely amazing they're known for suckling pig. But they also have some incredible other dishes on their menu. I'm gonna meet up with my friend jeffrey for dinner tonight and so we're on our way to go eat at the oldest restaurant in the world.

And i can't wait to share all of the amazing food with you coming up right now didn't call them ice. So again welcome to spain welcome to madrid and i'm at plaza mayor. Which is one of the main central gathering areas plazas in madrid and the restaurant is just off one of the the roads very close here. But oh i'm just loving the history.

The heritage the beauty of madrid. It's an amazing city. I believe that it was originally called casa botin or just botin. But since now.

The name has changed to sobrino de botin or just restaurante botin and i mean for you for me as food lovers. This is just one of the ultimate heritage historical landmark destinations for food being the oldest restaurant in the world. This is just amazing i absolutely cannot wait the immense history here is almost unbelievable jeffrey jeffrey yo. Vote team welcome to madrid oldest continuous running restaurant in the world okay here we are we are entering restaurant again since 1725.

And this is the opening room here foreign they have a variety of different seating options. But we're going to choose to go down to the the grotto or the inner sanctum inner sanctum. The dungeon it looks like a dungeon yes. It does okay the trick for you is to film that without falling down.

And killing yourself down the steps gingerly walk down the steps. Oh. This is so cool down here. It feels like you're entering into a cave.

It. Even you can even feel the dampness. The humidity down here oh and it just opens up into a a culinary cavern. Okay before ordering i'm going to step down to the even oldest part of this restaurant.

Which is the wine cellar. Oh man it really is like entering into a cave. Oh. This is amazing.

It is ancient you have to see these bottles over here they haven't moved in centuries look at this bottle. I mean. It's slightly spooky almost feels like a you're at the bottom of a shipwreck just completely frozen in time so the seller back here dates back to 15 19. That's unbelievable.

This is like the foundation. The history of madrid okay. It's time to go eat a collection one of the great chinese of spain you cannot get this outside of spain. It is amazing foreign you can feel the humidity.

It really is a cave foreign and you got to be with jeffrey too who knows his wines another glass of wine on my shirt. I never even think about it so the menu is actually quite extensive they have a bunch of hors d'oeuvres. They have a bunch of fish dishes. They have uh some vegetables some egg dishes.
But really i think the highlight here and what you really come here to eat are the roasted and grilled meats and something that you absolutely have to order is the roasted suckling pig. Something they've done for hundreds of years in that oven that we saw uh. So we're definitely going to get the roast. Suckling pig specialty and then jeffrey has also been talking about the where are they on the menu.

The fried eels or something like that which we also have to try oh that's what it is there it is the baby eels whoa. I think that's the most expensive thing on the menu too next one jeffrey oh. This is a millennium. Pescara and this will be quite something.

It's going to be very very strong so we're going to need to decant it so it'll calm down a bit okay it'll go well with the pig. Okay. I'm coming in the kitchen. Oh.

He's flipping. The pig that crackling that hiss is unbelievable. I mean they're just roasting in that fire that has been burning since 1725. The fire is immortal.

It's never gone out it's always been on fire since the beginning do you use all the flip. The flip oh look how juicy. It is wow how long do they roast foreign about two hours. Okay you have a lot of subscribers.

I'm one of them thank you how many can you fit in the oven about 15. Yeah. Foreign. Okay first thing that has arrived is a basket of bread.

Oh yeah. It's very very thick and feels chewy not bad. But i'm gonna shave myself for the main events foreign baby eels with garlic wow. The first few dishes have emerged including the first dish.

The baby eels those really are baby eagles. Yeah. They look like almost like pasta and they give you these wooden forks which actually say restaurant to eat. And that's specifically for the eels.

Yes. Oh okay. So you don't i think because they're so delicate. You don't wanna.

You don't want to break them with a metal fork. Oh. There's a few chilies. In here.

There's two pieces of chili in this dish. No there's one over here. There's three. I've never had eels ocean pasta like this before i actually dropped an eel on them wow.

That is that's an eel experience like i've never had before in my life. Yeah. It's the real eel deal it really is they're so soft. And you don't feel any of the bone structure at all they're just so tender.

All the way through all those are insane. It's insane yeah those are insane come to boutique. You know and you have the pig. I've never had an eel like that in my life next dish are the setas in uh.

Some of the kamon and they almost look like shiitake mushrooms. But there's garlic in here as well i'll move to the metal fork. So i can actually poke it with some of that garlic um. The mushrooms do almost taste like chicago mushrooms.
But with that ham to power them up and that garlic like buttery sauce just absorbed into the sponginess of the mushrooms. Oh. And we got some beans. Here beans with amon great to eat some vegetables before the meats come on oh no shrimp really good like green beans.

Just thicker and hardier and a very soft and tender just kind of melt in your mouth. These eels are something truly spectacular. So will you find this all over spain these eels are only at a mean they're expensive. So yeah.

Very pricey yeah they are very pricey eels are unbelievable yeah they take fish and it's like almost like a pig. Wait can we do a oh. There it is here it is it's arrived at the main event. It's literally a pig boat yeah.

So it comes to your table literally an entire trough of boat. This is the cooking pan that it's cooked within that that oven with the fire that's been burning since 1725 there's still hairs on the skin it's crispy golden bubbling and he brushes it a number of times to make ensure that it goes so crispy. There's a pool of pig juice on the bottom. They will actually plate it all up for us.

But we just have to take this opportunity for a drumstick. Oh. It's so crispy oh. It's like a chicken thigh.

Almost what have you got i've got the the hind leg. I have like rack of big rack a pig first bite reduce it reduce. It. Oh first bite of the suckling pig.

At motun. E. Oh. Wow.

That skin is so crispy to me. It is so tender. And milky. The contrast.

It's like crunch. It just shatters. Yeah. It shatters in your mouth.

Oh that broth juice siding. Juicy. And juiciness. It's so crispy.

No need to chew. The meat. Okay. Press your tongue up against the top of your mouth.

And it'll just melt completely melts in your mouth okay now i think they're gonna plate it. Oh. This is the plating here also normally it's served on a plate. Okay.

Gracias comes. The suckling pig over. There. The meat is just super delicate especially in the ribs area right.

Now that they played it all out. I'm moving back to another piece some of the ribs. I think these are rigs yeah look at that skin. This is some of the rib section so totally different section.

You can see how crispy that skin is. Oh. I tried to go. Yeah.

Oh wow. That is extremely tasty. It's so tender. So milky and fatty and then again.

They have that contrast of the crispy skin so juicy at the same time that's some really tasty roast pigs and then you're gonna want to get up as much of that pork juice as possible just mop it up with every single bite potatoes broth at the bottom of your plate. It's unbelievable that might be the best thing on the plate the broth. The pig broth so you have three things happening. But that third the third texture the third dimension that broth at the bottom is a highlight so remember a lot of times.
It was 25 years ago so yeah the broth is amazing incredibly juicy. I'm using my hands the skin. I know the only thing to do is to take as much of that that meat pig broth and re rehydrate pro move. Oh oh.

It's so incredibly juicy so moist so tender. And so. Crispy. Yeah.

And that broth. Is really a highlight s of cheesecake. Wow. And if i'm not mistaken.

This was one of the original dishes that they started serving on their menu in 1725 and nothing has changed ever since it might be something about that secret fire that's been burning since 1725 that's just an eternal fire look at this rose pigs okay. It is time and he actually he actually cut it cut it for us already the bottom look the brain is already falling up. I think we should do a. I think we can break it and do a break yeah they didn't cut it in half.

Okay. Let's do it ready a break a half a head for you half ahead. So the main things to eat are the cheek and the brain let's see if we get smarter oh in that oh there's some good broth on that plate too oh man some good broth dip the brain it's straight up pudding pig pudding. Oh okay next up for the cheek you went in the cheek.

I'm going in on the cheek look at how crispy that skin is oh just immediately going into that succulent tender meat the cheekbone. Oh. It's so tender. It's dripping.

Wow. With flavor yeah all over our fingers and faces. When i think about my brain. That cheek is amazing and the skin is just amazingly like like yeah literally like paper thin.

I suppose. It's not for the squeamish no not for the squeamish. I don't think so. But it's amazing yeah.

It is amazing if you're brave is amazing. And it's also great to see that like every part of the pig. Here is consumed. Yeah.

Um you can get the head. You can get the full. The whole thing. Yeah.

And they have and then i think what's also important to note is that they've served suckling pig like this since they opened in 1725 nothing has changed which is astounding and amazing and just one of the the coolest culinary landmarks in the world in the world yeah and the flame. There's no denying in the in the barbecue has never gone out never gone out that is the most amazing thing yeah. And this face is very fatty wow. It's really tasty though you could use your showers soon okay going for the year again for the year this is a cartilage itself and it's just a bit chewy.

But the flavor is just excellent you can put fattiness and the cartilage let's pure texture pure texture pure texture. I think that's like all about the face it's all the different textures that you get yeah one more bite. Yes. It's been a good meal with you guys honestly for such a tourist ic place the pig is objectively excellent.

It's exceeded my expectations it's like i thought it would be good. But it's actually excellent oh borderline amazing actually and that's from the juice. The crispiness of the skin and the delicacy of the meat coming from a major foodie who's eating a lot around spain and then definitely what do you think yeah i love well team i haven't been for 25 years and this exceeded my expectations everything was good and then the pig came and just to be repetitive three things skin. That's christmas.
You would want the meat as tender as you would want and the broth. What where'd that come from i've never seen it before game. Changer game changer protein go for another 500 years. Bravo cheesecake is so 30 years whatever arrives a little word from luis who's been our server who's been amazing service.

And he's been working here since 1991. It's like a house special dessert. This is uh oozing cheesecake with the burnt top crust okay go dylan so good. Oh.

My god wow wow. No words blueberry topping. Thank. You okay here.

We go cheesecake. Oh. It's so perfectly creamy and runny. It's not even too sweet.

No it's just like yeah. Cheesecake is amazing. And then this is the house special more like a it looks like a cross between a cake and a pie final bite here. At boating.

Almost like a banana cream pie with layers of cake and layers of white cream and pudding pudding and meringue all on the top. Yeah foreign again the world's oldest continually operating restaurant. It was an amazing experience the suckling pig early did exceed my expectations hola i exceeded my expectations exceeded all of our expectations really well done and that juice that broth at the bottom of the pan that they serve you on the bottom of your plate. That might be the best part of the entire experience.

It was so tasty just condensed flavor and yeah. I mean just the history. It's unparalleled. There's no doubt that it is a tourist attraction that people from all over the world come.

There. And yet they have really maintained the quality of the food and not just the suckling pig. But the side dishes the eel. Although extremely expensive was extremely delicious uh.

The mushrooms were amazing the beans. Really the food all of it was fantastic and so that's going to wrap up this video. Thank you so much for watching please remember to give this video. A thumbs up if you enjoyed it and also we'll be traveling around spain eating some amazing spanish food.

So there will be many many more videos to watch to check out. I'll have the link in the description box below and again. Thank you so much for watching i will see you on the next video.

By Mark

16 thoughts on “Eating at world s oldest restaurant!! 300 years of spanish food in madrid, spain!!”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Andjelkovic Jasmin says:

    In switzerland there is an even older one I think.🤣🤷‍♂️

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Daniel Browne says:

    “The real eel deal” Oh Jeffrey, you’re killing me😂

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars kiran dabhade says:

    Mark's signature step.. 😮😌

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Otto Man says:

    Worlds oldest restaurant? I dont think so. Riesen in Miltenberg is dated 1158

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Marem Adrianna Vlogs and Hauls says:

    I usually enjoy watching your videos but Wow, this one was just pure animal cruelty!!!! I cried seeing all those dead piglets .. how sickening.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hashem AL kbawe says:

    IAM Muslim😒🤢🤮🤷🤦🧟💩

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lo Kuihuay says:

    Wow..this is amazing restaurant,the foods looks so delicious.😋

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars steve says:

    wow just masterpiece speechless.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jfoodreviews says:

    I pray to make it to this long standing establishment ‼️‼️🇪🇸

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Helen Smith says:

    The broth while cooking was thrown away what a waste that broth could of been use for another dish.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars EH travel says:

    Ohh that’s so scary
    It’s really a cave

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hola! Sokphy Blakeman says:

    Wow! Mark, that restaurant was way way way before I was born. I wonder if I was exist during that time??? lol 😂. Thank you for sharing. God bless you all 🙏🙏🙏❤️

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Quita373 says:

    What a Great video Mark!! The food looked absolutely delicious!!! I certainly hope there is more to come in Spain! Thank you ❤️

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars PhilyMcnilly says:

    Why in God's name is he eating so close to the camera 👀

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars overanDownUnder says:

    Went to Madrid in 2003, was there for a week. I was amazed at how many street cleaners there were until I saw literally everyone littering. Haven’t returned because of that alone. Hopefully it’s gotten better.

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jackie Ann says:

    “The real eel deal”😆

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