๐Ÿ‡ฒ๐Ÿ‡ฆ Morocco Street Food in Casablanca: https://youtu.be/UPraU2V9ruk?si=EMkYQM0ArbNa3fyq
๐Ÿ‘• T-shirts: https://store.migrationology.com/
MARRAKESH, MOROCCO - Welcome to the thrilling city of Marrakesh, Morocco - and a Moroccan street food paradise. Today weโ€™re eating our way through the old town - weโ€™ll taste some of the most famous street foods and some things we find along the way. Itโ€™s going to be an exciting day of Moroccan street food in Marrakesh!
A huge thank you to Moroccan Food Tour (https://moroccanfoodtour.com/) for arranging my trip to Morocco!
Breakfast - We started with breakfast donuts - known as sfenj - the dough is made into a ring by hand and deep fried. I especially loved the ones that are flattened and then filled with an egg on the inside. Next we had bisarra - Moroccan fava bean soup, which was delicious.
Zaazaa - Next up we stopped in a fruit shop and had a deluxe avocado milkshake with all sorts of toppings.
Chez Omar Sandwich Mixte - One of the highlights was Chez Omar Sandwich Mixte who makes classic Moroccan fast food sandwiches made with a mix of meats and onions and coriander all sizzled in oil on a hot plate. Itโ€™s a Moroccan street food you have to eat when youโ€™re in Marrakesh. And it costs just 15 MAD ($1.49 USD)!
Continuing with this street food tour, we had some refreshing pomegranate juice, Loubia - Moroccan stewed white beans, and did some olives tasting.
Chez Lamine - Nothing is more famous in Marrakesh than Chez Lamine for their Mechoui - Moroccan pit roasted lamb. Itโ€™s quite a scene with all the lambs roasting in an underground oven.
Restaurant Tiznit - Full of lamb we headed to the next restaurant to try a Rabbit Tagine - Rabbit and raisins slow cooked in a clay pan, and another must eat dish in Marrakesh; Beef Tangia - Beef and spices slow cooked in clay vase.
Finally we finished this Moroccan food tour with a bowl of special local yoghurt.
Thank you again to all my friends from Moroccan Food Tour (https://moroccanfoodtour.com/) who made this day possible.
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Welcome to Mesh! Morocco One of the great food cities in the world. There's something delicious everywhere you look. He's been making it for 54 years. What a legend! Oh wall But be careful.

Mesh has a huge tourism industry and there's plenty of foods you'll want to avoid. The good news is today along with the help of my local friends from Moroccan Food Tours so good we'll be showing you where to eat some of the best Moroccan food in the city. Cheers man! Cheers Man! Oh wow Yes! from must eat street foods to Legendary restaurants that is the most amazing ofen lamb pit you'll ever see I mean it's just loaded with a dozen Lambs that are just skewered, you're about to find out why Mesh is one of the world's greatest! Street Food Cities Hey everyone hope you're having an amazing day! It's Markw and welcome to the Beautiful Historical, ancient and always delicious city of Marakesh In Morocco We are on our way to eat some of the best food in the city and we're about to start eating right now. Oh it's nice and quiet in the morning Muhammad Good morning, good morning.

How are you Very good? very good and you how nice? Yes yeah very good nor cheers Man Cheers Man Begin the day. Oh oh yes it's it's It's a big day ahead of us so we need to. It must be Must start with coffee. Oh yeah, that's without a doubt of course.

yeah. excellent. And so we're just actually passing through the Gy Alphanet which is it's a different vibe actually from uh, the day time to the night. Yeah, so the morning is quite quiet.

I mean there's still so many things going on. the flutes, the snake Charmers stalls setting up and just a continual Buzz of action. We're also with Fatima she's a local guide in mesh with Morocco Food Tours as well. Exactly? Are you from? Are you from mes? I'm from Maricas, grew up in the new parts of and now I live here.

This is the real Marash, you know, awesome, awesome, and where are we going first? Uh, now. actually we're hitting what we call Donuts so nothing like your Donuts you know, like caramel jam and stuff. not our style. All right, so it's going to be like Savory in that suweet.

So what locals eat either in the morning or late in the afternoon? Right now the the lanes are quite quiet as Marush is just waking up in the morning. but it's it's so beautiful. I mean walking these Lanes the spices the Aromas just a giant Marketplace of of all things. So behind me there's a photo to the same place from 1910 by the way.

So it's a job that's like inherited from a father to a son. The guy he doesn't allow anyone by the way like to make the donuts except for himself so when he's sick they shed down the whole place. You can see how wet that dough is. Yeah, so he has to wet his hand so it doesn't stick and he really molds that dough into ring shapes into donnut shapes with his fingers.

Oh man. So fast. Look at how fast he makes that ring just and directly into the hot pan of oil. Oh man, that is just true experience and skills.
The way he just squeezes that dough and the dough is wet. and as it starts to deep fry and boil the dough, you could just see how it starts to puff up. it gets really bubbly and then he fries it until it's completely golden crispy. Another version: they take the doughnut uh, mash it on the inside.

you can see how bubbly it is and then drop an egg in the center. Oh What A Move SC Yes, always tea with every meal and snack in. Morocco So it's always the green tea that we use. Okay, so green tea with the herbs.

Oh, there's stage Marum Nice! So there are three reasons why we pour. High By the way, the first is to make the Foam that you can see. okay, second reason to cool it down a little bit. and the third reason, the higher we pour, the more we welcome our guests.

Oh really. So it has a lot of cultural value. It's not it's it has a lot of meaning. Yes, of course.

sh oh man. you can see how it's really. It's really fluffy, really bubbly and light. And now you need to fold the paper.

Fold the paper. Yeah, yeah. there you go. Uh-huh and squeeze it.

and squeeze it. Really? Yes, it helps to reduce the oil and flatten it for you. Oh nice. So you do want to flatten it exactly okay.

Oh Oh yeah, You can see how that oil just soaks through the paper. That's a good sign of a doughnut though. And then you kind of flatten it like that. Is that? The and now you canat.

Oh nice. Okay, okay. you can feel how Airy and how bubbly that that dough is though. Oh man.

that's a unique dough for sure. All right. And then you eat it together with the teeth. You like it.

Oh yeah, yeah, it's a Savory dut. Really bubbly and crispy, but the inside is a little bit gooey spongy. Yes, yeah. straight up.

That's the name of the uh Donuts by the way. it's sponge. just spinge. Okay, yeah, it is straight up a sponge.

A crispy sponge though. And then definitely. You do want to drink that with tea? Yeah, because the doughnut is definitely a little oily and greasy. So to wash it down with a tea is a perfect combination.

And then for the egg one. Oh look at that one. Oh man, that is crispy and greasy and tasty. Oh yeah, that gives it a different texture that adds that that egg protein to it.

Everything is just like cemented together with the egg plastered. It's plastered together with the oil. Oh man, that's very tasty. Oh yeah, that's a tasty, crispy, oily breakfast.

but yeah, very good. And I love that. I mean Moroccan Mint tea with all the herbs with the sage in there with the mint. The fresh herbs just take the tea to another level.

Ah Oh yeah, what a way to begin the morning in Maresh conveniently literally right next door the neighbor where we're going to try our next food. We're stopping here to eat something called Bisara which is a fava bean soup. and at first I thought I mean it almost looks like a porridge like a wheat or a rice porridge because it's so white in color. But as soon as he starts scooping it out, you can smell the aroma of the fava beans.
So I think maybe the Skins are removed so that you've only got that fleshy interior of the fava beans to make into a puree of porridge. Oh man. I Love fava beans in all forms shape I mean I Love beans. Uh, so he dishes that out, he sprinkles in some cumin and then gives it a squirt of olive oil like you know, mix it with the spoon.

Uh, but to be honest, we as locals, we prefer to mix it with the bread like this. Oh okay, there you go and you eat it all right? That's a great tip though. from Fatima to mix it with the bread, stir in that olive oil. The cumin.

oh it's a really kind of a soupy consistency. Not too, not too thick, well thick, but soupy at the same time. Yes! I Love fava beans in all forms, shapes and sizes. yeah in all different formations.

Yeah, it's really starchy and thick. just the flavor of the cumin. I Like how it's not salty at all, just relying on the the the hardiness of the the fava beans. exactly.

It's pretty the it's pretty mild, but it's it's filling. It does need some chili. we got chili powder here I'll add some more cumin while we're at it and end. then you can take the bread.

Stir It Up try to scoop up as much as possible. Simple, hearty warming. I think it's just Simplicity too. that's just makes it really good.

Maybe a little more chili on this excellent breakfast? I mean straight up a like a beans porridge. So we're at the next place on Marakesh food tour and it's kind of a pastry shop. They have sweets and breads but then they're also famous for their juices, their smoothies, their fruits. So Z will be like an avocado smoothie.

so with a little bit of fruit, a little bit of like chocolate and biscuit on top it's Local's like heavy. like favorite heavy snack actually to eat like outside. Okay it's really nice. you'll love it.

who and here it is. Okay so here we go. What a creation at the bottom Blended avocado and some fruits in a smoothie formation. But then the real highlight here of the Zaza is the topping which can also include cookies, include chocolate wafers and all sorts of things.

but we went with more of the natural version with a variety of fruits with nuts with raisins and dried fruits on the top as well. nice yeah so you kind of oh man. almonds, walnuts, grab some of that on the top there. oh it's really foamy from that avocado as well.

Oh oh yeah man the the foaminess of the avocado. so creamy. oh it is. I think the avocado is Blended with milk but it takes on a a real creaminess, a real foaminess.

um but at the same time like really really light really Airy and puffy and then yeah, the flavor of the avocado, the flavor of the milk. and then you just got those fruits in there, the nuts in there too which are really nice and I mean it's so thick in Foy that I don't think you need a a straw only eaten with a spoon. So we're going actually to our next ST which is right next door where we're going to have like a little bit of the junk food like what people have in the streets cuz you know like at home it's like we cook Tajin we cook other stuff but like when we are outside we be more like to eat something different. the one that we're going to try right now which is a mixed sandwich actually and you'll figure out what I mean byy the mixed sandwich when we go there.
So it's midm morning now in mesh streets are starting to pick up, markets are opening and very conveniently we're literally going two shops over to eat the next. Food Oh I can smell it. Oh man that's smells so good. Oh we've got Kea chicken sausages.

oh man so it's called CH Omar Yes what a friendly man and this Aroma just fills the entire Street with the aroma of his sizzling meat. He has a big iron griddle. there's CA sausages, there's little meatballs, there's chicken all seasoned with his his own spice mixture. You really smell the cumin in there, a little bit of turmeric seasoned sprinkled with parsley and and then on the other side he has sausages.

He has a mountain of onions which are just slowly sauting until they start to disintegrate and melt into the sauce, and then he continually just kind of sprinkles on, dusts it with spices with cumin, gives it a little spray of oil to keep it hydrated and just continues to to sizzle it over the grill. Here we go. Man, it's fully loaded. Oh man, it's all packed into a bun with a little sausage at the top.

Yeah! Oh I Can't wait. This is so good. All right. Oh oh yes.

Oh wow. Here's the man. Chay Omar Chay Omar Over there is the man. Oh man, yeah no no.

no processed food, no ketchup, no mayonnaise, no extra fancy sauce. very simple, all slow grilled over that. Hot Grill I Love the fresh crunch of the fresh onions in there along with the melting caramelized onions. The KFTA the mined meat, the chicken in there, those little sausages I mean it's all in there and the bread kind of.

The bread is a little bit sweet to contrast the saltiness. I think of the of the meat um again. the flavor of the cumin. Chili Pepper Caprika, coriander in there, fish, hers and the tomatoes.

Oh yeah f 4 years. he's been making it for 54 years, 54 years. What a legend! Wow! A must eat sandwich in Mares. It's so good.

It's so warming again that the contrast of textures and meats all in all just combined into a a bun is spectacular. You know what? I think he has the ratio down perfectly I mean 50 years of experience. His ratio of everything together mixed into a bun is perfect. M What a sandwich cooked perfectly, a perfect spice blend.

He has it down to a science to a he's created a master piece of a sandwich. I mean slow smoldering sausage, meat, onions, parsley and spices. Doesn't get better than that. We are continuing with this food tour down another.
Market Lane Where you can buy just about everything from leather goods to souvenirs to daily necessities and spices. And of course we have a lot more. Moroccan food to keep on eating. Break the ice a little bit with what we call the pomegranate juice.

actually like famous Worldwide which is a mixture of like sweetness and sourness at the same time. It's Local's favorite. like natural juice that you don't need like any sugar to add to or anything like that. This is the King of juices.

Pomegranate Juice I mean around the world. It's one of the great juices of the world because of its perfect balance of sweet and sour. and he just I mean he has a mountain of pomegranates all ready to go. He has them chopped up here but then he literally I mean per cup.

He just hand squeezes it. It's as fresh as possible right out of the the pomegranate fruit. Oh even some of the seeds come through so it has some texture. Man yeah, there's nothing like pomegranate juice.

It really is the king of juices. So pure, so fresh. cool. just naturally cool.

Yeah, that sweet. that sourness. Even it has a little bit of a natural saltiness I think to it and a little bit of a natural bitterness as well coming from those seeds. but that's as fresh as possible.

The fresh squeeze of pomegranate yeah I mean there's no doubt it's one of the greatest of all juices in the world. Very good. Thank you. Very nice, very nice.

Yes sh can you show him AF oh it is. Oh Afrodo I think I can I think I get the translation Okay Shan thank you very much. Yes, that was extremely refreshing and we were in a little square in the back there and now we're going down another alley filled with carpets, blankets, textiles. I mean something that I love so much about Morocco and the Medinas the old cities of Morocco is that they're still so much alive I mean they're historical, they're ancient and yet they're real cities where people live.

and you can find everything tucked within the medas and the old centers. and so uh, just passing through one of the local markets. well basically everywhere is a market. But here is more of the food.

the fresh vegetables, the fresh fruits, uh everything that's in season right now. it's like a local market for uh the food only. We have a bunch of like local restaurants. as you can see like the first stop in the food market will be the beans.

Actually he's like one of the best beans makers by the way. Slow cooked with some paprika, garlic, preserved lemon and just like the best of the best of the spices that we have in Morocco that we're about to have again. I think I've probably mentioned my love for beans a number of times also today but throughout any videos so we're about to eat more beans. Oh man, can't get enough beans.
Garlic is it here. First dip in the Hara I'll dip in the Hara and then like this garlic with the beans and eat it. So good. Trust me.

The best beans you can ever found. Okay, let's follow Fatima's Style with the the bread. This is a unique garlic I can see. yeah it's it was comfy in the olive oil.

Oh man, you can actually just squeeze it out like like a paste. Yeah it's like garlic paste. almost can squeeze it out into your beans. Okay, then dip in the Hara dip into the beans with that garlic paste, scoop on with your thumb.

oh oh W yes in love Beans? Yes I am in love with beans. but that garlic. oh that's what takes it to the next level. Oh yeah yeah the heades also with the flavor of the preserved lemon, the melt in your mouth white beans, the olive oil.

that really slow stew that everything melts in your mouth. but the flavor of that garlic is just what's blowing my taste buds at the moment. That is so good. And the combination with the hone outstanding.

The garlic. The beans just totally melt like it's actually creating almost a bean sauce because they're just as you as you dip in, the beans just totally dissolved. Oh all feed garlic just squeezes out. So we've emerged from some of the busy lanes and where are we at next exactly? So now we are like in the Olive Market you can just smell the aroma of the olives, all the pickling, the brininess, the the stages of the olives.

So the olives actually they come from the same Tree by the way but they are different stages. the first one is this one. here that's the first stage to the olives. the second stage is this one third and the last one is the uh like other the black one and when they get like older actually like they become black as you can see over there.

So not just the olives. Also the black olives are the most mature, the oldest, the oldest olives exactly. So this we call it m so like spiced I would say like olives so it has parsley, coriander, garlic and olive oil. Here we go we'll try the the marinated Olive Man I Love olives.

has a nice saltiness, brininess, so much flavor, a little bit of a sourness and then that marinade with the parsley on there probably with some garlic. That's a tasty Olive So this one is has lemon juice, oregano and uh garlic. M Really? Briny little bit sour y the garlic Garlicky? yeah infused with garlic right? Oh yeah. very good.

Man that was so good. So juicy too. That's a world class. Olive This is the black olives with some olive oil and oregano as well.

It's our favorite for breakfast with some olive oil by the way. Yep. M yep milder, milder and flavor than the green olive. Exactly.

We're really Pleasant really nice to eat. Oh yeah, the oregano actually is stronger in the black black olive. Oh yeah, very good. The Hara actually excellent.
Yeah nothing but the Hara and it has a little bit of like veggies in it like pickles. Want to go for a nice green one? Okay next Olive with harisa. oh yeah man that's so good. The chili again with the Hara you really taste the flavor of the preserved lemon which I think is one of the great ingredients of Morocco Shakan pickled chili.

all the complexity of flavor, really nice, salty. Briny has that nice chewi M very good, excellent Oh nice. So we got 3 month and 3 years preserved lemon. Just been eyeing those preserved lemons and I mean I think preserved lemons are one of the gems of ingredients in Moroccan Cuisine used in the harisa used in certain dishes but just a and it's so it's not a dry lemon it's preserved in it's so it pickles it kind of firment.

this one is a a 3month old. yeah sour salty. so much good flavor. but then we're going to contrast that with the darker one which is three years fermented.

Wow that's a powerful flavor on its own. salty. The complexity has just built over the years. Oh man it's good.

It almost I mean it almost kind of uh tingles a little bit your tongue a little bit because it's it. has that that carbonation that's built up over time. Wow. The preserved lemons.

amazing flavor. Oh man yeah that flavor of the preserved lemon might be on my mouth for the rest of the day. and I'm I'm okay with that. We're moving on to the next place and this is something extremely legendary.

This place is extremely famous. Exactly. everybody's been here but this is one of the most famous restaurants in Mar right? Exactly. Very like right moment by the way.

Plenty over here. So we put everything in a pot, we shake it real good, we close it and then we take it like underground to be cooked. It's one of our slow cook that we really love in America it's America specialty by the way so they use these sticks by the way. Thank you very much.

Oh a little snack. oh man. haven't even started yet and he's handed me a handed me a snack. I'm of the roasted lamb.

oh man that is tasty and caramelized salty. oh that's good. Oh man that is the most amazing Oven lamb pit you'll ever see. I mean it's just loaded with a dozen Lambs that are just skewered that just go deep into that oven and just that you can feel the heat.

What an impressive technique! And I mean you can that? that's just such an incredible. just a a well-rounded just a convection heat that just comes from all sides. You just feel the the immense heat coming from the mouth of the pit. Oh there comes a whole lamb just dripping and juices crispy.

Look at that skin that juice. Oh just F you up? Oh thank you. Okay I think we can, we can handle it. Oh man.

and they go to the front to serve up to chop up to serve up. Oh man that is impressive I mean that's that whole lamb he just pulls out of the oven is gigantic. It's so deep it's a couple meters deep and they just unearth the entire Lim just dripping in juices. Oh half a Lim all the meat Aromas are unbelievable.
Serious thank you? No way. No way. you're welcome. Oh and he's feeding me a bite.

Oh it's for you but it's very hot. Oh this. your shoulder. oh wow.

you just pulled the bone out. yeah just literally slid out. Oh man, all that melts in your mouth. We're right up here in the action he's slicing.

There's literally a pool of lamb, fat and oil on The Chopping board. The amount of juices is unbelievable. The crispy lamb. oh man that is so good and we're It's an honor.

Thank you. It's an honor to meet the owner here who he is a legend. Thank you thank you Shan Shan Thank you very much. Oh it's an honor to be here.

Yes yes thank you Thank you the and tell us the truth. Okay okay oh thank you very much Sh oh man. so this we call it by the way will be like dipped in the uh sauce. oh man.

dipped in the lamb juice and oil. Oh man. One of the unique things is that that type of bread right which they then soak into the lamb juice and literally it absorbs sponges up gets the oil. the juice of the Lamb just totally saturated so it's wet and Soggy with lamb juice and what do we have here? This is cumin and salt.

Okay so you sprinkle on your own, cumin your own salt. look at the crispiness of that skin. We can't talk any longer. Taste this first.

Okay oh man oh wow thank you. It's so juicy. it's so crispy. Man yeah that's extraordinarily tasty.

Yeah the freshness I think I mean the way they the oven bake it, it just seals in all the the fat that's a like lamb candy. Oh yeah oh man like that it just melts on your mouth. that's just a soggy wet mess of bread. like literally you could.

You could just ring it out and the oils would just start to drip out. Use that to pick up some of more of the the lamb. Oh just melts the fat. oh that's still hot.

Okay there we go. Wow man, it's one of those bites where you immediately feel like you're you're wearing lip gloss because of the Lamb p Oh man. that soggy bread. That's the greatest soggy bread you'll ever have.

Normally, when you say soggy bread, it's not something that's attractive. But but here it's very attractive. The meat, the fat, the skin. It just remains totally pure as well.

I mean the only seasoning is a bit of cumin, but that's saltum. Not overpowering. Need any cumin and salt? Ling On the flavor of the the natural flavor of the lamb and the smokiness that comes through. Yeah, it's really good when you dip it directly into that cumin.

That way you get that immediate burst of almost a citrusy cumin flavor that just adds to the the natural flavor of the Lamb Oh sweet, Oh yeah. happiness. Oh, look down below here. it's just swimming, swimming in its own fat.
Look at the tenderness of it. Wow. Oh man. melts in your mouth.

Oh I This place I mean this restaurant. We were lucky to be here when the owner is here. This place is an absolute institution. Legendary.

Um Muhammad Was telling that some of the the world's most famous people have dined here have have been through here when they come to Marakesh Exactly. Um, everyone from the Queen of England Oh yeah to Gordon Ramsey Gord Ramsey Phil uh Anony? Bordan Uh yeah. some of the YouTubers many celebrities actually around the world came in here. Uh, mustfa actually was a cook in the Royal Palace here in Maresh.

So when theing exactly when the king actually used to come here to Mares he will be one of the cooks in his Royal Palace Well I mean not only is this rant outstanding food but it has so much history. Again, it's a it's an absolute Mares institution. Oh, it's crispy too. Oh thank youy Mommy So it's crispy on the edges, a little dip in that cumin.

It's like a waterfall of lamb juice in your mouth with every bite. The bread squeezing out the meat itself. Yeah, that's it's extraordinary. It's very tender and juicy.

yeah and fatty. and it is very rich. Yeah oh man and your fingers will just be totally oiled and glistening and absolutely must wash that down with key to help in the digestion. Man this place is just unbelievable.

It is hacked and congested. Oh man oh this has got to be one of the great lamb alleys of the world. Oh that was incredible. Oh the meat sweats.

Success is that the Muhammad is up there. So that's the next spot that will be for the okay this is for the the Tajin Yeah that's for the that's the oh vegetables aanga. Oh and what's the What's inside? Is it Lamb? Beef? Beef? It's beef. Okay.

a Beef Tangia. Beef Tangia. Yeah, it's going to Yeah right there. Oh it's bubbling.

We're stopping. We're at our next place. This is a restaurant actually on the upper floors overlooking the Medina the old Center of Maresh. and I mean there's a a couple of dishes that you absolutely also I mean along with everything that we've eaten today that you can't miss when you come to Maresh.

And so what do we have on the table now? Oh yes, we have of course the famous Tania This is the signature dish of Marakesh Actually, it's the sister of the Chin. We call it Chania. It can be beef. it can be lamb, it can be goat, it can be chicken.

it can be just beans. One of the signature dishes of this restaurant. This is a rabbit. Tajin Let's go in.

just dive into it. Oh look, you can just press it. You can just press it and it just flakes apart, falls apart. the beef.

Oh look at the tenderness of that. I do want to do a little scraping on the bottom of that of course soak it up, soak up the juice and oil. Another melt iny mouth meat dish of Mares. Oh wow and I think when it brazes in that.
Clay Pot everything mingles together. yep the the even the flavor of the spices tastes toasted. Yes, exactly everything. SMY Yeah yeah the T actually is uh, cooked in uh, the ashes like the last stage of the charcoal when it's like just gray and warm.

uh. and it usually cooks overnight overnight? Yeah yeah, yep, that's why it just totally breaks down the muscle of the beef part, the head. moving into some of that, grab some of that rabbit meat. Oh man.

really stringy stringy. I Do want to also dip up into all that that sauce. the gravy, the onion, disintegrating onions and raisins. The fruity sweetness of the raisins.

Oh yeah. Mhm. oh man. and the rabbit is just so tender.

Yeah, just like chicken. Mhm. Mhm. Oh wow.

Flavors just keep on coming. So good. Yeah and again. I mean I'll say this.

I'll repeat this over and over again in Morocco but the the Brazing in the tajine just whatever goes into there just melts comes together a fusion of all the flavors and yet they all remain separate, yet they all just collapse and disintegrate in your mouth all at the same time. Get this. if you lift this up. oh, it's a puddle of rabbit juice.

Oh you can, that's a you'd want to scrape that up right there. Oh man, oh man. Wow. It's very caramelized, tender.

Yeah, yeah. okay. that kind of burnt bit. well, not really burnt, but just because of the sugars of the raisins, that caramelization caramelization effect happens.

Onions: Oh oh, that's like that's like onion. rabbit. Jam for your bread rabbit. Jam Rabbit Jam That's a straight straight rabbit bite man.

the rins just disintegrating, liquefying the onions there. It is really, really tasty. Also have lentils Hara and then the Moroccan salad with tomatoes, onions, coriander proven combination. a mixture of cold milk, hot milk, lemon sugar, and vanilla.

We put everything in a container. We keep shaking it for about 30 minutes or like half an hour until it gets a little bit thick and then we wrap it in a warm blanket and then we'll leave it to rest for about 48 hours and then we put it in the fridge and is ready to be served. This is how we do it at home. Name of the yogurt is here.

Oh I'm going to try this. The yeah, oh so it's a it is a yogurt yogurt. Very soft. Yeah, right? Yep.

At first it's sour and then it's sweet. Yep, yep, exactly. It's very light. very lights.

yeah yeah, almost like a silken tofu, but uh, a nice acidity to it. and I like how it's not too sweet, just a good a good sweetness. A nice Amun of sweetness. Yep, it's refreshing.

Again, a huge thank you to all of my friends from Moroccan Food Tours they arrange uh Daye trips or full tours. this wouldn't have been possible without them. I'll have all their information in the description box below and also make sure you stay tuned. We are traveling all around Morocco Eating some of the best Moroccan Food you're not going to want to miss so make sure you stay subscribed.
Um, and keep watching this entire Moroccan food tour. but Marakesh What an incredible City uh it's so full of life and so many delicious foods to eat. that's going to be it for this video I Want to say a huge thank you for watching? Please remember to give it a thumbs up. Leave a comment below I'd love to hear from you and again subscribe for all the Moroccan food coming up.

By Mark

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  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @moehecan6323 says:

    please chew with your mouth closed bro jesus christ

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @nosky9296 says:

    The Moroccan food is unparalleled

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @ramimohamed9508 says:

    Enjoy yourself โคโคโค

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @hajermkacher8032 says:

    Same as Tunisian food exept for the tajine

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @rezaazis says:

    i always love how mark wiens explain food. the detail, feel, taste is deliver to us. and he never unappreciated food. Love from Indonesia.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @kadakhokha says:

    this is not birsa this is 'bissara'

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @mianasif3234 says:

    Love from Pakistan โคโค

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @jayakishoreudayagiri261 says:

    food guide is Fatima is so beatiful.

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