🇵🇭 Philippines Chicken Inasal: https://youtu.be/Ctt0z9Db7-s
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CORDOVA, PHILIPPINES - Today I’m hanging out with my friends @BhenYuri and we’ve been invited over to the @yangcofamilymukbang9627 who make family village food and mukbang videos. They are cooking one of the greatest Filipino food meal experiences you can have - a boodle fight!
Cordova is just a short drive from Cebu, yet it’s a totally different world - quiet, relaxing, and still some countryside. The Yangco family has a fantastic property with a farm, vegetables, and even chickens. A boodle fight is a communal style of eating where everyone stands around a table and eats together communally. For this Filipino food boodle fight they are making a couple dishes - a very unique roasted chicken in a tin can wrapped in a banana stalk. Humba bisaya, a braised pork stew that’s one of the favorite dishes of the Visayas, and finally kinalaw - raw fish marinated in vinegar, and this time with grilled pork.
Once all the dishes were finished cooking we then set the table with everything - the rice on first, all the meat and side dishes, and even fruits around the table. It was an absolute feast, and one of the best Filipino food meals I’ve ever had!
Thank you to my friends Bhen and Yuri:
https://www.youtube.com/ @BhenYuri
And huge thank you to Yangco Family:
https://www.youtube.com/ @yangcofamilymukbang9627
Instagram: https://instagram.com/migrationology
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/migrationology
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Direct: https://www.kivahealthfood.com/markghostpepper
Amazon: https://amzn.to/3PNTvNQ (affiliate link on Amazon in US)

Hey everyone hope you're having an amazing day! It's Mark Wiens I'm in Cebu the Philippines Well actually we are on an island across the channel of the ocean from Cebu in Cordova and today we are in a small village on the island of Cordova. We've been invited to a local family where they are going to cook a village style Countryside Filipino Feast for us. Oh wow we're gonna have a chicken which is going to be baked in this really unique Style with fire with a raging fire that oh man it's such a cool process. Then we're also going to be having a dish called Homba Visaya which is a pork stew which is very common in and around Cebu and we're hanging out with our great friends.

There's going to be a lot of delicious food in this video that you're not going to want to miss, so stay tuned. All the delicious food is coming up right now in this video. I'm blown away by this entire meal. Good morning Ben Yes good morning.

Mark We're here in Cordova. We're doing the village cooking here. the traditional way of cooking chicken. Oh awesome.

Then we're doing the Cebuano dish. the home but bisaya. yeah and that's a like a stewed Pork yeah stewed pork. Okay yeah good morning good morning.

Very nice to meet you. Thank you for having us good morning. Very nice to meet you good morning. Oh okay very nice to meet you and so we are on.

Cordova Island which is right across the channel of water from Cebu. This is like the greater Cebu area, but it's just so quiet and peaceful here we're in the garden. I Mean this is a beautiful Lush location and we're gonna be doing some uh outdoor cooking. We're gonna see the entire process of the cooking which is going to be fascinating to watch and to learn.

So normally you guys make make videos also about cooking and about Village lifestyle and your channel is called Yankov So thank you so much for inviting us over today! Yes thank you because my mom and Native cooking also Okay So so your your mom does a lot of cooking yeah my mom and my dad. Okay great. So Mom is going to be the the main head chef today. We're just getting started on the chicken first, so this is for the chicken and we are.

We kind of did a little bit of bushwhacking to get back to this banana tree and she's just taking off some of the the stump of the banana um and just pulling back some of those petals which we're going to use for the for the chicken preparation. Oh okay so then along with the banana Petals of the stump we're also just getting some lemongrass and then she rolls it into a ball. That's all going to be for the the chicken preparation. Salt is going in but she really uh like poked it, poked the chicken to make sure all the sauces and all the marinade goes into the chicken.

all it reaches all the way into the center of the bones, into the center of the chicken. Now it's getting a nice salt rubbed down. Oh and then oyster sauce goes in. Okay, Oh, a nice drizzle of oyster sauce.

Oh yes in calamansi. Oh immediately, you can smell that fresh. Citrus Orangey Aroma Coming out of that calamansi. It's so good the capacity is stuffed to the max.
Oh, and now she's bringing out the banana pedals the chicken is going to be wrapped in is. Oh, and that's going to be wrapped in the banana stump petals, a whole packet to get sealed in with the the wires, and then that's going to go on the fire after it finishes marinating. Yeah! so right now we're going to have different dishes. Okay, foreign two dishes, everything over open fire.

And actually this is the oven for the chicken right here where they're gonna build the fire. and then they're going to do the pork right here in the center. So they're just preparing the firewood now. People ready? Nice? Yeah, Okay, yeah.

Oh man. it's such a cool process. They're gonna put fire on top so they'll be fire on the bottom, fire on the top. It's gonna roast and like bake all together and all those juices are gonna come out.

They're gonna have a roaring fire just surrounding the chicken again. You can already start to hear it hissing and I think that the banana stock is because it's so juicy. It will like hold those juices within the chicken as well and maybe even add to the juices of the chicken. How long does it take to cook? One hour, One hour.

It takes about one hour to cook. Okay oh it's getting too hot there. Yeah maybe on the side of the side. Hello everybody, The pork is going in to a giant walk over fire and that's gonna cook and then they're gonna add the seasoning that's gonna keep on simmering until it's uh, tender.

Thank you. Yeah, you're gonna fry these Coconut wine? Mark Yeah Made of yeah yeah this one here while we're cooking some fresh coconut wine that they make right here. Oh yeah so vinegar and then turns to alcohol. Oh nice.

nice yeah, sweet and sour and like has a vinegariness to it. It's a really good specialty in the area. Cheers! Okay and that pork is coming along nicely. really starting to Brown as the fat melts.

Okay so what a move they they Brown the pork. then he pulls out the pork and uses Hub has a puddle of lard which he then sautes the onions, the peppers, the garlic in. uh before putting the the pork back the brown pork back and then that's gonna continue to Stew and they're gonna add more spices and Seasonings foreign bay leaves they put in dried Banana Blossom the the flower but dried. there's bay leaves, there's black pepper they add in oyster sauce, they add in black beans, fermented black beans which is going to give a nice little mommy to it and then oyster sauce and then that's just gonna simmer down until it is soft and tender.

All of the juices have come out that needs a lot more time to to cook but oh man that's already smelling incredible. Thank you! Oh and one more dish we're making. This is a surprise. We didn't even know we were gonna make this dish but the Kinilau um a common like vinegared fish but this will be a special version with Fish And with grilled pork and um so it's kind of like the the raw fish seasoned with vinegar and all sorts of spices.
Is this a flying fish? yeah it's just a flying fish. Yeah oh wow. nice. Then Kinilau experts bikini allow guys in for three minutes.

Okay okay thank you Last ingredient we're gonna put vinegar so the Humba Humba is ready. Yes thank you. All this is smells so good and then you could just see all the fat coming out of it. It's so caramelized.

Wow that is gonna be so good. Okay okay the chicken is ready. it's coming out with me. Oh wow it's caramelized and juicy.

All the herbs on the inside I Think start to cook from the acidity, squeeze it out another tub. Um and then we have all the ingredients. Yellow tomatoes, chilies, onions and ginger are all going to go in foreign. citrus from the calamansi smells so good.

So this is a special recipe too. It's not just fish, it's gonna be. Some of the grilled pork goes in. Wow.

So fish and pork marinated in vinegar. Foreign. huge pieces of grilled pork. Oh that would be so good.

Okay, good, good, All right. And I think we're almost ready to eat. Everything is ready now, done and so all the dishes are ready. We're gonna set up to eat Brutal Fight Style which is common, especially in the countryside.

Uh, it's one of the great food cultural traditions of the Philippines Everything laid out on banana leaves, all ingredients, all the rice. and then you all just huddle around the table standing and eating foreign foreign. a bit of rice, the whole chicken, the different fruits. Also, it's so colorful, so beautiful.

we're getting a little bit of a rain sprinkle, but that's okay. And then you said traditionally, you just stand up and then you all dig in together. Yeah, okay okay. well thank you so much for this this thing, for your hospitality.

This is absolutely incredible. What a meal! Okay, okay I'm going for the Humba. Oh look how tender it is. Oh look at the look at the tenderness of that.

You just look at that just completely. You can. You can. squeeze it between your fingers.

Tender. Oh wow. Well it's so tender. No, it's no tender, It's so caramelized with the sugar, the pepper and the bay leaves in the the soy sauce and the oyster shots.

Some of that quinoa and you can put this under the rice. Yeah Also yeah, what a meal. What a tradition. Oh perfect balance of vinegar with the ginger and that combination goes so well because you've got the salty.

Yeah, like Rich uh hombak which is fatty. But then you have the real very refreshing quinilo. Whoa. So good.

Everything is incredible. Yeah a chicken? Yeah. chicken though. Wow, look how tender it is.

Oh oh that's 100 is the meat just completely falls out and all of those aromatics are embedded within their chicken. Wow, it's so oily and moist like literally all of the indirect fire baking method. and then the lemongrass in the scallion to there dip it into the salsa, one with tomatoes and chilies people and a squeeze of calamansi. Everything is spectacular which is one of the best home cooked meals I've had in the Philippines It's so many good flavors, such a good variety and are the fruits normally for dessert or you can eat them at the same time as your okay no you can eat them throughout your meal whenever you're on.
like like a pallet plunger or a refreshing yeah well yeah, the home is so good. Oh I'm Blown Away by the flavors. Everything has been cooked over fire too the the traditional way. Thank you to you and your family for thank you so much for showing us the the traditional Filipino food.

Also we're so happy it's privileged. Thank you I Love you here! Thank you Mom and Dad as well family one. Then on to the onto my portion of rice here. mix that in.

It's so much fun to eat this way too and it's such a communal experience. Even the rice has been cooked over the fire so it has a smokiness. Everything is Smoky caramelized, melt in your mouth, the onions and the chilies and the refreshingness of the of the halamanti. Ben and Yuri How is the food really good? especially it is incredible.

Over on this side very good. Yeah it's very delicious. Thank you for cooking. Wonderful combination! Yeah, even the rice is just so good also.

especially when it mixes with some of that pork oil and then you start to get some of the salsa on. you start to get the squeeze of the calamansi and all the juices are sort of mingling together on the Banana Leaf that's what makes it even better. Like incredible. Would it be typical to do a to eat this style brutal fight like on a holiday or on a family get-together Or when it's when is it most common? It's if it's family thing.

Gathering You can do so it's very common? Yeah, especially when you have like many people together in one place and you can friends, family come into this. Really common here and it works so well because you have everything on the table at once and you can kind of mix Again mix and match everything and all the flavors mingle together. Um, that vinegar and ginger combination. thanks for holding me umbrella.

Okay, and then I'm gonna move into that. I'm gonna move into those bananas The Boiled bananas. They look sweet right here from the backyard. boiled which I think you can eat like a I mean like a starch with your meal.

Perfectly sweet and sour? Um, just starchy and fresh and then finally, just quench The Thirst Right off the coconut tree. never gets old. Gosh. refreshing, nutritious, full of vitamins.

Oh I'm blown away by this entire meal. It's just outstanding. I'm gonna do a mixed bite. banana and rice, add some of the add some of the um, oh here we go.
Some of the hunger. look at that. it's so tender you could just mash it in your fingers. Homba! some of that, some of the quinilao with that vinegar dressing.

um it's so good. I'm gonna take a time out with a slice of mango I'm definitely not finished eating yet, but just uh oh that feels great to get like some Sweet juiciness on the mango and maintain in between all the rice and meats. Oh man, mangoes in the Philippines are so good I want to show juicy Sochi actually has a perfect texture. It's really buttery, smooth, not stringy at all, just dripping with like mango syrup.

It's like orange but sweet and crunchy I Love the texture. Oh wow, that just completes an incredible meal. One of the best Filipino food meal experiences that I've I think I've ever had I mean the flavor combinations. everything cooked family cooked.

traditional recipes over fire. so much love, so much passion. The Yonko family. they're just so hospitable.

Thank you to the Yonko family and they make actually videos. They do some mukbangs, they do some traditional cooking videos here in the countryside and they make videos so I'll have their channel in the description box below. Go check out. let's go support them.

Uh and check out their videos. they're just such incredible peoples man that food was good. and then also my great friends Ben and Yuri who also make videos here in and around Cebu but that was just a great time. We hung out around the table.

we just enjoyed delicious Filipino food in this natural environment and that's going to be it for this video. I Want to say a big thank you for watching this video? Please remember, give it a thumbs up if you enjoyed it. Leave a comment below I'd love to hear from you and if you're not already subscribed, make sure you subscribe now for lots more food and travel videos. And also make sure you stay tuned.

Keep watching! We are traveling around Cebu eating our way through Cebu So much delicious food and you're not going to want to miss any of the videos. so stay tuned. Make sure you keep on watching more videos in this series and that's gonna be it. Thanks again for watching! I Will see you on the next video Goodbye from Cordova Island in Cebu the Philippines see you on the next video.

By Mark

13 thoughts on “Boodle fight!! village food in philippines – unforgettable filipino food!!”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kulantro inc! says:

    so, what pinoy chanel will be the next one will you collab? Any chanel but dont ever go to pulutan cooking ideas as your popularity will surely dwindle! 🤣

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mr Brown Kayumanggi USA says:

    I’m literally salivating right now. Will definitely going back to Cebu, I missed that humba and kinilaw.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Anjs P says:

    I can hear the flies. 😁

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Michael Kohlman says:

    Celebration of life!

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars danrol dinops says:

    Wow 18hrs lng pag upload bag-o pa kaau naa diay dha ka sa cordova ga blog sir.ayos

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars KonaGal says:

    What a perfect flavor combination of pork ,chicken, and fish, all prepared correctly with nothing overcooked.. that is my dream meal, great location combined with the friendly locals

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Golf Dad says:

    Omg 🤤🤤🤤😍

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars WanderingCat Meow says:

    I love the humba.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars CUBBY G says:

    Enjoy watching the video food look delicious and I love eating with my hands

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Anthon Raj says:

    Wow, Mark. Awesome video. I really enjoyed watching your Philipino episode

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Marilou De Jesus says:

    Sarap nakakapag laway 😋

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars dewa saepurrahman says:

    Wooow amazing,,, super delicious foods

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Macky Macaventa says:

    This is a great meal.

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