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SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA - Weโ€™re going to the fish market to get a Huge Tasmanian King Crab and Chef Dan Hong is going to cook it 3 ways!
Huge thank you to:
Chef Dan Hong: https://www.instagram.com/hongsta_gram/
Sydney Fish Market (https://goo.gl/maps/khNKtN7KUUGPv2xs5) - After meeting up with Chef Dan, we met up with Alex from the Sydney Fish market who showed us around and gave us a very interesting brief about the Sydney Fish market and the quality of seafood that auctioned.
Red Claw Seafoods (https://redclawseafoods.com.au/) - At the fish market we visited Red Claw Seafood who specialize in some of the best live seafood in all of Australia and where Chef Dan gets his supply. We were after their insanely huge Tasmanian king crab!
Mr. Wong (https://goo.gl/maps/mcoC3PUG2GCL9Vq48) - After getting our crab, we headed back to Chef Danโ€™s restaurant, Mr. Wong, for some dim sum, roast duck, and mostly importantly, the fresh giant Tasmanian King Crab! It was without a double one of the best crabs, both in natural product and preparation that Iโ€™ve ever had. It was so big, Chef Dan had to cook three different dishes with it.
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๐ŸŒถ Ghost Chili: https://amzn.to/3PNTvNQ
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I'm in Sydney Australia with Chef Dan and today for lunch we are eating giant king crabs for you mate. Just compare this to your face. It's the greatest single bite of crab I've ever had in my life. Good morning! Hey everyone, hope you're having an amazing day! It's a beautiful morning in Sydney Australia and we are beginning here at the Sydney Fish Market.

We're going to meet up with Chef Dan Hong We're going to tour around the Sydney Fish Market. We're going to see the Fresh Catch of the Day we're going to get to gigantic crabs five kilos. Then we'll go back to Chef Dan's restaurant Mr Wong and he's gonna cook up Cantonese Chinese Feast with a giant crab. But it's great to be here in the morning.

Foreign foreign Australia So just this morning we had around 40 000 kilograms of seafood, about 100 000 pounds and that would have comprised of about 80 or 90 different species to trade. Wow! and that is the number that makes us unique. So we're relatively small as an auction at 50 tons a day, we're about 1 30 at the size of 20 fish market in Tokyo. But we are the world's most diverse fish market in terms of species traded because we're a big fishery.

Oh yeah, Australia has about 600 commercial marine species and about 5 000 other marine species in general. We've also got the world's third largest ocean territory, so 10 of the world's Seafood actually belongs to this country. But we won six to one eighth of seafood that Tokyo Prefecture does. So we're one of the three nations with a massive oversupply of seafood compared to our domestic demand.

so we can now trade the entire variety of species that we're already catching in Australia And this is where it all happens. We are on the auction floor now and the action actually starts at maybe 4 a.m and continues through the morning. but we're just at the end of it and there's still some fish on the floor that we're gonna. we're gonna check out.

Uh so this is the long liners section. The long liner section. Like big fish, big fish. Okay, Yellowfin yeah.

Yellowfin Tuna. So we've got two really great quality. Sashimi grade. Yellowfin Tuna.

Uh, very different sizes. One's at 60 kilos and one's at 24 and a half. And they've both been judged individually on the quality of their flesh. So where do where do a lot of the exports go? Oh, straight to Tokyo Well you can see prawns are like one of Australia's national.

Seafood Oh yeah, you come to Sydney during like Christmas time prawns are. It's I mean people have ham and stuff like that in Turkey. But prawns are like a staple. mandatory the Christmas table because we we have a Christmas In Summer Oh okay Marie Marie Cod Is it poisonous at all? It's venomous.

so this is it venomous. Yeah there's about 60 bee stings on the outside of his head. Okay, it's not gonna kill you, but he will warm it. up a little bit.

This is as big as school prawns get. That's a jumbo. School Prawn A lot of people. This is the best tasting prawn in the country.
Ah, classic. Australian Prawn Technique: It's a three-part peel head, body and then tail and that is wobbly. Even though it's been cooked, you can see the juiciness still in it. Let's taste it.

Oh yeah. sweet, a little bit of saltiness, great texture. Amazing! I Love everybody! Now we're moving on to see the live seafood buyers. But Australia has some of the best live seafood.

Oh yeah in the world. Dan's favorites: Snow Crabs: Those are the white crabs. Oh and these are the these are the gigantic king crabs. Oh yeah, these you can't get anywhere else around the world.

Yeah yeah, even that specific type of snow crab. the white one? Uh-huh I mean you get snow crabs in Japan and stuff and it's not the same species. Oh that's huge. That is huge some Abalone so these are from South Australia and they're our fluffy pavaloni.

Oh that's huge too. Everything's huge. Things are just okay. You only find them here.

Okay, pretty unique. very unique taste as well. And these are your Pacific oysters. Cheers Excuse man.

Cheers the Sydney Rock oysters. Oh oh the Sea Water flavors. and that that real minerally taste that's a bigger it's a bigger oyster here. Oh man.

next to oyster, oh yeah, it's more Oceanic melts in your mouth. great flavor. Oh that's a giganormous King Crap. Oh wow Here it is The moment we've been waiting for the Giant king crab.

Dude that is Huge. Look at that. Dan that's the size of your torso, right? Look at that floor. Look at these clothes.

This is like I've never seen a crab this big. Yeah that claw. Hefty this is not even that big. This is like a medium size, right? medium sized.

Five kilo. This one's got a little claw untied unfortunately came loose last night. Wow, that's that class. Unbelievable.

That claw. Exactly. It's all about this claw right here. but there's a lot of head cheese within within the head.

So I'm gonna do a special dish with the head cheese. Awesome! Okay here we go. First time. Oh man.

all right here we are. Dan and I with uh, these are absolutely enormous king crabs. It really is the king of the king of all crabs. Yeah! I I believe.

So how how thick is that shell? How easy is it? Because it feels like a tank in your hands. It's so very thick. so strong. I mean look at it.

I mean The Claw is like the size. Yeah, this is as good as it gets. This is this is going to be lunch. Yeah, it's gonna be lunch.

We've got the giant Tasmanian king crab. We're gonna head back to Chef Dan's restaurant. Mr Wong It's so big he's gonna cook it three ways. This is the spot! Mr Wong Absolutely love it.

down in Alleyway in Sydney Hello good, Thank you very much thank you! Wow! it's a two-level recipe Mr Wong yeah seats about 250 people. we do about you know, five six thousand covers a week. Wow, that's crazy. Wow.
crazy amazing, amazing and then mainly mainly Cantonese Food Yeah, this is my stuff. This is all cheap. yeah. my own interpretation of Cantonese School? Yeah.

so we've got the Main Kitchen over here and then we've got the dim sum And Pastry Kitchen. Oh cool, yeah cool. and you do all the roast Meats too, right? Yeah, we we're famous for our roast. Okay so we do about 80 ducks a day.

Wow yeah so um yeah. our dim sum our dark and then live seafood. This is the big duck oven you can see here. Oh wow, look at all the Ducks hanging.

That's how you roast the ducks in there. Oh man, and I know. one of the things Chef Dan specializes in is roast duck roast Meats 80 ducks a day I Love how everything is on display. Oh it's dripping dripping meat juices.

New stocks are for tomorrow. Okay, are these ducks aging a little bit? Or yeah, they're drying out. Okay process. We have to grind them overnight.

All right, launch them and this is that stage after they've launched. So another Dutch cabinet where they are drying out. and I love I mean one of the things I love about Mr Wong is how everything is open. everything is visible.

Everything is not only visible but also like artistic as a decoration as a living edible decoration. When I came to Sydney this was at the top of my list. Mr Wong This is the restaurant I most wanted to eat at so just finally be here to be hanging out with Chef Dan Hong and to learn a little bit from him and then to experience the amazing Seafood The plan is Chef Dan said we're gonna enjoy a little bit of dim sum so we'll be eating some dim sum first, then we're gonna work our way into the kitchen. We're gonna see some of the cooking.

We're gonna move into seafood and we're gonna try some other dishes. Oh here comes that the dim sum right now. Thank you very much just the selection of some of our dim sum. it's only available.

Episode: Oh okay I thought I'd send you some of our signature dim sum. So we've got obviously that prawn harkow. This is a scalloped prawn and morel mushroom dumpling. Wow! this is a pork chime.

Wow nice. and this is a wagyu puff. Wow yeah so wow. Please Enjoy! Thank you very much! I'm gonna go in for one of the one of these dumplings.

First, look at that quality and precision. Um oh wow. The shrimp, all that wrapper. so gummy and yet it just kind of melts away in your mouth.

The shrimp is so bouncy. So much of that condensed flavor, you just taste the quality of that dim sum. Oh that's delicious. Maybe dipping this chili sauce? Oh wow.

I'm going for the xiaolong. Bao Next I Think they've cooled up I think they've cooled off enough to be able to one bite it? I mean oh wow. That pork mixture just dissolves in your mouth. Oh it melts.

So this is the king crab. That's way that we saw this morning. Oh man, thank you. There it is.
Oh that is. That's almost ridiculously big man. this is very rare. I I Know no one.

No one gets to eat these very often. No, it's a special, very special special occasion. Yeah, very special occasion. All right.

Cool. So Chef Dan's getting ready to to break it down that it just can't get over it. That's the biggest crab. Oh oh, that's all the tummily in there.

that's literally arm sized. That claw, All right. So I'm just going to take this. Take this headshi here.

All right. I'm going to use that. Okay, so that I'm going to save all of that. Okay, all the juices, this yellow stuff.

we're gonna eat all of that. Oh yeah, this is all. Wow. So what is those little like noodly like that is the hair cheese that is.

Yeah, because this is a this is a male crab so it's not actually like raw. Oh okay. and the liquid. Is it like a combination of seawater? Yeah, it's a combination of same.

I'm just going to keep everything. to be honest, it's going to be part of the base. Amazing. Four: So these are the obviously the gills.

Okay, not really edible and the rest is all edible. So I'm just going to give it a spray. Yeah, crush it a little bit. Wow.

that shell is so hard it's really tough. Yeah, it's really hard. That's good. So hot.

oh thank you. that should be easy. yeah. elbow and then I mean look at that.

Unbelievable. Yeah, that's a huge huge I'm gonna crack it. Okay, thank you. Wow.

And you can say it's full of meat, but it's just so this. This is going to be one course steamed, steamed. Okay, the claws I appreciate the natural flavor, the sweetness. Okay so I'm going to steam this this one.

I'm going to deep fry salt and pepper Style with three different types of peppers. wow and white pepper black pepper. Sichuan peppercorn salt and pepper again and then this raw. I'm gonna cook in a noodle dish.

Ifu noodles Wow! awesome, awesome and then also Tony just gave us yeah, live found main bugs All right. So I'm just going to add them to this dish. Okay, because this is perfectly steamed as well. So I'm just gonna.

oh man, that's a nice Rose nice row. Yeah. Beautiful. So actually I'm gonna put this on a separate one because this is going to attack that clock.

takes up the whole pan. Yeah, obviously a lot of ginger. Hey, this is just that's just thinly sliced. Ginger All right.

I Like a lot. Yeah, Oh yeah. I think some weeks here, we're in the main part of the kitchen now. So much action and so many stations going on.

Um, as the claws and the head are steaming. Chef Dan's gonna get prepared on the those are mostly joints. I think and legs and you're gonna deep fry those. That's right.

Xiaoxing wine okay, lightly. rice flour, potato, starch, tapioca, starch. a bit of a mixture. Okay, this is the steamer over here.
Okay, the legs should be ready in about 30 seconds. Okay, okay. moving back over to the steamer. Yeah, these are ready.

Okay, all right, that's ready. That is ready all right. Oh wow. Oh, that smells incredible.

What an absolute. Masterpiece It's a sculpture. a crab sculpture. Chef Dan Just finishes that off with some hot oil and with that soy dressing because it just smells so good that just bathes in that sauce.

So I've just got some white peppercorns and some black peppercorns. Okay, I'm just gonna lightly Crush in the spices. Freshly foreign, not too much actually. just keep it coarse.

Very cool. Some of them mostly whole. Okay, wow. goes in yeah.

nice. Okay, so that goes off of a man. Get chilies. go in garlic.

nice. scallions, salt and pepper spice mix. Okay, all right. smells unbelievable.

White pepper, Black Pepper Sichuan Green pepper. Those are the three Peppers those are the three peppers and he just whips that up in the wok. raging hot fire just bringing out that fragrance that smells incredible. You leave, oh man.

and then I Like to eat. Eat it with a bit of lemon. Oh yeah, that's the salt and pepper buddies for three points. Eat Food noodles.

I Only take them out 15 20 seconds. Okay, so he's gonna blanch them for me. Butter that literally is cheese head. cheese looks like shredded carrots.

almost so you can see that protein is ready. Almost like scrambled eggs. Yeah, it is all right. I'm just gonna break it up a little bit.

She's like a dried shrimp dried scallop in hand. All right. Thank you. Kombu extract: Nice.

Let's see. Okay, so what I'm gonna do Crazy. Oh nice. I'm just going to suck up all that flavor.

I'm gonna absorb that flavor. Yeah, that's gonna thicken it a little bit. and I'm just going to add some cookie wine. a little bit of sesame oil that smells unbelievable Tasmanian Giant King Crab three Ways Chef Dan Oh, that was incredible I Can't wait to eat it with that.

Yes, here we are. Mud Crab Soup Thank you Salt and Pepper Salt and Pepper Crab Head Noodles Crab Head Noodles Thank you Thanks brother. Oh good my pleasure. Such a cool experience to I mean to get the the crab fresh and then to see Dan in the zone working in the kitchen? Just yeah.

You can just see how passionate you are and just how knowledgeable you are about the ingredients. And yeah, so it all comes down. This entire table is just one crab. I Personally think you need to begin with the steamed crab because that is the true essence of the crab flavor.

the sweetness. You need to have the claw. the big one. Okay, okay first time.

Well we need to share it. Actually it's a sharing cloth. It's that big. this won't be big enough.

The Rice Bowl To put it in I'll just look at. look at that takes up an entire tray. Look at that. just compare this to your face.
It's the size. It's a thigh sized claw that is unbelievable and it's crazy to think that's not even the largest. Like that's just normal. This is just a normal size for that giant crab type of crap.

Yeah. I Think we need teamwork on this cloth? Let's let's do it together all right. So we kind of open it up, look at the meat, that just and look how thick that shell is. Yeah, oh yeah, that's for you mate, that is that.

It's so big. Juice. The juice. the steaming liquid.

that's okay. sorry. okay Cheers Cheers Man Cheers! Oh wow. That's the greatest shingle bite of crowd I've ever had in my life.

You would think that a crab this big wouldn't be sweet. or you know what? I mean like yeah, sometimes they're smaller. Yeah, better than the bigger things. but nope.

and just those strands. those thick strands that you can only get from a big crab. you know, like unbelievable. You could actually like.

Yeah, you could push it in your fingers and you would just feel like strings of crap. Oh that's the most satisfying single bite of crab I've ever taken in my life. You know how sometimes on mud crabs you can feel this strandiness, the stringiness of it. This is like just like that same texture but 10 times more and it's so sweet.

And I love the style that you prepared with steaming and then the sauce is not overpowering at all. Yeah, it's not covering up the natural flavor, the sweetness of the crab at all. This is the body section plus the legs and a mountain of Aroma. It's so aromatic.

Oh oh oh oh oh. you need to cup it so all the toppings don't fall off. And some lemon. A little bit of lemon.

Oh man. um I love all those chunky peppercorns. the white Peppers the black pepper, the green Sichuan pepper. oh that's so fragrant.

Oh but if you can see underneath there, it's just loaded loaded with me. Oh unbelievable. Oh man. I'm in heaven I'm in heaven.

Look, you can just stick your finger in and grab Just Fish fulls of crab? Whoa. I'm gonna overdone it with the Sichuan pepper. Wow, that's powerful. Had a huge bite of that green Sichuan pepper.

I'm just almost slightly. you're gonna be feeling lightly euphoric. Yeah, yeah. I mean it's so much pepper, but it's still not overpowering.

The flavor of the crab itself shining through with the sweetness. Just the perfect amount of seasoning. not overly salty, perfect flea seasoned so the natural product just shines and it's just enhanced. Take it to the next level.

So how did you get started cooking? Kevin Uh so my mom we I grew up in a family restaurant so my mom had three restaurants. Yes Vietnamese restaurants. Okay, so um you know I I was never really good in high school so my mom suggested I become a chef. Okay but I never wanted to work in her restaurant like as a chef.

so I was a waiter and a kitchen hand in her restaurant and then once I finished school I uh I uh my mom suggested I become a chef because I wasn't smart enough to get into University Yeah so so it was something that you I yeah that's right I was never like I want to be a chef since I was like a young boy or anything. Yeah, okay, it's just something I found that I was good at so I just stuck to it. That's tradition number three. The Originals have just absorbed all of that stuff with that head tamale.
Oh wow. it's so rich and creamy. Oh man, there's no cream in it, just a little bit of butter straight up. But that's all coming from the head butter, the head juices and it's really clean tasting too.

And I think Also, all three of the dishes just complement each other so well. So giant. Tasmanian King Crab cooked three ways. All three of the dishes are just different and highlight each part of the crab.

man. I mean it almost looks like cheese. It almost looks like the greatest noodles and cheese you've ever had in your life. all from the crab Main bugs.

Can I Can I serve you one of these? Thank you! It's a great idea. Dipping the juice. Wow. The sweetness, the texture amazing and that is similar to a slipper.

Lobster Exactly Yeah, okay. it's a type of silver. Lobster Probably it's kind of yeah. um, it almost is a combination or like I feel.

It's almost like a cross between a lobster and a shrimp. like. kind of like in between that texture and flavor. sort of the whole roasted duck sauce.

Wow. And we have a map of tofu for you here. Wow. The aftermath.

One more dish here. Yeah, Wow. So this is my version of Machatsu fish. Oh okay.

use a Glacier 51 toothpish which is the only sustainable tooth fish in the world going in for a piece of that duck. I'm gonna try dip it into the sauce below and then the next bite we can go into the plum sauce. Oh wow. Juicy, tender, amazing, crispy skin that is extraordinary.

Okay now for the for another bite. dip it into that plum sauce. Oh wow I love it when that that skin kind of like you chew you bite down, it kind of squirts a little bit with the fat just coming out. I Love that.

Oh with that Plum chocolate. give it a kind of fruity sweetness to it. it's amazing. Hmm.

Fish Yeah, what an idea. What a cool idea. Eat that together with some of the pickles. Pickled Ginger Pickled ginger on pickled radish.

Look at that fish. It's so oily, so glistening and you can see that marinade going around that roasted. um oh man, that is so rich and oily and buttery. Oh that fish is.

and the way you've cooked it, it's just sealed in all of those fish oils. Oh man, what's the smokiness? Wow, it's Rich too. It's Rich it's very rich. that's why I think it does well with that chocolate marinade.

and then you contrast that with some of the Pickled ginger that just kind of like refreshes your mouth at the same time. That's extraordinary. Oh it's so good. We've got one more dish here you can say as I Grazie underneath is that it costed.
So this is Chef Dan's own interpretation of a mapo similar to mapotofu that smells so good. and would this be with minced beef? I mean Sparkles It's pork with a bit of chili obviously Sichuan pepper. Oh tofu just melts in your mouth. it is.

It's a different. You can tell that it's but because of the layers and because it's uh, the basic tofu has like a different kind of feel in your mouth. Amazing flavor though. The tofu is so silky, just melt in your mouth.

and then you have that incredible minced pork. chilies. a little balance of sweetness, saltiness off delicious. I'm gonna rehydrate it.

Oh wow, that's the most fun crab. The most tasty crab I've ever had and it's never ending. Oh that's stunning. Oh wow, that is so much meat it's unbelievable Yo thank you! What a meal! Incredible.

Incredible. Without a doubt that was one of the greatest single crab meal experiences. tastes of crab I've ever had in my life. Awesome preparation.

it was so cool to hang out with. Chef Dan Hong Highly recommended Mr Wong It's a restaurant that you have to try when you come to Sydney and I'll have all the information in the description box below. What a day, Thank you! Chef Dan And pure over joy and happiness I Want to say a huge thank you for watching this video? Please remember to give it a thumbs up if you enjoyed it. Leave a comment below I'd Love to hear from you and if you're not already subscribed, make sure you subscribe now for lots more food and travel videos.

See you on the next video! Thank you.

By Mark

18 thoughts on “Biggest crab i ve ever seen!! tasmanian king crab – cooked 3 ways!!”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Marie Whiting says:

    What an awesome experience,such a great chef very kind

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Marie Whiting says:

    He's Master

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ditka 89 says:

    Danโ€™s accent is so cool

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Scott Worley says:

    The stuff people eat

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Barry Walker says:

    All I can say is FOOD ORGY!! YUMMM!

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars louieden navvaro says:


  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Reginald D. Paperstacks says:

    What a sea beast, kinda dont like it when they kill the giants elders of the sea

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ms Williams says:

    Amazing Crab. Part of me feels sad to see it get killed. It lived a good life to get to that size, only to be captured and hacked to pieces. God bless the crab and the chef who prepared it. This meals looks beyond amazing.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Panzer Blitz says:

    I'm not impressed with the human nasty stomach cravings. Here's a thought, how about not rampaging around and murdering every life found on Earth and then breeding like a planetary virus? Yeah I'm talking to the hairless monkey like creature that has bred into the billions and turned the once beautiful Earth into a trash dump.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars the cool mf says:

    the giant enemy crab

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Eddie Kulp says:

    Good thing those crabs are slow or lose a finger

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Zenah Alhamidi says:

    ุชุงูƒู„ู‡ ู†ูŠุก ๐Ÿ˜ขุงู„ู„ู‡ ูŠุตูุฑ ุชุณุจุฏูƒ

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Alex Brown says:

    Wish Mark would not talk, keep his face out of it!

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ElTejano22 says:

    Mark resembles Woody from Toy Story.

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Omar says:

    No hair nets being worn

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Antonio Tedesco says:

    How would you like to be ripped apart as your alive

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Whartonite C says:

    This meal is not cheap is he paying for the King Crab and the rest?

    The video earned him over $40k already.

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rita Marie Kelley says:

    Who needs college? You're a culinary genius, Chef Dan!

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