🇰🇷 5 Best Korean Foods: : https://youtu.be/wftv9ZjZk7g?si=0nUE7w8ussF2GPG7'>https://youtu.be/wftv9ZjZk7g?si=0nUE7w8ussF2GPG7
👕 T-shirts: https://store.migrationology.com/
🌶 Ghost Chili: https://amzn.to/3PNTvNQ
SOUTH KOREA - This is going to be the Korean food trip of a lifetime! For the next 11 days I’m taking you around South Korea, to cities, and remote regions, to eat some of the best and unseen Korean foods (Full Documentary)!
For this ultimate Korean food road trip we’ll start in Seoul with some classic Korean bbq, then we’ll continue down the coast south and into the countryside. We’ll have a chance to try a rare underground pork belly bbq, go to the homeland of rice hay grilled meat, eat one of the greatest monkfish dishes on earth, and finally try some of the prized red snow crabs of Sokcho.
We’re in for the greatest Korean food ever!
You can also watch the full playlist of full videos here:
5 Best Korean Foods: https://youtu.be/wftv9ZjZk7g
Korean BBQ Tour: https://youtu.be/TGP27Yeep4c
Underground Korean BBQ: https://youtu.be/xTOESdEdzzA
Korean Lava Chicken: https://youtu.be/LlXHZP7S9EI
Fried Chicken and Monkfish: https://youtu.be/KoJ8Hxqt9EE
Busan Food Tour: https://youtu.be/1JIOAUEPYLQ
Sokcho Food Tour: https://youtu.be/5BbPOZkcn6w
Thank you to KTO (Korea Tourism Organization) for sponsoring and making my trip to South Korea happen!
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Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/markwiensfoodvideos
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/migrationology/
Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/ @markwiens
👕 T-shirts: https://store.migrationology.com/
🌶 Ghost Chili: https://amzn.to/3PNTvNQ
🎥 Camera gear I use: https://amzn.to/3FVdBUd
(some of these are Amazon affiliate links)

I'm in! South Korea A Food Lovers Paradise For the next 11 days we're going on an ultimate Korean food road trip. We'll drive over 1,500 km and get way off the beaten path to discover some of the most unique. This might be one of the first meals I've ever had that requires a back ho. Surprising wow that's a lot of heat.

The ultimate Hyom Maniac cooking addictive flavor that you just cannot stop eating and delicious foods in all of South Korea considered the most ugly fish in Korea and making it one of the most tastiest dishes you can possibly imagine. And to taste what just might be my new favorite Korean Food Oh and a whole bucket of broth? Those are the ribs with the bone cage. Get ready for the most mouthwatering Korean Food Adventure This a truly magical meat eating experience. They do it all in front of you.

Long drives in the van and some behind the scenes of some things that didn't quite go as planned. So this is a special formula Korean beverage for helping you digest who? Oh no. I'm Mark Wans join me as we eat our way through. South Korea Okay, we made it.

Welcome to Inan. Welcome to South Korea C the overnight flight from Bangkok Uh, landed this morning in Inan International Airport Bright and early I think we landed at about 6:30 7 a.m. Uh, so definitely a little sleepy, but really happy to be here. and I think I've been to Korea I mean at least Soul maybe three or four times.

but this food trip to South Korea is going to be different for the next 10 actually maybe 11 days. we're going to be food touring and road tripping through the entire South Korean Peninsula and that's going to be the the van that we're in. Okay, most of the time when I've come to Soul or actually landed at Inan, then I take the train directly into Soul which takes about an hour. but it's nice to have a a van this time driving and so we stopped somewhere in this town kind of halfway between and we're going to stop for breakfast somewhere for a beef bones.

What's the name of the dish? uh he? Okay, Oh one of the great things about Korean food that I always love is just how scorching hot it's always served. and Earth and stone stone bowls. But this is the Hangover Hangover soup. um which.

there are many different variations here. They have a sort of a beef a beef version. there's noodles in it, there's lots of Napa cabbage beef, beef blood leaks some chili on it as well as some chili already added into it. Oh, this smells really good.

There's all of the noodles in there which looks like the maybe sweet potato noodles. So good. Okay and then we've got some of the the radish kimchi. really crisp, nice and sour aged ripened.

Oh it's good. And let's try one of the chilies. M Oh, really crispy. not that hot, a little bit hot.

Oh man, there's definitely a a lot of wisdom and a reason why they call it hangover stew in Korea. It really does cure your hangover. but not only hangover. I think it's the perfect meal after you get off of an airplane.
Uh, your airplane hangover. Oh that's I. Just just feel totally rejuvenated. that was so good.

Next quick stop before we get back in the van and head to Se. This place is called a Tome place that's hot. Okay, from here we're driving back to Soul or to Soul uh should be about an hour and 15 minutes. Okay oh again, welcome to Soul South Korea Great to be here and nice room.

What? A View From The room. but before we get started. I Do want to say a huge thank you to the Korean Tourism Board for arranging for sponsoring my entire trip here. However, they really wanted to work with me and we designed an itinerary.

we uh, researched, seed the food together and it's all going to be authentic. It's all going to be extremely local South Korean Food that we go to um, and the food that we experience. We've got a small team with us arranged by the Korea tourism organization who are extremely helpful in setting up restaurants, taking care of travel, Logistics and helping me finish all the food. That being said, today was just the Arrival Day and it's a off day.

It's a resting day. It's not really a filming day so we're going to probably get some rest, take a nap, and then definitely do a little bit of maybe just walking around browsing around. probably some eating in the afternoon, but the actual journey and all of the delicious food and you're not going to want to miss any of it is going to begin tomorrow morning. Oh yes! So had a little bit of a nap this afternoon and then we just walked down the street to one of the closest Korean barbecue restaurants just down the road from where we're staying.

Uh, ordered up some Korean beef? Oh yes. oh it's good to be back. Good to be back here. Can't wait to have some beef! Okay okay come s me that oh man.

Great family service here I Love this place! Oh and we got a just a few side dishes cuz there's actually another place I want to go check out to eat after this? Oh that beef melts in your mouth. oh let me try that that. Rice That was a really good barbecue. just classic, simple old school style.

from here let's go eat a chicken. We're in this area of town which is called Yongan and it's actually not that far away. It should just be about a 10 or 15 minute train ride away, but we need to go to the station. Take the train and we'll be there soon.

We found it Yongan Station and we are going to H Hanam Okay, we made it and I think this is actually part of the Korean railroad not the the Metro but we just have three stops. We made it. This is where the restaurant is at. Hanam station.

Oh oh nice. Oh this is the rotisserie. Oh it's all burning wood too. All wood fire.

This is the this is the cabinet of the the rotisserie chickens. They're They're small chicken stuffed with with glutenous rice with ginang with garlic. Smells incredible. And what's amazing is they burn only over wood.
Wood fire just sizzling away. This must be 50 chickens in here at once. So the chickens are already roasting outside so as soon as you sit down literally within a minute the chicken is at your table. I Looks so good! I Love how simple it is.

everything's on your table. Oh and by the way, Cheers! Oh Ying Ying Cheers! Come by, come by! Okay cannot wait to dig into that chicken. Oh this is so this is all. the the chicken breast on the outside.

Oh it's smells so incredibly good. the garlic, the ginang on the inside. oh it. just look at the way it just completely tears apart.

Oh man. I don't even what should we start with? Maybe just grab the drumstick. The drumstick. Oh it's beautiful.

It completely. oh that's hot. Oh man. it is so tender, just completely.

falls off the bone. The bone is just completely clean and that first but and the taste of the chicken is so creamy, so flavorful. infused with the ginsing and the garlic and the roasting fire, it's not even salty. I Mean we haven't even explored all these sauces, but that's tasty that is delicious.

One of the things that you'll notice, especially with Korean Fried chicken with Chicken in Korea you always get radish, so chase that with radish and let's Explore More of the chicken. let's move into the the sticky rice or the glutenous rice which is stuffed into the cavity. You see Jinang in there. the garlic.

You smell the garlic. You can see it's kind of yellow because it's absorbed all of the chicken fat as well. Oh yes, oh wow. is that a Maybe a J Okay wow.

do not take a huge bite of that. It is still on fire with the chicken and that is a tastes like a plum. Maybe one of those Korean plums. um has a little bit of sweetness but then at the same time that sweetness has been released into the chicken.

Man that that sticky Rush is so good. Such a fun food to eat as well. just tearing apart a whole chicken. Every bite could have skin.

You would be happy as well. This skin is so good. Let's try that red sauce. Oh it's also really sticky.

Perfect Chicken was really nice. really relaxing. We're going to head back to the hotel from here. Uh so going to get some rest and start fresh tomorrow.

So we are beginning this barbecue tour at a place it's called Jo o and it is one of the oldest Korean barbecue restaurants in Soul and they specialize in what is one of the most popular forms Meats of Korean barbecue at a lot of Korean barbecue restaurants. you know you cook it yourself at the table but here you don't they cook it in the back. This is the old school we way where the chef is cooking everybody's meal, grilling everybody's meat and then it's delivered to you at your table. they Grill it so precisely then they keep tossing on like this cup of the sauce and from what also what I was reading that sauce.
their recipe has not changed in over 80 years. Can't wait to try it try a piece first. Well the flavor keeps on coming as you keep on chewing. It's not like melting your mouth tender, it has some muscle, some texture to it but I think that way in the muscle fiber it's just able to absorb all of that flavor.

Oh it's so flavorful. I think I'll grab a whole bone this time. oh you can see how juicy it is I'll dip it into the bean paste I think it's a type of Korean bean paste. oh you can see how that just wobbles.

Oh yes, can't wait to try this! Bon Oh wow, what a spot and it's still family run. They're extremely friendly. I Mean this is a preservation of Korean barbecue Heritage To continue with this barbecue tour Korean Barbecue tour we are at the next place. Welcome to the Maang Meat Market.

This is the central meat distribution. Market So as soon as you arrive here, you can smell the aroma of raw meat. We're going to a place that's called Inang Hanu. This restaurant is particularly famous for their water aging.

So they take the hanu, they vacuum seal it and then they submerge it underw and this sign up here says it's aged for 336 hours. So we got the two trays of beef. It's unbelievably fatty and marbled and you can see the difference between the two plates. This one is the Mixed Plate Fresh beef non-aged this one you can see the the color turns darker, the muscle fiber starts to break down that water aging process.

Two weeks water aged. these are Huge! Saks Actually wow wow that marble putting on another one too. but the first water AED Steak is ready Hanu which I Cannot wait to try. Wow oh that melt in your mouth.

Oh man that's so much flavor. It's so fatty, just melts in your mouth but at the same time you feel the muscles and the fibers of the beef. For my next piece, let's try to dip in some of the salt and some of the toppings. A little bit of Wasabi a little bit of salt.

One of the favorite ways to eat this kind of quality beef. Oh wow, there's a waterfall of juice in my mouth just liquefies on your tongue. Oh with the salt, that's incredible. You got the crunch of that salt, a little bit of sesame seeds in there, and then the Wasabi is so mild it just kind of like is actually sweet.

Doesn't go up your nose at all. Wow, that's rich. What a meal! I Love the texture, the marbling, just the fat and juiciness of that water-aged Han wo. And it was also great to just spend some time hanging out with friends in Soul Korean Hano beef is some of the best beef on Earth and Grilling up.

A feast right within the market makes it even more special. Insan Hanu just might live up to its name. The best hanu of your life. Today we're going to three legendary restaurants in Soul back to back.

Then we'll drive a couple of hours to Yan for a spicy dinner that I can't Can't wait to try and here we are at the first place. Step out of the car and no joke, you could just smell the kimchi in the air. Okay this place it has a complicated name. I'm I think I'm just going to let Jinu say it.
place called Kim now typically I've always had the kimchi stew with pork, but they also have a version with tuna and a version with Spam I Got to try the spam! Oh, they really have a system down and again. Kimchi jig is all about the kimchi. The kimchi is what makes or breaks kimchi jig so they're not making any mistakes with the kimchi here. They have a huge pan of the kimchi.

Um, that first goes into the pan, then he adds in uh, some chili, some garlic, some other seasonings, some onions that goes into your pan. From there you choose your protein of choice whether that be pork, whether that be tuna, whether that be spam, and then it goes onto the the burner and then she adds in some of the broth and then that boils away until it just all combines with the juices with the kimchi. expertly. Smells so good.

I'm going in. So this one is the classic. the original with pork, kimchi, chili pepper flakes, onions in here. Oh man it smells so good.

Oh wow Oh oh that's hot. Oh it's still on fire. Oh it's so good. m You know because it's all about kimchi.

The kimchi is what makes or break the kimchi jig and because kimchi is a a fermented food. there's such a varying range of flavors and tastes and how fermented it is and how fresh it is, um can have a huge impact on the flavor of this dish. Okay, the next version that I just absolutely had to try is the spam version. Big cubes of spam, kimchi tofu in here.

all the same ingredients, just massive cubes of spam. Oh okay, got to admit that's really tasty. and I mean spam is something I grew up eating a lot of when I was a kid especially as my my mom is from. Hawaii Spam is also very popular in Hawaii so that just immediately brings back the good memories.

but then wrapped up in this Kim juice stew gives it another dimension that's like a a Spam sponge of kimchi. And one more thing before we leave, it's a huge honor. If you look around you'll see the the lids of the the copper pans that they serve the kimchi jig in which they have people sign them and put them on the wall. so it's a huge honor.

Man that kimchi jig was outstanding. Fantastic on the next level. One of the best bowls I've ever had. Highly recommended and we are moving on to the next food.

Okay here we are at the next place and check this out. It's valet and they have an entire power parking lot. This is all their parking. They have a 10-story parking garage all to themselves.

That's all valet. That's how popular it is. We are here for the next place. Oh this restaurant is extremely popular.

Almost continuously a line especially if you come in the peak. Meal Time There'll be a line coming out the the door and they've been featured. You can see here they've just been featured in almost every news station. Every TV station for their food, especially for their ningan.
The buckwheat noodles. Vinegar? yeah, mustard. Wow. Oh oh, skills that was amazing.

He's a true connoisseur, an expert at the ningan. I Cannot wait to dig in. All right here we go. So I don't Oh, the texture of those buckweat noodles is incredible.

They're not as chewy as some vergins that I've had, but you really taste the flavor, the buckweat, the meatiness. It's so cold and refreshing. So good. Yeah, he's good.

Okay, I'm going to try some of the the Bi Nan M Mhm. This one is good as well. It tastes the sweet flavor of the goou tongue, a little bit of chili in there and then it has a sesame oil nutty flavor to it. Yeah, and then you taste the flavor of the daon, The radish in there as well.

pieces of radish. This might be the only place in the world I've ever had valet noodles. That was awesome. Oh, and how convenient is that? Straight from the parking garage straight to your car? Our valet noodles.

Okay, we're off to the next place. We're kind of in the back streets of Soul within an industrial area. Lots of mechanic shops around here, lots of warehouses and uh, import export shops? You can. This is the type of area in Sol where you can find basically anything you're looking for from clothes to Plumbing Okay, thank you! Welcome to O That's the name of the restaurant and it's a classic.

It's a legendary restaurant that dates back to 1946 and the main grilled Korean barbecue that they serve here is called Bogi Bull means fire GOI means meat. So it's actually fire meat and this method of cooking has been in Korea for hundreds thousands of years. It has a history. It's been called by different names and I mean it.

One of the main signature facts about the meat is that it's sliced thin. It's marinated before it's grilled. You can see it's really thin slices maybe Sirin or brisket which is thin slices marinated. Usually it's quite on the sweet side.

We'll have to test this out and see uh but I Love the grill shape. It's a it's a dome shape with little holes with the burner on the bottom so that all the heat rises and then the juices are going to spill to the to the sides into the water. so she drills it up for your taable side. Kind of like keeps scooping it onto the top, putting it on the top, letting the juices of the booi drain down into the broth into the trough below till it kind of caramelize.

and Crispies you can I mean you can actually hear it hissing caramelizing from that that sweet marinade and now she turns off the fire. she says it's ready to eat that smells so good. So the method of eating this: Boi Grabb a lettuce into your palm garlic, dip it into the fermented bean paste into your lettuce and Boi Oh yeah oh man it's so tender and just the caramalized sweetness contrasted by the pungency of the garlic and the really salty bean paste. All that together in your mouth.
it's so tasty! That was really really good. Thoroughly enjoyed it and also I mean this restaurant is just a preservation of traditional Korean food Heritage Especially famous for their Boo G that was so good! Oh, we've been in Soul for the last two nights upon arrival to South Korea Uh, but we had a full day of eating today and now we are driving. Uh, on the road trip. starting the road trip heading south.

Uh, first destination is a place called Yesan this evening and it's going to be about a 2hour drive where we're going to have some more food. So we're on our way and so we made it to the town of Yan. It's actually quite a beautiful town and we're here especially to check out the Yan daily Market the Central Market of the town where they're famous for food and especially one dish that we absolutely have to try to eat your dinner. That's the name of the dish that we came to Yan To eat.

it's a chili specialty chili chicken dish and we're going to have an honor to see the process of how they make it. So the technique of cooking it is. He first stir fries the dry chilies and the leaks in some oil drops in the chicken really stir fries that up. Wow! Gives it the walk, the walk Smoky Aroma then drenches it in the sauce which you can tell has a lot of chilies.

Smell the aroma of that and then the chicken is going to braze now for about 5 to 10 minutes. Um until all of that SAU sauce starts to to dehydrate and dry in case onto the chicken. but that's a nice technique cuz it's going to build the layers of the flavor for the chicken. Oh this is the TU the rice rice cakes.

U More leaks go in. He waits until that sauce thickens because it's probably some sugar in the sauce. it starts to caramelize. You smell that caramelization happening? Um, until it thickens.

He waits for the precise moment, grabs a huge handful of the chopped green chilies onto a PL plate directly in, gives it a couple toss, turns off the fire and that's it. It's ready presenting to you the dish of the night. the chicken. the Chili Peppers Going in for my first bite, the legendary Chicken from Chili Chicken from Yan Market Oh wow that's so tasty! Oh man it's like juicy.

a little bit sweet, a little bit spicy, such a Harmony and a balance of flavor. Al together with the smokiness of the walk, then the breeed effect that like ensures that all the sauce gets absorbed into the chicken. I'm going to take another piece of the chicken onto my rice. that sauce at the bottom is so good! Oh wow! I'd be happy to eat this dish even without the chicken just with the chilies and the sauce combination of chicken, chilies, fire pepper paste and fire to bring it all together.

Dinner at Yesan Market was delicious. We drove about a 30 minute drive. we're in a small town here, uh where? We checked into our hotel and I just download all the footage from today, charge up all the batteries. That's what I do every night in the hotel.
Oh yeah, time to charge up all of the gear every night, download everything for the next day. We're going to have to wake up quite early in the morning and then we'll leave by 6:00 a.m. It's a 2-hour drive to get to the experience. Going to say good night here and see you in the morning.

We just arrived to Changan Village Oh, they're digging the hole right now. Oh they're getting started right now as we arrive and today we are going to cook one of the most unique Korean meals in an underground steamer. You can see how big this hole is. Okay I think that's I think that's the main hole.

but this is the strategy here. They have kind of a a circular main hole almost the size of a hot tub and then over here there's kind of a side Channel with a little engraving here because this is going to be underground oven but also a steamer. One of the most important things is the steamer. Okay oh they're still stacking loading on logs.

It's going to be a bonfire. Oh man. with the amount of wood and logs that they're adding to this fire, it's about to be a massive Blaze Oh man that fire. It's blazing hot.

You can feel the heat radiating off the fire. Oh and you can see he's stacking here a little. a little opening, water, water. what a s Oh Ah so they're building like a little door Archway to the oven.

We've moved inside to the kitchen where they are going to load the pot with the ingredients that's going to steam. So you got some sweet potatoes, some regular potatoes, some eggs, some pumpkin, some corn, and some pork belly. And I mean these would all be ingredients that they would be able to grow that they would Harvest that would they would raise right here within the village. So they're going to pack.

Pack the pot now. Finish: Okay, Finished. Ready. Ready to go.

Okay this is why I love to travel for food. It just offers so much insights into the culture, the history. It's incredible. And so as it turns out, this area they are known for making hemp clothing, especially traditionally and they would make their traditional clothes out of hemp and in order to process the hemp, they would need to steam it.

And so they set up these rock pits. uh with hot rocks. They would steam the hemp and then you know might as well make use of the heat so they would put food into big pots. Uh, stick it onto the side of the hemp.

Steamers And the using as a result of those hot rocks and the steam that they were using to process the hemp fiber to make clothes, they would cook a meal and share it together with the community. And so I mean everything has a purpose. And that's also why I Mean along with being extremely laborous, uh, taking a lot of effort and time, it's also a lost dying art because they no longer process uh, hemp fiber to make clothes like that anymore. Oh now he's working fast.
Oh you can see all that steam coming out. Oh and immediately gravel soil goes on top covering it up. This is incredible. All for that pot of food.

It's the the Big Surprise. Oh go Whoa. it's so hot it's still so hot down there. Here it is the reveal.

Yeah One two three Okay one two three one two three. Wow. Wow. that smells so good.

M he opens up the lid that Aroma that steam smells so good. Looks like it was a success today. Everything looks like it's cooked that pork literally. As she was slicing it, you could just see the juices pouring out of it.

It's it will make your mouth water. So get a piece of the pork belly. Ah that's what you do. Put it onto your plate.

take a little bit of the a little bit. it's very salty. I think a little bit of the shrimp might even be too much. Okay wow.

Sweet smokey, smokey, smokey, sweet come some. Oh wow, that pork is even better than I was expecting It tastes like straight barbecue melt in your mouth. The smokiness is just embedded into the fibers and muscle tissue of that pork belly. And then again, the pork belly is not.

It's not, uh, salty. it's just Smoky And then when you add that fermented shrimp paste that gives it the saltiness. oh that pork is insane. It's just exceeded my expectations.

And then I was mentioning that I was a little bit like I mean there were no, there was no seasoning, not even salt on the ingredients. but I should have known with all the Korean side dishes that just just totally magnified the flavor of everything making it just an unbelievable meal. But the day is not over yet. We are still continuing.

We are continuing with this road trip in South Korea We're going to drive about an hour to another very famous city. Was there called Junu uh for their signature dish for something that another dish that they invented there. Welcome to Chanu and this is a historical town in South Korea 8 years ago Ying and I spent almost 10 days in Chanchu. We made some old videos back then so it's great to finally be back, but we're not going to stay for long.

We came here mainly just to eat one dish one of the most important foods in all of Junju and we're at one of the original places. This is just a one meal stop though here. Welcome to Huk Jip! This is one of the most famous, probably one of the most legendary iconic restaurants in all of Junu And they serve a dish that is also the most famous iconic dish of Janu which is called Janu Biop which is mixed rice. and if you look around I mean this is almost a museum of a restaurant.

They have photos, they have antiques, they have traditional plaques, they've won many awards as a traditional restaurant as a native Chunchu food restaurant, and of course you come here for the biing. Bop We're going to start with the original Chu Bop You have all the beautiful toppings but you have to destroy it by mixing it all completely. Oh and and there's I I I Do uh. Junu is also famous for bean sprouts, so there are bean sprouts on here although they were hidden.
Um, you mix it. You got to fully mix everything with the rice below. You want every bite to be completely mixed in with the same amount of ingredients. an even coating.

M Oh yes, it's a Harmony the sesame oil, the sweet chili guch Chong paste, and the fermentation. all those chewy vegetables. The bean sprouts in particular have a really nice kind of leathery, chewy texture. The mushrooms in there.

The shiaka mushrooms. There's a little bit of a a fermented flavor as well, but not overpowering, just kind of adding to the harmony of the mixture. It's hot. yeah, it's refreshing.

it's a mix. It's a combination of so many different things. everything serving a purpose, everything coming together in one ball. Bi was excellent.

From here we are driving. it's going to be about an hour drive to get to this. It's an actual Farm where they specialize in this spicy Korean dish cooked over a raging fire. and what is it? What is it called wo since 1897? So this is a special for Korean beverage for helping you digest who? Oh no.

it's really, really sudsy. It's really carbonated. That's okay. Oh, it's okay.

Okay, and and apparently this is the the ultimate beverage for helping you digest. So after all the food, this is what you need when you're in. Korea Oh, a little bit medicinal tasting but kind of sweet foamy good. Oh yeah, kind of tastes like Red Bull at the same time.

Red Bull digestive. We'll need this as we keep on eating. We have another meal to go to tonight. It was about an hour drive and we made it here.

This place is a place I've just been so excited to come to on this Korea trip. It's in the middle of the countryside surrounded by farms and mountains. It's a beautiful area. It's called Samori Nan and so it's called Samori Farm Wow, that's a lot of heat.

What a process! This is straight up pyromaniac cooking. Oh that's Sizzle And here comes once the fire is going. He pours all of the sauce and the chicken which is pre-made into the iron skillet and it's their own secret recipe. But It includes carrots, potatoes, chicken, and then lots of guch Chang which is the Korean pepper paste.

They have their own secret blend of ingredients and spices that goes into it. Then it's going to sizzle for a while as the sauces mingle and uh, start to condense and start to thicken. Um, and I know he's going to blow torch it more and he might add in some more ingredients as well. Then they're going to add in some more vegetables and let that continue to sizzle.

But this is such a cool cooking process. Our pan is well underway I Think it has to simmer for almost 30 minutes to get that consistency right so that the sauce starts to thicken and coat onto the pieces of chicken. One of the hottest boiled lava dishes you might ever see on Earth going in. Oh man for the drumstick since it's right on top.
But look at the way the sauce has just caramelized, it's thickened, it's so sticky. it wasn't boiling, it was bubbling going in. Cannot wait. It's still.

it's still on fire. Oh wow Oh the flavor is incredible. Sweet, salty, a little bit spicy and just condensed flavor. and just the incredible smokiness from that fire.

Oh man, there's something that only there's this unique flavor that only an extreme heat can provide. Oh I Feel good? Oh wow. I'm blown away. That was is outstanding I'm going to say that's one of the most addictive Korean Foods I've ever had.

First of all, so much fun to watch being cooked prepared. It's an entertaining meal. Second of all, you get to sit in these incredible tents with picnic tables and just hang out and eat. And third of all, it just is so tasty.

Uh what a meal! What an experience! It's worth it to drive all the way here to come to this. Farm to eat after that chicken we drove I think just about 30 minutes we made it to the town which is called Guangju which is actually one of the bigger cities in Korea one of the top five bigger cities. Uh but we are checking into the hotel. It's been a long day but one of the greatest days of Korean food that I've had but going to going to get some rest.

That's going to be it for today and then tomorrow we have another big day of food ahead of us. We we are beginning at the Yangdong Market. This is one of the biggest markets in this entire region of South Korea One of the most popular things to eat at the market is not seafood at all. Oh man they have all the walks going full of oil.

The aroma of the Fried Chicken fills this entire Lane and this place that we're going to it's legendary. I Mean it's been featured in so many TV shows so many celebrities have visited but they're legendary for their whole fried chicken. Korean Fried Chicken The first step is of course the raw chicken and making the batter and they make it by the batch. it's approximately I think one full chicken and they make they don't have like this master giant batter.

She mixes up the batter for every batch of chicken and they said that they have this magic powder which is the seasoning which includes a variety of different things. That's their secret seasoning that cannot be replicated that you can only get here. So that's definitely one of the secrets. What makes their Korean Fried Chicken different from anywhere else? So they're just continuously frying chicken.

It's quite a heavy batter, actually quite a thick sticky batter and then that goes into the the hot oil. They kind of just, uh, spread it out throughout the oil and then they really like make sure each piece doesn't stick together, making sure that oil is perfectly hot. and then they just monitor it perfectly until it's golden brown, crispy that smells incredible. and they even test it with this huge knife chest to make sure the chicken is perfectly cooked on the inside.
Even do a little bit of a moving from one pan to the next. kind of for that double deep fry and one of the secrets or one of the reasons, uh, it's different from any other. Fried Chicken in Korea is that they use pure cotton seed oil for deep frying. That is a huge plate of fried chicken.

Yeah, I'm just going to grab this piece, man, you can just feel it in your fingers how crispy it is. Okay, here we go. First bite. Oh oh, feels like it's still boiling in the oil.

It's so hot and fresh. M And it's so crispy. Yeah, because of that heavy batter, the magic seasoning, so crispy, so perfectly golden. the chicken remains yeah, very moist on the inside even though this is the the chicken breast.

And something you'll notice is that the batter is actually not that salty. I Think that's because they they provide you salt on the side. they provide you some sauce on the side even for the the original version. Oh man, it really is some of the crispiest chicken you'll ever have.

That batter. the perfect way that they fry it so crispy on our way to the next place. Yeah, it's going to be about an hour drive I Think Got this massive coffee. Wow that's hot! Okay here we are in the south of: South Korea The area is called Mu and we're along a road which is called Montan which is quite legendary because this is the number one place that's known for hay barbecue.

Korean Barbecue. and they so they Grill pieces of pork belly over hay roasting them, giving it a unique fragrance and a scorched Aroma in a grill. The hay is lit on fire and it burns so hot. Oh, that's why it I Mean that's the benefit of the hay is it burns so incredibly hot you can literally instantaneously hear the crackle.

Look at that. Blaze Oh wow, that's on. Literally. It's pork on fire.

Man, that's an insane amount of heat. Wow. And the aroma that comes off of it. It takes less than 50 seconds to cook and you just immediately hear that crackle.

All of that pork belly just sizzling over that insanely hot heat. Wow, that's amazing. What a process. Another Korean Pyromaniac food.

Wow that is a hot fire. Wow and ready! I Cannot wait to try it, that is crispy! Smokey completely melts in your mouth. The fat has just rendered and just reacted with that flame to create this. Sensational smokiness in your mouth.

Oh that's so good! And they do have some combinations written on the wall for you to try. They specifically want you to try the pork belly dipped into their special uh Patty crab sauce. Oh it's kind of thick put into the lettuce. Then you add some of the onion kimchi to the bite.
Oh wow that brings out the flavor potential. So the onion is so juicy, the incredible smokiness of the pork belly and then that sauce definitely has this fermented, seafoody crabby flavor to it, but that contrasts. The also adds the saltiness that adds to complement everything and the acidity of the the onion kimchi. Oh what a combination! Oh that's so good.

That's so many flavors going on in your mouth all at once that was tasty. There's no doubt this is a gem of Korean food in the countryside. Well worth making the effort and the journey to get here. Just a quick update on this ultimate South Korean road trip.

We started in Soul We made our way down the West Coast We are now in the very southwest corner of South Korea and from here we are going to continue with this road trip. On to the East and we're driving to the east. We're on our way to a place called Masan which is just outside of Busan for the next Food where they invented something very special. We specifically came to this city to eat a dish that originated right here and they make it from one of the oddest, most bizarre fish on earth.

We found the whole monk fish I mean it literally is just like a almost like a piece of blubber with eyes coming out of it. So we're in the kitchen. we're going to see some of the cooking process with Auntie who is hilarious. The Aui gim is made in this red caramelized pot.

uh, the boiling pots for the steaming and the steaming and the boiling. And then this pot is for the the blee, the blee with the monk fish and so for the auu Jim. It includes all these seasoning powders which she mixes up in that caramelized pot with chili. There's a little bit of what looks like a starch or a flour and a bunch of seasoning secret powders that she uses mixes set up with some scallions with some other herbs.

Then the The Boiled monk fish which he boils for probably 15 minutes or so and plus that small mountain of bean sprouts. Uh, then she just tosses that up, mixes it on a low heat. Uh, and that's the that's the main aim. The main dish.

This is the original, the classic, the Sang Akim and it has the mfish in it plus a small mountain of bean sprouts. Some of the longest bean sprouts I've ever seen in my life. Okay, let's start with this piece of monkfish. I Got a nice nugget of the monkfish for my my first bite I Can't wait! This is my first time to ever try this dish.

Oh wow! M Oh that's incredible. The meat of the monkfish is so meaty you could almost think that it's chicken. like a really soft fluffy chicken. And then often times when you get this red sauce, it can be kind of on the sweeter side.

Sometimes this one is not. It's not sweet, it's just salty, a little bit spicy and just magnifies the spongy fluffiness of that monk fish. What a dish! I mean from the moment I saw her in the kitchen I knew you could trust her with all of your monkfish needs and desires. Man, that's so tasty.
The combination, those bean sprouts are incredible. Oh man, this has now become one of my favorite Korean dishes I Can't believe I've never had this one before. my first time I'm in love with it! Oh what a dish that was outstanding. So flavorful, so tasty, spicy and Auntie making it.

She's just the queen of auu Jim of monkfish. She is a legend. So cool! What a meal! What a spot! Highly recommend it and you can eat this dish all over! Korea I Know for sure you can find it in Soul But just coming to the location where it originates, where it's the most popular where it came from gives it even more meaning. And today we're going on an ultimate Korean Street Food tour to eat some of the best local food in.

Busan Starting right here at Tagachi Market which is the biggest seafood market in all of South Korea He's doing a beautiful job with that plate of fresh SE Bre Sashimi that is. Oh man the transparency, the color of that fish is beautiful. Those spotted sardines that's just incredible. He cleans them so well, takes out the center bone, dries them, makes sure they're really dry with a towel, and then he just slices them finally.

almost like a like a slicing machine. so thin slices. oh man, that's going to be so good and that's what we're going to eat for for sashimi. Oh and he's doing a variety of techniques well.

I Love all sorts of fish, but sometimes small fish are some of the tastiest best fish. uh that you can possibly eat. So I'm I'm really excited to try this. Oh nice, come here! We are beginning this Busan Food tour Ultra Fresh Seafood I Cannot wait to start digging into that sashimi and look at the way he made this floral formation of the Sashimi of the bream transparent slices so white and then it is called H which is the the raw raw form of fish or raw form of of ingredients.

Um this would be the the bean sauce that you could dip into with garlic. Looks like there's some green chilies in there as well. Little dab in this. oh wow oh that's fresh, The texture, the muscle, it melts in your mouth and it has a little bit of chew at the same time.

What a just Ultra Clean Fish And we also have the the seasonal specialty which are the boded sardines. A delicacy because it has little bones in it. It has this little bit of a crunch trip but the way you sliced it you can just crunch through the bones giving it extra texture. Almost has a little buttery feel to it with that crunch.

Oh that's so good. We're going to continue eating. We have another place to eat that's actually at the fish market. The next place we're going is down this alley.

There's so many signs on this alley. So Many Colors This is a famous place for old school for their uh, intestines barbecue as well as their triped hot pot. This the who, That's the intestine. Wow, that's a whole coil.
Oh man, there's wording. so oily. Oh oh so it's first griddle fried and then onto the Hot Grill So it's a two-step cooking process. Oh it.

Squirts and sprays Okay, we're moving into the this small intestines. This is when things are really getting excited. The the intestines, oh intestines are always just slightly hilarious and delicious delicacy. And I mean just the way they look and the way they're so fatty they're just spewing with juices and as she adds it to the fire, they just erupt with flame.

Another dip into the sauce. Oh wow, oh that's so good. Almost has a Nutty creaminess to it with a Chey wrapper and the smokiness grilled in its own fat on the gdle. Then the smokiness from the grill to tar off all of that excess oil and grease intestines is fantastic.

Yes! and then they also we also have those. They look like sausages, but they're the big intestines sometimes. I've heard them called flower intestines because when you chop them open, they just kind of spew with fat and juices into a floral floral crystals. Almost okay.

here we go. let's try the flower. Ines Oh that's like fat on fire. Oh that totally melts in your mouth.

Oh man, it liquefies then with that kind of stretchy skin around it. flower fat on the inside just totally dissolves on your tongue. Oh that was satisfying. That was a a textural playground in your mouth.

and I Just absolutely love the history here and the culture from here. We are heading back to the center of Busan where we're going to go to another market and try some street food snacks we are at G Shiang Market This is one of the extremely popular Market areas and actually connected I mean basically This whole Central area of Busan is a market connected to the fish market where we at this morning. but there's a lot of things you could buy here. lots of fashion accessories, but there is some street food to be found including a couple of famous things that we got to try when we're here.

Yeah, it's so another one of the popular street foods that you have to try when you come to Busan is called Busan Omuk. It's fish cake boiling on sticks and it's what's awesome is it's self-service You grab your own. let's do it sticks. This one is I think the most classic huge sheet of fish cake.

okay dip. oh that looks extremely spongy. Oh yeah, almost feels like fish tofu. well really spongy, just absorbs all of that broth as it soaks, boils remain, remains hot, nice texture and then also probably one of the coolest moves of all.

you grab a red cup and it's a scooper cup. Then you can just dip into that broth. Just no double dipping, a little bit salty, not overly powerful in flavor, kind of mild, watery, salty. and just with that Essence that Aroma of the fish broth, there's an entire Lane for something which is called bingu which you might have heard of.
It's one of the most famous. Korean Desserts: A shave ice but with so many toppings. Oh shaved ice, beans, fruit. oh more ice gets shaved on condensed milk.

That's condensed milk. goes on. Oh and what's that Go on top some candied fruits. Oh oh yeah oh that is refreshing I think The Joy of Eating Bingu is that when it starts to melt it starts to create these new flavors and mix all the ingredients together.

You've got the texture of that ice which is it's shaved so fine that it has a little crunch but as soon as you crunch down it just melts dissolves on your tongue. The beans are a little bit sweet and just act to to to bring it together. And then you got that candy fruit and the condensed milk which also just makes it milky. The Bing Su was excellent, very refreshing and just a simple simple Bing suo which is what I Enjoy! Okay we're on our way to find another thing.

In order to make it, she takes a handful of the dough which is quite sticky. Uh, she kind of presses it into a ball and then she puts in a spoonful of this cinnamon sugar mixture and then wraps it up to close it. Then she puts it onto the hot griddle which there's oil in it to shallow fry. He shallow fries it in the oil, smashes it down into a Patty formation and then flips it over and Cooks it until it's golden brown, until the the sugar starts to melt on the inside.

and then the really cool move is that once it's done and crispy, they make an incision into the top of it and load it up with a a bunch of uh, crushed I think almonds and pumpkin seeds, nuts, a variety of nuts on the inside, and then it's ready to eat a handheld pocket. That's a really, really cool idea and and serve it to you in a cup. Check this out. I Mean it was good.

It was good already before the nuts, but when they open it up and load it full of nuts, that makes it even better. Oh, there's even uh I think almonds, pumpkin seeds, and sunflower seeds. At least maybe more. and that's hot.

That's right out of the oil. Oh man, it's good. Crispy on the outside, the the dough is really chewy, elasticy, you got the sweetness of the sugar which has been melted with the cinnamon, and then the crunch of the nuts, the nuttiness of it. oh all coming together.

kind of like a doughnut pocket, but so good. That was a great time. Definitely a place you want to get lost just walking around exploring all the shopping alleys and lots of street food tucked within. We ended up drying, giving probably a 15-minute drive or so from where we were uh to a place called Aman Park And this is on the seaside.

Actually, it's really popular for fishing. Almost everyone here is fishing, but it's also popular for these local Busan food tents we are in and this type of dining is called the Poang MAA It's a part of the Busan Korean food culture. It's like this hot, steamy tent and you feel all the heat coming from all the grills going clouds of smoke Rising as you grill up Seafood Um, and they're especially known for having some drinks, having some bites to eat, some snacks, some grilling some seafood, and for the the loud environment. What a What an atmosphere! Oh wow.
this is literally a party tray. I see spaghetti I see hamburgers I see shrimp I see Abalone all on this tray and it's kind of like you. There's no real menu, you kind of just serve you. They have these set menus that you order and we got the definitely the party platter.

Here comes the fire. Put it on to the to the edge. Okay oh the the scallops. All of them.

Y take a blob, a block of butter, put one into, put one into each scallop, and then you add a little cheese. Yeah, you can try. like cover it up with cheese, make it like, uh. cover with cheese.

Okay, cover it with cheese. Oh man. Yes yes. Melted cheese and butter.

That's a raging hot fire. It's a raging hot fire. Okay I think this one is ready though. Cheese, onions, scallop has come off.

Woo! Okay, let's go right off the grill in the fire. Oh wow, the cheese is so mild, but you got the sweetness of the scallop, the onions, the green pepper in there, the fire. This red, cheesy, shrimpy, just melting sauce. Molten lava cheese.

It looks like literally molten hot lava cheese maybe with pepper paste and trimp in the center. Oh wow Again, that was the by far the sweatiest Korean meal I've ever had. This is such a popular place. So local and yet so modern.

So much cheesee but man it's so Smoky so hot back there. just feels great to be back in the fresh air and what a day in Busan We drove a little bit outside of town about 15 20 minutes and we are at a legendary place to eat. One of the signature noodles that originates right here in Busan I Love Korean noodles I'm very excited this entire restaurant specializes in something called Milan which is Uh Busan's special noodle. This is a beautiful noodle dish and you can see that the noodles are yellow in color.

They're made from wheat flour and two different versions. Uh one is the I think the original one is with ice water soup which I have grown to absolutely love. So actually they don't serve you any spoons. There were no spoons in the in the little little case.

so I think you're supposed to drink the broth. Oh oh oh wow. The initial first taste is a little bit sweet, not too salty and then you get this slushy this like beefy slushie in your mouth all at the same time. Oh, it's so refreshing.

Oh I Love it. So you're going to mix it up first, mix up the the ball of noodles. oh that's a it's a nice tight wad of noodles and you can see all that. GOI Chong mixing into the icy broth, cucumbers, daon, radish, pieces of slices of beef ice.
Let's try those noodles. Mhm. Oh yes. The texture of those noodles is incredible.

Slightly chewy, so clean, so pure tasting. the sweetness from the goou Chong the icy coldness, the beefiness. Man, those are quality noodles. You can taste that they're just like real deal handmade noodles.

I Love that. Mhm. So refreshing I Like them both. but I really like the one with the icy water.

then really good shreds of shreds of beef radish that was excellent. I Especially again, love the one with the icy cold noodles. the slushie. Welcome to the city of Teu and Teu is the third largest city in.

South Korea We just this morning drove from Busan to the city of Teu. We came here specifically to eat a couple of foods that are originate that come from here and that are most popular here. and the first dish that we're going to go eat right now is called Jim Galby. It's this spicy ribs stew and I'm really looking forward to eating it.

Can't wait to try it! This is the normal version, normal version Yeah on. as soon as you order it comes out record fast. So fast because I think it's a dish that takes a long time to cook and so they probably have it already prepared, stewed down, brazed together with all of those chilies and all of those spices until it comes together so it takes a long times. They probably just scoop it out into the bowl.

And one of the signatures about this dish is that it's always served in this nickel silver bowl which apparently from what I was reading is not only for looks and not only for presentation, but it actually contributes to the flavor. So I'm going to try the I'm going to try the normal version First and these are Korean short ribs. Yeah, look at how much garlic is just taped up on there. It's basically garlic, just garlic.

Wow! This version that I'm going to taste first is with American beef and then the the version in this this uh case this brown wooden case is with Korean beef. and then on top of that the American beef we got as the normal normal spicy, typical spicy. but the Korean beef we got the extra spicy version. So I'll try American beef normal spicy version First Plain Oh wow what a dish! That beef of the ribs just melts in your mouth.

it's so so tender. Oh man. often times when you have G um barbecue it's fatty and really really flavorful. But it has this kind of a chewiness to it.

this muscly chewiness to it. This, they brazed it down until it just falls off the bone. It's so tender. Let's try the Korean beef.

I'm digging into the extra spicy and coat it in that sauce. Grab a grab another rib. Oh oh, it keeps on coming. keeps on coming.

Beautiful! When it's hanging like this, there's only way to it's you can only go in vertically. Oh wow that is so tender. All the Korean beef. m Oh the extra spicy.

Oh the garlic. and the extra spicy. Okay, you do notice that it's a bit. It's a bit spicier, definitely spicier than the original, but still not not overpowering spicy at all.
Um, just a good flavor of the red chili powder, chili flakes, and massive garlic. and the sweetness is not overpowering either. It's just just Harmony of sweetness that adds to it. Man that melts in your mouth.

Okay, let's go with the the full combo here. Oh, that's a huge Pearl Olive Look at the size of that. Pearl I'm going with the spoon so that we can get all of that all of that sauce. You're going to want to load it up with as much of that sauce as possible.

Garlic: Go. Go with the green chili on this bite. Yeah, oh man, that's a big one. Oh that is huge flavor.

Might need a napkin after that, but the chili red sauce garlic on top of garlic chili on top of chili perilla Leaf Oh that's a that is a extraordinary oh man that's a my first time to ever try this uh Korean dish. Jimal from Teu and it was awesomely awesomely good. That flavor is probably going to be in my mouth for the rest of the day. I'm in a town which is called Yong Chan in South Korea We drove here it was about 45 minutes from the bigger town of U in South Korea and we spe specifically came to this town to eat an original version of yuk which is the Korean R beef Tartar and they serve.

There's a legendary restaurant here uh that has been serving it for decades and it's definitely a regional specialty. here. we are at the front of the restaurant and it's kind of on this corner uh, occupying a nice little prominent Corner section here. Uh, the name.

It's a very interesting name. how would you pronounce it? Uh, it's p one more time Yong Yong Yes, that's good. Yeah, okay, this is the spot. I'm very excited.

Oh sir, this is at the front of restaurant here. You can tell that this is an all beef restaurant. They have all the fresh beef here slicing up into a variety of different shapes and sizes. For the different dishes that they're preparing, this place is a straight up Butchery They have all the fresh meat they specialized in fresh hanu Korean beef.

they cut the beef differently for the different dishes that they they serve and so the for yuk it is usually uh a very like thin Julian of of beef that they use. Oh nice. So we got our order in and then as soon as you make your order Within she comes back with the stew. the soup.

uh because I think that's all ready to go, they just put it in and they want it to start boiling throughout your meal so that it starts cooking so that you can be eating it and so that's going to boil away. We're still waiting for the the UK which is on its way. UK so we ended up actually I think getting every single dish that they offer on the menu the soup stew the blee which is kind of grilled in a iron Skittle but also kind of boiled I mean it's boiled in its own juices and marinade so it's more of a a simmered beef dish and then the main plate. the main event the yuk Quay and this is different from other versions that I guess I've never had this version before because typically I have the the common version of ukay in South Korea which is thinly sliced uh Julian beef like this and then they mix it with pears with a raw egg which you stir up and then you you grab bites.
this one the texture looks a little bit different and it's minced up with some herbs. It looks like scallions and a lot of sesame oil and sesame seeds and this is just beautiful. Oh man you could just smell the freshness man that texture and it's just you can see how it's just kind of chopped in with those herbs. Wow oh that's unbel un believable that completely melts in your mouth.

oh it's so tender it dissolves and this immediate like sensation of sesame oil just fills your tongue. Have had UK before around Korea this one and often times it can be a little bit chewy which I mean still is really good but this one is the most tender most melt iny mouth version I've ever had without a doubt. Wow okay the soup is fully ready cooked I'm going to try some of the or the stew actually I'll try some of the stew next. it's just really clean tasting it taste a the those red chili flakes, the leaks in there, the mushrooms and then in comparison to the flavor of the uku though it's mild it's a total change.

Contrast in your mouth. Okay so this has been simmered, marinated, simmered. you can see how some of the blood has started to curdle. there's onions in there, there's leaks, so fragrant.

Oh even mushrooms. oh man it just melts in your mouth again it's so tender. and then we have the last dish which is the same yuk, the same raw beef tartar except this one is served in a metal. Bowl because you're supposed to mix with rice and mix with salad.

dump the whole rice in, then this bowl of salad. add it also at least some of it. So this is the Yuk Bi B I kid you not, that is one of the greatest raw beefs you'll have. and I mean for sure that's the best UK Quake I've ever had.

Mixed with the hot rice, the salad, the crunch of the salad, the freshness that gives it a whole new dimension. Oh man, that's good. Just finished the greatest yukay Korean yukay meal I've ever had that was absolutely phenomenal. I'm going to dream about this one.

that's that's with without a doubt. Uh, but from here we drive back to Teu and then tomorrow we're going to continue up the east coast of South Korea By the way, good morning and something that I often try to do either in the morning or the evening is a lot of push-ups when we're traveling. yes and I Thought it would be a good time to give you a quick update on how this Korean road trip is going so far, but again, we started in Soul and if you've been following along, we drove down the west coast of South Korea uh, eating Foods along the way and then all the way to the southwestern Corner uh and then we drove over the across the southern part of the peninsula onto Busan and then yesterday we drove up to Teu where we ate some Delicacies I've learned so much and really gained much more of an understanding of the regional variations of Korean cuisine as well as the possibility the diversity of the possibility of dishes that are available. I mean this is the reason that I I love to travel for food and I love to get off the beaten path from here.
Today we drive up the east coast of the Korean Peninsula up to a city called So Cho which is in the very Northeastern corner. It's famous for seafood and especially Red Snow Crabs So we're going to go on a food tour today of Soo but it's going to be a long drive to get there. We've been driving for about 3 hours, made one or two stops uh, bathroom stops along the way and we drove through the mountains. Really rugged, really beautiful scenery Mountain scenery and now we came down dropped in elevation to the coastline and from here we will be going up the coast.

Poast to Soo I think we have about 45 minutes an hour left. Uh, until we reach our destination where we are going to begin a Soo food tour. Soo is known for its seafood and I mean that's really the reason I Wanted to come here. We're beginning this food tour at the Central Tourist Market Where some of the Korean street foods here are not seafood at all and they're one of the most popular things to eat in all of.

Soo Nice. This Market is full of all sorts of things from street food snacks to fresh raw ingredients. So it's all. I mean walking streets here and we are now going down one of the main alleys of the market.

Here we are. We found it! It is white and bright, almost to the point where you need sunglasses. But from what I understand people will travel from Soul and around the country here just to eat what they serve right here in. Soo Let's open the the gift.

It is a straight up gift ready for the reveal here. Let's see. Open it up. Oh not a reveal, let's open it up again.

Wow! Fancy packaging Here we go. I Think this might be the real reveal. Let's go there it is. Wow! This is one of the most popular things to eat in all of So.

Fried Chicken Nuggets of fried chicken in this Sweet Sticky Sauce with almonds with green chilies smells really good and served in a Christmas gift box. Let's try it out. Wow it's sticky. Sauce is really sticky.

Oh wow that's tasty. M Okay it is sweet, definitely sweet but it has this incredible saltiness. The sauce is so s sticky and I think it's so garlicky that's like straight up garlic fried chicken. m and even though it's cold or room temperature and sort of the sauce has absorbed into this crispy breading.

which kind of seems ironic for fried chicken that actually is part of the the attraction, it just absorbs that sauce into that crispy batter. This is another extremely popular food item that people come to soo just to eat. and we got off one of the alleys from the main market and this is the place we're coming to try it out. Okay, those are the dipping sauces.
Oh nice. Oh the squid. Tnd comes on a sizzling. Skillet Oh that's beautiful.

It is a whole squid stuffed fried egg battered and on a sizzling platter. I'm going to go in for the squid tday. What a fantastic, brilliant idea! You can see the squid is the exterior, it's the wrapper of the sausage stuffed with rice stuffed with maybe scallions and some other things. So you take this bite.

oh it's good. I mean it's just just such a wonderful natural thing to do with Squid stuff it with even more deliciousness. About a 10-minute drive away is the next market and this Market is known for its red snow crabs. especially the east coast of Korea You'll find tons and tons of red snow crabs one of the prizes of the sea.

And as you can see up there, this cluster is known for their seafood and especially their crabs. So we're going to walk around, we're going to see some of the market and then we are definitely going to try some crab. Got to admit, the sea squirt is not my favorite item from the sea. they're just so Briny so salty.

but we got to give it a try every time we have a have the opportunity. Oh man, that sea squirt was that was intense. It has this bitterness to it, you almost feel this ammonia coming out of it. almost goes up your brain a little bit.

that is unique. Definitely an advanced. Seafood He's finding us three of the best. Soo Snow crabs.

So we're going to have the full Soo Red snow crab meal immediately into the steaming containers. Okay, and that's the steamer right there. Wow, that's fast, straight from the tank straight to the steamer on the sidewalk. right here.

Okay, oh, they serve it to you hole like that. Okay, and what he's doing is, he's taking all those leg and he's just taking the knife and just slicing down that shell. Look how that's how soft the shell is. He could just slice that knife.

So we've got the whole crab sculpture here. We also have just the whole crab which he's going to show us how to cut up and eat first. Okay, yeah, so scissors. and again, that shell is so soft.

Cuts off one of the legs. Oh that

By Mark

16 thoughts on “Best korean food tour ever!! 33 meals from seoul to busan! full documentary”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @abezainal2126 says:

    all i see is sweet spicy and salty sour sweet , korean food is pretty basic 😁

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @user-jq1hy2rh8c says:

    I went there korea and first clean, even public restroom is empress clean peoples was nice and oh my!!!food is best and i love fried chicken is way cheaper than here,i love street food too.i am going to secon trip again…pretty safe at night too.i can.t wait…

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @sreyasmrfood5450 says:

    Lots of delicious Korean food

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @roywhite5840 says:

    Dum Koreans don't know about own history! Korea used to be the Poorest Country in Asia?

    Then Korea was developed under Marshall plan, Free money!

    China and India developed on their own without help from West.

    No wonder, when Korean migrate to America, they rank #7 in family income and Indians rank #1

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @MyFullFiguredLife says:

    I’m so here for this series 💛☝🏾

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @paulchezkari6952 says:

    That 10-story valet parking structure 😂😂😂😂

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @Stockholmsking says:

    How are you not fat yet? 😂

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @sharon692 says:


  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @goat569 says:

    Fascinating footage. A little advice to correct is the landing point at the beginning. It should be Incheon airport which is located little upper-left from the place marked at the map. Incheon is a large state and your editing team seems pointing its cityhall for landing location.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @robwood4824 says:

    Am I the only one who saw the guy steal the backpack?

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @IranoIrani says:

    "A warm welcome to iranoirani! 🌺 For our friends abroad, this channel promises a unique and exciting perspective on all things Iranian

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @jackieholseybinyard8147 says:

    I like the way you travel everywhere to taste the food but you be rushing so very much you don't take your time to explain the goodness of the food you taste it than you go back to another place to try out other food that is my opinion and I just think that you are rushing to much

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @kristinalewis6126 says:

    this made me feel very sorry for north korea

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @user-pi5cd7gh5t says:

    Yum! It would be nice to know the name of the dishes !

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @WOOHA8890 says:

    한국으로 여행 오세요~ 환영합니다.😍

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @SaidaDiaz-ti3bv says:

    Looks amazingggg

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