🇰🇷 Korean Food - Ultimate BBQ Tour: https://youtu.be/wftv9ZjZk7g?si=fHYv3QJ_o3v8YNPl
👕 T-shirts: https://store.migrationology.com/
🌶 Ghost Chili: https://amzn.to/3PNTvNQ
JEONJU, SOUTH KOREA - We’re going on an ultimate Korean food road trip and today we’re beginning in Jeonju and continuing on to eat some of the spiciest fire chicken in all of Korea!
Hankookjib (한국집) - We’re beginning today’s Korean food tour in Jeonju, a capital of Korean food and known for one of Korea’s most famous dishes; Jeonju Bibimbap. Since we were there, we decided to stop in for a bowl at one of the original places that is credited with, not really inventing it, but popularizing it. Price: 13,000 KRW ($9.73 USD) per bowl
Samgeori Farms (삼거리농원) - The highlight of this Korean food tour was definitely driving into the countryside at Damyang-gun to eat their extremely fire braised spicy chicken. The cooking process was impressive - a mountain of burning wood and power tools and blowtorches. It just might be the hottest temperature food you’ll ever eat - literally lava hot! It was so good, the most addictive combination your mouth can experience - highly recommended. Price: 75,000 KRW ($56.15 USD) for entire pan for 4 - 5
Sijang Dakbokkeum (시장닭볶음) - Finally to complete this food tour, we stopped in Yesan, South Korea, and to the traditional market to try their version of Korean chili chicken. Price: 25,000 KRW ($18.72 USD) per dish
Thank you to KTO (Korea Tourism Organization) for sponsoring and making my trip to South Korea happen!
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👕 T-shirts: https://store.migrationology.com/
🌶 Ghost Chili: https://amzn.to/3PNTvNQ
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It's a volcanic spicy Korean chicken dish. I'm in South Korea and today we are on a road trip to eat some fiery spicy Korean Chicken dishes. Oh wow, wow, that's a lot of heat. The ultimate pyromaniac cooking, addictive flavor that you just cannot stop eating.

One of the most famous of all Korean foods. Welcome to Chanu and this is a historical town in South Korea 8 years ago Ying and I spent almost 10 days in Chanchu. We made some old videos back then so it's great to finally be back, but we're not going to stay for long. We came here mainly just to eat one dish one of the most important foods in all of Janju and we're at one of the original places.

This is just a one meal stop though here. Welcome to Huk Jip! This is one of the most famous, probably one of the most most legendary iconic restaurants in all of Junu And they serve a dish that is also the most famous iconic dish of Junu which is called Junu Bbop which is mixed rice. and if you look around I mean this is almost a museum of a restaurant. They have photos, they have antiques, they have traditional plaques, they've won many awards as a traditional restaurant as a native Chunchu food restaurant, and of course you come here for the biing Bop which is this one now.

They do have a number of tempting dishes on their menu, but I got to stay with the classic. The Ultimate The Original Chu beIN B We're going to start with the original Chu Bop You have all the beautiful toppings, but you have to destroy it by mixing it all completely. Oh, and and there is I I I Do Uh Junu is also famous for bean sprouts, so there are bean sprouts on here although they were hidden. Um, you mix it.

You got to fully mix everything with the rice below. You want every bite to be completely mixed in with the same amount of ingredients and even coating all lathered in the go chuch Chang Pepper paste. It's so such a cool dish. The concept, the flavor, the mingling of ingredients, all the different parts.

Oh, you smell the aroma of that sesame oil? I Think one of the one of the things I love most about Uh Peing Bop is just that Aroma that fragrance of sesame oil. Oh I love sesame oil in Korea M Oh yes, it's a Harmony the sesame oil, the sweet chili guch Chong paste and the fermentation. All those chewy vegetables. The bean sprouts in particular have a really nice kind of leathery, chewy texture.

The mushrooms in there. the shiaka mushrooms. There's a little bit of a a fermented flavor as well, but not overpowering, just kind of adding to the harmony of the mixture. It's hot.

yeah, it's refreshing. it's a mix. It's a combination of so many different things. everything serving a purpose, everything coming together in one bowl.

I Think it does need a little more goou Chong though. so add another scoop of the goou Chong and again sort of work that. GOI Chong It's so sticky so you're going to kind of like work it into your rice mixing everything together. oh I did miss a few pieces of rice on the bottom there.
oh man, you smell that that go Chong has really nutty Aroma to it as well. Okay, now we've got a nice like red color on that on that Rice M Perfect. Mhm makes it more salty, more of that just tasty goou Chong covering every single grain of rice. Perfect! Okay, another one of their Specialties here is the Yuk bi which is the raw beef on the tops and I will go ahead and add one more scoop of the goou Chang before we start the the mixing process again.

Oh the Gko nuts on there too. Okay, get it all around. get it all mixed up. This is one of the joys of Korean food right here.

mixing in a bowl. Oh man, that eruption of sesame oil and seaweed. the aroma, the aroma's coming out okay I think we're fully mixed here. Let's go in.

Oh and I do love the yuk that raw beef m oh the rough beef frer is amazing I Barely even notice it, but it just sort of melts in your mouth. You've got that cool sticky texture of the raw beef. Oh man. I mean it's the same ingredients, both beef and yet it? um I mean just not cooked and it gives you the whole B kind of kind of a different texture in your mouth, a different mouth feel.

Both are so good. Oh what a dish! We have another specialty here that this restaurant said today that they invented it here. at least this combination with the ingredients with the topping with the dressing. It's a type of radish jelly with natural coloring making it yellow with some beef on top with some seaweed with some sesame seeds with cucumber as well.

Oh man, this is wobbly. W really soft, really wobbly. they straight up jelly. I Like the flavor of the seed and just a light dressing.

sesame seeds, a little bit of soy sauce in there. it's really cool, refreshing, kind of melt and kind of jiggle down. I Gotta say I Was almost thinking about just going for the classic but I would have regretted it. This one with the robu the yqu this is the the Highlight it's so good.

Oh yeah I mean that raw beef that adds so much to it? yeah it's really good. I mean this is one of the most famous dishes in all of Korea for a reason. It really is tasty. it really is healthy.

It's a Harmony of ingredients that all just work together in a perfect just Symphony of flavors in your mouth. and of course never missing kimg. M Oh that's some good kimchi. Whoa, look at this.

I think it's a a type of seaweed maybe mhm bi Bop was excellent and I especially loved the one with a UK the Ra beef. oh man that is the that was the highlight here. From here we are driving, it's going to be about an hour drive to get to this. It's an actual Farm where they specialize in this spicy Korean dish cooked over a raging fire.

It was about an hour drive and we made it here. This place is a place I've just been so excited to come to on this Korea trip. It's in the middle of the countryside surrounded by farms and mountains. It's a beautiful area.
It's called Samori Nan and so it's called Samori farm and they specialize in a literally it's a volcanic spicy Korean chicken dish that they blowtorch that they burn entire mountains of wood to cook and it's one of the coolest processes I think maybe of all Korean food. So we're going to order, we're going to watch them as they make our entire pan of chicken. This is such a cool place I Can smell the aroma. you just hear the blowtorches the Flames the bonfire and then just smell the aroma of that chicken and that sizzling sauce is is such a cool place.

Look at that pile, it's a mountain of wood. Wow that's a lot of heat. What a process! This is straight up pyromaniac cooking. Oh that's Sizzle And here comes once the fire is going.

he pours all of the sauce and the chicken which is pre-made into the iron skillet and it's their own secret recipe. But It includes carrots, potatoes, chicken, and then lots of guch Chang which is the Korean pepper paste. They have their own secret blend of ingredients and spices that goes into it. Then it's going to sizzle for a while as the sauces mingle and uh, start to condense and start to thicken.

Um, and I know he's going to blow torch it more and he might add in some more ingredients as well. Oh man, this is just the ultimate pyromaniac cook. King Our pan is well underway I Think it has to simmer for almost 30 minutes to get that consistency right to so that the sauce starts to thicken and coat onto the pieces of chicken and then they're going to add in some more vegetables and let that continue to sizzle. But this is such a cool cooking process.

It's an actual pyromaniac food show and one of the most amazing places. The amount of wood they just burn, the amount of heat that comes off this Barrel Grill is impressive. What a dish! And the other thing is that we came here at an off peak time so they're not cooking that right now. But if you came here at a peak time like on the weekend, you can see that there's a dozen over a dozen.

Barrel girls ready to go and just imagine all of them going at the same time. that would. What a show! with the dirty iron skillets, they use a pressure washer high powerered pressure washer to wash them to get them clean. Man, they only use power tools at this restaurant so lots of leaks and green chilies is the next ingredient he added in the final vegetable.

Stars it's starting to thicken I think it's almost ready. but first of all I Got to say big props to the chefs Man I am sweating I'm like drenched in sweat I Just watched them make our pan one pan for 30 minutes. They do this all day non-stop and this is not even a busy period. So Props to the chefs, they work hard and this is not easy work.

Fire is in your face I Feel like my face could peel off. It's so hot right now, but such a cool process. we're about to start eating. Oh man.
Final stage: You can see that sauce is really thick and it's so sticky, literally like melted molten lava. One of the ultimate moves that they do if it. If things could not get better, they' not not only bring a plate of it to your table and not just the pan, they bring the entire verel Grill roll it to your table. This is the greatest table service ever.

That's so much heat you can see it. Look at it Look at the sauce. It's boiling. It's lava.

It's straight up lava. Oh she has to keep stirring it so it doesn't burn. Okay, Oh and then it goes into the bowl. Go! Yeah! and the dish itself is called Tak Tang Again, it's a chicken dish with potatoes with onions with leaks and especially with guch Chang and their special seasonings and chilies.

but would actually probably consider Korean food to be one of the hottest temperature Foods on earth. Like everything from Kimi jigay served in Earth and wear bowls boiling lava hot. but they have taken this dish to the next level. That's one of the hottest boiled lava dishes you might ever see on earth going in.

Oh man for the drumstick since it's right on top. But look at the way the sauce has just caramelized, it's thickened, it's so sticky, It wasn't boiling, it was bubbling going in. Cannot wait. It's still, it's still on fire.

Oh wow. Oh the flavor is incredible. Sweet, salty, a little bit spicy and just condensed flavor and just the incredible smokiness from that fire. Oh man, there's something that only.

there's this unique flavor that only an extreme heat can provide. Oh it's feel good. Oh wow, how is it? Wow Good. Very good.

So we got potatoes. We've got green chilies in here. There's oh, there's sweet potatoes too. Oh nice sweet potato.

So hot. That sauce is incredible too. Oh man the Go! Chi CH Like At First, it's still on fire. Yeah yeah, you don't want to take too big of a bite at one time, but you taste the spice.

the chili. Um, it's not like extremely hot, but it starts to build and you can start to feel the the spice on your lips. M So addictive. Again, this is another one of those Korean dishes.

It's almost scientifically proven to be addictive. like it's just got that balance of sweetness, spice, saltiness, and just well-rounded flavor. Umami everything coming together I Mean there's just no greater recipe for Addictive flavor that you just cannot stop eating than something like this and fire. Moving in here, there's still potato, there's chicken, chicken in pieces.

Let's just fire all the way to the Bone Man that sauce is sauce is incredible. It's kind of the texture of the sauce down to a science. perfect so that it's condensed enough or it's liquid enough where you still need to slurp a little bit. but it's condensed and thick enough where it just HS everything in the flavor.

It's that perfect perfect texture that you want in every sauce that you eat. seaweed and these are Acorn Jelly Acorn Jelly Okay okay okay when the temperature is just scorching in your mouth, you can then move over to the the icy cold. total contrast from lava to ice. icy cold.
acorn soup M Oh it's refreshing, just seeds in there seaweed. and then the Acorn jelly just going melts in your mouth. and yeah, there's literally ice cubes in it. Okay.

I Got to I Got to go deep and just get a spoonful of that gravy. Oh wow. Oh Spectacular. Mhm.

Then there some. There's some kimchi, some pickles, and what looks like a green. a green pancake. Whoa.

Oh it's like elasticy. M Really sticky, very glutenous, and at this point in the meal they're going to cook something else using the remaining like totally caramelized crisp ified sauce on the bottom of the. Iron Skillet She added some water in here. but look at all those crusty bits, caramelized crusty bits.

Oh oh that that gravy. Oh and there was already rice within there. Okay, and then rice. Oh there's kimchi.

There's perilla leaves. There's yellow pickled radish fried rice. Beautiful. We got the fried rice heart.

Oh it's time for more blowtorch. just to heat it up from the bottom. just a little bit little bit more blow touch just in case. So once the fried rice has been heating for about 5 10 minutes.

Oh then she takes it off into the bowl. Oh again, there's multiple layers of caramelized sauce. Oh and seaweed goes on. Yes, Wow comes.

So here we go. Kimchi fried rice with all of the caramelized sauce. Oh man. To top it off I Have a feeling this is going to be on fire as well.

Mhm. The extra acidity from the kimchi that brings it together. There's multiple layers of caramelizing on that Rice as well with the sauce then caramelized again crisp ified. then all that seaweed on top.

Really, really extremely tasty. I'm blown away. That was outstanding I'm going to say that's one of the most addictive Korean Foods I've ever had. First of all, so much fun to watch being cooked prepared.

It's an entertaining meal. Second of all, you get to sit in these incredible tents with picnic tables and just hang out and eat. And third of all, it's just is so tasty. Uh, what a meal! What an experience! It's worth it to drive all the way here to come to this Farm to eat from here on this spicy Korean chicken tour.

We're going to go to another place which is in a different city at the market and they make they have their own recipe for a spicy chicken which is going to be totally different and so we made it to the town of Yan. It's actually quite a beautiful town and we're here especially to check out the Yan daily. Market the Central Market of the town where they're famous for food and especially one dish that we absolutely have to try And big props to P Jongwan He is one of the ultimate Korean food promoters, chefs restaurant ters uh just TV presenters. He has multiple TV shows.
he's truly a legend of Korean food and he's part Of the project to bring this Market back to life to promote the food here. So big props and it's really really a cool environment here with tables set up around, there's little restaurants, little stalls that you can order from and then sit in the communal Center to eat your dinner. That's the name of the dish that we came to Yan To eat it's a chili specialty ch silly chicken dish and we're going to have an honor to see the process of how they make it. with chicken with green chilies.

There's an absolute must! Oh there's dry chilies, garlic leaks. so the technique of cooking it is. He first stir fries the dry chilies and the leaks in some oil drops in the chicken really stir fries that up. Wow! Gives it the walk, hay the walk.

Smoky Aroma then drenches it in the sauce which you can tell has a lot of chilies. smell the aroma of that and then the chicken is going to braze now for about 5 to 10 minutes. Um until all of that sauce sauce starts to to dehydrate and dry in case. onto the chicken.

but that's a nice technique cuz it's going to build the layers of the flavor for the chicken. Oh this is the tub, the rice rice cakes. U More leaks go in. He waits until that sauce thickens because it's probably some sugar in the sauce.

it starts to caramelize. You smell that caramelization happening? Um, until it thickens. He waits for the precise moment, grabs a huge handful of the chopped green chilies onto a plate directly in, gives it a couple toss, turns off the fire and that's it. It's ready.

Just lets those green chilies Wilt Preserving their flavor. that's ready that's hot, that's fresh that smells so good presenting to you the dish of the night. the chicken. The Chili Peppers Oh it's smells so good.

all that sauce has just dehydrated coating the chicken. Oh what a dish. Break open my Chopsticks okay oh look how Saucy it is. Oh there's so many green chilies, there's garlic.

Um there's the the Taki the the rice cakes going in for my first bite. The legendary chicken from Chili Chicken from Yan Market M Oh wow that's so tasty. Oh man it's like juicy, a little bit sweet, a little bit spicy such a Harmony and a balance of flavor all together with the smokiness of the walk. Then the Bre effect that like ensures that all the sauce gets absorbed into the chicken.

Okay and then the other thing is that you eat this, you put this down and actually your plate is actually a cup to catch all the juices and the the drippage. Oh wow. a little bit spicy, really crisp and again absorbed all of that sauce. Sweet Tangy Salty oh man.

so many chicken bits. Oh the TU The rice cakes. Every bite should include green chilies too. Those green chilies are just bumping with flavor.
Not extremely hot, but just a perfect heat, flavor, crispness, freshness, balance. Oh works great with the Tuck Po as well. I'm going to take another piece of the chicken onto my rice. that sauce at the bottom is so good! Oh wow! I'd be happy to eat this dish even without the chicken, just with the chilies and the sauce.

mhm. It's one of those flavors that's just so addictive cuz it has all the right balance, the right ratios of sweetness, plenty of saltiness, Umami spice, the chicken, and one of those dishes you could keep on keep on snacking until the entire tray is gone. Really excellent dish. Uh, definitely worth coming to this Market just to have this dish and just the atmosphere here.

The friendliness: the I love how it's just being revived. It's a traditional Korean market, but then they have so many different kind of modern upcoming restaurants but also a mix of traditional so it's traditional Korean Modern Korean Culture all coming together in a single space in the market, a relaxed environment, open air, delicious chili chicken, and then the the guy from across the the lane he has a kind of a sweets shop. um and he gave us some of the some of his sweets. Let's see what's inside of it.

Oh looks quite a bit like a like a Mochi like a Mochi rice. oh it's so soft. Oh the strawberry on the inside. There's some beans in the center.

really soft pillowy Moi Oh that's a perfect way to end this meal. Oh it's so good. Oh man! Perfect sweet ending to the chili chicken. combination of chicken, chilies, fire pepper paste, and fire to bring it all together.

It was an incredible experience. I'll have all the information in the description box below and make sure you stay tuned for this entire trip where we are traveling to eat the best Korean food around the entire South Korean Peninsula So make sure you stay for all the videos and thanks again for watching! Please remember to give this video a thumbs up if you enjoyed it. Leave a comment below I'd love to hear from you and if you're not already subscribed, make sure you subscribe now for lots more food and travel videos. I'll see you on the next video.

By Mark

15 thoughts on “Best korean food i ve ever had!! lava chicken cooked with a blowtorch!!”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ashvin lokhun says:

    Mark your the best brother I really love n enjoy watching your videos greetings from mauritius island thank you

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ryker says:

    Hmmmm- mmmm g-o-o-o-d delish!!!

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lady Greer says:

    Hey Mark. Thanks for sharing your Korean trip. Enjoy!! 🐞😋

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars 박예지 says:

    비빔밥 진짜 마싰어…

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Chavo Nazary says:

    I love korean food

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Joyrojit Hojai says:

    you have to come her in northeast india

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Reca says:

    I'm from the US, and I've tried bibimbap for the first time a few days ago, it was so good! Mark inspired me to go around locally trying different foods.
    My family and I have been going to different restaurants once a month. Trying new foods, exploring different flavors. I'm happy that a city near me has different ethnic restaurants. 😋

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Medelyn Rhynard says:

    Oh wow, I feel jealous 😂😂😂❤ korean food specially authentic dish…

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Eleni-Music says:

    Don't talk about morality, justice, peace and love when you have a dead animal on your plate. (Socrates)
    Humans are the most cruel and criminal creatures on earth.
    (Friedrich Nietzsche)

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Eleni-Music says:

    Animals are not our slaves or food please Go Vegan for them 💚🌱🙏
    Animals are with us not for us. Please go vegan for life 💚🌱🙏

    Don't you feel remorse for your crimes against these innocent creatures?
    Don't you see that they love life like you and don't want to die?
    Don't you see how much they are afraid of dying and scream out of fear?
    Do you want someone to treat you and your family or loved ones like this?
    If you have an iota of compassion and conscience, stop this dirty work.
    (Eating meat is a crime
    Meat is the product of violence and murder, not food.🤬🤬

    Sende zerre kadar merhamet ve vicdan varsa bu kirli işi bırak.
    (Et yemek suçtur.

    İnsanlar dünyadaki en zalim ve suçlu yaratıklardır.
    (Friedrich Nietzsche)

    Seni besleyen kişinin seni öldürmeye geldiğini görmek nasıl bir duygu… çok acı çektin ama bunu düşünmedin… haksızlığa uğradın, tecavüze uğradın, istismara uğradın… ama bu son ihanettir… ve o son dehşet ve acı hâlâ yoldadır.

    Hayvanlar en iyi dostlarımızdır, Lutfen Vegan olun. 💚😘💚🌱🙏
    Hayvanlar en iyi dostlarımızdır, Lutfen Vegan olun. 💚🌱💚🌱🙏

    Meat is the product of violence and murder, not food.🤬🤬
    It's Not Food It's Violence 💔💔💔💔💔💔😭😭😭😭😭😭😡😡😡😡😡🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬
    Animals have bad luck for living with psychopath humans on the same planet 💔💔💔💔💔💔😭😭😭😭😭😭😡😡😡😡😡😡🤬🤬🤬🤬
    As long as humans are brutally slaughtered
    living things weaker than themselves continue,
    They will never find health or peace.
    As long as humans make animals
    They kill, they will kill each other.
    (Pythagoras – Greek philosopher and mathematic

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Eleni-Music says:

    You don't need religions to have morals… If you don't distinguish between good and evil, what you lack is empathy, not religion……………

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bernadette Dockery says:

    Awesome video Mark

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Angelica Casilho says:

    Hummm deve Ser muito bom

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars I like keeping it real says:

    What I would give for this Bibimpap . Ok , I hope I spelled it right . I went and googled it but my mind was stuck on returning to this episode . I want this for breakfast now !!!!!

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sonia Aguilera says:


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