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ALBA, ITALY - Welcome to Alba, the world’s capital of Alba white truffles - one of the most expensive ingredients in the world. Today we’re going on a white truffle tour of Alba, we’ll go on a truffle hunt, eat at one of the world’s best truffle restaurants and then visit the International Alba White Truffle Fair. Let’s go see why white truffles are so prized throughout the world!
Friends in the video:
Kevin Chan: https://www.instagram.com/finediningexp/
Jeffrey Merrihue: https://www.instagram.com/xtremefoodies_/
Hamid Sepidnam: https://www.instagram.com/mr.taster/
Truffle hunt - First we’re going on a truffle hunt with Alba Royal Truffles (https://albaroyaltruffles.com/) - they are renowned for their authentic and some of the best white truffles. We were able to see the entire process of how Joe the dog works with the truffle hunter to find and harvest white and black truffles. Black truffles are above the surface whereas white truffles are a fungus that grows underground and can only be sniffed out by dogs. It was very educational to see. We also had our first taste of Alba white truffles with a few courses at the headquarters.
Bovio Restaurant, La Morra, Italy (https://maps.app.goo.gl/TkDowyV6KGV36KYN9) - Next up we continued on to easily one of the world’s best Italian food truffle restaurants serving Piedmont cuisine. We decided to buy our own white truffle - and we choose an 80 gram truffle for 400 Euros, after carefully choosing one. Then we ordered a bunch of different dishes, and shaved on th white truffle ourselves. It was a spectacular meal and more white truffles than I’ver ever had in my life in one sitting.
International Alba White Truffle Fair, Alba, Italy - Finally to wrap up this Italian food white truffle tour we visited the acclaimed International Alba White Truffle Fair, which is the place to go if you’re interested in local products and especially white truffles. It was a lot of fun as there’s auctions, and plenty of food to eat.
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🌶 Ghost Chili: https://amzn.to/3PNTvNQ
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A 400 white truffle? Wow! man, top of the line I'm in Alba Italy And today we're going on a truffle hunt. This Forest is so beautiful! Oh he got one wa W oh yes I can smell it coming through the soil and then we're going to a legendary restaurant to eat the world's best white truffles. I Feel like I'm bathing in the aroma. just don't shave your finger.

The stretchiest dessert ever! Let's find out why Alba is the world's capital of truffles. We're beginning this Alba truffle tour in the forest. We're going to go hunting for truffles white Alba truffles. The best in the world.

The Truffle season started the last week of September but now with cold temperature, a lot of rain the last three weeks. Uh, we have a lot of truffles now so this is the best time of the season for white truffles. So so we're here at the perfect time. Yeah, perfect time.

Awesome nice. Oh Bonj Bono he's our truffle Hunter okay he and he's the Truffle hunter dog. Beautiful dog. yeah this is our chuffle Hara that was planted 35 years ago from my father Mich is the only guy that can come inside uh the Truffle area because he a private area if you see there are a lot of cameras on because protected Forest The season is good.

uh you can find here maybe 20 25 kilos of wet truffle so you can imagine how the business how is big uh so the 80% of the the trees are ox truffles are attracted to oak trees often okay okay and also we have three four hnut plant that we called the uh matter trees matter trees just because it's thanks also to the roots of the Hut tree that the we can also find some truffles. Wow this is extremely exciting. The biscuit. Okay, we can go.

Okay, you got a biscuit? Yeah there he goes. So he's already at work. he's already at work now searching for truffles. What is the dog's name again? Joe Joe and Joe just takes off using his nose.

Oh this Forest is so beautiful. Beautiful. Oh he got one w wow. Wow, you're good.

Doug Here we go. This is our first truffle finding. Oh, it smells delicious. That's Unearthed seconds ago by Joe and this is a black truffle which are not nearly as prized.

They're much more common, uh, much easier to harvest and on the surface as opposed to the white truffles. A little bathroom break, a little bathroom break, fully give it to you. Oh he got another one. Oh he's a truffle truffle.

Master he got a black truffle. Yeah, I got a black but he won't give it to anybody except for oh man the Loyalty oh this one's beautiful W that we go, it looks like a wow so this one this one is a good one. yeah has a better shape. okay but it's black truffle yeah which is w our second truffle.

another black truffle. but this one is really beautiful. that oh oh the fungi, the aroma. yeah and earthy too.

Oh this one is really nice. Look at that, it's beautiful. The big difference between the black white that when he smell the white he stop to to dig just because. is he teach that is he didn't have to.
He doesn't have to SC too much just because you can broke the the truffles. Okay So we've got a potential white truffle. Such a cool process. Oh oh yeah, can you smell the soil? Yes I can smell it coming through the soil when when we find the wet.

Tru Yes there it is. Gosh that is the prized white truffle. Finally, it's a beauty. Joe Well done extra biscuit For You Joe Oh my Gosh.

Wow! This is the freshest truffle you'll ever smell. Oh oh I Want that to be embedded in my nostrils forever? Sweet, Garlicky? Yeah, that's incredible. Get a whiff of that. That is our first white truffle.

that was such a cool process. It was so such a beautiful, beautiful process. just to explain what a truffle is. and a truffle is a Genus tuber of a fuing body which grows within the soil.

so it's a fungus rather than a mushroom that typically grows above soil. Sprouts Out of the soil, a truffle is a fungus that typically grows below soil. They often grow on the roots of trees or below the soil at the base of trees. Within the roots, there are two really famous kinds of truffles.

You have the black truffles which are much more common and much more abundant. and then you have white truffles which are much more rare and harder to find. harder to harvest. But the really prized Hunt is the white Alba Truffles and that's why we came here.

That's what. uh attracts people from around the world and it's a like one of the the high in demand ingredients by chefs fine dining highend chefs I mean chefs from around the entire world. That's really fascinating. You often hear about truffle hunting in the middle of the night like 2 a.m.

and he just Andrea just explained that that's just only because of secrecy. uh because they have the Truffle Hunters all have their favorite spots and they don't want to give them away in the in the wild forest. Now this is It's a real Forest It is designed to be an environment for the growth of Truffles and so that's why I Mean we can be in the middle of the day, we're in the morning and harvesting truffles. the real deal.

Great job! I think we have another another white truffle. oh can you show me there it is because wow normally the shuffles is around the The Roots no look oh yeah yeah because was born there and then also the under under the root up the roots. so is it attached to the root? Yeah is a white TR there also a root attached. Oh that one's a beauty.

And when you find a a white truffle you have to clean the Truffle because uh you leaves the truffles the the sorry the the spores on the soil. Uh so this is why maybe next week or next 10 days you can find the another truffle just there thanks to the sported. Oh okay another white truffle Unearthed Oh take your biggest whiff Jeffrey inhale done full of TR That was a successful Harvest Amazing! I've learned so much and we're heading back now to to taste the white truffle at the The Source Chiao Gra. Oh you're the man of the match bro do you have any truffles? Wow! Wow.
Same truffles as B Yeah. same trff wow Wow. Oh man. top of the line.

Oh man, these are the prized truffles right here that shape. Oh the aroma. This is just an aroma. Paradise Wow.

okay Cheers Cheers Che Cheers Cheers Everybody cheers We go. Starting off a tasting of truffle and the first course a tartar cheese. Chee and egg actually works. Oh there he's shaving it on the egg.

the cheese, the tartar. oh those are thick slices. Oh finished off the Truffle gra. Okay, one bite of Tartar and then we're going in for that egg.

Man that truffle is such a such a perfume of flavor of Aroma Oh wow. the steak oh oh so cold and refreshing. and again that truffle just just fills your mouth with this this scent, this incredible earthy, funy smell. and Aroma the white truffle of Alba man it's good.

Yolk yolk is one of the greatest things to eat. Truffle with white trouble with you're not going to believe. Oh the egg with the yolk. the I think the richness of the Yol compliments the the the Truffle So well okay the cheese.

oh it's better than a 200. Pizza Oh no dirty you, it's in the car charging. Oh the cheese is incredible. Oh that's just so neutral.

so creamy. I Think that's on purpose that it's a very neutral tasting cheese so that the it doesn't cover up the flavor of the aroma of the the Truffle You need a neutral tasting cheese like that? Jeez, it's amazing. This entire plate is delicious. Wow.

even the steak tartar is just completely plain. Maybe a little bit of salt and that's all. But again, you want to eat white truffle with plain foods to just totally highlight the the flavor potential of the white travel. Oh that smells so good.

Simple pasta. We're moving on to the pasta course. This is talini. It is a pasta that's native to Alba Pon And man he just again shaved on that truffle.

the white truffle. the aroma just filling the room now with its beautiful perfume. Oh man, you do need to mix it to get all the little bit. you smell.

a little bit of that butter but nothing overpowers that truffle. Let that fragrance just absorb into the the pasta. That pasta is amazing. The Al Dente texture the butter.

the white truffle M oh it's so good. What a pasta! I Think the white truffle goes like pairs extremely well with pasta espe totally highlights like the the full potential of the white. Trel Okay now go out you ready So much trouble that is extraordinary. Wow, that's a really really good pasta.

Next Level Alente Mhm Perfection with truffles directly from the forest forest to Plate the freshest truffle you'll ever try prepared by Joe the Dog harvested by Joe from Joe from mouth to mouth, mouth to mouth. Time for dessert. We're moving on to dessert and a panacota. Simple panacota with truffle on top.
Oh that's awesome. Even dessert truffle can be used on everything that is unbelievable Mhm that tastes that's like the thickest cream I've ever had in my life. Wow And then with the fragrance of the Truffle again and it works. I mean it works for Savory for sweet.

It's so versatile so just oh truffle is something truly special as we've already seen, that was an amazing introduction to Alba white truffles and Andrea was fantastic! Uh, he has Royal Alba truffle and he does tours and that was just a great tasting. But from here we're on our way driving into the mountain to go to one of the most legendary truffle restaurants on Earth the road to get here was unbelievable. Drive High into the mountains with a view Over The Vineyards I mean Alba is famous for Vineyards some of the greatest wine in Italy and of course known for their truffles. but we're here right as they open.

What a view man that's spectacular Mr Kevin Find dining Explorer Good to see you again! Excellent! We are right here for Elba White Truffle. This is Restaurant Buio I've been coming here for 17 years now 17 years Yes one of the best place and there from few Generations Now before it was all the way up at the top of the hill they moved to here and they're well known by all the Truffle Hunters That's why they always get the best white truffle every season from mid October to mid December So Kevin would you say that this is one of the greatest restaurants in the world? To try white truffles, it has to be. You need to fly all the way here and there's no other way out because white truffle is very short shelf life. Oh really okay yeah once it take up from the ground, the aroma starting to escape by day three, half of them will be gone.

by day seven you can put it into the bin. so you need to come all the way to this place to have trou Awesome Awesome! I Am so excited this is one of the great I mean this is the capital of truffles white truffles in the world and this is one of the best restaurants to eat them at. Here's our table. Oh here we are.

Oh and the restaurant overlooks. The Incredible View 250 for the the Truffle tasting menu. but then most of the dishes are40 to 50 on the allart menu. So I think we've decided for the allart menu that we we can choose a mixture of different dishes and potentially get our own truffle to shave on.

Oh here they are. there's the tray. Oh that. Aroma Oh man oh they're Huge! You won't do choose something that intense and deep one.

Yeah, what are you looking for? Kevin and then it's so you can smell a little bit garlicky, smell, cheesy, earthy, and you can tell the quality by by smell intensity. Yeah you want it to be but but some people would want less intense and some people want more int nobody wants less intense white trouble you want the more intense the better when it comes to Ghost Pepper Many people want less intense when it comes to White TR Six people the more intense the better. Oh wow that Aroma is unbelievable garlic but you you smell the sweetness of the aroma. the entire room just is filled with the aroma of Truffles and so Kevin is trying to choose a trou this one this one.
Let him recommend this one one but is small. a little bit smaller though. How much did you say they cost? Kevin 5 per gram, 5 per gram, 100 G 500 Okay, most of these are around 100 gr. Yeah, this is about 15 200 Gr Super Okay5 per gram.

That was quite the ordeal. and this is I mean a totally new world for me. Uh, after quite a lot of contemplation, we chose a truffle. 80 g of white truffle.

Is that the chosen one? The bread sticks have arrived Mr Taster Yeah, they eat it. I Have a bread stick for you here. Let's let's have a bread stick. I Love the bread sticks.

Oh oh here it is. There's our Graer there. There's the Truffle Oh the perfume straight up. Garlic It almost smells like honey to me as well.

Oh that's that's therapeutic. Wow. Oh that is impressive. A 400 year old white truffle.

All right. Cheers for the white truffle. Cheers Cheers You there dring? Yes! Oh that's beautiful local wine to go with the white truffle meal. And we're starting with our first bite.

Here we go: Cabbage Roll I think Ve on the inside. almost as good as last night's Sa Mhm man that's good. The Cabbage the V on the inside just melts in your mouth or some kind of a a cream cheesy sauce that oh gra okay dishes are starting to arrive. This is the oh Kevin's going.

This is the V tartar. Look at this. Oh man the aroma I'm I feel like I'm bathing in the aroma. Wow oh is there yolk inside of that exactly yolk and white truffle? Best combination Here we go.

We're going to start with the the raviolo filled with uh rot and I think there's well filled with ricot and I think filled with egg yog. and so typically you'd want to eat white truffle with planer foods like plain pasta, plain eggs. fried eggs is a classic version because you really want to uh experience the full potential. The flavor of the white truffle glorify the flavor of the white truffle.

I mean that's why it's such a delate ingredient and to to pair it with things that are on the planer side to be able to amplify and glorify and just totally highlight the flavor. the aroma potential of the white truffle. Oh that raviolo. Oh the yoky cheesiness.

oh that's so good. the flavor I think actually with those white truffles, the aroma stronger than the taste. Next up for the Ve tartar. sorry I love these.

Forks Here at Boio, nicely done with the forks. Maybe the steak tartar? You? the steak tartar. Oh wow oh that ve melts in your mouth. just a little bit of seasoning, almost nothing, maybe salt and just like a tiny bit of pepper.
and just because of the pureness of the ve the freshness. And then again, the Truffle oh that TI tire is incredible. Mana The tartar is fantastic. Who here we go! This is going to be my first time ever to shave truffle.

And is there a certain elevation? You should be coming from a little bit level? Yeah, you can do it faster. just don't shave your finger all over different Lo don't Oh, it's pretty. It's quite fun actually. All right I Think that's good, All right.

Kevin All right, so let's loosen it up a little bit, mix it up, mix it well. What do it called again tag? Yes, exactly. but very thin one, very thin one. It's more.

Regional just with some butter. Simple. Next up for the tagon. This is a type of pasta.

Really thin pasta. and and again, this is a demonstration of why you want I mean why it's traditional to eat something so plain because it really highlights the flavor. Okay, wow, wow. Aroma all that the earthiness coming through back up your nose.

Wow. the butter man that's good. Nothing is like this ever. It's so simple, but relying on the trle on top of fond chees fond I think that's a perfect example of white Trel it's the Simplicity not covered up by anything but just the full potential.

Okay, next up we have the the Roto truffle is already mixed in that's a ravioli. The texture of that Roto really chewy, almost crunchy, a little bit the thick Rich sauce very cheesy and again just Amplified by that Aroma of the white truffle. moving back to the pasta I prefer the pasta with the white truffle over Theo I think it pears better. For me, that pasta is amazing.

How much trle do you want? more? A few more slices please. This is the Pini mushroom. Okay, that's good. Oh man that.

Aroma Oh loaded up that's a bite. Massive porini mushroom. This is mushroom on top of mushroom. fungi on top of fungi of a legendary bite.

Wow man that is Sensational nothing else quite like that bite. Oh the potini is amazing. Straight up steak that is a generous portion of truffle. The most trule I've ever had on one bite of food in my life.

Got to go via the nose. Wow! I Think this is the last main course that we got and that is just the epitome of Simplicity straight up two fried eggs. and that's like one of the classic recipes too to use. Utilize white truffle just on the egg.

Eggs, eggs and truffle break the Yol break the yolk so much. truffle truffle truffle egg. Cheers! Kevin That's that's good. The egginess with the yolk and then the TR Aroma the yolk really pairs well and white truffles nice and light.

Yeah you ready? Let's go for okay Wow Wow. Amazing. Oh man oh that beef. Okay juice.

Make sure you get a truffle on that bite as well a slice of the Truffle you ready? Cheers! Oh man. Definitely the best dish of the day. Wow by far. Hum monsterized guys that is amazing.

That's like the me of the Filo, the metin of the Truffle yeah oh that's really good. This is gorgeous. Wow and broccoli the legend first vegetable leg of the day as well. and Jeffrey And the food.
food. No fine fine dining expor Explorer And unbelievable. That's extraordinary day that's extraordinary. We still have some truffle left.

What do we do? What do we do? What do we do? TR Here's the finale. Oh nice shaving skills. What do you do with that? Mark The aroma. Straight perfume.

Yeah. straight. Well actually the smell is stronger than the taste. Again, it's all about that smell.

You got the most fancy panac in the world. The yeah, that's the bounciest thing I've ever seen I Can't believe it doesn't over. How is that even possible? The most bounciest? The bounciest? yeah, it's the bounciest dessert I've ever seen. It has to be the stretchiest dessert ever.

And we got some cheese. Oh truffle on the panata. We could take that with us for dinner today. 28.

This has to be the world's wobbly dessert. The jigglin and here we go: Dessert: Panata with white Shuffle to end the meal. Oh man, that's good. Insanely creamy sweet.

The caramel, the rum of the Truffle My last bite. Cheese with truffle. So good. Oh man, oh that's really good as well.

Sticky, rich and creamy. That's the most truffle of any meal I've ever had probably will ever have in my life. It's a lot colder out here now. Uh, but we finished with lunch.

that was an incredible experience and and I think that's the only meal I've ever had in my life that totally revolved that was totally dedicated to truffle. and I've one of the takeaways I have is that I really like it with pasta and with eggs with the risoto and some other dishes. not as much but with the pasta. Absolutely amazing.

From here we're driving back to Alba town and we're going to go to the Alba truffle. Festival It's a beautiful town a UNESCO world heritage site and we're walking on our way to the Alba truffle. Fair which is one of the main places for trade where people come together to trade to sell Alba white truffles in search of truffles. Man, the town is beautiful and then the streets are just filled with a market.

All sorts of clothes, almost everything you can think of to buy is available and I think we're oh yeah I think I can smell the the truffles I got a whiff I think we're getting close, we're in. We Made It Welcome to the International Alba White Truffle Fair. Oh oh oh that smells good. Oh all right.

so so smelling is totally normal and and very uh, like acceptable. And it's quite important to buy in this market. I Told you there are 180 different type of tuber and it is a tuber. manum.

Pico Highly price so you need to got the real one so you need to smell man that smells incredible again I Think what's great about this truffle Market is that you're directly supporting the vendors and they are some of the Truffle Hunters as well that that go and harvest the truffles themselves and then it's also a very reliable sour because I mean this is these your truffles. They're extremely expensive and so this is a source where you can come where they're guaranteed authentic reliable. Oh this is and these are the real truffles contest. Giant 638 G 88 G So this is the real auction and the biggest truffles of the today.
88 G All right there there goes my there goes your annual bonus annual bonus right? So Kevin Kevin What did you? What did you get Kevin I Said spend 700 at the end Almost 700 Yeah for 150 g of trols. Uh, one of the owners at a hazelnut Farm has invited me for some hazelnut tasting and Alba is. Well this entire region is home to some of the best hazelnuts in the world. I Would like just to introduce you our farm.

We are located in Alanga. We are behind the Bolo hills around 800 M up the sea. the perfect spot to grow Hazen nuts. After that we harvest the Hazen nuts.

I Remember you that we are organic. We dry the Hazen nuts here in our porch. Okay the raw Hazen nuts so this is not roasted. Okay let's try.

So Hazelnuts I Love hazelnuts. These are the raw hazelnuts after. Oh excellent We continue. We continue with the roasted Hazut roasted hazelnut.

We roasted the hazel nuts in the laboratory. They're really sweet crun yeah sweet, so fragrant. And of course we continue with the caramelized Hazen nuts. So we car we caramelize the Hazen nuts with the brown sugar.

Okay it is like roasted two times. Thank try it! Oh I Love it too. Not too sweet just that that sugar coating and of course the chocolate T keep coming Chocolate Hazut now you are in my trap. The hazut Trap Yes here we go the chocolate hazut and this is covered by made chocolate.

Oh that's amazing. We continue with our spread so our region here okay are really famous about the spread. We cannot say any name but you can understand. Yes Okay this is our spread.

Chocolate Chocolate hazelnut spread exactly here. We use 65% Haz nuts, cacao and Agave So here when you try it you can really feel the taste of the Haz nuts. Oh the chocolate. The hazelnut paste.

Wow that's superb. Some of the greatest hazelnuts you'll ever eat in your life. And what is the name? Again, it's Alanga and here we have Mr Caloto that is the founder of our farm. Amazing! Thank you so much thank you very much Thank what's your name Mark Mark Nice to meet you Thank you a pleasure! Oh there it is.

the pasta. so aromatic. So also at the Truffle Fair They also happen to have a convenient kind of a food court area where you can order where you can taste the truffles. So Jeffrey just ordered us some pasta.

okay mix it. oh man the aroma again as soon as it hits that that pasta oh the slice, the aroma Cheers Cheers Oh my god oh it's so good. so pure just a past the butter highlighting again the Trel baroo Baro God bless Alba Just amazing how such a little truffle can provide such a intense aromatic experience. and again just like eating at Boio, it's that Aroma again I've said Aroma like the most times I've ever said in my life is stronger than the actual taste but it just Powers this entire bowl of past.
oh we're getting a reup on the truffles King of the haut giving you some TR The king of hazut he is the king of hazelnuts. Yes hazelnuts more Stop! Let's get it going man. the king of Hazel he just he just bought us more truffle to shave on. What a What a top Man Alba has been amazing and for me it was a truly learning educational experience about white truffles the most I've ever had ever in my entire life.

I'll have all the information in the description box below, but this Italian food tour continues so be sure to stay tuned. Remember to give this video a thumbs up. if you enjoyed it. Leave a comment below and we're moving on to go eat more Italian Food Goodbye from Alba.

By Mark

18 thoughts on “Best italian food in alba, italy!! world s best white truffle pasta!”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @carmendima4212 says:

    I love your joy of eating! That's like a movie! Thank you Mark!!

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @donatellacastellani6332 says:

    I am an Italian woman
    The italian do it better!!!!!!!
    Compliments Mark!!!

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @FlashThunder_ says:

    Dog pisses on your truffles! xD

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @kuyagbchannel says:

    this is a great experience Mark to taste their white truffle..

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @powwow101 says:

    This must be one of the best food journey for you. Truffle tasting all the way! ❤

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @sahand_challenge says:

    Mr taster❤

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @leomariggio4306 says:

    Beautiful place amazing food!

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @maskinisten019 says:

    Bro go to real italian resturants not tourist traps 😂😂😂

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @tazsidney6910 says:

    More videos on Italy please, one of my favourites!

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @zinam4980 says:

    It is so exciting to c mark get excited 4 gud food😂😂😂❤❤

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @MelonMelonwater says:

    I love your videos Mark. They bring so much joy and entertain me so well!

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @acac3825 says:

    Thank you so much! Hamid Sepidnam resembles to a famous cartoon character. Can you help me find it?

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @StreetFoodSection says:

    Never tried truffle in my life, Great to see something unique in your video mark!!

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @ALONELONELY777 says:

    Dear brother mark, don't waste time and life by living for food, remember your parents who lived for God, lived for saving souls and they have eternal savings.
    Our life is worth it is, only if we live for our saviour.
    I'm not saying to put away your passion to travel and food, but as a first priority share the gospel of Lord Jesus Christ to the world, tell people about his love for the world 🌎.

    After that, you visit your favorite restaurant and you will see more Joy upon you.
    Try once and tell me.. blessings.

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @Ajoe5810 says:

    Mark Wiens: Mr. Larger-than-Life bites! The views were stellar in that area.

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @theonereborn9299 says:

    The guy in yellow looks like punished Dennis from Jurrasic Park (1993).

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @shelaughs185 says:

    I was in Tuscany in October where we got to watch a dog trainer who was teaching a dog to hunt black truffles. It was so fun (and a nice walk in the woods)! We also had dinner at Ad Hock in Rome where they have 2-3 prix fixe tasting menus. One of them was the truffle menu. Highly recommend!

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @re1ner says:

    Best part of this video when jeff is eating the "most truffle ever in one bite" the german behind mark calls him "retarded" in german.

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