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MANCHESTER, NEW HAMPSHIRE - Welcome to New Hampshire, my first time to visit, and we headed straight to Puritan Backroom to taste the original deep fried chicken tenders - they invented them - one of the great American foods! Dating back to 1917, Puritan Backroom is a cherished New Hampshire culinary institution. We’re getting an exclusive look into the kitchen to see how the chicken tenders are made, and then of course, I can’t wait to share with you the amazing meal.
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🔹 Jeffrey Merrihue: https://www.instagram.com/jeffrey_merrihue/ - Stop by at Heroic Italian (https://g.page/heroicitalian?share) in Santa Monica and say Hi to Jeffrey who is there most days!
Puritan Backroom - Puritan Backroom Restaurant has a long history, where it first began as a candy shop, then they started selling ice cream, before finally opening as a family restaurant with all sorts of food. You will find classic American food, but also a long list of Greek influenced dishes. But by far the most popular food on their menu is their chicken tenders - which they sell thousands of pounds of them per week. The chicken tenders are marinated, then coated in a dry flour batter mixture, and deep fried to golden brown perfection. Moses did an amazing job to fry them perfectly without them being overcooked or dry, leaving them so juicy and moist - without a doubt the juiciest chicken tender I’ve ever had.
Along with the deep fried chicken tenders, we also tried the broiled chicken tenders with special sauce. They were equally as delicious, so juicy and tender, with a legendary special sauce.
Along with delicious family style American food and Greek food, Puritan Backroom is still family owned and operated and you can tell from the outstanding service as soon as you step inside. Thank you to all the staff and Tula for incredible hospitality.
One more thing, Puritan Backroom is a favorite food stop on the US political campaign trail. And as has been said, there’s only one thing republicans and democrats can agree upon, and that’s the chicken tenders from Puritan!
Total price - $122.24 for everything
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Hey everyone hope you're having an amazing day. It's mark wiens. This is my first time to ever be in new hampshire, it's beautiful just outside of this forest. There is a legendary restaurant, maybe the most legendary restaurant in all of new hampshire.

It's called the puritan back room. They invented the deep fried chicken tender, we're getting an exclusive look into the kitchen to see how they're made oh hot fresh batch and then, of course, i cannot wait to share with you the world's best chicken tenders. Oh wow. I don't know people love dentists.

What would you say to people that have never been to pure 10 back room before they're missing out big time so come and try chicken tenders and you need to try a matchline, okay, you're the best? Thank you, but just loving this forest in new hampshire, okay, let's go new hampshire, so great to be here. Let's go eat some chicken tenders, the original chicken tenders. Here's one of my favorite quotes from boston.com. It says new hampshire politics revolve around these famous chicken tenders.

Why the puritan backroom's, chicken tenders are one thing. Democrats and republicans can both agree on oh excited to be here, the most famous legendary heritage, restaurant in all of new hampshire. They invented the chicken tenders, whoever thinks that somebody invented chicken tenders. It feels like they've been here for all of our lives.

What i can tell you right now is that my excitement and anticipation for a chicken tender is at an all-time high. I've never been this excited in my life to try a chicken tender. Oh and one more thing, a lot of american politicians have called this a cherished new hampshire institution. That's the front, but the back room is in the back.

Yes there it is, it is the back room. I just love it when things are so simply stated that you don't even realize, because it's so simple like back room, it's in the back the front room is called papa's room and the back room is the back room. Oh yeah, i can definitely smell the chicken tenders here we are the back room. Oh you come into this kind of like entrance away.

Oh, i guess that's because of the cold weather winters, and so everybody say hello to tula and we she's all immediately so friendly, and i love she's telling us some stories about the puritan back room here. One of them is about adam sandler yeah. We didn't know he's from manchester united. He went to central high school, he went to central high school in manchester.

He comes in to have his chicken tenders. That's awesome, that's very end, so i'm sure i'm sure it's tradition for him. Every time he's in manchester. This is his first meal.

His first stop. It's a landmark, that's a landmine, that's so cool! He worked as a teenager yeah. What did he do? That's incredible. I don't even know absolutely ice cream at the take out.

Yeah the ice cream place yeah. You know he probably scooped some ice cream. You know that's awesome, shout out to adam sandler. Yes, pillow is also mentioning that there are some such dedicated, loyal customers that they come in every single day every single day, and we appreciate them very much.
That's incredible! That's ultimate loyalty, yeah, absolutely so also puritan backroom does have greek roots right. Yes, of course, okay, so the the chris pappas is the first founder was generation. Okay, there's the founders right there. Those are the four five people that you see on the picture, so cool yeah, they're started in 1917.

and it's still family run. Family operated, family owned. Fourth generation, i'm very, very proud. I love this place before we've even tried the food, absolutely absolutely it's a landmark.

Like you said yeah in the world and your frozen mudslides, oh yeah, the best. Okay, we got ta. Try that too the james beard award is the restaurant. You know i do award 2020 america's classics.

Yes, yes, wait. Can you say that again, five restaurants in america? I got this award, yes yeah, you know the james beer award is it's like getting the oscars that that you know when you're an actor i mean it doesn't get any better than that. It's the michelin stars of america and five restaurants in america received this award, including the puritan backroom. I love this place, so we're hanging out with moses in the kitchen.

Who's gon na show us how to make the legendary chicken tenders also the chicken is marinated. First. Yes, moses: how long have you been here, 36 years, yeah, it's a long time, that's awesome directly into the deep fryer boom. How long do they fry for a long all right any rings almost ready, all right? Oh perfectly golden, almost! Ah okay! So it's just my experience.

I love how you don't have an exact time. It's just by experience. You know as they're done. Oh yeah almost depends.

You know when his tender is a little big, yeah, okay, check it out. Nice wow wow, the actual tender right. It's part of the chicken breast, but it's kind of like that bottom flap of the chicken breast. Yes, it's a natural piece.

It's a the chicken tender is an actual piece of the breast, it's a cut. So what i've read is that a lot of restaurants? These days, when they serve chicken tenders, they don't actually serve the tender, it's more like a different parts of the chicken or the breast that they slice up. But here is the real tenders, the tenderloin, which is actually the tenderloin of the chicken breast. Something i love is that you don't just set a timer you you cook it by experience.

You know every batch every batch, you cook by experience, you see you check to see when they're done, you don't overcook them even at a restaurant. This big you're cooking by experience and that's so cool the thing that is uh the best and yeah for sure for sure they remain juicy and fried yup and, like like moses, said, every batch is a little bit different because every tender is a little bit different. Just a little bit: oh yeah, i was reading a little bit about how many, how many pounds of chicken tenders do you serve here for do you remember? I think it was a thousand pounds or thousands of pounds a week, but that's no! No! No! No! No! Usually, on a weekend almost like two thousand, almost on the weekends, two thousand pounds of chicken tenders two saturdays ago, just lunchtime from 10 to 130 - almost 500 pounds, so it can be like maybe almost a thousand pounds a day, probably almost almost people on average. I don't know people love tenders.
Thank you, moses. Thank you. Okay, take off the excess oil and world's best chicken tenders, ready, oh hot, fresh batch. I can't wait to try it gon na slide on into this booth and another thing that i've noticed is that everybody who walks in here - and we here - we came here right as they opened.

So it's some of the regulars and loyals who have come in so far. They just treat them like family, they know them by name and that even for a massive restaurant, this is a huge restaurant. It's not just like a mario two table. Restaurant very good.

Thank you. One span of copper, one greek salad and you have lamb kebabs. Yes, that'll be our the lamb. How would you like it cooked medium, rare rice and hispanic coconut? Yes, yes, perfect all right, and then we also have the hawaiian pizza and the buffalo wings.

Coming up, yep sounds good. Ying and micah have already started on uh, spaghetti and meatballs. How was that pasta? Oh you got the buffalo wings hawaiian pizza quickly before the tenders arrive and our other full order. Yin got some chicken wings which look fantastic.

I'm going to try a chicken wing and then we also got the greek salad, which looks amazing too. Oh wow, oh chicken wings are amazing, just maybe a dry rubber. It's a dry rub. I think deep, fried a little bit wow, i'm.

Actually. How is everything so delicious delicious on your wings, yeah they're? Really good? Oh man, that's uh! I was not expecting anything that spicy in new hampshire. Thank you. That's more spice than we've had all week, long in new england.

So far he's deprived. Oh, what a? What a wing? Okay, i'm saving myself for the tenders now and then the greek salad looks incredible, which i think is served to every person before your meal, a big slice of cheese. On top there's onions, a variety of lettuce! There's some tomatoes in here, and i love that pepper, oh and olive stew. You can smell the the tanniness of that dressing too.

Oh, that's so good, the sourness of the dressing, the olive oil, a hint of a pepperiness to it. That's amazing. The perfect temperature, too sure chilled. I have to eat that pepper juicy salty, oh yeah, pretty salty, but so good there.

It is the chicken tenders, the legendary. Thank you very much they're just spectacular to look at it's just a bulging overflowing plate. It's a mountain of chicken tenders and fries served on that plate. This is for one person and then, as our waitress mentioned, it's served traditionally with duck sauce because usually in asian cuisine, duck sauce, perfect sweet and it's sweet, yeah and like i was mentioning outside.
I have never been so excited in my life to eat a chicken tender. It's a beautiful texture, it's not too overly breaded, it's hot and fresh. You can tell it's crispy and of course, it's real chicken. It's not a nugget.

It's not processed chicken. The original chicken tender - oh wow, it's like biting into a cloud. Oh it's so tender so light, so beautiful and cloud-like, it's almost fluffy in texture. You have to dip it in the duck sauce.

Oh it's! Like a you know, it's almost a fruity sweet sauce. That's not too overly sticky, it's sweet and not too sweet. It's balanced. It's not goopy! Oh it's! Wonderful! It's almost like a like a coating like a glaze, the tenderness of it will blow your taste.

Buds almost doesn't eat anything. What i can say is these chicken tenders are the most tender tenders i've ever had without a doubt. I love that thin batter, coating they're fried to perfection they're, not overcooked, they're, juicy they're moist. I think it's everything you could possibly want in a chicken tender.

Charlie papa is the daddy of chicken tenders, and then another thing that i would like to just mention is that i mean chicken tenders are awesome because it's real chicken, it's not processed like nuggets, would be ground up. Who knows what they may or may not happen to a chicken nugget along its journey to your mouth? But chicken tenders is a real piece of chicken. Before we move on to the broiled chicken tenders, oh yeah, all the fries are amazing, again they're light and fluffy, and so crispy ready for the broiled chicken tenders, which are served in the special secret sauce. The puritan backroom special secret sauce should rehydrate it since it's been sitting here for a little while scoop that sauce over it and so far, i think our well our server she raved about the sauce.

Oh, i think i got a tender and one wow. That's a massive tender: oh wow, the char, the smokiness of it, the tenders. Have this amazing smokiness from i guess, they're grilled. First, before yeah, the sauce is just applied.

I don't even know if i can pinpoint what that sauce is. It's kind of brothy, a little asian as well. Almost asian juicing yeah, maybe a little bit of soy sauce in there, maybe a reduction of chicken broth and it has a balance of kind of a sweet, salty glaze like taste to it that you're going to want to just dunk your and rehydrate your chicken tender Into with every bite, this is going to be the best way to do it to apply the special sauce. I think i love that play between the special sauce and the smoke almost has like a flavor of hot and sour soup.
It looks like a massive pile of food, but it's it goes down so easily the way they've cooked it well, the fries are amazing. They are really really good. Those are look how golden they are yeah. Those are standout fries as well yeah.

These are some of the better fries i've had in a long time, mmm crusty crunchy, exterior they're, reaching perfection on their fries too we're gon na part. The the tenders and move to the the greek food, spanakopita, spinach, filo, dough and feta cheese makes up the spanakopita, which our waitress just mentioned, that it's her favorite thing to eat here on the whole menu there must be 20 or so layers. Oh, it's good! There's! So many layers that it just like melts together and, of course, you've got some of the central layers, the interior layers, which are not crispy but more like doughy and then the further you go to the top or the bottom. It gets more crunchy and changes dimension and changes crispiness until you get through the top layer, which is just completely it's crispy time.

Oh and you're. The original just brought over the original frozen mudslide, which is what tula talked all about it's made of bailey's irish cream. Among a thousand other things, and apparently puritan sells more baileys than any other place in the country in america in america. What a statistic! The mudslide chocolate, swirl, there's ice cream in here! There's ice cream in here baileys, it's beautiful! Really! It is but quickly a baklava baklava bite.

I like the cloves sticking out of it. That is nice strategically placed. I don't know if you're supposed to use a knife, i'm gon na try i'm just gon na. Oh, you got it, you had one cut, but it did.

It is saucy. You can see the syrup pouring out of it. Oh explosion of flavor, the cinnamon and nutmeg in there, the clove the walnuts, i believe, walnut the syrup, soaked, phyllo, very sweet, but very good mud pie. Chaser whoa, oh wait.

Another thing that she mentioned to us is that tula mentioned to us is that you're they're only allowed to serve two per person max max, that's maximum. I just realized why original mudslide it's a milkshake but chocolaty, you taste the coffee. In the background, it's rich. It's sweet.

It's unbelievably creamy, i'm moving back into the tenders. Now that we've tried everything, these tenders are something truly spectacular, probably the best textured chicken tender you can ever find anywhere. Almost all politicians have eaten at this restaurant and when they eat here. For the first time, they're always back the next year, everyone from george w bush to hillary clinton.

It's one of hillary clinton's favorite restaurants and as tula was telling us adam sandler and while the duck sauce is amazing, i'm thinking about trying some ketchup. Oh, i like it with ketchup too the perfect tangy sweetness that goes great with fried food. I would say that everything is good. We've tried from the chicken wings to the kebabs to the the greek layered phyllo, but these two chicken tender dishes they're on the next level like without a doubt.
You cannot go wrong with either one, and it almost depends on what mood you're in whether you want the fried crispiness or the special sauce smokiness of the charbroil. But you can't go wrong with the tenders, the chicken tenders i mean it was made for just perfectly fitting into your mouth without any alteration to the anatomy of a chicken it was designed for eating a perfect bite-sized vehicle of chicken. It's almost hard to choose between. I mean if you had to make a choice which you don't between the broiled special sauce and the fried.

My only advice to you is to order them both final words. What would you say to people that have never been to pure 10 back room before they're missing out big time so come and try a chicken tenders, and you need to try a matchline, okay you're the best? Thank you we're on video we're on video. I just want to say thank you so much for your amazing hospitality and i'm very, very proud of you. Thank you.

Watch this guy. Thank you bye, guys, thank you, so much nice to meet you that meal, oh yeah, was even better. It exceeded my expectations and i'm entering actually i'm well, i'm exiting the front room, not the back room but directly to the ice cream. Walk-Up counter service, where we're gon na have our last well, the last part of the story, the ice cream um.

So we have purple cow, which is a very good frozen yogurt. Then we have a coffee, oreo chocolate. We have charlotte's chocolate factory, which is a double chocolate, based ice cream with white chocolate chips and dark chocolate, truffle nice and then, of course, we have our traditional uh mudslide, which is a coffee based ice cream with bayley's flavoring and a fudge swirl all right. Thank you very much have a great day, and here we go mudslide ice cream.

This does look amazing, homemade puritan backroom homemade ice cream. Oh that's delicious! Just like the chicken tenders and everything else. It's fluffy! Oh! It's so creamy the pure taste of that swirl of chocolate and coffee. Rick creamy has a total full body, ice cream, delicious and without a doubt.

That is the perfect way to end your meal. At the puritan back room, you can taste the quality, it's rich huh. It's like full body and that completes our meal at the puritan back room, truly, a cherished new hampshire institution, a gem, a place worth driving out of your way to come to for the chicken tenders. For i love how it's still family run, and you can tell that just walking in from the friendly service.

Thank you to tula and all the staff for taking such great care of us to the manager, the owner, the entire papa family. It's a landmark a landmark of a restaurant and also always, as always, it's great fun, to hang out with my friend jeffrey marahu from santa monica, who has heroic italian if you're ever in santa monica, go check out his restaurant and say hi to jeffrey and huge. Thank you to you for watching this video. Please remember to give it a thumbs up if you enjoyed it, leave a comment below i'd love to hear from you.
Let me know if you have ever had the original chicken tenders or, if you're, planning now to come, eat. The original chicken tenders would love to hear from you thanks again for watching goodbye from manchester new hampshire, and i will see you on the next video.

By Mark

12 thoughts on “Best American Food – ORIGINAL FRIED CHICKEN TENDERS!! (Since 1917) + Frozen Mudslide Milkshake!!”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars cupmanwun says:

    I love how you’re so enthusiastic! So genuine and passionate about food and what you do! I LOVE YOUR VIDEOS!

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sgt Robert 2764 says:

    Hello Mark
    Good luck with your blog food shows
    God bless you and your family
    Be safe out there on the road
    Just enjoy life
    Life is short
    Be safe going home back to Thailand

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars HeatherRV says:

    I'm from Manchester! My kids would've loved to have met you lol.
    We love the regular tenders and Buffalo tenders. We get two plates for the 5 of us to share and still have leftovers. Their blue cheese is amazing too. We usually get some brown gravy to dip our fries in. Must say the mudslides are absolutely to die for!

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Raymond Holley says:

    I highly doubt they are the inventors of that dish and either way it's hard to mess up it's a piece of fried chicken breast I mean really come on one-dimensional junk how can you really mess it up in my opinion it's not even food garbage

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kip King says:

    "He knows they're done" looks at torn open tender "Ohhhh yeah….almost" LMAOOOOOOOOOO

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ricky bobby says:

    It's torture watching this without eating lunch but I'll be damned if I aint full up on saliva after each video 😅😃

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars G M says:

    Im going plan on traveling to try the chicken tenders, this episode really sure made it look like one of his best modt enjoyable times recording idk.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sergei Bodrov says:

    Turn to Jesus Christ while you can!! He loves you! Whatever problems, doubt, pain guilt, anger you have, even if it's towards Him, He can help you!! He will heal you!! Plz turn away from your sin, ask Him to become your savior and have a relationship with Him!! There is great joy and love in Him and God. The God who created the heavens, the waters, the stars and earth LOVES YOU, plz know He always thinks about you and wants the best for you! He will protect you!! Plz get to know Him!! He is your lovingFather! We are running out of time, Jesus is coming back soon. Look at the state of the world, the fear, natural disasters, corruption, it's all in the bible. Jesus is coming real soon, plz act while you can! If you want to start somewhere read the gospel of John. Plz let Jesus into your heart before it's too late! God bless y'all!

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nicholas Ward says:

    "Hearing" American food gave me a check 4 a sec… I know it's really weird but its interesting to see how it tastes and compare it to past vidyas where the guides weren't as enthusiastic until their fave or a surprise

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lee Doss says:

    I highly doubt its the home of the original chicken tender.
    Chicken and hot oil have been around for a very long time.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars 2pr04you says:

    Mark, брат,для нас из России ты стал родным,какой бы ты город не выбрал,
    какое время и место, мы всегда тебя горячо
    встретим,накормим,согреем,обнимем, и никогда не бросим,для нас ты
    Русский брат!

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Osman Hossain says:

    I love pizzas, spaghetti with meatballs, chicken tenders and fries and chicken wings and cheese salad.

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