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🔹 Union Oyster House (https://goo.gl/maps/G4yykuxjySCbT2oJ6)
BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS - Welcome to Boston and one of the restaurants I was most looking forward to eating at was the Union Oyster House - the oldest continually running restaurant in the United States! They are known for their oyster bar and New England style seafood. In this video we’re getting a first hand look at Union Oyster House, the back end kitchen, and the legendary oyster bar!
First of all, I love the old building that actually dates back to way before Union Oyster House opened. There are so many stories that have come out of the amazing building. Union Oyster House opened in 1826, and when you arrive it’s a total step back in time, a living museum that’s a restaurant.
As you enter Union Oyster House, probably my favorite part of the entire restaurant is the oyster bar, which is the original oyster bar. It wasn’t a seating oyster bar, but rather a leaning oyster bar. And it happened to be a favorite of Daniel Webster who would lean at the bar and eat no fewer than 6 dozen oysters. The oysters were phenomenal, so fresh and local, and with a squeeze of lemon and a swipe of horseradish and cocktail sauce. It was some of the best cocktail sauce I’ve ever had.
After taking a full tour of the restaurant we then sat down for a full meal including clam chowder, more oysters, broiled haddock, shrimp with a tomato pesto sauce, and one of my favorite dishes, mussels in white wine, garlic and garlic. The food was fresh and local and prepared in classic New England style. The clam chowder is one of the best I’ve ever had.
Union Oyster House is an iconic restaurant, it has unparalleled history in the United States, and food is quite delicious - especially the oysters and the clam chowder! When you’re in Boston, for both food and history lovers, it’s a must.
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Hey everyone hope you're having an amazing day. It's mark wiens, i'm in boston, massachusetts and today we're gon na go eat at what is the oldest continually operated restaurant in the united states since 1826 they've been serving classic iconic new england food when it comes to historical restaurants, this is the most. This is the most historical possible restaurant you can eat at in the united states. I'm gon na do it daniel webster style, leaning, i'm gon na share with you all of the oysters, all of the seafood everything coming up in this video right now.

I just have to sit here for one second, the jfk booth, where he sat from downtown boston. You walk down this cobblestone street and there's this little area full of just legendary iconic restaurants, the oldest tavern in america and then over on this side. Is the union oyster house open since 1826? Again, it's the oldest continually operating restaurant in the united states and the actual building is actually way older than the restaurant. It dates back to 1704, and so it's a privilege to have a chance to eat lunch here and we're getting here right as they open immediately as they're open, so we're going to hopefully meet the chef and also see some of the cooking before we start eating.

All right here we go met up with chef rico. The head chef he's going to show us around the kitchen he's going to show us the dishes that we're ordering some of the dishes that we're ordering and we're going to have an exclusive access to the kitchen. To see the behind the scenes where your food comes from at the union oyster house chef rico, can you tell me one more time how big is the? How many seats does the restaurant have 550 seats? 550 seats made up of five small buildings and nine dining rooms, wow yeah, so like right now, right now we're in the oldest building, so the clam chowder sits here. Wow you can see how thick how rich it is, and the chunkiness of those clams yeah.

We prefer it to be thick wow ready, yup. Another classic dish is the boston. Baked beans, yes been serving these also since the 1800s, so this is classic with salt pork with salt, pork, okay, molasses, brown, sugar, wow. Those are two of the must eat dishes.

When you come to union oyster house, you i mean you cannot come here without the chowder and then boston baked beans is another classic that you have to order. Butter goes on, so that's how we do it so new england squad is it? Is it haddock? It's cod: it goes right over here. This is cod fish and the reason i didn't was because it wasn't there and how long does that cook for chef, eight to nine minutes, all right, yeah intensity, starting to pick up at what time? Does it really get busy? Here, yeah about 10, more minutes so like 11, 15, 11. 30..

All right, so we come out of the the almost underground kitchen down. There call that first kitchen, that's the first kitchen. It was the original kitchen when the restaurant was built. That was the original kitchen too, and this is called sea grill, so that must be the one of the oldest kitchens right: the equipment in the united states too.
Okay, yes, yes, it's been, we've modernized the kitchen as well as we modernize this kitchen as well start the the mussel dish. Oh nice, just a little bit of garlic butter and then we'll come over here and we will take some chopped, bermuda onions and we are starting out with a cold pan, because we don't want to brown the onions. I wanted to basically get some caramelization. I would use a hot pan over here i'll add my mussels.

These mussels are actually from maine, okay mussels and these are cleaned mussels, we've already cleaned them. We've removed the beard from here, scrubbed them down, so you can see they're, nice and shiny, tiny, we're going to add a little bit of broth here and that's going to help them steam open a little bit. It's also going to add to the flavor of it all right. So we'll get those started right here on the stove, we're gon na add a little bit of white wine just a little splash and then we're gon na cover them, so they can steam.

You can smell that garlic. You can smell that some broth yeah the wine in there too we're just about ready. Oh yeah, all right come on back up all right. Let's have a look, we're going to check our garlic right now, and should we get oh and served with the garlic bread? Yes, okay, see it's nicely bubbling.

Is there cheese on there too, there's a little bit of cheese as well. Okay, mussels are ready. Oh man immediately open up that cover and you smell that white wine. Oh and the onions in there too yeah you can see how plump they are good, onions on top all right and that's the finished dish.

Okay, great we're going to start with a cold pan, but we're using warm butter to get us started. We're going to add in garlic - and we don't want the pan too hot, because we don't want the garlic to just just a perfume shrimp, peeled in the vein. And this dish will get four shrimp. And we also use fresh new england scallops and then we'll go right back to the stove and do a quick, saute, sun-dried tomato pesto, it's so aromatic some heavy cream.

This is called the seared seared shrimp and scallops. Yes, that smells so good a sun-dried tomato pesto and then finishes that off with some heavy cream. It's going to reduce that down the garlic that smells amazing, so we're going to start out with some rice, i'm going to lay that right down the center of the plate. Now we're ready to pick up the odor and plate, we'll use the rice as a way to display the seafood.

Thank you, chef rico. That squad is ready, we'll go right over to the plate. Yep served with rice. Typically, yes, you can serve it with rice, french, fries and vegetable.

You just basically classic baby carrots with a little bit of an orange glaze finish with a piece of lemon and a final touch, just a just. A little sprinkle of crushed chopped parsley all right. Thanks finn, no problem head on over to the rock bar all right, so this bar is actually original. It's been here since 1826.
This is the this is the bar that daniel webster daniel webster. He actually stood at it, so the stools were added a little bit later. Okay, there's a little bit of a slant to the bar. It was originally actually a leaning bar.

Ah, oh yeah: this is the original one back behind where they're shucking on is uh hand carved soapstone they've, sealed it up with a cement epoxy to keep it together, but it's the uh, the original one from 1826., 195 years old for a busy day. What type of oysters are these, so we've got all our oysters local? We have multiple distributors, mainly uh cape cod, south shore, massachusetts, beach blog from westport mass impossible, and then we have some barnstable for right, mid cape all right, green armor got one on just bang. On a rock one of the allures of the bar is because of the slants, where they'll uh make a little wedge here: okay, keep the plate level; okay, what would be the classic new england way to eat an oyster? Okay, if you're a purist you use just lemon. Oh okay, lemon will just accentuate the griny flavor of the specific oyster and since you live in thailand, i'm sure you'll, like the buzz ready.

Oh, i love horseradish. Oh nice. Okay, it's a little squeeze of lemon lemon! Okay, here we go first oyster at the union, oyster house - oh wow. Oh it's so good! So fresh! Yes, you may want to try, try the put a little cocktail sauce all the cocktails out.

Oh yes, thank you. All right now. Try that now try that one hold the narrower side, preferably this one sliding and sloshing around a little bit of the cocktail sauce a little bit of horseradish on there, a sprinkle of the lemon, and i love horseradish yeah, all that cocktail sauce that just slides down It slides down so easily the bite of the horseradish. Oh, it's refreshing.

I love these oysters too they're, not not too briny, but a really good balance, and for this next oyster, i'm gon na, do it daniel webster style. Absolutely incredible! I love that cocktail. Sauce is incredible and that's that horseradish so same toppings go on some of that. Oh, i love that texture.

It's a little more chewy than the oyster, so much flavor, not too salty. Oh yeah, that horseradish goes up your nose a little bit. It's almost like a a little bit of a crunch, because it's so fresh so over the years. This is the original part of the restaurant we've expanded, grown and absorbed buildings on either sides.

Let me take you upstairs to the dining room so before we start eating we're going to do a little walk through and again i mean not only this. This is a living piece of history. It's a museum of a restaurant. So when you come here, it's just frozen in time, so here we got some fun photos of uh pictures of the shuckers behind the oyster bar over the decades.
It's pretty cool 1905. facts about the place. If you look below uh rose carey um, she was the first ever waitress in boston. She worked here at the union oyster house in the dining room general beams from the 1700s.

This was the original dining room. He was on the last kings of france when he was exiled from france. He uh stayed in the united states and when he was in boston he actually stayed up here on this top floor. So back when jfk was a senator.

He would come in here every sunday this was his favorite booth, he'd sit down, he'd uh lay out all his newspapers and he would get lobster stew. I just have to sit here for one second, the jfk booth, where he sat mace 1977.. This was the favorite booth of john f kennedy when he dined at the union, oyster house wow another one of our dining rooms uh. It's got a lot of paintings that depict local boston history, daniel webster, who i already spoke about earlier.

Yes, he's a frequent oyster bar downstairs there. He is there, he is at the oyster barber, we just sat, he would come here and he would often have oysters with a tumbler of brandy and water and uh. The lore was he'd, often have six or more plates each with a tumbler. Brandy, too, give him some spirit for those speeches.

Yes, that'd be awesome. Thank you very much all right, thank you. So that was an amazing tour and the history, the unparalleled culinary history. It's fascinating and it's played such an important role in the history of the united states.

Here we go. We have our world famous clam chowder to start. Thank you wesley. You are welcome.

On a busy day. We can sell 100 gallons of it. Next up. We have uh classic boston squad.

Thank you very much, okay, so the squad next dish. This is one of my favorite dishes. We do here. It's the pan, seared shrimp installed, oh yeah, and thank you chef rico.

Thank you. Yup very excited to start eating dive right in okay cool. Thank you chef. Thank you very much enjoy yourselves.

Thank you. It's muscles done bask style, so what they do is they cook them in a white wine, a whipped garlic butter with some shallots frosting baked beans. Thank you very much perfect history behind this dish was actually that boston was part of the triangle trade for molasses, so back in the day, molasses would be shipped up from the south process refined stored here in boston and then we'd ship it over to england. So we had an abundance of the product, so we started putting into all our foods and everything.

So we started making beans with molasses and that style of beans became popular. They made it all over the country and was known as boston baked beans. Every food has a history too yeah, boston, too. Okay, thank you, although i still have to begin with the chowder, the clam chowder, the classic one of the greatest of all new england dishes, and it looks incredible: oh wow, it's so good, it's so creamy! It's so thick the flavor of the clams.
It's really nicely balanced too, and even though it's really thick, it doesn't taste, overly buttery or overly rich. It's a great balance. You can tell how warming it is, but i will add a little bit of pepper. I love my clam chowder with pepper comes with cornbread, you can taste that sweetness.

It's thick, it's hearty! It's really nice and crumbly that clam chowder incredible and i was reading that president. I mean former president obama. He ordered ten bowls of the chowder to go here. We go yes there.

It is oysters from massachusetts. Thank you so much yeah that clam chowder is amazing. Oh it's the best. Yes, i think i put on 20 pounds when i started working here.

That's great yeah! It's amazing! This is perfect. Thank you! So much. It's really good for you, okay, i'm going to try those boston baked beans; next, all that smoky molasses-y sweetness, it's so good, it's so rich, it's so sticky and because the oysters just arrived, i got ta have a few more of these oysters, some of the best Oysters ever and i did have a small tray of oysters at the oyster bar, but this is the full set, a full dozen oysters. Oh, these are beauties.

You take some of that horseradish. That horseradish is absolutely incredible dip it into that uh cocktail, sauce onto your oyster and a squeeze of lemon. You can never get tired of these oysters and i mean that's what they built this restaurant is. This restaurant was founded upon oysters, it's so much flavor.

It's so much freshness. I love that horseradish, the shrimp and the scallops in a cream. This is what we saw: chef rico, making and then also uh. Wesley said this is his favorite dish here.

So i cannot wait to try this as well. Over a bed of rice see how rich and thick that sauce is try one of those scallops. First, oh wow, yeah, so rich, it's so creamy! You know what i really like in there is the flavor of those dried tomatoes made into a pesto and that scallop just melts in your mouth. You taste the garlic in there.

You taste the butter in there the firmness of that shrimp. Next up for the squad, which is cod, i'm going to try a little bit of that fish first and then we'll probably use some lime on it. Maybe with a carrot, it's just simple, so you taste the freshness of the cod it just flakes apart. It's got that crunchy breadcrumb buttery crust and then that's just like straight up fresh fish put that squeeze of lemon okay.

Let's try the mussels. Look at how orange they are so orange. You see some of those onions in there and let me just actually kind of stir it up, because it has that broth on the bottom plus that white wine sauce. Actually i want to just rehydrate before we try this scoop it up scoop it up.
Oh yeah mussels are incredible: flavor of the onion, the flavor of that reduced white wine, the butter in there, the garlic and then scoop in for that broth that soup at the bottom and another thing that you have to do with these muscles. Take a piece of the garlic bread on the bottom there, a little bit of cheese on there. There's garlic there's butter and then you dip it into that broth and i'm gon na get another another one of the mussels to chase after a bite chased by a mussel that garlic, bread, the butteriness of it, the gooeyness a little bit of cheese, caramelized and crunchy. On top, i got ta try one of the oysters with some tabasco next time.

This time a little tabasco - and i am gon na add on. I cannot resist the temptation with that horseradish, that's another winning combination and dip that garlic bread in one of the greatest moves. You can do. Oh man that reduced garlic, bread so and we're gon na go now uh to to thailand.

Mr joe milano is taking us to thailand, there's a thailand room. I think somewhere within this building, amazing, no idea where we are going, but it is a maze. Thank you. Yes, this is the thailand consulate.

This is the console for thailand wow design of the actual temple, that is about 30 minutes outside of boston. I did notice before we came in on the outside, i saw the thai flag and so at the top of the building. This is where the thai consulate boston is go. Wow never would have known on the top floor here of union oyster house.

When i saw yang's name and i knew she was asian and i said then i went to i, google, you and i said phuket yeah. Oh yeah she's from she's from krabi, actually originally yup she's from kravi. Originally i think uh and then i said um. I said you're.

Okay, thank you so much. Thank you! Oh man. This is it's a privilege to be here, an absolute privilege, yeah and to have the full tour, not only union oyster house, but the thai consulate at the top. What an amazing culinary historical living piece of history, food, museum and meal all in one, and so that's going to be it for this video again, i want to say a huge thank you to mr joe milano to wesley to chef rico, all for showing me around And just amazing hospitality and service, and for sharing all the history with me as well unchanged, frozen in time a historical landmark.

I want to say a huge thank you for watching. Please remember to give this video a thumbs up, leave a comment. I'd love to hear from you and if you're not already subscribed, remember to subscribe now for lots more food and travel videos, goodbye from boston - and i will see you on the next video.

By Mark

10 thoughts on “America’s Oldest Restaurant!! 🦪 OYSTER BAR + CLAM CHOWDER!! | Union Oyster House, Boston!”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Quest4Unknown says:

    Yummm 😋 thanks for the video. In cali we get ok oysters some damn good but that looks like the spot 🤙🏼

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Asiye Aktaş says:

    merhaba..bende güzel pişmiş ve dünya mutfaklarının yemeklerini yemek isterim..domuz hariç..benide yanınıza alsanıza beraber obur gibi yeriz ilgi çeker..by.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars BattleBandit says:

    This actually makes perfect sense that it’s the oldest standing restaurant; we started colonizing from that end of the country. Very interesting video thanks

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MsEster4ever says:

    I could watch you eat Mark video after video after video. You treat food like Royalty so much respect acknowledgement and then you gorge it ravenously then consume it then you resume with class and dignity. ……. Watching you is like getting caught up in a Smorgasbord and you have to eat your way out.🥣🍝🍲🥘🧆🍜🍣🥡🥠🥟🍠🍗🍖🍟🍔🍕🥨🌯🌮🥪🥖😉😏

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Terence Biggs II says:

    Great historical content. Thank you Mark for delivering refreshing material in your videos. Well done my friend!

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Genji Lightning says:

    Aaah yes Ancient boston history XD Meanwhile The west indies VOC and East india Company -_- Enslaving Shinnegock and other northern native and aboriginal tribaes 🙂

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Regeneration says:

    always double check your oysters, ive opened so many of them and sometimes there can be i s9de a little worm/parasite crawling around. Enjoy.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars CallDwn theSky says:

    if Mark starts leaning to the left rather than the right after tasting something he likes, he should be immediately taken for a full physical and CT scan

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Edward Lopez says:

    He just seems so fake and a-lil
    gay his little stalker smile an that light girlie laugh idk there is something up we Wil see it Breaking News youtuber 🔫💊 🎱🍞👙👠 👙🔫 💩💣💩💣

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Strider says:

    a Thai Consulate in the Union Oyster House in Boston absolutely mind-blowing! When you're back in Phuket come by my house I'll make you some Boston baked beans and some fish chowder how about that.

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