🇺🇸 Chicago’s Giant Breaded Steak Sandwich: https://youtu.be/P1y_THjb4kE
🌶 Ghost Chili: https://amzn.to/3PNTvNQ
👕 T-shirts: https://store.migrationology.com/
CHICAGO, USA - Today we’re going on a burger tour in Chicago, and along with eating some of the favorite burgers in Chicago, we’re eating a burger that was rated as one of the bets burgers in all of America! Let’s go try it out…
We’re with my sister Pam and brother in law Derek, who is a Chicago native. If you love coffee, they roast coffee: https://www.dereksips.com/
Billy Goat Tavern (The Original), Chicago, Illinois (https://goo.gl/maps/Vhorye9bvksoxLcZ8) - In order to start this burger tour we’re going to a legendary classic, Billy Goat Tavern. It’s so iconic and historical and funny, and that’s why it’s worth going. The burger is pretty simple, but I do love how you serve your own toppings, and the pickles are delicious. Double Cheezborger - Price - $6.99
Au Cheval, Chicago, Illinois (https://goo.gl/maps/xDk4EdhzLyEaeMsT6) - We made it to one of the best burgers in all of America, Au Cheval. They take such care and art in preparing their burgers, and what I noticed is that every Chef specializes in one of the ingredients, and prepares is so carefully. It was assembled to perfection, and the harmony and balance of ingredients is what made it so good. I think the reason it was so good to me is that it was a real burger, nothing too fancy or not trying to add unique ingredients - it was just a burger that we all love, but taken to the next level. It really was the best burger I’ve ever had in my life. Single Cheeseburger, Egg, Bacon - Price - $24.97
Redhot Ranch, Chicago, Illinois (https://goo.gl/maps/ooX63CZ9Z9c7oafK8) - Another Chicago staple fast food burger comes from Redhot Ranch. Their burger is simple and to the point, smashed and loaded with flavor. It’s an excellent choice and most people in Chicago say it’s the best burger you can get for your money. Highly recommended. Double Cheeseburger + Fries - Price - $8.00
And that completes this delicious burger tour in Chicago. There’s no doubt Chicago will fulfill your burger dreams!
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👕 T-shirts: https://store.migrationology.com/
🌶 Ghost Chili: https://amzn.to/3PNTvNQ
🎥 Camera gear I use: https://amzn.to/3FVdBUd
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That's right, many people consider this to be the best burger in all of America I'm in Chicago and I cannot wait to taste it. Hey everyone hope you're having an amazing day! It's Markw I'm in Chicago a city that's defined that's famous for hot dog and deep dish pizza, but it also happens to be home of what many consider to be the best burger in the entire. United States Cheeseburger Cheeseburger Cheeseburger. The Yol is oozing now.

Of course, saying the best burger is hugely subjective, but this place has a huge loyalty and I've had friends food loving friends tell me that I cannot leave Chicago without trying it before we get started eating what is considered one of the best burgers in all of America We're going to get started at a legendary famous Tavern They serve one of the original one of Chicago's original cheeseburgers just to get warmed up. Welcome to Billy Goat Tavern Dating back to 1934, they have a hilarious history, but I'll share all about it once we get inside. and Order hello good morning I'm going to come in and order immediately their famous of course for the cheeseburger. can I get a single cheeseburger? No single double cheese double cheese is the best.

Can I get a Pepsi No Pepsi Coke And what about Uh Fries? No Fries Chips Chips Cheeseburger Cheeseburger Cheeseburger No fries Chips No. Pepsi Coke Double cheese is the best so we got totally told there. Uh, I'm going to have to get the double cheeseburger and can we please get three double cheeseburgers please? And Chips please No fries chips. That was such a cool entrance to Billy Go! Tavern And I mean that was made famous by a SNL Saturday Night Live skit.

However, that is something that they used to do right here at Billy Go Tavern Uh, because it was founded by Greeks uh, especially Greek immigrants who didn't speak a lot of English And from what I was reading, uh, they would just learn a couple of words and they knew Cheeseburger Cheeseburger. So they just yell out cheeseburger And so that's the history of how it happened right here. Chef Chico Is going to get started on the burgers right now. Those patties.

They're very iconic and very very thin. and so that's especially why you you need to have a double. oh that smells good to beef sizzling on the hot water. Oh I think that's one of the signatures here is it has to be charred.

kind of charred on the hot on. The Griddle Okay now the cheese goes on. and I think we want all toppings. so Derek cheese bger for you.

Awesome! And we got the I Mean don't even bother with singles. you have to get a double or a triple. So we got the doubles. It's very simple.

I mean it's just straight. the burger plus cheese in the inside of two burgers in a Kaiser bun. and then that's pretty cool self served toppings. So the pickles.

You can already smell the pickles, onions and no lettuce. no tomato because they say the goat ate that. Oh I love how thick cut those pickles are too. You know what? I'm just going to kind of toss it right here on the side and then we'll uh, we'll add some more as we go.
You did well with the pickles. there. maybe too many, but those are just. uh.

there we go. A perfect juing. It's juicing. Yes, pickles go on onions.

some of the bright green relish on the upper bun. Squeeze on the mustard. I guess to keep it Chicago Style always keep it Chicago style we are in Chicago I do like a lot of mustard bu I think he'll be okay. We definitely aren't the greatest.

Burger Builders Things are going to be spilling out, but that's totally okay. Derek You ready? I'm ready. An original cheeseborger. Oh the pickles literally are amazing MH really acidic sour fris.

incredibly freshening as well. Mhm. Again, the story is that the the patties are extremely thin because one thing they take. so I mean they cook so fast.

and another thing is you have more surface area for the all the condim. The for the sear. oh yeah, for the sear on the hot plate. yeah and as well as a a burger sandwich to create all the cheese.

The bun looks like it's really big but when you do sink your fingers into it totally collapses. It's a Kaiser bun. Airy Fluffy, definitely air and fluffy and the thick cut of onion as well that are mild but really give it a nice refreshing crunch. C You got to come here just for the experience.

the originality, the the history of this. which leads us to why is it called the Billy Goat Tavern as The Story Goes It was on the side of a busy street The Tavern and a goat fell out of a truck that was driving past. The goat managed to wander itself into the tavern which everyone thought was hilarious which is hilarious to this day. and ever since then the owner he took care of the goat, it became a mascot.

It became the main theme of the restaurant. I mean it became the billy goat Cavern and that's why there's no lettuce and no tomatoes cuz the goat ate both the lettuce and the Tomato I'm glad he left the pickles. yeah I'm glad the goat didn't eat the pickles. Yes exactly.

Since then there have been so many just legends that have dined here that have drunk here that have hung out here and so it's just a really cool part of Chicago History and not forgetting the Pepsi I'm joking I mean the Coke? What's I think? What's cool about this place is it's all about joking and it's all about the history and preserving the history. Um, it's just a really fun environment. So the cheeseburger I mean without a doubt it's extremely basic. simple but the pickle stood out and just the atmosphere, the history, the friendliness.

that was an experience. To continue with this burger tour of Chicago we have made it it. This is the place it's called Oal. It's probably one of the most famous burgers in the entire.

United States Bon Appetit They rated it as the best burger in America many people it's been written about as one of the top burgers always rites on the top list eaters essential burgers in all of America and if there's one thing I was reading, there's people I mean they've waited out here for 2 3 4 They say 4 hours sometimes on on the weight during the weekend, but almost universally people say that it was totally worth it after they ate the burger. so there's a lot of hype. there's a lot of press uh, but it really stands up to to the expectation. So all that to say I am extremely excited to be here.
Okay, that in a while we made it in. This is It's really I Mean it's really an honor to be here This restaurant. AAL Diner It's been described as an upscale, modern take on a diner and so the menu is. actually it's really extensive.

They have a lot of things on their menu, but then you look down, you scroll down uh to all the traditional sandwiches they have. The single one of the things you have to know here is that the single cheeseburger is actually double. It includes two patties. The double includes three patties and then you can add on egg and bacon.

This is a tough decision. I Think we need those additions I mean this is a once in A- lifetime. we got to go all outk. Okay so again I Love how it's just completely open kitchen.

You can see everything that happens and this is the most. Artful Burger Creation they just they take I Think what stood out to me is that it's not just one person making the burger. One person is in charge of the patties, one person is in charge of the bacon, one person is charge of the egg and so they all like. take their they they specialize and they perfect that single thing before.

they then assemble it absolutely flawlessly. It's one of the most pretty Burgers I've ever seen in my life too. I Would completely agree I'm pretty excited about digging into this one. What's the strategy here? Just kind of like I'm going to close it and then I'm going to give it a stab to like let some of that egg yolk just kind of ooze out on top of it.

Give it one quick stab down, you can see the Yol oozing. The yolk is oozing. It just popped and rolled down the burger like a waterfall. Pick it up, toss it over there you go.

maybe give it a little. oh it already started to break. Did it break? I Do want to I do want to give it the stab just because that's cool. and and that's the the thing that their signature for oh that felt so satisfying.

The burger stab that's so satisfying. Okay, pull out the knife. served with a pickle spear. Oh it's oh, that is just an engineering.

Marvel The bun is the most beautiful bun you've ever seen. The bacon is gigantic and again, the single is actually a double. It's probably the most photogenic Burger I think I've ever seen in my life. It's absolutely perfectly engineered.

Yeah, this is a a big moment in our lives. Best burger, right? Have mercy. Oh my goodness. Oh wow.
That first initial bite is something I think you'll never forget. creaminess from the egg yolk, saltiness from the Bacon fat from the bacon I Totally wasn't expecting the bacon to just be that melt in your mouth I thought it was going to be like kind of you know like bacon can be have a bit of chew to it. yeah that just is melt iny mouth bacon. The burgers are so flavorful, the beef the perfect harmony of pickles I think it's called they call it Dian which is a combination of Dijon mayonnaise and mustard.

Is it that that makes their signature sauce m There's no lettuce you do have like this onion kind of Co saw up top. Wow. Adds a good bite of freshness to it. The thing you'll also notice is that the bun is significant.

It's like a it's not just this thin bun, it's really a hearty bun. Yeah, but at the same time it's fluffy because you have all these ingredients that it needs to secure but not as dense. Yeah! I think one of the things I like about it too. It's not trying to be too fancy, it's not trying to add on these obscure ingredients.

It's just like the ingredients we all know and love on a burger. Yeah, just taken to the next level. cook to Perfection and use probably I mean using definitely Gourmet high quality ingredients, season to Perfection cook to Perfection It's like that bacon. the thick cut tast.

Unbelievable. Absolutely wonderful. That bacon is insane. Yeah, it almost tastes like it was glazed in.

Honey I think he was brushing it, was he he was brushing it. Um, like he just absolutely babied the bacon. Wow. I think one of the things I can notice is also the quality of salt that they use.

You can immediately tell that you're using a an exceptional salt that doesn't overpower the saltiness, but adds this well-rounded salty flavor to the entire. Burger I'm blown away I I Can't actually believe it. It legit, actually probably is the best burger I've ever eaten I Never thought I Don't think I could think of a better burger that I've ever eaten myself and then served with a pickle spear I'm struggling to find the correct words to even describe it. It's just Masterpiece Burger Masterpiece Happiness Yes, another thing you notice is the bacon.

Yeah, it has this sweet honey flavor to it which just contrasts the saltiness. and yet it's not. When you taste the bacon on its own, it's sweet, but when it's mixed with the burger, it's not it. Just Blends in and is a perfect harmony.

Yeah, Great medley throughout all the ingredients. mhm So good. I Mean to be totally honest I Was not quite sure how they were going to pull off the best burger in America but I think they've done it. They have actually done it 14.

CS Try some of their no their fries I Got it! m Oh fries are amazing too. They're kind of that version of fries that you can taste the freshness of the potato. Mhm. They're not insanely crispy, but on the edges they're very crispy and on the inside it remains potatoey.
Yeah, they must have the flavor of potato chips. They actually do remind me of potato chips. like kettle cook. They taste like kettle cooked potato chips in French fry forming clean.

This is the type of burger you never want to end. You want it to continue in your hands and mouth forever. Even your last bite looks attractive I Know. Still incredibly juicy and moist throughout, in perfect condition and shape.

Okay, ready every single bite. It wonderful. It's like sometimes you get Bur it out by the end. I Just like a let me finish and be done.

it's like I'm missing I'm missing a burger right now. Yes that's the best burger and then chasing it with the bigle spear is a nice addition. Okay here we go. Final bite, haven't heard anything I did hear more but that just still waiting.

Life changing. Thank you have a good one thank you! Wow what an experience. The burger itself. If you just get the single which is actually a double cheeseburger it's $4.99 but then if you add on what I mean it, that's extremely reasonable.

But then if you add on the egg costs $2.99 the bacon $6.99 and so I'll do the math below for the total amount for that burger that that I ate with all those toppings but totally worth it. You have to get the bacon that just that. it's the bacon is incredible but the burger really was. It was just unbelievable.

I Really cannot think of a better burger that I've ever eaten in my life. One of the top burgers ever. and on top of that, the staff are all extremely friendly. just a really nice friendly environment.

I Think my advice to you would be definitely I mean it is an absolute must eat burger when you're in. Chicago Don't go with too high of expectations, but then just be surprised and blown away when you eat it. we are at the next place to eat another. Burger That's uh, hugely loved in.

Chicago This is a burger that is one of the best values for money. One of the cheapest burgers but the best quality. Burgers It's an old school No Frills Smash Burger That still I mean it has a huge loyal following. so I'm excited to try it.

Here we go! I'm excited The Rhr Double Cheeseburger Red Hot Ranch and I mean you can feel that this is just a totally original Chicago Fast food restaurant. Classic old school Smash Burger Fresh Beef never Frozen a ball of it goes onto the griddle Smash It Down uh until it's really thin and you can see all the juices coming out giving it that Char Giving it that crust on the burger double patties, two pieces of cheese goes onto the bun with a little bit of dressing, some sauce, some pickles, a little bit of onions, lettuce, tomato. oh man. and I got the combo with fries and a drink.

Smells good. Oh all the fries. Look at the bottom. Fries smell delicious.
Oh it's always a good sign when you can see the cheese and oils just juicing through the paper. That's something you'll get used to in Chicago Ready for this? Oh it's looking good. Oh oh the juice. Oh the melted cheese.

Oh Golden Crisp Oh, it's a it's a whole trough of them. Oh perfect. Let's move into the burger. Oh this looks good.

It just looks just from the way it's made. just from the appearance of it. You can just tell this is just just I Mean it's just a classic. it's just no nonsense.

real deal fast food style burger. Smash Burger Mhm Exactly what I just described like No Nonsense tasty, Meaty. You've got that. Smash Burger So all that crust, all the the extra griddle fry, the meat kind of crumbles in your mouth.

You got all of that creamy cheese plus that creamy mayonnaise dressing, the crunch of the onion, the iceberg, the tomato, a little bit of pickle in there. I Think that is just everything you want in just a classic burger. Look at that transparent paper, you could see me through it. Oh, that's the sign of a good burger.

mhm I me I Think this is a type of burger like you just I mean it's the type of burger you don't need to think about. it's just there for you. and it's just I mean this is almost the ultimate definition of just a classic burger. Okay, let's try some of those fries.

and I think they did have ketchup I think I did see some ketchup at the front I think it's only for for hot dogs where where there's an official ban on ketchup? I think for hamburgers might be okay I think I'll get some ketchup. Fries are delicious Chicago does great. fries. crispy on the edges, gooey sweet on the inside.

salty. Okay. one more thought: if you're absolutely craving a burger, this is the type of burger that will just 100% satisfy you. Michael Let's do it.

Cheeseburger Cheeseburger Cheeseburger. No, No fries cheaps, No. Pepsi Coke Double cheese is the best I Can guarantee you from now on every cheeseburger I Eat. That's just going to be ringing in my head I'm going to be singing that that's the theme song of a cheeseburger but what a what a time of eating burgers in Chicago Chicago has some serious Burger culture.

you will find some delicious outstanding Burgers When you're in Chicago and I'll have every place that we ate at in the description box below. And if you haven't already watched this entire Chicago Food series, we're eating our way through the city eating some of the best food. We went on a deep dish Chicago Pizza tour. We ate some of the most iconic Foods foods that were invented in Chicago as well as some of the most I mean dishes that you cannot come to Chicago without eating.

Make sure you keep on watching more videos in this series and I Want to say big thank you for watching? Please remember to give this video a thumbs up if you enjoyed it. Leave a comment below I'd love to hear from you and if you're not already subscribed, make sure you subscribe now for lots more food and travel videos. See you on the next video.

By Mark

16 thoughts on “America s best burger chicago’s most famous double cheeseburger!”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars roberto chu says:

    brah 25$ for a burger yall nuts lol, i can make a better one for 10$

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Triple Headed Goddess 888 says:


  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mojosfire says:

    Not sure if you made a video on this already, as you have many videos and I'm more new to your channel, but do you have one for the best fried chicken in the USA?

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars James Johnson says:

    Disgusting 😂

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Andrew K says:

    Billy goat is nothing great. I consider it just a cheap burger

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars That guy pal says:

    Mustard with pickles and beef

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars THIBAULT x says:

    you just had to ask french to do a burger to get the best in the world 😅

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Eloisa Marie Syu By Catan Tila says:

    So salivating

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rich Calhoun says:


  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Steve Polius says:

    No gloves
    An a ring on his finger 😡😡💯

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Conspiracy Theorist says:

    Oh come on Mark just looks like a normal burger i guess you never had a really good burger

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Legion_Prex says:

    dont like them.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars RJO says:

    Chicago style is no mustard on a burger but def on a dog

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Annie Linkous says:

    Amazing Mark~BucketList👍👍👍ThanksForSharingThisSoooFun😋😋😋👏👏👏YUMCravingABurgerAgainLolol😁😁😁

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars dan says:

    Chicago 2021, 719 blacks murdered by other blacks as you eat a cheeseburger.

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