Eating a huge Arabian seafood platter with @Peyman Al Awadhi
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DUBAI, UNITED ARAB EMIRATES - It was great to hang out with my great friend Peyman Al Awadhi when we were in Dubai and we had an opportunity to cook and eat a huge Arabian Gulf Emirati seafood meal at the park in the desert. Huge thanks to Chef Mohammad ( - from Al Banoosh Restaurant for cooking this incredible feast.
We first arrived to the park, one of the oldest and biggest in Dubai, and laid out the mats to start the festivities. Chef Mohammad brought the fresh catch of the day including a full tuna, some huge local shrimp, and entire school of mullet fish, and a variety of minced shark. He grilled and roasted all the different seafood. The shark was was minced and mixed with spices like cardamom and drizzled in animal fat. The mullets were coated in a thick layer of salt and then roasted until black. All the seafood was placed on huge trays of fluffy rice and eaten with the variety of seafood, drizzled in melted animal fat, and chased with a variety of fresh herbs.
It was an amazing meal, and an authentic Emirati, really Arabian Gulf food coastal seafood meal.
Thank you again to Peyman and Chef Mohammad and everyone else that set this up for us.
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Hey everyone hope you're having an amazing day. It's mark wiens, i'm in dubai, the uae and today i'm hanging out with my great friend payman, who you probably remember from a video that we made a couple of years ago. Yeah skin wow payment is an amazing guy and we both share a love for traveling and delicious food. Today we are meeting up with a chef at a park right here in dubai and he's gon na prepare for us, a massive emirati seafood and rice tray and i'm gon na share this entire experience and all of the delicious emirati food with you coming up in This video are you gon na have 20 of these by the way so peyman.

Where are we? Where are we heading to so we're in mushriff national park, and this part is beyond the airport in the opposite direction of where you normally go, like dubai, mall and jumeirah, marina, the opposite side? And it's a lot more green as well. Yeah, there's like a little oasis here, yeah and this park is super old. It's been around for like 30 40 years, okay and we used to come here when we were young in the 80s to to pick mushrooms. Oh nice seems like we saw barbecues and things like that, so it's really really nice here.

The weather is nice this afternoon yeah it's perfect. I think this is the spot right here beautiful today, under the shade, it's cool, it's breezy. I think this is where we're gon na set up we're gon na start cooking, where we're gon na eat. We've met up with chef muhammad very nice to meet you.

Thank you. You're going to be cooking today, yeah today we're going to cook a local baby shark fish, oh nice, with the spice and some chili local spice and dry lemon. You know awesome! It's baby sugar, yes, okay! We've got a fish too! Oh wow! It's like a tuna family. Okay, this one is a local shrimp from the gulf.

I can already see in our future a giant tray of rice and seafood on top. Oh man, we are in the right hands here and the shark dish. It's not a baby shark, they're, small reef, sharks, okay, so people kind of a lot of times. They say: oh, it's, the baby shark, it's not a baby shark.

It's just the size of sharks that we have in the gulf and they're small, okay, yeah, and i think we should just. We should probably just clear that up right now that it's not a it's, not an endangered shark. It's uh, it's very common to eat right! It's very common to eat. It's very, a big part of the culture correct and a lot of times, you're not allowed to fish it all year, long, there's specific times to make sure there's sustainable, sustainable, all.

Oh the meat yeah. What's this marination chip, it's uh, coriander, onion, garlic, ginger and chili. You can immediately smell it. Yeah! Oh - and this is another marination here yeah another paste.

Then i put in a stomach like this to get the flavor that looks like starfish fish, so three kind of uh sauce we're gon na put it fantastic, like a combination of herbs and vegetables, yeah yeah yeah, juicy juicy, garlic, vinegar, oh, that is quite an impressive Marinade action, three different pastes smell all those all of those onions, the coriander, a lot of our cuisine is influenced by you know the early indians that came to the uae so you'll find a lot of the spices we use and the preparation methods are are based On that, okay, so chef has fully wrapped that fish marinated wrapped it's going to preserve the fish juices within its its own self, so that it's juicy fire is hot. Fish goes on the grill and chef mohammed is gon na, and this is for the shark right. So we're cooking on the pan over the fire, the shark onion dry, lemon coriander, some garlic and we mix it with a lot of black pepper and salt and local spice, and so that's like a paste. That's the same paste that you also used on the fish.
A little bit you'll use like 80, the same spices across all our dishes: okay, everything he mentioned that pretty much goes in everything that we, the dry lemon. Absolutely so coriander pepper you'll usually have turmeric in there, okay, um and then everything else kind of additional onions, of course, just an immediate burst of those caramelized onions, oh wow, that sizzled that yeah with that spice that ghee bubbling boil it mince shark. So it's been boiled already yeah. Oh okay, boiled minced! You can see it's like the shredded texture.

We're gon na put some coriander cloud. Okay, ground cardamom yeah goes in oh yeah, it's so aromatic on green. To give it some more green. Now we're gon na mix.

It to get the color from the onion and from the ghee and from the spice man, it's looking good. It's smelling good, all those spices that finishing touch with a sprinkle of cinnamon and a sprinkle of ground cardamom we're really going to bring out the aromatics, and i like how it's just like all evenly mixed with that texture too. This one, you can stuff it with the sambusa and we can eat it with rice. You can make it.

We can make it like a meatball, oh okay, okay, we can do it a lot of things with this one common to have it on white rice. You get the white rice, you put a little bit more of that oil on it. Yes, green, chili, okay, oh man, it's a little bit hot. Okay, no problem ready! Let's go! Oh man, the spice in there, the the citrusyness of it yeah yeah, is that from the lemon.

Yes, it is so you see the dried lemon there's a little bit of bitterness in it as well yeah. So you get that citrus and you get a little bit of bitter, oh man, okay, so the shark is ready next up for the shrimp, which are jumbo shrimp, they've been butterfly cut already, they've been deveined and those go directly onto the hot charcoal mayo garlic. I try to find it or i find it from the south african style: okay, okay, they're fresh from today, yeah tomato paste, garlic and local spice, thailand, small, the smaller uh. What is the name? Is it a mullet? A mullet? Oh yeah, it's a mullet! Yes! Yes, it's a mullet! Yes, yes, this one is a low curry, uh style for grill.
Only you put the salt and you put the full fish on the fire down. Oh the char oil is coming out. Yeah! Oh! Thank you, a shrimp with some of that marinade tomato, oh yeah, oh wow, you can eat the skin too yeah because it's fully crispified, oh man, that char the freshness, oh man, yeah. Usually you can crunch right through the skin right.

It's like fully crispified wow! That's fantastic and that marinade the freshness it's brilliant, it's like a it's like a kebab just like a natural and that fire now is just roaring, but that's the way. That's what you want is that smokiness that char yeah my arm is about to burn off, but wow man just bathing that smoke that aroma the fresh seafood fire and fresh seafood. That's a combination that will never get old, oh man, with a little bit of onions. Fried onions a little bit of saffron, give it just a little fragrance.

It's very buttery, very oily, oh yeah, just glistening. Those trays of rice are going to be the base for the fish for the grilled seafood, and then you can just see how fluffy, how fluffy that rice is the oils coming out of the fish man. That's gon na give them an unbelievable smokiness hissing up yeah skin wow, so the salt kind of protects the fish almost and we cook it with a paste and shrimp tray is ready. Oh look at that.

Oh man, oh man and they're so aromatic when you have that shell on the shrimp it like overemphasizes that aroma of the shrimp when it's kind of with that high fire. Okay, so we're going to get started here. Uh, the big tuna is still cooking a little bit longer, but we're going to get started because we're all hungry we call this is actual animal fat oil all right, so we're gon na put this on the rice like a good amount. Oh man, melted animal oil and then grab a little bit of this okay onto the rice.

So just like a nice pinch take a pinch of the shark okay into into the rice. With that animal fat yeah there we go oh wow. I chased that says that, with this uh onion straight raw sweet mmm, oh wow yeah, oh man, it seemed like we were about to take a huge bite, but it's so fluffy that it just condenses in your mouth. How is the food? Oh, it's so good! Yeah, the flavor of the dried yoshid gushid.

This is called gashid right, yeah, okay, let's go straight to this grab yourself, a quick, quick piece. Okay, he took out the head skinning all of it and take out some of the skin. That's good! Oh! So, that's why? The skin is almost burnt roasted, but you kind of peel that back because the salt crushed - oh yeah, now you can oh yeah nice. Oh that's the real way.

Okay, oh thank you chef. Oh, we got the eggs. Oh, that was amazing. The meat yeah remains so juicy mmm, all the eggs.

Oh man they're just crumble in your mouth. That's yummy, oh man! So that's why you put on such a thick layer of salt and then additionally kept it on such a high fire kind of like peels back that skin, revealing the juiciness of the fish underneath sweating a little bit yeah. It's part of the outdoor experience so good with the fragrance of the animal fat. I love it.
Oh and the green chilies - oh mark, oh yeah, extra specialty, green chilies, some of the rocca you got ta go in with some of the rocca, come on more onion mango mango mango, green mango nice chef. It's so good, beautiful, i'm gon na scoop in for some of that gravy. There you go there, we go one more scoop. Oh look at that.

You can see those yeah those peppers and tomatoes chunky chunky, but you can see how soft it is. Then we go in for the fish all right. Let's go piece of that snapper and these are all local local fish, local seafood fish, a handful nice, oh wow, yeah, it's tart the tomatoes. In there, oh yeah man, it's just pleasant, yeah yeah.

I was gon na. I was gon na use the word mellow. Oh so look at this. You could eat this as well.

The outside skin is super bitter. The inside is actually quite quite good, so that's kind of like the segments yeah yeah. Let's try a little bit of that i'll eat. The inside scoop out check that out a dry lemon which is famous for especially like gulf cuisine right absolutely um.

You scoop out that inside these are dried when you see them at the market. These lemons are just like completely solid, dried, completely dehydrated and then add that to the to the fish to the stew grab some more fish, some more mix in with some more rice burst of the dry lemon. So what muhammad's done is all of this is predominantly the food that people who live next to the seed. Thank you okay.

So you know how it is marked like if you were in the uae and i'm talking about the 40s 50s 60s. If you live by the sea, then this is what you eat seafood. So this is like in the desert yeah. Then it would be all meat and goat and all that kind of okay right.

This is coastal emirati food, red, yellow uh. I had the red. So, let's go yellow: let's go, yellow look at the size of these moistness, the smokiness, the crunch of the shell and the shell is so thin right, very good, wow um. This sauce has no kick to it.

There's no like spice spice in it, but but again it takes on the smokiness of the grill of the fire, beautiful no wow. The fisherman himself came to deliver us to seafood for lunch today on that bite of shrimp, the the maid event. Oh, the tuna is ready, yeah yeah unwrapping the gift. Oh, you can see all those juices yeah, oh and the spice paste in there he's gon na get some some of his pieces with his hands.

Amazing, oh just grab a fistful. Look at that meat. Oh man! That's the way, oh man, that's the way, you're good in the i'm going to take some of the tuna. Oh just whoa, it's hot, some of the vegetables just to drench it all right, a little a little rehydration.
Oh, that is going to be nice yeah, and i love how that that tuna, just like you, can feel it just flaking in your fingers. This is like a steak yeah. It is yeah straight up. Steak.

Take a piece of the mango green mango green mango. To give it even more sourness, oh yeah, oh the fruity touch of that the green chili to finish it off complete the full bite. Oh wow! Oh that just like bursts with a fume of chili in your mouth, he's like what did he just do awesome food? Thank you to chef mohammed for his cooking skills. Thank you.

Chef. Muhammad he's right there amazing to everyone for hosting us here. This is a very special emirati meal experience. Are you gon na have 20 of these by the way a little drizzle? So this is especially a must when you're eating white rice, oh yeah, and i love how you just grab like giant handfuls of food, and you think you think it's a huge bite and it okay.

It is a huge bite, but, like it just goes down the eggs. They just crumble in your mouth. This all has kept the fish juicy and moist amidst that fire that, like hard fire like scrambled eggs, that's like the yeah yeah yeah egg, yolk right moving back to that shark and you go back to the shark and immediately that burst of cardamom just bursts in Your mouth, oh man, that's the real deal yeah that shark is out of control. That's not one thing that you can't stop eating yeah yeah, exactly where i'm still yeah.

Oh my god, it's too good! It started with a shark. We can't stop and it just goes down so easily. It's like a pillow in your mouth. Oh, this is really good.

You know the problem is like you can't stop yeah. You can't stop like it feels light. At the same time, it feels like you are eating a lot. It's really good, it's really good and then you can chase bites with fresh onion raw onion and raka yeah.

That's okay, a little more of that, and that probably is the highlight for me. What is your restaurant name called restaurant restaurant club in dubai? Okay, thank you for my friend. Thank you for your amazing cooking. Thank you.

Yes, chef mohammad is one of the very few emirati professional chefs. By the way, you can count them on maybe two hands and he's one of them he's professionally trained. Thank you. That's you know his food is good.

This was incredible. Yes, thank you, chef, muhammad, thank you incredible. Oh man. What a meal and oh man such a great time hanging out with my friend pimen eating a delicious meal and now we're just working off the the meal with a little walk to see some of the beautiful horses.

So they have stables here and they offer horse rides or do people come here to ride. You can come and train, you can come in and uh and go for an hour ride. You can do you know all of it. You can.

I think you can even keep your horses over here and wow. Okay, i'm gon na write it as well. So so it's kind of like a horse club here, correct wow, beautiful, look at that beautiful wanted to be on. You want to be on camera.
Oh man, michael, you can touch it's very soft she's, not camera shy either. No, she wants to be on camera. The whole time yeah, okay, michael hold on to me. Oh man, that that bumping with all the the rice platter in my stomach right now, that's eating.

In the digestion, oh, this is a beautiful and it's it's so cool that this we're like right in the middle of dubai. This is a huge park and i love how it's so natural natural desert, the sand, the shrubs and trees and uh. He was mentioning to us that this is one of the biggest forests in the uae right. What a beautiful evening in dubai we're back to the city, part of dubai, although we were in dubai even at the park, we ended up sitting around having tea and some desserts and talking for a while this evening and that wraps up what was a spectacular emirati Seafood meal, a big thank you to chef mohammed and a huge thank you to peyman for arranging for setting everything up to say a big.

Thank you to you also for watching this video. Please remember to give it a thumbs up if you enjoyed it, leave a comment below i'd love to hear from you and if you're not already subscribed, make sure you subscribe for lots more food and travel videos, see you on the next video good night from dubai.

By Mark

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