🦞 Ultimate Lobster Roll Tour of Maine Part 1: https://youtu.be/xhiuxMPJ-8U
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MAINE, USA - Welcome to the beautiful coast of Maine, New England - home of the New England lobster rolls! This is Part 2, if you missed lobster rolls Part 1 you can watch it here: https://youtu.be/mxZFuG5e2nU Let’s get started eating more delicious lobster rolls in Maine!
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🔹 Follow Jeffrey Merrihue: https://www.instagram.com/jeffrey_merrihue/ - Stop by at Heroic Italian (https://g.page/heroicitalian?share) in Santa Monica and say Hi to Jeffrey!
🔹 Follow Jessica Jessica Hirsch: https://www.instagram.com/cheatdayeats/
Today, we started near Portland, Maine and headed south down the coast. Here are the amazing lobsters rolls we tried:
Bite into Maine (https://g.page/bite-into-maine-cape-elizabeth?share) - Price - about $28 per roll - We began at the beautiful Cape Elizabeth, an amazing coastal park and lighthouse. Conveniently, there’s a food truck called Bite into Maine that serves one of the best lobster rolls in Maine. It’s less traditional, but it’s so good. They have a Maine lobster roll, Connecticut roll, and a few non-traditional versions. Their lobster is fresh and chunky, and delicious.
The Lobster Shack at Two Lights (https://goo.gl/maps/mCf3TuJkhK7XkzFU6) - Next we headed to another spectacular location along the Maine coast called Two Lights. This is one of the most famous lobsters shacks in Maine. Although the scenery is beautiful, unfortunately the lobster rolls was not great. Comparing it to other lobster rolls we had in Maine, their lobster didn’t taste fresh or sweet, and I didn’t care for giant blob of mayo on top. But it was cool to put our feet in the water to eat!
The Clam Shack (https://goo.gl/maps/i9p3aS6UduraX7zy9) Price - $25 per roll - Located in Kennebunk, Maine, The Clam Shack has won many awards for their seafood and lobster rolls, and it’s not hard to see why - it’s one of the best. They serve a hamburger bun shaped roll, with some of the best textured lobster you’ll find. Their fried clams are also exceptional. One of the best seafood shacks in Maine!
Footbridge Lobster (https://goo.gl/maps/sbJvt5QzqR744PLc9) - Price - $24.95 - Finally to end this lobster roll tour, we drove to Ogunquit, known as the lobster capital of Maine. We weren’t really planning to eat a lobster roll here, but we had to once we saw how cool this place was. This was the surprise lobster roll of the trip. Really outstanding, fresh, and one of the best rolls of all the lobster rolls in New England.
It was another wonderful day of lobsters and fun in Maine!
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Hey everyone hope you're having an amazing day, it's mark wiens, and it is a beautiful day in maine we're just outside of portland in. I believe this is cape elizabeth today, the plan is we're starting right here on this cape to eat a famous lobster roll we'll. Also be eating, what is one of the most i believed like just recently was rated as the best lobster roll, and it also has some unique twists to it in all of maine we're gon na eat. Some lobster rolls we're going to eat some fried clams.

It's going to be another delicious seafood day in maine, and i'm going to share everything with you in this video and then conveniently located right across this hill from the lighthouse is what is considered. One of the best lobster rolls in maine. So after you visit the lighthouse, it is a must stop and i can't wait. My name is sarah.

My husband and i moved to maine from minneapolis-st paul in 2004, and we didn't understand why portland did not have food trucks at the time um. We had taken a trip to austin and they were everywhere and so around 2011 we decided we were going to try to start a food truck in portland and we knew that everyone coming to visit wanted to have a really good lobster roll. But a lot of times they don't even want to sit down and have it at a restaurant per se um. So we had this idea to do lobster rolls and because we're not from maine originally, i think we didn't think it was weird to do.

Flavors, like wasabi and chipotle, so we were kind of outsiders looking in, and so we um started with these six styles, which we have to this day. Fort williams park was um talking about having food vendors, since i think 1981 and in 2011 they decided to open it up for vendors, and we have been here ever since, and we now have very cool three locations at this time. Was this the original location? This is the original location yep, and this is our 11th season. That's awesome.

Thank you so much for sharing and i can't wait, i think, jeffrey jessica good morning, good morning. All of us cannot wait to try. Your lobster rolls there's no more perfect location to bite but to bite into maine than right. Here you got three rolls the main, the connecticut and the picnic all right.

You doing first, so i'm gon na drizzle some warm butter on these two rolls. I connected the picnic. Oh yeah drown that baby and the maid is just like actually using a tea kettle, a tea kettle for melted butter. That is, that is a pro move, so we're just choosing a picnic table here there, but they also have picnic tables spread out around this entire park.

So you can take your roll and you can walk around classic connecticut. I don't know. Look at that. Yeah, look at how it's beautiful, how stuffed and overflowing it is so far.

These might be the best constructed constructed engineered rolls that we've seen they fit them in there so nicely so precisely with so much care not to mention the ultimate move. The melted butter in a tea kettle to just drench your roll, we're gon na break into the connecticut first, which is butter based a break in the center. I love how they have slightly shredded the lobster yet not too fine. It looks like a perfect texture.
A bright pink lobster orange cheers, cheers everyone breakfast of champs lobster rolls wow, oh wow yeah. That is sweet. That's what i noticed immediately. It was perfect that, like little crunch, oh that's good, it's so soft, the entire thing, but it also has like that.

Crispy exterior too and then the soft inside steamed steamed lobster always seems better steamed lobster it melts in your mouth. It's not chewy at all and then just perfectly caresses into that crispy buttered roll wow. That is that's my favorite bite of the trip. So far, that's a world-class lobster.

That's really good wow that just went down almost too easy, yeah dangerously easy. So this one is the main, which is a different style, especially because of mayonnaise. Instead of butter, they toast the roll um. The main the lobster is already mixed up with some mayonnaise, so it wasn't so much of a swipe of mayonnaise in the roll, but rather a like a lobster.

Salad - and i love the chives on top jeffrey, and i will crack this in the middle as well. Can we do as well as the last one look, that is amazing engineering look at they, they just balance. It perfectly look at that. You can even shake the lobster around on the top of it and it doesn't fall off.

Okay, the kinetic roll is warm and then you immediately notice that the mineral it's cold yeah, the kinetic um, it was cold, but the butter was warm right, warmed it up yeah, i think in real connecticut, they actually warmed the lobster wow, not being a mayo fan. This is perfect: yeah yeah, you can gloop it right. I think for being a mayonnaise based role. The mayonnaise is not overpowering so bite into maine at cape elizabeth.

That was outstanding. One of the more refreshing rolls i think, we've had in all of maine. You can taste the quality in this roll too the quality and the care again steamed, not boiled. True, let's go to the next roll.

Let's do it literally just 10 minutes down the road from where we just were is an equally spectacular cape and a point which is known as two lights, which is a lighthouse it's a pier here, and it's also legendary for their lobster roll. If you look at the picnic tables, it's almost an infinity edge, overlooking the sea beautiful location, two lobster rolls uh one cup of slime, chowder, one onion rings. They have a really good system going here. You stand all the way out the door you come inside.

You make your order and then you go outside and then they call your name all those onion rings. Look pretty awesome. The lobster rolls so there's an indoor seating, as we saw there's a beautiful outdoor patio almost a deck setting, but what we decided is we're gon na walk down to the water and it's been a dream of ours to okay. Well, i'll just show you from appearance, it's totally different from anything we've had so far in maine the lobster is nestled into the roll, but the key difference here is they put an entire like it's literally a blob of mayonnaise on top plus one pickle yeah.
I think this guy wait we're pickles. Oh no, but i think that's the way they start they. I think they forgot our pickle, yeah yeah. I heard it's blob and pickle was, i was told, yeah, oh so we shorted it so one one pickle fell off on the journey to the on the journey.

I think it fell off in the kitchen where they were making it, because this tray is pretty big. That's true: okay, you want to tear then we'll okay, we'll break. We have no idea. What's going to happen to the blob blob.

Oh i got it thanksgiving tradition, cheers. Is there iceberg at the bottom of that yeah? I got iceberg, but by the way did we mention our first lobster roll in the atlantic ocean. This is uh. She feels very nice, a fulfillment of a culinary dream, culinary dream feed our icy.

You got the lobster roll. The lobster roll is a little bit underwhelming. It's a little bit underwhelming right, the bread seems a little bit gooey. The lobster is not nearly as sweet as some of the other versions.

We've had it's also a little flabby. Definitely not the best lobster roll we've had in maine, but definitely a beautiful location. Without a doubt - and it is fun that number one you can choose to sit on those picnic tables overlooking the sea or you can eat directly in the sea and there's a beach here, which is fantastic - a beautiful rocky area over there too, from here we're driving To a place, oh, i am desperately looking forward to the next place. This is arguably the best of the best lobster rolls in new england, owner steve, kingston's, meticulous use of fresh daily soft shell lobsters and chilling.

Each hand-picked order on ice creates a freshness of flavor unmatched anywhere served on toasted buttered, hamburger style, buns from a local bakery. The clam shack's cold meat roll may be had with mayonnaise or warm butter. This is one of the best lobster rolls by which all others should be measured. That's taken red directly from the yankee magazine and we are at clam shack, which is.

It was just rated as well on one list as the number one place to eat a lobster. Roll but they're, also famous for the fried clams for their onion rings for the works, and i cannot wait well to try everything, and so we just ordered uh. They put in our order. We're gon na see a little bit, hopefully of the process of how they make it, and this is a cool spot.

So yeah the clam shack was uh was built in 1968. It was started by a man named richard jakes um, and it was just a. It grew to being a local iconic place to get your fried clams and fried seafood. I was fortunate enough to buy it in 2000.
I consider myself the guardian, not the owner, i'm just taking care of it um and it's a it's an institution. Did it start off with clams, as opposed to lobster rolls, so it's called the clam shack and believe me if you're called a clam shack, you better have a damn good clam, which we do, but the lobster roll has become a rock star in the food world And we've got a great lobster roll, so our lobster roll has grown in popularity and now we probably sell more lobster rolls than clams. But i don't forget my roots. This is the clam shack.

We've got both and then just one more question. What would you say is a distinguishing factor of your lobster roll. So our lobster roll is really unique because we have a homemade bun, that's a round roll and it throws people off sometimes because traditionally you see it on a hot dog roll. But we have a great piece of bread, and also our meat is super super fresh.

We do micro boils at 50 pounds of whack all day long, so it's a combination having a great piece of bread and super fresh lobster meat perfect. Thank you. Thank you. So much for having i bought this us restaurant, but that how old is it it had to have been made in the 30s? That's awesome try to find that online.

It doesn't even come close, the ones that they make now it is, and i've taken that all over the country to compete. I took that to new york city. I've taken that to the steve harvey show. So what we're trying to do is we're trying to get a little bit of a whole lobster, so i want some tail meat in there.

I want some claw meat in there and, of course i need my knuckle meat like the knuckles nice any method here or no. What we want to do is just put it all in there. Maybe you know maybe put out the uh claw. Maybe have the claw hanging out there, you know, take it out we're gon na drizzle the butter right over it butter and lobster mash made in heaven, but this is a mayo sandwich, so you want to make sure you put some mayo on there all right.

So we're going to take our mayo and we're going to put it just over the top beautiful. I love that claw hanging out. What are you going to make next steve buy some clams, probably yeah, and obviously our clams? Are you know this is there's nothing more local than that if we dig these in every single bed and then you need to have a touch, and i got some of the best guys in the business who do this they've been doing it forever? I'm i don't. Even feel comfortable doing it anymore, but i still have, i hope immediately.

This aroma of breaded fried clam just fills the kitchen smells so good and they're about to come out, so they they deep fry for about one minute. Oh just love the chefs all of the staff here so skilled and working in such a tight space. I mean this is a shack and this is where all the food is cooked and produced they're just flying around the kitchen. It is an awesome scene, an awesome setting boom orders are ready out of the kitchen.
The lobster rolls are ready. The clams are freshly fried we're gon na start eating. Oh, i just love their work process, work, ethic, the quality of the food and just the the pride that they take in their food as well. All right, thank you, you're very welcome.

Now there are some aggressive seagulls. Okay, be careful with the seagulls. Should we do it over there again? One of the key differences here is that it's not served on a roll, but a hamburger style shaped bun, and i do oh, i'm already loving the way that it is served like an open face. You see that bright lobster.

Just poking out, and then it's served with a wedge of lemon quickly before biting into the lobster roll i'm going to try one of these fried clams. Oh, it's so good, really, flavorful crispy juicy! Oh yeah, that's a great flag ham! You can feel how crispy the bun is on the crispy edge and how soft it is on the top perfectly nestled in there cheers a little bit of lemon. I actually love the mayo in here. It is like more of a condiment like on top, but it just works, especially with the bun but you're right and chunky.

It still doesn't overpower it. No chunky lobster very chunky. You immediately taste the sweet freshness of the lobster. Without a doubt, that's fresh lobster really good texture.

Actually, i think the texture is amazing. It's got that salty, because it's been boiled in ocean water so and you can tell what do you guys think of the bun? It's like a martin potato roll, it's like squishy and friendly and soft. I like it. I like it as well.

I think it works. It doesn't collapse on you, it's not too fragile. It really cradles in that net lobster nicely wow this one really really good. It's different from other versions of a lobster roll that you'll have, but i love the pillowy softness with the crunchy toasted side of it great bread, great bun and i'm loving.

The fried clams are quite spectacularly good, with a little squeeze of lemon that balances it out. Perfectly you got to be careful when you're eating back here. You got to be careful of the the seagulls they just swoop in and attack and grab food. They grab some onion rings.

He's he's already eaten some onion rings and he tried to get some lobster knuckles of the lobster which is wow really the best of the part of the best of the whole. The whole lobster is that what people say, because a lot of people think yeah knuckle yeah, they call it the knuckle hard to get in there you're going to knuckle me. I think that's the best part it's by far the best part it's insane the hardest to get into. Do you keep the knuckle meat in the in the lobster rolls.

Yes, we try to it's a mix. We try to put a little bit of every part of a one pound lobster in so tail claw knuckle but yeah. Have you tried that yet? Yes, it's off the charts. I agree.
It's just tender. Oh wow, oh wow, that is that is perfect. Spongy texture, the flavor of the sea, the combination of the flavor and the texture is superb. Wow, like as a single bite of pure lobster, nothing added, no mayonnaise, no butter, that's as good as maine gets without a doubt.

Thank you very much sweet a shirt, and thank you very much appreciate it. The clam shack, clam shack is a must stop on your new england, lobster roll trail and just so much fun to hang out so much huge. Thank you to steve the owner and all of the staff for treating us so well and for just showing us the the passion of the lobster roll and the fried clams and goodies at clamshack. And i think we have one or two more places to go to.

Today, but we're on our way actually ending the day we drove a little bit further south to a place called ogunquit, which is known to be one of the lobster roll capitals of maine, and it's just a really nice pleasant, charming town. I love the harbor down here so beautiful great place to walk around so we're just ending the day, walking around a little bit enjoying the nature, the beauty of maine i mean mainly. We have to just eat a lobster roll here because it's so iconic the lobster capital of maine. So this place, the lobster shack is the oldest apparently in the world.

But footbridge is the cutest, because there's the foot bridge right there and of course we have a bag player up on the bridge and it's a drawbridge too. So when boats come through, it lifts up the drawbridge the boat passes through it's such a beautiful location. It is looking kind of stormy like it's about to rain, so we better order our lobster roll right. Now, oh, there goes up the drawbridge, any combination, hot cold.

All right, you toast the bun yup, all right, toasted, bun, yep, light smear mayonnaise, light and then butter on top. It's threatening to rain, really hard right now, just windy, but really nice and cool. So we got the lobster roll uh, she's, really owners really friendly. She lets you build it, however, you want.

She asks you if you want mayo, if you want butter, how you want it, she toasts the roll came out extremely beautiful. It's like nicely packed in there doesn't look too too tight at the same time. Looks airy looks nicely like um chunked out: let's try this ogunquit the capital of lobster steamed lobster, and it's steamed. Lobster too, which is a little bit of butter.

Hmm got a bunch of mayonnaise. Bun is incredible: oh yeah, the bun is incredible. Oh these are homemade. Buns, it started raining right now.

That's like a potato bun, almost right, very soft! Oh that's a highlight! The bun is a highlight it's so soft. The lobster is cool and refreshing mayonnaise in there. It's really good. It is really good.

Actually foot bridge lobster roll. That is so good. I think one of the better rolls that you will find in maine the handmade brioche and she and the owner is totally right. The the butter just absorbs into that roll sopping it up the perfect vessel for that lobster, and then one more comment is that we've been to shacks we've been to food trucks.
We've been to indoor lobster stalls, but this is the first street food bar counter. You can stand here, you can have it on the count, enjoy your lobster roll on the counter very cool place, while you're looking at the footbridge, but that's going to wrap it up for today for this food day in maine. Oh man, such incredibly good lobster rolls the fried clams loved it. So thank you very much for watching this video.

Please remember to give it a thumbs up if you enjoyed, it would love to hear from you in the comments below, and i will see you on the next video thanks again for watching.

By Mark

14 thoughts on “Amazing $25 LOBSTER BURGER!! 🦞 Best Lobster Roll Shacks in Maine (Part 2)!!”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kristofer Kristensen says:

    The butter ruined it for me. What benefit does a gallon of butter add, that a tablespoon of butter will not?

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tech H says:

    $28 per roll! just give me a roll filled to the brim with shrimp and imitation crab and i probably wont even be able to tell the difference.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Philip B says:

    $30 for a sandwich…..ok, I get it's lobset…but seriously? $30?! If I was there i'd be laughing in their face. Don't get me wrong, it's not about the amount….but when an average meal (starter and main) at a restaurant costs that much, it's a bit too much…

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars D T says:

    Amazing lobster rolls! So want to fly over from the other side of the world and get one of those rolls! 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Papa5murf1 says:

    Eating plain chicken and rice whilst watching this, and somehow my food tastes SO much nicer lol

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars 2pr04you says:

    Mark, брат,для нас из России ты стал родным,какой бы ты город не выбрал,
    какое время и место, мы всегда тебя горячо
    встретим,накормим,согреем,обнимем, и никогда не бросим,для нас ты
    Русский брат!

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars michael lefebvre says:

    You have no clue what a real delicious lobster roll is I grew up in a fish market in lowell mass. Best lobster roll ever

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Gob Instruments says:

    During the colonial era, they used to give lobster to prisoners as a junk cheap food. No one wanted it lol.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sis Sharz says:

    The last spot should mke a combo roll with lobster & fried clams pair it wit siracha mayo & squeeze of lemon 😋

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars QUICKOFFTHELIGHTMUSCLE says:

    Watched this great content,but you guys didn't drink anything,that's part it the experience

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars John C. Bojemski says:

    You HAVEN'T lived until you've eaten a fresh "LAWBSTAH ROWHL" up in Maine!!! My only gripe, being from NYC area, was the plain, cotton "WONDER BREAD" it was served in. We gave GREAT, REAL bread down here in the NYC area. The LOBSTER meat which was fresh, unbelievably tasty made it worth it though. I over looked the failings of the cottony white bread.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars TT says:

    Lobster should be cheap in maine as there are abundant in those area, yet $28 a sandwich not sure if the price is justify.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Don Dobbs says:

    The price, like the rents now, keep the locals out. When I lived in Portland in the 80's the iconic street food meal was an Italian sub, still is, to a lot of people.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars nyorker says:

    If I had $25 to spend on food and couldn’t shop at a grocery store Ide probably get Chinese food or a whole pizza 🍕

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