🇹🇭 Bangkok Chinatown - 5 Best Foods: https://youtu.be/WRLVrfIBS1k
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🌶 Ghost Chili: https://amzn.to/3PNTvNQ
YAOWARAT, BANGKOK - We’re in Yaowarat, Bangkok’s Chinatown to eat some of the off-the-beaten path, yet extremely iconic Chinese Thai street foods! We’re starting early in the morning at 7 am to eat some extremely popular Thai street food. We’re in for some seriously good food!
Here are all the places we ate:
1. Nai Uu Pork Leg Stew (ขาหมูนายอุ๊ พลับพลาไชย): https://goo.gl/maps/HJTLu5EkNAvamFaz6 - This legendary restaurant only opens from about 6 am to 9 am and they serve one of Bangkok’s best Braised Pork Leg (ข้าวขาหมู).
Price: 50 THB ($1.45) per plate
2. Plaeng Nam Chicken Rice (ข้าวมันไก่แปลงนาม): https://goo.gl/maps/rTcgMcGz5z3814kq6 - Located right in the heart of Yaowrat, they serve is a delicious and traditional plate of Hainanese chicken rice ​​(ข้าวมันไก่).
Price: 80 THB ($2.32) per plate
3. Ao Roasted Pork (ร้านข้าวหมูแดง นายโอว): https://goo.gl/maps/UJBZXZVNG51LUHbm8 - Next up on this Thai street food tour we’re eating Red Pork Rice (ข้าวหมูแดง) served for this generations old stall. Their crispy pork belly is outstanding and the pour their signature sauce over the rice in alcohol bottles.
Price: 60 THB ($1.74) per big plate
4. Chua Hah Seng (ฉั่วฮะเซ้ง ห่านพะโล้): https://goo.gl/maps/5DSfYbaxmydKiNjD7 - Off the beaten path, this generations old restaurant specializes in Braised Goose (ห่านพะโล้), and it’s absolutely delicious.
Price: 310 THB ($9.00) total
Thank you for watching this Thai street food tour!
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🌶 Ghost Chili: https://amzn.to/3PNTvNQ
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🇹🇭 Bangkok Food Tour Available now: https://bangkokvanguards.com/experiences-2/the-ultimate-bangkok-foodtour/
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I'm in Bangkok Thailand and today I'm taking you to eat some extremely popular Thai street food. for breakfast we'll be eating legendary stewed pork leg style chicken, rice and juicy braised Goose A lot of delicious food coming up right now. Good morning! Hey everyone! hope you're having an amazing day! It's Mark Wiens I'm in Yawara. This is Bangkok's Chinatown one of the great street food areas of Bangkok is so we're here right at 7am.

This is prime time. This is some serious action going on behind me. This place is called and they're famous for braised pork leg. This is one of the most legendary, one of the best places in Bangkok and they only open for breakfast.

They sell out in the morning. Foreign. so they've been selling here for over 30 years and just at the front of the line here at the stall there's just I mean it's just overflowing with pork legs and Tails and Knuckles and eggs and just the Aromas the soy sauce, the coriander root, the cinnamon is filling the air and so I just ordered everything so he gets a selection of everything Chef's Choice He chooses a little bit of everything. uh, slices it up and when he gets that braised pork leg, it just literally.

it's so soft and tender it just wobbles. He slices it up over the rice with some more of that braising juice on top and then some pickled vegetables. I'm not the aroma of the garlic. Oh I Cannot wait to try it.

The skin, the knuckle, the foot bones, the gelatin, the collagen, it's all in here I Have to take a bite immediately. The juices. oh it's wobbly and fresh. Um oh wow oh it's so jiggly and soft.

it was incredible. That's my first bite and what I like about it that's different from other places is just not sweet at all and you know what you can immediately taste in there peanuts. It has a like undoubted aroma of peanuts and then when you keep on chewing, it has this Aroma of the coriander roots of the cinnamon of the soy sauce, the dark soy sauce, the fat and collagen that's just melted out. Oh man, yes, the wobbles, the knuckle, the foot, the meat.

and then it also comes with an egg. But let's take one more bite and then we'll do a little bit of seasoning. That pork literally melts in your mouth. You literally do not need teeth for that.

You could chew with your gums and be totally fine. This place is extremely popular. again. they're only open for breakfast starting at about 6 a.m A lot of people get takeaway, but they do have some tables the side of the shop Palace along the sidewalk and they even have some tables across the street.

One of the joys of eating Cow Kamu braised pork leg is also the seasoning. This would be the main sauce which is a combination of chilies and garlic sprinkle on here. This is what can cut the cut, the contrast of that fat. Let's add a little bit of chilies as well to bump up that chili level.

Oh yeah, okay, let's just go straight in. mix around that texture. it's so gooey and soft and sticky and again I think a lot of that has kind of rendered out. What you're left with is the skin, the collagen? okay and definitely some fat too, but it just melts in your milk.
and I love it with that contrast of chili vinegar because that kind of breaks the richness. Oh man that taste is. Incredible Without a doubt this is one of the best plates of kakamu in Bangkok okay and then chase that with some of the Pickled mustard green soup. There's some pork bones in here as well, pepper in there.

Oh that soup is incredible. It is the flavor of the the sourness of the Pickled mustard greens and then a really nice pork bone flavor and then pepper coming throughout the back of your throat. Break into the braised egg. oh oh that yolk.

you can see it's starchy. oh that needs to be hydrated, hydrated with some chili vinegar. Oh yes the flavor of all those spices destroy sauce. I love that contrast of how the the egg white is kind of rubbery but then like breaks in your mouth and then that that's contracted by the starchy crumbliness of the yolk.

and then another component of this dish which I haven't dug into yet are the Pickled Mustard greens which go along with that as well. Big skin pickled mustard greens, chilies. Oh oh look at that chunk. Oh let's just stick it right on top.

Oh yeah, looks like a huge bite, but it just goes down so easily because it just collapses and melts in your mouth. And with the addition of the chili vinegar and the chilies that is the the greatest morning wake up call. Now we're really ready to begin. ready to start this food tour off with Energy Oil.

Okay and thank you I'm also excited. Okay, Uncle mentioned the recipe is a tattoo or a Tiocho recipe down from his mother and father. He's been open for over 30 years and it's just a straight, authentic traditional recipe and they've maintained the quality and their family recipe throughout generations and so that's why it remains so good and so popular. That was extraordinary.

They're just so friendly as well. Highly recommended! He said he's closed on Monday but he's open every other day starting at 5am, sell out by 9 A.M and possibly sell out 9 30 possibly sell out even sooner than that, it's just now 7 30 a.m Prime time for breakfast number two and this place is called Common Guy playing Nam They're famous and just this is really old school place for Thai Chicken Rice Boiled chicken rice. uh Hainanese in style and they have all the chickens fresh in the morning. Ready to go 8 A.M They're all boiled, they're blanched.

They're ready to go Uncle Chops them up over the rice with a fragrant chicken infused rice. Just ordered and our plate should be arriving soon just quickly to tell you what I ordered I got Common Guy Peace and so that means chicken rice and I got the special version which usually means it's a little bit more. It's a little bit bigger of a plate. Usually it's a little bit more meat and so that's what you get if you want a slightly bigger plate.
But it comes with everything. So he chops up some of the chicken, he chops up some of the organs, there's liver, there's gizzard, and there's a coagulated blood Cube on the plate as well. that all comes mixed. However, if you don't want all of the innards you can say are all of the innards and then you'll just get the chicken meat with rice.

However, I would recommend that you try all of the organs as well because that really is a big part of it and all the different textures and all the different flavors that go into it. Okay, that being said, let's dig in. Actually, before you've been trying the chicken, one of my standard procedures, just like trying the soup of a bowl, is to try that Rice first because the rice is really the foundation of any plate of chicken rice. You can tell a lot by just the rice Oh yeah, that is so sticky and fragrant.

the garlic in there. Oftentimes when they make uh, chicken rice, the rice It's a combination of glutinous rice and regular rice giving it that sticky gooey texture and then it's cooked down with the fat and the broth of the chicken. so it's just infused fatty chicken rice that's just oily and glistening. and Rich and so much flavor.

salty and garlicky. you really taste the friggins of the fried garlic. The other major component of any chicken rice is the sauce. and let's ease our way into the the chicken first with some rice.

Oh wow, the skin is incredible. It's fatty and bouncy and then you've got the texture of the chicken. the chicken. They're definitely using a special type of chicken.

Uh, it has a great muscular texture and it's just amazing how lean the chicken is, yet how fatty and bouncy the skin is. I Love the sauce I Love the ginger. It is mostly salty, a hint of sweetness to balance it and then you taste the fermentation of the bean sauce or the soy sauce in that sauce. I Think this one is liver.

Next, look at that liver. hmm that crumbles and it's so moist. all the liver. and I'd probably say liver is my favorite organ of the chicken.

like it just kind of liquefies on your tongue. Oh even got the whole heart. This is extra special. okay that needs to be sauced sauce.

The heart and we're going in. That heart is actually huge. That's a giant chicken heart. Really good texture, really clean tasting.

Okay, we got some pieces of the gizzard. Oh wow. Even the gizzard is not that crunchy sometimes because it can be a little bit crunchy. This one has a nice bounciness.

This is a really solid plate of chicken. rice. Really good, really traditional. The flavors are clean and just so like condensed in the chicken flavor.

You can tell that they don't take any shortcuts. They use a full amount of chicken fat and yet it's not not overly oily. You can taste the naturalness of everything. One more part to taste which is the blood coagulated blood.
Cube Blood jelly that's straight like silky tofu. chicken Tofu tofu I Just completely like it liquefies, it dissolves on your tongue. It's so soft and tender. Oh, you taste the freshness of it and you can tell there's no no additives.

it's just straight up the blood that's just coagulated until it hardens the liver. That's definitely the Highlight That's my favorite part of the chicken. A couple of my cup. oh that was so good.

we're moving on to the next place. Chinatown In Bangkok is really waking up. Traffic is picking up but before we go to breakfast number three, we're gonna stop for a for a quick drink. Well actually I'm quite thirsty after eating two breakfasts so just want to stop for a quick local style coffee here on the side of the road.

Foreign. I Just love the culture like this. so friendly people kind of congregate here. from cab drivers to took drivers to just people passing by getting their morning coffee morning tea.

This is the type of place you could order chaiyan which is Thai tea or Thai uh, lemon tea lime tea but I'd like to order something called oleang which is old Thai Chinese style coffee black coffee A lot of iced coffees because it's quite hot already. I Got a bag of Olean and yeah, like I was mentioning, a lot of people get iced coffee because it's already 9. A.M The humidity is just sky-high just walking around eating and you're just like covered, drenched in sweat. So a lot of people choose for the iced coffee.

but this is good. It's just very simple. I mean it's not not gonna not a gourmet roast or anything, it's just that classic dark, charcoaly brew that just hits the spot, especially when you need some refreshment in the morning. I Don't know, like after eating two breakfasts and anyway, we're on our way, it should be just up ahead.

I Think down the next street for breakfast. number three. Next up on this breakfast. Thai Street food tour.

We are on this is Yawarat road but we are just off the road. This is 23 and right down here. You'll see there's almost continuously a line of people that are waiting to order a dish called Kamudeng which is rice topped with red barbecued pork which is similar to chatsu, the Thai Thai Chinese style of chasu often including which is the Tai Chinese sausage and also mukrab which is crispy pork belly all over rice with a red sweet sauce all over it. and so this place is called Kamudeng Naio and it's a legendary Place they've been serving for 50 years.

It's a Heritage Restaurant we're gonna order. We are gonna see them as they make the process and talk a little bit with Auntie and that's what we're eating next. they do things the traditional way Auntie is extremely friendly. she chops up the sausage, the barbecue pork, the crispy pork belly, the egg, eggs, and the rice is still served in a wooden barrel which is something really cool that you won't find everywhere.
and then the sauce which is this red. Oh here comes a fresh batch of the sauce like thick sticky sauce is poured into bottles into like whiskey bottles before it's then just poured over the entire mixture. We're gonna order piset which is the special which comes with everything included and then try this out. So much sauce, the barbecue pork, the crispy pork belly, the sauces, sausage that's all in here and then it's just so Saucy and a mountain of rice.

I'll get some of that maximize the sauce on this first bite. Mmm and the portrait. Drive here I Think they appreciate their special version is 60 Baht that's less than two dollars, but that's a big portrait of food. She literally like takes two handfuls of rice, patch it down, pounds it down, uh, compresses it before adding in all the meat before just drenching it in that sticky sweet Porky sauce.

and the flavor typically kamu dang. The sauce is a little bit on the sweet side so it definitely is a little bit sweet, but it has a nice depth of flavor. It's not only sweet, it's Porky there's a little bit of seasoning. it's not like overly strong, but like a little bit of a star anise flavor to it.

Then you've got the pork. the barbecue pork, you've got the. The crispy pork belly is one of the highlights here and they say that that's the thing the first first thing that sells out here. and then you've got this sweet Chinese sausage which also adds the sweetness to it.

The rice is really fragrant, really fluffy, and then yeah, I mean it's just a it's just a hearty, simple dish focused on the roasted meats and just that sauce. Look at how sticky that sauce is and they they're quite generous with the amount of sauce. With the amount of ingredients and toppings and that crispy pork belly, let's let's isolate that crispy pork belly. But before we try that, we need to do a little bit of seasoning.

So most of the time ties would add on, drizzle on some of this uh, sweet soy sauce a little bit. I'm not a huge fan of the sweet soy sauce, maybe just a little bit, but it is very common to add to this and then also something that's mandatory are the the Chili's vinegar chilies, which these are not necessarily very spicy, but it does provide a nice little vinegary contrast to the sweetness and the richness of all those meats. So I'm going in. Definitely going to isolate that piece of pork belly with all those toppings now.

Okay, the pork belly is a highlight without any doubt. That skin is so crispy and you really taste the fire smokiness of it. One of the condiment seasonings that I love about comeding is always. They have a sometimes a cup, sometimes an entire bucket of green onions, fresh green onions that you can grab and Chase oil that completes the bite.
oh that goes up your nose a little bit. Let's move into the egg next. This is definitely one of the highlights as well. Add a little more to that sauce and you can see the egg is soft boiled so the yolk Still Remains kind of oh this should actually just be one bite, nothing just satisfying as a one biter egg.

New York squeezes out the sauce, the sauciness and the yolk is kind of the the whiteness kind of melts in your mouth always at the same time. you cannot tell where the yolk starts and the white begins. It's just all kind of like completely like silky in your mouth all at the same time. A lot of different.

like the meats are a little bit on the sweet side, but I'm really impressed most with the crispy pork belly. The mukrab here is just awesome. Just the crispiness and you really taste the fire smokiness of it here. Check the top.

Here's a piece of the pork belly. Look at that. It's so crispy and ironically look, the crispy pork belly doesn't even feel feel fatty. It's not jiggly, it's not gelatinous, it's just the meat, the saltiness and the crispiness of the skin.

If you look now, you can just see it is packed. You can see that there's people waiting in line, people delivering, delivering big plates of kamodang. that crispy pork belly. something awesome foreign which is the Cantonese Chinese sausage.

It's definitely very sweet and I wouldn't say that it's one of my favorite things because it's so sweet, especially as an adult. But definitely when I was a kid I loved it and whenever I eat it, it just brings back good memories from childhood with my grandma. That's also part of the reason why why I like this dish. Really good and really filling.

and this plate is huge! Oh man. I'm starting up fully sweat from the digestive sweats, the meat sweats are starting to kick in and just the humidity of Bangkok oh man I took one makeup so and he was just explaining the street style is 50 years old. her father and mother started it and they sold her and her father still comes sometimes. uh she said every now and then especially one day per week he'll come but that thought the recipe came from her father.

Two generations, maybe three generations but 50 years of selling this this year this is a Heritage street food stall in Bangkok I'll come back up they're just so nice. so friendly. so much experience 50 years and look as we're leaving check it out! The crispy pork belly is finished, sold out I think that's it for the day and it's like 9 30 a.m That was delicious! They're so friendly and we're gonna keep on eating. We have one more place.

This is going to be the grand finale Now it's not so much breakfast anymore but it's turning into brunch coming up next. Foreign close to the next place should be just down the road from here which is called Chua Hang Seng Han Palo and they are famous especially for their braised goose and I've never been to this place. it was recommended. It's very popular locally, but it's kind of off the beaten path from the main road so we're gonna check it out.
Hopefully we get a taste of their legendary Goose So this restaurant they've been selling for 45 years, it's another. Heritage Goose Restaurant They have the goose up here at the front which have been braised in a variety of seasonings. I'm sure some soy sauce, some five star anise probably some coriander roots and garlic and cinnamon. the Aromas here I Love just how old school this place is.

This is like original. Decor antiques relics from 45 years. This is a shophouse style restaurant. We ordered a plate of the goose which he grabs from here and then he chops up just delicately.

all the different parts you know? okay and then he just scoops on, drenches it in some of that goose juice. and then what's cool about this place is they have tables all the way down in the alley. so I'm gonna just walk down here. Okay, come down here and down here is where you'll find some seating in the alley.

and they even actually have another shop here where you could sit as well. but we got a table right here. What a location! What a spot for goose! This is just my perfect atmosphere for eating in the back alleys of. Bangkok I Just love the atmosphere and I love how it's a shop house they slice up.

I mean they've been brazing Goose for 45 years this place is again a Heritage Restaurant That broth is so aromatic, you smell all of the spices in there, probably the roots and medicinal. Chinese herbs that go into that broth and that braising liquid served with rice served with a chili garlic sauce. Oh look at that. Oh man.

I Want to just hydrate it as much as possible. get it fully fully. Juiced with that braising liquid. Okay wow.

all that broth is so so medicinal tasting. So herbal tasting. So like Rudy tasty. You taste all those roots in there that the coriander root probably all those dry Chinese medicinal herbs and spices that go into that that liquid to braise it.

Oh and yet it's so smooth at the same time. The meat itself is extremely lean and then the skin just kind of like dissolves. the fattiness just dissolves on your tongue. That the braising liquid is delicious though.

Oh it's so so good. Take some of the goose, dip it into the the sauce garlic Chilies vinegar that is extraordinary. Oh yes, in combination of the soy sauce, the acidity of the vinegar to break down the richness plus the garlic, push the green chilies. Oh there's coriander in there as well that's also giving a nice herbal touch.

over. on this side we have some different parts of the goose. This is more of the thigh. maybe looks like more skin? I'm going to add some of this next to my rice.

This juice is insane. This Goose juice and then add on some of the sauce. The goose juice is insane. It's so much whatever.
Oh man. and it just tastes kind of like light at the same time. like it's not too heavy, not overly rich. The perfect balance.

all that. stunningly tasty. Wow, so good. And then we got a soup.

Chicken Feet Soup. Chicken feet chicken. Next chicken parts. There's some Goji berries in here.

Look at how milky that broth is. Wow, that's like thickened chicken. You could just tell the taste the melted skin and fat in there. Rich thick.

A little sweetness from the Goji berries, but just like a really pure kind of chicken broth. I Can't get over that goose juice. That could be a beverage. You could just sit here and drink that goose juice.

It's so flavorful. The goose is wonderful, but the goose juice. it's truly like I mean literally, you would be happy with just a cup of the goose juice over rice or even just drinking taking a shot of that goose juice. It's so good.

Oh man, it's still good. I think this is I guess Goose goose blood. Take a bite of that that goose and blood and then Chase it with a goose juice. Let me tell you, you cannot get enough of that goose juice.

and I just love saying Goose juice I Can't stop saying it. It's so much fun and it tastes so good. Oh wow, it's a sad moment down to the end of the plate with just a little bit of juice left. one more bite.

Okay, only one only one way to do it. No Goose juice is going to waste. Oh yes oh it's so happiness. I think I could just sleep for the rest of the day.

No thank you for the pineapple King says I need to digest pineapple that was just so good and oh man. I'm full I'm happy I'm ready to go home and take a nap and I will have all four of these places all the information in the description box that you can check out and I want to say a big thank you for watching this Thai Street food tour mainly in Yabara in Bangkok's Chinatown I'll have all the information in the description box below. Thank you so much for watching! Please remember to give this video a thumbs up if you enjoyed it. Leave a comment below I'd Love to hear from you and make sure you continue watching lots more Thai street food videos.

Thanks again for watching see you on the next video. Foreign.

By Mark

13 thoughts on “7 am thai street food tour!! breakfast heaven in bangkok, thailand!!”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dammit Greg! says:

    Braised pork with eggs is my ALL TIME FAVORITE! 😁

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Glasgow Food Review says:

    Great video Mark keep up the good work 👍

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars mohamed ali says:


  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars noel delarosa says:

    Road to 10M subs! Almost there!

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Janis Pope says:

    Abroad and hungry also a similar good channel.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars DALE TRAVELS says:

    Hi msrk

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Vinh Nguyen-Mai says:

    That intro was a banger

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Complex 123 says:

    I love to watch ur YouTube channel bro ….

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dyalene says:



  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars WuttiWutti says:


  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Pat-Karri Henke says:

    Goose Juice!!!!!

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars AD says:

    I’m still amazed at the amount of chillies he chugs !

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lil Chuot says:

    Bruh mark got phonk in the background eating 😂

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