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MIYAZAKI, JAPAN - Welcome to Miyazaki prefecture on the island of Kyushu in Southern Japan! Miyazaki is home to the best Japanese wagyu beef in all of Japan. Today we have the special opportunity to go to a wagyu farm in the mountains and then go to the city to eat at the most well known steak teppanyaki restaurant and sample this award winning Japanese beef!
We all have heard of Kobe Beef, but in Japan, Miyazaki Wagyu is considered the best beef in the country - and not only considered but theyโ€™ve actually won the Japanese Wagyu Olympics! We first drove in the mountains of Miyzaki to a Wagyu ranch where we learned the secret as to why itโ€™s so good - the owner explained that itโ€™s the natural environment - clean air and fresh water that are huge contributors to the quality of beef.
After sampling some of their beef ham we then headed to the most famous restaurant in Miyazaki to taste their A5 Miyazaki wagyu steaks at a teppanyaki restaurant.
Miyachiku Beef Teppanyaki: https://goo.gl/maps/z8r2v1F5edy3pE8R6
I ordered a few of their highest grade steaks and they did a full teppanyaki show cooking the beef on the hot iron griddle along with bread to soak up the juices. It was an amazing experience, and truly of the best Japanese beef ever!
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Hey everyone hope you're having an amazing day! It's Mark Wiens It's a freezing cold day in Miyazaki Perfect chair place that raises the best beef in all of Japan And so today we are first going to visit a Wagyu cattle ranch in Miyazaki and we're gonna learn hopefully some of the secrets as to why these cows are so special and tastes so good. And then after that we'll be going to an iconic Teppanyaki Restaurant to taste A5 the top quality Miyazaki Wagyu Beef. It's gonna be so much juicy steak action and you're not going to want to miss any of it coming up right now. Thank you! This is Miyazaki Cattle Country.

It's actually extremely beautiful in the mountains here with snow, fresh clean air. So excited for today! It's gonna be one of the greatest beef days probably ever. So we all know about Japanese Beef. We've all heard of Kobe Beef, which is like a buzzword.

It's one of the international standards for known as some of the most expensive and some of the greatest, best tasting, well-marbled beef in the entire world. But did you actually know that in Japan Miyazaki Wagyu Beef is known to be the best, the highest quality, the most premium beef in all of Japan. There's something which is literally called the Olympics of Wagyu which is a competition of Japanese beef held every five years and for the past 15 years. For the past three competitions, Miyazaki Beef has won the competition.

They've received the top award. So they are truly the champions of Japanese beef. So we're here on the ranch. We met up with the owner who is third generation.

Many of the Farms are still family run and operated and cared for. The main questions I had for the owner here is what sets these Miyazaki cattle apart. What makes them different as the best wagyu you can get in all of Japan And he was really quick to answer. He said it's all about the environment here.

The air is clean and fresh, it's such a natural setting and environment, and the water quality here is some of the best and that's really what makes a huge difference. The cows are fed a combination of grass, hay, corn, wheat, probably some herbs. They live such a stress-free life and in such a clean environment. Even the Stables here.

they're so clean. And then one more thing that the owner mentioned is that they are brushed frequently to increase the blood flow. Okay, you're okay. Okay, I mean they just look Happy Clean satisfied.

You smell really good. These are one-year-old typically for consumption. They are used at about the two and a half to three year period and then one last stop at the Stables to see the newborns. the babies that one is just a week old.

Oh so beautiful. Um, the cold is reaching to my bones. it's so cold. But that was a an incredible fantastic tour and some insights into.

The key is the environment, the water. and I think it's just the care they give to each and every cow. Really an interesting place. It's going to be even more meaningful when we later on eat.
A5 Miyazaki Wagyu beef which is coming up right now. we're gonna head to the city and then we'll be eating a Teppanyaki It's going to be the highlight of this entire day. Oh man, on our way out the owner gave us some of their award-winning this is beef ham from the Miyazaki cattle. It's still frozen right now and so am I but we will definitely try this out as soon as soon as we all thought out.

Can't wait to taste it, that's gonna be delicious! Wow, it's cold and we drove down to Miyazaki town. Talk about different weather conditions here and we're on the coast. Compared to the mountains where it's snowing, it's sunny. It's almost a tropical feel here.

really quickly before we go to lunch, we have to try them. I've thought out Miyazaki Beef ham has also thought out. We have to try this out before we go to lunch. This is superb quality.

Oh look at that. Look at that color here. Look at that marbling. Look at that fat.

All that aroma. Well paper thin slices full. Oh it's gonna melt on your tongue. Here we go.

First taste, oh that feels like butter on your tongue and then it has a smoky ham cured saltiness. Oh all the fat. The flavor keeps on coming. Oh that's stunning.

That is so tasty. Um, that's just straight up like Miyazaki Wagyu Spanish Jamon. Oh what an appetizer! Okay, but we have much more beef in our very near future. Let's go eat lunch.

We have just arrived to one of the most iconic legendary restaurants that specializes in Miyazaki beef I believe it's called Miyakichu. it's very iconic known for serving again the best quality Miyazaki A5 Wagyu Beef And they serve Teppanyaki which is one of the best ways to eat your steak and to really taste the full potential of the beef and also see the whole cooking process as you're eating. So this is what it all comes down to. I'm very excited! Okay, we have a reservation.

We've already pre-reserved our beef as well. They're ready to start the show here. It is the premium A5 Miyazaki Iwagyu and we got two different types that we're gonna try I believe this one is the sirloin and the tenderloin could be opposite, but look at that marbling. That marbling is absolutely beautiful.

They said it has the marbling of a snowflake. So much marbling, so evenly distributed that is beautiful again. Wow, it's not big, but it's going to be so rich that's going to be just all you need. And it's the perfect way to taste the Miyazaki beef.

Okay, so for our steak, he puts it on the Hot Grill just like Sears the edges and then he lets it rest and then he's gonna put it back on. We said the best way to get it is medium rare so that's what we got medium rare. Okay the first thing I'm gonna do is bib up. Seems like the appropriate thing to do that everyone is doing.

and actually before we get started on the beef he is starting us off with some beetroot soup and then I think he's gonna cook some of the vegetables. There we go, we're all suited up and ready for this beef meal. But let's try that beetroot soup. Oh that looks really delicate.
almost looks like strawberry. Let's try this beetroot soup. Oh it's really light and thin. Mmm oh it tastes kind of buttery and just really light and thin and clear.

Delicious Delicious! Way to begin. Oh nice. Whoa. Mike I Got the hamburger that looks incredible too.

So juicy and plump. Next up I'm gonna try actually Micah ordered the burger. this is a Miyazaki Burger one of the fanciest Burgers I think you could possibly and Kim's with a hot dog too. This is definitely the fanciest hot dog I think I've ever seen in my life.

and he cooked an egg in an onion but this is a Miyazaki Burger Oh can you get better than a Miyazaki burger with brown gravy? Oh it's so crumbly, so juicy on that rich brown gravy is so beefy. that is a burger of Champions Thank you Micah for the bite that is delicious! Okay let's try that tenderloin real fast so it gets Clum beat with a little bit of Brandy just for that Aroma Oh that smells so good. this is the sirloin I Believe look at that marble. it's just melting and just unbelievable.

Oh you can just see it looks like butter that's seared on both sides. That is beautiful. Just look it just Sears in on the sides and they serve it on a piece of bread to absorb the juices so you don't waste any of the fat or the juices. and then they serve it with salt with Wasabi I think with Yuzu and some garlic chips on the side but the first bite has to be pure.

This is what it all comes down to. This is what today is all about. Oh oh wow that turns to liquid without even chewing. right? like it meets the your taste buds on your tongue and just starts to melt.

the fat coming out, the even distribution of that snowflake of fat. The steer just to bring out that flavor. Oh happy Birthday do you? That's Happy Birthday in your mouth right there. Okay I'm gonna do sea salt next.

just a little. there's almost he did. kind of season with a little bit of salt but it's barely salty. but just with a little bit of that sea salt it's just so easy to eat like you're not even thinking about it and you're just like chewing and biting through it that's so tender and juicy.

It's so flavorful. This one is the tenderloin. You can see it's thinner, but maybe it's not quite as marbled and fatty as the sirloin, but still looks as juicy. I Gotta taste this straight first too I think I like that even better that has a totally different texture.

It's not as doesn't taste as fatty, but you taste the red meat more in it and more of that Bloody juicy, beefy taste to it. They're both insanely good. I think I like that one better just right off the bat. Yeah, Oh man, that's good.

That one just blew me away. That bike was insane. A little bit of Wasabi and a little bit of salt. all the tenderloin.
Wow with that Wasabi Because it's freshly grated. it has a sweet taste to it. It's not overly pungent. That piece is unbelievable.

Look at that squeeze. it just bulges. Oh, we still have more beef coming I'm gonna try this with a little bit of salt and then a little bit of that. Yuzu I Believe Oh, it's just starting to liquefy.

Hmm. this one is definitely the fattier, the oilier of the tube. I Mean, of course they're both incredibly insanely good. Some of the world's best beef.

What? That user was nice too. It brings out the Citrus notes. Um I Believe that it has a little bit of a green pepper flavor as well and then balance with that Citrus Yuzu And then you can have some of the garlic chips as well as you eat just extra crispy garlic. Oh yeah, that's really good.

Okay, he's gonna get started on the vegetables. Brownie gnocchi, mushrooms. Moving on to the vegetables. these are some of the brown enoki mushrooms which he sauteed in.

butter. foreign just immediately burst with this earthy taste. Oh and that real crunch of those needle mushrooms. Mushrooms are delicious.

This is the Japanese purple radish that is so juicy. Over to the spinach sauteed in butter. that's really good and these mushrooms are just incredible. Back to that tenderloin which I think is my favorite part but I want to try it dipped in this vinegar soy sauce.

Oh that's pretty good. That vinegar acidity also just a little bit of saltiness from the soy sauce. It's not overpowering but that adds to the contrast of the the fattiness of the beef. to like just break down the fatty oils in your mouth.

that is a piece of beef I'll never forget and just the entire experience. You know of seeing the Miyazaki cows in the mountains when it's snowing this morning and then coming back here to eat the beef beef on the next level at the source and you know at the sources the best possible option. Oh it's just glistening, so oily and reflective I Really like it with that Wasabi too. Okay and on that bite, he's starting on the fried rice.

It's just so fast and he just flies and he just does everything so delicately. And I mean Teppanyaki is a little bit of a show because you get to see all the cooking in front of you as you're eating it. But we haven't even finished that beef. But he's starting on the fried rice now and it's going to be a special type of fried rice with chives Japanese chives which are in a paste so it's like a green fried rice.

We're gonna watch them as he makes the fried rice right now. Oh man, he's just Fast and Furious it is a lot of fun. Teppanyaki is always an adventure and it's always a theater of food. If I know it's all.

The fried rice is incredible. the flavor of that leek paste and then I think there are some that that pink radish The Pickled radish which gives it a an acidity and a bursa flavor and then the eggs are mashed up in there as well. Um, that fried rice was really good. Really light and fluffy and just all the flavor.
Again, just coating every single individual grain of rice is making the toast. Now that white bread that has absorbed all of the beef juice. Oh and a little bit of butter is going on. Some extra butthole toast goes right into the butter.

Oh he squashes it. Yeah, that squeeze technique. oh you can see that Sizzle and you see the oils and juices coming out of it. Oh that's what a move.

But then they sprinkle on some sugar Miyazaki beef oil dessert into your toast. Then you can choose from either cinnamon from matcha powder or cocoa. That is the most luxury. French Toast Cinnamon Toast you will ever have with Miyazaki beef fat just absorbed saturated into the toast and then crispied with butter.

Oh man. okay dessert time. So here's just the plain toast for for dessert. This is just flattened with uh that's I think that's the golden butter side and that is the beef fat side.

This is the greatest toast and it just Cooks it so perfectly so it just Browns it so evenly, so perfectly lightly salted. that might be the greatest single piece of toast ever. and I like how they flatten it to condense it so it's not so puffy. and Airy that is so good.

show buttery and beefy. Oh that next level toast Cinnamon Sugar and Miyazaki Beef fat that is so good. It's so crispy and buttery, the flavor of the cinnamon not too sweet. he just put like a very light sprinkle of sugar on it so it's just barely sweet.

The crispiness, the butter, the Miyazaki beef that it's all absorbed, it's all saturated. so crispy. I think that's the best ever possible. Cinnamon Toast On Earth last bite, a little cinnamon up my nose but what a meal! What a day! I Love visiting the farm and this Teppanyaki experience.

To end it, it's a beef memory I will never forget in Miyazaki Okay, we finished with that Teppanyaki meal and our total bill came to 21 800. Yen And again, oh yeah, we had the hamburger the greatest hamburger which was 1 200. I think that's a good good amount and also just to get that taste. That being said, what I would like to say about the price is that I mean that was that's affordable.

That's so much value for your money. I mean if you have that same steak I believe in Tokyo it would be double or triple the cost. maybe more. and if you have that outside somewhere around the world, you'll find Miyazaki beef that comes from Miyazaki but it would be four times, five times.

Who knows how many times it's more expensive. So coming to the local source and eating Miyazaki beef in Miyazaki you will get the greatest value for your money and that really is not a bad deal at all. Unforgettable Beef experience and so that completes this. Miyazaki Beef tour I'll have all the information in the description box below and I Want to say a big thank you to Kyushu Tourism visit Kyushu for arranging for making the reservations for setting up this day and for helping plan this and that's gonna be it for this video I Want to say a big thank you to you for watching this video? Please remember to give it a thumbs up if you enjoyed it.
Leave a comment below I'd love to hear from you and if you're not already subscribed, make sure you subscribe now for lots more food and travel videos. and also be sure to watch this entire Japan As we're focusing on the island of Kyushu and traveling around and trying some of the greatest ingredients, this island has to offer. Some incredible Japanese Food that you're not going to want to miss. so be sure to stay tuned and watch this entire series and that's going to be it.

Goodbye from Miyazaki and I will see you on the next video. Thanks again for watching.

By Mark

13 thoughts on “The secret of japan s best beef!! miyazaki a5 wagyu – champion steak teppanyaki!!”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars info warrior says:

    Mark + Wagyu = joy.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Le-KiegoF-AnFa says:

    mark how about you visit the dominican republic, i would like to see your reaction to our food!

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rice Fried Veg says:

    Dude… Where is your trip to Vietnam?

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Donald Sharp says:

    Love that yummy face Mark!#

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars markec87 says:

    "thats happy birthday in your mouth" mark wiens 2023 ๐Ÿ˜‚

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars homeatspace says:

    …and the genetics. The fat is healthy, omega 3.
    And it melts at a lower temperature,

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars R.mahar888 says:

    Beef is not good for health

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars P50 P50 says:

    I wish you vist erbil Kurdistan Iraq itโ€™s too much safe and you will find some delicious food and many different cultures

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars procekim says:

    my next destination.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Cocinando con Loure says:

    Que rica comida y muy divertidos tus videos!! Felicidades y muchas gracias ๐Ÿคฉ๐Ÿ’ฏ

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lazy Spaghetti says:

    I would eat a5 wagyu in my birthday!

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Clyde Laya says:

    The first time i dont see you eating with chili

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Marc Harris says:

    Exquisite ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป

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