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CEBU, PHILIPPINES - Hope you’re having a great day! Today we’re in Cebu, Philippines and going with Carlo and some friends to eat at a legendary goat restaurant where they specialize in goat heads. Then after that we’re going to try a few local Cebu street food snacks.
Thank you very much to my friend Carlo from @KalamiCebu always great to hang out, and be sure to follow him for fantastic food recommendations in Cebu, Philippines.
Cyria’s Kandingan (https://goo.gl/maps/3Sc9yWsgGTsVtBbF6) - On the outskirts of Cebu is Cyria’s Kandingan, a very popular restaurant that serves all things goat. Along with the kaldereta, which is one of their signature goat stews, the most prized dish they serve are stewed goat heads - and they only serve 80 per day. Everyone I saw orders a mix of dishes, but doesn’t miss the goat head - and they sell out fast!
After the amazing goat meal, we continued on this Filipino street food tour with pancakes that are made just outside of a school. The pancakes are served hot and fresh with a little peanut butter on the inside.
Finally to complete this food tour we stopped at the market to try bibingka, a Filipino rice cake cooked in a wood oven.
It was another fantastic day of Filipino food in Cebu!
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Hey everyone, hope you're having an amazing day. It's Mark Wiens I'm in Cebu the Philippines and today we are gonna have lunch. It's a rare delicacy. It's gonna be a goat meal, but everything from the nose to the tail and especially they are famous for the head.

Uh, 80 pieces a day. So this is an all-goat restaurant. We're gonna see the process of how they cook that. That's a cool recipe.

Uh, we're hanging out with a bunch of friends, especially my friend Carlo from Kalami Cebu he's from here. He's so passionate about the local food. and yeah, it's going to be an amazing goat meal. and I'm gonna share all of the food.

every dish. You're not going to want to miss any of it. It's all coming up right now in this video really quickly. Before we begin the video.

I Just wanted to mention Kiva and Marqueen's Smoked Ghost Pepper Powder. It's one of my favorite all-time seasonings. Use it on just about everything. a nice dose.

Oh that smokey ghost smoked ghost pepper. It is available now and there's a special offer going on. If you buy one bottle, you'll get a second bottle for free. So that's two bottles of smoked ghost pepper for the price of one for a limited time.

Uh, just the first 500 customers. You can buy it directly from the website which is Kivahealthfood.com but I'll have the direct link in the description box below. And yeah, it really is one of my all-time favorite seasonings. And I use it on just about everything! So thank you so much for your incredible support And let's get back to the video.

Thank you! So we are here like a little bit north of Cebu and uh this place is famous for their goat. Really cool place like on the roadside uh family run and this is a busy place too. This is oh man you can already smell the aroma. We're gonna see a little bit of the processed, see the dishes that they have and we're definitely gonna eat some goat.

We are starting from the from the goat head which is gonna skin first. this is the beginning process I Think as much as it can be kind of difficult to see the heads of animals or to see some of the slaughtering and butchering process. Uh what really stands out and what really we can respect is that every part of the animal is eaten and consumed, nothing goes to waste. And this restaurant particularly is known for their goat known for their goat heads.

And so to see this process and then we're gonna have a chance to eat the heads. uh it's really really special. really. Uh a rare and unique delicacy here in Cebu This is our specialty.

We'll sell this. uh uh. 80 pieces a day. 80 passes.

Wow. 80 heads, 80 heads a day? Oh a day later. Go ahead I'm gonna grab goat action later in action. Yeah I'm gonna have we're gonna eat brains, eyes, cheeks.

Good luck to us. but yeah but yeah. I'm excited. I'm excited.

hey. or pineapple juice? Pineapple juice? foreign. That's an amazing recipe. Green chilies.

um, the little spicier chilies and then tomato sauce goes on. brown sugar? foreign. I Love how it's not actually, uh, measured at all. He just handfuls of ingredients.
just pile it in. um, and then it's gonna I think they'll add probably some more liquid and then uh, boil that down until everything falls apart. The meat on the head is gonna just tenderize all those spices, the chilies, the onions in there. That's a cool recipe.

A goat head recipe? Ah yeah, maybe. and that's gonna boil for over an hour. But in the meantime, they already have some prepared for this morning. But this kitchen is just amazing.

Oh man, there's so many blazing fires. everything cooked up and over open fire. The smokiness, the wood fire, man, the goatee. Aromas There's goat feet.

there's goat heads, there's goat parts. and they also serve a bunch of other dishes as well, which they're cooking back here. This is now the cook version here. Oh wow, this one.

This one is our fish. Inola Okay, um, this one is our goat. El Doreta the body of the goat. Wow.

this is the skin and the liver of the goat. It's called what we call kilawin. Kilowin. Okay, this is also what we call the baklai.

the goat intestine. This one looks amazing. You just go down the line. They have a number of different goat dishes.

One of the interesting dishes is oftentimes made with seafood but you can make it with anything I guess it's more of like a style of preparation but the skin and the liver of the goat I'm sure with vinegar and Seasonings that's almost like a goat. Ceviche We gotta get all the goat dishes so we're gonna have a full nose to head goat meal experience here. Foreign? Yeah, like before? like once a week? Awesome! And what's your favorite dish to eat here? Go ahead. and the fried pork.

Yeah nice. Let's go eat. Yeah, let's go ahead. How often? How often do you come here once a week? Yes Yes.

You guys take care man. take care guys. Bye-bye What a just Paradise of goat? Leo Is it more of a rare delicate? in a way. It's a bit rare, but yeah but we can find goats sometimes.

But yeah this is one is a specialized store and especially the heads. That's it. That's a rare one because we saw it. I mean we were focusing on all goat but we really saw the process of the head.

We should eat the head first while it's hot and fresh and again just all of those spices have simmered down. all of the chilies you can see have just dissolved into the liquid, the tomato sauce, the pineapple juice and you can see how that head is just like braised until the meat is just falling off it. Even some of the bone is bare because the the meat has already just started to disintegrate. It's going to be so tender.

all oh nice. The teeth. Yeah oh, the tongue is kind of hanging out below that one. The tongue is good too.

Oh yeah. Experience with the head. Yeah, the nose. The nose is.
yeah, it was noses. The meat is falling out of the nose. Look at that tongue. That jaw.

Oh sorry. it's splashing, maybe a little bit of the cheek. a little bit of the brains all in one bite. Yeah, cheeks, brains.

and Juice Cheers guys. Cheers! Good Oh wow. It melts in your mouth. kind of sweet.

You can shower and has that really amazing like braised flavor to it that melts in your mouth. though you don't need to, you don't need to chew it. Oh it's so good. it's amazing.

I'm gonna tear into the next the next guy that cheek the cheek material. oh you want to drench it in that sauce and there's ginger in there and garlic? I'll put this onto my yeast, the corn and then you want to smash on some of these other chilies. add some of these chilies, bump up the spiciness, tear it in. Oh Oh I got some of that I think I got some of the rooftop of the mouth in that bite.

the rooftop the you can see the texture. so tender. Oh such a balance of flavor. Yeah so many different textures of the goat head.

Even the ginger in there really makes a difference. Ginger Pineapple juice and pineapple juice? Yeah, that's what's giving it. that's hard and sweetness. So we have the kilo in and what's in this recipe? It's a liver and skin delivering skin.

and that would be vinegar is a the equivalent vinegar basically. Yeah. Awesome Awesome goat. Ceviche Yeah, that vinegar and ginger combination.

Oh it's awesome. Awesome rubbery, bouncy textures, the irony texture of the liver. yeah and the face. Yeah yeah oh it's the collagen there.

Yeah yeah. what? I love about this restaurant is they make use of every single part. Nothing has just started. Everything is used from the goat, right? Yeah, it's literally yeah.

yeah yeah. Nose to tail. Okay, we have the caldereta. This is another famous goat dish preparation in the Philippines like a like a stew right? Yes.

I mean yeah, there's definitely tomato in there. They have sometimes potatoes and carrots and um and then it's cooked until the goat is really fall apart four hours. Yeah hmm. everything is melting your mouth tender here.

it's just and what I love about the caldereta is it's it's so tender. but it's not. It's not overcooked, it's not mushy, it's just that that kind of like stewed down until it has that Yeah, that's right, yeah really Ultra tender face to it and texture. It cool cool, nothing mushy.

and then you can always chase spicier. Yeah, that's what I Love! There's always a bowl of fresh chilies that you can just increase the flavor, bump up the heat in your mouth with every single butt. And your chilies are amazing too. They they really have a nice kind of Fruity Fruity flavor to them.

So we have a few more dishes to try and then we have a feast to eat. I Want to say yeah, thank you all for bringing me to this amazing restaurant here in Cebu to to eat goat and we're gonna just sit here now and Devour the rest of this meal. This is what you call flight but this is really the empty stain of um of the goat. Yeah yeah, it's like a stew made of into steel.
They have carrots Ginger and of course liver. Okay yeah time. That kind of has a bit of a sweet taste. sweet and tomato here, but again, everything is cooked down until it melts in your mouth.

Got a bit of a bounce from that that um, stripe. oh it slides off the bone. Oh the tender fattiness of that rib. What is this? Dynamite green chili? Springer Home.

Oh yeah. Dangerously tasty. salty, crispy, oily. You got the flavor of the green chili.

It's not really spicy, but you have the flavor of the green chili and then the minced pork in there to enhance the flavor. There we go. Oh it's really tasty though. The dynamite is really fishing so this is Jack root.

Can you know? Wait, what's the difference between Teenilao and Kilowin? Oh you you roast it I mean this is real. You grill, grill lightly grilled first before you chop it. Another dish I was very interested to try I saw it, they had it at the front and I had to order it young Jackfruit which is then also cooked or prepared. Kinilau Style with vinegar and then with onions and tomatoes in there and I think Ginger as well.

This is the non-goat dish. oh man the acidity of the vinegar. that combination with the ginger and then the unwrapped Jackfruit is almost I mean starchy like a potato but so many more Textures in there and it's like creamy and milky at the same time. Oh you got a muscle like opening opening up a durian.

It's like opening up a durian. Oh the brain is intact and we we especially want to go in for those the eyeballs which is another delicacy. Harlow yeah we just got an eyeball s showing. Gelatinous yeah is incredible.

Oh it just melts in your mouth. It's so fatty and gelatinous and flavorful. The eyeball has absorbed all of that flavor. Butter yeah melts in your mouth.

Man, that's tasty. And the owner here and his wife thank you so much for having us in your hospitality, your recipes are delicious! Thank you thank you thank you very much thank you thank you very much thank you thank you very much it and it's always a good sign when the local police force it's here too. Man what a spot people come here with families with groups with friends to enjoy. I Mean and if there's one thing that I saw that every table ordered especially if they're eating in not taking out, it's the goat head.

I mean that's what they they sell the most of and that's what they're prized for. and also they call thateta. Those are the two dishes you cannot miss. Everything else is side dishes but everything else is also delicious.

What a place! The friendliness: I Love sitting here under this mango tree enjoying the delicious food after that just amazing goat meal. Carlo is gonna take us around to some really local street food snacks, especially maybe some desserts. Uh, the process is going to be really cool. Carlos He really specializes and supports uh, local, uh small vendors and so he's going to take us around.
We're getting a few things to to complete and to continue with this food tour today Guys we're here at the Ability Cupcakes. Uh, he's one of The Originals the seller of the snaps here. He's been selling hotcakes for 20 years. This is hot cakes for children.

It's cooking now. Okay doing this for 20 years. Foreign. It's on a tilt and it's this big Iron hot griddle that just is on our rotating.

This is like a spinning spinning pancake that's amazing Rotating pancake. and it's kind of like it reminds me of one of those, uh, a ceramic wheel where they turn the wheel and make the Ceramics Pottery But that is just the perfect vessel for making pancakes as fast as possible because you could just spin your pan, rotate it and it drops on that batter. Foreign. He then wipes on some peanut butter and dips it in Sugar Like rapidly.

Oh a sock. It's like a glaze that forms kind of a glaze and almost like sandwich style. You get two of them right? Eat it like a sandwich. Oh, it's really good.

It's gooey and Fluffy Hot and fresh. We've got that little bit of peanutty flavor to it. Yes, yes. good butter.

Yeah, it is. It is good Bear. It's a nice consistency, kind of buttery as well. That's really good.

He's an amazing man. Definitely come here and support him. It's only five pesos each so it's like 10 pesos. And he also sell juice for 5 to 10 pesos as well.

So for a kid with only 20 pesos, you can have uh yeah I Really feelings now? Crazy great. Salama Next up we're gonna try something that's called Bibinka. It is a coconut rice, rice flour, rice flour. Okay, rice flour and sugar.

It's like yeah, it's a rice cake. Yeah, it's made of coconut rice flour. sugar. Oh hello, thank you.

Oh and we got here at the perfect time. She's about to make a fresh batch. Uh, so she's putting. She has these little molds.

They're almost like little cupcakes. She puts a little Banana Leaf in the center, then takes that. the batter is actually very runny. Uh, she pours it into the center and then puts it into the tray and that's going to go into the the oven.

The wood burning oven on all on a bicycle. Okay, and she's got. She's gonna burn wood and also coconut shells just starting up the fire on the oven. One of the coolest bicycle ovens you'll see.

Foreign that fire with uh, like scrap wood and coconut shells to burn them, preheating the oven, preheating the trays, and our fresh batch of Bibinka is about to go into the oven. Thank you Foreign Welcome! That has to be one of the coolest bakeries I've ever seen in the whole world. Just so resourceful, amazing, So creative. Yes.
and she just lets that fire please. Pulling the coconut batter, rice kicks in and out and you've got to see this close up. Um, it's kind of oily, that coconut milk gets kind of fluffy. it kind of chars and crispifies on the top.

Oh, it's hot and fresh. Right out of the oven? Yes, All right. Carlo Hot And fresh. Cheers! Feels like it's on fire.

It's so hot it's really amazingly. Smoky Yeah, it's mold on fire. It's on fire and then it's like it's gooey and fluffy. The pearls is crunchy, it's kind of sticky and fluffy all at the same time.

That's hot and fresh. Oh and this is such a cool place as well. People are so friendly. they're so cool.

I Know you're such a community here. Everybody knows each other. You know someone covered for her? Yeah, like somebody. The owner was gone for a little while and somebody hanging out here just started helping.

Yeah, such a cool version. How long has she been selling? So how long? Um, 10 years? I've been selling to bring up 10 years. She's been selling for 10 years and she said she starts at 3am. Yeah, foreign.

Imagine hours baking on the street from 3 A.M till 9 00 PM 18 hours of works? Yeah, 18 18 hours? That's that is absolutely amazing. Yeah she's She is an incredible lady that was delicious. Oh and that's gonna wrap up this meal. I Want to say a huge thank you for watching? Please remember to give this video a thumbs up if you enjoyed it.

Leave a comment below I'd love to hear from you. Also, make sure you go check out my friend Carlo from Kalami Cebu He is uh, one of the great food bloggers locally and really supports local restaurants and so go check him out. go watch his content as well. And thank you also for watching.

Please remember to give this video a thumbs up if you enjoyed it. Leave a comment below I'd Love to hear from you and if you're not already subscribed, make sure you subscribe now for lots more food and travel videos and also stay tuned. We are eating our way through. Cebu There's going to be a lot of delicious Filipino food coming up that you're not going to want to miss.

Thanks again for watching! Um I'll see you on the next video.

By Mark

16 thoughts on “Exotic filipino street food – only 80 per day sell out fast!! rare delicacy in the philippines!!”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Augrey Baker says:

    OMG 😮

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bens_Views says:

    Chicken anyone? lol !!!

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nandini Rajiah says:

    Fantastic vlog….al the food wer looking tasty yummy

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Breauna Winn says:

    Uh… not off to a good start for me, but okay…

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ionut Moromete says:

    Looks delicious

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ka ARATZ Edz says:

    Theres a lot of super yummy variant food in Cebu,Philippines,looking forward to go there

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kevin Nash's Kitchen says:

    Would be nice if they did some bbq goat ribs or leg meat too.. Most all is in sauces .. But yummy and nice stuff😋

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Pj24Ivy says:

    Wow. You are snacking on that chilli. Those are spicy i started drooling and felt the spice just watching you snack on it 😱

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Yannie says:

    Mark, please try Bicol Express famous delicacy food at Bicol.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sirgal Del R says:

    WOW! I miss eating the paklay and kilawin!
    Everything looks so delicious and appetizing.
    Big like for an awesome Cebu exotic food review.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Maimbo Malesu says:

    Amazing goat meat

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sasha Lakota says:

    is your Ghost powder really Hot??

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Karen Bisdak vlog says:

    wow! what a hardworking woman! dang! miss that bibingka soooo bad! thanks for another awesome video just got done from work and here i am watching it while munching on my not so appetizing food😂

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MrSupersmokesum420 says:

    Hell nah can’t do it

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sharon Ramos says:

    Got my kiva x mark wiens ghost pepper powder!!!!! 👍🏻🎉🤗

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars itsmegelo says:

    Mark go to Bicol! Lots of good spicy food there 😅😊

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