🇵🇭 Ultimate Filipino street food tour in Cebu: https://youtu.be/ylVEQb3wbKQ
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CEBU, PHILIPPINES - Cebu is one of the food capitals of the Philippines and there’s no better way to jump into the local Filipino food culture than with a huge Su-To-Kil meal! Today I’m meeting up with my friend Carlo from Kalami Cebu, and we’re going to order a huge meal, including a giant Cobia fish belly grill!
Kalami Cebu - First of all a huge thank you to Carlo, from @KalamiCebu He’s a local from Cebu that is probably the most knowledgeable guy about the local food of Cebu. He’s so much fun to hang out and eat with. Go check his content out for great tips on where to eat in Cebu.
Parr’t Ebelle Seafood Restaurant (https://goo.gl/maps/SthzwRnUtuW6PQWn6) - Today for lunch we’re heading straight to Parr’t Ebelle Tinola, a restaurant that’s known for its giant fish grill, and for its fish soup called tinola. Altogether the popular combination is called Su-To-Kil: sugba (grill), tola (soup), kilaw (marinated in vinegar). It’s a legendary Filipino food combination that can be made from all fish in different cooking methods so you have a complete meal.
Parr’t Ebelle Tinola is one of the most popular and famous tinola and sutokil meals in Cebu. Everyday the restaurant is absolutely jam packed and after tasting all the food - now we know why. It’s so tasty and the quality is so good. With Carlo’s expertise, we ordered the giant Cobia fish belly, the local favorite fish - it was huge. The belly was so delicious, dipped in soy sauce and vinegar and combined with vinegared fish (kinilaw), grape seaweed, and 2 varieties of fish head soup.
Highly recommended Parr’t Ebelle Tinola is a restaurant you have to try when you’re in Cebu, Philippines!
Price - 2,996 PHP ($54.25 US) for everything
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Hey everyone hope you're having an amazing day! It's Mark Wiens I'm in Cebu one of the food capitals of the Philippines I'm so excited to be here. The food is so good today! I'm meeting up with my friend Carlo from Kalami Cebu so these are Passaic or belly yes and we're gonna go to a restaurant that's called Partebel. They are famous for their fish grill, for their fish soup, and just for the full Seafood meal we're gonna order a bunch of food. We're gonna have a feast.

It's gonna be an amazing meal and I'm gonna share all of the food coming up with you right now in this video. Yeah okay. simple dishes. This place looks incredible.

So we're here at the front of the grill and I think we got here pretty early so the grill is not completely full but as it starts to pick up for lunch it's definitely going to get Fuller They have a huge Grill just giant pieces of marlin and tuna on the grill they're marinated. They also have pork. so much going on and I love how Big And Chunky the pieces of fish are. Yeah they do not mess around with the chunks of fish.

Well here comes another batch of soup or whatever is available. But also we have seaweed. which is the sea grapes right? Yes, seaweed cheese. Okay you walk in here this place is absolutely amazing.

I think they do have actually an AC room but I Love this outdoor open patio. It is a great environment. It's getting busy, people are coming in for lunch. uh again.

the girl greets you at the front but then they have all the different dishes and the side dishes that you can get in the back here including the the quinilau, the seaweed, all the different soups, and then your choice of rice or corn. that's gonna go with your entire meal. A great atmosphere. What a place! Thank you! So very very hot.

Foreign: Oh that's it. Oh that's what we're gonna try. Coke Tastic: They call it tastic. That's the fish, is it? Marlin Oh no, it's called yeah Carlo has chose that.

You can also choose your own piece of fish Carlo has chosen this giant piece of fish. Oh that's huge fish. The grill action is absolutely incredible. Carlo Just looked up the yeah okay and it goes in so many names like black Kingfish Black salmon, Lemon fish.

okay, is the local local name? Okay, um, that's one of the prized fish here too because they have a lot of marlin. But then all the other people have been searching for the Cobia as well. The Tastic: I Think that's the favorite Foreign: There's onions in there, there's calamansi looks like there's some ginger in there, there's chili and you add your own vinegar and then you mix it up. You add chilies as well and just kind of break that around like he's showing us how to do.

It looks so good and you can already see that fish starting to just kind of like lightly cook from the acidity of the vinegar and the calamansi we call it. So it's for short. yeah it's a tomato based too. so like the soury agent here is tomatoes but we put some chilies Also it's like a hot I'm sorry a little uh this little sister of your Tom young oh okay A bit like that.
Okay also we're gonna have our fish head now. Fish heads too or Canola oh yes thank you. Also, this will come with soup on the side. Yeah yeah, that's a big head.

yeah. In addition to Rice I mean rice is one of the Staples but additionally, uh Carlo is telling me that mais or corn. kind of like a corn like meal. Porridge is also common to eat with this meal.

So I'm gonna try the cornmeal porridge. Yes, let's have lunch. Carlo and I have run around this restaurant about 25 times doing circles, but I think we've got everything and the grilled fish is the last component that's just ready right off the grill. That giant belly.

Oh what a meal. Let's eat. This could almost be a like a body board or a paddle board or a surfboard sized piece of belly. And then we got the fish head here.

Uh with the soup. What a meal! It looks so good and everything is fresh here. So you take some of the quinilau. Oh I need those chilies down there, the ginger in there and then put this onto the corn.

Yeah, split there. okay but normally you can eat it on your own by itself. Okay, that's good. So we got the Barracuda get that chili.

Get that that ginger in there first bite of the meal yes the Barracuda the sourness of the vinegar and the calamansi. well that chili is amazing. So fruity. Green Tomatoes yeah and then the ginger is what I love it with ginger vinegar.

even in the vinegar it's normally dip it as much as what a move. yeah it will shrink but yeah oh wow that that freshness and these are sea grapes so they have that amazing yeah you like the sound anymore, popped in your mouth a little bit slimy but a very neutral taste and then with that vinegar, vinegar and chili and it becomes perfect. Perfect. All right.

all right and I love how people just come here to like just throw down a massive meal feasting here like just a bunch of food on the table. everybody going in. that's what Carlo and I are doing too. It's so much fun and I'm glad you like it.

It's so good so far. Okay, what are we moving into next? Yeah, you're gonna have the soup. Just um, compared to Rice this is a bit drier some people put, you know, soup. maybe make it a little bit wet.

Okay, yeah, but but you know you have your fish and pour some of the soup onto the mice and then you kind of mix it around. Yeah and you can have the grilled fish or the fish. I'll try it straight first. Maybe yeah, he'll try it out.

Very good. Just like a like a cornmeal. Our meal like a almost like polenta. Yeah true, you're really good and starchy and crumbly.

All right. Carlo I Can't readjust the belly anymore. Go ahead though before we start digging into the belly. Carlo is gonna make the sauce the dipping sauce and it's called Sawan with the vinegar.
Yeah, we usually yeah, you can. It's like you make your own sauce, depends on how you like it, you want it salty and sour. Yeah, this is a vinegar. maybe a little soy sauce.

You basically the calamansi. we have the squeeze the juices, the element scene, and then of course the chili. depends on how hot you want it to be. With this, you have to break it.

and yeah, that's mine and you can make your own vinegar. a little squirt soy sauce. really good. Then you got to squeeze in that calamansi.

One of the joys of food in the Philippines Is the calamansi foreign? Smash it. Unleash the goodness of the chilies. Look at how oily and moist it is. Oh wow.

and it's not actually as fatty as maybe like a tuna. Or yes, it's wow. You can see how moist it is. though.

Oh, that is incredible. Oh, it didn't show. It's so juicy. Yeah, really nice fish.

I Mean that's why they prefer this, but we're Marlin and other, it's more. it's not as dry, right? It's more. Much more juicy than a Marlin But at the same time it's not. Sometimes belly like a salmon belly or a tuna belly, it might be like so fatty.

It's not as fatty as that. It's like a perfect balance of meat to fat and almost like a bouncy texture. Yeah, wow. it's good.

And yeah, they cook it well as well. So it's really good that you know, no smoking, not overcooked. They're just just right. It's just right.

Oh, it's so flaky, so juicy. and then again, oh, it's just flaking apart. Grab up some of that all the goodies in there. Then you go directly onto your corn.

You can kind of mix it into your corn and then that goes directly into your mouth. Oh wow, you're so good. I Think we chose the best fish today. What a meal! You got the best fish.

Yeah, Okay, so this one. It's at the head of a Trevally and this was actually in the soup, but because our head is so big, they couldn't fit it in the bowl. So they put it on a plate and the soup is on the side, right? Yes, we eat a lot, so there's a lot of good good stuff over here. No, maybe you could.

So should we dip it in the yes, Dip it or get some strategy? Yeah, let's do a flip over. Yeah. See this guy. Oh that's huge.

Actually huge. And yeah, see a lot of people eat the lips. the cheeks. I Didn't realize it was like a half of a face I thought it was like butterfly cut but it's actually half of the.

It's huge. Okay, we're gonna dig from that top side of the head first. Oh man. All right.

so much meat. Got a dip. Yes, dip and go. Harlow Man it's delicious too.

Again, it's so moist. Pockets Look solid I Mean it's not overcooked? No, Yes. I Didn't soak it in the soup for a long time. So that's right.

it remains juicy and moist and oily without being hard or overcooked at all. I Want to try that chick? You can try the meat from the cheeks as well. Peel, peel back that yeah. Oh, look at the size of that cheek.
That's a massive cheek. look at the size of that cheek. Here you go. Okay Carla Okay, there we go.

That's all cheek meat. In fact. I'm gonna do a little bit of a I'm gonna do a different strategy here. just poor oh yeah and stick it with the chili.

You just keep eating, eating and dripping. and then the mouse just absorbs everything as you keep on eating. And now you can mix and match. Now you can eat where it is.

Basically this is such a satisfying meal. Yeah to taste or to try different textures. The combination of textures. So is this a place that you come often? I Don't know.

I Love going here. A lot of people come here. Yeah yeah you can come in here. you can like grab your food so fast everything is pretty much ready.

Normally you can have this amazing fish meal so quickly. Oh we're getting a little. we have a serenation. Oh yeah, live music too.

It gets better. it gets better. That collar. Another favorite part of my favorite.

a part of fish for me is that collar right? The collar is so good, color is so good and again you dip, you dip, you can mix in, you can add chilies you can smash into your mice. Oh I think we might add a little bit more of that. that soup. the soup move technique, reduce and rehydrate all the time.

Yeah keeping it well hydrated and then go in. You have to try that soup and later we'll try the this other soup. Okay, okay taste the difference. That's a very seafoody tasting chocolate.

Very fish. because we have like broth. These are the way we cook. It's the simplest way of cooking.

This is grilling. Yeah, it's just salt. this one. you know it's just salt base as well.

and then tomatoes. and this one is the ones with chili with so this is okay. yeah more ingredients. There's tomatoes in here.

there's green chilies that one. oh yeah, it's more rich and you can taste like the the oils of the head have come out into that broth. you taste the Tomato not too sour yes which is a little bit of acidity I Love the green chilies in there too. salty, a little bit fishy but fresh and so good.

why not just so. Normally the the head people make it, the body is grilled and the tail is going to be ELO So this one whole thing is fresh. You can make all the dishes the essence fantastic. I'm loving it in Taboo and it's a nice combo if you eat it.

You know if you have the three in one meal more of that the sea grapes again dip into the chili bikini Lau Bikini Lao is absolutely Sensational and you can take some of that quinoa, some of that fish you can put it onto your is under your my East again and also do the mixing process get everything mingled. Oh these chilies are amazing. It's all good. but I think that belly is the absolute highlight.

Yeah that is the greatest thing on the table. That's it. You cannot have enough of that. I think what's the great thing about that is again it's not overly Patty It's such a perfect balance to meet your fat and it's so juicy.
Wow! we have a green papaya. like almost like a little salad. Oh it goes together with the taco. the fish.

Okay, take some more of that belly. Yeah, you love the belly. I Love that belly. It's one of the greatest bellies ever.

Some of that papaya. It's almost like a pickle. Yeah, like it's sweet. It's sweet, but in a good kind of oil.

It balances balances all the flavor and the saltiness and so that completes an action-packed meal in. Cebu Oh the people we met so many friendly people. it's just what an environment of Happiness of joy of delicious food of families getting together to enjoy food I Loved the food. the grilled belly that was just absolutely delicious and then like cooked perfectly.

The soups were delicious I love bikini Lao the seaweed and that mice, the cornmeal, mixing it all together and then it was so much fun to hang out with Carlo he's just he loves food. He's so passionate about food. He loves what he's doing. He's the perfect guy to hang out with and eat when you're in.

Cebu So thank you to Carlo and again he has a page. He does videos, he blogs about food and Cebu his page is called kalami Cebu so I'll have it in the description box below that you can check out and go check out his videos as well. He's just so friendly and we share a passion for delicious food and so that's gonna wrap up this video for lunch today I Want to say a big thank you for watching? Please remember to give this video a thumbs up if you enjoyed it and also leave a comment below I'd Love to hear from you and also make sure you watch more videos we are spending some time in. Cebu We're going to eat a lot of delicious food so make sure you watch! Check out all the other videos from Cebu in the Philippines as well.

Thanks again for watching I Will see you on the next video.

By Mark

14 thoughts on “Filipino food – extremely popular!! fish barbecue kinilaw in cebu, philippines!”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Candy Lalush says:

    Miss eating good fish in my country and native chicken,here always 45 days chicken and fish is so expensive….

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ivan Robert says:

    Hey Mark … WTF you’re eating with hands and making a mess in that restaurant man … remember that you have almost 10 millions followers and we admire you for the great job you have done in your YouTube channel … for me and my family was not nice seen that … and rest of people were having good manners eating …. Remember Mark Wiens is an example for the people

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars J L says:

    This is how it's done, with none of that single use plastic glove bs that's so horrible!

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars El says:

    Cebu is having a Sinulog Festival this weekend. It’s really a Fiesta celebration of Cebu island as they called Fiesta sa Sugbo. I can just imagine how many people will go and try the Mark Weins food tour.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kumander Badot says:

    Mark, this video episode of yours in Cebu is awesome. I think you enjoyed a lot eating the SUTOKIL combination and it makes me fell hungry at 12am, damn!

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Vicente Escala says:

    The best lato is in Cuyo, palawan..

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars hannah mae beaver says:

    I live here have friends who dnt eat street food anymore.
    After food poisoning and ending up in hospital.
    Very bad idea.. just look around dirty under cooked old rotten foods are sold by street vendors just for a few pesos.
    No work sell food any food in and dirty conditions.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars EuroMatrixKung says:

    Im drooling Mark! that kinilaw is my favorite,,all the foods in the table. Im jealouse here from NYC

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Archie Arcellana says:

    I like ur shirt Mark.. Travel for F O O O O O D

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars little babu says:

    Hey mark weins hope you try the batanggas go-to And lomi best seller in my place

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars sexenuj says:


  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Orville Manglona says:

    Ready and your mark go to earth!

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Roxanne Moleño says:

    You are the type of vlogger that you know exactly what you are eating. With all the exact name, pronunciation and definition. You researched well, as well as the tour guide explained very well. ❤
    You are GOAT Mark when it comes to food vlogging. Thanks for your videos! Kalami gyud! 😊

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars tolitz tolibas says:


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