🇵🇭 Ultimate Filipino street food tour in Cebu: https://youtu.be/ylVEQb3wbKQ
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CEBU, PHILIPPINES - Today I’m meeting up with my friend Carlo from @KalamiCebu and we’re going to Kuya Simo's Larangan, where they have arranged some giant seafood to cook! They specialize in fish soups known as Linarang or Nilarang. We’re going to see the entire process, and the entire feast is coming up for you right now!
Kuya Simo's Larangan (https://goo.gl/maps/QWDbdGBZL5txwM9T7) - First of all, a huge thank you to Kuya Simo's Larangan and Jeffrey for hosting us. They went above and beyond and got some huge local fresh catch, a giant fish, giant groupers, and giant moray eels to cook the soups for the day. We also had a couple of octopus which they made adobo octopus - one of the greatest dishes of the Philippines.
After preparing the fish, they started cooking. Linarang starts with ginger and garlic and then tomatoes, tamarind for sourness, and the fresh fish. It’s a delicious fish soup that eats almost like a stew because it’s slightly thickened. They also specialize in dry pork adobo where giant chunks of pork are marinated and deep fried.
Kuya Simo's Larangan is extremely popular and when it becomes 5 or 6 pm in the evening, people start to pour in for dinner. It was an amazing environment, packed house with so many people there to eat a local Cebu dinner.
Thank you all for coming and it was truly an incredible food experience in Cebu, Philippines - some of the best Filipino food!
Other friends in the video:
Carlo: @KalamiCebu
Bhen & Yuri: @BhenYuri
The Moaning Ice Candy Vendor
Thank you to everyone who came out and supported this amazing meal and for all the gifts and delicious food, I appreciate all of you!
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Hey everyone hope you're having an amazing day! It's Mark Wiens I'm in the beautiful city of Cebu the Philippines We are at Kuyasimo Larangan. This is an extremely popular local restaurant. They specialize in the variety of Cebu style soups. They have a raging barbecue, they deep fry pork and today they're gonna make adobo Octopus from a huge octopus but we're gonna watch the process.

We're gonna have an amazing meal. I'm hanging out with my friend Carlo who is Kalami Cebu he's a local blogger and he supports friendly, fantastic local restaurants in Cebu It's gonna be an amazing evening of Filipino food in Cebu and I'm going to share all the cooking and all of the delicious food. You're not going to want to miss any of it coming up right now in this video. Alabama How are you doing man? Yes yes oh yes and I saw this place first on your page you highlighting this place and I was like we have to come here You know people clock here for dinner because they love soup and they also have The nice thing is about the least thing about these places they have what call it adobo.

It's like the fried pork and we have barbecue. There's so many options from Seafood to meat so it's like a combo. This is just such a cool local spot. They're doing the real deal food in Cebu Yes, it's really cool to be here hours before they open to see behind the scenes of what goes into the process of making the food.

Uh, before the customers arrive. That's how much of the Adobo that they sell every day. And the adobo is a mixture and actually that red orange color comes from the anato seeds uh which are used in Mexico which are used in the Caribbean and which have found their way to the Philippines but that's a marinade. There's vinegar in there, that's what makes it orange.

Uh, they're like big huge chunks of belly and parts of the skin of the pig. They get deep fried until crispy you just see them. they come out sizzling. That's what an amazing walk it's this.

Raging Fire He just keeps that like oiled and just keeps that those Flames high so that it burns really hot and those fry until they're like Ultra crispy. Again, that's another one of their Specialties here that a lot of people love to eat. Wow, that's a big grouper that's going to go for the soup. that's a huge like tiger grouper.

Oh man, he's carrying the whole thing. How many kilos is it? 12 kilos? Well you just wait for another one. There's no fries. This is a huge what type of fish is this? You don't even know where the the face ends and the body starts.

It's all connected. Look at this like the horn. Yeah it has a horn. This thing is incredible.

Wow and what will you make with this fish and this is a local fish here? Yeah Yeah Man they just keep coming out of the Packers they have huge huge Seafood Wow it's unbelievable. Less than half. This is less than half you normally sell. So yeah.

but today it's like every day. Yes but they they just use special fish today. so uh. but but normally they sell more 200 kilos of fish per day.
Yes these guys work so fast. so much skill with a knife. and again the owner said they typically sell 200 kilos of fish per day. Wow look at the size of those skills that's truly like an otherworldly alien fish.

The scales are huge. like Palm fist-sized scales which you don't even you can't even like scrape off. you have to actually slice them up. Hey how are you man? I'm doing fine.

good to see you again. So we came here the other day and we heard like somebody moaning down the street. Yeah turns out he moans and he's known as the ice cream moaner. He comes down the street moaning with his homemade ice cream eyes and that's his signature.

Like call to the ice cream. he has his own social media, he makes his own YouTube videos and he makes these amazing homemade ice creams. Yeah that's papaya for now I Don't know what I have for now I Also have what we call Doctorian Dorians. Oh yeah, Durian too.

Yeah yeah oh this is good. Wow, What a gift! Greatest gift ever! So we'll definitely be sampling this tonight as well. Can you tell you what ingredients? Yeah! Garlic, Garlic, green onions red? Charlie Yes Garlic more garlic for the adobo? What's up? So another dish that we specially ordered here is the octopus. is everything from the sea tonight at Kuya Sumos? Yes the picnic for cooking off the grocery.

You will not overcook this one because it will be rubbery. Yeah Okay, okay. we'll be planning to cook or this is just on the spot. This is, uh on the spot cooking.

You like it more? Uh spicy? Yes yes. so everybody can eat that I can add on my own. It's about to be just all out action. There's five walks going down the side.

oil from the crispy pork, the garlic, the crushed garlic or onions and peppers. The onions go in and then he squirts in uh. soy sauce and vinegar. That smells so good and now we're getting started in all the soups.

I will take off the smell of the elk. couples. okay so foreign Ginger green chilies, onions I think that's mainly it. Um and they're just lets that Sizzle in the hot oil stirs that around and then Tomatoes swallow thank you.

Secret ingredient Yeah Absolutely incredible. The adobo octopus is what a recipe. The vinegar, the soy sauce I think that's secret ingredient that linarang is going. um and all of those Sizzle down Ginger The garlic, the tomatoes.

Oh here comes in the eel. Thank you. Wow yeah that looks amazing. One of the great things about this soup is that they really caramelize down the ginger, the onions, the garlic, the tomatoes.

until literally they're caramelized, all the flavor is released. This is the one they made with that giant blue fish with the square head and then another one. this one is with the eels. All the water.

The water's going in. it's non-stop Filipino Food action. see when they add the water, all the ingredients kind of float to the surface because the garlic has totally crucified, Totally unleashed the full flavor potential. Oh wow, how long have you been cooking? Uh maybe 10 years? Okay, yeah, but your father also he's the one who started cooking and so you learned all your recipes from your father.
Yeah, okay, um so you're a chef and what's your name again? Jimmy Jimmy hi Mark Nice to meet you, nice to meet you and Jimmy has actually brought a white tomato soup one of your Specialties yes they brought all his own gear here to make us white tomato soup and I baked bread two hours ago before I came especially For You dried tomatoes and uh, parmesan crust. The restaurant name is German house. ah okay yes I do grew up in Germany I grew up in Germany and spent 25 years in Germany So yeah. wow I study culinary in Germany thanks to Chef Jimmy he just he brought all this stuff in his backpack brought it here for us to taste his his famous white tomato soup.

No it's on a stand. let's try this. Oh really good. You can taste the Tomato yeah tart from the Tomato but it's so creamy.

Oh and that's excellent. We got some bread here. some bread here. this is a tomato tomato bread also yes, tomato with a parmesan crust.

Oh flaky and cheesy. this needs a dip. Oh man. Chef Jimmy Thank you thank you so much.

Really excellent thank you! Gourmet They have all the soups at the front of the restaurant greeting you and then back. they have the odobo, they have the grilled pork, they have the grilled chicken. They have all the barbecue laid out here and actually actually when you hello. So you're pretty much self-service You pretty much choose what you want, grab what you want and some of the things they'll reheat on the charcoal.

um and then you get rice, you get the mais and then you can go down down to sit So that's the way the whole restaurant works. It's such a it's such a cool spot and so many like such a diversity of different food. You could get everything here. Oh we are.

The soups are almost ready, the octopus is almost ready. We're just about getting ready to start eating. Yeah thank you thank you. What a feast! Thank you to the amazing people! Thank you! John Family Run! This is just unbelievable meal.

We saw the whole process. All of that Seafood Yeah this is special. This is so good guys. I Think we gotta try that alien fish first.

let's go in. So this is a huge piece of Uncle so medium huge. Wow look at that giant chunk. Oh wow.

it's such a firm. It's an incredibly firm fish and the skin is massive. Look at that. Oh it's so meaty.

Carlo has the move the poor I gotta follow. oh onto the mice. use the hands into the mice, let it absorb. Here we go.

Oh that's hot. Oh wow. very good. Oh it's so firm it's almost like the texture of chicken.
So firm. I Love the flavor of the garlic and the tomatoes. the ginger in there. yeah no okay, the big eel and try some of that broth.

Hmm really really good. We got the Moray eel. yeah the belly part there. yeah okay.

I'm gonna get in for that eel belly under the mice. mix it into the Maize eel. more eel belly. fatty, almost feels like blubber with that skin.

So good. I'm gonna try that bakasie. these are the small small baby eels and we did already learn the technique because we we have had some of these before. You take out that belly, take out the liver, and then you strip it, strip it down, getting all the skin.

Whoa yeah you mastered it Already feels so good in your fingers. Oh it's hot. Oh that's such a fun process. You gotta add a chili to it as well.

Yeah, there we go. That's how you do it. The delicacy. A delicacy.

Okay wow. Giant pieces of octopus. There we go. Okay.

a double octopus. Wow. oh man. the flavor is incredible.

The vinegar, oh wow, the soy sauce, and all of those. the ginger in there. The big fish though I think it needs to be sliced. It's here.

You put all the skin and then you've got the the meat. The meat on the inside, the tentacles are a little bit rubbery, but it's really good and perfect and the sauce would be really good with myself. Yeah, all right show. Media Incredible.

and again mix it into that mice. the big huge like thumb size chunks of ginger in that adobo. Yeah, so much flavor. Okay and we have the October shoe for another version of the aqua.

but I'm gonna just do a little pour as well. Carlo's specialty move. All right. Oh yeah good, really good.

again. the ginger, the soy sauce. the like. all of those herbs and seasonings that go into it.

Well it's really nice. It's really good. What a meal. And then oh we still gotta try the dry adobo.

This is one of their signatures here. Let's try it. Wow. Fatty fried tastes good.

It's so crispy and so fatty. just melts in your mouth actually. Wow. I'm glad he made it.

Thank you guys! Okay, we're gonna sit here. We're gonna keep on eating. and we still have a whole pig to eat. Yeah, we're gonna open the lechon.

Oh we've got a whole pig. The whole electron. Okay, how do we do this? Okay, go in guys. start is good.

Glitch on skin. wow oh it is spicy. Okay. grab a rib guys.

grab a rib. s wow. Oh wow it's so juicy. I'm moving back over to the soups.

All these soups are incredible. Look at that fish. It is just unbelievably meaty. On to here and again drizzle it in some of that soup with the green onions.

and then I'm gonna use some of this amazing salsawan with the onions with the calamansi vinegar chilies in here. Thank you! That fish is absolutely. It literally is the the texture of chicken. It's so chunky and it's so I'll go in with my my fingers.
actually that's the way to eat my yeast because you're gonna really Mash everything together. but it's really this. like incredibly incredibly. um, firm.

look at this fish. Man, what a fish. I think that's the star of the show tonight. I mean everything is good I Love the different soups I love the eel.

Their fried pork adobo is incredible. Everything is really delicious here. It's really highly recommended and they're just such a nice place. It's such such a big seating area, such a variety of food.

A great place to come to get the real deal local Cebuana food experience. So it is now: Prime Dinner time I think about 6 30 or so p.m uh Korea Simos is just packed I mean people come here I mean they come for the good food, the fresh food, the big tables and open atmosphere. It's just a it's just a happy place and that's I mean just they're They're all the people, the regulars. the Loyals that come here I mean that just this is just uh.

this shows why it's so busy every night and it's just highly highly recommended. He's a legend! Very nice to meet you. This was amazing! Thank you very much thank you Carlo Man that completes our amazing time at Kuyasimo Langaran! This is such a good spot to come in the evening when you're in. Cebu the owner Jeffrey and also Seymour they're so nice and hospitable, the whole family and again the busyness.

the that just tells you how good it is. They just went above and beyond to serve all this fresh seafood to us today and that massive giant fish which was just like a fish market in the restaurant. but really they have fish soup. they have the barbecue.

They have the adobo every single day. Highly recommended when you're in. Cebu I Want to say a huge thank you also to my friend uh Kalami Cebu Carlo His page is really good. It has amazing recommendations for local food when you're in Cebu So go check him out.

um and then don't miss Kuyasimo when you are in Cebu Want to say a big thank you you to you for watching this video. Please remember to give it a thumbs up if you enjoyed it. Leave a comment below I'd love to hear from you and if you're not already subscribed, make sure you subscribe now for lots more food and travel videos and again I Also want to say a huge thank you to all of your amazing support! Thank you to the people of the Philippines for just going above and beyond for your hospitality and in Cebu and there will be a lot of videos! We're eating our way through Cebu so make sure you check out all the videos. Thanks again for watching Good Night from Cebu The Philippines and I will see you on the next video.

By Mark

11 thoughts on “200 kilos of fish!! unseen filipino seafood – freshest adobo octopus in cebu, philippines!”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Orville Manglona says:

    This eating 30 people worth of food there! Never even gain a half pound atlest 🤣

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Orville Manglona says:

    Ah ha ha hah yeah! Hey Mark next time request for extra fish sauce😆🧞

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars John Doe says:

    Gees Mark, you're going to make me go here!

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tiffany Ko says:

    The ice cream moaner is killing me 🤣

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Vladimir Sadang says:

    You're not eatin, just tasting.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Noli Diaz says:

    How lucky this restaurant being visited by the famous food vlogger Mark W. ❤️ Yummy

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars fausta delgado says:

    Wow so proud of you Cebuano's what an amazing and great food that we Filipino's should be proud of ,Thank you Mark for your visit in Cebu Phils.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ko sdsd says:

    Mark weins should eat garbage bag food yum Filipinos finest

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars James Sanchez says:

    You suppose to remove the little stick on them Chiles mark.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nilson Sx says:

    Por favor visite uncle rural Gourmet 👍

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars RogalDorn23 says:

    I question the contents of those little tubes of ice cream….

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