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BACOLOD, PHILIPPINES - Welcome to Bacolod, one of the food capitals of the Philippines! They are known for a few speciality foods, but probably the most famous, and a food you’ll find all over the Philippines is chicken inasal - a unique style of barbecue chicken! Today we’re going on an ultimate bbq tour in Bacolod, and we’re going to uncover the secret as to why it’s so good!
The Bacolod Food Hunters (https://bacolodfoodhunters.com/) - Huge thank you to Martin and the team from The Bacolod Food Hunters for taking me around in Bacolod and for showing me some of the best places to eat bbq!
Here are the locations and the places we ate in this video:
Aida's Chicken (https://goo.gl/maps/enTN2NsSg71cAiySA) - We’re starting at Manokan Country, probably the most famous place in Bacolod for chicken inasal, and it’s really so incredibly iconic. There are a few dozen places to choose from, but Martin recommended Aida’s as one of the local favorites. We were lucky to get into the kitchen to see the grilling action, and it’s some of the most exciting grill action you’ll see! One of the secrets of chicken inasal, along with all the marinade, is the continual basting of chicken oil and anatto as its being grilled. This keeps the chicken juicy and moist, and when you eat it, you eat more chicken oil in the rice.
Total price - 687 PHP ($12.53) for everything.
Chai Rose Barbecue (https://goo.gl/maps/azVUccHJSSRMQCxj6) - To continue this Filipino food tour we went to another legendary bbq spot on Bacolod known as Chai Rose Barbecue. They have insasal as well, but their speciality is pork bbq skewers. The taste is sweet and salty and it goes great along with chicken oil rice as well.
Silay City BBQ - We continued on to a small Filipino barbecue stall under a tree in Silay City. The family was so friendly and welcoming, and they have the full bbq spread of about 20 different skewers to choose from. The bbq was hot and delicious and especially good with Aunty’s homemade chili vinegar.
Total price - 170 PHP ($3.10)
Man Plaza - Finally to complete this Filipino street food tour of barbecue and inasal in Bacolod we went to one more legendary place - a place that’s frequented by local students in the area - Man Plaza. It’s an entire bbq plaza all under one roof with about a dozen stalls to choose from. We chose a place called Royam’s. Expect plenty of smoke and friendly people!
And that completes this ultimate Philippines barbecue inasal tour in Bacolod, one of the world’s greatest grilled chicken recipes!
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Hey everyone hope you're having an amazing day! It's Mark Wiens I'm in Baka a lot and this is one of the Great Food Cities of the Philippines. They are especially known for something called inasal. The chicken Aroma is out of control which is an amazing version of grilled chicken where they based on this oil, chicken, oil and sauce and spices and calamansi. look at how juicy and oily and moist it is and then you eat it with oiled rice.

So today we are gonna go on an inasal and a Filipino barbecue tour of Bakalad. How's the barbecue? It's great. It's very good. There's going to be some amazing food and some Barbecue Masters of barbecue coming up and you're not going to want to miss any of it.

so stay tuned. It's all coming up right now in this video. Foreign I mean one of the things that I've always loved about Filipino Food on the many trips that have been to the Philippines is the Inasal and the grilled chicken. and I mean everything barbecued, Everything from the grill.

and so to actually be in the location where chicken in a Cell where it originates right here in Bacolod is this is a big moment. This is going to be a big day. I'm very excited. Uh, all right Martin So good to hang out with you today.

Uh from the baccala food Hunters Welcome to Manokan Country where all the chicken restaurants are. This whole place is called Manokan Country. Yeah, Chicken chicken right? So Chicken country. This is probably one of the most iconic places that you have to eat when you come to Bakala.

It's it's very iconic, right? They probably have. There might be 20 restaurants serving chicken inasal here. I'm hungry I'm ready to go. So this is where we're going to begin this food tour.

and we're going to start at a place called Idas. Hey, good morning, good morning. Hello! So these are masks from the winners of the past mascara contests. So what you're seeing right now, these masks are all from the champions of the mascara.

Festival The ingredients is our daily bar. A little vinegar, soy sauce, calamansi Ginger Garlic. Okay, okay, so that's the marinade on the chicken from the night before. Okay Okay So we've come straight to the kitchen.

This is where they're grilling the chicken in us all. this is where they're marinating everything. Uh, their chicken has already been marinated in a blend of I believe calamansi as well as some herbs and some spices. Uh, but they do also cut it in a very unique way so that it lays flat on the grill so it gets the maximum amount of smokiness.

So they're just preparing that they're already skewered on bamboo skewers. And then the fire. The coals in the back are raging hot, my back is on fire, and they're about to get started grilling foreign. What is the spices in the sauce? Oh nice.

But then they put that onto the grill and then they immediately just start brushing it with this amazing looking sauce that has calamansi that has chicken oil and I believe that it is the the redness. that orange color is coming from the achiote or the anato which I've typically seen in Mexico or in the Caribbean uh but then I mean it makes sense to be here in the Philippines as well and that's the that that signature kind of orange color that is amazing I mean to see ingredients and how they spread is fascinating, foreign, foreign. Oh yeah, I'm starting to sweat now man. props to the grill masters it is Smoky just a raging hot fire and you got to get in close there.
but they're starting to fully fill up the grills now. all the different chicken parts I mean the entire chicken is on the grill now just separated into various parts. The Aromas and that brushing technique with those sauces and oils and vinegar is just incredible. I Love how it just kind of like drizzles it on and then brushes it with that bamboo brush.

Okay oh man, that is some Next Level sauce drizzling skills I think I could watch that all day long. Wow Wow hey what's up man I am dripping in sweat and I can't think of a time ever in my life when I've been so excited to eat grilled chicken. Oh man, that's just on another level and definitely one of the secrets is that they just can. They're so generous with the way that they just keep drizzling on that sauce throughout the entire journey of that grilled chicken.

It just keeps getting basted, rehydrated, reduced, re-oiled with that basting sauce. That chicken oil just keeps the seals in all of those juices. It keeps it hydrated. Oh I Can't wait to try it! Foreign food Hunters Oh more rice.

Oh I didn't know two. So you order one rice and it comes with two. You can never have too many. All right.

So why is the rice orange or yellow? Yeah. Colored with chicken oil? So we have the calamansi. We have chilies here, we have rice, we have the the various chicken in a salt and we have a box of disposable plastic gloves. Yeah, because the authentic way Yes, the authentic way of eating in it's all is to use your hand.

Yes. Excellent. All right, let's do it. Thank you.

Oh thank you Yeah, double handed or just one hand? I Think this is the first time I've ever gloved up to eat grilled chicken. Definitely a strategy to this. Soy sauce goes in first. Oh I Hope the bottle doesn't Oh oops, it's okay.

Okay, is that too much soy sauce? No. maybe more. Okay, then you got the vinegar. Is this coconut vinegar.

That's coconut coconut. Oh that's a coconut. vinegar goes in they call a Muncie squeezing in the calamansi. Okay, Oh I Love the calamansis in the Philippines I Can eat as spicy as oh sure? sure.

okay. and then you smash. It smash the chilies, do it with the pork like sideways. So then we go in with rice.

oh oh, you can feel how solid that is. Garlic on top and held together with chicken oil and anato. I Love this little cone of cup of rice. Okay, and then grab chicken.
Things about Innisol: it's just how juicy it remains because this is. although I think this is a chicken? Yeah, continually. Bastion That's one of the highlights of inner salt. Look at how juicy and oily and moist it is.

And then one more component before we start digging in is the another bottle of chicken oil. So this is the rice procedure. I'm going in with the chicken oil. again, not too much.

This is what makes it really heavy, but this is also what makes it special. exactly. the volcano of chicken. Okay, there we go.

I'm going light because we have a lot to eat and then a little bit of the the salt. All right. Good, no so good. Mash it up Smash It Up yeah.

smash it with your hands. mash it. oh that's that. feels so good.

It's warm and moist and oily. so that's really why you want that gloves on so that you're yeah so that your chicken your your hands aren't chicken oiled for the rest of the day. I think I'm gonna just bite that chicken first I Have to I Have to do it. it's calling you Diana Should we? let's bite the chicken.

Let's bite the chicken. First bite of inner salt in Pakalad I Grew up here and that never gets old. It's flavorful chicken breast you could ever hope for. never gets a little.

The reducing technique is just out of control. The way they do that, it's so much flavor. it's so much smoke. I've always loved Filipino Grilled foods.

Truly? Filipinos have mastered the art of grilling, Keeping that fire low, but like just embedding everything, embedding everything with the smoke but not overcooking it how it glistens. Yeah, look, if you open that up, yeah, you can actually squeeze. Check. This is chicken breast.

You could squeeze it and you can see how moist and juicy and and moist that is. Okay I'm going into that sauce going into that sauce. Get some of those. Oh, it feels oddly feels slightly odd, but slightly good to be dipping your fingers into liquid while in gloves and that will replace the soda because it's a vinegar.

Yes, yes. Oh wow, that's the spot now. Coconut vinegar. and then the acidity from the calamansi.

Both of those. So you've got the Citrus pressure vinegariness all in one, close to chilies and then the rice. There's like condensed chicken. It's almost like I mean you're almost getting to the point of a kanji.

It's that like sticky. It has this like this amazing texture. yeah and just like so much condensed chicken flavor that is incredible. You've got the crispy garlic in there.

Wow what a combination. Yep Filipinos Love garlic man. Okay I'm going in for the liver, so is it appropriate to like dip it and then put it onto your rice? Yeah, it doesn't matter okay and then go all in from here. mix it with the rice, the liver, a bit of chilies.

it melts in your mouth. yeah, melts in your mouth. very buttery fresh I need to stole like frisky on the outside and so creamy in the center. Oh man again everything is just cooked perfectly juicy to the maximum.
When we came here actually, we were first here because we came here early. Now it's starting to get lunchtime so more people are starting to come in. I bet those girls are just maximum capacity right now. Oh my god with the sauces! I was eating when we were shooting earlier I wasn't eating with the sauce and now I just dip into sauce.

The sauce is even better. Yes yes, and that duo of acidity. So if no one else is eating, this is a when they lift weights. So I eat it every week.

except my partner doesn't like into salt that much for some reason. he's right there. It's so healthy, especially if you lift weights. Very healthy the protein and then this is the chicken.

But oh, but there's more attached. Yes, that's why you wear gloves for them for the butt. Yeah, like the butt? Yes, put the junk in the trunk. There it is.

Oh, that looks good. even life that looks good. and I'm having it. Yeah, it squirts with oily juices.

It does. Oh, it's sugar and that texture too. I Love that. kind of like slightly bony buddy texture.

It's fat. but yeah, it's a complicated butt. There's a lot of textures going on. Oh I Love it.

Yeah, wow. and man it's juicy. Oh you can never have enough calamansi. And then another.

Stick this chili into this bite. Oh my. God Look at the stars again. I've got the gizzard.

Oh, you guys are going to the bathroom that's near my house. Awesome! Gizzard is wonderful too. Has That Bouncy texture to it. Okay I'm moving back over.

Oh Bubba Thank you bye-bye Oh man. now that we're leaving, it's just packed and Smoky okay thank you Diana Where are we at next? we are now in China Rose This is literally a garage but they serve the best pork barbecue I've ever had. Awesome! Oh and look at that. it blew up.

Yeah oh man. I Just love the barbecue culture in the Philippines and bakala is I mean they are the the masters of the barbecue and just open up here. It's it. Literally is a garage filled with smoke filled with people happiness.

The grilled meat Aromas Out of control. Nice to meet you, nice to meet you. How's the barbecue? It's great. Very good.

You guys come here often. my parents, my parents and I watch them. Oh thank you very much thank you. Okay, nice to meet you all.

thank you So we're stepping right back to the kitchen. Something I love about the kitchen is they kept the tree in the kitchen going up. That's all that is awesome. It's just the Smoky Grill is back here.

There's chicken, there's skewers, there's hot dogs and sausages. There's so many things going on in there. The girl is fully loaded. This is just another unbelievable barbecue production back here.

man. Full capacity grills, all the different meat and skewers. Love the tree, love the setting, the atmosphere, the friendliness. Man, this is just barbecuing on another level.
To order here you come to the front. They have the whole menu up here. all the different things that you can order. You order here, you pay here, and then you go over to the other counter which is literally a window to the barbecue where you pick up your order.

So we're gonna. what should we get here? Martin We should get. Uh, we should. Just we should get.

just get the regular barbecue. The regular pork burger. Yes, that's what we have. Yes, Oh so you're the one who started started.

Wow, Thank you for having us here today. It's very nice to meet you so it is an honor to be joined by the owner, Tyros who she's going to teach us how to eat the pork barbecue her legendary pork barbecue like she started over 10 years ago. Okay, and we have little bags of rice. Okay, so chicken oil goes in.

Oh, it kind of just seeps down that Rice Oh, it's gonna be so much flavor that's seasoning that Rice technique and then you kind of squeeze it, massage it in the bag. Oh that's not a technique. Oh so that's what gives it that yellow color and also it holds it together. Oh look at the way it comes out, she's like a cone.

Oh and then you add stuff, you add the sauce onto it. Okay, Pork first or rice first. rice first, rice first and then the barbecue. Oh yummy yummy.

Oh wow, what a combination. Oh the smokiness of that pork and that marinade and the sugar. So Bakala is very known for sugar and sugar plantations sugarcane so a lot of the food has this a little bit of a sweetness to it, but that's so good. It's sweet, but it's that fresh sweetness and that's that smokiness caramelized from the sugar on the fire in that marinade, soy sauce, and a bit of oh okay, and this you can also dip the pork into I'm gonna have to scoot this down, then scoot it down the skewer.

There we go. I love it with that. absolutely to contrast the sweetness. the calamansi Citrus the rice technique is genius.

The chicken fact: very tasty. What a pleasure. all that fat that's juicy. So I'm going chorizo next when somebody stole my water.

Oh no man. Wow. I think it's a string wrapper. That's what it was holding it together.

Wow. Okay, it is kind of sweet, but it is pretty tasty. That kind of crumbles and really fatty. You feel like crumbling in your mouth.

Cheers! Foreign! To continue with this ultimate barbecue and inner self tour in Bakalad. we drove about 20 to 30 minutes to a place called Silai. It's a different city and we're gonna go to a real neighborhood barbecue spot under a tree. Here we've just arrived.

He's showing us all the different parts. Yeah, let's start from here. Start from here. This is the this one.

that's the stomach. Oh the stomach. Chicken chicken. A beef flavor.
Oh chicken lover. this is gizzard. You can chicken gizzard. Yeah, so this one's very nice.

You wanna taste this one. Oh it's pig face. Pig face. Okay sure, what a set up here with all the different skewers, the inasal chicken, but then the Esau, the intestines, all the different organs.

both Pig and Chicken are well represented here and parted out on skewers. Just such a friendly neighborhood just under the tree barbecue spot and this is a place that Martin um has brought us to and just friendly. Just a great environment. What a place! Yeah we have it cutting those food.

They don't get the mascara so we haven't cut the nut. Oh yeah. okay. and then the Isao Yeah okay.

so you put it in the basket, you choose, choose what you want, put it into the basket and it goes straight onto the Fresh Grill Okay, perfect. This is very delicious. domination of ah silly and onions. a little bit of sugar, salt and very delicious barbecue.

Yeah with the Esau or with anything yes, everything you can do it like that and eat. Okay oh I Love this terrible setup too. Oh thank you thank you. Okay, sit here.

It's like a bar counter seating. You get all your skewers and your uh chicken in a cell and your Esau Esau is one of my favorite things in the Philippines. Oh, you cannot come to the Philippines without eating Esau So I'm gonna start with the vinegar vinegar chili onions. Oh nice.

Okay. sweet and sour? Yeah. Oh yeah. there we go.

Okay into the vinegar? Oh yeah, you wanna? Sometimes they even give you a full cup to just submerge in that vinegar sauce with scooping up with the chilies and the onions. Oh yeah. oh wow. Yes.

I Love Esau Oh man, that chewy texture. Oh thank you. How does it taste? Very good? Okay Nami is the same word for said up right? Yeah, it means delicious but in the local? Ah okay, it's delicious. You sound so good and with that kind of like yeah it's like a sweet and sour vinegar with onions.

and they're clean tasting too. Okay next up we gotta try the the blood cubes. if that chicken blood. um it's really a nice texture, it just kind of crumbles.

um not like overly any kind of strong flavor to it. actually. um but just kind of almost like a crumbly tofu blood tofu. This is your chicken.

okay and that's the inner salt. Okay, thank you thank you very much mascara mascara. Next skewer is the pig face. What do they call mascara mascara? That's like a it's the pig face so it's all that cartilage.

All the you could be eating a cheek. You could be eating the nose. You could be eating any part of the pig face. Oh it's crispy and gooey and like fatty all at the same time.

And then finally we gotta go back in for some more in us all which is one of the things today is all about the in us all trying all sorts of different NSL and this is just a another amazing just family cooked version just again the juiciness and the moistness and that basting the oily, the flavor, the chicken, the condensed flavor. yeah it is really one of the great types of grilled chicken chicken in USA Foreign. the moistness of the inner salt. Oh man, such a good version of grilled chicken.
Stewart Here which is you can kind of do is grab a chicken head. Oh yeah comes right off and then the reveal. The Chicken brain reveal should be right inside a hole. There it is a bite of cream.

What a spot! I mean I Think along with the barbecue, what truly stands out here is the friendliness. family run, so welcoming, so friendly, and then the people that we've met. Yeah, come in here. the regulars, the loyal customers like people are so friendly.

It's a community environment and to me that's what even stands out as much as the barbecue itself. We drove back to the center of Bacolod and there's one more place that we have to go to have barbecue to have in us all. Tonight it's called Mon. Plaza This place is fuzzy.

There's just smoke billowing and I think there's a bunch of different stalls that you can choose from all serving barbecue. This is a lively, awesome place to visit and we're gonna finish our food tour here today. Oh you just feel your eyes slightly burning the smoke in here the Aromas of barbecue and so they have all the meats marinated and lined up. You kind of just kind of choose what you want.

hey hello, how are you Man there's a naked fan up there. They want me to be careful. I think I almost cut my hair but this place is pretty cool. You just straight up choose from the skewers which are all marinated.

We got the inasal which is a there's a red inner salt which is spicy in the South and then we also got a bungus fish milk fish which they put it directly onto the coals and Grill up and then there's just seating all over the place. There must be like a dozen different stalls that you can choose from here. Vinegar: Add in a squirt of soy sauce and then the calamansi. gotta squeeze in that calamansi.

Really those chilies which you just kind of chop up in there or just hang in there. Okay, we're ready. All right here. We go for the spicy in a cell and that has quite a red color oil.

you can see how juicy that is that has quite a red color. That marinade again dip into that sauce with the chili. wow again it's so juicy, so oily and moist and with that vinegar that sweetness that soy sauce the chili, the rice and then additionally got to go for that bang with some milkfish. another one of the the favorite fish you do.

got to be careful of those bones I'm gonna put this onto my rice I think I'll pour a little bit of that sauce on and of course eat it with a chili on the side there Mash that up into the rice Amazing. go up your nose a little bit I Love the bongoose. a clean, such a like dry kind of fish. almost like has this really like kind of like fluffy texture to it.
and then with that sauce with that chili oh man thank you the acidity of the calamansi! What a day of barbecue! Filipino Barbecue in Bakalar especially focused on innisol and you know it really is one of those things that I've noticed. I've been to the Philippines quite a few times and something that always stands out to me is the barbecue culture and that Smoky Grill they're masters of the grill and in the South again is something I have loved I've tried in Manila but to come to the source today to eat it in Bakala has been extremely special. It's been just an incredible experience. Highly recommended.

So good on that last meal that wraps up this ultimate barbecue in a salt tour in Bacolod What a day it's been. The people have been so friendly, people are just absolutely incredible here and that Smoky Barbecue the real deal in a Cell man, the juiciness of the chicken, the smokiness and those toppings and the way you put on a glove and then just smash the rice with the chicken oil and the fat and the garlic. What a meal to remember and what a day it's been I Want to say a huge thank you especially to Martin He's from the Bacalad food hunters and he arranged this entire day. He put everything together.

He blogs about food, he is so passionate about food, He's a great guy. And then to all of our other friends that we hung out with today that was a fantastic day in Bakalad and one of the great again grilled chicken destinations in all of it's the grilled chicken capital in the Philippines and yeah that was fantastic. All having the information in the description box below and I said I Want to say a big thank you to you for watching this video? Please remember to give it a thumbs up if you enjoyed it. Leave a comment below I'd love to hear from you and if you're not already subscribed, make sure you subscribe now for lots more food and travel videos.

Goodbye from Bakalad and I will see you on the next video.

By Mark

18 thoughts on “Filipino street food in bacolod!! chicken inasal ultimate bbq tour in philippines!”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nava Leah says:

    Take it from somebody that's nearly died from food poisoning twice, be cautious when eating chicken or any meat in foreign countries without refrigeration.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mike Tiqui says:

    When Mark leans to his side then back, you know it's good food. 😊

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars John Simons says:

    I see a lot of cross-contamination with raw chicken which will lead to throne time at a later date

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Selina Barua says:

    Oh wow Mark this is truly one of my favorite menus you have showned in the Philippines! Chicken and rice in many ways is one of my favorites, but this rice and chicken, oh I don't have words…other than I wish I had it.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars YourTechGuide says:

    oh how i miss my hometown Bacolod City specially those chicken inasal. I was drooling watching the entire video. I haven't visited Bacolod City for almost 35 years now. I hope this or next year ill able to go back home!

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Uaenas says:

    Mark weins where here in the Philippines again 🥰🥰

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Carell Bardon says:

    Hello mark welcome to philippines i hope u injoy to viset in philippines❤️❤️❤️❤️

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars TIM VIEWER says:

    Finally! I’ve been waiting for this upload ❤

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars CHING GAEY says:

    Wow i cant eat the philppine chili like that…uhuhuhu

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars yawara zamoka says:

    lami kaayo ang inasal

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mr. Pinoy says:


  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars DOLCE Maria CHANNEL says:

    Namit gid nasa Mark mayu natilawan mo hahaha 💖✨

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jackie Santos Romain says:

    Loving every minute of your food tour through Visayas. I think because there are more language dialects in the Philippines, that the food is more diversified than other countries. It seems like every dialect region has their own signature dishes.

    Sidenote: I know someone who is from Bacolod and her mother THROWS DOWN in the kitchen. She sometimes posts pics of her moms food: chicken inasal, grilled squid, Batchoy (I hope you, Mark, tries this) she makes everything 😭

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars BOBCaT. says:

    ถ้ามีส้มตำสักจานนะ 😋 น่ากินมากๆ

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Clark Tiglao says:

    The woman is trying to steal the show. Let mark do the talking

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Elvin Food & Travel says:

    Really an ultimate videos to watch keep posting I really like your videos and the way you love food 🤗❤️🙌👍

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars David Acuna says:

    This grilled chicken is the best I have ever had. No contest.

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Marcloi Cardona_FM1-1 says:

    only 600+? niceee very cheap even in filipino prize

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