🎥 Watch - Unique Village Food Bangladesh: https://youtu.be/BMhdzxNR3ps
🇧🇩 Huge thanks to @Petuk Couple
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CHITTAGONG, BANGLADESH - Welcome to Chittagong in the south of Bangladesh, along the coast, is famous for its mezban - a traditional meal celebration where a full cow is cooked into 4 different dishes. Today we have the extremely special opportunity to see the dishes of a mezban being prepared and to watch the entire process.
Mezzan Haile Ayun (https://goo.gl/maps/TBKPjdYTHNudh4nL9)'>https://goo.gl/maps/TBKPjdYTHNudh4nL9) is a restaurant in Chittagong with locations in Dhaka and Sharjah that specializes in mezban. We had the privilege to go to their central kitchen to watch the entire process. Every mezban meal starts with an entire cow - the full cow. The meat must be fresh and they parted it out within 45 minutes, all the way from cow to cubes.
The most important dish is the mezbani beef, a curry, but like a slow cooked stew filled with beef, a huge amount of spices, green chilies, mustard oil, and one of the signature tastes from a spice called radhuni. Every dish cooks over fire, slow cooked until fully mingled and flavors melting together. Additionally there’s black beef cooked in spices and dry fried until all the spices were caked onto each cube meat. Another dish is the daal, which is cooked with all the organs of the cow. And finally the bones which are cooked for the flavor, bone marrow, in a soup. The entire meal, all four dishes are a traditional Bangladeshi mezban.
The meal was outstanding, so much flavor so fresh, and so complex. All the dishes each went together in perfect harmony. It’s one of the best food experiences in Bangladesh and it was truly memorable.
Thank you so much to Petuk Couple (https://www.youtube.com/c/PetukCouple) for arranging this and for showing me around Bangladesh!
📍Mezzan Haile Ayun: https://goo.gl/maps/TBKPjdYTHNudh4nL9
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Hey everyone hope you're having an amazing day. It's mark wiens, i'm in chittagong bangladesh, and today we are gon na eat. What is one of the greatest meals that you can eat in all of bangladesh? That is a lot. That's a whole cow, a whole cow specifically from chittagong.

It's called a mesban and it's a celebration meal. You don't need teeth for that bite where they cook and eat the entire cow. We are gon na, be able to see the entire process from start to finish. From the entire cow to four different dishes that they're gon na prepare and it's gon na - be an unbelievable meal, an incredible bangladeshi food experience, and i cannot wait to share everything with you coming up in this video.

So we are beginning from the very start, from the entire cow and to do this entire process, the mez bun. It has to be done with the entire cow that the meat is as fresh as possible and they use every single part of the cow is important for this mezban feast. This is the first time, i'm also seeing the myth. You can see the whole process of the mezban feast i have no.

I haven't seen that process yet do misband for any kind of celebration in uh chidorong. So this is what chicago is popular for and it has to be beef right yeah. It has to be beef because it's a full beef meal, yes, and so we're also hanging out with the the owner. Mr now, it's an honor to be here.

Thank you so much for having us to be able to see the process and to enjoy this special. Truly authentic chittagonian meal, yeah yeah, i'm sure you're gon na love, this yes for sure, guaranteed guaranteed and it starts with the whole cow fresh, unbelievable experience, they're so fast, literally, the entire cow goes from whole cow to cubes. In like an hour, you were saying everything needs to be cooked over fire wood yeah and that's for the authentic taste for the authentic test. If you don't use this, then you don't get authenticated.

If you use gas, then it's not. Actually, it wouldn't taste like fizbani for sure so we have arrived before they start cooking they're about to get prepared, they're about to start cooking, they're already parting out the cow. And then, if you come into the kitchen now they are starting on the onions. Just buckets baskets of onions onions are a huge part of bangladeshi cuisine and go into almost every single dish, then, over on this side of the kitchen.

This is where they are chopping up: slicing up the ginger, the onions, the garlic, the green chilies, the spices of life, and these are the spices that are used abundantly and the flavor seasonings that are used abundantly in mezban and bangladeshi cuisine. There's just a cloud. A poof of ginger coming out of those knives, it's so juicy. They do everything by hand, so they sliced all of the ginger.

They peeled the garlic and now it's the mashing time on the mortar and pestle, so they're, just grinding out that ginger forming the paste and all the juices are coming out. Dropping this one is copper right, so they're made from copper the traditional one. So this one is made from copper: the beef is freshly cut, they're, just rinsing it washing it and they're dividing it among the giant pans, and we are following that massive pot of beef to the fire where they're going to get started, cooking them as bunny beef Is it salty ginger ginger ginger paste? This is so many onions, turmeric turmeric, oh man, he just takes a fistful of it. The spices are just flying, but so far we've got a lot of salt.
We added in uh ginger garlic. He added in the special uh chili powder and this one is turmeric turmeric cumin, cumin yeah, oh and here comes the the mustard oil yeah. It's a must: okay, wow! It's black pepper, black pepper. It's red, pepper, lettuce, nutmeg mace! Oh, it smells so good! Amazing clothes! That's an incredible recipe.

There is no set recipe for mizbani, it's all happens automatically every chef, it hits synchronization, they do it automatically and there is no set rule, absolutely incredible. Yeah, absolutely wow 80 kgs of beef in one pan, oh man, this is just one pan. This is just a portion of the cow there's no set recipe, there's no set amount of spices and ingredients, it's just the knowledge, the experience of the chef and he just takes his hand and literally by the the fist of his hand, and just he knows how Much flavor how much spice and the ratios of the ingredients that all go into a single pot. Then it will go onto the fire and then about how long will it cook for around two hours around two hours and let everything mingle together with the spices with the meat until it's tender, then it has to be there for kind of long time.

Ah, because you said the longer, it sits, the better it gets so the cooking happens, and then it just kind of sits and that copper pot actually holds in the heat and keeps tenderizing the meat and the flavors together. So they're about to put it on the fire, we're going to watch the entire process until it's done and then we're going to eat. Oh yeah, so they're all at a variety of different stages, but just loaded with spices loaded with onions and green chilies. Oh man, it's just gushing around slow cook to get all the spice in to get all those flavors mixed in over fire.

That is a lot, that's a whole cow, a whole cow and how many? How many dishes does include bespoke meat, the regular one, then the tornado, kalabhuna and nola is every sport in this yeah. These are these four, only okay, four dishes, four main dishes, all with a different spice profile, different ingredients. The green chilies are floating around this one. Over here is really soupy and it includes the big leg bones, so the especially they were saying that the nola or the bone marrow is going to come out into the gravy, and now those just need to simmer.

Let all those juices flow. Let the meat tenderize. The aromas, unbelievable and just let that smokiness from the fire just seep into the entire blend of beef and spices and onions. So so then, really from this stage they keep the lids on so that they cook and everything cooks together and mingles.
And but then every now and then they just go down the line and stir each dish, a feast, a celebration, a tradition, you guys are amazing, amazing, chefs yeah. First of all, man, just we have to say thank you to the incredible chefs who spend their time in the kitchen who are such experts at cooking. All these different dishes? Yes, oh oh wow, oh oh! This is the most beautiful thing. I've ever seen, coconut in the kitchen there's nothing i'd rather drink right now than a coconut.

Oh yeah, nothing satisfies like a coconut one of the greatest things about bangladeshi cuisine that mustard oil fragrance. They kind of just keep it well lubricated, with the mustard oil. That fragrance is oh man. This is one of the main spices of the mez bun, it's just one spice or it's a blend of spice.

Oh, it's just one spice, that's just one side, one spice called the ragoni this. This one is the whole grain right. There is flavor. I just tasted a little bit.

Oh, it has a little bit of like a little bit like a fenugreek leaf or fennel seeds. Yeah, i think that's what it is wow they add in soy sauce and so that's one of the they said. That's one of the loved dishes i mean among with everything but that black beef. I said it's going to simmer down.

It's going to turn really dark in color and yeah. I actually use soy sauce in the recipe they're adding in some on water. Well that pot with the all of the organs. That's been simmering down for a long time until it reaches a certain point and then they add in the doll oh and more dolls coming.

Oh, so, okay, not quite ready, but it needs to be on low heat to absorb that. So that's not actually quite done. Yet but they transfer it over from the high fire to a low flyer, low fire to just simmer gently and that's going to seal in the juices and the meat's going to tenderize with the lid on so much heat. Spices going in wow that same spice.

Right. So it is still just boiling it's lava. It looks like it's volcanic, a jacuzzi of boiling just oil and meat and spices, and he throws on another handful of that spice, it's so aromatic that is so much heat, 20 more minutes until the best version of beef is going to be ready soon. It's only 20 more minutes, almost time to eat almost time to eat.

My mouth has been watering all day in anticipation of this hello. Onions are going in five minutes. That's it it's done. They add all those spices.

They didn't even really cook those onions, they're. Just barely like wilted into the dish, so there's gon na be almost raw onions, providing so much flavor all of that spice that they added and without actually without barely cooking it just like folding it into the beef once all the dishes are finished cooking. This is the central kitchen right and then for your mezban restaurant. You have how many locations in in five five, okay, dubai one run amazing, but so this is the central kitchen so that you can you're able to be able to cook an entire cow every day.
Actually, no, it depends. Sometimes it's two three counts: two three cows per day, but then the today two cows, but then everything is cooked here and then distributed to the central restaurants where you can eat it and enjoy it within chittagong and so now they're just loading up the massive pots Into the delivery van that's volcanic, okay, yeah! The wait is over. It is time i've never been so excited in my life for an entire beef meal. Oh thank you.

Yes, sure! Oh wow, right in the kitchen, the ice is also different, type of rice for the mezbani and so start with rice and traditionally you eat, and this is like a clay. A clay bowl yeah as fresh as possible, directly from pot to mouth hot to mouth. Super excited for that we're going to start eating right now, so this this is the one you start with wow next up for the dog. Thank you so much.

It is an honor. I've got my first bowl of mezban rice on the bottom, two different beef dishes. Well: three different beef dishes: the the main beef curry, the dry beef with all those onions and then the doll with all the organs we're gon na go to the table, which is set up right outside the kitchen and we're going to start eating. And is there a correct method for which dish to eat first or you just have to go for the dal first dolphin, then the kala banana, then the maize, bun, okay and you kind of smash and mix again smash and mix squash, oh yeah, that is hot! That's right: there's tendon, there's tendon in there there's everything smash and mix with that doll with that fresh sprinkle of coriander on top at the very end, first bite of the mezvan yeah.

It's so good all the flavor of those organs just coming together: the spices, the melt-in-your-mouth organs just sopped up by the rice, the fresh meaty taste of everything yeah exactly because that is incredibly fresh meat. So when amazement happens, uh they actually serve fresh, so that you can, you know one side they cook and once i dessert that's the tradition of you and i got a little more gravy. Yes, okay, thank you. Now this one is the actual mezban beef.

This is the basic food. This is the there we go. Oh man, everything simmered down and all of those spices that one specific season there's whole cloves in here. There's you can feel how tender it is in your in your fingers, the ginger garlic in here and then all of that one uh kind of powdered spice that he used a lot of in here uh with uh.

That kind of tastes a little bit like fenugreek, leaves or or fennel seeds, wow it melts in your mouth, it's so tender, there's melts in your mouth and that blend of spices, the aroma of the fire. That's interesting really there's that spices that they put at very large mm-hmm they're, roughly mixed. That's. Why there's like a really really that signature spice exactly it's so yeah? It's like fennel seed, yeah, it's more like falcon yeah, but it's so fragrant, you're, gon na start thinking.
Man in that sauce um. Thank you. Thank you. So much.

Thank you so much for hosting us. This is truly a special meal and entire experience. The next dish is the labuna, the black beef and these whole onions in here yeah that were just barely cooked, so they're like half raw and again this one is cooked until all of the spices dry out and all of the the liquid dries up. Until all the spices are caked onto the meat, okay, it's a totally different taste yeah.

It has this amazing smokiness to it, and this amazing like roasted fragrance yeah like a caramelized, roasted fragrance, and then i have to try that onion, i'm gon na try that onion they're being crisp and juicy they're slightly cooked, but so much of that beef flavor. Thank you. Yes, thank you very much. You like the food yeah.

This is incredible. Incredible. The overall experience, an ultimate beef experience, yeah ultimate beef. I love it.

Yeah we're moving on to the bone marrow, the final dish, the fourth and final dish of the meal, and so you can see these bones from the cow just loaded with bone marrow. What you do is you: it's served with the broth and all that soup, and so you just kind of pour this while you, you uh, take out the bone marrow onto your rice and eat it with the soup bone marrow. I oh it over and it just fell out. I didn't even shake it and it fell out and then do you put some of the soup onto the rice.

Also, oh, thank you. Oh with the green chilies in there that looks so rich that looks unbelievably rich and the bone marrow just kind of it just melts into the rice. Oh wow, you don't need teeth for that bite. It just melts into your mouth.

Super super duper awesome. Oh man, that is it's jelly, liquefying jelly on your tongue and then just mixed with that rice and that that broth is so rich. It's unbelievable man after the richness of all that bone marrow it's time for a green chili i'll, do it again! Okay, it looks so good. I wanted to refresh my mouth from the bone marrow.

That's the greater bite right there, spicy crunchy, refreshing, that's good, and i love how every dish has a different, completely different compound makeup. Flavor to it i mean all dedicated to beef and to the cow, but everything with a completely different flavor profile, even texture and like wetness to dryness. It all goes together. It is a harmony.

It's a true balance of the potential of an entire cow in one meal and an ultimate bangladeshi, especially chittagong celebration feast, i'm gon na reload reload on the rice. Thank you. Oh thank you. Okay, i'm getting a reload up on the rice, oh and immediately.
There's more time passing by the beef is getting more: oh, okay, okay, oh this is like spleen, liver, yeah, oh man, and it gets so rich down there. It gets so rich. The the sauce starts to condense. The oils.

Oh hold the liver. Oh, it's so fresh that it's sweet and then we're going to keep on eating. So this is like a yogurt drink for a yogurt drink, a milk drink with mmm, with spices with coriander kind of has a sweet and sour taste. It's thick.

It is rich too. I'm gon na grab a bit more of the doll. Oh it's so hot that has to be some of the richest doll that you'll ever taste because all of those organs all of the fat and oils have just come out of them. This dish is also incredible, and especially those onions, caramelized, onions, caramelized beef that completes the mouth bite, everything in your mouth all together, oh man, this is amazing, which dish is your favorite um beef, the bunny beef bunny, the liquid, the liquid ones? Okay, because i have never like this before, i have eaten a restaurant, but never in the kitchen.

This is my first time. How was the mess bun guys? Oh, that's too good. It was really really really good and i think uh whoever comes through. Oh man.

What an unbelievable meal my first mezban experience and it was truly a memorable. That's an experience of a meal, it's a huge part of the bangladeshi culture, especially in chittagong. I loved seeing the entire process, and it just made the eating part the entire experience more. Fulfilling more valuable to be able to see the process that goes into the recipes and the dishes and the amazing chefs and people behind the food that they serve, that they cook every day.

And so i want to say a huge thank you to mr manjulo hok, who is the owner here, who dedicated his time in hospitality, to host us and to show us the entire process. Thank you very much, and the restaurant again is called medjan ayun and they have a few locations around chittagong. So when you're here it's a meal that you don't want to miss, and thank you very much for watching this video remember to watch all of the videos in this bangladeshi food series. We've had some amazing adventures, some incredible food and amazing amazing people.

So thanks again for watching goodbye from chittagong bangladesh, and i will see you on the next video.

By Mark

3 thoughts on “Ultimate bangladeshi food!! giant full cow mezban in chittagong, bangladesh!!”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Pasan Wimalasinghe says:

    Your genius man

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Samiha Miah says:

    Love your videos!!!!

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Joi Joi says:


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