🎥 Khon Kaen Street Food Tour: https://youtu.be/gKPRlAFb-QQ
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CHIANG MAI, THAILAND - Today we’re going to Sanpakai Hideaway, an organic food farm in Chiang Mai owned by an amazing family who are almost completely self-sufficient. From the vegetables to the fruits to the teas to the meats, everything we ate was from their land that they grow and raise.
This was meal was incredibly good, but what I really mean about “best food in the world,” is that no matter where you are in the world, if you’re able to grow your own food, everything fresh, nothing processed - this is the formula for the best food in the world - no matter what country you’re from.
First of all, we started with a tour of the garden and the farm. From rice paddy fields (which were dry at the moment during the winter season), to tamarind trees, bananas, and bael. We then took a look at the incredible fresh herb garden - a place to pick everyday greens, herbs, and tomatoes.
We made smoked catfish with sweet fish sauce, smoked chicken (which was incredibly tasty), an omelet made with chicken, duck, and turkey eggs, and finally a host of garden vegetables like rocket, mustard greens and coriander. Additionally, we picked some broken bones pods - also known as Indian trumpet tree. It’s been a favorite tree of mine for a while because it looks so cool and the pods are so unique. I’ve eaten it many times, but this was my first time harvesting them and seeing the entire process of how to cook and serve them. It was fascinating!
Again, when it comes to food, nothing can get better than local and fresh.
📍 Sanpakai Hideaway, Chiang Mai: https://goo.gl/maps/gczVNJqa7PEpBPtE9
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Hey everyone hope you're having an amazing day. It's mark wiens, i'm in chiang mai, thailand and today i'm at one of the most spectacular organic farms that i've ever seen 30 different, edible things to eat right here, maybe and the family that runs the farm. Also, cooks, amazing food, we're gon na harvest, our own vegetables and ingredients. Broken bones is also for lunch today and then we are gon na cook a meal from the land, and i cannot wait to share the food with you.

This incredible meal experience the ultimate farm to table backyard paradise. My name is warwick moravid yeah, all right and my dad is he's a veteran and he's now preparing something at home. So yeah, oh okay - and this is your family farm though yeah all right, great and so first we are gon na, go for a farm tour and walk around and see some of the organic produce and things that you grow here. Yeah, let's get started.

Shall we? Let's go, i'm already loving, just the naturalness, the peacefulness, and it's also really cool to learn about the organic practices and strategies that they're using here on the farm, just almost everything that we can eat. So we don't have to focus about what to sell, such as if the rice price is too low. However, we we do also have our storage to that, that we can keep this one and we can just do something like produce it and eat it. So it's self-sufficient yeah, also if we have enough for our family, so we do also sell this one.

Okay, oh this is one of my favorite things, long pepper. It has more of a almost like a pepper berry taste to it, but it is spicy, especially when it's red and ripe like that, that one's huge, and so they have a sea of mango trees which are flowering right now and those are going to produce the Fruits, yeah very cool and then something that i love about their farm here is that it's so well-rounded so diverse and also that it's used for self-consumption but then also as a training center, and i think people can come here to learn about farming practices. Crop diversification, holistic, natural lifestyle and then, as you get to the back of the farm, again rice, paddy fields, and then you have more and more fruit trees back here, there's some avocado there are pomelo citrus and lots of mangoes. You've got to see this tamarind.

It is huge, it's face-sized tamarind. I believe it's sour. I don't know it's definitely not a sweet tamarind, it's still hard, but massive, healthy fresh. We should taste one the biggest one, oh, that one's pretty huge with this one, this one's massive.

How about this? One? This one's huge huh - oh my god, there we go wow, look at the size. It's curled up. It's like a smiley face pop this. Oh man, wow, that is sour, but that is really good.

It's the texture of a green apple, but just about 80 times sourer. We are now at the farmhouse beautiful house, overlooking the rice, fatty fields and the farm. There's a fire going, there's a whole shelter for camping and cooking and hanging out this place is superb and then there's a bunch of edible herbs and vegetables. I think surrounding the house that maybe we'll quickly take a look at back here on the side of the house.
Is the edible more like the daily backyard herbs and vegetables that you can literally just pick and eat straight from the ground. It's just a forest of edibles here from fish mint to coriander, to tomatoes, to chives to pumpkin. Oh man, if you keep going back, it's just everything here is edible. Is it watercress, i think, watercress as well bunch more tomatoes in the back vines, okay, 18, different kinds of tomatoes: whoa, okay, we'll check it out here we go 18 varieties of tomatoes and was telling me his dad is a big fan of tomatoes.

There's little green tomatoes, there's tomatoes that have the shape of a light bulb; there's big beefy juicy huge tomatoes, there's crinkly heirloom tomatoes, carrots and some kind of greens and mustard greens and italian pasta. Oh, i love it italian parsley. Oh! This is very good, very healthy. Your kids happy over there.

This is wild rocket yeah, very strong. Let's try! Thank you apply my cup very nice. Oh wow. I love rocket.

Oh man, that is, it goes up your nose a little bit taste that horseradish taste to it. There's nothing fresher. Oh, that's! Therapeutic that is vibrant. This makes me just want to put my face into this greenness again.

Incredibly, vibrant and sweet wow. That's delicious, and this is absolutely amazing within this i don't know 10 square meter radius, there's like 30 different, edible things to eat right here. Maybe i mean that's just a total guess, but this is unbelievable and everything just growing in harmony and greenness and naturalness and ultra vibrant spectacular. So it's a jujube.

It's like a little plum which comes from this tree right here. Oh it's starchy a little bit sweet. I love this shower kind of sweet. The sweetness kind of comes welcome drink.

Thank you! Oh yeah. It doesn't get any fresher or healthier than that better than a straw. This came off the tree approximately 15 seconds ago, wow, oh man. That is something that never gets old in your life.

Oh, it's sweet! It's full of electrolytes otherworldly, it's so sweet last year in march, under nine months, and you have a banana jungle: 66 banana trees, giant healthy bananas. It's a banana forest going into the banana jungle. Micah, oh, it's so cool in here just keep moving because of the mosquitoes they're, so useful everything and so edible everything from the trunk to the fruit to the flower. The leaves are so incredibly useful.

It's just a something that's made to be consumed and it grows. So fast too yeah it's so no grass nothing can grow under bananas. Oh next, drink roselle from the garden literally, everything is from the property and grown organically. Oh that's, great! Yeah chrysanthemum! I think it's chrysanthemum chrysanthemum white chrysanthemum we're picking some of them mint and oh yeah, that just clears out your nostrils.
That's great yeah, over on this side of the house, he's already made some teas with the chrysanthemum that we just picked on the side of the house and that mint, oh man, that's just soothing and minty, and then the white crescendo. You can just feel how relaxing and just very light flavor that is, but just really soothing. Oh, that mint mint is so strong. It goes up your nose a little bit and back to that coconut.

Oh man, that is the perfect meat of a coconut, not too hard, not too soft, but jelly, and it's so incredibly juicy the fresh bale fruit, normally you'll see bale fruit, which is dried and sliced and made into a tea. This is the fresh fruit, usually a very sticky inside wow, that is like a custard sweet honey that comes out of that side of it. This is so cool yeah. It's time to eat brings the full circle of the ecosystem together and the chickens are an important part, so we're just seeing the flock and he is feeding them actually broken pieces of rice little baby duck micah.

You got some fresh. These are duck eggs. Chicken is over here still smoking in the barrel and then over here they have put some catfish on the grill over fire, which were marinated in pounded turmeric that they get every literally everything from the chicken to the catfish to the turmeric to the seasonings. Maybe apart from salt everything that they use here, they grill themselves on this farm, so cool to have the entire farm tour and then the food will have so much more meaning.

Seeing seeing where everything came from this organic farm is the greatest ever backyard supermarket and we just keep running out of the house and in the house, from the kitchen to the yard to grab ingredients, one more ingredient that we are going to harvest. He said he's not totally sure if any of them are, if they're still young enough - oh maybe up there, but it is in thai, it's called linfa in english. It's called either broken bones or midnight horror, but it's one of my favorite trees. It's just this lanky tree with sometimes like a dozen leaves, and these giant hanging pods we'll get another one.

If you're at a market - and you buy it, you have to do the floppy test to make sure if it's edible or not, otherwise it will be woody and dry. There we go. This one is edible and green. We're going to throw this on the fire and roast it, those don't pass the floppy test, no they're stiff, broken bones is also for lunch today.

Now you know how to buy it. Those just go plop directly onto the fire uh um, which is that vegetable with sweet chili with sweet fish sauce, which they're gon na make all from scratch again using everything that they make from here at the farm so includes coconut sugar includes the dry tamarind and Then also dry chilies take up, go in oh, oh and then he's putting the tamarind into some hot water to get that pulp off of them. So you just have to boil flash foil. I think the neem flowers, they are extremely bitter.
It's ready, okay, and so in goes the coconut sugar, which has been already dissolved into some water to make it easier. They'll boil that down until it gets sticky again into a normal syrup. Okay, the coconut sugar has boiled in it here in goes the tamarind. Oh, you smell that sourness right away, how broken bones in the coals.

They have this really amazing fragrance kind of vegetal and smoky. You kind of can char the whole outsides of the skin there and i think peel them back and then we're gon na eat the insides it's okay. Now, oh, it's! Okay, so cool i've eaten it many times, but never seen it being cooked or harvested. And after on the fire, then you just peel it back like a like.

If you were to char an eggplant and then peel back, the skin tip really trim them up like a steak, almost trim off the edges and the little hard fibrous bits and then they're going to be wrapped in a banana leaf and re-cooked. I think complex procedure, but right off the tree wrapped in banana, leaves and then go back over the fire to just slow cook. Now man, i didn't know it - was such a process to make them absolutely fascinating, so much dried chili in there. The fumes of the chilies look at that color, oh and the fried shell.

Let's go on top gon na make a mix do one of each a duck: chicken and turkey all together in one omelette. I love the colors. I love the look at the yellowness of that yolk. That's duck chicken.

This one is chicken right and we have all three the odd shapes and sizes. Those are real natural free-range eggs. So the fish sauce goes in. Okay, god huh! Look at that fluffiness! Oh, look! How yellow it is it's a turkey egg, a duck egg and a chicken egg, all in one omelette, something i've never had before and that technique of hers stir it whip.

It beat it until you drop it in the oil, so it's fluffy man that is gon na be i can already guarantee you the greatest omelet ever got it. I think we're just about getting ready to eat. The catfish are just about done. The chicken is ready and it smells incredible and that, like sticky, crust on the top of the chicken from being slow, baked and smoked, is unbelievable.

Look at the color of this chicken ying almost looks like a like a chassiu, it's so golden wow that is gon na, be insane oh yeah, oh wow, bitter, but sweet and smoky and crunchy mm-hmm. Although i'm mock up. Oh, that's. The best lean fly ever, it's like a giant green bean and aloe vera and bitterness and smokiness all together in one.

You just made one for a bite for me, but with the sadao you take all those little buds put it into your spoon with some of the smoky catfish and then some of the the one, the sweet, coconut, chili chili and you eat it all together. So you've got so many contrasts, so many different things in one bite. Oh man, i can't wait for this bite, sour, sweet, bitter and spicy. That's like all! You could possibly want in your mouth at once.
I can't even believe the green colors, the shades of green, that yellow bright literally a bright, yellow, omelet, the smoky catfish one of the most beautiful meals i've ever seen. Okay, let's try it again, so you take some of the sadao, especially you want the only the buds, mainly right, mainly the buds into your spoon, and you can take some of the smoky catfish, which has been on the on the fire for like two hours. So it's kind of dried out and smoky onto your bite, really sticky sauce, which is amazingly sweet but balanced because it's coconut sugar, yet spicy and sour all at the same time. Oh wow.

This is sticky rice, but brown, sticky, rice, yeah miles. It's rare yeah rare to find, and even the rice is from your farm. Oh it's still good, so fresh tasting and healthy and gooey. Okay, we've got to move into some of the other dishes.

I want to try that omelette. The fowl trio with a little bit of rice, it will be extra good. Actually, you can just pick this up with your fingers, because it's sticky right, oh man, it's juicy and fluffy and rich, and that is how eggs should taste free range natural that man unbelievable. That's so good the purity this is from the garden seconds ago.

Everything do a little veg bundle into the dipping sauce, which is chili and garlic, mainly um, oh wow, with the horseradish taste of that rocket. The garlic which one is this like a like a, must like a pakkat so maybe like a mustard green or this sauce is just incredible: garlicky, yeah, yum jumpsuit, all that mock-up, it's so just green, chili, garlic, lime, juice, mmm wow seconds ago picked. Oh, we got ta, try one of these chilis, okay, very spicy, very spicy. Oh it just bursts.

Fruity, oh yeah, that's spicy! That is a, but that is fresh, okay and then also coriander. Oh, you can just wad up a ball of coriander. The chili comes slowly now it's building, and then this is the way a meal should be so many vegetables and natural ingredients. Nothing compares to this farm to your table.

We got ta, try that chicken again this was smoked for about three hours melt in your mouth. Yeah, it's smoky not dried out so juicy. Oh, that's unbelievable! That skin is so sticky from that smoke. Although i mock up and then with every bite you can chase with some of the wild rocket with some coriander fresh vegetables, i could not be any happier than eating a meal exactly like this cooked with so much heart and love, and not only the cooking, but All the whole process of the ingredients that you guys grow yourself here on the farm, that's taken so much care.

This is like pure love in the food and then we've just got a simple stir, fried vegetables, a little bit of soy sauce in there and then just the natural sweetness of the vegetables. I'm going to chase with some of the lean flour. Oh so normally you're going to eat it with a pickup like a shrimp paste, chili dip, wow and that texture that sliminess that crunch. This is a backyard food paradise.
Thank you, and also just so cool that we're all eating together as a family farm-to-table. One of the most special meals i've ever had - and i just found out that there's some of the the deeply the long pepper in the marinade of the chicken wow. It turns purple yeah, oh and it smells so good. So first, the banana is dried.

Yeah dried in the sun for how many four days three or four days, yeah and then after that you can cook it or you can no keep in the churro. Ah, before we put it in 15 minutes and then steam it for 15 minutes - and this is uh - we had to end this meal with some dessert and some dessert from the farm bananas. From that massive banana patch for these bananas, they take the banana and then they dry it for three or four days and then, after that, they steam it. So it kind of transforms the banana, but no additional any things, and no chemicals to preserve just all natural chemical.

Just all natural preservation technique wow, it's so good, though it's like banana bread, but the best banana bread you've ever had with no additional anything just sunlight. Just real banana, but it does, it does definitely condense the sweetness. Just yeah, it's more concentrated. Everything is the perfect ending to this meal.

I wouldn't want anything else. I might have not shown it, but when we first arrived, i really honestly had no idea what to expect. We just called we made an arrangement to come and see the farm and do a little bit of i thought it was just i mean we thought we were just going to cook. Maybe something really simple at the house to do a very simple video, but this just turned into one of the most memorable meal experiences i've had treating plants and animals and food with respect ultimate respect, the slow food, the natural food.

The way food is really meant to be consumed again, i want to say a huge thank you and yeah. This was this exceeded my expectations and anything i had ever imagined about this farm and it's what i'm experiencing and then additionally, i just want to tell you if you haven't already seen, i have another channel which is called big on spice, which is dedicated to nutrition. To eating healthier, we're focusing on organic farms, we're going to be eating food, that's good for you and food, that's still big on spice, and so, if you haven't already checked out that channel make sure you go check that out i'll. Have the information and i'll have that link in the description box again, so you can subscribe and i'm going to be publishing videos on that channel too.
But that wraps it up thanks again for watching - and i will see you on the next video.

By Mark

3 thoughts on “Nature food buffet – backyard food jungle!! nothing from the supermarket!”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Help me reach 25K Subs before April. says:

    To everyone who sees this comment, keep pushing in life and never give up. Can't wait to see you successful one day and May God bless you!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Help me reach 25K Subs before April. says:

    Congrats to everyone who is early and who found this comment. ♥️

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Derick тнέOdO૨เ૮T૨เɓε says:

    Welcome mate

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