🇹🇭 Karen Food - Wild Jungle Food: https://youtu.be/Bv4B3vvjNsg
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Khiriwong (คีรีวง) Village, Southern Thailand - We’re in Nakhon Si Thammarat, in Southern Thailand, and in Khiriwong (คีรีวง) which is a small village in the lush tropical mountains. Khiriwong is known for its fruit, some of the best organic fruit in Thailand - especially durian and mangosteen. For natural food lovers, it’s an absolute paradise.
On this visit to the village I stayed at Baan Mai Hom Homestay Khiriwong - บ้านไม้หอมโฮมสเตย์คีรีวง (https://goo.gl/maps/ZAkFk6vKeWXpUa7L7) within the village. Today we went to first harvest some durian from the orchards in the mountains. The durian was absolutely perfect, creamy and lucious, with a hint of bitterness. Next I went with Aunty to harvest some green mangosteen from her trees to make lunch.
For lunch, she made a few dishes including a Thai style omelet with stink beans - a first for me - and it was one of the greatest omelets ever. We also made gaeng som, a southern Thai sour curry with turmeric, green mangosteen, and the stems of a taro-like plant. Finally, for lunch we had khua kling, a southern Thai food dry curry of minced meat with curry paste and lots of makrut lime leaves. An amazing home cooked lunch at a homestay.
Khiriwong (คีรีวง) Village is truly a backyard food and fruit paradise in Thailand! Oh and one more thing, when you stay here, it’s all you can eat durian (during season), literally a homestay durian buffet!
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Hey everyone good morning hope you're having an amazing day. It's mark wiens, i'm in kiriwong in the south of thailand in nakhon. Si tamara - and this is thailand's fruit - paradise the juiciness. Today.

I have this special opportunity: we're staying with an auntie who's, one of the best cooks in the village. We're gon na pick. Some fruit and she's gon na make some special dishes. Some kitty, wong dishes made with fruit we're gon na gather some of the ingredients we're gon na eat some durian guaranteed straight up, vanilla pudding.

I can't wait to share this meal with you in kiriwong all that flavor. That's the top of the line for omelets from here. It's a downhill. It is a nature.

Fruit, paradise. Okay, first thing: we're doing this this morning is heading out with uncle on the dirt bike, we're going to the to the durian orchard. Okay morning, breeze in kitty. Wong that fresh air - and i cannot wait to see them harvesting.

This is the real harvest, we're at the peak of durian season right now. Ah, what a thrilling ride up the side of the mountain down a trail? Oh yeah, you got ta hold on wow. That was a ride, ups and downs, a roller coaster. Okay, now now you know why they have powerful bikes up little steep trails, mud, and this is oh, yes, this is durian like base camp right here, oh man, that's like a elongated beautiful shape.

Oh, you can see the perfect crinkly skin. They said this. One is really good. First bite of the day: oh wow roy, oh my mock-up, oh wow, that is the sensational fragrance, there's nothing i'd rather wake up to in the morning than durian and coffee, but durian.

This morning and just surrounded by durian trees by mangosteens in the jungle, there's no better place to eat durian either wow outrageously, good. Ah diego all right, then, if you just look up here, the trees high up in the durian trees are just filled. Oh, this entire jungle, it's a jungle, forest of durian, and then this is how they pack. This is how they load the durian harvest into baskets with a bamboo pole, so that it fits over the backside of a motorbike so that they can transport it to the the bigger uh distribution centers and the markets at kiriwong.

Before then, it gets distributed uh wherever it's going to be sold just outstanding quality durian. We are on our way down the steep muddy hill through the mangosteen trees and durian orchard. Oh man, that was awesome. There's nothing like waking up to durian in the jungle and a thrilling motorcycle roller coaster, ride through the mountain and get back to the house.

There's just fruit everywhere, blooming just trees are full uh. He is in the tree harvesting. Long kong in thai the fruit is called hong kong um. I'm just gon na try this long kong, real fast, so incredibly, good, so juicy so sweet and sour, and from here right now we're gon na go to auntie's orchard to pick uh to harvest green mangosteen, which she's gon na make into a curry, we're gon na Harvest mangosteens, but she also has the full assortment of durian uh and another little base camp here: fruit, fruit, oh man, okay, which are the young, green, mangosteens; ah they're, crispy, they're, still sweet and extremely juicy, but that's the fruit.
That's the stage that she wants to pick to make the curry. I think, for the most part, the mangosteen season, though, is, is approaching the end, because they've harvested a lot of mangosteen already, so i think it's approaching the end. The tree would be more full, but actually there's quite a few green. It depends on the tree actually, sometimes in thailand, it's called the queen of fruits to pair along with durian, which is the king of fruits, compress it in your fingers.

It should just pop open. Oh yeah and immediately the the juiciness, oh the reveal, although i mocked up oh wow, so incredibly juicy and sweet. That is just a beautiful thing in your mouth. It's just so beautiful! It's so lush! It's so fruitful! It's so peaceful back here in the orchards come on.

Okay, okay, auntie is getting started on the green mangosteens and she has to use a knife because they're so that the skin is actually so hard at this stage. At this green stage, uh really slice off that skin, revealing the fruit on the inside and then washing it with water and also wearing a glove, because that latex that glue that sap, that comes out of it is so incredibly sticky rinses it off. And then she drops that into soak into salt water and that's why it's so rare to find so hard to find because it's a time-consuming process then the way you have to peel the fruit. Then she has to take out all of that uh the husk or the shell of the mangosteen uh.

She has to take that off because i think it's too sticky to only get the fruit, hello, hello. Oh i'm not cup! Oh wow, it's a totally different texture! Different flavor different feel it's crunchy, it's crispy, it's more sour. It almost tastes like an apple like a green apple and you can eat the seeds and everything because the seeds have not developed and because not many people do it anymore, because it's labor, intense and all of that sticky, latex montenegro, yuri along with the green mangosteen She's also going to add something called bon kamini, which is a stock. It almost looks like taro stems.

She said it's really good in gengsom the dish, the curry that she's making with the mangosteen, but i've never had it before. So i'm excited to try that too foreign all right, so we're in the kitchen she's laid out all the ingredients beautifully hershey's going to make that gangster curry paste, shrimp, paste, okay, richardson, awesome cake, which actually just means sour curry uh, and it can be soured with Many different things: oftentimes lime juice or different types of fruit. She specifically uses dried garcinia, which in thai is called some cake, but that's going to give it an amazing sourness, along with lime juice, what a stink bean omelette! Well, that's gon na be a next level. Omelette immediately as she puts that omelet into the oil that unleashed aroma of the sea beans, i think that could be a contender for one of the world's greatest omelettes.
Oh man, the fluffiness of it just the greenness of it, the crunch of those uh, the stinky's. Oh, that's so puffy, that's so fluffy too. Okay bear mundy fish today and the surprise ingredient into the gang. So i didn't know she was gon na add stink, beans too, if only to make it better stink, beans the and i i looked up the bon kamin.

It's similar to taro, like taro, stems stocky, looks like kind of airy like celery. She puts that in stink beans and the young mangosteen, the green mangosteen. Oh man, the harmony of vegetables and fruits in there is going to be incredible chicken chicken she's, going to make one more dish. It's called kokling, which is a dry chili curry.

It's a dry curry, quick, six! Oh! This is just straight motherly: touch home, cooking food. What a spectacularly colorful, vibrant display of local southern thai food look at this incredible platter of food, okay - and i have to i - have to begin with the gang zom, the main event, the main dish with the mangosteen, and i want to get want to make sure To get one of the green mangosteen a lot of that curry and some of those stems oh and the stink beans. Oh man, the fish is completely secondary in this. In this bowl of curry, the slices of the garcinia as well all right and i'm gon na get yeah, mainly mainly, i want that green mangosteen with some of the the cherry stems and how about a stink bean on top oh wow, spicy sour, both from the Garcinia and the lime juice and then, as you bite down into that mangosteen, you get that crunch crispness and this juicy sweetness.

That's unleashed that contrast that flavor the turmeric, oh, what a combination and then for my next bite. I cannot wait for this omelet there's. So many steam beans in here i love that ratio that she used. It has to be at least half stink beans to egg and chili's in there too, and shallots look at that cross section again.

I have tried steak beans. I think in almost every form shape size, fermented quality, but never in an omelet. Never have i seen it. What a just a genius idea: oh wow, okay, that's the top of the line for omelets from here.

It's a downhill, that's just the best of the best omelette, the crunch and fragrance of those stink beans, the aromatherapy coming out of that omelette. The final dish that we got is the cookling just a very actually a very simple dish of minced meat. With curry paste, you can smell the pepper she added in chili's whole chilies in here uh and then yeah. All those kaffir lime leaves the citrusy aroma, the capri lemons, the lemongrass in there, the black pepper, which was in the curry, paste it's just the burst of curry, but without the sauce to water, it down hmm back over to the gangstown i'll get some of the A piece of the fish and some more of the mangosteen, some more of those stems and some more of the steam beans.
Oh yeah, and i want to try those bon kamin. You know they taste oh they're way softer than tarot stems. They don't have that crispness they're more like soft and gushy and just kind of melt in your mouth. They do have a spongy quality to them in that they absorb all of that broth.

All that flavor delicious, but really like silky smooth mmm melts in your mouth and the fish is good. But to be honest, when you have green mangosteen, stink beans and bun come in those shoots, those stems in the curry. The fish is secondary and then one of my favorite single bite, combinations in the entire repertoire of thai cuisine is omelette just doused in gangster. Oh wow, the the spice, the sourness, the mangosteen in there.

So so it's very fragrant. It smells perfectly ripe. I think it fell off the the tree. You can see how it hit the ground there.

I really love the little guys too. You don't even need a knife for this one. It's just perfectly ripe comes apart. Oh it's so aromatic! Oh there we go, and this one is kind of small perfect for dessert.

It's not a full meal size. This is a perfect durian dessert size. You can see your fingerprint in it wow. Oh, that one is incredible.

That tastes like vanilla ice cream with a hint of a bitterness to it: ultra creamy complexity, wow! Oh, that's! That's your ice cream to end your meal, incredible! Oh, the freshness, the quality of the durians every fruit here, um and one of the things i love. So much about kiriwong is their standard and how the community, this entire village, has dedicated to preserving their fruit trees to farming organically, to taking care of their produce and just putting so much love into their trees uh into their fruit. And that's really the reason why they are known here in kitty, wong, along with the climate, along with being surrounded by mountains as having some of the best quality fruit in all of thailand. And if you come to kiriwong during fruit season, literally it's a buffet all you can eat durian and mangosteen.

Oh, that was tasty the hammock or any horizontal position. You just kind of it's the right thing to do you just kind of gravitate towards a horizontal position. After a meal after a durian like after a morning like that, this is a fruit, paradise uh and the location is beautiful. The air it's supposed to be one of the best freshest air uh, the ozone, the soil in all of thailand.

From here we're just gon na have an easy afternoon. It's probably gon na rain in the afternoon, so we're going to sit around for the rest of the day, eat some more fruit, and so that's going to complete this lunch in kiriwong. Ah, the homestay that we're staying, it's called ban my home and highly recommended it's a beautiful old wooden house, then auntie, whose name is badin. She is extremely friendly, she's, so motherly, she's, so kind and her cooking is spectacular.
Just local home-cooked, simple food using the fresh ingredients from here, and especially if you love local culture, if you love fruits and vegetables, natural forest uh being in the countryside and and you can come to kiriwong throughout the year uh. But fruit season is the peak time when you'll get all you can eat durian when you'll get all you can eat mangosteen. I want to say a big thank you to you for watching. Please remember to give this video a thumbs up if you enjoyed it, leave a comment below i'd love to hear from you and if you're not already subscribed, click subscribe and also click the little bell icon and that way you'll immediately get notified of the next video That i publish goodbye from kiriwong in the south of thailand thanks again for watching see you on the next video.

By Mark

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