Best Thai Food in Los Angeles, USA!
🇰🇷 Korean Food Tour in LA (Part 1):
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LOS ANGELES, USA - Welcome to LA, one of the best cities outside of Thailand for Thai food - and not just any Thai food but you’ll find amazing regional varieties of Thai food. Today we’re going on an extreme Thai food tour of Los Angeles, where we’ll eat northern Thai food, southern Thai food, boat noodles, and spicy green papaya salad. Get ready for some of the best Thai food outside of Thailand!
Sapp Coffee Shop ( Price - $11 per bowl - We’re starting this Thai food tour of LA with a bowl of classic boat noodles at Sapp Coffee Shop. They are good, really good. Rich and meat, but a good ratio of blood to broth.
Northern Thai Food Club ( - Next up on this Thai food tour in Los Angeles we headed over to Northern Thai Food Club, also known as Amphai northern Thai food. Here you’ll find an amazing selection of authentic northern Thai food all cooked and ready to be served. Choose some of the dishes that sound best to you, dish them out, and you’re ready for a feast. This place is amazing, and you don’t want to miss it.
Price - about $8.99 per dish
Luv2eat Thai Bistro ( - I met up with my friend ​​ from Bangkok, but who happened to be in LA at the same time we were and she joined us for lunch. We went to Luv2eat Thai Bistro for an outstanding southern Thai meal. Along with a huge feast for lunch, one of their signature dishes and something you don’t want to miss is their Phuket crab curry with rice noodles. Also, a great place to eat stink beans!
Lax-C ( - Price for 3 items - $12 - For Thai street food in LA, you must check out Lax-C, which is basically a Thai warehouse like Costco, but with all Thai ingredients and necessities. Inside you’ll find a khao gaeng - a Thai style curry buffet where you choose what dishes you want over rice and take it to go. The food is authentic and they have a great variety.
Kim Thai Food ( - Total price - $45 for everything - Finally to end this epic Thai food tour in LA, we drove out to Kim Thai Food, located at the back of an unlikely swap meet. They specialize in Isan food, food from the northeastern region of Thailand. I ordered the spicy duck laap, and some flaming hot papaya salad. Great food, and again the authentic taste, and crazily spicy!
It was a fantastic day of Thai food in Los Angeles!
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Hey everyone hope you're having an amazing day. It's mark wiens, i'm in los angeles, california, and normally i don't eat very much thai food outside of thailand. Well, that's because i live in thailand, so i'm always eating thai food. But if there's one place outside of thailand that i would want to go on a thai food tour that is los angeles, i've never been so excited to eat thai food outside of thailand in my life.

So today we are going to go on an ultimate thai food tour of la this might be one of the most unlikely locations for some authentic thai food is we're gon na eat boat, noodles, we're gon na eat. Northern thai food we're gon na eat southern thai food, we're gon na eat, isaan, northeastern regional thai food, it's amazing the diversity and the variety of thai food that you'll find right here in la the real deal taste of kai street food. I'm going to share all of the dishes and all of the delicious food with you coming up right now in this video we're beginning this thai food tour right in thai town, we're in east hollywood, there's a few blocks that have a high concentration of thai restaurants. You'll find little markets you'll find little shops is what's interesting is that this is the only real designated thai town in the united states, we're starting with a classic bowl of thai noodles for breakfast.

Okay, welcome to sap coffee shop, ready for some boat noodles, we're beginning the food tour with guetta, which is boat noodles, one of the greatest noodle dishes, especially from bangkok and ayutthaya, central thailand, and then from the look of it. You can just see that it is fire, it is full of flavor. You have to order which includes blood, which thickens, which enrichens, which like brings the entire broth together. So there's blood, and that's why it's so murky.

That's why it's so thick and so rich and that provides so much flavor with braised beef and the noodle thickness. I got senlic, which is kind of the medium sized noodle. Oh wow yeah. That's the real deal flavor! Oh man, they've seasoned.

It really nicely already yeah the chili vinegar, the chili flakes in there, the bounciness of the noodles, the richness of the broth and then just the herbs to offset the beefiness, the green onions, the coriander in there. Oh man, that's yeah, that's delicious! You know it's a good bowl of noodles when you don't need to do any extra seasoning, but a little extra chili wouldn't hurt anything but man. The seasoning is well, though oh oops they've already added quite a lot of uh vinegar already to this. So it's nice and sour nice and acidic to calm, to contrast that beefiness a little bit of extra chili flakes on there but wow pieces of liver in here.

There's some tripe, there's meatballs everything you could want in a bowl of breakfast noodles. This will just take you back to the streets of bangkok, hawaii, oh wow, yeah. That is impressively delicious. Oh thank you! Yes, rehydrate all the chilies, the vinegar, oh okay, that is a bite right there, wow when you're in la this is a bowl of noodles.
You don't want to miss man, oh that liver melts in your mouth. They nailed the flavor on this. If we weren't going to four more places, i would sit here and eat another two bowls. That was a perfect way to start this tour, and we got to move on to the next place, which is just really right in here in thai town too, and, like i think, just down the street gon na put all of the extra food that they gave.

Us in the back, but then we came like completely unannounced they're, so friendly, they're, so nice, and then they gave us some cannons some desserts. It looks like a chain slushy right. It's like blended ice. Oh yeah! That's sweet! That's creamy! That's icy! Oh! It's really! Good! Really good, especially tastes awesome after you eat that spicy bowl of noodles okay, but we got ta move on to the next place.

Next, up on this thai food tour of la, we are right in the heart of thai town along sunset, boulevard in hollywood and we're going to anpai northern thai food, an amazing place. So they have the restaurant indoors, but then outside they have a whole little market. Fresh fruit, they have all sorts of little thai ingredients and seasonings very cool. Yes, yes, northern thai food - and they say they make everything the original taste here, no slacking on the spices or the chilies or the ingredients.

These are really some of the most classic. Some of the best northern thai dishes that you'll find in northern thailand they've got uh some different packets, wrapped in banana leaves northern style lab, which is more of a dry spice mixture. There's gang hungley another one of the giant dishes curries of northern thailand and then also one of my favorite dishes is like a pounded, green jackfruit, salad, another one of the classic northern thai dishes genke one of my favorites fried pork belly, another classic. Okay, that has to be a dozen different dishes and we didn't even try everything that they have, so they have like 20 dishes that you can choose from i've, never been so excited to eat thai food outside of thailand.

In my life, okay, i'm going to start with the because that's served hot served hot and fresh. There is pork in here. These are the the bomb back flowers which gives it a lot of flavor, and then she tops it with garlic and coriander. I'm starting with this dish right now, because if there's one dish that nor people from northern thailand would miss, it would be this dish right here.

Wow. Oh, that's, extraordinary! The immediate spice, the immediately tartness from the the tomatoes followed by that by that herbal flavor, those bondag flours and the garlic i like markup, let's dig right into the sticky rice and also sticky rice - is what you would eat in northern thailand. That's the staple! That's the the main rice of choice, which is the northern style of lab, which is minced meat. I believe it's pork this time and then uh mixed with spices mixed with macwen mixed with garlic, there's a lot of spices, a dry spice mixture in there, oh yeah.
Oh man that dry spice mixture, the crispy, salty garlic in there you've got the minced meat plus the organs chopped up in there. So you've got a variety of textures another one of my favorite northern thai dishes, a steamed chicken in a packet and then mixed with a curry, paste blend of spices and herbs. Usually it's quite heavy on the lemongrass. This one is like wow, really chunky, really hearty full of spice there's chilies on top there's eggplant, and you can kind of scoop it in up with your sticky rice.

It's so aromatic it's so herbal. You especially taste all of those uh macro lime leaves in there and then again, as i was telling you one of my favorite dishes, pounded jackfruit, which is green jackfruit, it's young jackfruit. So it's not sweet, but it's more starchy. It's boiled, it's pounded, so you can see how it's shredded.

It is it's mixed with all sorts of spices and garlic, oh wow. I love them. Love that flavor love that texture, the stringiness of it it's nice and hearty and starchy okay. So next up, we've got the pla, which is a type of thai mix or salad with beef.

This one they put cucumbers in here. One of the things that you need about a plot is, it has to have lemongrass, so you can see there's herbs in here. There's sliced up lemongrass, there's some tomatoes in here: cucumbers you're not expecting this burst of sourness lime juice, acidity, followed by this amazing herbal sensation from all the coriander. In there again, the genghou is a dish of vermicelli stir-fried with a variety of vegetables.

Usually there's cabbage. There's eggplant, sometimes there's bamboo shoots and again something you taste are the magrude lime leaves which just we've got that curry flavor you get that burst of mukru and wine leaves in there okay and then next up for the kawasai we've got should be uh egg noodles. Under here coconut milk broth, curry with chicken. This is the toppings that you add, usually some pickled, pickled mustard greens chopped shallots go in.

You've got a little bit of chili oil fried chili which go in and then also kawasaki normally comes with these fried fried noodles, which also go on top mix that around a little bit making sure to coat everything get everything mixed up a little bit. All right, richness of the coconut milk you've got a sweet taste, but at the same time you taste all of that dry spice, the like curry powder blend to it. So this one is a baduk which is a packet of catfish. Again with a curry paste.

You can see there's some tomatoes in here. Northern thailand uses a lot of tomatoes. There's herbs in here, there's guaranteed to be lemongrass and probably some groot lime leaves as well. Oh and you can feel the stickiness and the juiciness of that catfish reach to the bottom.
There, where a lot of those juices and sauces, have accumulated well i've always loved ab, it's herbal full of spice full of flavor. We still haven't tasted all the dishes, there's still gang hungley, which is one of the giants of northern thai food. A stew of pork, usually pork belly, a fatty kind of pork, with a paste with usually ginger and pickled garlic, and this is one of the one of the most famous of all northern thai dishes. So what i love about? Gingham glaze, it's so balanced because it's sweet yeah.

At the same time, it's a little bit sour, it's not spicy, but it's just so rich, so porky so flavorful. So the saihua is the northern thai sausage herbal sausage. Usually there's a lot of lemongrass in here chilies. A ratio of chilies macro lime leaves garlic, another comfort food.

Another thing that you'll find, especially throughout every market that you go to in northern thailand and that's the taste you want too, a ratio of herbal flavor to porkiness, just holding it together. So much flavor in one single sausage fried pork belly dip it in the numchum. Here, oh, i might have roasted green chilies, which is then pounded up with garlic, usually oh yeah, so much flavor coming from those green chilies next up for the gang cab. This is another omnipresent northern thai dish, kind of like a stew or a soup.

Very vegetable based and gengai is one of those dishes that it kind of changes seasonally by what's available. Sometimes they use a lot of wild vegetables and foraged herbs that go into it. So it's really what's available for the day, pounded roasted eggplant with herbs full of herbs and garlic. I can tell you right here that this is, i mean for sure.

This is the most authentic northern thai food i've ever had anywhere outside of thailand. The flavors are in point not to mention the variety that they have unbelievable, that you can get this taste this quality, this flavor in los angeles. So i met up with thomas right, yeah thomas, and do you come here all the time you're eating? You came here to eat and you come here once a week. Maybe i've been coming here for two three years consistently very every time.

I'm here i said, dark wings needs to come. Thank you and then they told me he's here and he's here. It's it happened. So dude, you guys and the food and you've been to thailand a few times yeah, and this is just like you said this is like the real yeah you walk in here.

You immediately know it's the real thing before you even taste the food. You know it's the real thing and the people are lovely they're. All such a nice family here, recommendations yup for sure for sure man, everyone come cool, very nice to meet you. We've got some roasted chilies! That's going to go into that roll this up into the normally.

You can kind of break up those chilies for a bump. Up of flavor got the whole chili's uncle and auntie and she's originally from chiang rai. They still make all the dishes themselves the effort that goes into making each and every one of these dishes 20 dishes a day or so that takes a lot of work, but it's they. They know that it's worth it unbelievably appreciate this.
This flavor gon na end the meal with a bite, a wrong return. That's just the way you would end a meal in thailand too much coffee cookies. La is one of the few places where you can get such incredible regional variations of cuisine, an amazing place. It's a musty when you're in la down a little bit down the street from the town, but we're right along sunset: boulevard.

We're going to a restaurant called love to eat thai bistro and i'm going to meet up with chef, fern and chef blah who make specifically southern thai food, but specifically food from phuket the island in the south of thailand and originally you're from phuket yeah right. Okay, you're from phuket yeah, my mom and mother teach me how to cook. Oh okay, uh everything, chili plants, okay, okay, oh wow, so you make your own chili paste, curry, taste, i'm ready for some spicy food is like a dry curry, curry without without liquid yeah, but just all of the flavor condensed i love corkling. Oh man she's, making it so spicy.

She told me that the the curry paste also includes a lot of lemongrass a lot of galangal a lot of turmeric turmeric, a lot of that's where the yellow yellow color comes from, and i like to put a lot of caffeine too. Ah, there's a lot of shrimp paste, a lot of shrimp paste in there powerful umami flavor. Oh nothing makes me more excited than stink beans in the world. Okay, so, finally finish off.

Something that you need for cookling is lime leaves to finish that off, we'll make it so fragrant. The final dish she's gon na make is one of their most signature dishes, which is the phuket style nam yagati boo, which is a coconut milk, crab, curry, okay, fresh crab every day, the crab pieces, but then also she's, going to add in some shallow crab as Well, fresh coconut milk goes in then you need need some shrimp paste. Yes, almost everything everything for flavor. Then here comes so you have a restaurant in phuket before or just you did.

Oh you had it. Ah, so in in phuket in patan beach, your mom's home rice and curry, oh okay, cool, oh, no, i think everything is cooked. Thank you, chef cup. We are running running to the table.

We got a lot of food. Luckily, i'm with my friend kun pet, we're friends from bangkok and they happen to be in la right now at the same time. So we need your help, i'm so hungry with the kind of cheese we have to try that first really big and she puts also inside of the the curry. She puts the tons of chilies in here too.

Oh man, you can actually see the flavor, oh cool, so good, oh wow. Yes, oh yeah, oh man, the pepper, the pepper, the balance. It has a sweetness but then spicy to balance it. The richness of the coconut milk.
All the macro lime leaves in there mm-hmm. You know what to say, because it's perfect, like that's the real taste, that is the real taste, that you would want, the flavor of the crab and the um lemongrass in there, the markup very strong lemongrass in the in the cream, king wow. The curry paste is in real time. I think we should try the pasta, i'm waiting for it, there's every possible chili formation that you could possibly want in here one and look at this look at how chunky that is.

I love how she uses so many herbs, and so many chilis lemongrass in here we've also got stink beans in here, there's uh lots and lots of macaroon. This is another just a classic dish from phuket or that you'll find all over all over southern thailand. Okay, oh wow um, the shim is very first and the thank you for inviting me today. Thank you for coming.

We have a lot of food to eat. Okay and then oh, we got ta, try the guy todd, yeah, okay, um, one of the things that you have to have crispy fried shallots. On top oh yeah, oh sticky, rice, it's a must and then your the pro move is to to go into the shallots. A little bit of dip in the sauce combine that with your fried chicken bite.

What i love about haiti is it's not greasy, it's not a lot of batter. These are like it's like five times bigger than you would find in thailand. These are huge yeah. I love how it's just like it's stacked on stacked on the layers of it.

It looks like a kebab. Almost yeah yeah cheers tender, it's sweet and you can. You can really taste the the smokiness from the grill because of that sweetness that caramelized sugar was it like. Oh, it's like a macabre or something hmm.

Okay, i got ta. Try that i have to try she's a she's, a pro eater he's a pro eater. This is like a tamarind dip mm-hmm. This was a totally unexpected dish that they just brought out.

While we were eating something so much crab on there, you can't even see the papaya, but this is just a classic isaan dish, some tampala with uh crab on top. Oh man, blue crabs on top blue swimmer crab on top and then all topped on papaya salad and she said she makes her own pala everything she makes herself yeah, well-rounded sap, salty sour, a lot of lime juice in there and spicy yeah you're spicy yeah. It's spicy: oh that's, unbelievably good mm-hmm, yeah wow. That was so much food.

They brought us, but it was so good and then unexpectedly for dessert, which is sticky rice, one of the classic desserts of thailand, sticky, rice, a fresh mango on top and coconut cream. Just drizzled, on top nothing better to end your meal with, and it's warm it's warm with a cold mango on top real dill thai food and again they have a full menu of thai food, but they really specialize in those southern dishes that we tried highly recommended And man, my my mouth is still on fire, so thank you to sheffern gapchefla cup that was unbelievable thai food in l.a. Next, up on this ultimate thai food, tour of los angeles we're just a little bit north of downtown downtown we're in the shadow of downtown los angeles. We are at a place called laxi, which is a giant thai food ingredients, warehouse emporium and they have an entire display of cow gang which is rice and curry in the back and i'm not totally sure.
Oh, let's, let's not get hit by a forklift on the way in with forklifts just rolling around it's kind of like a combination between a costco and a tsukiji fish market in tokyo. Everything you could possibly want both. I mean thai and a variety of asian, but this is a place where especially restaurant owners come to do their shopping. You can buy everything from mama instant noodles to thai brooms, to thai toothpaste in bulk.

If you don't own a restaurant and you're just coming to eat, what you come here for is the rice and curry buffet which we're trying to locate it's somewhere somewhere within here. Where is it we're trying to find it in the back here? Is it that way? Micah is it that way where could it be whoa? This place is huge, it's actually not at the back, but it's in the front on the side of the registers, you'll see the bright colors of the curry, buffet they have a bunch of boxes setting out outside where you can get different, kanoms uh, thai snacks and Little dishes to go: it can't copy one of the great things about cow, gang, rice and curry is that everything is prepared. Everything is ready. So what you do is you can just pick and choose the ones you want.

You can serve it directly over your rice or you can get it, which means to have it on the side, and then you get your rice, you get your dishes served. Thank you. I believe it's just on the weekends that they have this thai food street market outside and they have some tables out here. Actually so i think we'll just yeah too bad we're not here for the street food market on the weekends, but they do have some picnic tables out here.

Where i think we'll just dig in this place is awesome. You would i mean if i closed my eyes and didn't know, i was in the back shadow of downtown los angeles. I would think i'm in thailand back in thailand, see what's in what's in this one, oh is this one i got yeah. This is the one i got okay and then what or is that one? Yours? Oh this one is mine.

Okay, oh you got the fried catfish. I got the the pudpit. Oh you, yes, oh man looks so good smells so good and again i can guarantee you. I have eaten in a place that looks almost identical to this in bangkok, many places uh.

So i got rice and then i got something called. I think it's like a padpet paduk, which is like a chili stir-fry. You can see some of the grachai should be, which is finger root in there with the catfish. Oh yeah, oh they're, gon na try the finger root in there taste the basil in there that chili oil is just absorbed into the catfish.
Oh man, that's still good. Okay, moving over into the curry, i'm gon na try some of those bamboo shoots. I love love bamboo shoots! Oh that's! Delicious too. The crispness of the bamboo shoots they're just slightly pickled, so it has that acidity to it.

Then you've got it all. I mean all wrapped up within that curry paste and the coconut milk, okay and then some of the konami crab with some dry chilies in here you've got the pork belly and, like a chinese, broccoli got ta, get a little bit of everything. Oh yeah that combination the green with the crispy salty pork, the smokiness of the wok man yeah. This is the real deal.

This is the real taste you wouldn't know you're, not in thailand and lastly, some of that balabang. Oh it's been far too long. You don't want to take too much of this. You want it just a little bit to kind of coat your rice, you can also eat it with vegetables because it should be powerful.

It should be salty should be just like vibrantly full of flavor wow. Along with that fermented fish, which is almost has like a cheesy taste to it full of herbs full of chilies, you can taste the the lemongrass pounded smashed down in there. I have missed it so badly. That's like the powerful full force, oh ultimate, flavor.

Oh that's! Delicious once you go fermented fish, there's no going back! Oh man very happy here. This is so good. Oh man, a must eat for authentic thai food when you're in l.a. This is a real taste of home club, okay and then for dessert.

You've got a bunch of different cannons, but this one is called katamat a steamed oftentimes. It's with banana, though right you got it. She said it's with taro today, uh sticky rice with taro on the inside steamed in banana leaf. Well, this one is huge.

This is like quadruple the size of bangkok, yeah, that's huge! It's the biggest katamata i've ever seen: oh yeah! Oh! That's! Superb! Gooey rich from the coconut milk creamy that balance of saltiness that was extraordinary again a fantastic place to stop in for a delicious, authentic thai khao gang meal. So far on this ultimate thai food tour of la we've eaten noodles, we've eaten central thai food, like cow gang, the rice and curry that we had at laxi that was central thai food. We've eaten southern thai food. We've eaten northern thai food, but there's still one more original variety of cuisine.

We drove a little bit north where we're in north hollywood and we're going to a place. That's in the unlikely location within the la fiesta swap meet, looks like you could buy anything here from pinatas to new clothes to jewelry. This might be one of the most unlikely locations for some authentic thai food should be somewhere at the back in the food court area, slotted in between torta stalls and taco stands and places to get hamaika and orsata. You will find kim thai food and they specialize in isan foods from the northeastern region of thailand similar to lao, and you will find all sorts of green papaya, salads different, pounded, salads, different grilled foods.
The lab is also a big part of the food cultures. Oh, this place is great here: green papaya, salad, mixed with uh fermented fish sauce with crab. I think the sausage, the isaan sausage, is still on the way and then we also got a moc which is a packet with fish on the inside the staple of choice. So, okay, i'm gon na grab in for that sticky rice.

I cannot wait to try the la pet. The lab made with duck minced duck, looks so good and once again looks so fiery. Spicy, oh yeah, oh man, that is spicy fiery. It's almost like a chili oil lab, you taste, the flavor of the duck skin and the mint nook, all the herbs chopped in there, the um, the shallots, the coriander, oh yeah, that's spicy, mark you really taste the smokiness of the kaukua, sticky rice grains that are Uncooked, toast them in a wok or a frying pan then pound it up into a powder, so it gives it a crunch and that's what's used in lab like this.

That is amazing. Okay, moving on to the sum them and i got tam lao, which is the lao style, papaya salad crab in here, tomatoes, full of chilies, long beans, refreshing crisp, so fresh, the potency of the fermented fish, the pala and then you've also got that squeeze of lime Juice in there you've got the crunch of the the long beans in there and it's balanced with a little bit of sweetness wow. No doubt this is like a the real deal: taste of kai, shri, food, okay and then the final dish that i got is the mix-up of herbs and this time with fish, but then it's usually steamed or roasted or grilled within banana leaf packet. Oh wow, it's like a custard of fish and dill and you feel like the the juices of the fish.

Final dish has arrived. The isan style sausage. Sausage should be rice in here and what you do typically is take a piece of the sausage chase it with ginger and a chili taste with a ginger chili. Oh wow, oh it's the sour sausage.

So it's fermented the rice ferments in it sours it gives it. This amazing complexity of meatiness plus chasing it with the ginger and the the chili just like, brings it to life. That's like e-sun in one single bite, everything powerfully flavorful, i did ask for it spicy and they delivered man, and i think, like i've, been mentioning throughout this entire thai food tour. In most countries outside of thailand, there would be a thai restaurant serving the same 10 or 15 dishes at every single restaurant.

But what i like so much about la is the fact that you can find these regional varieties of a certain cuisine often made. I mean prepared served to people from that country and that's how they can support the the demand for such like fine, regional variations of cuisine, including thailand, like this and another thing that i would urge you to do. If you go on a thai food tour. If you eat regional, if you eat ethnic foods throughout los angeles, i would encourage you to try some of the dishes that you may not think of trying like, for instance, at kim's thai food.
Here they do offer pad thai. They do offer some of the very famous well-known thai dishes, but you wouldn't come here to eat pad thai. You should come here to eat isaan food and you know that's what they're gon na be cooking authentic. This is what they're gon na gon na be cooking.

So well, everything is good, but this slab this la bit wow this rain's supreme on the table right now. Well, your spicy dream come true, hello, hello, markup, hello. My mouth is on fire. Oh, this is insanely spicy.

When i breathe in my mask, i can feel chili fumes coming out of my throat and up the mask into my eyes. My eyes are burning, but that was a fiery isaan meal. Oh man, whatever you do, do not miss the la bet. The duck minced meat mixture fire, it really did turn out to be the ultimate thai food tour in la, and i have to be honest and tell you that for the most part i try to avoid thai food.

When i'm in the united states, i mean for one thing i live in thailand. I eat all-you-can-eat thai food when i'm in thailand and so when, when i come back to the states, i'm trying to eat other cuisines or i'm not, i'm not i'm not typically eating thai food, but something but truly without a doubt. La has some of the most authentic thai food outside of thailand and again, as i've emphasized throughout this day and throughout this tour. What's incredible about los angeles and not just about thai food? Is that it's able to support, because there's so many people from all over the world that there's a demand for authentic flavors for not just like the same ten dishes from a cuisine but for regional variations of food? So i would highly recommend everywhere that we ate in this video go check them out if you're looking for authentic thai food, when you're, in los angeles i'll, have all the places listed in the description box below and finally, i want to see a big thank you To you for watching this video, this thai food, this ultimate thai food tour in la please, remember, to give it a thumbs up if you enjoyed it, leave a comment below i'd love to hear from you and if you're not already subscribed, click subscribe now and also Click the little bell icon so you'll immediately get notified of the next video that i publish thanks again for watching goodbye from la and i'll see you on the next video.

By Mark

2 thoughts on “Huge thai food tour!! spicy street food boat noodles!! best thai food in los angeles!!”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Brett Barrios says:

    Great video!

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dee TK says:

    Ye marky

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