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BANGKOK, THAILAND - Welcome to Bangkok! Today we’re going to Charcoal Tandoor Grill, an Indian restaurant that specializes in all food cooked in the tandoor oven. From kebabs, to dal, to the biggest naan I’ve ever seen - literally the size of the table or blanket - we’re going to feast on an amazing tandoori meal!
Charcoal Tandoor Grill - They have a great concept, focus on serving food, all food, cooked in the tandoor oven. And as Prerak the manager explained to me, the restaurant also has roots in rural areas of India where people living in villages would hunt for game, and then roast everything in a fire, sharing with the community. They also only use charcoal tandoor clay ovens, no gas fires, which I think makes a huge difference in the taste and quality of the food.
We ordered a huge mix of tandoori specialties including an entire leg of lamb, chicken kebabs, a tandoori lobster, dal Charcoal style, biryani, and finally the massive family sized naan.
The food was extraordinary, you could taste the thick layers of spices and marinades, and the layers of smokiness from the tandoor cooking process. What I love so much about tandoori food is that the fire is so hot, and so it scorches the outside, yet the insides of what you cook remains so juicy and tender. This was the case for everything we ate. Really outstanding and tasty food.
Next, we had one of their famous biryanis. To be honest I was blown away, the fragrance and fluffiness was out of control. The tenderness of the lamb just melted in your mouth. Highly recommended to go with your kebabs.
Finally, for dessert we had what they call “the tree of life,” a mango tree filled with mangoes that were shaped into mangoes, yet made from Indian alphonso mangoes and soy milk and froze. It was a perfect way to end this amazing Indian food meal in Bangkok.
NOTE: This video is not sponsored, I arranged to eat here and film a video because I had heard great things about their tandoori food and their giant naan. However, after I asked for the bill, they insisted that I not pay for our meal. That being said prices range from about 400 - 600 THB per dish, with the lamb and lobster being about 1,500 THB each.
📍 Charcoal Tandoor Grill: https://goo.gl/maps/GhH1b3Vz5ioSKZdu6
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Hey everyone hope you're having an amazing day at smart queens. I'm in bangkok, thailand and today we're gon na go eat at a restaurant called charcoal, which is an amazing indian restaurant in bangkok, that specializes in all food cooked in a fire powered clay, tandoor oven. Another thing that i'm very excited to try is they have this gigantic naan, which is literally the size of a table. It's like a blanket of none that is huge.

We're gon na head back into the kitchen, we're gon na see some of the cooking, and i cannot wait to eat and share all of the food with you in this video very nice to meet you nice meeting. You too, sir, thank you for having us today. Thank you very much for coming to charcoal, basically the food in the charcoal. What we are serving is like a northwest frontier cuisine inspired by like the people who live in the wild and then like to have a stay in the mountain uh mountain and the people.

Love to come down for the hunting for the dinner time and they used to share with the entire family of that they have to cook all the food in the like a charcoal and the wooden basically try to give the same authentic taste of the charcoal. All the kebabs coming from the tandoori and we have some of the dishes which will be inspired by the royal mughals. So there are the some of the recipe i like to inform you in the mughal time the people not share, because the chef is especially cooked for the kings now some of the chef who share their recipes and then you know deliver to their generations. So we have got some of the recipes really specialty of the mughals that also we are serving here.

Thank you very much. Thank you very much. That was awesome. I'm editing the video right now, but, if you're enjoying this video, could you please help me out by giving this video a thumbs up clicking that like button, it will only take you one second, and it will really be a huge help.

So, thank you in advance for clicking thumbs up just standing here. Next to this charcoal this charcoal honduran, you can just feel the heat radiating out of here. So much heat is produced. So much heat is built up inside of the clay, oven, uh, it's like volcanic hot coming out of there and so chef is going to get started on some of the kebabs uh.

What are you going to make? First, yep yeah, we'll we'll make uh? Okay, okay? So this one is chicken chicken, okay marinate with ginger garlic, mold, vinegar and salt all right. The first kebab goes in and already you can smell those spices, that's chicken, marinated and chili. There. You can smell the vinegar in there.

The different variety of spices, um yeah, that smells incredible already. What is this one? Tandoori broccoli, okay, marinade with cashew nuts, cheese, cream and mashed and cardamom powder? Oh, it's already been all almost four hours: yeah, okay, so it's a whole like lamp. That's already been uh. Marinated and pre-cooked for a few hours right, yeah for four hours, already pre-cooked.
So it's already it's already cooked uh, but then they take it off the bone and he's gon na finish it in the bundler and give it that smoky heat that roasted amazing charcoal flavor. It's awesome, i didn't know we were going to get a lobster tooth lobster cookie cooked in the tundra, oven, and so it just wraps it in foil and just drops it directly onto the hot coals, yeah lobster, okay, meat and i'm going to marry marinate yeah, lemon Juice and again, what is amazing is that there's no temperature gauge there's no automatic setting for the tandoor ovens. It's just by knowledge. It's my experience and something about that hondura, because it's so hot is that it just scorches the outside of the meat leaving the inside.

So juicy and so moist, which i can already guarantee that smells incredible: the spices, the marinade, oh, that was so fast yeah within wow, five minutes, broccoli cooked in the condor after me, but the actual body of the lobster was taken out of the shell cut into Pieces uh chef gave it a simple marinade, some spices, some masala, some salt, some lime juice and some ginger and garlic paste put it onto a skewer and the lobster is going to be roasted in the condor as well. And then that's. I think it's going to be refilled back into that shell. Oh it's so juicy that smells incredible.

The oily juices are just dripping out of them as they just rest before we eat. Is it like a dull machine? Okay, yeah, black lentils? Okay? Oh that's cream! Okay! Oh, this one will be for biryani. Chef is also going to be making some biryani lamb biryani, and so he has this almost stew or already a curry, prepared from lamb, which you can already see the tenderness of it. You can smell the cardamom cardamom in there.

Roll cumin seeds, yellow chili powder, cardamom and mashed powder and water wow mint leaves grown, onion ginger julienne here and again, it's all by knowledge. It's all by experience, oh man, all of a sudden, that's like a straight up that is a straight up steam room. Oh yeah, that is just a blast of humidity and then before we start eating chef is going to make the gigantic naan. It literally covers the entire table.

It is huge. It's like the size of a tablecloth. You could use it as a blanket how many normal sized nuns is the giant naan tandoori. Now this is a 150 grams, the normal size.

These are the hemline they're the biggest size. How many? How many grams is it one kilo? Oh yeah, almost 800, 800 grams. Okay, rolling it out, you can see the elasticity of it is really having to pull it having to stretch it out. That's going to be huge onion seeds, so oh man and huge props to chef that to make that family-sized giant naan that takes so much effort and energy.

He wraps it like a blanket into the inside of that tundra, oven insane skills. Oh that smells good. Oh, it's starting to bubble up and blister up now. That's butter, yeah! Oh that smells so good.
Yeah, oh butter on fire biggest nine you've ever seen. Chef had pre-cooked the kebabs, but before it goes on the plate before it gets delivered to your table, it goes for a quick flash heating session in the condor. Oh, that's sizzled, wow, that's buttered, right yeah! So oh wow for that lamb. That is insane.

He uh chops it up into pieces. You can see the juiciness yet how it's charred on the outside uh mixes it with some seasoning. It tosses that the oily juiciness is out of control and then puts it back onto the bone and the last one is the lobster. Here's some butter there's a lemon juice, oh and this is actually like a yeah right.

Yeah. Okay, oh thank you. Okay, generally we're not to like in the in our restaurants. Normally we are not giving the categories of that, but we just we just have to do because it's what happened.

The people love to enjoy the with the fingers of the food of the indian for sure for sure right. So this, like giving more like you, know, giving it to that's authentic. So it's it's encouraged to see you with your fingers exactly, but people like to have it with the folks normally giving this one, i'm okay with fingers, i'm very okay with fingers and at first i thought this was a napkin, but it's actually a bib. Oh that's way more useful than a napkin right.

As i was tearing into my first bite of naan. Somehow i lost the audio connection on the microphone, but that's okay. I took a bite of that nun. Oh man and the non it had this incredible texture because of the way it was cooked.

It was so flaky and crispy on the outside edges and so gooey on the inside and then the first main dish that i tried, though, is the chicken kebab, which was just caked in spice, and it was oh man. The amount of flavor just condensed onto the outside, and also reaching all the way to the center of that chicken was incredible. Oh that crispiness, he said to add some of the mint chutney really compliments. The chicken kebab well douse it in the chutney.

Oh wow. Yes, the mint the coriander in there and that's like a punch of a little bit of acidity and saltiness. I might just add some onions to this and maybe wrap it in none with some of the chutney. That is straight up like irresistibly tasty.

Let's try! The lamb and again that incredible technique of how it was cooked and cooked again and almost like three times cooked with all the spices, the layering of the tandoor oven and even the finishing touches where he chopped it up, where he sprinkled it with masala powder, where He then sprinkled on some lemon juice and some butter wow, oh yeah, that's that is unbelievable. You do taste that vinegar brings out the umami of the meat and it's so tender. Yet at the same time you can feel all the strings. You can feel the the fibers of that lamb.

Oh that's spectacular, and then next up i got ta, try the lobster and again the technique of cooking. This was incredible as well. You can see how just flaky and stringy that lobster is oh wow you're going to try the lobster. Oh man, you can taste the butter in it like that smoky caramelized butter in it from being roasted in the condor the masala, the lemon juice.
Oh man, that's rich, that's sweet and salty, okay and then finally, we have the broccoli which um, i think, there's some yogurt or some uh cream in the marinade and then also uh, cashew, cashew and spices and perfectly roasted until golden oh wow. What stands out immediately in there, you taste the cardamom and the mace and the crunch of the broccoli. It's so good, tear off another piece of nun. I want to get that center, where there's a higher concentration of butter and seasonings.

I want to try that doll. I love doll, so this is the charcoal specialty doll, the creamy thick richness of that wow. It's rich you just again, you taste the layers of smokiness, oh wow, the the hint of a sourness from that cream, the richness of the butter. Oh that's just soothing! That is comfort.

Well, it's still hot. You can see, it's look like normal, but everything is inside. All the flavor is enjoying. You can see yeah, it's all spices of lamb, so the reason behind they put the pastry and to seal this.

So this is called the dum biryani, so when it's sealed completely packed the smoke of the flavor of the spices stay inside okay, the saffron in there, the spices, the mace and the cardamom, the tender lamb and just how fluffy that rice is. The rice is so fluffy and you see it's fall out of the moon. The meat is so soft, so soft you can smell. The saffron rose water, oh yeah, the rose water that he sprinkled in there he's sprayed with a spray bottle.

Oh man and the fluffiness of it is just amazing. I want to have a massage in this aroma. Oh the tenderness, of that limb. Oh you could just you could just press your fingers together and it will just collapse.

It just falls apart and again that fluffiness the saffron in there - oh wow, that's hot! Yes, oh, it's really hot wow we're gon na have to eat fast, oh wow, that just melts in your mouth, the juiciness of the limb, the fluffiness of the rice. All of those spices mingle together in the in that clay, pan the rose water, the cardamom, the mason there, and then you mentioned to eat this with the raita, which complements it well, which is like a mix of yogurt and some spices. I believe just look at the way that lamb just falls apart and it's so hot. It tastes so good, because it's so hot, so fresh i've got a green chili here, i'm gon na chase.

This would be the perfect compliment. The richness of the biryani followed by that just burst of green chili, heat and freshness. It's so huge. Okay, we're gon na sit here uh.

We are gon na keep on eating. This amazing food. Try to finish the entire uh bed sheet, naan, it's just deep flavor. It's still hot after, like being on there for 30 minutes.
Okay, you have to see close up inside this chicken just how incredibly flaky and juicy it is. Oh yeah, that's hot! Oh wow! Oh look at that! All the aroma, just a poof of aromatic smokiness and spices, just erupts when you tear into that chicken, some of the mint chutney on the side there, oh with chutney. I can't believe how hot it remains. We've already been eating for 30 minutes.

It's a final touch. Just stick the green poke it inside, oh wow, that is the perfect bite at charcoal. Oh man, what a meal! I am stuffed that was extraordinary. That was just delicious! Thank you! Dessert! That's quality of life tree of life! Dessert! That's right! So this is something special of our restaurants, wow so say: mango tree, a mango tree mango tree of life, so this tree of life is a sign of the growth and prosperity wow.

That is amazing. Wow the display is incredible um and so it's actually an ice cream which is made from alfonso mangoes, which are some of the most famous mangoes in all of india and i'm gon na just dig into this alfonso mango. Oh yeah, oh wow, the just sweet and tart and creaminess of that yeah. I have to admit that just tastes incredibly good, especially because we ate all the kebabs which are salty and full of spices and then to end on something.

That's cool. That's refreshing! That's fruity! That's tart, oh, that's, sweet cleans your palate and is a phenomenal way to end your meal. Time has come. I never wanted this moment to end.

I never wanted to take off the bib huge, thank you to perak and pravin and deandra, and all of the staff for taking extremely good care of us. The restaurant is located at frasier suites, which is a hotel, and a residence are located right at nana right in the heart of bangkok. Ah, definitely well highly recommended for indian food, but with a unique twist and a unique story and an amazing concept. I'll have all of their information in the description box below, and i want to say a huge thank you for watching this video.

Please remember to give it a thumbs up if you enjoyed it, leave a comment below i'd love to hear from you and if you're not already subscribed, click subscribe and also click the little bell icon and that way you'll immediately get notified of the next video that I publish thanks again for watching goodbye from bangkok, huge, thank you again to charcoal, and i will see you on the next video.

By Mark

8 thoughts on “Table Size Naan!! INDIAN FOOD – Giant Kebab Meal Cooked in the Tandoor!!”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ABDullah Ehsan says:

    I don't need to visit India for the delicious food because food is almost same but for the people, for historical places, they are amazing. Love from Pakistan🇵🇰 ❤

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Syncratic says:

    The fact that you figured out how to travel the world, enjoying great food, people and places while our clicks pay for it. Bonus, man. Great initiative to pursue this passion in an inventive way.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sarah Butler says:

    I love your videos but PLEASE stop shovelling massive handfuls of food into your mouth – it’s gross plus you speak with your mouth full.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Elizabeth Paule VI says:

    I love your work and find it unsettling when you insist on a ‘thumbs up and to Subscribe’ You’re quite amazing, so please don’t belittle yourself.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Caramel Thick Chick says:

    If I ever in my lifetime make it to Thailand, Charcoal is where I'm going to eat!!! Not only is the food appealing, but that kitchen is CLEAN!!!!

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars reny thampi says:

    I am a hotelier. The presentation of dishes are in a next level. Hats off to this restaurant team and mark. I will try this on my next visit to thailand

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars jamesrichardson63 says:

    Indian food by far is the best food out there. As an American I feel like we have the blandest food on the planet. Indian food is so aromatic and flavorful !!

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars A A says:

    what's indian about that food??
    it looks Central Asian and Middle Eastern
    fun fact : whatever food is famous as "indian" actually has origins outside india, mainly Middle East and Central Asia

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