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NAKHON SI THAMMARAT - Welcome to Nakhon Si Thammarat, located in Southern Thailand, and one of my favorite provinces in Thailand. It’s home to some of the spiciest, and most flavorful food in all of Thailand, and they have an abundance of delicious seafood. Today we’re taking a day trip to Laem Talumphuk, which is a cape jetting into the ocean just a 45 minute drive from Nakhon Si Thammarat. Get ready to eat some serious Thai seafood!
Cha-Run Seafood (ร้านจ่ารุณ) - Along the cape, you’ll find a number of seafood restaurants, right along the sand. We chose to eat at Cha-Run Seafood (ร้านจ่ารุณ), and I can tell you right away, highly recommended. It was an outstanding meal.
First of all, the owner and all the chefs were incredibly nice and so friendly, and they laughed so hard the entire time we were there about the fan exploding.
We ordered a huge amount of seafood, and southern Thai foods, including clams, a giant alien mantis shrimp the size of my forearm, mullet in sour soup, seawater catfish curry, and not forgetting the golden yellow crab roe. In addition to the seafood, there’s nothing better than sitting with your feet in the sand while you eat.
Total price - 1,520 THB ($49.17)
After lunch, we continued driving down to the end of Laem Talumphuk, mostly just to see the view. It’s quite a unique landscape and nice place to visit, but the seafood is the real reason to visit.
📍 Cha-Run Seafood (ร้านจ่ารุณ): https://goo.gl/maps/sL7kPkfBFuF3r7Mz5
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Hey everyone good morning hope you're having an amazing day. It's mark wiens, i'm in nakhon si tamarat province in southern thailand and today we're going on a day trip to a place called lam kalumpuk. It's a really narrow cape and they're known for their seafood. Mangrove forests and viewpoints and beaches, and so we're gon na take a day trip.

We're gon na drive down the cape, we're gon na stop at a number of places and then we're gon na have a seafood local seafood meal. I know that mantis shrimp is the size of my forearm. I'm gon na share this entire day trip with you all of the seafood and the viewpoints, the places that we stop. So we are on our way we're about to enter the kind of the peninsula where the cape begins.

So if you can just see on the map uh, this is nakhon si tamara in southern thailand, that's the that's the main city right there and then we're driving. Well, right now we are right here about to enter the peninsula, but you can see it's going to get more and more narrow when you really get to the to the cape. That's the cape that we're we're going towards, but you can just see the map. It's just full of shrimp farms, mostly shrimp farms, it's kind of a wetland and mangroves, so we're gon na drive all the way up here.

We're gon na eat seafood here and we're gon na stop at some viewpoints and some beaches and then get all the way to the end viewpoint: hello just stopped in the village right as there's a small just event happening at the temple. I think the whole group of people is coming and they all are stopping to eat her snack, thailand. Yes, thank you and then it's just like completely sleepy and quiet and all of a sudden, like 100 people are here, looks like pudding and gel. But look at that thick layer of coconut cream, oh and sticky, from the cassava like jelly, juan maguey, oh wow! That is really good.

It's the bottom is really kind of like sticky jelly from the cassava and sweet, and then the top layer is just pure like condensed, coconut, cream and salty, and it's really warm yeah really warm like a like a hot dessert. Okay, that was a good little stop. Whoa, look at those speakers. Oh it's the whole band.

It's on uh, the whole band is on the truck and massive speakers, but we're on our way. We just go down the road here, we'll get to the beach to the coastline. Where there's a lot of seafood. Restaurants, that's where we're going next whoa, that's pretty pretty green, but what a laid spot there are a number of restaurants right here.

Uh there are some places, selling fresh seafood and dried seafood as you come we're on the coast on the sand, wow. What a just ultimate laid-back seafood dining! We smiled at her as we were driving in and she has this trey saudi cobb. He has a tray of different shells. What shells are those things? A gun we're buying some of her dried shrimp, some of her dried fish and some of her huge shells which then they'll be able to prepare for us at the seafood restaurant.
But we also pre-ordered some seafood at the restaurant as well uh and the restaurant that we're going to is called and at the same time is taking this opportunity. We also are buying some buying some dried shrimp and dried fish to bring back to has some gifts for ying's family all right and she just conveniently drove up to us on the motorbike side. Cart, so perfectly. Okay, and now i think we should go order.

Our seafood, what a spot, though, look at this is the kitchen all just sand floor on the beach and they just have tables just kind of spread out along the beach uh under shelters under a little bungalow. Cabanas big surprise fan just exploded on us uh and they all we all thought that was pretty hilarious: okay, what a kitchen wow wow, so okay, okay, unbelievably friendly, and so nice so cool. She just keeps bringing more seafood they're just getting started so quickly on everything. Here are those shells that have already gone into hot water to boil the ones we just bought off the motorbike cart.

Thank you so much for watching this video, i hope you're already enjoying it, but if you could just take a moment right now to give this video a quick thumbs up to click like on this video, you would really be helping me out and it will just Take you one second, so thank you in advance for clicking thumbs up. They just are laughs and happiness and positivity in this kitchen, and she is. You can already tell that she is an ultimate master of cooking. She just like chops ingredients, uh pounds, ingredients, tosses them into boiling pots of water, blah blah blah blah blah blah blah, which is a mullet.

It's a mullet type of fish ah and they have eggs and they specifically have eggs and vinegar. Ah, so, on the other side here of the kitchen she's, making our our pickled crab and on top of the crab she loads up, garlic and chilis, like handfuls of them uh for the shrimp uh, she puts it into a pot and it's called, which is like Baked with salt, so then she added in just some seasoning some lemongrass, some garlic, some coriander and then some soy sauce and some salt and that's just gon na bake and with the lid on just keep those juices in it's gon na be really juicy and fragrant. Oh shrimp, which are alien, looking mantis shrimp and she's gon na deep fry them with garlic. That mantis shrimp is the size of my forearm one of the reasons i love southern thailand so much but specifically nakansi tamara.

The food is like ultimate full flavor to the max chili's to the max stink beans to the max, but the food in this province of southern thailand. For me, some of the best in the world and the paired that, with the friendliness with the natural beauty with ah nakanzi tamara, i i just love it here and they are, i think, almost ready he's just flying around the kitchen again uh, just such skill, such Expertise right now, the the mantis shrimp are going in the oil. They were pre-boiled. She added in, like literally a couple heads of garlic into it, a little bit of flour to get it crispy and some pepper.
I think, and those are gon na boil to crispy perfection, alien mantis, shrimp, um. I think this is the final dish that we're getting it's seawater catfish in a spicy, chili, stir-fry and they're, making it spicy that's what she was chopping up. That is a lot a ton of green pepper. I think that is everything.

Let's move to the table: oh yeah. Oh that's a lot of chilies and i think we're gon na choose a table out here on the with a view of the ocean. Oh first view of the ocean, because i just went straight to the kitchen so quiet. I think one of the best things about here is it's just so quiet and peaceful.

They have a variety of tables and little private uh little shelters. You can sit in there's ours right there, i'm. I cannot express myself in words right now feet in the sand. The entire table loaded with seafood, lounge chairs beach, lounge chairs.

I don't think i don't think it's possible. I'm gon na get any better than this with the beach and not to mention it's so quiet and peaceful and relaxing and their hospitality friendliness is just on the next level. So much amazing food on the table that i'm almost it's almost a little bit uh, i'm in a state of confusion right now of what to even do. I guess i'll just start with this giant plate of uh.

It's i think it's some type of a local clam uh, but all they did. This is what we bought off the motorbike car. Is this a double? No one of them was, one of them was loosened and fell out into the other shell. Okay.

Oh, that's a plump, a plump one into the seafood sauce of garlic, lots of chilies in there literally all they did for this was flash blanch. It uh just to slightly cook them, not even fully cook them and that's it then, to eat with the seafood sauce. Oh wow, yeah, they're, extremely fresh they're, sweet, really sweet and then that seafood is just like salty punch and garlicky and like that green chili really stands out, and i cannot wait to try the tom some. This is the boiled soup lots of turmeric, that's what's making it yellow but tons, also of uh of uh, garlic and lemongrass in here, and these are the ones with the eggs, the the mullet with eggs and then what i, what i'm also very interested in? Why i want to try this, so much is because she used the vinegar from the which it's a type of palm palm tree that grows a fruit, and this is vinegar soured with vinegar from that which was definitely home home produced in a plastic bottle.

First, i have to just try that broth, there's shallots in here too. It's so fragrant, oh wow! Oh that's! Incredible! That vinegar, there's all sorts like, depending on which region you're in there's all different types of variations of, because it just means, like sour boiled, a boil. A sour boil, because sometimes it can be soured with fruit. Sometimes it can be soured with tamarind.
She told me the vinegar is a little bit sweet. It's almost like, like a pickle, a pickle punchy that soup that broth and then with that turmeric contrast. Oh it's! So good amazing, the prize of this fish is the eggs that just bumps it whoa. That's gon na need some re-juicing.

Without a doubt, i'm going to re-juice it there we go and maybe put a little piece of. Was there? Oh okay, i got the garlic on there too. There we go the double sack wow, oh wow, that texture just kind of like crumbles in your mouth, with little beads and then wrapped up in that soup. Oh it just kind of melts in your mouth.

Oh that's! Incredible, i love the vinegariness of that, though the sweet and sour taste mmm, oh and the the lemongrass in there and the turmeric next dish, let's dig into is the bukaidong which are these are i think that they're mangrove mud, crabs, they're mud crabs, which have then Been marinated in fish, sauce mixture uh, maybe overnight, look at that - let's, let's save them at the bottom: let's, let's uh! Let the let's expose that orange that extremely orange row yeah look at that - is that in this claws here, but just look at that bright, bright orange row. It's just popping go for that, shell, the inside of that shell scrape it out. It's filled with roe and wow. It's best to put that onto rice until hot rice, preferably okay.

Then i'm gon na dig into all those chil all those droppings of chilies and garlic put that on the bite too, and then seafood saucing, you think, and to bump up the flavor even more a little bit of the seafood sauce and now the biggest challenge is To get everything on one bite and balance it on your spoon with hot rice and that's the perfect bite. Oh and did i mention the crab - is raw, it's just pickled and raw, and this is the perfect bite. Oh wow, oh it's sweet! Oh it's! So creamy! It's so buttery, it's jelly, all that garlic burns and the chili's in the shifu sauce it just like melts like butter on the hot rice. That's insane, that is a flavor harmony of everything you could possibly want in your mouth at one single time.

That deserves a little a lean back in the chair, that's the ice cream style, and then you pick a pie, yeah and there's two ways to eat this. One is the rice way. One is the other way: the ice cream, cone style, oh wow, and with the with the body section, then you get the meat mixed with the row with the richness with that fish sauce with the garlic it's almost like unbearable to to handle how delicious that is, And you can just kind of suck it out and squeeze out all the meat. Oh man, i think, after that, it's an appropriate time to garnish the mouth with some fresh stink beans, and it just never go until the natural vitamin aroma flavor.

Everything about stink beans is makes it one of my favorite foods in the world. We still have a few more dishes to try: let's try the the padpet next, which is the the stir-fried chili which she just loaded. I'm dripping. Okay, she loaded up with curry, paste uh and she fried with uh stink beans with tons of green pepper, and this one is made with the um with the sea catfish and add a bit more chilis and stink beans and green pepper.
Nothing makes me more excited than all of what's on my plate right now, and you probably do want to be careful of the the catfish with the bones. Okay, oh wow, that is a bite. This is just a pure overdose of flavor. On one spoon, that's like it's literally like eating an entire, an entire.

You know the the pepper shakers. That's like eating an entire pepper shaker in one bite, the curry, paste the kaffir lime leaf and that okay, that cabbage, so it's stunning it just kind of melts in your mouth. It's the texture is so soft, but not slimy. Just tender and melts yeah be careful of the ones.

Okay, next dish, the shrimp baked in this type of pan, which is called, and then that sauce down there is a mix of salt and soy sauce and garlic and lemongrass that she added you want. One of these shrimp right now look at the bottom yeah loaded with coriander roots, uh, lemongrass and garlic. This guy drink the head juices, oh wow, it's so sweet, unbelievably sweet and just that taste of the shell, like the vibrant taste of the shrimp. The common thing to do in thailand would be to dip the shrimp into the seafood sauce, as, with most other seafood, get a good little dose of the seafood sauce so fresh, so meaty next dish which i've been saving.

This is like a trophy dish is the mantis prawn, which is literally. This is forearm sized a forearm sized mantas prawn, mantis, shrimp, uh and one takes up the entire plate. Just one look at that amount of garlic and pepper that she added onto this. You mainly want to eat that uh that interior flesh, like a shrimp - and this is the tail section, but look at that - just it's armored and you can see the flesh on the inside.

It's almost purple. Oh wow, it's like a cross between shrimp and crab. It's almost more like crab meat, but more muscular, just the flakes of it and the sweetness it's unbelievably sweet and garlicky and pepper. Oh man, and just it's stringy that is unbelievable, like blown away, probably the best mantis room, i've ever had it's so sweet and so juicy, and so i think the way that she fried it uh.

We boiled it for us quickly, quickly, blanched it and then deep. Fried it so that it's crispy, but that saved all the juices on the inside without getting dried out at all and another great thing about this restaurant. This place you're just sitting in the sand, your feet, you're soaking up the the rays of the sunshine. Through your feet in the sand, and that even makes it all the better okay back to the table - and i think i've now managed to try everything except for all the oysters being said, these oysters are really good before this was ice water or this was ice.
Just ice but they've been they've melted, so you're gon na got ta pluck the oysters out of the water and then for thai style, oyster eating. You add, on crispy shallots raw garlic chilies go on some of the roasted chili jam just a little bit because it's kind of sweet for me chili jam and a little bit of seafood sauce and then you got ta, get your chaser ready, the gate, the flavor Overdose and the chaser um, that's extraordinary too. There's a combination that just it's so pleasing, because there's so many layers and dimensions of flavor and then that cool plump, slimy oyster, that was a close call. Okay, maybe it's better just for you, okay go to the water! I think one of the amazing things here is just it's so quiet and peaceful, too uh, but we are here on a week day.

So that's also why it's very quiet, there's only one other family here eating with us and the entire beach is just completely quiet. But ah definitely, if you come out here on the weekend, i think it's a popular place to come. But if you can come here on the weekday when it's quiet like this, oh man is it pristine and beautiful and quiet and peaceful? Oh it's! So warm if you happen to have a three-year-old there's, no better place to let their energy out than right. Here on this expanse of a beach wow, i love it and one more thing.

There is one thing: uh, our total bill came to 1 520 baht, that's about 50 uh. That could have definitely been for four to six people for sure. Do i have sand all over my face? Yes, i do ultra laid back friendly, happy service, outstanding seafood, pristine sand, like stretch of sand beach, okay, and so that completes the seafood meal here cannot recommend enough from here we're just going to drive down. I think it's another 15 minutes to the end of the cape coming back house audi cobb.

They are so yeah, so unbelievably friendly and nice, and he said he's a former policeman yeah he's a former policeman uh and they just like. Oh man, they treated us like family there. What a! What a place you get to a checkpoint where it's kind of a national park down here - and you pay just 20 baht to enter to the next section. But i think it's about a 15 10 10 minute drive or so down to the end of the cape.

So this is it. This is the very end of the cape. The road comes to an end. Talk about peace, we're the only ones here the mangroves meet the sea, but the sea is so unjust, unbelievably calm and glassy, not like barely even a ripple, because this is the end of the it's just surrounded by so many bays.

That's so peaceful, it's so quiet, but this is definitely not a swimming beach. Uh. There's lots of shells it's kind of more muddy, well worth it to come out here to the to the end, just for a look just to see just to just to admire this landscape. It's like almost otherworldly, so cool amazing day trip from nakhon si tamarat right here from the end of lam talumpuk.
This is where i'm going to end the video an amazing day trip from nakhon si tamarat that seafood meal was for sure the highlight i want to say a huge thank you for watching this video. Please remember to give it a thumbs up if you enjoyed it, leave a comment below i'd love to hear from you and if you're not already subscribed, click subscribe and also click the little bell icon. That way, you'll immediately get notified of the next video that i publish goodbye from nakhon si tamarat southern thailand see you on the next video thanks again for watching.

By Mark

10 thoughts on “Golden CRAB YOLK!! Greatest Ever SPICY SEAFOOD on The Beach! 🌶 🏖”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars genes2311 says:

    I am going through all of Mark's Thailand videos and listing the places my girlffriend and I are gonna hit when we go to Thailand in January for 3 weeks ! 🙂 Thanks Mark 🙂

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars นิโคล่า เทสล่า says:

    You can speak Thai very clearly. In some words such as hello, thank you uncle. Much like people in central Thailand, we are very happy to have tourists like you come to create content. out into the eyes of the world So glad we're really glad
    I'm very glad you came to Thailand. especially in the south of my house and you are happy I also live in Chumphon Province, Southern Thailand, away from Laem Talumpuk, Nakhon Si Thammarat. About 300 km. I am very pleased that you like to visit my house. Are you married to a Thai wife?

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kara David says:

    You r so blessed, God gave you the opportunity to taste and see his magnificent creation godbless

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Linda Witz says:

    I love watching you. A lot of the cooking shows I like to watch is not in English so I wasn't sure what some of the food was.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Veera M Chai says:

    Bruh, even I wouldn't put that many chillis lol, but then again, my spice tolerance isn't super high

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars steve snorkers says:

    hi mr mark im form Indonesia jakarta I really very happy see your vlog again you are my very favorit vlogger food nice personality very kind wishing you and your family the Best

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Noody Sh1 says:

    U get to visit egypt espicially portsaid and u will be satisfied of all see food that u gonna eat and enjoy

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars krt ty says:

    Actually we don’t eat a bunch of peppercorn in one bite same as garlic and shallot in kangsom too, You’re incredible😭 I’m really appreciate it
    ps. I’m Thai

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kim Nguyen says:

    Watching together with my young son. We love to watching this video and I am trying to explore him asian culture. ❤️

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lydia Ramento-Tipon says:

    Peaks anybody’s interest to take a good visit to Thailand to actually savor taste the food as good as I see you eat it and enjoy the beauty of the place

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